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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1911)
MORNING. ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1311- MORNING ENTERPRISE ' OREGON CITY, OREGON E. C BRODIE, Edltoe and Publisher. ' ApMcattoo mad for sacond class prtvl - Ur at tha Postomca at Oraon City, Oracon. undar tha Act of Congraaa of March a, 1S7. TCINS If JUaSCtlPTlON, Ona Year, by mall IS 64 Six Months, by mall It Four atonlna, by snail l.Ot Par ink, by carrier It AlVHTtSING 1ATU First Pas-, prr mm tirat Inasrtlon. . . .lie Plrat Pace iar rnoh addvd Inaarthma. .10c Prrrrd position any past, per Inch flrat Insertion 16c Frererrrd position any paga. par Inch added Insertions 10c Run paper other than flrat pace, par Inch f'rat Insertion...,......-;. lie Run paper other thanTTrst paav, per Inch added Inaertlona to ' Luteals 10' per Una; to regular advar tlaers c line Wants. For Sale, To Rant, ate. ona rant a word first Insertion; one-half cent ach additional. Rates for a.lvartlaing In tha Weekly Enterprise will ha the aitme as In tha dally. foe. advertisements st especially for the weekly. Where the advertiaempnt la transferred from the dally to tha week ly, without chant, tha rata will be tc aa Inch for run of the paper, and 10c an Inch for special position. Cash should aocompany order where party Is unknown In business of flea of the Enterprise. ' Legal advertising a: lrral advertising rates. sdvertlslng and special transient advertising at He to 60c an Inch, accord ing to speclnl conditions governing the j ame. "Fire Sale" anf Bankrupt Sule" adver- i ttsements iSc Inch first Insertion: aJdl- i tlonal Insertions same matter 76c Inch. - News Items and well wrlt'en articles of merit, with Interest to local readers, will ba gladly accepted. ReJ.-cted manu script never returned unless accompan ied by stamps to prepay poatre. I CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. CHILD MUCH BETTER. Mr. and Mra. James Hammond Return to Mt Angel Home. Zlda, the little -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond, who was brought here by her parents a few weeks ago to consult a physician for appendicitis, has so improved that she was able to be taken to her home at Mount Angel this week. The child lias been under the care of Dr. H. S. Mount, and it was not necessary to operate on the little one. While In this city Mr. and Mrs. Hammond vis ited at the home of the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond. i . LAQE DANCING FROCK. A Happy landing f wis).' am ' and Old FesMana. ;," ... ; i a" r 4 a -. v' i .ijf , i i i i r mt t-i ii I T;.:.?: ' r I III .-. ,- . : v, - I Waf-V 1 At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR j OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT "HAVANA" AT THE HEILIO. GUESTS AT MEADE POST. First Department- Commander Orms by Present at Saturday Meeting. Past Department Commanders S. B. Ormaby and J. T. Apperson were hon ored visitors of Meade Post No. 2 Grand Army of the Republic, at Its meeting Saturday afternoon. Both past commanders gave short talks. The Post decided to purchase 20 stand of arms from the Rock Island arsenal, to be used on state occasions. The next meeting of Meade Post will be held Saturday, March 4. This will be Pension Day and a camp fire will be given, to which all old soldiers are cordially Invited. Mr. Orfsby was the first department commander In the State. In the ab sence of Commander D. K. Bill, who has been very sick, O. E. Cheney acted as commander for the day. Mr. Kellogg, of Summer Post, Port land, also spdke as did several mem bers of the local Post Meade Post. BIG CHINOOK SALMON Goes Geo. East to Tickle Palate of H. Gregory's Friend. George H. Gregory, of Molalla. shipped a 52 pound Chinook salmon Saturday night to George Barrell, of Skanealeles. N. Y. The fish was caught In the waters of the Wilamette River by Harry Aune and was packed for shipment by Ed Rechner and George and Tom Brown. It is the custom of Mr. Gregory, who Is a well known- teasel grower of Molalla, to send his friend, Mr. Barrell, a big