Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 14, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Prooter Fluoloi Anotber Jeff
and Johnson Battle.
Oeprrtaht. IM kr AmdM Ut-
Mim Elsis Ds Wslfs Lsteet
vseee lit NwN Desecstten.
If Men Are Mstohed Whse Will twit
' Be Held? PyWie Weuld Not Leo
Upon ll svitn rse weui. net
. tract Any Great Interest.
On finds It pretty hard to take seri
ously tba plana of Tex Rirkard to pull
off another fight between Jack Jobn
on and Jim Jfffrtssv. Yet tbe Reno
promoter la not nxrelj talking, bat U
tikeJ; to go through vtb bla ecbem.
BJcksrd baa givu It out tbat ba soldi
. Johnson's promise to meet Jeff at an;
tima tbat It might anlt bla pleasure,
provided tba rlnt slsed puree wss
offered, and Ktcksrd U now working
bard to ret Je(Ta consent to arrange
tba match. The fart titat Jeffries baa
repeatedly charged tbat be svas drug
gad on tba day be fouKut Jouosoo
leads to tbe belief tbat It, will not be
a difficult matter to Induce him to
light tbBgrjKln.
Jeffries receutryslated Hi:
would not Debt aguln. Still. It mum
ba remembered be aald the name tiling
.when ba waa Brat approached to meet
- Johnson after the latter'e defeat f
Tomiay Burmv It la nut necessary to
review aapleasant history wukb was
mad when bo changed -bis mind. It
la a possibility of similar raTersaJ of
Mess tbat Tel Richard and bla associ
atea ara banking on at th present
ttm. Jeff's real friends hops b will
' close tba argument for ail time with a
curt refusal to flgbt again, bat this is
far from assured.
. If th men are mate bad, wber will
. tn fight be heMT It surely will not
take place In San Francisco. And if
Elckard pUns to" bold it In Reno be
would lose a fortune. y
. Just what riew tb public would
take of such a match remains to be
- sees. Eight now the sentiment would
be against a return engagement, fur
those who can figure Jeffries as bating
a chanc sre few and far between. It
. ' would be looked upon as a mere effort
, on tb part of than Interested to get
th public's money.
.4 Jeffrtea and Johneoa might make a
fair amount of coin out of the bout,
thanks to th repeated boilers from the
. "California -bear" that be Is positive
be was drugged, butjtt would be no
worldwide sensation. Outside of Jef-
frtea. his immediate family and one
or two newspaper writers who are '
. warm personal friends of the defeated
Idol, ao one seen hints that Jeff Could
back, ere wit tb most atranu.
Mrs. Sarah Drew waa a New "lamp,
shir widow. 8b owned a farm, and
Jake Whit waa her hired man. lie
waa a good man and a good worker
and had been with tb family for
three years when Farmer White died.
It will never be known to. outsiders
whether Mr. White, when told that he
waa to b gathered to bla fathers,
called Jake to hla bedside and said:
"I must go. but I am consoled bv
tb thought tbat Ilea-- Sarah In good
hands. Glr her a year or ao to mourn
my loss and then propose matrimony."
Tore years went by and Jake bad
not spoken. Tber wer time when
he thought be was encouraged to
speak out and other time wben b
was prepared to com la" from the field
after a hard day's work and leam ibat
tb widow waa engaged to the sew
ing machine agent who had tbat route.
The widow, too, bad thoughts. It ws
more than one whispered about that
Jake waa in lor with thla or that
farmer girl, and ah had come to feel
that hla lorn would be a double one.
Mrs. Drew bad been a widow for
fjur years and Jake White bad' done
bushels and bushels of thinking when
winter came cn. When toe foot or
more of snow which -heralded the
cbsnge of season hsd. got parted
U..tle JilsAwyroTteenxul
It into Jakea bead to get out the big
hand aled aud propose a tide dowu
the long and winding bill, Frovldcaee
didn't go so far put tbe widow
next aa to what would happen, bat It
meant well bjr both. It had beo a
long time, and providence meant t j
hurry things up a bit. Half a dosea
of the neighbors were to take part In
that '"moonlight - sleigh -ride but - for
one reason or snotber all backed out.
tearing the two, alone. Probably thla
was another trick on tbe part of Prov
idence. AJbeat tb time tb sled wss drawn
out for the glide Ekler Henderson,
who lived just beyond tb foot of tbe
bill, waa saying to bis wife:
"Martha, I bought ten bushels of
':' "
' is : ' v ,
One Advantage of
a Red Head
Br FjATMrraio.
