Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 11, 1911, Image 3

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... ' -- J 7 '
y was trans
f Friday.
,"Plsaasnt, la
2r received
Otfi atreet.
;1raa In Or
:lt, Cau-
ion march-
jm City on
Va for-Val-
7oanger Set
ii mday ev
tlM. sattne's ball
4og with
) tha mimic.
jt coma here
Jd Into tba
(i. Q. Adama
ftoxed candy
lot la sched
)ar will be
' a minstrel
ara thrown
given by
f;t tha Ar
1 Farmer'
""gaged to
edanelng. .
tbaan away
nths, baa
llff la ona
baa . ball
two child-
( licCaualand,
ftp their bed
jrlth typhoid
tearus, have
Jan and are
f Store. It la
of the beat
jB once they
t f.
1 111 for the
f afternoon
il vlalt with
aneon. Mra.
pen very 111
2ndy have a
;tjt and It la
A specially de
to be held In
.k are to take
auctioned oft
i r :
High School
Cfor Tueaday,
Ae J. K. Heo.g-
r an addreea
of the achool
ive something
V win give a
ing match at
Iday evening,
j whoae baaket
f will be given
twill be given
aa Puaey, the
Mrs. George
e aame, al
(aa high, and
11a will occur
1 fellow haa
O'clock Com
mand religious
jlacopal church
ie Rev. Robin
on a topic bp
in.' At 7 o'clock
M Red Men and
f In that order
Jie church.
i t j A
y at Ha regular
h I"
radial Letter From
ill be read at the
t Birthday Meeting
orite Poems
,xfite Song
coin's Sayings
j. Service with members
R. as special guests
juawstl uiiivvii a-a 4 a v i svs v - titMi
meeting nett Wedneaday evening and
make a talk-on grading and ralalng
frulta and vegetables. Toe purpose I
to I n at rue t along the, line of what la
wanted by the Oregon City Fruit and
Produce Union, with a view to making
a aucceaa of tbe Union and alao that
the menibera may make a aucceaa In
ralalng and packing for tbe market
nubeHBleadmairwai-lrtcked-iirr Krt
day afternoon and charged with drunk-
eneaa. 8teadman waa tlpay Thursday
evening, when picked up on the atreet
by Officer Shaw, but aa he waa a man
of family, and making no disturbance,
he waa permitted to go on promlae of
at once going home and retiring to
bed. Friday morning he waa back on
tbe atreet again and waa then taken
In charge and lodged In the city pris
Mr. Illiaa, of Molalla, waa In Oregon
City Thuraday.
Mra. Forle, of Molalla. la visiting
with frlenda In Oregon City.
Mra. J. P. Lovett la alowly Improv
ing from her aevere attack of lagiippe.
Mra. Frank. Roaa, of Portland, la
visiting with her. parents, Mr. and
Mra O. A. Itlckel, of Mount Pleaaant
Mra. Thomaa D. Hayhurat, of Cav
neraah, who baa been very 111 la now
alowly recovering. The four montha
old babe la atlll very feeble.
Mra. pon Meldrum, who haa been
undergoing medical treatment at the
Portland Sanatorium for aeveraj
weeka, haa returned to Oregon City
much Improved In health.
Mr. D. K. Rill la on the elck Hat and
waa confined to hla bed all day Fri
day. He hopea to be able to attend
the O. A. It. aervlce at the M. K.
church Sunday, and aa he la Port Com
mander the'fhembera of he order are
anxloua that he be with tbem.
' Mra. D. W. Bath . and daughter
Grace, of Hlllaboro. have been visit
ing with Mra. Hath a uncle, T. P. Mor
ton. Mlaa Graoe left on Thuraday for
Ashland where ahe will attend the
Christian Endeavor Convention, and
will return to Oregon City on Tueaday
for a brief vlalt before her return to
Mra. P. T. Devereaux, of Eugene,
who haa been the gueat of her alater,
Mra. C. A. Nash, haa gone to Portland,
where ahe will remain for a few daya.