sal mon every year. BKADT FOB THs) BaU In the charmingly girlish dance frock Illustrated are. blended the modern and old fashions that are prominent In the season's modes. The rather scant straight skirt is trimmed with three ruffles of graduated widths. It is at tached to a bodice veiled with gold net and white chiffon and trimmed elabo rately with bullion fringe: A moire glr die defines the waist at the front and sides, while the chiffon tablier at the. back la draped In a manner to lend uu empire effect to the costume. Hand embroidered silk gloves match tbt shade of the girdle aol the silk foun datlon of the gown, ubit-h bt Ameri can Beauty color. Th lltt'e carriage card la of lace and liUrty satin. Pan-American Rsad Pregreaa. The I'sn Amerirmi railway from Washington to Itui-iioa Aires will I 10.211 miles loutf. of wblcb ti.oVJ miles mllea hare I wen constructed and 4.11W miles are to le construvted Nsw York Repaying Debts. Out of esrn dollar of New .York city's budget ror lh!s year 29 rents will be paid out on old debt account Dispositions. 1 wonder If It's pan or Ink That's cross - .. . They're vary nine with grownup folks. Of course. But soon as I begin to try To writs with them they kick and fly . And stub and splssh with all their migtot And make my writing Just a sight. I don't know If the pen's to blame Or not. It's certainly tha Ink that makes The blot. But anyhow I'd rather write With Mr. Pencil, gsy snd bright. He's kind and never twists and twirls. I think he's fond of little girls. Great Musical Comedy Success With James T. Powers, It was to a tropical clime that Lea- lie Stuart, George Groaimlth and Graham Hill went for the locale of the picturesque) musical play, "Ha vana." Thee thre English makers of musical rontody . have turtved out a piece even more, Sallarylng and more colorful that "Klorodura," This fact was borne out, not only during the long run. of the piny In London. but by Its engagement at the Casino Theatre, New York, where under the auspices of the. Messrs. Shubert, It remained for. nearly two seasons. The piece is now on tour with Mr. James T .Powers In the stellar position, and iith an unusually large company or players and singers. Including the at IraotUe aud much tttHctissed, "Hello, People, People Hello" girls, will be rfeeu at the Hellig Theatre Sunday, February !. running all week. Havana, A'uluf, happens to be the scene of action on account of the fact that seven years before the story be gins, Samuel Nix. bos un of the yacht "Wasp." has visited the southern cap. itol where he marries a Cvban belle. Hut a few hours after his matrimonial experience, he deserta the girl. There fore, it Is -vlth misgivings that he enters Havana seven years afterward, reallxlng that the first woman he meets may be his neglected and de serted wife. His endeavors to guard his movements throw him under sus picion. A party of revolutionists, who Just at that time are plotting against the government, believe that Nix Is one of their own; and they not only welcome but force him Jo attend has attained her majority. Is sent Boston for a musical education. Phe treada the path of many an unfortu nate predecessor, the path of ruin, and on returning to her father's borne the stern old Puritan drives her from his roof. Ten years later she returns In the person of great French sing er and her Identity Is still unknown. She succeeds In saving a younger sis ter from eloping with the very man who has wrought her ruin. Still the old father la relentless, and It Is only through the pleadings of I'ncle Hen that the little) Ruth of the years ago la taken to the bosom -of her old father and encircled with the arms of paternal forgiveness. The story Is de clared to be aa good hs any sermon and interesting each moment. It la promised that au unusually capable cast will appear In support of Mr. Jose, and special scenery will be employed In ' mourning the piece. All of the stage selling, furniture, pictures and properties In the produc tion have been gathered by Mr. Jose from homes In New Kngland. and eacn piece haa some dear memory of the old home, adding rhurra to tne play by Its naturalnesa. Mis loulse Kent, who wag astclaled with the Baker Stork company of this city for Ave seasons. Is the lending lady,-with this attraction, and will give a recep tion from the stage to her many Port land frlr Js on this coming Thursday matinee. 