Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1911)
v.'ifonuiKo niiTwir-nioo. gunday, February 12, mi. ih H 0 V.'-' Self playing mualcal Instrument!, such As arc sold by Eller Music Hons-, arc becoming almost perfect la tbelr rendition of music, not only for the piano, but equalling In tone quallflcatlona the mnalo pro duced by large banda and orcbestrss. We publish, herewith a picture of a large Orcheatral, eelf-pUylng Electric Piano recently InaUlled by Mr. B. C. Brooks, of the Electrto Theatre, Mr. nrooka- having recently purcbaeed the name from the Ellers Music House In order to pro vliln the very best of mualcal entertainment for hla numerous pat ron. " - - 0. LOCAL DRICrS Kuarne CuminTn'a7orTJIairkea7warrnn 'OP'gcn City rrtday, Ijuio-r for aale 75o at 8ely', K. I'sfkard. of Maple Lane, waa In Oregon City Friday. Today la the laat of the 0. E. con vention lp Ashlrnd, Oregon. Dr. tlcorg Hoey, Dontlst Caw .field nisay Oregon City W. K. Stephens, of Keiao, Waan., baa bn In thla city on bualneaa. j. (iruiamlller, of Shnbel, waa In Oregon CltX 00 tmalneaa Friday. Stock of new piano Just received by A. H Sturgle, 401 gevealh streeL Flout hard wheat Flour 1.40 a sack at lUKttnr A Bon's, Bfventh. street 8. M. Fells waa In Oregon City Frt dy, and reglatered at the Electric hotel. II K. iinylea, of Molalla, has re-turni-l to hla home after a few days In thU rlty on business. W. W. I'rt, f Iowa, baa purchased (k Nvlwin place In Qladatona, buying throuxh the agency of Freytag A Bwaf ford. Uwrmr Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. U Hull, of Gladatone, who Is very 111 with pneumonia, la slightly Im proved. . '. ' The estate of M-a." Henrietta Capen as admitted to probate Saturday. Edwin j. capen was named aa admin istrator. C. W Noblltt, oa Of the pioneers of Clackamas county, la 'very III at Uuuw ut-hU daughter, Mr..M J.1 Morslaod. C. Moehnke, one of the well known farnwira ot Heaver Creek, was In this city Friday having brought In a load of grain. P. Ledman. one of the prominent residents and strawberry growers of CUcinmaa. wae In Oregon City on builni-as Saturday. r. W. McLaren, of Wllholt, owner and manager of the summer resort In that place, waa In Oregon City Friday oa a bualneas trip. - Pbll Graves, of Mackaburg. one of the well known residents of that part of the county, was tranaactlng bust ' nes In Oregoa City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson " have -tmvi"d Into their new bom at Moun taliNVIew. This place was recently purchased of J. W. Gerber, who has moved to Portland. Mrs. II. O. Insltew. of Carat; who has resided at that place for many year, has purchased a houae and., lot on Ninth and Madison streets, and will make her home In thla city. JiiHtlcs Samson performed the eerw - roony Saturday, February Ur anltlng In mnrrtage J. W. Long and Mrs. 8. A. Ilalley. Doth are Oregon City peo ple and live In Kansaa City. The Queens of Avaloa will give a Valentine social In the Presbyterian church parlors Mondsy evening. There will be a regular program and a good time Is promised all who at- tend. Mr. and Mr. Wheeler Church, who recently sold their place at Gladstone, have purchased two more lots snd havs decided to build a home. The " contract haa already been awarded, and the work will commence at one, P. C. Ryan, of Portland, father of Mrs. F- c. nrooka. of this city, who was stricken with a naralytla atrok last Sunday. Is sllahtlr Improved. Mr. Ryan Is at th horn ot another daugh ter, Mrs. I. A. Peterson, wlf of Con tractor Peteraon. The members of Company O, Third Regiment, Oregon National Guards, will atimid Bt Paul's Episcopal church Milt afternoon at I o'clock in a body. jus Rod Mn and th Degr of Pocvl hontas will attend church at St PauW the evening service today. It Wouldn't Pay tb Advertise A Poor Nor proposition f doubtful msrlt r honesty for