From that city ahe will go to Everett,
Wash., where ahe will vlalt with her
alater, Mra. F. C. Wooleoo, before re
turning to her home.
Mra. George Boylan, who haa been
visiting with her eon. Charlea Boylan,
of Portland,' and alater-ln-law, Mra.
Sarah Boylan haa returned to Oregon
City, where, ahe will remain with her
daughtera, Mra. W. C. Green and Mra
Lloyd Wllllama, for a week, when ahe
expecta to leave for her home at Red
mond, where Mr. Boylan la employed.
Mr. and Mra. E. H. Reddaway, who
have been making their home at Lew
faton, Idaho, have returned to Oregon
to make their fture home, which will
be at Portland, where the former will
enter bualneaa. Mr. Reddaway haa
been proprietor of an Ice plant In Ida
bo. They have been the rues t a of
Mra. Reddaway 'a parenta, Mr, and
Mra. J. M. Warnock.
flood Attendance at Mountain View
Friday Night.
Tbe Mountain View .Improvement
Glut) held Ita regular meeting- Friday
night, at which time the aubject, "Re
aolved. That the Negro Haa Mora
Cauae for Complaint Than the Indian"
waa debated. There waa a good ac
tendance and an Intereetlng dlacuav
aton. ' Tba nogntlva won the declnlon.
On the affirmative were Meaara. Gor
bett and Parker; negative, Meaara,
Beard and Calvin.
At the meeting next week there wfll
be a queatlon box and all are Invited
to put one or more queationa In tha
box. " .
dn't Pay to Advertise
Poor Article
4tlon of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readera.
XtCRIMINATINQ. They know value they know
genuine opportunltlaa. ' . "
leh can be aold by advertising la, by that teat, a
U are aafe In buying a thing which haa "stood
a widely advertised article, or commodity, al
kie bualneaa Ufa. He cannot ahlrk, nor cheapen hla
la tha beat poaalble protection for the consumer.
buying advertleed thlnga It'a the loglp
fl 11 1 'fl I
w - II II aa a . am a aa a afaeaw4 4ae II I
a iiMCLT ouuutaiiurj.
Cherry Party ft ..
" " the 22a ef February.
t I i 1)1 I 'l
7 g- a,,,! , g:
" ,S ft
- t
A hoatesa wbo baa planned to en
tertain some friend at a cherry party
on Waxhlugton'e birthday baa found
that the artificial cherries aold by con
fectioners, etc, are much too expeniilve
for her vurne, and ahe will substitute
big red cranberrlee with excellent ef
fect. Tbe Invitations are written on poet
ala decorated with cherries, which are
aold everywhere In February, and be
glp aa follows:
Nit Frldsy nlaht at half put sight
Wa brg you'll help us celebrate
Orat Ueorgs and tha Immortal trse,
Hla gift to all posterity.
After thla come the address, date
and hour.
Tbe Drat thing to catch the j ye of
the guest entering the parlor on tbe
appointed evening will be a cherry
tree In a wooden tub. Thin la con
etructed of a dead sapling tricked out
with tissue paper leavea and at once
becomes tbe basts of a jolly game
where each player recelvea a big cran
berry with a thread drawn through It
(by mean of a needle) and la required
to tie It on tbe tree while blindfolded.
AU thoee who accomplish the feat will
receive point toward the piite.
Another jolly contest will be guess
Ing the. number of cberrlea In a baa
ket filled with them. Tbe player who
cornea nearest to the exact number re
celvea a second point.
When the gueaolng la over each
player thrusts bis hand Into the' baa
ket, palm aide down, tbe Idea being
to aee who ran catch op most cran
berries on the back of the hand aud.
ao balancing them, walk around tbe
room without spilling one. Tbe player
moat aucceasful Is entitled to a point
Toaalug tbe cranberries Into a bowl
at tbe opposite end of tbe room I
another feat on the program and of
fer another point for the aucceaaful
competitor. ' .