7 iruTf. "PIERRE OF THE" PLAINS." Big Western Success This Week At Baker Theatre. Portland theatre-goers have seen most of the late Western successes, V V;-. ' I t IDA ADAIR, Baker. leading woman at the MRS. JOHN DENISON DEAD. Gladstone Woman Had Lived 21 Years In Clackamas County. Mrs. Jhn Ien1sin died Saturday looming at 3: SO o'clock at Gladstone after an JJInesa of several months. Death was due to pleurisy. Mra, Itan Isnn was born. In Sweden and was about 50 years of age. She had re- ..:w-- if A 4 V Securities which you buy may g up r aown, but you can always depend on th very dollar you deposit In our savlnas deoartm... bo a dollar plus the Interest It earns. Your principal will always bo available, which cannot be ay forma of Investment. The Bank of Oregon City I). C. I.ATOURBTTB Proaldeat r. J. slEVVt . THE FIRST. NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, M.0OO00. Fo ur Te mperamental Types and Four Types of Disposition. their councils, and It Is while at a meeting of this nature that the police enter and arrest the leaders. Nix Is carted off and given a nasty trial. His sentence Is death the following sunrise. Then it doesn't maiter'Ydry much whether his wife turns up or not, but It happens that It matters very materially, for at the crucial mo ment Mrs. ex-Nix enters with a docu ment which, founded upon Cuban law, declares that a husband who deserts his wife for a period of seven years is pronounced extinct. Therefore, being dead. NIx cannot be shot to death. Even the mayor recognizes the law and Nix Is set free. His Cuban belle of seven years ago seems more attractive ihan when he met her first, but (his temporary hallucination is quickly dispelled when Mrs. NIx urmgs on a intie nix who Is even more red headed than his much-trav. such as "The Girl of ,the Golden West," "The Great IivlUe.'! "Tha fiquawman." "Tha HelrUJTjthe Hoo rah," and several others! of ilka cali bre, but next woek for the first time. Edgar Selwyn'a adaptation of Sir Gil bert Parkers superb nvel, "Ple,re and His People," renamed as the play "Pierre of tht plains." will be placed Upon the stage of this theatre. It was recently played by The Alcazar Company of San Francisco, and Mo rosco's Iiurbank Company of Is An geles, and Its success was Instantan eous running several weeks at each city. Two seasons ago, Edgar Belwyn. who made the clever adaptation of It for the stage, appeared on Broadway, playing, the title rofo.'-and scored heavily for over one' hundred per formances. Hut "Pierre of the Plains" anneals ! especially strong to the people of the West where lis wild DISPOSITION. TEMPERAMENT. Aggressive, Institutive, Austere, Creative. Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic, - i U'AUt WhASXs, i f I 1 m... -J a The music of "Havana" was written ""h . I "J . " . by Lean, Stuart, composer of "Florr, a " . ' ZJ.n7" The piece contains over flf- ,, .... 'a .v ' "T toon n.lmhor. .,KIV V..,- . J- " " ' 1 UCir C KUtfrn BPS " ' "unn ueru UV It 9r.w .wa r-.. .1 - , Glared bv musical nnrt. m h .m. " "r"1 we " Pre" of the flrst water. The "Hello Peo- slded In Clackamas County 21 yours and wasfor19 years a resident of Meadowbrook. For the last year and a half she has made her home at Glad stone. Mrs. Denlson was married In 18N9,at Portland, her maiden name being Miss Annie Johnson. Two chil dren survive her. a son. Amml Ix-nl son and Miss Mildred Denlson, of Gladstone. The funeral will take place at 11:30 o'clock Sunday morn Ing from her late residence, and the Interment will he In C lackamas ceme tery. Rev. A. II. Mulkey, of Glad stone, wilt officiate. sented by naker Stock Company, they nle. Peonle Hello" nrnv. ' P"wr jusc as mey aia Kifii-ri B-cunaiiifii 1. Man in r lOrQ- By IBVINC E. VININC. Uetursr. dora" sextette, and the winning "busi