HORNING ENTERPRISE ' nnitfinit CITY. OREGON t t BRODIE. Editor and Publisher. Appllcmlloa aa4 for sscoad elsss prlvl ! mi ths FMlomot t Osrtto City, Orscoo. under tns Act of Conarss of March s. UTS. TERMS St'KCIIrTION. Om Tr. by mail .. . Bis Moaths. br mall . Four Mentha, br mall, psr wsk. br csrrW. . . .. ! .. t. .. .1 AratTUMC IATO. First rw. per inch first Inssrttoa.. ..He First Pss. pr Inch sjded Inssrtkms. ,le Prrfem-d poaltUm any pace. Pr Inch lira! Insertion -I wtfrvf maitimt anv Daxe. txr Inch added Insertions Run aper othsr than flrat pac. par torn first insertion Run paper other than flrat pan. per Inch added Insertions tv Locals 10e per line; to regular Adver tisers is tins. Wants. For Sale. To Rent. ate. ons cent a word first Insertion ; on half cent rath additional. Hatea for sdvertlslna tn the Weekly Bmert-rls will be the same aa la the dully for advertisements s-t especially for the weekly. Where the adrertlsement Is transferred from the dallr to the week ly, without chanav. the rate will be So an Inch for run of the paper, and 10o aa tnch for special position. Cash should accompany order where parte Is unknown In business office of the 'Enterprise. Lecal advertising at legal advertising rates. Circus advertising and special transient advertising at I&c to 0c aa Inch, aecord tng to special conditions governing the same. "Fire Bale" and Bankrupt Sale? adver tisements lie inch first Insertion: addl- : t tonal insertions ssme msttcr Sao tnch. News Itema and well wrlt'en artlcleo will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu scripts never returned unless acoompan- to those who bay tied their ship to she robbery which many auppoaod wm to bo continued under the fostering car of the Administration. . o MAKE SALOON SCREENS HIGHER. According to the proposed open front ordinance to govern saloon a, which Council hag had revised by a special committee, the plan waa to have the acreen fronts on the atreet aide of the saloon five feet high from the sidewalk. Aa revised by the com mittee of Council It waa propoaed to lower the screen to four feet-- Slnce the proposed ordinance waa printed In the Morning Enterprlae there hae been considerable dlscuaaloo of the different etlpulatlona found In the ordinance. Perhaps no feature ha been discussed more freely than that of the height of the acreen aa proposed. The general opinion aeems to be that five feet la none too high and that four feet would be entirely too low. It la believed that there are too many young boya and glrla who can eee over a four foot acreen. while to raise It a foot will abut out the young people but In no wise shut out the view from men. who are supposed to be the onea Interested In aeelng that the license law la lived up to. It would certainly be unwise to give the young boys a view of what la go ing on Inside until they hare Judg ment to guide them in what they wlah to da And the small benefit to ac cme from loading men tn but, out from tear of being Been la email com pared to the evil of pushing under the noae of youngsters things It Is better they do not see until ftiey arrive at The weather of the n&st few days a mature age. la certainly fine In comparison to! The fact that some people do not what la being handed out In the East, ipta I by Btsmns to prepsy postre. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. -4Ow- Every reader of the Morning Enter prise la invited to attend the Lincoln Day everclsea at Shlvely hall this af ternoon. Judge McGinn Is said to be a very Interesting speaker. L believe In a saloon under any circum stances doe not excues them for no using Judgment In dealing with them now, that they are found in the com munity. Certain temperance people do not care what la done If the public will not do Just aa they wish, and men often express themselves to that ex tent The aaloona are here and they improvement baa been found-It was j proposition that must be dealt wltn so as to get utc ltcbi ivou.io, not with a view to making conditions so bad that the, public win rise up and cast them out by main force. While here they should be so regulated as to give the least offense; they should be curbed ao they may do the leaat harm. Oe safe In the Recorder's effects and it shows that the contract calls for but 48 feet at certain places. It la not the contractor's mistake. 