.The Drat and second prises will be
candy boxea decorated with artificial
cherries. Huge cberrlea made of scar
let crape paper are tbe consolation
prlxea. Some new Washington birth
day favor are pictured.
Whan Tea la Served. '
Women nowadaya are often too busy
With tbe many actlvltlee of tbe day to
dress expressly for afternoon tea In an
elaborate and artistic tea gown. The
tnnatratlon a bo we an attractive black
arraaitooM tba sown.
chiffon cloth dreaa mounted over white
rharmense that make good subatl
tute. White porcelain ' bead In a
dainty pattern ornament the bodice.
By the way, theso beaded effecta are
the smartest and neweat thing In gown
decoration. 1
Tha nubllshsra of Ths Morning Enter
prt dlsclslm resnonslbllltv for the senti
ment expressed In the artlnles published
from tlm to time In this column Pub
lelty Is alven In an effort to b fair, and
with the view to ths Dubllnitlon nt hnih
lde to - a question. Communications
must come properly slamed to Insure pub
lication. Ha Kind Word for Oally.
In a htinlnea letter tn tha iiiinr
lh subscriber write a follow con
corning the Morning Enterprise; which
we give as an Indication of how a few
of our frlnnda feel towarda na: '
in my view, the Morning Enterprise
I Jr.'-
la credit to tha city. Any on of
Ita numbers oontalna aa much matter
that I Interesting to the general read
er aa did altnoet ear number of Utm
Weekly la year past. The etticena
of the . county, In town and outalde
alike, ought to help to auataln It with
their patronage. A good, clean news
paper give character to the town or
city In which It la published. If I bad
any Influence among the cltlzena of
the county I would aay to them, pat
ronize your county papera. City and
county are Interdependent for growth
and prosperity. What help one help
both. Self Intereat should prompt ev
ery farmer on a rural route where
the Morning Enterprise can reach him
to have it on hla table for the benefit
of himself and family.
Mr. Warner la a man S3 year of
age, baa acen a few newapapera In hla
day and la competent to Jude of tbem
hence we feel tha kindly oondltlona
which, attach to tbe letter printed
above. ED.
Hotel Arrivals.
Tbe following are those who have
registered at the Electric Hotel: E.
E. Judd, Molalla; A. H. Berry, Ellens
burg; Fred Gerber, J. T. Drake, Mar
quam; J. Powers, Allison Baker, Sher
wood; M. R. Boyles, Molalla; T. A.
Elliott, Salem.
Chrletlan Endeavorera Hare.
A8HLAND, Or., Feb. 10. (8pl.)
Tbe Christian Endeavor convention la
In aeaalon In Aahland today with clon
ing sessions Sunday. Delegatea are
present from all over the State with
Dr. W. B. Illuson, of tbe White Tem
ple, and Paul C. Brown, field aecre
tary for California, on the program. .
For the Children
- Oeroth y flch ws rtr nt -the -Wheel
of Her Run.brfut.
The ranks of experienced chauffeur
have recently been Increased by tbe ad
dition of Misa Dorothy Scbwarts of
Edwardavllle, 'III., who waa presented
with a twenty horsepower runabout on
her fifth birthday and U a familiar
eight In the city in which ahe. Uvea
driving her car. She began to learn
the automobile when but three year
old, her father allowing her to hold
the steering wheel of bla machine dur
ing their trip together.
United States Mail.
An enjoyable game la United State
mall. Place tbe chairs" at equal dis
tance and In each a player. These
players cboone the name of cltlea of
tbe United Stateaand tbe leader, who
must have a good memory, will begin
the game by cslltngout, for instance,
."Buffalo and San" Franc laco." These
two cltlea Wayi now change places. 'and
If the leader can poaaea himself of
either vacant aeat In tbe course of the
exchange tbe person thua minted must
be leader In bia turn. Wben tbe leader
calla "General delivery" every one
must move to aome new seat, and tbe
person that la left without a aeat la tbe
new leader.