CarrrlaM by Aewrlrti frasa Asaa-
ctattoa. IS1L
I wss bora with a head of fiery red
hair. As a kid I remember people
looking at It aa tbey would at a burn-
lug barn, making all kinds of allusions
to my hair and countless Jokes, many
of them very poor and In bad taste
and all obnoitou to B.
Wbeu I grew old enough to have a
sweetheart I was obliged to go with
ut one, all oa account of tbe growth
pa my bead. I kept It cut very short,
but without effect. Just ss soon as 1
cam In contact with man, woman or
child I saw at one tbat my hair waa
gainst m. On thing I would not do
1 refused all barbers who suggested
my permitting them to dye It, On en
teeing their shops I would ssy. -Hair
rut; no dys." Whenever, after thla no
tice, a barber offered to give my hair a
Ml's Lack of Popularity
0:3 to Seieral Other Causes.
Fighters, Knasae In Mere Creehad
Beute Than De Grssslscs Technical
' Knewlsdf Neeeessryts Its Enjey
ment Or at (pert rr Competitor.
Tlaclng the blam for the lark of
popularity of wrestling to th prone
neas of the grapplers to fake la but
half tbe truth. Tb other half la tbat
tb gam gives very little considers
Hon to tbe spectator without technical
knowledge of th game, aud aome-
tjlfferent color glared at him and told times not vn to tb latter. In other
him that if he repeated tb offer he words, tb wrestling gam la made for
must flgbt I thrashed so msny people I those who compete rather than thus
raese by Aaiarteaa Press AssoeUtto.
miss blsii ta woLra. - .
The woman who thinks It Is neces
sary to hsv a larg house to display
C'aJaste and ingenuity In decora-
don should ae a small New York
home which baa been furnished ac
tor reference to my blemish that I b
cam aa expert boxer. .
Moping tbat tb people of tbe west
wer more considers t thsn those of
tb east. 1 wnt to Ienver. Tb first
aalut received tber waa: "Hello,
carrot top! T goln' to set th timber
on tb mountings a Art r I had got
who are epertators. and aa the latter
bar tb privilege of ataylng away
from anything tbat doe not apiwal
to them the wrestling gam Is not In
It with boxing as a drawing card.
Argument tbat . faking baa killed
wrestling Is not born out wbea con
sidered along with boxing. If faking
tatera of the W'ldder White yesterday.
"Well need 'em all before spring,
was tbe reply.
"I waa goln' for 'em toniorrer. but
It's such a nice night that 1 dunno
but I'll yoke up the oxen and Jog a Ion:
"Might aa well. I guess, bnt look
cording to Miss Elsie De Wolfe's ides
There are a number of good points in
the aaloa and the sleeping rooms for
tb woman who is going to be her own
Interior decorator next spring.
The pictures In th salon are French.
In gilt - frames.- and tbe long w Irs to
th molding Is covered with plaited
ribbon In a dull old rose shade. Thla
Is a novel feature which-will be copied
by tbe majority of women who aee
It, Miles ftre stretching over a
tinted wall have always been is W
stscletobes utjvjnd. ibia Jngenloua
method of solving tb problem will be
received with gratitude. Th appliques
In thla room ar French In design,
holding bra nones of lights abov a
ram's bead.
The aleeplng rooms have many nov
elties In tbe way of decoration. . Each
furnishes half a doxen ideas to the
woman who la on the lookout for aome-
tlred of tbraahiag people; and turned killed wrestling It should also bav
way wiinout a worn, i aougnt em
ployment In a large manufacturing
n eDterlngTne'Otnce' my pies'
a gentleman ailting at a
red balr. for all th
He looked up.
out that the tatera don't ret frostbit.
Ton know how nlghslghted you are tn,nK n'w .,n1 something better to put
In th moonlight If you hear slelcb-1 " Der own room. For tustadre. la one
bells you'd better glr m the road."