ad-rsadsr. nowadsys, srs DISCRIMINATING. Thsy knew vstuss hsy knew GENUINE things, gsnuin opportunltlss. Any srtlols which csn b old by advsrtlslnfl Is, by that tat, a i 000D article. YOU ar safs In buying a thing which ha tod h fir f publicity." ' , I ". . Th msitsr e'f a widsly advrtlssdar1lol, or "commodity, I si syt on trlsl for his buslnsss llfs. H ennot shirk, nor chsspsn his product and this I th best posslbls protection for th consumsr. Vou ard SAFE In buying advertised thlngi nowadays buslnsss sondltlens. ;- The topic for dlcusslon at the Chris-- tlan Selene church this morning is "Boul." . . HmoTrTravaaOiraaE urdsy night dsnces at the Armory laat night There was th usual good at tendance. At th sorvlc of the M. E. church thla evening there will be presented for signature th temperance pledge of Abraham Linooln. Th evening toplo at th Luther League of Zlon Lutheran church will be. "Luther and Ills "Times." Miss Btaata will be tb leader. The Weat Bid schools, which were closed lsst week oa account of a case of scarlatina, are scheduled to open again on Monday. There waa one fa talltjr. Th hoya of the Congregational Bun day school will give a Valentine party In the parlors of the church on Moa dsy evening.- Who knows, there may b a Valentin there for you: better go and see. Tbtr was a dance at th Grange ball, at Park place, Saturday evening, Ith a good time for those present Th ladles of Abernathy Orange fed the gueats and Whlteman orchestra provided the mualo. It waa a lolly party of young people who gathered In Junker's hall, at Ban dy, laat night for a basket social. Th girls wer there looking their pre tlest, with basket filled with th best they could bak. Twaa jolly. At th evening service In th Con gregatlonal church Prof. 8hlppee, pro fessor of history In Pacific University, will speak and hi subject will be "Christian Education." Aa tb profes sor 1 a good spcaksr those who art tend r certain to be well repaid. . Study of Mlaalons In South Amert ea" I the topic at the meeting of the Y. P., 8. C. K. In the Preebyterlan church, at 6:4S p. m. The toplo for the Sunday school la 'Lincoln," and at the morning preaching service there III be many things concerning the life of th Great Commoner. This evening at S o'clock Com' pany G, O. N. G., will attend religious services a( St Paul's Episcopal church In a body, at which time Rev. Robin son will speak to them on a topic ap propriate to th occasion. At 7:1'' o'clock of tb same evening th Red Men and the Ladle Auxiliary to that order will be th guests of the church. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mies. Vlolt rarr.U very 111 at th horn of her parents. Mrs. Eldon Blanchard la very HI at her horn on Ninth and Jackson streets. - v Miss Ethel Retfs. of New Era, was spending th day Saturday with friends in Oregon City. Mrs. Laurs Pop Orlfflth, of Oak land, Cat., I vUltlng her parent In thla city and her alater at Portland. Mlaaea Pearl and Ruby Francis, of this city, spent Saturday and will spend Sunday In Portland with friends. Mr. William Wadley, a civil engi neer of Wisconsin U visiting hit cous in, Mrs, H. Krueger, of Jackson atreet Miss Hilda Tooie, primary teacher In th Oladston school, who haa been 111 for th paat week, U Buffering with a well developed case of meaalea. Mlsa Addle Clark, teacher of the Highland school, Portlsnd, Is In thU city visiting with her brother, John F. Clark and wire, or in west a me. Mlsa Eva Kent and little Miss May Tobln spent th day Saturday visiting friends in New Era. They were the guests of Miss Kent's brother, Ors Kent. MUs Hasel Rands, who haa been making an extended visit with rela tives In this city and at Vancouver, Wash., left for her horn at Paloua. Wssh., rrlday morning. . " . , t , . !" a.. , -. j - Article asfs th loglo of Mlsi Leila Moraland. who naa bawn til for the past week, threatened with