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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
P.. MORNING ENTEltrRlSK. THUIiSDAY, FKHItUAUY 16, 19H. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E- C. BRODIt, fedltor end Publisher. ADollcatlo wiade for second elaae prlvt. Ira at th postorfloa at Osaoe City, rw.,,n under the Act ol Conxrsss ef March t. 17. j TttW WMCIIrTlM. On Tear, by mall Kli Months, ky mall Pour Moniha, by mall... II M 1 I OS 4 rrr . y camsT tfVUnSW lATES.. F1rt ir men nrst tnM-tKa. ...lie Ftrs Pan. Br Inch added Insertion. .ISO IWanl nnaltlaa any Dam. Dr Inch first Insertion lse Pnrfomd aoaitkm anv Daaa. psr Inch - added Insertions lo Run paper other thaa first pa-e. par torn ftrat Insert too " ' Itua paper other thaa flrat pan, per Inch added InaertkMia.... ' UocaTa lee per line; to regular adver tisers ec line. Wants. For Sale. To Rent ete.,- one rent a word flrat Insertion; one-half cent each additional. Rates for advertise m the Weekly Enterprise will be the same aa la th dairy, for advertisements set especially - for the. weekly. YTJiere th advrtis-met Is transerred from the dally to the week. . ry. without rhan. the rat will b c aa Inch for run ol th paper, and lc an Inch for special poaltloa. Cash should accompany order where party la unknown la buatneea office of the Enterprise, thecal adrartlslna- at lent advertising ratra. Circus advertlnlnir and special transient 'advertising at tSc to 10c an Inch, accord-liiC-laapeciai...Con4ltlons governing; the -Fir Bale" and Bsnkrupt 8sl adver tisements JSc Inch first Insertion: addi tional Insertions same matter 26c Inch. Kawl items and well written article of merit, with Interesno TocaTreadera. will be sladlv accepted. Rejected manu scripts never returned unless sccompan led by alamo to prepay noatrare. not agree with all horn Birubr at II times, atlll It la km satisfaction to know that ha, ee do eometalitg when h MU out tq 46 It. The aamea of Jones, Cartf, Magoon, Chat ten and Dlmlck were. In tbe P"" several places yesterday, and Clackamas 0uB' ty was surely on the map. Chinaman Marries Whit Woman, vivroiIVKK. Wash.. Feb. 15 fSneclaU A second wadding: of white woman to Chinese In Vancouv er within a monia tooa pwe iuuj when Jim Louie, of Portland, married Mlu Katie Mason. The marriage ceremony waa performed by O. Lloyd Davla, Justice of the peace. Heat Record Terrible. GUTHRIE, Okla., Feb, 15. All pre vious heat record for February were broken here today when at I o clock a temperature of 9 waa recorded at the Government building. Mrs. Morey. of Liberal, waa calling oo. Oregon city frienda Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert KODDins, oi Redland. were transacting business In the city Wednesday. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following hare registered at the - Electric Hotel: K. Cummin. Clarkes: E. Larklna, Clarke; H. Van- Kirk. E. Lambert, O. A. Marts. W II- holt; A. J. Vania and wtfe, Portland; N. Shaw. M. Hemdrick. Tacoma; Bert Hartman. Seattle; J. Berreth. J. H-SUprV Pendleton; J .E-Mumpower. Stone; V. Ashman. Portland, v , CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. COUNCIL WILLING TO LISTEN. Council aeema determined to "go ' alow and learn to paddle," as the old "saying has tt- Last year-there waa more or less clamoring on the part of the people for " more action on the part of Council, and that body seems to have listened to the clamor on the grounds of Justification that the peo ple ought to hare what they want, es- pectally ' when they must pay for 1L But later, when the people saw that they had been In too much of a hurry, and that because of that hurry they had not been given just what they wanted, or It had not come to them Just as they wished it to, then the cry went up, "why did you give us what we asked for when you knew we ought not to have It?" This year Council has determined ' to go slow and be certain that what they are getting Is what they want, and not something that will satisfy the people for the present minute. Could certain of the improvements of last year be done over hey would now be done differently; Council doesn't want that condition to exist In the matter of what is done this year. And Council la certainly acting wisely in this matter. At the meeting of Council Wednes day evening there were several pro perty holders present that had a little to say concerning Improvements, but In the future It might be wise for property holders who are Interested In certain matters sure to come up to be on hand and tell Council what will be acceptable In case that body Is not . Itself certain. But those who.' go to talk should have the matter settled In their own minds so they may say In a few words what they have to say and not take up the time of Council with a lot of useless talk. The Clackamas members of the Senate and Legislature have been In the front rank of the fight from the very start, and are accomplishing ' much. It matter not if a man doe STAFFORD. We"haT had variable weather sloe the second of the month, commonly called ground hog day, which wit a brUht sunny day. Well we feel we can stand six weeks of winter In the month of February better than any other month In the calendar. Families about here are all Improv ing from colds and grip, and begin to look on the bright side again. Mrs. Powell la still very 111 with a trained nurse In attendance, but hopes are entertained for her recovery soon. Mrs. Elltgsen stayed with her last week and Mrs. Nemlc goe every day this week and help about the work. Mr. Powell haa a very bad cough. Mr. Schattx spent an hour or two at Mr. Gage Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gage oldest daughter wu home a few day assisting ber mother. Mr. Aerm. out of the kindness of his heart, took In a runaway sailor who stayed with him 6 or 8 weeks. He was a boy of perhaps 15 but never having lived upon a farm he could do but very little. A while ago be puf his extra belongings in a sack and threw them out of the window at chore time and made off with himself. He need not have run away, they said, as they were glad to have him go. TWILIGHT LITERARY WILL BE INTERESTING MINSTREL SHOW FOLLOWED BY TWO ENTERTAINING SPEAK ERS SATURDAY EVENING. Heiress to Gould Millions to . Wed Englishman In frebruiry Twilight literary society will meet on Saturday - evening -and - there - is promise of an exceptionally good pro gram for that occasion. There will be a minstrel show to start with, fol lowed with an open discussion on the "Merits of the Fruit and Produce hTdB," With IHOsTrnnlers pe riedT J. Curtis H. Dodds, of Portland, auditor of the O. R. A N. Ry. will be present and speak on the subject of unions as a general proposition. He will be followed by B .Kuppenbender who will speak on the proposition of the local organization, having -reference chiefly to the nnlon that has been lately organized In Oregon City. The new president at Twilight is M. J. Lazelle, and he promises to do all be can to awaken interest In the meet ings of the organization. He extend an Invitation for all to attend the Our Cities Are Ruled by People In the Rural Districts. $ By. BRAND WHITLOCK, Mayor of Toledo. O. "UE greatest problem before the American citj totlaj is to be fl conie free. No further progress in municipal affairs can be N- made UNTIL TIIE CITIES OBTAIN HOME RULE. This is as true of New York city as it is of Toledo. New Tork must have home rule before it can solve tho great problems that confront iL " - THE AMERICAN CITY IS A CREATION OF- THE STATE LEGIS LATURE. ITS . LAWS ARE MADE BY PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. THE TIME HAS COME' WHEN THIS YOKE MUST; BE THROWN OFF, TH6 TIME HONORED BELIEF THAT COUNTRY FOLKS ARE GOOD AND CITY PEOPLE BAD AND THAT THE