4e4 Information from California lndl catea that a gang of toughs and rob bers has Invaded Portland with a view to cleaning up the city and carrying away much swag. That being the-case It will be nothing surprising If a visit Is made to Oregon City for a pick-up or two, or with a view to hiding from pursuers In case some Job la a blunder. It not only behooves the police of this elty to be on their guard but the cttl xens should be on the alert and co- Aturla with th nnllr In savin? the people from robbery. -TAFT REPUDIATES ROBBERY. President Taft haa come to the front with the statement that he Is a Repub lican, that he la for reciprocity with Canada and revision of the tariff for ail nations. And he says the robbery that the Interests wish to perpetnats is not republicanism, and never was what Republicans taught The President charges the present tariff Is robbery, and that the robbery perpetuated waa put there against his wishes. ' And be wants people to un derstand that a man can be a good Republican and not stand for tariff robbery or any other robbery. And he seems to think that there are not a few robbers in the Republican party simply from the fact that they thought the robbers had the party where they wanted It If one reads between the lines he can see that the President wishes to stand with the people and for the peo ple and the Inference seems strong PLAY BRIDGE WHIST. MOUNINO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1911. DiiWAinw THFJITRF a. i-h-l I TlannfArc UUnUrtLUII IIILnilU. At tne KurLiunu i uvutv LAST CAR v LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT ttaal oJsal .. Vsf SCENE FROM -POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" AT HEILIO THEATRE. frodeHo Thompson f New Yark Hippodrome Fame, will present the great American eomedy-drama. -Polly f the Clreue,". at The Holllg Theatre. 7th and Taylor streets, for 7 night, beginning Sunday, February-12, with special price matinees Wednesday and Saturday. . . .. , , rr7- - mm yxjr i r v'. WEEK COMMENCING Sunday Matinee, Feb. 12 "The KISSING GIRL" with Miss Tesae Oulnaln. , Usual Matinees. "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS." An event of the theatrical season will be 'Tolly of the Circus." rrle rlc Thompson's magnificent produc tion, to be aeen at the llelllg Theatre on seven nights beginning Sunday. February II. This wholesome an J simple atory Is one of the moat de lightful playa of recent years. It mild ho difficult to Imagine a pret tier; scene than that with which the first art of Tolly" closes. It Is there that the young girl of the circus worm ..... h.r first Insight Into things that are higher and better when, as she rir. Mssins consciousness anJ rea lises her helplessness, the minister reads to her. at her requeat. those ...i.i. lines from the book of num. ...... -- ... . . i.itt.er thou Boost. I will go; and where hou Imlgest. I will lodge." The curtain falls and the atory Is begun. pathos U mingled tnrougn tne pi7 with no leaa excellent humor than Polly's slang, when she first converses with the minister aooui ma p-ui.. ot.. ...its him a "sky pilot." and, talking of her busluess as compared with his ministerial dutlea, says: Una year you give them the rotten- Very Pleasant Evening Enjoyed With Mr. and Mrs. Mccord. Mr. and Mra. Wm. McCord -enter talned at. their home in Twilight Sat urday evening, the main feature of the entertainment being bridge wblst. After the games were finished dainty refreshments were served and munlc piano solos, piano and violin duets wflJ'WerTrpgrgr'a'rnn the wlat tea- tures of the evening. Mrs. George Lazelle won first prize and Wallace Johnson was given the consolation trophy. Miss Ruth McCord assisted her mother in the entertainment for the guests. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson. Mr. ind Mr, Chas. Caldwell. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. George- Lazelle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCord, Mrs, Frank Black. Mrs. Shindall, Miss Marie Har ver. Miss Ubby McCord, Messrs. Thos. Kelland. Wallace McCord, M J. La zelle, Clinton Black and Bert Harvey, of Portland. BIG SOCIAL EVENT. Commercial Club Will Dedicate Busch Hall With Dance. One of the social events of the sea son will be the grand ball given by the Commercial Club at the Busch hall on Thursday night, February 16. Many of the dressmakers of this city have been engaged, and are busily making beautiful gowns for the occa sion. Many from outside of tne city have been extended invitations, and there will probably be many hundreds of people dance on this occasion to the best music that can be secured in that the President sees now he was ! Portland. There will be a late car for In the wrong In bis quasi submission ! Portland, and it is stated there will . , i ne many from that city In attendance. and Is penitent In the matter. , Tn, hyaU , now rece7wlng ,u f)nlBh. All of which will not be good news j ng touches by the painters, and It Is Q X i J Exploration of the Tn4- i:, u c : k Vd5L JLICIU. Ul LUC rJ "Subconscious' y H. ADDINtTON BRUCE, Author of Th Riddls of Personality.' . Chosts and Chost Hunters," Etc. "H..torls CIIE great object of psychical research U to put on a scientillc basis the traditional belief of mankind in the SURVIVAL OF HUMAN PERSONALITY AFTER BODILY DEATII, or, in other worda, it aims to obtain TROOF 9JFE 9? : JIIE.rQRALITTflTUE SOUL.. A good many people, including such distinguished scientists as Sir Oliver Lodgo and Sir William Crodtea, believe that inch proof is to be found in the alleged communications from the dead given in the trance utterances of certain spiritistic "mediums." , , CRITICS CONTEND THAT, HOWEVER FREE FROM FRAUD THESE COMMUNICATIONS MAY BE, THEY ARE READILY EXPLAINABLE AS EMANATING NOT FROM THE MINDS OF THE DEAD, BUT FROM 4.IVIN0 MINDS, BY THE POWER OF TELEPATHY OR THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE. THAT IS TO SAY, IT IS CONTENDED THAT AT THE MOST THE TRANCE MESSAGES REPRESENT NOTHING MORE THAN KNOWLEDGE ALREADY POSSESSED nv tub urnmu's SITTERS,- WHOSE MINDS ARE READ BY THE MEDIUM. . But this does not mean that the physical researchers have been wasting their time. Their investigations as conducted during the last twenty-five years have resulted in THROWING MUCII UN EXPECTED LIGHT ON THE NATURE AND WORintfr.H np TIT EJIKM AN MIND. The exploration of the vast field of the "sub- w" , - uvn-ouABj TV BO IJlltlJIWU VJ them. . To them We owe much of our VnowledgBof the character of "mental healing," and by their labors our understanding of the whole object of psychology has been greatly enlarged. The Saving Habit People whe tweeetd In savins . . habit f It ,B Ths savlna habit rqgr. mined oultlyallon. but wh,n xszzir';"" -a . Vey can start the saving habit . ' NOW.1 b"nh Th M"H The 6ank of Oregon City ' For fine shoe repairing g te THE OLD RELIABLE OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP Work dens while you wait Oat Mo'tfot Stliiactkn Gorntrcd K C. SCHOENHEINZ, Pf oprictoi Tie Male Bet lsth and Seventh, D. C. LATOURBTTB Preldeat r. J. MKT EB r-w' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, SM.0OO.0O. Transect a 0-e.eral Banking ualneea. Ope frem A. M. H , THURSTON HALL, leading man with The Baker Stock Co, In The Great John Ganton. v one of tbe most attractive ball rooms In the State. The floor la inlaid, pol ished and waxed for the dancers. There will be several addresses made upon the opening of tbe ball by lead ing apeakers. First Meeting Today. The young married people of tbe years. Rev. Bowen made a short ad dress, and Rev. Landsborough and Mra Angus Mathleson assisted In the work. PLAN FOR MONUMENT IN PUBLIC SQUARE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN PROPOSE TO ERECT FOUNTAIN IN