appendicitis, I slowly Improving. Mr. Hubbard Swafford. who la sin- ploy sd In th office at th Wlllamstts Pulp Paper Co., Is quit 111 being a sufferer from grip. Mr. Allen Adams, who haa been con fined to his horn with grip Is now suf fering from.' an abscess In his right esr, but hopes tber will soon b a turn for th better. Mr. Earl LatouretU. a student of the University of Oregon, will leave today to resume bis studies, after vis iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Latonrett. Miss Elst Bchoenborn, of Canis. who has been visiting with hsr par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bchoen born, of this city, hss returned to the former place, but since her return to that place sbs hss been very HI, but is Improving. Miss Hssol Mills, who baa been In Oregon City attending school left on Saturday afternoon for her home at Waahougal, Wash., wher ahe will, re main until her health Improves. She has., been making bar home In thla city with her alater, Mlas Mabel Mills, Mr. and Mrs. H. Myers, of Peoria, HI., have arrived In Oregon City and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes, of Park place. Tbey are so Impressed with Oregon that they may decide to locate here. ' Tbey were ac companied from Portland to Parkplace by Mrs. Oil! Ellsworth, of Independ ence, Kanaaa,. who Is a sister of Mrs. Holmes, and who has been making an extended vlait In Portland with rela tives. Mrs. Ellsworth will soon lesve for ner horn In Kansas. Miss M. I. McBrlde, who Is ssld to be a clever elocutionist. Impersonator and mimic, will give an entertainment In the parlors of the Preebyterlan church Tueaday, February It. .The entertainment will be given at 4 and 8 p. m. ' It la iiatdthat M t McBrt4 la very clever In her imitations of birds, animals snd bells, and that she hss a Ireat In store for tb little folks. Msrrisdf The married girl will appreciate that little remembrance on Valentine day more than the unmarried one, Candy,Perfume,. Book, Valentine Cards hundreds of things to choose from at Huntley's, Tb Kexall Stor. Mr. Bailey Rules. Ilenry Turner Bailey, a Boston art 1st, baa laid down a set of rules where by women of high snd low degree, fst tbln, tall or short, ran achieve aesthet tc perfection In style. Here are the rules: - If you are tall, wear gowns msde on borlsontsl lines and never bsve dress es too long or too abort. If you sresbort your costume should be msde on vertlrsl Hues. Never hsve your dreaaes short regardless of style. If you ere stout -dress plainly tin a on color scheme. If you sre tbln, a mixed goods is per missible. Women poaaeaalng Urge feet should never wear tan shoes. Whether feet are Urge or small, the broad bulldog toe la Inartistic from ev ry point of view. In conclusion Mr. Bailey aaya. "Puffs re condemnabl because tbey are false. Rsat the goals. Rest for the scslp is Imperative to overcome tb strain of wesrlng the Inrre tiunnttttas of falxe tmlr that sre now fashionable, for In addition to the mass of curls, puffs, etc., many pins sre required to hold the coiffure In shape. These pins naturally poll the hair roots. lye Trsstmant. For the foggy apiifaranc under th eyes try rubbing gently with the tips of the fingers dipped In alcohol. Fol low thU treatment by massaging care fully with cold cream. tlO ON TIGHT. Undesirables Ara tsavlno Beanie Since Recall Election. SEATTLE, Waah., Feb. 11. (Spl Th lid haa been clamped down hard here and the undesirables are leaving town In large number. Th new chief of police la having llttl to do for thoe who ars known to be crooked are leaving before charge can be pro-' ferrd against them. This Is th re sult of tb recent recall election. Reported Thsy Walked Horn. Deputy Sheriff Mile was called to Parkplac last night to pick up th wild boys of Canemah who captured a car on the O. W. P. about o clock One of th gang hit th