Nigbalghtedr be indignantly sniff
ed. "Don't you go to makln' out that
Tm a hundred years old. Why, I could
room there is a chlnts bed. This gay
colored cotton Is let into a framework
of wood. Tbe canopy, which begins In
the middle. Is divided Into four parts.
sua training.
If be was an la at Beno, wby
shouldn't be be In wors shape, so far
as fighting la concerned, a year or so
hence T Fight enthusiasts might attend
-because tb sporting public aometlmes
Ukea to be bunkoed, but the fight, in
all probability, would bav th sam
sort of coding. But there would be
thla satisfaction In ' handling the
match Jeff would bar to com down
from bis lofty throne of Indifference
and sullennesa to makt the jnatcbs
financial success. He would have to
tra's under orders and be more agree
able to th world at Urge.
As a defeated champion, and defeat
ad wttb do credit to himself. Jim Jef
fries would likely discover tb sporting
. public Inclined to treat him more
coldly. Tber would b less running
after Jeff and more necessity for him
to play (b courtier, however patnfuL
la, signing for such a flgbt tbe Call
fornlaa would make it apparent that
he wants the money rather than, aa
b one loftily put It, the glory of re
claiming for th whit race the heavy
weight champlnnahlp. Nor win ba be
able to lay the blame of forcing him
back Into tbe ring upon tbe newapa
pera. Th former bofiermaker should un
derstand once for sll tbat public aentl
ment does not require blm to get back
Into tbe game. The public Is either in
different on the aubject or would op
pose It if It bsd a word to say. Jef
fries may flgbt for tbe sake of gold,
but that will b all. Tbe proposed
fight cannot stand out by Itself snd
would be nothing more thsn a context
between the recognized champion and
on of the familiar sights of tbe prize
ring tbe beaten man who wants one
more chance.
Bicroiitt Meran te Race In Paris.
Jimmy Moran of tbe winning team
In tbe recent six day bicycle race Jn
New York, who la now In I'arla, will
engage In a series of races there.
pick up a pin on tbe darkest night you I r, Q 'mrt drawu to corner of toe bed
ever saw. I've got Just the asm I n' caught with a ring of the material
rights as anybody, and I'm dinged If ged w1tn crimson fringe. Tbe lower
I give move's half th road." framework of the bed where it comes
Tb oxen were yoked In due time Kalnst tbe mattress Is padded with
and started outTherwere Laga to nd rovered wltti TTinmow silkr
bold tbe potatoes and blankets to I -ngiian renaers are. 1 hla la a color
lighted oa
desk who bsd
world as red aa mine.
and tn aa Instant his gsse waa fixed ou
my top.
He a roe from bis chslr and, ad
vancing to tb office rail, grasped my
band In a viselike grip.
"My -dear air." ba said warmly and
with a respectful mien I bad never lie
fore been favored with, "what C I
do for youT
"I'm seeking employment."
"You shall have. It right here. What
can you dof if
"Nothing. 1 must learn, tfut I'm
willing to work without-pay till I d
"Youll not work without ajf here
Judging from your apiwarance. you
are well bred and educated. A man of
your condition -cant get on with less
than a hundred dollars a month. Ml
give you that and ut jrou In our best
deportment.. Mr. 8tanierr' be called
An employe advnn'-ed. and I notic
ed be. too, bad a r1 bead. lie wnx
instructed to put me tu work and on
the payroll at the mime tlire. I
passed through tbe works I noticed
every man bad a red bend, but none
so red as mln and the umnager'a
Ours was the mo me hue exactly.
"You'll 'be shoved up ahead of us
I ( A"'. - : i I
aorua bxbucti uammbb lock
cover tbe bags, and any old sport
would have given odds of two to one
that the elder, tbe oxen and Its cargo
would arrive at tbe top of tbe hill
right end up after a climb of twenty
minutes. Tbe wager would have been
note for tbe woman who baa always
objected to tbe sharp line of wood
gainst tbe drapery of tbe bed. Tbe
outer coverlet Is of crimson silk to
match this padded wood. Tbe dress
ing room, which opens into thla sleep.
killed boxing. . Not only hsv ring
fskes been as numerous as I hone ou I
th mat lut th top noti hers hsv
all." ssld tbe man who bad tuken me I been mixed dp In them as well. Some
In charge. of those who bsve gained notoriety
"Why so?" I asked. ' la th ring through their disregard of
"You're I be only man here who baa tbe bonest wsy to get money ar Jack
a red hair as the prexideut." Johnson, Jack O'Brien. Tommy Hyan.
