Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 14, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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E. BKODIC, Id'tee and Pyblleher.
Application mad tor Mcond el prlvl.
"teg at th PtocTc at Othw City.
Or(vn. under th Act f Congr ef
.Marc . 1I7. r . .
On Tear, by nail J JJ
rl Monlha. b eiall .. .... 1
our M.wtha, by mall....
Pw wa. by carrier
rrmt Pa. P ' rirt tnaartkm. .. .lto
Ftr Pair. ar Inch aid InaarUooa. .10
ITferrr! aoattUm any pas. . par Inch
flrat Inaertton ,-,6f
Preferred poeulun aay P Inch
added lirton -ISe
Run paper other- than flrat pa, pr Inch
flrat IwwrrthMI -,J
Run paper Mher than flra pa, par tneh
addrd Inaertlona. . ...T.SC
Locals lAo per lln; to regular dvr
tir c Una.
- 'Want. For Sat. To Rot. ete.. on
eant a word flrat kiaarUon; raw-half cent
tach additional.
Rate for Bdverttatng In the Weekly
Entrprtr will' b in Bam aa In the
aalW.' lor advrtleinrnt art,) especially
for U weekly. Whc the d'Vrrtiaenient
ta transferred from th dally to the week
ly, without cha. th rat will b to
an mch for run f h paparad lea an
Inch for special position.
Caab ahouM accompany order where
party I unknown In bualneaa ofTtc of
th Enterprise. ...
Jal advertising at feral advertising
Clrcua advertising and apadal transient
advrtialn at r&c co c an men, ikv
Ins to apeclal condition governing th
O.UM m-A Hankrunt Bale" adrer-
tlaementa Jtc Inch ftrat Inerttlon; addi
tional Insertion aama matter !o Inch.
New Heme and well wrtfen article
of merit, with Interest to local reader,
will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu
acrlDta nerer returned unlea accompan
ied by atamoattf prepay ixanr..
- President Taft seems to have taken
.his stsnd In favor of temperance. If
one may Judge by his letters sent to
3000 Sunday schools.
- i r
Poor Ignorant Chlna. She won't
permit of proper sanitation and will
not listen to Incineration; yet all the
time 99 per cent of her cholera vic
tims are dying.
With the wintr blowing eighty miles
an hour at the mouth of the Columbia
people In Oregon City who had a few
drops of water blown oftUhelr cheeks
Sunday had nothing to complain of.
" The coroner's Jury will try to find
out why It was that the motorman
started the car across the bridge in
Portland that ran awey last week and
killed one and Injured several others.
What about that electric railway
" into the Molalla country? Will you
sleep while this road slips through
your fingers? Remember, the State
Capitol was once located tn this city,
and it got away.v .,
The latest rumor front Salem is that
OlVturr l LrTJ iuuivsiivi v
port made favoring a raise tn his sal-
- t
ary. Is this .hypnotism, or were the
charges trumped np by some one who
had been dlsgrurtfled with defeat?
The man who stayed at home from
church1 Sunday night In Oregon City
should work up a little blush when he
reads that the wind was blowing
about eighty miles at Astoria, and no
- ne very scared at that.
: e
Few men ever called forth the honv
- age ' that has been given to Lincoln
this year, which seems to have In
creased over any previous year. There
, vras big gathering In Salem Sunday
to do homage to bis name, while In
t all the churches here there wss more
or let of reference to his work or
his life.
It looks at this date as If this legis
lature would appropriate about six and
a half millions at the present session.
Residents of Hannibal,- Mo., Are
Preparing to Honor Mark Twain
- -ip.--
&i UBL. if
ts. Vv 2a
4r-. ' l"l"1l"ll" - U -
j1?" a M,-.
v. ... oiBiincuiaDca citizen, by dedicating a park
to Ills memory and by turnlna- hla oM . '
- - '" imw a frr uia urui monu
ment and museum. Ths horn la not ,.t .