conductor In the ere snd -started a general fight that Intimidated the women and child ren on the car. About I o'clock the gang Is said to have made a detour of th city and aiuaea the Deputy unr lff, who expected them to com bom on th car. r. '.V OAX GROVE. Or. The Oak Grov Girl' Band waa organised last June, and Ben F- Drlsooll, th Portland cor netlst and bandmaater, was engsged as Instructor. Although the girls have bad but on lesson a week they hav mad good progrea. and can play se lections In a mannr creditable to old er organisation. Professor Drtscoll l ' " Milady's Mirror lr.1 Here Are the Lsteet Beauty tunta. ' Look la tb mirror every morning and think, "How well I. am looking!" This Is tb "beauty thought" - Use almond mesl Instead of soap for washing tb face snd give your fsce an Ironing out with Ice occasionally. Close your mouth when you sleep nd avoid having hollows behind your ears.- Bleep on your back and do not us pillow. Bleeping on the sld causes pun under the eyes. To keep your eyelids from ssgglng pinch them every day. Give your skin regular meals like you hsve yourself skin food of cold cream or something similar and keep sway wrinkles. Put cold crssm on your scrawny elbows andCbey will soon get fst and rosy. Never say a word-wlth an S In It unless yon follow It with a Z chaser. S sounds produce hollows In the throat; Z rounds them out sgsln. Pinch the npper eyelid gently toward the nose and back again twice every night and your eyes will not sink back In your head. Dry meals are the only hope of fat women for reducing. 1 DrwTT?oTis--! : Us from three to six eggs for wash ing the hair. Eaerelse Waist Musoles. Ten minutes given In the morning to muscular work before putting on stays I certainly worth trying. An excel lent movement U to try to bend from th - waist,- going low,- while keeping the knee atralght Cyider no circum stances ar th. knees to bend, for then there I no work don by tb hips. Bending ever front back and sidewlse Is limbering. ? Any woman who haa seen skirt danc ing will understand that J he beautiful posing of th dancer U don entirely from the waist line, and the flexibility of muscle there enables th dancer to be graceful and at the sam time keeps her slender. All so called "kicking" of profes sional skirt dancers is done from th hips. Women - untrained In physical culture do not begin to work tb mus cles and cords about their hips and wsUt as much as they should, and In that fact He the cause of Increasingly Urge figures as middle sge come on. It U not well to try to bend from the hip while wearing long stays, and Indeed such an effort may. work harm by rompreiwlng the orgsns.. Muscle must have room when tbey are to be exercised, and , unless all restricting baitds ar removed they are better quiet t ' ' . Te Keep Hale Light and Fluffy. The proper care ot the hair does not require a woman to scour her scaiji with soap sad drench her hair with water until a shampoo, including dry Ing th hair, takea the better part of the day. In fact the less soap and water used on tb hair the better, aa alkali and moisture tend to make the hair coarse, dull and brittle.. - If you wsnt to keep the scslp clesu and th hair light and fluffy try dry shampooing. Pat In a quart Jar or any other bandy container four ounces of powdered orris root and four ounces of therox. Stir and shske until thor oughly mixed. A beautiful cleansing powder with a delicate perfume will b th result - ' Sprinkle a tablespoonful of thU mix tur on th bead and then brush It well through th hair- ThU bring out th natural color of th batr, make It J-soft and glossy and. If continued regu- Urly, tends to make the batr long and abundant for It la a natural hair grower. . .. '. Gueeta at the Electric The following ar thos who have registered at th Electric -otl: W, H. Mattoon, Estacada; W. M. Lambert, San Francisco; F. W. McLaren, Wll