Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 14, 1911, Image 3

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    MORNING ENTtfUPlllBltf
It Woutdnt Pay
A Poor Article
" Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honsaty-l-for ad-rt'adara.
nowaday. ra DICRMINATINO. They know valuae-they know
GENUINE things, ganulna opportunltlaa.
Any artlola which an ba aold by advartlslng la, by thatteat, a
GOOD article. YOU ere aafe In buying a thing "which haa "atood
,h flra of publicity." ( .
Tha makar of a wldaly advartltad artlcla, or commodity, It al
ways on trial for hla business Ufa. Ha cannot ahlrk, nor chaapan hla
product and thle la tha baat poatlbla protactlon for tha eonaumar.
You ara AFB In buying advartlaad thlng It'a tha loglo of
nowadays business aondltlons.
.rgo iovena. of Tha Dalles, waa
In llila ly " business Monday.
IIiiiht for '' 76o at rteeloy'a.
C A Curl"'. "t ICnnT, Wash.,
,' in Oregon CMty Sunday.
j .; Phelps, of Molalut. waa among
the'oregou tHy business vlaliora Hat.
pr. (ieorga Hoeye. Peatlet, Cau-
field H'df. Oregoa City.
j c. HiiHlinior. of Hin Francisco,,
Cl , was 1,1 'hie c"v "n business Mon
day' Block 'f -ow-plano Just received
by A It Hturgia, 401 Havenlh atreet
Cray mid Whim Dancing Hllpiiera
Jut received at tha Oregon City Hhoe
Ileal liurd whrnt Flour $14) a anck
at Digger A n'a, flevrntb. afreet.
ThomiiH Nedham. of HI. Helena,
In Oregon City on a business trip
Saturday and Btiuday.
Mr. and Mra . A. Tabor will leave
W'edneedqv, for Cannon Reach, where
they go to open their summer hotel.
Trad J. H Toone. city superintend
ent of schools, la confined to hi home
alth n sttnck of la grippe.
MIm M Hrl.lo will give her Imper
tinatlmia and Imltutlotia In tha parlora
of (ha Presbyterian church thla even
ln. M inn Mary Tarry, of Heaver Creek,
who has been at the Willamette Hotel
for a few weeka, left yoatorday for
Portland to take a poult Ion.
Judge llciitlo "officiated yesterdsy at
the marrluge of Ma Ida Straight and
W. V- Slmimon. Tha ceremony waa
prrfurmi'd at tha county Judges office
In the courthouse.
J, U Mum power, of Stone, waa In
Oregon City Saturday, and went to
Port I unci on business before return
ing to hla home.
Justice Hsmson, who haa been on
tha tick Mxt, a sufferer from grip, la
again ahlu to attend to the dutlea In
bla office.
K 8. linker, of (iladatone, waa called
to t'athalmet, Wab., on Hunday be
nun o the il(h of a nl, MIm
IVerlle Koeier, aged 11 yeara, who died
. Saturday after a ahort lllneaa.
Attorney J. K. lledgea will apeak at
(ha meeting of (he High School As
sembly on Wednesday, to which the
frlrnda of the echo ara Invited.
Tha Catholic Knights will have their
regular monthly btiRiness meeting In
McLaughlin hall, thla evening. Thla
It the in en 'a aoclety of tha church.
Justice Samson performed the wed
ding ceremony Monday at 3 p. m. for
C. J. Thompaon and Huth O. Jack, at
hit office on Main street.
The Kndeavorera rf the Rapt 1st
church will give a Valentine aoclal
In the church parlora thla evening.
There will be a mualcal and literary
Laraen & Co. ahlpped a car load of
potatoes to Ran Kranclaro Monday.
They report the price aa on tha down
grade and paid $1.10 for thla laat ship
ment. The divorce ault of Tena Kramer vs.
John Kramer la set for trial today In
the Circuit Court. H la underatood
that term of settlement hna been
reached out of court and that the
hearing will be ex parts.
Karln Ijitourette left for Eugene on
Sunday evening to resume hla atudlea
at tho I'nlvnrslty of Oregon, after
pending a week with hla parent a, Mr.
and Mra. Charles Latourette.
Miss Alberta Claire, the "G1M from
Wyoming, " haa reached Hlaaon, Cali
fornia, and atutea that aha la getting
through the anow all right, hut It la
hard traveling She la due at Redding,
California, on February 18.