7 - - wutu Tamil DfVCUUUiniT,
though It U In a fair state of preservation. A movement 1 already unW
way, fostered by the Commercial club of HannlbaL for ths purchase of the
house and lot, which was visited by Mr. Clemens only few years before bis
death. Tbe Commercial club has also recently purchased, eighteen acres of
land Just south of tbe city, which. Includes the bluff known m "Lorer Leap"
and a bslf Bill of picturesque scenery, .' Tbe genial humeaist often declared
that when he was tsken to Hannibal at the age of four the bluff was merely
mole bill, and be saw It grow as be grew. Levers' Leap la bow 206 fast
high, end It commands a msgnlflcent view of tbe Mlsslsalppl river above and
' below Hanultttl. A bill has been Introduced In tbe Missouri legislsture appro
priaUng $10,000 for tbe erection of a monument to Twain In flsnnlbsL The
Commercial rrub has promised to deed, the riverside property to the city aa
perpetual part. There Is every indication that tbe bill will be passed and
that Ml. tbws will honor the .moat distinguished literary man the state
fcas prodiKd, Ssmul L. Clemens wss born In Florida, a Uttle town OS Salt
river about thirty mil from HannlbaL .
Perhaps the cause ar worthy and
meritorious, but In any rent If ww
ar appropriated that moans they are spent and one cant spend bis
money and keep It, too; and tn the
case of the Individual be can't spend
It unless he has Jt t . '
ExPrealdent Roosevelt finally broke
his silence, and when he did eo hi
fi rat utterance ea on the side of the
people and. against old methods
through which many evils can be set
In motion. He Is in favor of abolish
ing the antiquated electoral college
the machinery the old Revolutionists
put Into the system of government In
fear that the man who had won the
victory In the Revolutionary War
might get too much of a say In govern
mental matters.
The suit of Proctor ft Beers, of
Sandy, vs. H. J. Pulfer. C. C. Shay
and the S. P. H. Lumber Co. was on
trial Monday in the Circuit Court and
will be continued Tuesday. R. A.
Booth, assignee of the S. P. H. Lum
ber Co.. which is Insolvent, la' maJe
a tlefBudant
It is charged that September 24.
lft8. Proctor & Beers contracted with
P"l'er ft Shay for the sale of a saw.
mill, bunkhouses, etc.. and the umber.
exe-pt the cedar, on land In township
1 south, range east The contract
wag transferred by Pulfer A Shay to
the S. P. H. Lumber. Co., and the as
signee now claims all the refuse Um
ber, said to be valued at $6000.
Proctor A Beers contend this refuse
Is not fit for milling or lumbering
purposes and seek to reform the con
tract and to enjoin the lumber com
pany from logging oif the refuse from
the land. Cross A Hammond and Al
Mendenhall appear for Proctor A
Pacific University May Become More
Modest, It Is Said.
Prof. Shlppee, professor of history
in Pacific University at Forest Grove,
spoke on "Christian Education" at the
Congregational church Sunday even
ing. He told the story of the ambi
tions of those good people who rounJ
ed Pacific University, and of their
dreams of making It a great unlver
slty. But times had changed in the
last quarter century, he said, and it Is
the small and personally directed col
lege rather than the big university
that Is doing the better personal work
and It Is the ambition of the wiser
men at Pacific University to see that
college doing strong personal work.
With that In view the school baa It In
mind to change the name to Marsh
College. In token of honor to Its flrtt
president. The announcement of the
change In name may be made public
at any time. '
Legislature Not Relieved.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.)
H. B. 28 By McKinney, whereby
county courts would have been given
authority to increase or reduce the sal
arles of county officers, was killed by
indefinite postponement this morning.
This wss the last of the general bills
attempting to secure a general law on
the regulation of salaries of county of
ficers, and the legislature will be left
to deal with them as It has in the past.
Electric Hotel.
The following are those who have
registered at the Electric Hotel: J.