holt: H. Cooper, 8. M. Fells, Butte- vllle; M. R. Boyle. MolalU; Mr. Har vey and wife, Eugene Cummin Clarke; Charles Jordan, Portland; W. E. Stephens, Kelso, Wash.; H. Merry, Spokane. H FOR RENT Llcer spac In thla col umn. A few Hoea may rent that house, store or farm; they will coat you but a few centa. OAK GROVE GIRLS' BAND IS SUCCESS. :4 p Ifii r:'- predict . a brilliant future for . th young band, , which will probably b heard next June la th Rose Festival parade. Tb people of Oak Grov ar proud - of their musical organization and ar giving it liberal support. Th members of th band and th Instru ments played ar: ; Hestsr Armstrong, Edith Griffith. ." v i i , J J. i : . cc:riSFc:.:Er;cE J-'", OAK GROVE. George Dedrlck returned horn Sat urday morning from Southern Ore gon, wher be ha been working for several months..: B. O. Allen and wlf war Portland Visitors Saturday. . . D. Toney, buyer for Llpman Wolf Co, of Portland, left for New York 8aturday. . U K. Armstrong and B- C. w air an were In Oregon city . Saturday on bualneas. Edward Constance, of Lo Angeles, Cal., is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Louis Brandt, and family, Mr. Con stance expects to settle in Oregon, snd bring bis mother and sisters here. Mrs. 'It. E. Armstrong and daughter Hester, wer Portland shoppers Sat- rday. Th Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. Arm strong Tbursdsy afternoon snd fin ished up some work they bad on hand. Only a few members wer present. Arthur Orsbam Is In th stor again and glad to se all of his old friends and customers, who wer all vary glad to see him. ' CAN BY. K. N. Wood has bad th pleaaur of visit from bis Intimate friend and employer, Mr. R. D. Cooper, during thla week. Mr. Cooper la now living at Grass Valley and I widely known over Oregon as on of its successful business men; he owns a number of the best race horses In the Stat and cam her to learn how thos which h has at lb Clackamas County Fair Grounds under Mr. Wood's supervi sion, were doing. Mr. Cooper was not only pleased with the condition and showing of bis horses here, but was very much delighted with the progress Canby bad mad sine his last visit and h spoke very optomlstlcally of ltaluture-ndhl intention to make some extensive Investments here, Messrs. J. L. Combs. J. A. Cobb, F. Dillingham. J. M. Beaty and A. L. Snell took the train Tbureday morning for Portland. All except Mr. Snell re turned th aama day. Rv. Dunn, pastor of th Christian church, returned to his school duties at Eugene Thursday morning after holding. services ln hU church here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ev enings. These services have been well attended. Henry Combs has on display at his place of business on Main street a fine line of samples of gents' suits. The population of Canby la increas ing. Mrs. Warren Lee Is the mother of this laat lnhaDiianu Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Blasel made a visit to Portland laat Friday, J. M. Beaty and daughter, Maude, went to Portland Saturday. Mlaa Maude haa bad a very delicate opera tion performed at St Vlncent'a hos pital. 'She had loat her hearing en tirely and now ahe Is able to detect the slightest noise. Mrs. "Lizzie R. Whit purchased. through the Canby Realty1 Co., lot 1 In block 18. Canby, from 3. A. Cobb. J. A. Cobb held a public sale at the Kendall cottage, where he haa been Jiving. Saturday, selling all his house hold effects. Everything wss aisposea Of quickly and many articles sold for less thsn half or weir vaiue. ar, rohh and family leave immediately tor Portland where tne lamuy wui remain while Mr. Cobb floda a loca tion to ault.