II. V. Trembatn left yeatorday for
Salem, where he will remain ntH the
end of the week, keeping a vigilant
aye on leglalatlon affecting the Will
amette ami Clackamaa Rivera flaher
a. Mr. Tremhath repreaenta the lo
cal flHhcrmen.
0. riuaa, of tha Southern ' Oregon
Commlaflon Company with headipiar
tcr at port hind, waa In Oregon City
Mondav with a buyer of San Francis-M-
They were hera for the purpoae
t purchanlng aeed potatoea.
C A. RatulH, of ralouae, Waah., who
j been apending a few daya with
frlenda here, and who has not vlalted
tne city In three yeara, says that he
aee many changes the city over
nd that ho In gratified with the ad-
ncenient that la being made.
Rev. M. R Hotlton, president of the
Pacific Synod of the Lutheran church,
whoae headquartera la at The Dallea,
t the church In (hla city laat ev
. enlng to deliver hla annual aermon
. nd make hla yearly official visit to
the congregation. There waa a good
'tendance at the evening aervlce.
Tbe Knlghta and ldlea of Security
, w" Rive an entertainment In Wood
of the World hall February 21
mr tha hencifu r,,r1a mom.
r of tha lodge, who haa been 111 for
""la time. The programme la now
""'g arranged by a committee.
, '-Thro. Weed, of Beattle, and C. E
"Anna, of Palouas, were In attendance
" me aervlcea at tha .Freabyterlan
cnurch Sunday, poth were fofmer
1 I!''I,bcr, of thla Church and thay wara
made welcome by those who were
nt to aaaoclate with them In church
"m several years ago. '
the committee of arrangements for
commercial Clnb scona annual
t"il haa aecured a late car for Fort
'nd after tha featlvltlea. Thla car
W'H leave Oresnn H-ft a. m
d Iq Vew of th ocommodailon It
to Advertise
la expected a large number of Port
land peoplo will coma up to attend the
bop. i
I. II Falrclough, of the Ogle Moun
tain Mining Co., who hna been visit
ing friends, has returned to the mines.
iH-velopment work ronilnuea and the
drifting U progrnitHliig aa well aa can
be expected. There waa much anow
to overcome on hla way out and it
will liu met at thla time of tne year
on tho return.
The CJueena of Avalon, an organisa
tion In the Presbyterian church work,
gave a Valentine social In the church
parlors laat night. The boys claaaea
In tho Congregational church a No
gave a Valentine party to friends.
eplte the bad weuther of the day
there wa 4fa1rattendam-e-ln "each
raso, with much merriment to thoao
who attended.
Attorney Stone spent Hunday at the
family home near Rermond.
Mra. Martha llolman, who hna Ixeii
very III at the home of her aon, II. U
llolmnn, la Improving, and la now able
to alt up. ,
Mr. 1elund Hendricks, of Portland,
was vlaltlng friends In Park place Hun
day as a goHt at hla father's home,
Mr. N. C. Hendricks.
Miss Nettle Ilurgoyne, of New Era,
waa a guest over Sunday of Mlaa Hose
Justin, at the home of the latter'a
father, Mr. Juatin.
Mr. C. A. Rands, bf Palouse, Wash.,
who haa been visiting with hla mother
Mrs. Itsnds. of this city, left for bis
home Monday morning. .
Mlaa Norma Holman, daughter of
R. L. Holman. will leave tonight for
Ie Angelce, California, where ahe w ill
vUlt for aeveral mow ha with her
aunt. Mra. J. W. lluker.
Mr. E. P. Rands, formerly postmas
ter of this Hty, and editor of the Ore
gon City Enterprise, whose home Is
now In Vsnrouvcr. WaMb.. waa In Ore
gon CltJ Sunday visiting with rela
tives. .Mrs W. 0. Montague, of Arlington,
Oregon; T. P Weed, Seattle, wasn.:
Mr, -and Mrs. L. I). Moulton, and
daughter. Klpha and Mra. William
fialloway. of McMlnnvllle, Oregon;
Mra. Emma Fredrlcka. of St. Johns,
Wash.: Mr. and Mra. Frank Weed, Mr
and Mra. J. M. Richards and aon, Ray
mond. Mr. and Mra. nillon Rodgera.
Anioa Rodgera, Mr. and Mra. I). O.