The words proved true. I waa jump? Joe Cans." Bob FltlaInitnohf.AbeAf--
ed from one grade to another ao fast tell and Ham Langfurd. and these in-
that I barely bad time to learn the elude champions past aixl present;
I I hence If faking would kill wrestling
It certainly would also deliver a knock
da ties In. each. And every time
Jumped my salary Jumped too.
made without taklna- Providence Int., to room, gives the appearance of a
consideration, and tb old snort would I bouse of glass. Its walla are mirror-
This was not alL Mr. Flynn. tbe 1 out blow to boxing. There Is no ques
tion out mat raking baa Injured tb
port In popularity, because there la
enough of It to make the wrestling fsa
president and principal owner. Baked
me one day to cum to hla bouse to
dinner. I went of course, and waa
have lost
Tbe Widow White was bundled ud
and seated on the sled. In fact, abe
was- airspeed -a. Jakteie be
hind her, dragging tb foot that was
to steer th sled a straight course. As
they were ready to start It came over
him to speak of his love. A feeling
cam to tbe widow that be wss coins
to, 6ut the time waa not hoe. Prov-
ldence figure those things down to
minutes and seconds. As Jak shut
ed. tbe dressing table la covered wltb
glass, and a triple mirror Is also of
glass, edged wltb a tiny band of ornate
Kilt. .
Minor details that catcb the eye In
the whole bouse sre the French bard
ware locks put on tbe doors and tbe4
Introduction of a mirror wherever ltts
possible to Insert a piece of glass In
the wan. Every good decorator knows
that reflection gives sise, and la this
Introduced to bis family. Every one doubt whether he Is going to get what
la coming to him when be paya to see
a match, but this Is not tb only draw,
back to tb gam by any means.
A merles nsWs nlt nap. '
Americans roust have something
eighteen foot bouse this method ha
mouth on bis words and started, I eel worked so successfully on often
the sled Elder Henderson, nesr tha
foot of tb bill, started singing a
hymn, n not only loved the sound of
his singing, but he thought tb oxen
ought to ba encouraged. Hla role
cam floating up the bill, and as Jak
caught It be aald:
"Mrs. White, that's Elder Hender
son." "Yes." "
"He's probably coming after those
potatoes with his oxen and sled."
has tbe feeling of looking down a vista
wben one Is Inclosed by four walla.
In every room tber la an available
and convenient table which Mis De
Wolfe calls a kidney table and which
he has invented. " This oddly shaped
piece of furniture Is of dull wood and
Is placed near tbe fireplace or sofa or
a bookshelf.
For Cleaning Lingerie Cellars.
Those who wesr lingerie wslats with
lace collars will And It useful to know
"Hell be In tbe middle of the road. ' d easy wsy to clean the necks.
and as our sled Is already getting wn,cI r apt to become soiled wben
way from control there's going to tne waists are comparatively clean.
be a amssbup. I want to say to you Especially Is this the case in traveling,
that I hsv loved you for tb last ,n1 manT woman has been obliged
three years and to ask you if you will "nd waist to the laundry simply
of bis children Lad red hslr of vsrious
abadea. His oldest daughter, Emily,
bad veritable Titian locka. For the
first -time-in- uiy Ufa I felt easy In
aortal company. For the first time not
a person about me looked at my bead.
Hi orb less referred to It Miss Emily
Flynn waa very gracious to. me snd
was th Brat young womsn who bsd
ever thus treated ma so. I wss hspp
as a clam at high tide." After dinner
a be led m Into separate parlor, and
I spent tbe hours tber chatting with
ber. Tbey were thus far tbe happiest
hours of my life. I left ber wltb a
wildly beating heart - .