- nrobably in Arizona. Bdnw-HutAblnson -went- to Aurora Saturday evening where ahe wui at tend to the dutle of central at th teleohone office until Sunday evening Mra. Charlea Moshberger naa neen quite ill for the paat week, but W are glad to report that she is mucn Dei ter st this writing. The Infant son of Money Mack naa been oulte 111. Dr. Dedman haa neen carina- for the llttl boy, rciis. Rummertieia. rrom t jonus, was here yesterday, Friday, visiting tir na rents. - John C Wanhope, state organizer of the Socialist party for the States ot riifornla and Oregon, lectured In the City Hall Friday evening, Feb. 10, to a lane and appreciative auaionce. The addreas had for It subject -Scientific Socialism." The conditions In foreign countries and thos existing immr th foreigners in our own coun trv waa exnlalned at length. ' This evenlnc another addres will be dell ered by the sam speaker and others will also participate .. Th Artisans had a fin social meet inr Thursday evening. Ten spoil cants were received. A large number attended. Refreshmenta were served and everyone present reported a most iient time and nlenty of good things to eat The assembly furnished the repaat v ' The K. O. K. A.'s had an intereatlng meeting with Ret. Creesy and they laid their plans for the organizing of & ball team. Mra. Geo. Ogle report that her hus band who has been spending all his Ume recently on his farm, mad her visit th last of this week.. Mr. Ogl U plowing In preparation for th putting In or the crops. Mr. Clarence Zeck. from Fort Ross, Cal., was home a few days this week vIMting his parenU, Mr. and Mrs. John .... Ethel Blgham, Ruth Wtorthlngton, Mar jorl McLee snd Jessie Spldell, cor nets; Ada Starkweather and Maud Mo Lees, altoa; Katie Oltkln and Lutle Everson, trombones; Madge Ellis, barlton: Ellen Worthlngtott, tuba; rrancea Griffiths, anare drum: Gladys McAuley, baas drum; Ben F. Driscoll, director; . U- Armatroac, treasurer; Mra. M. I Moody, manager. . . w u. 1 Real Estate C T. Too, " Lawyer and Notary ' aad Insnranc Abstract. CHARLES T. TOOZE A CO." Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room I, Beaver Bldg., Oregon-City REAL ARE But her ar thrs resl bargain that cannot b bat, then th pric reduced $406, second hand plan fiso. 152S Nw"s Piano now 126 $05 Slngsr Sewing Machine 130. A fine line of Jewelry 40 per cent off. Sheet Muslo 10c a copy. Columbia Grsphohones. Thar ar other real bargains In my stor In furniture, crockery, hrdwart go carta. A H. STURGES SEVENTH AND CENTER STS. Zeck. We understand that' Mr. Clar ence eZck Is coming to Oregon perma nently as he Intends to homestead In Crook county. A. O. Larson, of Portland, North Dakota, is visiting his acquaintance aiid friend, L, K. Leln of this place. " By EaiyAtf""Rautr "The aria tor Is like moat honest mra. He expert to get dsck to me soil some time." "Hut If he Is wise he will not try to get back too suddenly .7 With Rsgrat. Reader I tell you that woman U a poem. . Grouch Editor Yea. Even- her face U full of lines. Their Firfl Misunderstanding A Comedy by the Old Popular Blo- graph -Actors Is one of the Pictures That Will Be Shown at the ELECTRIC THEATRE TWO OTHER EXCEtLENT PIC TURES WILL AL80 BE GIVEN. Sunday Afternoon and Evening PLEASE NOTICE. PLEASE NOTICE. - - To introduce Th Morning ) Enterprise Into a large major- ity of th homes in Oregon City and Clackamas county th management haa decided to mak a apeclal prlc for th daily Issue, for a ahort time ) only, wher th subscriber pays ' a year In advance. . By carrier, paid a year In advance, S3.00. By mall, paid a year In ad- vance, 12.00. People who gave our canvas- ser a trial subscription for one or more month, at ten cent a weok, can hav the dally dell- red tor a year for 13.00 by paying a year In dvanc. . PeoDle who gav our canvaa- aeva trial sui:;!rtMn, ay mall, for fenir months at A dol lar. mar -nave th paper for a year for $2.00, it paid a year In advance - - ' ' ' ' ' ' Bubscrlbers to th Wkly EnNtrprlse may Chang their rthscripUona to th dally, re ceiving credit for half time on th dally that th weekly I paid In advance. When they choose to add cash 4a th ad vance payment equal to a full year's advance payment they may tak advantage of th 2 W mak thU apodal pric so that peopl who hav psld in advanc ou some other dally and wish to tak th Morning Enterprise mmy do so without too grat, xpen, - ......... .