Mackenzie, Mra. 8. Fulton, Mlaa Hunt
er, Charlea Hunter and A. F. Sand
rock, of Portland, were In thla city on
Sunday having come to attend the
funeral aervlcea over tha remalna of
the late Riley Moulton, whoae funeral
waa held at the family home at Fern
Ridge on Sunday afternoon at 2
David Robeson died Monday morn
in. mi 7-an o'clock st his borne on Mo-
lalla avenue, after an lllneaa extending
over two weeka. He waa born In
Ohio. March 23, 1831, and came to
Oregon In 1853 with liarrett'a train,
in nr.ii ha returned to Indiana and
then went to Iowa where he waa mar
ried to Mra. Mary E. Plummcr, a win
ow with two children. The wedding
took place in Jonea county, la. .Octo
ber It, 1853. Mr. Koneson aim ui
r.,miir roinrned tn Oregon January
29, 187S and since 1883 they made their
home at Colton, Clackamaa i.ouniy,
moving to Oregon City last November.
Mra. Robeson died three years ago
and they lost an Infant In 1880 and a
son, John Robeson, died Marcn ii-
180.1. Mr. RoboHOn la survived by rive
children and two atep children, as fol
low! : Mra, Margaret Jennlnga, Mra.
Eva Ingram and C. D. Robeson, or
Oregon City; Mrs. W. R. Garrett, of
Ilucona; F. M. Robeson, of Colton;
n.r.A unheaon of MolsllA. and Mrs.
Jessie Wlnslow, of Oregon City.
Had Mr. Robeson lived until marcn
i Imvp been 80 yeara of
age. ITp to the time Of his Illness he
waa enjoying the nest oi numm. .m
waa able to do farm work. He had
the appertrnnce of a wan many yearj
his Junior. He was of a kind disposi
tion and waa highly respected by
young and old who knew him.
ti.. will lt held at Colton
Wedneaday, the procession loavlng
.. . m r . 1 II .. . . m ,
the family noma on moimi hyi-mi., m
m Thm anrvicna will be under
the auspices of Meade Poet No. 2, of
which deceaaed waa a memoer.
WM.nnwillo Hotelman Not Insane.
W. H. Mwrence, a hotel proprietor
of Wilson vine, waa released by juage
Heatle Monday afternoon, after an
..minntlon for hla Insanity. Law
rence waa arrested upon complaint of
A. I). Thirst, a Wllsonvine nutcner
Dr. II. 8. Mount conducted the examl
SALEM, Or., Feb. 13.-SpU-Th
Senate today refused to take favorable
action on tpe bill lncreaaing me num
... v,. Dnnnnit PniirL Aa Oover
r.. wr had indicated that he would
veto the bill It waa deemed waste
of effort to push It througn.
The board of directors of the city"
schools held a meeting last night and
transacted considerable business of a
routine character, and arranged for a
special mooting this afternoon, when
arrangementa will probably be made
for renewing work on the new high
school building, with the Idea of push
Following the announcement of
Mlsa Rose Scherzlnger's engagement
to Mr. James U McAnulty, a large
number of frlenda met at the home
of Miss Scherzlnger on Clackamaa
Heights Saturday evening, to tender
her a china ahower. Many beautiful
glfta were preaented. The evening
waa spent In a moet delightful man
ner with cards, and; followed by re
freshments. -
Following were present: Mr. and
Mra. John H-hcrzlngef, Mr. and Mra.
Charles R. IJvesay, Mr. and Mra. A.
C. Kinder, Mr. and Mra. Jamea W.
McAnulty, Mr. and Mra. Carloa Moak.
Mra. M. A. Carlisle, Mra. John Aldrlch.
Mrs. N. belter, Mra. J. J. DeFord, Mra.
Arthur Flemmlng, Mra. Jamea Mur
phy, Mra. Charlea tlray, Mra. I Jiw
rence Aldrlch, Mra. Wlllla Rlttcn
house, Mrs. W. II. Oidfrey, Miss Clara
Rotter, Miss Ida Meyer, MIhh, Gene
vieve Aldrlch. Mlsa Mathilda Meyer,
Miss lUae Scherxlnger, Miss Alice
Scherxlnger, MIss'Elein Carlisle, Jos
eph Kcherzlngxr, John Scherxlnger,
Miases Eva and Viola McAnulty, Miss
Alvina Scherxlnger.
Tha literary entertainment at Cler
mont achool Saturday evening proved
to be an enjoyable event, and the
house waa packed to overflowing.