ness" of the winsome little girls who sing the number has been copied In other productions, but never equalled. ror tne Shuberts' production, Mr. James T. Powers himself revised the book. The scenery there are three acts In all Is an' exact copy of that used In George Edwardes' production at the Gaiety Theatre, London. -0 'IIERE are four ba typci, of disposition position first: HERE is firt the AGORES- v' SIV disposition. ( People who do tiling for , themselves, taio the initiative, are of this type. They are not neeea- wnly great, but they are at least energetic. Seconds-There ia the INSTI . OATIVE DISP03ITIOX. This the person who instigates action y-in others. They are either too lazy or too fearful to be aggressive 'fSoT themselves. . .- ' r j. Third. There -fa the AUS- . u sw a bj- " v a s.v nrm . s -t ifltw are me -eI," dotoihRTng nier tirtfallf ' Bar row a pprijjwVat J&ruUL'But wfih certain GWW'EIIIO JOKCiJ 'that counts. ' ' . ' y ; Fourtti.'--There 'is ' the CR15- " -- x oopio. who thlS dumrmitinn am iiiITa;..! , 1 , v .umuiiui UUtU 1 thflma1 vaa Tn a' m. al. .1 - '- . U T1 m T IfUCT IIIRK H . y ; their own laws. . sic temperamenUl t-pes and four distinct I-t't ua take the four basic types of di BUNGALOW "8ILVER THREADS." IB- 0 F the teraneramentjil fTrrwssi 1 J -o nrst comes the SAX- OtTINE. The person of sanguine temperament sees the bright side of life, i interested in many things, skips lightly from subject to subject and does not delve very deeply for meanings. The person of MELANCHOLIC TEMPERAMENT is, of cours,,, directly the opposite. They tako Typical Old New England 8mithy Is Feature of Play. The quaint and lovable character of a typical old New England smithy, Just such a one perhaps as the poet wrote about generations ago In the famous old classls. "The Village Blacksmith," will be presented In the rural drama, "Silver Threads." at the Bungalow Theatre this week starting with a Sunday matinee. 1 Uncle Tien la the Ufa it tha vllWa tlfi? sunshine of the community, the' peacemaker In time of trouble, tha I -oracle to be consulted on points of learning., He Is whole-souled, good- natured; he Is a sweet singer; he Is a leader In ttfervlllage choir In fact Uncle Ben Is tha pride of the village, nothing short of that enviable and lofty position In the hearts of his . ' countrymen. Thla la tha nart that la I me seriously, care for few people to be portrayed In the hearts of his Md few things,-but care for these cmr'ma- T"1" Prt that is ,l.l- m. iruieM t0 be portrayed by the eminent tenor I neepiy. iney are steadfast and and leading man, Mr. Richard J. Jose, true. . . an ln this part he Is said to be given la role that admlrahlv fl him knih 'The CTTOLERIO PERSON" temperamentally and physically. Dur- h f'W.Vl V.r" V. ' ' Ing the course of the play UncU Ben I V.v mperamental sings a number of famous old songs I types, 1$ eager, nervous. - hichlv tnat fQr KneraUons have been dearj "truneT greatlj interested in life, land folks, among them "Abide With The fourth fWtn. PTTTT?n' M-" "Home 8wet . Home," "Silver! Vr" tivuu- TkM .lmm. 1. .-A !.. MATIO- PERSON is dull , and but not least, "Daddy," the last men-1 nonea oeing panicniany appealing in Its tender melody. . The atory of "Silver Threads" re- volves about, tha career of a New Eng land girl, little Ruth, who before sha ' "The Wolf." and others that have drawn from the great life of the wild places for tbelr Inspiration. The scenes of "Pierre of the Plains" are laid In the Montana country, and Pierre Is a halfbreed. gamester, reck less, handsome and picturesque a strange, mysterious sort of character, and the plot of the play, which we have not spnee to describe here, deals with his effectual attempts to thwart the mounted police In their efforts to capture the brother of the girl he loves veteran. and deliver him up to Justice. It Is unlike all other Western plays, and Its ending is just as weird and ro mantic as Its beginning, for Pierre Is seen consulting his well beloved cards as the last curtain slowly descends on. a- scene of 'wild, romance, -and his secret thoughts, no. man