FORMER SHOULD GOVERN THE LATTER HAS BEEN SHAT. TERED. " ' , The recent disclosures in Adams county, O., a typical rural com munity, where more than a thousand persons have been indicted, for aeUing their votes, show how tinfit country folk are to make- laws for cities. The cities of this country SHOULD MAKE THEIR OWN LAWS. When they do, and not until then, REAL PROGRESS WJXLBE TOSSIBLE. v " ... J For centuries there has existed a popular fallacy that everything that is wicked Is to be found in the cities, while all the virtues are to be found in the country; that city people are bad and country people correspondingly good.' And because of this belief the cities have been EULED BY., THE PEOPLE IN TlfE COUNTRY DISTRICTS. The laws that govern New York city were made and are made by rep resentetives f rora the rural districts of New York state; and the same la true of etery other city In tlie' TJmtcd8tatea." V; ' A city cannot be run like a big business corporation for the reason that RURAL LEGISLATORS HAVE RESTRICTED ITS TOW. ERS io Such an extent that local government is almost impossible. ' ' i v v - .j v K i- r-' r'X v.. a- Y- . v Jl ir:,' y.-t . y . ;V,- - -V- -0 5se ' CopyrUht by American Prssa Aasoclatlon. MISS VIVIEN GOULD, the second aaugnier ei air. anu aire, ueorge . Gould. Is to t married to Ixrd Dedea, her English suitor. Feb. T. according to the published announcements. The titled Englishman, i. .or. than hla hrlds to be- and only a little WUV UJ" - younger than hla future father-in-law, says that such differences In agea la not regarded In England as a bar to matrimonial happlneaa. He met Miss ., . ...... - k . H . mwn at th hnras show in Ns w York and at once began a rapid Are ceurtshlp. The pretty heiress was only aliteen, but she listened to the Engiisnman, ana worn me uurm snow n s" another Vhance to preaa bis suit she accepted him. Though the engagement - ....vie u K. ffwmil annnnncsmsnt was made bv Mr. and Mrs. was UIUIT ruun: i i . . vu - - Oonld at the daughter's "coming out" party only two or three weeks before the date est for the wedding. " . meetings at Twilight The new hall at Twilight Is owned by the neighbor hood, and It haa Just been reseated with folding chalra and the wallaot the room papered and decorated so that now Twilight has one of the most commodious ,halls one can find anywhere. K.OFPJ;iLM. FHOVES DUOYABLE KNIOHT CELEBRATE THE FORTY FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF ES TABLISHMENT OF ORDER. The celebration by the Knights of Pvihiaa of the forty-first anniversary of the establishment of that order, held In W. O. V. hall, Wednesday evening, was a most enjoyable affair. Thsre was a Mil house to participate In the feaulvlilea of the occasion and the proarara glveu was a very enjoy able one.' Mr Koeve waa the chairman and made the address of weloome, which was cheered to the echo, l ne auureas waa followed by nuialo by the orches tra after which Mr. Kent gave "An Irishman's Trip Through the Bouih." Thla was a humorous number that called forth much merriment. There ass then an. Instrumental duet by Smith and lmbert, a banjo solo by Karl Lanklna. recitation by Kuia Scbucbvl, music by a quartet composed of Mrs. Ielriea, Mrs. Green. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Frost, with a humor oua representation "Slamskl and Ills Pet." Following the program there waa a banquet, and dancing. Tbe event was one of the moat entertaining that haa been given of late and those pres ent enjoyed the feetlvttlee greatly. CHINAMAN LOSES HORSC. VVhsn Tssm-Qst-Mi-ee He Dsaerta ' the One Fast In Mud. Wins, the Chinese vender of fruits and vegeiablea, got stink In the mud on Thirteenth street near Van Iluren Weduesday afternoon. One horse got faat and the Chinaman could not get It out even after unhitching and try Ing aeveral different methods. Final ly Wing gave It up aa a bad Job