There had been a varied program pre
pared for the evening and there waa
no hitch In the proceedlnga from the
start to finish.
There are two room a in the school
building at Clermont and one has
been finished for achool purposea.
The other haa not been finished with
school seata, and It la thla room that
Is being used for literary purposea.
Tha patrona of the school seated It
for the Saturday literary with rough
made acata. built ckmely . together.
Jiytt as the minstrel show waa at Ita
most Interesting climax these aeats
all went down together and let the
whole crowd to the floor. No one
waa Injured and a good laugh waa
Aad on thoae who erected the aeata.
To Mra. Rose Sotherland Is much
credit due for the success of the en
tertalnmenta at Clermont- The week
ly debate will be the order of the ev
ening Wednesday.
A Proaa Poem.
"Pop, you must take thla child
hand. I have had about all that I can
stand. She has no notion of minding
me; It la time you took her across
your knee."
"Send her to me." said Pop, with a
frow n. "It won't take me long to tone
her down."
' Rut-how could he punish her, tell
me, do; when she looked at him with
her eyea o' blue? Ixwked at him In
the aame glad way that her mother
did In that far-ofr day when ahe waa
hla sweetheart, and he her beau; how
could he strike her. I'd like to knowT
Hut still he Jook her upon his knee,
and at once was lost In a revery that
carried him back to a shady atreet and
a little maid whom he used to meet, a
blue-eyed maid, whose counterpart
now aat on hla Vneo with a beating
heart, waiting for him to forget those
daya and punish her for her willful
"Mom"' peeped In through the half
closed door, they were playing "Jucka"
on the parlor floor, playing "Jacka"
jand quarreling, too, Just aa two child
ren are apt to do. She frowned. It
was more than half caress "I will
have to punish them both, I guess."
Friendly Bible Clasa of Presbyterian
Church Making Plana.
The Friendly Rlhlo Class, a class
organisation In the Presbyterian
church, will give Ita second annual
banquet In tha parlora of the Presby
terlsn church Monday evening, Feb-1
ruary 20. In addition to a good feed
for the occasion there will be an In
teresting program gTven, bnt that la
not completed aa yet and will be an
nounced later. . !
The committee who will have the
matter In charge la making careful
pna for an enjoyable oocaalon. I
ing the work to a speedy completion.
There Is prospect of having the build
ing ready for occupancy before the
end of the school year next June, but
there Is ample time to prepare the
structure for the reception of the high
school students next September. 4ad
weather, coupled with the failure of
World Champion Billiard Player, Who
Retired, Holda Unparalleled Record.
Willie TIope, theposL. Biurveloua
billlunllxt of generations, champion at
the 1H 1 and 18.2 balk line game, has
announced hla retirement from profea
alonal bllllarda. He will become a
'partner of bla ' futher-ln-la w, Thomas I
W. Wahth. a wealthy clothier of New
In doing ao Hopiie sacrifices a aalarr
of $5,tX)0 year he hna been receiving
from the manufacturers of billiard
table and an Income from billiard
matches of about $20.0)10 a year. He
has been receiving $.V)0 for every ex
hibition In addition to tbe gate re
ceipts, a big percentage of which went
to him. - Ills custom waa to bet YM
In every match, and be haa been a
conalateot winner.
Willie Hoppe has been playing bil
liards sine be waa twelve yeara old.
At that time bla father, Frank Hoppe,
took him and bis younger brother.
Frank Hoppe, Jr.. around tbe country
giving exhibition. It was u eceaa ry
for the boys to xtnud oti aoap boxes la
order to over the top of ubles and
make Hhot. Willie became known as
the "boy wonder."
When still lu bin teens he went to
Paris and defeated Maurice Vlguaut.
recognized at that time aa (be "old
master" of billiards. Uy thla feat he
attracted International attention. On
hla return to New York he waa chal
lenged by George Slosson. known as
"the Student." lie defeated Sloeson
decisively In a match game In New
From that time Willie Uoppe has
been known as tbe greatest billiard
player In the world. He baa defeated
such experts as Harry Kline of Phila
delphia, George . Sutton and Calvin
leuiarest of Chicago. Albert O. Cutlar
of Ronton and Ora Momlngstar of
New York.