Tbe old game of stagecoach la played
In much the aame way except that dif
ferent parts of tbe stagecoach and Ita
various passengers, the horse and ao
on are selected by the player, and the
leader roust Improvise a story Introduc
ing a many of, these names aa poaal
ble. A tbe name of each player In In
troduced he must rise , and whirl
around, resuming hi seat. When the
leader aays "Stagecoach' the whole
company muet go through this per
formance, and when, the climax of a
breakdown la - reached all change
places, and In tbe melee the etory teller,
finds a chair, thus forcing a new story
teller to tbe front. !
Qeographloal Comparisons.
It 1 only by comparison that aome
things can be understood, and this la
particularly true of dlvintooa of the
eartbj'e aurface. Every one baa a fairly
clear Idea of the site Of hla own state
or county or even of the whole area
of the United State. By comparing
other countries and seaa with those
that are familiar to us on the map s
much clearer notion of them Is ob
tained. - Greece Is about the alee of Vermont
Palestine la about one-fourth of tbe
sum of New Tork.
Hindustan is more than a hundred
times .as large ss Palestine. - .
Tbe greet desert of Africa haa nearly
the dlmenslona of the United States.
The Red .sea would extend from
Waahlngton to Colorado, and It If
three times ss wide as Laks Ontario.
When are two apples alike ? When
Why la a bedcover like a mustard
piaster? Because It Is a connter-pan.
Why does tying a -slow horse to a
post Improve his psce? It mskes him
Why are glovea unsalable artlclesl
Because they are made to be kept on
Why Is life like this riddle f Because
yon must give It tip.
Why does a boy aneese three tlmesl
Because he csn't help It.
Why are some women like factsT
Because they are stubborn things.
A Cur For Balking.
A farmer thua cured a horse of
balking: He went to a stall of wood
for a small load, but his horse would
not pull , a pound. He did not beat
him, as most men would, but simply
tied him to a tree and left him there.
At sunset he went to the stack a us In,
but the horse atlll refused to draw.
So h put a blanket on him and left
him thtre for the night. In tbe morn
ing be still refnned to drew, but at
noon, being hungry, he started at once
and drew the load to the house. Tha
farmer returned and got another load
before feeding ttltn bd-1 then gave him
a good dinner. . 1
Worn by Pampered
Pets ef fteciety Folk.
axrnsrvB collabs.
The fashion changes In dog collars
not flulte as often perhaps aa In the
clothes of the mistresses, but there
are sharply defined rules concerning
what la correct in canlno collar adorn
ment Tbe latest mode for tbeae col
lars next spring is a bright green leath
er, and on tbe right ahade of dog the
effect la remarkably atrlklng. Red col
lars are again In vogue for black
coated dogglea, and there Is a model In
sliver besds that Is much approved. A
favorite collar of a dog In tbe toy class
owned by a belle living at tbe national
capital la of brown leather headed
with ailver nails. On the bangle which
dangles from the col Is r are described
the canlne'a name and address.
But the most curious dog collar on
record waa ordered by a Baltimore
man to celebrate tbe eleventh birth
day of hla favorite black and tan 'ter
rier Dixie. The collar Is of dia
monds, of which no fewer than 700
were used. According to tbe Illustra
tion given of this collar. It waa fash
toned eomewhat In tbe form of a tiara,
with a pendant consisting of two
graduated pieces higher in tbe center
sod narrowing at the back.'
Wouldn't YuLilThis CotumT
Burton Holmes, tbe popular lecturer,
seems to be quite aa appreciative of
the picturesque In costumes aa In scen
ery. Behold him In the Illustration ar
rayed In his latest sartorial find a
Moravian costume which in Moravia
la - worn by the men of this Auatro
Hungary province.
What Woman, seeing the modlstlc
possibilities of this native dress, would
:Wv ;-' 1 1
fc .t
not have purchased it, aa did Mr.