-- -. i . i v Read' th Morning Enterprla. OpprortunJti If. yon wairt t BUY A FARM. BUY A HOME, ; BUY A LOT, . CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. And rf ye wan to H fan .. ' ' tot likewise. BARGAINS SCARCE Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these clasatrie heavdhisw will be tauMfted at on cant a war, firs Insertion, bait a cent additional Inser tion. On Inch card. 12 pr month; naif Inch card. (4 llnes tl pr month. Cash must accompany ordar unless en haa an open sccount with Ilia papr H flaanclal responsibility for errors; whan rror occur fre eorreoted notle will printed for patron. Minimum cbarg lie NEW TODAY. VI VIA D. ASHMUN will be at the "Electric . Hotel par lor Wednesday . and Thursday to teach -Health, Beauty and Art Ladles call and -se her. WANTED. WANTED One Udy to canvas thla city. Call on Vlvla D. Ashmun at Elctrlo Hotel Parlor Wednesday afternoon. - WANTED Small advertUementa for this col'imn. Price very reason able. Be rates at head of column- FOR SALE. FOR SALE: By owner, modern six- room house nearly new otveTmprovcd atreet clos In. Terms. Call at. 214 Washington street FOR SALE 1 span of mare and har ness, weight 2300, age years. Price $250. Phone or addfta J. E. Malloy, Beaver Creek. BUILDER AND" CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor.. Estimate cheerfully given on all classes of building wwrkj eoncroU wsiknanA rinforcd concrete. Re. Pbon Main 111, . ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furntthed, land titles examined, estate nettled, gen eral Uw bualneas. Over Bank of Oregon CHy. .1 " . . U'REN A 8CHUEBEL, AtUrneys-at- Law, Deutscber Advokat, will prac tice In all courts, mak collection and settlements. Office Ih Enter prise Bldg., Oregon Cltyi Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. I O. ICE, DENTIST Room -4, S and 6 Beaver building. Main St, Oregon City- Phone: Horn A-198 and pacific Statea 122L MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED W ar acquaint ed with th valu ot all farm land In Clackamas County and can loan - your money on good aafe security. Farm loans made on, two and thre year at 7 per cent Abatracta of title examined. DIMlCK D1MICK, Lawyer. . Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. . V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office ' Land title Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public , t . . CRITICS CCT'IKT J OTITCXS COPY Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. . 'REAL ESTATE. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, S mile from Oregon City, mile from O. W. P. car lino. Good fruit land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, f 100 to $225 per aero. . Enquire of D. K. BUI ft Co., Room 9, Bearer Bldg., Oregon Cltr. . , B. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. . Let .ua handle your properties w buy, soil and exchange. Office In Enterprise ' U Bldg-. Oregon City, Oregon. , . FREYTAG A. 8W AFFORD, Real Ea . tat Dealers, hav ebnto tcrgatrn ; In farm lands, blty and mburbaa.' borne, good truft land aad poultry-. fanchea. -. C) ? ttt tor ; oo buf -Vi Neav ft. Pr depot Jt t-' T SECOND HAND FUrtNltURI. MANY TfMR8 you can buy Just tha - , article you want Ju aa good as new at a small fraction of th cost . of new, If you go and see YOONO. th sceond .hand man. " HUoolUo tlon contalna New and Second Hand , rurnitnre. Hardware. Tools, Curio, to. See him; It coat nothing t Inquire. " - Electric Hotel 411 Rata. teSfMs Ar- ; : Ux ORS&il CITY, t'L I A, J- TCX1N, Prfrltw. .