Uoppe Is tho only bllltardlst who
ver held the 13.1 and 1S.2 billiard
cbaiuploiiHhlps at the aame time. On
Dec. 27 Hoppe appeared at the White
House at the Invitation of President
Taft and gave an exhibition of bil
liards for the entertainment of the
president and hla oflldal family.
Will Hav Thirty Hors Belonging to
Whitney on Foreign Turf Thi Year.
Andrew Jiickson, Joyner will train
thirty-six horses for Hsrry Payne
Whitney In England this year. Theae
thoroughbreds ara wintering well at
Mr. Whltney'a establishment. Balaton
Lodge, and joyner thinks they will cut
a big figure In winning some of the
lasslce on the British turf.
Columbia Abandons Lacrot.
Lacrosse bss been abandoned at Co
lumbia owing to the little Interest
ahown by the students In It. and the
northern division of the lntercolleglata
league baa been notlfled of the da
clslon. ,
Too Esrly for Him. a
A city chap went to work for a far
mer out In one of the Watrn coun
tlea of Kanaaa recently. As O'clock
the next morning the farmer called to
nlm to begin the dAyVItftora. A faw
minutes later tbe yonrlg man came
out of tha bedroom carrying bla grip.
V- y.
the original contractors to complete
their work, haa made It Impoasible to
finish the building before the Summer
months. . The ulumblnir and brick
work, aa well aa the electric wiring la
Dracllcally complete and the heating
plant Is now being Installed by the W.
O. McPherson Co., of Portland.
"You ain't a-goln' to take that grip
with you to work air you?" asked the
"Naw," answered the man with a
fine scorn, "but I'm goln' to find some
place to stay all night!"
Veteran Driver Require Two Month
to Assort Groan Campaignera.
Year after year tbe veteran trainer
Ed (I'op) Geers is seen on tbe grand
circuit, and year after year hla name
la found either at tbe top or close to
tbe top of tha leading money winners.
. Tbe reputation of a trainer when
once establlsnea means aa mucn to
him In making the going easier there
after aa In any Una of business, and aa
a result for years Mr. Oeera baa bad
the pick of a large field of borsea from
which to aelect his stable.'
Mr. Ceera baa a ayatem of training
of bis own, and that it la a good one a
glance at tbe records will show.' At
the close of each racing season Mr.
Geem return to Memphis. There he
gives tbe hones be exiiects to rsce the
following season two months' stiff
work. ,
It is then that the grand old man of
trotting beglna searching tbe green
csmpslgners tnxhl stable to find out
which of them are worth staking and
which are counterfeits, lie generally
reaches Memphis' abottt the middle of
Octol)cr, and the middle of December
tbe young stake rsndldntes are put
through a thorough test
During this time It Is always Inter
eating to boreempn throughout tbe
country to know what the develop
ments at Memphis are. HlHtory shown
what a good judge of n horse Gcer
Is. Seldom does he mnke a mistake
siring up a horse hblllty. and as soon
aa be puta bis stamp of approval on
Photo by American 1T Aoclatlon.
a trotter the horse fraternity knowa
that horse has u fair chance of win
ning In every nice lie In eutered.
Lust jeur nUiut tills time tbe tip
was sent out from Memphis that Du
die Archdale and The Abl were stake
candidate thnt would be mighty dan
gerous In 1010. That uo uilstuko was
ninde bv the veteran trainer In his
estimation of both equities Is proved
bv tbe fact thnt Dutlle Anbdale was
the largest money w lulling trottpr ofj
tho nnst seuson. while The Abbe gain
ereil In the bulk of the money the
pacers raced for.
Since the past rnclng season closed
Gcers has worked five green trotters
In 2;10, and he hns two more at Mem
phis that could bare trotted that fast,
ao It looka as If the Geef string In
1911 would te a hummer.
ftaventh Annual Regatta to Bo Hold
March 14 to 17.
Tha Palm Beach Power Boat "B80-'
elation has decided upon March 14. 15,
10 and 17 as the dsya for holding their
seventh annual regatta for high speed
motorboats and offers for each race of
tho res-atta a suitable prize, lu addi
tion to the special prtxee for tbe en
durance race, tbe speed 'record rsce
and the contest for Florida designed
and constructed boats. Tbe endurance
race, which haa become a classic, will
be held on Friday. March 17. and there
will be many etartera for the coveted
Palm Beach grand prtae of 12.500.
Lalolo'a Oroat laHIng RoOord.
.In the fourteen yeara Larry Lajale
has played in tbe big show h t
batted under JOO oaJy twice.