Holmes, for $ft.48 of our money 1 This
aame woman would not allowber hus
band or brother to appear In It at a
fancy dress party. Oh, not Her motives
would be less altruistic, much more
selfish. This la what would happen:
She would pick off, aa It were, the
lending motifs of this costume for In
stance, the fascinating embroidered
girdle with Its long fringed ends. This
loot she would wear about the waist
of her new spring boose frock of pale
gray chiffon cloth.- And the bolero. If
tbla amnrt adornment answers to such
a name tn the Moravian tongue, ahe
would Incorporate Into her smartest
lingerie blouae of sheer marqnlsette.
And the accordion plaited sleeves.
each plait of which Is said to lie three
Inches deep well, these manchns would
make several summer gowns.
The gooseberry ib one of the most
delicious and profitable of the small
fruits. It Is easily rown and suited
to almost all localltl is In the United
States. Utah farmer and gardeners
claim that an average yield of goose
berries Is from 600 to 800 bushel per
acre. The price of marketable berries
Is seldom less than 25 cents per gal
lon, or $2.00 a bushel, hence an acre
will produce from $1000 to $2000 worth
of fruit.
FOR SALE Space In this column
Sell that old plow or harrow; yo
don't use It sine you purchased
your new on.
I - J
ill 0 plv
1 - '.! - - - .... ....
"vr- r
it :
fn hi cs
Real Estate
C T. Too is,
Lawyer and Notary
Keal Eatat Bought and Sold.
Room i. Beaver Bldg., Oregoa City
Baptist Co. Main and Ninth streets.
Hev. B A. Ifayworth pastor, res. Ill
Ninth; H 8. 12 noon. Mrs. A. F. Parker
supt.; mornlna service 10:0, evenlna
7 10, Y. V. 8. C. K. JO p. m. and Jun
lura same hour. Weekly prayer meet
ing Thursday at 7:10 p. ro.
Morning subject "Tbe Sanctlflca
tlon of Jesus."
Evening "Am I My Brother's
Csnemsh Baptist Mission 8. g. tneeta at
1 :0V p. m., lewla Conklln aupt.
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth streets.
Kv. A. Hlllebrsnd paator. res. 12
Water; Ixw Maaa ( a. m., Itlah Maaa
H 10 a. m . afternoon aervlco t 10. Maaa
very momln at
Conoreaatlonal Tor. Main and Eleventh
atreeta. Kev. Wm. M. Proctor paator.
rem'60 Third; t. 8. 12 noon. John Low
ry aupt.; mornlns aervlca 1 JO, even
lu 7:20. youn people :$0. Weekly
. prayer meeting Thursday at 7:10 p. m.
Morning toplrj "The Three Calls."
Evening Prof. Shlppee, Professor
of History In Pacific University, will
apeak on "Christian Education.
Christ EV. Lutheran Cor. Eighth and J.
-y xaame arrreia, iter. f. Ben mint
paator, res. SOS J. Q. Adams; 8. 8.
(.10 a. m ; preaching aternoona of first
and third Bundaya at 2:10, In KnaUah.
other Sunday aervlce morning at 10-J
with preachlna In German,
Chrletlan Science Willamette bulldlna;
Hunday aervlcea 11 a. m., 8. 8. 12 noon;
Wedneaday aervlce I p. m.
Qertnan Evangelical Cor. Eighth and
Madison atreeta. Kev. K. Wleve.U k paa
tor, re. 711 Madison; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
Herman Schrader, Monroe atreet. aupt.;
morn in a aervlce 11, youna people at 7
pt m. and preachlna U I p. n. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:10 p. m..
Gladstone ChHetlan Kev. A. II. Mulkey
rtor, rea. Oladatone; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
C. Hendricks aupit. ; nornlnf aervlce
11 o'clock, evening aervlce 7:30. Week
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7:2 p. m.
Methodist Main atreet cor. Seventh.
Kev. K. f . '.immerman pastor, rea. cor.
