Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
"I. . MORNING ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911.' LOCAL" DWjCrS ajiaajaiva n flnata's family at Willamette, U HI with I rimrm 1 f nutter for eale Too at fleeley'i. t. it HtlDD. of Pendleton, waa 'aM tti Oregon City business visit or, Wednesday. - . ' - gtork of P'no l,l,t r"'l t. A H- Btunii. 401 Seventh, street rhwry Clark was busy cleaning up v Blith street w"unuj, u uii gwd Jb of It- W (illea has moved from bit ranch , Tu"'"n t0 Willamette, when bi J,HI make tla future home. , Dr. Oeorge Hoye. Deatlet, Cao- n.u or.fon cur- Curl C'brlxtlanaon, of Molalla,, li vis iting ,wltb hli ona, Charles, and Jam' Willamette. O A . ChMXi who haa been visiting wliti hli.nm. A. W. Cheney, of Port Uml. Tfturnwd. to Oregon C'tr Wednes day. ' ' The Irlhlih Ohio will meet on Frl d,l ftirnixn it tba bom of Mrs. O. jl ilurdlnit, when Important bualneas will be brought up for dlscuaalon. Mr. and Mra. Herbert Itobblna, who reside tuar Unan, where tbey recent ly purchased property, win In tba city on business yeitarday. ' Tln-re wit a good attendance at th Valentine party given by tba young jHs,plu of the Baptist church on Tues dny evening. Harold Ielkhton, nine year-old aon " or Mr. and Mra. Lolghton, of Willam ette, h gone Into the rabbit bualn, and to (avrt In wttb baa ten choice Titjbttn. Aitornny J. E. Hedges did not talk to the young people In the High ichool Wednesday; as per program. Mr. 4leilu:i waa In Salem, taking a look at tba .-liilature auu ua aoinga. AMlranqu'lat, who la employed by M off mt A I'arker, met with an acci dent a few daya ago, when bla foot was Injured by a plank falling on It It wna firat feared that blood poison log would reault, but (be attending physician. Dr. If. 8. Mount, baa tbla checked, and the patient Ii Improving ' A. W. Butterfleld, of Canby.'wti In tr yeaterdayv Mr. Mutter field had with hint the United State flower map,, upon which he baa se cured a copyright. Tbla map baa the stale flower pictured on each Htata. ind la very attractive. He la forming a atock company, and many of the peopie or uanny have taken stock. After the company la organised the mapa will be placed on the market, au ihi auu Hi una a reaoy aaie, Attorney c. Bchusbel has purchased a new Ford auto, Model T, of the ag ent nere, t neater Klllott. Merrll Borlpture has gone to bla ranch at Tillamook, making the Jour. oy on i neaaay. The Commercial Club annual dance win te neia mis evening. Oreat pre- paratlona have been made and It prom Isee to be one of the moat enlovabl runciiona or the aoaaon. Dunclng partlea wlahlng to hire auto make reservation with C. Klllott today araBaeMSBHwraMMeMMBM PCOPLC POINTED OUT Mlaa Martha Cross, of Willamette, la very III. Grandma Rivera baa recovered from her recent lllneaa. Attorney John P. Clark went to Portland on business yesterday. tore. Baker, of Willamette, who baa bean very III at ber borne, la slightly Improved. t Mr. and Mra. If. Davla, of Cania, were. In Oregon City on bualnea yes terday. Mrs. ft. II. Kafer, of Portland, spent lh day Wednesday with hr parents. Mr. and Mra. K. II. Wlshart Mr. and Mra. Fred Oram, of Port land, were In Oregon City Tueaday vlsltlngJier coualna. Mrs. C. n. Millet and Miss Veda Williams. Mrs. Walter 8. Wells and brother, Lionel Gordon, of this city, went to t'anby Tuesdsy, where they spent the day with their brothers. Mian Veda Williams baa been ap pointed visiting mlsalonsry for the uaptlst. church. She will'. Uke the unaay school census of the Oregon City schoola. v , . T, Little Ueorge Pusey, the aon of Sup erintendent Puaey, of the Hawley p P,r m'1'1. md who has been very low wi.b tjpnoia lever, Is Improved and t Is thought the worst of the attack la over. , Mr. Thomas Oerber, formerly of this city, but now of Portland, was In Ore gon City Isst night to attend the wrest ling match held at the Armory, repre senting one of the Portlsnd papers. Mr. Oerber Is telegrspher for the As eoolsted press, with headquarters at Portland, returning from California last Kail. While In California be was also one of the employes of the Asso ciated Press with headquarters at Ban Francisco for some time, and later at rJacramento. Llat of Letters. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City poatofflce for the week end ing Feb. 17, 1911: Women's llat Clinton Mrs. W. M ; Isvett, Mrs. if. C; Lewis,. Busle; Ohtne, Mabel; Kedman, Mra. Chsa.; White, Mra. Mlttle L; Zusahler, Mar tha. Men'i llat Drayford. C: Davidson. Fred; Dumlch, Antun; Reach, Wm.; Wilkinson, B. alary" Hardly Worth Collecting. The attention of Council haa been called to the email salary being paid to the city health officer, Dr. J. A. Morris. Dr. Norrla haa been doing the work for the city for the small sum of 17.60 a month, and he thinks there should be an Increase or new health offloer. Not to scare Council too badJy at one time the Doctor baa announced his willingness to continue to serve the city at tlO a month. Property at Meldrum Moving. Mr. Davla, who realdea on the Aber- nethT7-haa--pnrchsiied-the--Gus-Wam bind place at Meldrum consisting of els lota and a houae. The price waa $2800, and la a valuable piece of land. Mr. Wamblad baa purchased an acre south of this property from -Judge Meldrum. and will soon commence the construction of tbelr new borne. VM STREET SIXTY FEET HE PLAN FOR FORTY-FOOT WIDTH TO BC ABAND0NPDVBECAU8E OF CR ITIIBM. Council Is planning for the Improve ment of Center street td a point over tne Hill somewbere across -Twelfth street. And It la the purpose of Coun cil to make a good Job of It when once the work Is done. To that end Council Is going slow 111 the matter and striv ing to find out what the citizens want who must of necessity pay the greater snare or tne expense. : From Ninth to Eleventh street the width of the street proper has been ordered made 40 feet wide. The full width of the street Is 60 feet but at the point In question the atreet was ordered made 40 feet, with high banks taking up the remainder of the width of the street. It seems that at the outset of street improving tbla was thought to be per fectly proper, but now that there haa been difficulty with Eleventh because of failure to Improve the full width Council does not want to make the same mistake again, and be subject to the same criticism, hence it la plan' nlng to make Center the full width, the whole length of the street. The dif ference In cost Is said to be but a few hundred dollars t the most. Miss Jennie Dlllman has returned from Pendleton where she has been for the past three months. NotCfias. RaTnss, of Bolton. The Enterprise of Saturday con tained an Item relative to the intoxica tion of a citizen of Bolton. Our In formant waa mistaken as to the first name of the man who waa mentioned. It was not Cbaa. Raines who was In- FREE-Piano and Other Awards-FREE Piano Publicity Contest and Prize Distribution $5800 Free! Piano and Other Prizes $5800 Free! Piano and Other Prizes Study the picture; if you can solve it, rush your answer in at once This young lady is playing the Au topiano. . She is rendering music which, even after five years of con scientious study under the most com petent tutors, she would not be able to rendrr as artistically as sle is doing i now by means of the music rolL The faces of five great composers, whose music is being played, are hidden in tr-it picture. Can you find three of tl-em?" Adhere strictly to the rules. oopyn-t, mo, r ru.r xcuio , la uoorduet with U. Copr. rich Aot of March 4, 1SOS. All rtsbls reserved. lnrrTONi Trr. out (he llne of hcIi fare llila or Fparal nhivt or paper ami mars I tin,, , t. I Th eight nart corr t i'wm will b alvrn Hie laht armn1 awards atiov mplnn-1 a-vl ilia oOiora lit I tie oM-r tiamvi. Kri mnleatani In alil.l by (he rulra. 