To make a long story abort. Miss
Flynn encouraged m and I encouraged
Mkss Flynn. Ons day sb told as I
might go to ber father and aak for
ber. 1 did so and waa accepted for a
aon-ln law wltb great gusto. "O back
to Em." be said, "and tell ber you
with snap and action to It. and base
ball la tb national a port because It
supplies this better than any other.
Wrestling I almost tb opposite of
this. Strength, endurance and ability
to stand punishment ar what decide
championship match In this country.
and ecteses, speed and skill ar at a
minimum. Most of th skill shown la
not along th II n of obtaining a fall,
but of ponlablng an opponent until be
la ao badly used up that be can offer
but fseMs resistance.
Frank Gotcb Is on of the most pun
ishing wrestlers In tb world, and tbat
la tb ass I a reason why be holds tbe
championship. On proof of this Is fur
nlshaxl he tha tmrt thai M .,
have my hearty consent, and remain mM hold to 0B whlcD an op.
pooawt to giv up bee sun of pain and
marry met"
"Oh. Jaker
"If s the elder and tbe oxen for sura.
Yes or no?"
"It's so saddenr
"Right In the middle of tbe road,
and we'll be Into them In ten seconds."
"Must I-I"-'-'Flve
snconds tnoreP
"Then yes!"
Elder Henderson was asrchlns
head of the oxen, a hero lea din ir tha brush It rapidly over the soiled places
way. He was struck snd sent flvlne- Do no rinse tb collar In th bowl.
and hla tune cut short Then the sled tnlt Uow It to remain on the edge of
atruck tha oxea and flung tbem Into th wl, and wlh the nailbrush fr
the ditch and made a long iamo over oosntly dipped In fresh water keep
because of a black line around the
collar from a dnsty coat
In such cases It cornea ss a relief
to learn that small nailbrush and
tbe ordinary bathroom soap, If proper
ly applied, will cleanse a collar per
fectly. Take th walat and plac the
collar carefully on th edge of tb
bathroom washbowl. Be sure only the
collar touches th marble. Then wet
th nailbrush with warm soapsuds and
lo dinner.
1 spent the afternoon with Emily
and dined wltb tbe family. After din
ner Mr. Flynn said to me:
"Ton have shown . wonderful re
straint In not asking why 1 bar wel
comed you Into my business and Into
my family. The tlm has com for
Bie to enlighten you. u
"Years ago I cam to thla country
from Ireland without a cent and
worked at any Job I could get In a
great city. One day I waa arrested.
accused of stealing from a Jew. lie
had told tbe polk- that a red headed
Irishman bad robbed blm. I waa stood
In line wltb several other men. and
this Jew picked me out as tb man
who bad robbed him, I waa tried, and
tb evidence was strong against me.
aot bscaus b Is put on bis back.
This Is th to bold. In addition.
Ooteh has other bold tbat In any
other gam except wrestling would be
caosldered so brutal aa to be barred.
what Is tru of Ootch Is true of other
champions, and the result Is tbat men
ar on th mat for hours wltb each
trying to disable th other rather than
throw blm. In most of th -big
matches on might as well smoke a
cigar and read a paper for the Oral
hour, bees us It Is devoted to tugging
around, trying to punish eacb otber.
Should Dsolde Mstoh en Points. '
Some day tbe wrestling fraternity
win wake up and begin to decide
matches on skill and points, and then
the other and a minute later was at
tbe foot of the hill and Jsk was
"W might say th first of next
weak for the wsddlnet" .rr ,
-- m
brushing tbe lac until tbe soap la
entirely out of It Next place tbe waist
carefully over the back of a chair
upon which a tnrklsh towel baa been
arranged to bold the wet collar In
Plmllco'a racing datca will be April
0 to May 17.
. Jamestown'e spring racing dates are
" AprD 1 to April 28.
Pittsburg's new $1,500,000 amateur
clubbous will be opened Feb. 23. -
Th Intercollegiate track and field that as they waited for the elder's
championships may be held in Byra-' cuts and bruises to heal so that ba
cus. N. Y-. May 26 and 27. ' could be a guest, but things came all
Tb annual bench ahow of tb West- ' right In a lltt! tima, and a favorite
minster Kennel club will be held In Mylng of th elder's Is:
Madison Sonar Garden. New York. "All the band of Providence, sir. If
Feb. 13 to 10. There ar more than 600 I hadn't set out to aled them Uters of brushing them clesn with tbe mall
regular classes and nearly 1.000 ape- bom tbat night tber might asvar I brush and placing thsra ox tb
dais. nav been a marriage." "w"ng to ary.