Btxth and Waahlngton; 8. 8. :4 a. m.,
C. A. Wllllama, Uladatone, aupt.; morn
ing aervlce 10 46. Kpworth League 1:10,
evening servlc 7:10. Prayer meeting
Thuraday 7?J0 p. m.
Morning subject "Abraham Lincoln
a Providential Man." Sermon to 3.
A. H-, which will attend In a body.
Evening A Pereonal Letter From
President Taft" Hla favorite song.
Psalm and moat famous aaylnga.
Mountain Vlow Union Cong ) 8. 8. 1
g. m., Mra. J. H. Qulnn aupt.; lilble
tudy every Thuraday afternoon;
preaching 7:20 p. m. aecond and fourth
Bundaya In January.
Preebyterlan Seventh atreet cor Jeffer
son. Kev. J. K. La nde borough paator.
rea. 710 Jefferson ; 8. 8. 10 a- m., Mra.
W. C. Oreen aupt.; morning aervlca 11
a. m., T. P. 8. C. E. t:t p. m even
ing aervlce 7:10. Prayer meeting Thurs
day I p. m. . -Parkplace
Conoeagatlonal Rev. J. L.
Jonea paator. rea. Clackamaa; 8. B. 10
a. m., Emery French aupt.; preaching
aervlce each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m. Chrle
tlan Endeavor Thursday evening 7:10
p. m. ...
St. Paul's Episcopal Ninth at., near
Main, Kev. Chaa. W. Kobtneon paator.
rea. at rtectory. Ninth and WatJr ate.;
8. 8. 12 noon, Wm. Bhewman aupt.;
morning servlc 11 a. m., evening aer
vlca i p. m.
At 5 o'clock Co. O. of O. N. G. will
attend service In a body at which time
Rev. Robinson will give an address
suitable to the occasion.' ' '
At 7 o'clock the Red Men and the
Ladles' Auxiliary to the order will at
tend, and appropriate address be giv
en. United Brethren Cor. Eighth and Taylor,
Rev. L. V. Clark paator, rea. Portland;
8. 8. 1 a. m., Frank Pnrker. Maple
In, supt ; morning aervlc 11, T. P.
B. C. E. p. m . evening aervlc T.
Prayer meeting Wedneaday 7:10 p. m.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
aervlcea. H. 8. 1 p. m., Mrs. Ream
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
atreet. Rev. W. R. Kraxberger paa
tor. rea. 720 Jefferson; 8. B. 9:20 a. m..
Rev. Kraxberger supt.; morning service
t St. evening 7:4a, Luther League 7
p. id. '
The measle patient In the east part
of town are reported convaleacent
The whiatle of the logging engineers
la again heard in the district of the
Schafer saw mllL
Master Charles Molman with hla
father and mother went to sea his
new cousin, of Mull no.
There will be a debate at the high
school neit Friday, February 17. Tbe
subject Is "Resolved, That trusts and
monopolies are a positive injury to
the people financially.''
H. S. RamBby, of Molalla, was In
town a few day ago.
" Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Staudlnger were
visitors at Mr. Colvln a Sunday.
C. A. Elliot was enjoying a pleasant
To Introduce The Morning
F.nterprlse Into a large major- 4
Ity of the homea In Oregon
City and Clackamaa county the 4
management haa decided to
make a special price for the
O dally Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber pay
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00.
By mall, paid a year In ad-
vance, $2.00.
People who gave our canvas-
aer a trial subscription for ona
or mora month, at ten cent a
week, can have the daily dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by.
paying a year In advance.
People who gave our canvas-
ser a trial subscription, by
mail, for four months at a dol-
lar, may have the paper for a
year for $2.00. If paid a year In
Subscribers to the Weekly
' Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to tha daily, re-
ceiving credit for half time on
the dally that tha weekly is
paid in advance. When they
choose to add cash to' tbe ad-
.vance payment equal to a full
year' advance) payment they
may take advantage of tha $2
We make this special price
ao that people who have paid
In advance on some other dally
and wish to take the Morning
Enterprise, may do so without
too great expense.