L Byron, OH Creek; John Shlpp, Er
erett. Wash.; W. Wheeler, A. Guerler,
Fred Heilman, Canby; C. A. Carlson,
La Conner, Wksh.; Theodore. Need
ham, St. Helens; J. Wolfer. Portland;
Mr. Lovegrow and wife. Portland; L
B. Lop pit and wife. Forest Grove; J.
L Hammond. Mount Angel; J. L
Phelps. Molalla; H. W. Phillips, D .W.
Uptegrove. Hoqulam. Wash.: G. L.
Uptegrove, J. E. Mum power, C. F.
t Taylor, O. Raney, Hattle Bowman, F,
! H. Relllng.
I t. . w; . ' Jr I
Preparing to recognise the grtnea.
Tpa yT&r4Mp, J
Mijor Geortfe O. Squier His
Invented Multiple Telephone
"j J T -.71
i! Jrr.JCSr T r..
- m mm " j
- i-'V
h 0
... t.t
r T. 'i V r'''- '''''
L - i in i i i ir i
s.' -i'A,' .-.-ViJ i-MeA
- Cosxrtghl y Amarican Praae AsaocUUon
Tja ft AJOR GEO ROE O. SQUIER. ssslsUnt chief slgnsl offlcer of the
fj United States srniy. hss InvenWd a multiple system ef telephoning
by which It U pessJble for two, four or perhaps a score of persons
talk over the same wire at the same time without Interfering
with one another or causing any mUlng In messages. The system that Major
"ouler has Invented Is somewket slmllsr to thst successfully used for some
years by telegrsph lines. But the dlmcnltlee of telephoning have been greater
thaa those of telegraphing, and efforts to spply the principles to the telephone
have heretofore proved unsuccessful, though many inventors bsve pussled
their brslfs ovsr It. Major Sjnler In announcing bis success ssld thst be hsd
tK. nmhUm while working for the people end that the inventloa be-
loncd to the people and that he would
. 1
not patent It with any view of gelalnr'
The Kind
Our New Steel Die Embossing
Oregon City
In the front rank of the
The o'clock car to IVirtland Batur
day night was the scene of disturb
ance near illadston In which Melvln
Young waa kicked from the ear, the
conductor knocked off the car and a
commotion started that gave he pas
.nv.r not a Utile unesslneHS. It
seems that Young and his friends
were bound for Parkplace, whrre there
a dancn In nronroaa. and had
Karni1 th car to make the Journey
Young had been drinking some and
wa inclined to have a Utile fun with
thn .conductor over the collection of
the fare. This tne conuuetor rearm
Vnmi ltalil his fare.
Young and a frlcna or nis corroni-
ates the slory says mat wno n
alighted from lh car at Gladstone,
tih.Mii anv mamma ana mnT i
r.rM Ktiiaivl had bMMmo a closed In
ri,ii.t h. waa slven a strong kirk
from l.chlnd b the conductor, linock
I... ..ft kla hat and scintilla' him to
the ground. &nlth was Just behind
the conductor who had no sooner
wlihdrswn his feet from the kick than
Mmiih at riu-k him. knocking him to
the ground also. A rough and tumble
waa btisun bv Smith and the eonduo
tor on the ground when Smith got- a
good hold and the conductor gave uo
the atruggle and wnen reieaara rr
t..m.H m his car. Young says at no
time did he hi' the conductor, or offer
to strike him thst his folly was con
" i ... i..iivinj th conductor over
hla fare
The conductor at once reported the
matter to the officers of the company
at Portland. Officers were put on
the case and the services of Itanuty
Sheriff Miles secured. Miles and an
officer of the company went to the
dance at Parkplace and found the
young men in attendance Smith and
Young were placed uncicr arrest anu
brought to thla city. They were re
leased on their own tocognlxance on
promise to appear In Justice Samson s
court at U o'clock Monday morning
Youn aimcared before Hamsoii
Mondav and that official appointed
Tuaadav at 10 a. m. as the time for
hearing the rharge of assault placd
against him. Young says be csn prove
ha at no time strurk tne conductor
Smith failed to appear and It la aald
he has left the Stat and win not ap-
noar for trial. The story is Deing cir
Ciliated thst Smith said that as he
had been un fr dlf turret charges In
the past he would not take a chance
of what Justice Samson would do to
hlra but would leave the country and
stsy awsy.