and taking tbe horse he had extricated he left the scene ol action first telling a Mr. Knoop, who had been, assisting tlm. that he could have tbe horse that was still mired. After Wing left Mr. Knoop allowed the horse to 11 down and rest, got some grain and fed It, and later when It had rested waa able to effect Its re lease. Mr. Kuoop took the horse borne with him. Another Prospective Voter. num. on Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock to the wife of Harry Paddock, of Gladstone, a son. ROADS QUKTWJHDOMK UP AGAIN irniillntlai4 fMm niffi 11 Improvement In the county roads In IK. imti four vsars ll. n. jutifUBun. Editor Enterprise: It Is our opinion that among the many things In Clack amas county requiting a system, and the svalem carted out. there la none of them so Important aa the matter of t i The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME . STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In. the. front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE Securities which you buy 1 may go up f W, but you es aUsys dpnLoa every dollar you deposit In eur savings department 11 " be a dollar plus the Interest It tarns. 1 'St Yeur principal will always be available, which cannot be forms, of Investment. ul a) 1 i - . , The Bank of Oregon City D. a LA TOUR arm PreeldeaL THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, SftO.0OO.0a TranaaeU a wersl tanking wuslness. road building. A larger sum la spent each year on this work In Clackamas county thn lo any other department and we are aaaured by those who should know that In the past from 13 1-3 to M per rent of lbs amount es pended each year has been wasted. The County Court, composed aa It Is of only three men, haa more duties to perform than their time will allow, thus preventing them from overseeing the work of the 65 road supervisors appointed. It Is not, therefore, the fiiiiifof-th"Connty- t'oiirt.-but,- as someone else has stated, the fault of the system. ' There la no business conducted any. wheraveaUstac tortly and economically Open frem I A. M. Oregen City Quotttli Market conditions changed the past week InJf but In lines nearly .hiUi'5 are upward tendenri- iIl" marked.-- The trade la greatly , J Ihe success of the Orioa rij and produce Union, rhlan. tL mhuuhiuiuj a uu srouoiii" SIIJ I tn . .. . ,"." without a head and th matter of road tot w..... -r.i1lnr7rlT!.1 building a a bu.lnea. In Itself. Hoads , th, oe duiii proieriy ior a ceriaiu can be built properly for a sum per mll tnat will last for years, while, at the same time, without pro per autervlslon the cost might be the same, or even more, and the next year repairs must be made. Railroads al ways provide eiperlenced engineers to lay out and aunervlse the work to be done and so It la In.evsry property conducted business. A farmer does not employ a lawyer to supervise In hla absence the work on hla farm but securea the services of the beat farmer he knows of; a mill, no matter what Its product. Is left In the bands of men experienced . In that line and so It should be with our county roads. A road engineer ran build good roads for leas money than we are now paying for poor onea and our County Court will be relieved. In a measure, although still responsible for the work. We will have roads all over the county built along the moat approved lines; the road supervisors will be parts of the general system, although still In charge of the road bulldltag In their various districts, and no one will be Injured. . If In the past year one-third of tbe road fund waa wasted, or In the neighborhood of 150,04)0, the county could afford to pay a road engineer, aa aalary and expenses of his depart ment, one third of the amount wasted and the balance can be saved and ap plied on the general -Indebtedness, thus allowing the county soon to have Its tai rate where It should be and out of debt. Yours very truly, D. T. McBALV, is ' " .""l with ft IS beat cash rr, commands l 05rcash asc. "X HT-vPf hay tonmtu-J cash, oat hay fit .to), wheat timothy HT.60. mlxd ,T KOOB-Market non,' past there has bass tempt made to properly rjJT. pack fruits and vegetables asTha sequence tnerrbar.ts hava oft-Th forced to go milslde of th 8ut J wishing good produce f rots J stu-a rsisvu. 