Read th Morning Enterprise.
Opportunities f-y
If yea
Be .. . I i
And If you want t aall farm, home r .
lot do llkewlaa. j a
ride In hla auto through this burg tha
other day. He also traveled In Dickey
prairie on the ssme day. Tha roade
are quite muddy but ha can get there
with a Ford.
Milton Chlndgren haa been clearing
land for Mr. Hoi man. He seem to
like to make a big smoke when he
burns poles.
Judging from the size of tha crowd
and the enthusiasm manifested at tha
Socialist meeting Monday night we
are led to believe that the doctrine of
Socialism -la taking a firm hold upon
tbe minds of the people of this vicin
ity. Mr. Wanbope proved to the en
tire satisfaction of the people that be
was a apeaker of the 'first water In
whom no old party politician , would
dare to meet.
Mra. Crecraft, our principal, Is vary
sick this week. .
Mrs. John Andrew took her daugh
ter, The I ma. to Portland to hare an
operation on her throat .
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllett were visiting
at their daughter's In Molalla.
Jack Wurfel, one of our enterprising
merchants, has Just purchased for his
use a fine automobile. 1
Lloyd Wlllett Is now at home to
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under thea elaealfied heading
will be Inserted at on cent a word, firs
Insertion, half a cent- additional lneer
tlona. One Inch card, 22 per month; half
Inch card. 4 lineal 11 per month.
Caah muat accompany order unless ana
haa an open account with the papar. No
financial reaponalblllty for error; whr
error oevtir free corrected not Ice will be
printed (or patron. Minimum charge lie.
WANTED Competent girl or woman
In small family at Portland for care
of baby and light housework. No
cooking. Good wages and desirable
and steady position- Apply Enter
prise office at once.
WANTED 8 mall advertisements for
this column. Prices very reason
able. See ratea at head of column.
FOR SALE By owner, modern six
room house nearly new on Improved
street, clone in. Terms. Call at
214 Washington street
FOR SALE: 1 span of mares and har
ness, weight 2300, age 9 "year.
Price $250. Phone or address J. E.
M alloy, Beaver Creek.
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. - Estimate cheerfully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walks and reinforce)
concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111-
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished. Ian
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
TJ'REN A 8CHTJEBBL, Attorneyaat
Law, Deutacher Advokat, win prac
tice In all court, make collection
and settlements. Office la Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Rooma 4,
( and 6 Beaver building. Main St,
Oregon City. Phones: Homo A-1M
and Paclfio States 1221. .
MONET LOANED Wa are acquaint
d with tha value of all farm land
in Clackamaa County and can loan
your money on good safe security.
Farm loans made one, two and three
years at 7 per cant .Abatracta of
title examined- WMlCK A DIMICK,
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
wnircs COPY
Room 7. Barclay Bide Oregon City.
75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 8
miles from Oregon City, 1 Bin
from O. W. P. enr Una. Good fruit
land. . Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts,
$100 to $225 per acre. Enqnira of
D. K. Bill A Co., Room 9, Beaver
Bldg., Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER, For lira Insurance
and Real Katata. Let us handle
your properties w buy, sell and
exchange. Office ' In Bnterprta
Bldg., Oregon City, Oracoa.
tata Dealers, bav cholo bargain
tn farm lands, city and anbarbaa
homea, good fruit lands and poultry
. raaeha. Sea ns for good buy
Near 8. P. depot
MANY TIMES yon. can buy Jnat tha
article yon want, Jnat aa good
new, at a small fraction of inn coat
of new, If you go and see TOUNO,
the second hand man. HI collec
tion contain New and Second Hnnd
Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curios,
etc. See him;- It cost nothing to
I Electric Hotel
411 Mala, lerwwa 4th aad Sth Ut.
J. J- TOBIN, Proprietor.
... .... 4