COMBINATION. Ten of the 12 members of the com mittee named by the six fire compan ies to plan waya and means for the erection of a monument to the volun teer firemen held a meeting Friday night in the rooms of Foutaln Hose Company and perfected organization by the election of George Griffith chairman and Al Cox secretary. Tbe chairman was authorized to go to Portland and look up an appropriate design. . It Is broadly proponed to ob tain a combination monument and fountain of handsome appearance and pljce It In tbe courthouse square. The committee haa already $160 sub scribed from the six companies and expects to secure $1000. There will be a benefit ball given In the near fu ture and the committee will hold another meeting In two weeks. Presbyterian church met at the home of Rev. Mr. LandaborouKh and organ ized a Bible claaa. Tbe flrat meeting of tbe class will be held thla morning at 10 o'clock In tbe church parlora. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN. Presbyterian Y. P. 8. C. E. Organizes For the Work Before It. The Y. P. S.'C. B. of the Treaby terlan church elected officers and ap pointed new committees at a meeting held thla week, aa follows: President. Harry Y. Miller; vice president, Mlsa Blanch Bailey; record ing secretary, Hugh Kennedy; corre sponding secretary, Mlsa Ruth Bright bill; treasurer, John Mead. - Committee In full are as follows to be announced today: Devotional Mlsa ' Blanch Bailey, Mlas Mabel Tooze, Ambrose Brownell. Lookout Mra. W. C. Gren, Miss Kate Cooper, Joe Aldredge, Wm. Ken nedy. Social Mra. Leon Des Larzes, Miss Eula Schuebel, Mlsa Myrtle Hamilton, Miss Zeta Andrews, Hugh Kennedy, Ipnt WIlHon, Clyde Green. Missionary Miss Mabel Tooze, Miss Etta Long, Angus Matheson. Calling Mrs. Matheson, Mrs. L. Des Larzes, Mlsa IJIIan Long, Miss Ruth Brlghtblll, Hugh Kennedy, Ralph Eddy. Sunday School Ralph Eddy, Miss Maude Mattley, John Mead. Junior Work Ruth Brlghtblll, Miss Belle Mattley, Corles Andrews. The society will organize In the near future, departments on Information, temperance and citizenship., est kind of a abow and theyat It up; the next year you glva 'em a knock out and It s a frost." Thoee are but random examplea. Tha cir cus scenes .f the third act are reve lations of stagecraft. Ifa -all tere, ih rlnsra. the horses, elephants, tne clowns and acrobats and everything and everybody else. ; Tbe sotting oi tbe last scene of the third act la aa wonderful salt Is beautiful-Th lr cus tralna and tha wagons winding away up the pathways while Polly re mains onre more ana rorever iwninu snd with the man after her own heart. Taken all In all. "Polly of the Circus" offers more pure fun and wholesome entertainment taaa any play haa had In a long time, hence It success. Watch for the parade. BAKER COMPANY THIS WEEK. Flrat Production In Portland In Stock of The Great John Ganton Starting Sunday matinee for all of next week. Baker Stock Company will be seen tn the Initial stock pro duction In this city of George raw oft 'a nowerful acllna blay. Tbe Great John Ganton. with a new member of the Company. J. Frank llurke, tn the title role of Ganton. Mr. mirk ia one or the Deal cnaratitcr sewn m Stock, and hla presence will serva to enhance the strength of tne uaner Comnanv In every nlay aa the weeka go by. Ganton, the powerful Hon of the business world la an unusually ex acting part. He la one of those hard hiisdod. aelfmade ruler of the old erhooUwna. worklalhelrshtrl slaves and brook nothing that smacks of style or refinement In their business surroundings. He ruined and caused the suicide of an old enemy, who left a daughter with whom Oanton'a aon falls In love, and It Is about this love and their struggle against tbe old man's bitterness and prejudice that the love Interest of tb play la woven. There are many scenes of rare draa tlc tension between this girl and Gan ton. and as ha gradually break be neath her Influence over, him the progress of tb play Is watched with bated Intereat. Many cnaraciers r Introduced, and tbe comedy element I cleverly