1 ha tta-rlalon of lh Juitgra lo b final. In ? ft a II. rlia of etmiliir value lo given to i-nt'h rorttretant. rrnfeeelnnal artlate. mtialo ir'e mliiyre and wlnnrra of firai prlaea In l.rrvloiia rnntreia barred Htibmlttlna more than one anawer from any aim family hura all. All atiawera mini be mall'-! or hronam in le ua bv J;jJi-2(L. lill.ll I M l!uIJr"", n addreaa Is plainly written on V ii 11 r inivtr. in. a.Mrae! In PnMTMT- uaw.f-n-n 1 . - THE PRIZES ARE AS FOLLOWS: rrsIT ruil-tllm OrehaetreJ rtsao or S4O0 oeah yarohsee ekeok toward 'aymenl a rennlae AstopUao. iooid raji TnsiB rani -! .".V rew-oiiiui aimeie ossinet aad SIM eaam parcaeelnf eaeck. ""i i .'ii-nMiiriiw vi .ii t . r ui a i mj vomu pnroaaaiaa aoeek. i',T rmir s raaov aerf via ai FIOM1K PBIIB Faaev aoarf pl and I10S eaah Dnrehsatu ehank. m Ilinil cheat er a liver a a A Sunn o.k n.Mk... .i..w --Xrfilys r?14 wale aad (ISO eaah corckaelu ekeok. aaej sasrr cla ana II 10 eaeh pnrohaalaa- ekeok. The, la order of marl. SO Mpeeial AdvartUlB- beek hAaUf OkOoka, lana-lnf la vejae fro at tka aeove rn te MS. . . - mm 111 fr0i7 ( - I I BSIkWBaaj T A. - AW A BSlLBv . W - ' toklcated, and Injured " while In thai condition. Chaa. Raines la not a drink ing man, so his wife and the neighbors ill say, but a steady workman who at tends to his own business and keeps good hours. The Ralnei who was 1c toilcated Friday night was the man of that name who occasionally forgets to go borne nntu a late hour. - CORRESPONDENCE CLARKE8. B. Kllensmltb, from Portland, was out to visit his mother last week Mr. "Wettlaufer lost A horse last week. Tbey had a masquerade ball In the Orange ball for Lincoln's birthday. w. O. Kllensmltb was In town last week K. Kllensmltb went back . to Port land last Friday. Otto Hofistetter bad a runaway last week. Mrs. Nicholas and family are visit ing with ber parents.iir. and .Mrs Larklna. Mr. and Mrs. Max son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lee last Sunday. COLTON. About one Inch of snow fell here last Monday. Ed Ball had the misfortune of get ting a piece of steel In his eye. V B. Oorbett made a business trip to Oregon City last week. Messrs. Hettman and Arquett took a contract barking logs for W. 8. Gor bett. Clyde Fischer Is down with the measles. Joe Eulllvan left for Portland Mon day; Mr. Robinson, of James, who had been 111 for some time, died at Ore gon City Monday, and will be burled at the nix cemetery at Colton, Wed-iMMdayahe-lBUluj Ouat Gottburg waa a business caller In town last week. Miss Hazel Freeman, of El wood, spent a day with Grandma. Dlx, at Colton, last week. The cut whichjohn Countryman re ceived through a misllck of bis axe on hla knee, turned out to be quite serious after all. The doctor has been called twice. Jay Dlx, of Shubel, was visiting with hla mother, Mrs. Dlx, at Colton, last Sunday. Robert Pntx eaught a coon In one of hla traps last week. E. LI nd gtrom was butchering hogs one day last week. Messrs. Wallace and Martin, of Highland, were hauling hay to the former's ranch In the foothills last week. Uncle Stromgreen did some busi ness at the Colton store last Monday. U. S. Dlx waa at Clarkei last week to get some wheat from Clark Bros. The directors of the Colton Cream ery Company had a meeting Thurs day and decided to establish a cream route In connection with the Clear Creek route. Mr. W. E. Bonney, who had been quite 111, Is up, out and around again. Peter Westburg made a trip to Clarkes to get a wagon which he pur chased from Alex. Scherruble lately. Kles-ul BUera Orokeetrml Ftao 11 ea. first rrUs. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Largeat Western " Dealers jiT Pianos," in ' cele bration of its Twelfth Anniversary, and in conjunction with Boston's. New York's, Phila Delphi1 anc Chicago's greatest piano makers, will distribute to residents of Portland and sur rounding country liberal prizes of particu lar interest to those who have no piano. Why It Is Done 7baalear ana dentlemen's Wetcbee Free. Tklrd and attxtk Vrtsve. Our purpota in holding this eontrit ii to acquaint the people of this intinn with the many far-famed makes of pianoi we handle. The manufacturer! of theae pianoi are convinced that his form of adver tising U far more effective than spending large amount! in magsiine nd newapaper advertising, lubaidiiing concert pianiatt, etc., etc. We. too, know that the beat advertisement for a good Piano is a satisfied customer, and believe, further, that the advertising allowance should Cheat a of Silver Vree. Beooad sad riftk Msee. m I f - . X ..... 'V,V.JXV r, ixJ go to the person who buyi a piano. VV want every one to know that oura are the only stores in the West that sell the famous Chickering. the oldest and most expensive of American Tianos; the beautiful toned Sohmer, the now celebrated Lester of Thiladelphiar the world renowned Kimball (given the lfiahest Grand Award at the Chicago Exposition, and again at the Seattle Exposition last year), the genuine Decker, and our own Eilera Orchestral Tian'o, as "well as the famous Autopiano, which every one can play without practice. The Smith & Barnei Pianos, the Bush St Gerta and the Story & Clark Pianos also are sold only by us. And we want every one to know that we sell these fine dependable makes of instruments for less than they are obtainable elsewhere. . vsa tovb Ajrawn rouow m atiaa nrromnATiow biwx ' Attach this slip (or one similar) to your anawer, writing plainly. ) Name , . , Street No. , , ;.....r. , . . Poetofftcs. , , ....,.,..,,,. tf poealhle, five below the namea and afldreaaas of two or more of your frlenrta who you believe mlht oonalder the purchaas of a Piano. Autopiano or Organ, Nam . , .,..,. P. O. Address Nam . . . .......P. O. Addreaa. Name . , P. O, Addreas. Also on or mors who might eonatder the purchaas of a Phonograph. Nam . , ..... P. O. Addreas Nam , . . ,P. O. Addreas Nam . . . , i.... P. O. Addrea I I EIEEE<eSIC MtTbi TQ1P 353 Washington St JLT1V UkJlLi PORTLAND, OREGON Oregon's Greatest Musical Trade Establishment J EAGLE CREEK. ' H. O. Huntington returned home last week from Minneapolis, where he had gone on business. r- Mrs.. Howlett was on the sick list last week, but Is some better this week. Mrs. Viola- Douglass called on her mother, Mrs. Howlett, one day last week. ' Mrs. Jones and daughter Miss Leah called on Mrs. H. B. Gibson last Tues day afternoon. Charles Murphy and family visited with James Gibson Sunday afternoon. Miss Bins Douglass went to Port' land Monday to work for a while for Mrs. Storkland. it- SGlbsonwent Jo Troutdale on Tuesday to meet his brother-in-law, Will Palmateer, of Morgan, who la bringing him a fine team from East ern Oregon. Quite a large crowd was in attend ance at the Grange entertainment given by the Eagle Creek Orange last Saturday night. An Interesting and very entertaining program was well rendered, and all seemed to enjoy it. The CurrlnavlUe Band was present and rendered some pleasing aelec tions. MELDRUM. Oscar Erlckson started to take a business course Id Portland the first part of the week. Glen Seeley has returned home from a month's stay it his grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley. Mr. Barnes Is having a good crop of violets and sweet peas this year. Annie Gardner was on the sick list this week. Mr. Beta Is having his spring plow Ins- done. Hh. and Mrs. U B. Miller were cal lers at Meldrum this week. Mrs. George Sanderson, of St. Johns, was a pleasant caller on Mrs. w. h. Gardner. Mrs. Catta, of Sellwood. spent a veryl pleasant day with Mrs. Gus. Wamblad this week. The Pastime club met at Mrs. cnar- lle Harris" Monday and spent a very pleasant afternoon. Mrs. White read