Cunld's Dart Hits Sis.
Licenses to marry were issued Mon
dsv to Jennie Anderson and George
W. Mapea, Ida' Straight and W.
Simpson, Ruth C. Jacks and C.
Thnmann Mlaa Jacks Is IS years
age and Thomson Is 19. and both of
the young people obtained the consent
Fer fine shoe repairing go to
' Work dene while yeu welt.
Otr Mottot Satisfaction Goarntcd
C. SCHOENHEINZ, Pfoprictot
716 Main Bat- Sixth and Seventh. ,
D. 0. LATOURrTTB Presldeot T. J. MRYUt, Caiy
CAPITAL, ftftO.000.00.
TransesU a 0eersl snhleg uslnee..
of their parents to the, marriage.
Mountain yiew Cemetery at the
" Hands of Msny Friends.
The funersl services over the re
mains or Itlley Moultun were neld al
the family home at Kern Itldge on
Sunday afternoon at S o'chick. Ilev.
8. A- Hay worth, pastor of tbe First
IUpllst church officiating.-A - quar
tette from the fit. Tsui's Episcopal
church vesti choir rendered "Rock
of Ages" and "Abide With Me." At
the Mountain View cemetery the Mes
ons hsd charge of th services
The Interment wss In the Maaonlc
plut. Msny friends of the family at'
tended the service at the houao and
at the cemetery. Tbe floral orterings
wrre msgnlflcent end many. The
nallbcarrrs were from the Masonic
order and were William Gardner. Livy
Stlpu. Dr. T. K. Heard. C. W. Kvana,
Ernest P. Rands. John Humphrys.
Canby Markets.
(Reported bv Gordon Uros. Co.)
GRAINS Wheat selling ,1. corn
) am TO WE im
m feet Your Homo
S 1 1 1 J Correct an J
' ? Jtilr "'',t'c Decoration at
3 TTftJfiL Moderate Cott.
, Kenry Bosch Compaity's
'l k IVall Papers
''i Tark CMeage
W TJl, For tht 6ion ef Nine-
ILMci. tcen-elrven rrprtarnt th
ATT b"t lh Wo,'J ,'of,,,
'' 3 Sxaale ot tkea u roar ft-
Ti!h7i avara aa4 aaa Mlraait. ! -
jTiiTjS "' TVtia U a ImIm m
' 'liiLi1 '. ,
- riti el C4 ta t44t !
rrSC'uV '"'' ! tiMailM.
1. CO cwt. oats 11.40. raying $1.30
cash for oats at this time. Ilran
brings 85c ssck, shorts $1.25, middlings
$1.85, barley 11.15. Flour Is selling at
$5 the barrel.
CHICKENS Springers bring 17c
and are In good damand, hens 17c,
old roosters 12c, young roostera 15c,
Turkeys are quotable at 20c, ducks
20c and geese 13c.
MEATS Dressed pork Is selling at
11 He at this time and the same Is be
ing paid in trade; lOHo Is paid In
ensh. Vest selling 14Vc and paying
13V4c cash. Iiacon and -ham sells at
20c, shoulder 17c, lard commands 13a.
Fit TJIT3 Applet command 85b bo,
dried 5c to 8c pound, prunes 60 to Co.
POTATO ES Potatoes sell at $1.45,
with $1.25 best cash offer. Seed stock
commands $105, cssh 95c.
HAY Clover hay commends $12.50
cash, oat hay $14.50, wheat hay $14.60,
timothy $17.60, mixed $12.