woven Into tbe four big acta. The Great John Ganton Is one of the lateat New York auccesse to be released for stock, and Manager Baker promisee many other as the weeka ao bv for the reel or in " son. Matinee will be given Sunday, Wednesday (Bargain Day) and Satur day. WOODFIN GIVES RECITAL. Mr. Eva Emery Dye Makes Short Address on Hawaii. The meeting of the X. L Club at the Gladstone school house Friday after noon waa a most enjoyable affair. Tbe musical programme waa In charge of Oscar Woodfln, one of the talented musicians of this city, and each num ber rendered by this' young artist waa well received. Mra. Eva Emery Dye gave aa ex rellM talk on her recent trip to the Hawaiian Islands, and brought with her many curloa, which were admired by those present. Tbe pupil of the eighth grade were Invited to listen to this talk, and gained much know! edge from the addresa given by Mrs. Dye. There were about 20 membera of the club In attendance, who with their guests enjoyed a luncheon after the program wa given. West 8de Schools Open Monday. The West Oregon City schools will re-open next Monday morning. The schools were closed more than a week ago because of contagion from a case of scarletlna. No other cases have developed. ENTERTAINS YOUNQ FRIENDS. Games and Music War the Principal Features for the Evening. Miss Alice Moor ntertslned a few of her friends frlday evening at the home of her parents. Mr. an .Mrs. j. A. Moore: 'Oamua and tuualo wer the main feature of tha evening, and In the art contest the nrlxee wer award ed to Mlm Madg Brlghtblll and John Wetter. Refreshment were serveq during the evening. The hostess was assisted during the evening by the Mioses Merle Keck, Winnie Hsnny, Elaine King and Iron Moore. present were the Misses Florence Grace, Louise Walker. Madge Bright bill, Krna Petiold. Eva Alldredsa, An nie Tolpolar. Zen Moore, Marlon Pickens, Irene Hanny, Belle Caatl. of Port hind; Meaara. John Weber, Shannon. Bothwell Avlson. John Busch, Lionel Gordon, Waldo Caufleld. Arthur King. Byron Moore, Carl Schram. , the Union will be able to do la mw la the past tber ha best hwTi tempt mad lo properly (rtfe pack fruits and vegetable aa4s2 sequence merchants bars ottsi w forced to go outside of tb 8tt vk wishing good produce from ( tw to pack and not from lack at k stock raised. , jjk Your Homo t2? Correct and vJrvB' Artistic Dccorstion at gjJX Moderate Cott. i Henry Eoicft Compary's j m Wall Papers l Y&rk "w V CMoag yXT ror the Sri son M Nine- 3 fjjL trrn-elrvtn represent the AXT b"1 ,hf World - U smssIs is.ss m tsi ml. I'i SiA S BM HIIHlh. k xSlS TlMts It ss MIiimIss ts f- ir- ssicssm. 1 a"" "' "' win 4 5fr I D PftV None IIKI zcm J. U. I u A san llaLU.JLPJ.i.MilJ Head tha Morning Enterprise. BOYS ENJOY WORK. Local 8oclety Instructs Young Lads From Sellwood In Routine. There was an Initiation of new mem bera Into the Knlghta of King Arthur, a boys' society In connection with the Presbyterian church. Friday evening. Those Initiated Into the local society were Henry Beard, Harry Jones and Charles Beatle. There waa a very pleasant time and the mothers of the boy served supper to them at the close of the services. Rev. Bowen, of Sellwood, paator of tbe Episcopal church In that place, was present with three of hi boys and they were shown the work so that they may be of assistance to Rev.' Bowen In the Institution of a similar society In Sellwood. There are several degree to the work, three of which hav been used la connection with the work In tb local society Page degree, Eaqulra and Knight The local organization baa been doing good work for three HEILIG THEATRE 7th and Taylor Streets Phones Main 1 and A-1122. 7 NIGHTS beglnlng SUNDAY, FEB. 1Z Special Price Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, Fraderlo Thompson offers Th Qrsst American Comedy-drama ' "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" with ,i ) GCORGIE OLP AS "POLLY" Excellent Cast Magnificent Production. Circus Performance In- ' etudes "Little Hip," th Famous Performing Elephant PRICES tvenlngs; 11.60-1.00-78-60-35-25. Matinees: , $1.00-75-60-35. 