verv Interesting article on woman Suffrage and Mrs. O. A. Freytag read selection from "Aunt jane or Ken tucky," and the ladies reported they had a lovely .time. Those present were Mrs. Charles Moran. Mrs. Chas. Harris, Mrs. Gus Wamblad, Mrs. Vic tor Erlckson, Mrs. Alex Gill, Mrs. O. A. Freytag, Mrs. Earl Seeley, Mrs. W. M. Gardner, Mrs. Heathman and Mrs. White. Mrs. 8..T. Brltton made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Sladen, of Fern Riafie, is Duna- Ing a new addition to her house. CLACKAMAS. The masauerade dance occurred this Tuesday evening instead of Sat urday as previously statea. wiorai' Consult the calendar when making up vour Items of news. . - . . . . . . II. T. Latham has nougni me n. Smith place near the schoolhouse. He Is tearing down the old house and will renalr It with a modern Cottage. Mrs. Harrr Jennings, who nas been very low with pneumonia, Is ilowly rAraverlna. ' Mrs. Kunnenbender. nee Annie Mooney, with her Infant daughter, has been spending some days with her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moo- nv .' Mrs. Jane Davis, or iwuwaume, mua Mrs. Morey, of Molalla, were guests of Mrs. J. R. Landes over Sunday. Mrs. W. W Smith received a tele- cram Sunday evening Informing her of th death of her brother, Henry Wortiale, of Charleston, Wait Vir ginia. , The class for mission stuay win meet In the Congregational church OCX Friday evening at T:." This le union meeting and has previously been held In the M. K. church. The Class has been and will for the pres ent be under the leadership of Rev. spies of tne M. E. church. Marlon Johnson Is the owner of a colt which, though hardly ten months old. tips the scales at (00 pounds. Owing to prevailing alckness and Inclement weather. It was Impossible lo carry oat the program as scheduled for the School and Home club on Thursday evening of last week. The next day meeting will be the time for tbo annual election of officers. HARMONY. St. Valentine's day was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ambler on last Saturday night. The evening was plessantly spent x In games and music, after which refresh ments were served. At a late hour all departed for their different homes, and reported a good time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ambler, Mr. and Mrs. L L. Clarke, Misses Lora and Mervlo Ambler, Pearl Clark, Hazel Thomas and Hulda Kaune; Messrs. Mllo and Wendell Ambler, Harold Kemp, Walter Kaune. Roy Otty. Will Ctrange, Ethan and George Clarke. Raleigh Millard has returned from a visit to his mother. The young people gave the comedy. "That Rascal Pat." at the Grange hall, Lents, last Thursday evening. Con Battln has purchased a team. The' road boss has men at work cleaning out the old gravel pit. Margaret Alexander, who sprained her ankle a couple of weeks ago, is able to be up and around. The-- protracted meetings, which were to have begun last Wednesday night, have been postponed for some time on account of so many having the measles and the grip. t TWILIOHT7" ' Robert Kelland, of Sellwood. was visiting with his uon, Thomas Kel land. of this Dls . on Sunday. Mra. George Lauelle and Mrs. Cur tis Dodd went to Oregon City on Thursday of last week, where tbey attended the Women's Club and en joyed the program given: Mrs. Shlna'l left for her home at Vancouver, B. C, after visiting with ber daughter, Mrs. Charles Caldwell, of this place. During Mrs. Shlnall's atay here she made many friends, who regretted to have her leave. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradtl'a home was visited by the stork on Wednes day, February 11, and left a baby Klrl. Miss Mtrlon Thompson and Mrs. Charles Caldwell were Portland vis itor, on Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Caldwell and Mrs. Shlnall were en tertained by Mrs. A, 11. Harvey with luncheon on Wednesday afternoon. and a most enjoyable time was had. Mrs. Llnette Snook has returned from an extended visit to Vancouver, Wash., and Portland. Mrs. A. H. Harvey gave a pleasant surprise party at her home on Tues day evening, the occasion being her 52nd birthday. Whist was played at four tables, and the prize was won by Charles Caldwell. One of the fea tures of the evening was the piano solo by Miss Marie Harvey, and re- ponded to with an encore. Her num bers were greatly appreciated. The home of Mrs, Harvey waa decorated for this occasion, festoons of hearts of gold and silver being used In abund ance, and these, Intermingled with smilax, formed a very pretty effect Refreshments were served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.- Harvey, Mr .and Mrs. George Lazelle, Mrs. William McCord, Mrs. Frank Black. Mrs. Shlnall, Mrs. Marlon Harvey, Miss Ruby McCord, M. J. Lazelle, Clinton Black, Wallace McCord, Alnsley Currant, Bert Har vey, of Portland. la bed Afcewtttii D t " Mrs. E. D. Hart aad WtTTZ , Prtdemor) were traaraftettaf tajpts; ' in ffrtUnd this wk, v v r Mr. . r. Hurt and Mr, star 1 ray were called to Cherry ville Ma. ' . day to the deathbed of their mother,' Mrs. John Kriel. who passed away a..' I p. m. Monday. ' - MACKHURa Bill Roth visited Woodburn c Monday. CaL Wolfe visited Oregon City las week. -j. -, , ' On Wednesday evening Mr. aaaf Mrs. Roth's hospitable home was tin scene of a pleasant party In honor of Miss Ella Bchults. Among those) pres ent were Mr. Chas. Mitchell and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller, Mr. Chris Christian and family, Mr, Schultx, I. N. Strubhar and family, and Mr. Baldwin. Mrs. Phil. Graves is recovering from quite a serious Illness. Marshall Scranilin Is sacking pota toes. Henry Herkons has very much Im proved the look! of hi place by grub bing out the fence along the road. , On Sunday Mr. Baldwin received pleasant visit from Mr. Fred Wallace. of Mullno. Richard Wright has been in Salem for several days presenting the needs of the country schools to the law- , makers. Mrs. Grant Graves was a visitor at the high school last week. Forest Dunton, of Molalla, who Is attending the State University at Eu gene, passed through Macksburg on his way home for the mid-term vaca tion, and paid our school a short visit on Wednesday. A. A. Baldwin" and Strubhar have put on a One woven wire fence on the line between their places. Adolph Greenwood, who was work ing on the - Strubhar-Baldwtn fence, was-takeo-ill on Friday and Obliged to quit work. Miss Olga Seward, of Mullno, -Is . visiting her mother, Mrs. Seward,- of , Macksburg. u FIRWOOD. Firwood Progressive Association and the school will give an entertain ment consisting of dialogues, recita tions ana music on Saturday evening, February 11. Everybody Is invited to come and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. A. Malar visited Mrs. Malar's folks over Sunday. There Is talk of starting a Sunday school at Firwood. ' Theo. Koennecka was circulating a petition against the Abbot bill Satur-J day. Raymond Howe went to Portland and -Vancouver .on, business, the. first of the week. James Dixon took a flying visit to his home at Lents last week. Mr. Howltt, one of the proprietors of the Firwood mill, was out last Friday, looking over business Inter ests. Jess Siierman, veteran slab-slinger for the mill, returned to his old haunts for a few hours last week on Thursday. About three weeks more work will finish the Cook timber the mill is now working on. Mrs. Tbeo. Koenicka haa been sick Wants, For .Sale, Etc ' Nolle under three elaaeiried heading will be Inserted at one cent a word, ftret Insertion, halt a cent additional Inser tion. One Inch card, fl per month; half Inch card. (4 llnea) fl per month. Caah must accompany order unless one he an open account with the paper. No financial reaponalbillty for error; where error occur free corrected nolle will be printed for patron. Minimum chars lie. WANTED. WANTED Small advertisements for this column. Prices very reason- able. See rates at head of column. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Six pigs, six weeks old; also two brood sows. Inquire of O. M. May, opposite Harris' sawmill. FOR SALE 1 span of mares aad bar ' ness, weight - 2300, age S years. Price $250. Phone or address J. E. M alloy. Beaver Creek. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Pbone Main 11L ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT,' Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land tltles.examtned, estates settled, gen 1 eral law business. Over Bank of .. Oregon City. L: U'REN ft 8CHUEBBL, Attorneys-at- Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac- I tie in all. courts,, make collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. DENTISTS. pR. L Q. ICE, DENTIST Rooms 4," 6 and 6 Beaver building. Main St, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and Pacific States 122L . MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of all farm lands In Clackamas County and can loaa . ..your money. on good safe security. Farm loans made one, two and threw" years at 7 per cent Abstracts of title examined. DIMiCK DIMICK, Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS "OF JITLE. ' PLEA8E NOTICE. To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major- ity of the homes in Oregon City and Clackamas county the management has decided to make a special price for the w dally Issue, for a short time only, where tbe subscriber pays a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In advance, 13.00. " By nail, paid a year In ad- e vance, f J.00. I People who gave our canvas- ler a trial subscription for one -or more months, at ten cents a a week, can have the dally deltv- ered for a year for 1,1.00 by . paying a year in advnce. People who gave our canvas- 4 aer a trial subscription, by mall, for four months at a dol- lar. may have the paper for a 4 year for 12.00, It paid a year In advance- Subacrlbers to the Weekly Enterprise may change their 4 subscriptions to the daily, re- e celvltg credit for half time on the dally that the weekly Is 4 paid in advance. When they choose to add cash to the ad-" vance payment equal to a full year's advance payment they 4 may take advantage of the M rate. I - ' We make this ipeclal price so that people who have paid 4 in advaae a some ether dally . 104 wish to Uke the .Morning e Baterprise, may ao so wiuoui w t too great expense. ' e t . r . ' w V. R. HYDE, Abstract Otftes Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. ' , CRITICS COMMENT OKPETITORS COPT Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. REAL ESTATE. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, t miles from Oregon "City, 1H mllea from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit land. Cut into 7 and 14 acre tracts, $100 to $225 per acre. - Enquire of D. K. Bill A Co., Room 9, Beater Bldg., Oregon City. 4 E. Ii. COOPER. For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Lot ua handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office In , Enter priae i. Bid., Oregon City, Oregon. FRIYTAO SW AFFORD. Real Bt tat Dealers, havo ehoioj bargains , la fann landi, ettj and suburban c.r home, xood fruit lands and douIiv ' ranches. So 04 for good . burs-' - " Near 8. P, depot, ! r ' 'r -' SECOND HAND FURNITURB. MANY TIMES you can buy just the, " .1' article you want, Just as good aa new, at a email fraction of the post of new, If you go and sea TO UNO, the second hand man. Bla oallao tlon contain! New and Beooad Hand .'Furniture, Hardware. Tools, Curloa, eta. Sea him; U coats nothing to . Inquire. , i : Electric . 411 Hals. atwMft 4th aad U unavun villi una. J. 4. TOIIM, topretor, Hotel j : T-'1 b 1 ': a: : " a ' ' !-"