SEMITE RO 9 fill
Senator Ilarrett Introduced a road
bill at Salem Saturday, which la very
different from others that ara up for
consideration and It conforma In a
measure to the present conditions In
road making. Its principal soot Ions
read :
Section 1. The election precincts
In the several counties 'In this State
are hereby declared to be road dis
tricts snd each county court within
said State shall, for road purposes,
cauae a deacrlption of the aarne to be
entered upon the county recorda and
each election precinct hereinafter cre
ated by any county court under the
law kball thereby become a road dis
trict; provided, however, that all the
territory within any Incorporated
town or city shall be deemed and re
garded aa one road district, and ex
empt from the operation 'hereof.
Section 2. At the general election
In 1912 and every two yeara there
after there shall be elected in each
election precinct In thla State a road
supervisor who shall be a resident of
said precinct, and who shall hold of-
ce ror two years, or umu nia suo-
cessor shall have been eieciea ana
qualified, and aald road supervisor
shall, under direction of the county
court of said county, have charge of
the roads In the road district Included
within the election precinct wherein
he has been chosen.
On nearly every farm, aummer ap
ples have had a place since very early
days, and -varieties have been devel
oped extending the aeason of apple
production over the entire aummer, as
well aa autumn. While aa a rule this
fruit has been grown for family con
sumutlori. tbe surplus haa found Ita
war to market. The market decline
In the production of peachea within
the past few years haa brought about
a considerable extension of the early
apple Industry on a commercial acale,
which extension hss been most margea
a the Middle Atlantic states, where
especially advantageous transportation
routes, both rail and water, and "tne
proximity of large markets have stim
ulated the enterprise, which has. Its
center In tbe truck-producing region
near Philadelphia, .
Building boom la on aa It never .was
before. The new Davis building is
going up with a big gang of carpenters
and when complete will be occupied
as a saloon. Junker hall has been
moved to Main street and a front put
lh. Mr. Junker also haa a big force
of carnentera at work putting np a
new business building to be used ror
a confectionery ar.d billiard hall.
riarkamaa County Bank haa tne
lumber on the ground for a bank
L. E. Hoffman will erect a new moat
market; the present one la too small
to accommodate hla big business.
John Maronay has purchased sever
al lota In Melnlg'a addition and will at
once erect a handsome dwelling there
P. T. Shelley haa carpenters at work
erecting a bungalow on Proctor ave
Mt. Hood Railway Co. la advertising
for the clearing of right of way for
their live wire from power house west
acrosa the Sandy River coming in on
Hood View road, lust west of town
Many strangers in town looking ior
land-- man v staving to maKeineir
homea among us.
A lively fight took place at liuiirun
among laborers ana several victim
with badly bruised faces appearea De
fore Justice Shelley, trying to get
their troublea mended.
The basket aoclal and entertain
mAnt wa a hla auccess both financial
lv and socially. Everybody enjoyed
the program and especially the beau
tiful haakets Drovlded by me lauiea,
filled with so many delicious eatables.
The highest priced basket brought
$9.75. A total of 177.25 was tha net
nroceeds of the enienainmeui. noiu
er entertainment and also subscrip
tion list will be circulated to raise the
balance asked for the Sandy commer
cial Club publicity fund.
Electric Hotel
411 Mala, tetweta 4th, in" Stk Ml.
J. J. TOBIN, Proprietor.
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of the homes In Oregon
City and Clackamas county the
management haa decided to
mrffce a special price for the
dally Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber pays
a year In advance.
By carrlor, paid a year In
advance, 13.00.
By mall, paid a year In ad
vance, $2.00. ,
People who gave our canvaa
eer a trial subscription for oue
or more months, at ten centa a
week, can have the dally deliv
ered for a year for $300 by
paying a year In advance.
People who gave our canvaa
aer a trial aubscrlptlon, by
mall, for four monthB at a dol
lar, may have the paper for a
year for $2.00. If paid a year In
to the Weekly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the dally, re
ceiving credit for nali time on
the dally, that, the weekly, la
' paid In advance. When they
choose to add cash to the ad
vance payment equal .to a fu"
year'a advance payment iter
may take advantage of tbe $2
rate. -
We make thla apeclal price
ao that people who have paid
In advance on aome other dally
and wlah to take the Morning
Enterprise, may do ao without
too great epense.