It didn't com off quit aa quick as I hl Jn"t as It wss removed from tbe
uasin eage. ir tnis method is taken
at night, tb next morning will find
tha collar clean and shapely for an
other day's wear.
Nothing is more effective for cleans
ing Irish laee collars than thla mtthod
If you would sell
''Ate' Yott & Subscribe to tbe
Nerr DaUy?
If Th Morning Enterprise Is to be ss successful aa th IntereaU of Oregon
City demand It must needs have tb support of all. Tba new dally has
a big work before It la boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Your
support means mora atrength for tbawork. ' - - -
( . :..,''.'
: Uill Yea Help Bocit yocif own Interests?
Foral wt4 tlssa th Marataf Water srls wttl V said to paid ra advaae Try what th chess eolnmas of th
w lsss-cs i irsarv ss wtm JW I rw wsj 1 s -
Br Carrier, i rmr. '
Ma.11 a sue
J sma-wi, 4 a. .as...........aa4tf
i .i . t u m will boom, European are
red beaded man strolled In among tb " "7' tlP
pectators. My attorney, following a " uZF'!
uggoatlon given by tb. man's red .7 " --
B -s-mih. au BIISTI if
much to be commended In thla style
aa compared wltb the on we have In
thla country. Tb only trouble la that
tbey do not render dwlslona quick
nough and allow the wrestlers to loaf
too much. If wrestling In this country
wr conducted In, ten or fifteen min
ute bouts and provision mad for ren
dering a decision at tb and of a cer
tain number of bout, provided no fall
tfwas gained, with tbe further proviso
ttist only holds would be allowed
which wer designed to aid directly In
getting a fall, th gam would become
popular In a hurry.
balr. called for blm and placed blm
beside me. Then be sent for th Jew
nd wben be cam Into court asked
him which of tbe two bad robbed blm.
Tbe Jew couldn't tall. . Hs bad simply
Identified m because the man who
bad robbed blm bad a red bead. Tbe
Jury acquitted me at once.
" 'God bless red beaded menP I ex
claimed. 'From this day tbey are all
my bosom friends.' - '
"And It has always bean my wish
to bar a red beaded son In-law and
be the progenitor of generations of
red beaded descendants."
Dont Forget I
Tbe German Vereln Masausraile at
Busch'a Hall, on Saturday avenine
February IS.
customer foe
Morning aterBrted M 4. fay
inia spacs. cither asx. Ex- .
psrlsnc tinnaossaary. Judl- .
eleue sdvsrtlsera with som
thing t salt and ssmsthlng t
say will find this th proper .
grsa for a bitsinsa .leg. N. .
trlflar. Married aens f ma-.,
tur age will wndsratand. Call
a, r addrs, Aavsrtlslns
Msnsgsjc Meriting EntaeBrissj, .
Oeegjs) City Oe,a. .
Th following transfers 'of real es
tate were filed yesterday In- th office
of County Recorder U E. Willlama;
I. J. and Clara Hart fo Hilda C.
Johnson, east half of northeast quar.
ter of southwest qusrter, ectlou 10,
township i south, rang s aat; $1.
J. M. Taylor to Shirley Buck, lota
J. , 11 and 12, block 22. Iota ll and
12, block 2S, lots 1 -and 8, block 24.
Mllwaukla Park; 10.
Oregon Swedish Colonliatlou C?l. to
Ed Llhden, lot 15, Carlabora Tract
1 t ... ..
V I '
Jl o me ixle'w
B A I-L Y?
The Morning
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests of Qregon City demands it
must needs have the the support"
of all. ' The new -daily has a
big work before it in boosting
Oregon City and Clackamas
County. Your supporTmeans
more strength for the work.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
For a limited time the Morning
Enterprise will be sold to paid
in advance subscribers as follows:
By catt let, t yeat $3.00
By mail, yeat 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remiitoncc