can fathom. GLADSTONE BANQUET TUESDAY. Entertaining Patriotic Programme t Prepared By Woman, The Gladstone Ladles' Aid Society has arranged Its tiroa-ramme fur the patriotic banquet to be held on net Tuesday evening. . The doors will tie open at 7 P. M. and none but holders of tickets will be admitted. Toasts will be responded to as follows: "Patriotism In the Home." Rev. Chas. W. Robinson; "In the Church," Rev. A. H. Mulkey; "Dixie," pastime quar tette; "Patriotism In the School," County Superintendent T. J. Gary; "In the City," Mayor O. K. Freytag; song, 1 ramp. Tramp, Tramp," audi ence; "Reminiscences," W. T. Kerr; song, -iiea. White and Blue." Mrs Nieta Barlow Lawrence: "The Plaa." juukb iavanaugn: "Mtar HDBneled lianner," Pastime quartette: "Wash ington, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman; song. I L) . . . 1 A M . ' nwuru or minxer 11111." hv an od Transacts 0nrsl wanking Business. REAL, ESTATE, Tha following transfers of real es tate were filed Saturday In (he offlco of County Recorder U K. Williams: Frank and May Ijuie to Kllisboih Lrydo, northeast quarter, section 30, lownshlp 3 sou lb, range 5 east, ItlU acres; $11000, W. A. and Ida V. Alcorn to A K. Trogen, lota 6 au 0. block 14, llrlght wimhI; $10. James R. and lUrtmra rjkilstul l John pick, part of J. V. Iloftii donation land claim; $25. "W. P. and Kva A. Ilawley to Trus tees of the Fetitacosjal Church of tha Najarciie of Barlow.l ot I, Mock 8, lUrlow; $S. K. T. Mass. sheriff to Kastern In vestment Co, lot s, block 6, Harlow; tax deed. '.(. SaraH C. Wlckbam to Grace K. ah er. lot 4, block ISO, Oregon City; $1. Ilnrton IV Whliaker to Peter A. Kane, lot 3, block 18, Mllwaukla park; $75. - George . and Melissa O. Owing to Hen and Uittl I Stanton, J! acres, section I, lownshlp 5 south, range 1 west; I220. George V. and Melissa (). Owlngs to John and Charity K. Kropp, 3 ac res, section 1, 10 wnshlp 5 south, range I weal; $300. John W. and Grsca K. IMler to JnhnniiliT Jolinson, soulheaaterly half lot C, tract 57. Willamette Tracts; $1 John aud Carrie Krlon and Samp and Kthel fMwards to Henry A. and Maggie M. Heck, tract II, Root's ad- dlllon to Boring JunrtUn; $1050. Robert A. Miller to llc.rtita U lUt dorf. lota 7 and J, M:k 13. (llsdxtotie; M. ,- Johanbls Johnson to John W. Uxlcr. trsct i, south of county road, and lot A, tract II. Willamette Trans; $1. J. N and M. M. Pearry to Alice Fschrelht and William J. Paiton. block 28. South Oswego; C00. Sarah J. Parrlsh to R. C. Hart and W. J. patton, block 24. South Oswego; $300. J. N. and M M Pearry to Amy J. Fraser and William J. Patton, block 10, South Oswego; IG(H). Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. to Carl A Johnson, southwest quarter of northwest quarter, section 35, town thlp 4 south, range 3 east, 40 acres, excepting to foot strip for road; $536. C. I), and Dora 1. Sloe urn to James K: Watdron.-lot 22, Jennings ldgs; 1500. Oasn fram 1 K "4aw with IMS best rash nffr corninsnds $1 05. csnIi o-J HAY "lover hav b,,,1.., cash.,,.. b,y$l4 5.l.: :.7"4''ll timothy 117.50. mlxn.l tlV KGtlS-Market ; J . Ho. w"4 1 OreBon City Quoti0n( Market conditions Rra changed the past ,,u ,. J!?. but in jlne. nearly rlhCi'S ara upward lendm. la, uL marked. . .H IN Tha trad Is great 1, ol the success of the br..,?" and Produca Union. . bi.rtv Z (ha Union will i.a .1,1.. L V:.1 W for la better g radios of f.r- the past there, b., b .T tempt made to propyl rJr" Hack fruits anil 1.1' " 7? sequence merchanls hav, cftsi ibH forced to go outside of the 8uiai2 wishing good produce fro a lo pack and not from lack efi slock raised. . APPIJCS The apfln markatksi firm wllb large storks atlll si m Dtniand la good with priras fnJ? to II. POTATOKS No m ome a Correct anJ Artitic Decorstion at Moderate Cot. Henry Bosch Company's Wall Papers CMeags For the Sesson of Nine-Irrn-rlrvrn rrprrsrnt th bet tl World sllordt macilts ptUt - TUn b) as aallMa w '" a asain. a.w, III rtclw smb4Im tiiaailaa J. B. FOX rSSe IB HMlijjll New 8tor for Gladstone. Horns & Co. are nreoarlns- to mian large general merchandise store at t.ianstone, and a building will soon be erected. The store will be located one block .north .of .the .poBtofflce, 1 wining un roriiana avenue. LATEST MARKETS Heilig Theatre 7th and Taylor streets. Phons. Main 1 and A-1 122. 