Notices u4r rhato tlmJjtm
will tw laaorieO m otia osa a wra i A
InevrtlMi, Mali a 3s aadtlWtaaJ sU
tiona. One Inch card. It aor asoattki kalf
kK'l card. ltnav l Pr ntofrtftt
rash auiat aoaoaapkJtK orfcr "
h an optn account with to lr. N
financial rtKMs4llRy for rrors whero
error occur free corrected nolle Will b
printed tor patron. Minimum ttiarw ISO.
VIVIA D. ASHMIIN will be at th
Electric Motel Parlora "Wadneaday
and Thursday to teach Health,
beauty and Art. Lad lea call and
aee her.
WANTED One lady to
city. Call on Vlvla D
Electric Hotel Parlor
canvas thf.
Ashmun at
WANTED Small advertisements for
thla column. Prlcea very reSson
able. See ratea at bead of column.
FOR 8ALE Six pigs, alx weeka old;
also two brood sows. Inquire of O.
M. May, opposite Harris' sawmill.
FOR SALE laapan of mara and har
nesa, weight 2300, age 9 yeara.
Price 250. Phone or address J. E.
M alloy. Heaver Creek.
Notice For Bid.
NOTICE la hereby given that aealed
bids fof the furnishing all labor and
material for Improving Center
atreet. Oregon City, Oregon, from
tbe northerly line of Eleventh street
to tbe north line of Alley parallel
with Eleventh atreet. a distance of .
142 feet, will be received by the Re-j
cordor ' of Oregon City, until "4
o'clock p. m. of 28th day of Febru- ;
ary, 1911. Plana and apeclflcatlons
containing further Information and
the kind of Improvement to be made
will be furnished upon application
to aald City Recorder. , ,
Each bid must be accompanied
by a certified check for a sum equal
to Ave per centum of tho - total
amount of the bid. which sum will
be subject to forfeiture to Oregon
City In case of the failure of the
successful bidder herein to furnish
the required bonds and enter Into
a written contract for aald work. If
called upon ao to do, within the
time apeclfled for the same In tbe -Ordinance
providing for aald atreet
Improvement. .'
, Proposals , must be made upon
blanks furnished by Oregon City.
The right to reject any or all blda
or to accept any bid considered
most favorable to Oregon City la
hereby reserved.
Each proposal must state tbe time
required for the completion of the
entire Improvement work of aald
, street, which Improvement work ,
must be done according to the Ordi
nance of Oregon City and the Chai
ter thereof, and the plana and apecl
flcatlons governing said work.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the City Council of
Oregon City made and entered at a
special meeting thereof held, Janu
ary 24th, 1911.
Date of the first publication Feb
ruary 14th, 1911.
Date of the last publication, Feb-
' ruary 21st, 1911. -
Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estlmatee , cheertuuy
given on all classes of . building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111. .
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, , Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates- settled, gen
eral law business.. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U'REN A. SCHUEBEU Attorneya-at-Law,
Deutscher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, make collectlona
and settlementa. Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
DR. L. G. ICE. DENTIST Rooma 4,
5 and 6 Beaver building. Main St.,
Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198
and Pacific Statea 1221.
MONEY LOANED We are acquaint
ed with the value of all farm lands
In Clackamaa County and can loan
your money on good safe security.
Farm loana made one, two and three
. . . . . . .
years at 7 per cent Aosiracio m
title examined. DIMlCK & DIM1CK,
Lawyers, Andresen Hldg., Oregon
City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles Investigated,- conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon' City.
75 acre tract good land,- no rocks, 8
miles from Oregon City, 1V4 miles
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. Cut into 7 and 14 acre tracts,
$100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill &'Co., Room , Beaver
Bldg., Oregon Cltv.
E. H. COOPBR, For Fire Insurance
and Real Eatate. Let ua handle
your 'propertle we DUy( geu and
exchange. Office In Enterprise.
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, have cnoice bargains
In farm landa, city and ubnrban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. Bum ne for goosl bay.
Near S. P. dTot.
many TIMES you can bay Juat tne)
article you want. Inat aa good a
new, at a small fraction at Wav toe ,
of new, If you go and aee YOCTK3 . j
the aecond Band mam. Hla coHen." ,
than contain. Nare? and Seoond Hand '
JNtrnttuire, JyttJTotoi
etc. ee?Wa; 'K'-fcolt M&L to ,j
Inquire. , . . '4
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