EGOS Market none too strong at
28o. .
Oregon City Quotations.
Market conditions are not much
changed the past week In many lines,
but In lines nearly exhausted there
are upward tendencies that are
The trade la greatly Interested In
the" success of the Oregon City Fruit
and Produce Union, chiefly for what
Try the Clasxifed Columns of tt
3000 RtuUtu Djafly
The ssvlno hsblt rssulr., --
mined ewlllvatlen. but vhn wall
ed. rera fast. Its reward, ,e, ,Tr
and strtaln. . "
i can start the saving hsblt
..... ...-.. .n BH( ,m .
The Bank of Oregon City
Oeen frem I a. M. te I a
(he Union, will be sbl to do la ami
for belter grading of farm tmZ
la the past there has been Uttit
V"mpt " made to prupcrty pii id
pack fruits ana vegetnblvs and
sequence merchants hav oft,
forced to go outside of the But tt,
wishing good produce from t faiiat
to pack and not from lark of 4
stock rslsed.
APPIJC8 The apple market m gs
firm with large stock aim o u(
)mand Is gtMid wllb rlrs trtiaa,
to $1.
I'OTATOES No chant a
but a tendency to a Bttrrnlng a
mand. Good stock shirk li g
shipped In from lack of car la loraa
and packing of home stock-Mai
$1 50. While there Is some local sat
offered It Is not what ctn b eosa
ered first claas and lrs dealartsi
buying outside for tbidr bt tnk
VEaETAnLKS onmns ir ij'
at 2e pound; carrots, parsnips isl b 1
nips plaoty with selling price Ml'
sack; beets 2 bunches for 10c; a
of all kinds but market free. Csbke'
and celery all California stnrka I
rijOUK The Inclination u
wsrd In sympathy w'th ht, r4
I off one rent a bushel. Uril flat
$5 IS, hard wheat brand ll.M. )
CORN Belling $1 ton rbaipera
Ing rates $1 65 to $1.75 hundrei hi
about earns prices bran ISe, Bat
$1.25. barley $1.20. Ther Is I
decllna In quotation though
that Is noticeable.
HAY Merchants oarlnc III k
clover, $17 for timothy, an! Ill k
oat hay; selling alfalfa for in It
Plenty of hay to meet drmtaitmn
II UTTER Shows a Uttle i
and a whnlng In dasaW Rk.
goods atlll command 75d rrVstM
grades cannot hold up to nsratar'
tatlona. Cheese shows oe i
but about holds Its own.
EGOS Have mad another i
and are up 4c In price over lutsr
Hons. The tone of the market lii
firmer and th good stock eoeat
33e. .1
11EAN8 The market for ksutl
very stiff and the price rising. Ur
shlDmenU of stocks stored II H
countries are being shipped I
York, and their return mural I
profit to those who have tbsaai
HONEY Stock all used i.
white honey on the market;
very stiff and prices very high.
MEATS Dressed pork Is brt
lie to 12c for choice. Veal cobsS
124c to 13c. mutton 9c to 10e,Mi
POULTRY No demand forts"
er fowls; chickens 14c and ipr
will bring 16c. Only modenttl
mand. J
Hope The bop market Is bene:
firmer and It la believed that
who hold for. the outside AP"".
get It. NJ great movement J
Salt Liverpool .!
Stock aalt. grouna, tw -i
Cure Your Rheuma
(The House ef Efficiency-
Railroad & Navigate
a1t- - A . -I ftlAlAlaanod (Of
onua roilliu-inp ---mnntl..
llnwlnir 1C00 W0m
accommodation at he
rlutn. at Portlsnd ans
O.-W. R. N. BtstloW
Tor rther Information
tralaH KnnblAt. addreiS V'
Phy, Medical Supt. ana ,
Lake, Oregon, any 0 .. (
Agent, or write to , J
General Pasenlfr