6 NIGHTS beginning MONDAY, FEBRUARY 50 .n..i.i e 1 .... nsss Wedne.dsy.and Saturday Sam 8 anrf 7 .. Jl ,eJ"LP2!,e M,tl prsasnt Amerlci'a' Funniest Com.Xn 8hub.K--Go. (Inc.) JAMES T. POWFDV - " musical nay BUCCSSS HAVANA" 80-Paopis 80 A u gms nt By Ltslla Stuart, composer of "Florodora." urCn.nri. Kncss Evanlnas: BiM.1 M. m. .r - """ 1. 9U-1 .0O-79-5O-35-25. Ssst Sala a n - 0 ,n ""iiness: ary 17. 1 " Theatre beginning Friday, Febru- Canby Markets. (Reported bv Gordon Droa. Co 1 "a YYueai selling $i, corn lUU HL OBIS 11.40. Pavlna- tl in 7 "r t this tlma. (Iran brings 85c sack, shorts $1.25, middlings o, umicT 11,11. v ioiir la n. . i tH h. V -I "l TV iri, ' xiiivnano DDringera hm. 1 t mA . , , - . ' I - ar in gooa aemann. hnn. 1 -w rwsici s a Tiiunv viiris m a a Turkeys ara quotabla at 20c, duti." 20c and goes I3c. ' Ulic at thla time and the same I, The Ing paid In trade: miz 1. . nt. e' r,ln v wi". 130 cash. "Itacon v. '.,'7 20c. shoulder 17c. larT; " dried 60 to 80 uound. rn.. ".": POTATOESPotatoV,.eri Z $l.,5, 1 rhanaa h but a tendency to a stirfealns fc7 m n (I 1 . . . . a i.r-s a sirs ft shipped In from lark of cart ll syoZ and packing of horns ttwi-tnW $1 60. While there Is imt kxsj gZ offers! u is not what csa Waaal erd first class and local dJnM buying outside for thrlr bast tna VKGRTAIH.CT -futons art aZ nt do iruiiti; rarrois, psrioipi islt nips plenty with selling arkae-i Laac.k; beets 3 bunches for 1st aw. 01 an bidub dui marii-i rra. (ka and celerjr all California ttnek. riX)L'll The Inrllnstioa It js ward In sympathy 'ih vhati, vst Is off ona ewnt a busbaL Loral $5 25, hard wheat brand IS.M, COIIN Selling $1 toa rnssDasa Ing rates l CI to $1 .75 baaarH fJ, about aarn prices hna u, aan $115, barlay $1.20. Tbert la a aMi . decline In quotations taostt KSas1 that Is noticeable. ; I HAY Marehanis paying $14 k clover, $17 for timothy, ss4 tU ti' oat hay; tailing alfalfa tbr pf a t Plenty of hay to meat 4aMbai BUTTXri Bhows a UU laaW and a weakanlnr la itmtX W I goods still command 75fl roll. Mtar gradea caanot hold op to BarMp tatlona Cheese shows at Mftal bat about holds lis own. ' EGO8 Have made snnthar tfrar and ara up 4a In price ovsr tatt iions. 1 na iod ui ine msrisiBB firmer and tha good slock tsaaaat 33e. : I 11KANS The market for teat very stiff and Ihe price rlttn lar shipments of stocks stored It fcnt eountrlea ara being sMpp4 kt K (York, and their return meant! a: j profit to thoaa who have lba h abroad. . 'I j HONEY 8tork all used I w hite honey 00 the market; tVaV very stiff and prices very tl(l ) I MEATS Dressed pork la krlKT 1 lo lo l2o for choice Veal eoasis 12He to 13o. mutton 9c lo 10c,kv4l POULTRY No dcrnnnd forlWK er fowls; chickens lie ana iprlur will bring 18c. Only modtnU I mand. ' Hop The hop market It batott firmer and It Is believed that Oa who hold for tha outbids flTM et (t. No great movement ' Salt Uverpool 'Stock aalt. ground, TOc Dairy Cure Your Rheumatic AND OTHER ILLS OF TMI V AT THE HOT LAKE Sanatorium (Tha House of Cffldv"' , THE OREGON-WASIIINCIO! Railrosd&Navigatbt' Sells Totmd-trlp tickets, gooa t & M..t.. .ii-.u. tn arnrtl S UKruilll, auuwillg u.uw ' f accommodation at ihe Sw' J rlum, at Portland and u .1 O.-W. R. k Nf.SUtloni V'Xi For further Information Jf, trated booklet, addrest pr- WjT Phy, Medical Bupt. and Mff. J Uka, Oregon, any O.-W. B- "1 Agent, or write to ,, WM. MeMURRAY, . t ' Ooqertl Passengei PORTLAND, OB" AT HCILIG THEATRE Htlllg ra heavy. Tbey are quite Llely to be DULL MENTALLY A8 WELTj i AS TEMPERAMENTALLY.; -TbC'p J-l Orcnts? i-owtr Floor, 7B-6a Entire balcony. Btt -R PRICES. OPENS. THURSDAY,. B 23 3525, 8EAT SALE C0W1NO TO HEIUO THEATRE Ona Wa.U 1 - rutty 28, Tha Comedy Success . W baglnnlng Sunday, Feb- o (I 7 DAYS ft DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ... Try the Classifed Columns of lie MORNING ENTERPRISB 3000 Redf.Dijiy .... A; , -