3 BTi.' wt-t M u 1 m Your Home Correct and Art istic Decoration at Moderate Coit. Henry Bosch Company's Wall Papers ew Terk Catoage Tof the Briton of Nine- trrn-clrven reprrarnt Ihe best the World affords SaaW ka ilMxra M mr ss4 mmm MliKitri t,Un ""' Tkats H) ss skllgMtsa w Ssrckras, A poed ctr (s Uimt sWw III rtl kaswlu wksiIm. J. B. FOX r!S3e APPLES The stmle aurW flrnt with large alorks tUUir to fl. POTATOES No change h at but o tendency to a idfraalaiJi maod. Good stork klr , J shipped In from lark of car a tn and packing of home ataek-at 11.60. While there la soma local offered It Is not what eaa stat ered flrat claas and lor a tttsj,, buying outside for their be VEOETADLKS Onmna vi m at to pound; carrots, parsnip ( nlpa plenty with telling arlctf sack; beets I bunrbss for let; g of all kinds but market free. Cat and celery all California stock) FLOUR The Inclinailos h k ward In sympathy wth bsU.s; la off one cent a bushel Loalt S 28. bard wheat brsod tUt j CORN Selling tl tod metpei' Ing fates f 1.68 to I1.7S hwini I about same prices brts Uc t 1115, barley 11-20. There bid decline In quotations tBoofi ist that Is noticeable. j HAY Merchants partif (ill clover, $IT for timothy, ttf Of oat hay; selling alfalfa lor ttt Plenty of bay to meet easaawsrs BUTTER Shows - t Vkwi and a weakening goods still command grades cannot hold latlona. Cheese shows at iter but shout holds Its own. ) EGOS Have made another and are up 4c tn price over mt i Hons. The tone of the mirk. firmer and the good stock ac 13c. ) HEANS The market for Wc y-sUIf-and-the price rltlat I abtpmenta of stocks stored kk countries are being shipped kl York, and their return mean if profit to those who have tbta( abroad. ) HONEY Stock all se4 whits honey on the market; av very stiff and prices very fciga. J MEATS Drsaaed pork H kt lie to lie for choice. Veal (oa KHc to iSc, mutton c ta I.a4 POULTRY No demand fat er fowls; chickens Ho aa ayt will bring 10. Only moderer mand. I 1 Hods The hon market to k firmer and It la believed tw who hold for the outside flf get It. No great movement- Salt Llvernool Stock salt ground, 7k .lialry In deaiai 1 1 75c natas; up to bhWi PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAF SYSTEMS LATEST JWARKETS Canby Markets. (Reported br Gordon Bros. Co.) GRAINS Wheat salllna- tl mrn fl.RO cwt. oats 11.40. Pavlns- tl tn iur oaia ai tnia time. iiran orings 85c sack, shorts 11. 28. mMrtlln.. $1.85, barley 11.15. Flour la seliin s $5 the barrel. - CHICKENS BDrtnirers hrln ii and are. In good demand. hna it old roosters 12a. VOlinr rrwtaf aara. i ia Turkeys are quotable at 20c, ducks' 4w auu geene UC. MEATS Dressed norV Is s.liin. .i IIMiC at this time and the earns Is be ing paid In trade; 10V,o Is paid Id cash. Veal selling Ho and paying 13Hc cash. Paeon and ham sells at 20c, shoulder 17c, lard commands 13c. FRUITS ADDlea mmmanf St. I dried 5c to 8e pound, prunes 6c. to Co. j uiaium-roiatoes sell at $1.46, Cure Your Rheui::. AND 0TH1W ILLS Of THIJ AT TUB HOT LAKE Sanatofioc (The House of EffloUMr THE . OREGON-WASilK-f. Railroad &Navig W-Si '- M 1 . A. I .1. 1 m sens rouna-irip iicsb-". s-. months, allowing o w -t accommodation at IMPJi rlum, at Portland sad J ' 0.-W. R. dk N- BUtW For further Informatloa W.' . ... i a1lrpsa Uf- " Phy, Mdlcal Supt and K. Lake, Oregon, soy 0-- . Agent, or write to - . WM. MeMUS " General PasseoiaT PORTLAND ft, II - " ' ' r.u' ,V f .... ' ? DO YOU WANT anything;. . . Try the Classifed Columns of morningenterprK 3000 Readers Daily ; j , 1