25. SEATS NOW SELLING AT THEATRE FOR ENGAGEMENT. COMING TO HEILIG THEATRE 7 NIGHTS beginning SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday." America' Furv nlsst Comedian JAMES T. POWERS In The Big Musical Comedy Success "HAVANA" 10OPopl-10O Augmented Orchestra. Sest Sale Open Friday Feb ruary 17, r " Neat Popular Sunday Afternoon Concert Sunday, February 2. LATEST MARKETS Canby Markets.. (Reported bv Gordon Bros. Co.) GRAINS Whest selling fl, corn $1X0 cwt, oats $140. Paying $1.30 cash for oats at tbls time Bran brings 85c sack, shorts $1.25, middling $1.85. barley 11.15. Flour Is selling at 15 the barrel. CHICKENS Springers bring 17c and ar In good demand, hen 17c, old roosters 12c, young roosters 15c, Turkeys ar quotable at 20c, ducks 20c and geese 13c. MEATS Dressed pork Is selling at HVxC at this time and th same I be ing paid In trad; lOVio Is paid In cash. Veal selling 14o and paying 13 He cash. Bacon and ham sell at 20c, shoulder 17c, lard commands 13c, FRUITS Apple command 86o box, dried fic lo 8c pound, prune Be to Cc. POTATOES Potatoes sell at S1.4&, with $1.25 best cash offer. 8eed atock command $1.05, cash 95c. HAT Clover hay command $12.50 cash, oat hay $14.50, wheat hay $14.60, timothy $17.50, mixed $12. - BTjas-Market none too strong at 28c. Oregon City Quotation. Market conditions are not- much changed the past week In many linn, but In Unes nearly exhausted there are upward tendencies that are marked. The trade Is greatly Interested In the success of the Oregon Cltr Fruit and Produce Union, chiefly for what APPLES Tb apple martst; firm with large stocks still kt Demand la good with price rwa. to $1. 1 POTATOES No chant la V but a tendency to a stif'ssls ( mand. Oood atock kk- h $ shipped In from lark of car ti crt and packing of home stock-kk $1 60. While there Is aom kxtlai offered It Is not what caa btaar ered first claaa and local draleii buying outside for lh-1r best tnt VKGETAnLKS-Onrnns art car at le bound; carrots, parsnips lain nips plenty with telling prktsl ark ; beet $ bunches for 19c: jk of all kind but market free. Cta ana celery an canrornu notta I . KliOUR Tha Incllnatloa a U ward In sympathy Win wheat. tt Is off on cent a hushd. tail ft $5 26. hard wheal brsnd IS M, ) CORN Selling $1 ton t.ni Ing rate $1 65 to $1.76 nundrsi about earn prlcea bran Ik. ar $1.25, barley $1.20. Tbers kt, decline In quotation thourt Ml that I noticeable. j HAY Merchants paring 111 I clover. $17 for' tlmothv, anHai oat hay.; selling alfalfa for la I Plenty nf hay to meet dreusdi sf " NUTTER Shows a HtfJ. and a weakening la 4mit A goods still command 76e r,saei gradea cannot hold up to aarMJ tatlona. Cheese shows at sni but about holds Its own. J EGGS Hav mad anotssriW and ar np 4c In prlc over kstf llona.Tbe ton of the mania II firmer and the good atock 83c. BEANS Th market f"f very stiff and tha price rising. U shipment of stock Stored hk countrlea ar being shipped l York, and their return mssii profit to thoaa who have Ibra abroad. HONEY 8tock all u whit honey on the market; at very atirf and price very "laa, ) MEAT8 Dreaaed pork B W lie to 12c for choice. Veal teat 12Hc to 13c, mutton Jo to 10e.k POULTRY No demand for tkl er fowl; chickens 14c and W will bring lo. Only Biftdtna mand. I Hop Th hop market Is ka firmer and It Is believed ft" I who hold for th outslda mm get It. No great movement J 8alt I J ver pool -J 8tock alt H groun. v vt Dairy 1 3 Cure Your Rheurna' 3 AND. OTHER ILLS Of THij AT THE HOT LAKE Sanatofioc (Th Hou of Effl',Be' TUB vnbuuii riiui'"-- , Railroad &Navi Sells round-trip llckets. good W months, allowing 00 accommodation at the I rlum. at Portland im "i O..W. TI. A N. 8taW . For further Information trated booklet, ddrra j Phy, Medical Supt. and t7 Lake. Oregon, any 0. w. , Agent, or writ to " j WM. McMURMY. ., General Pll"'nf PORTLAND. Ot DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . 0 Try the Classifed Columns of ttj MORNING ENTERPRIS-, .3000 RuuUtu Daily I