Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 11, 1911, Image 2

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uATwmn uuTKnpniRliL SATUHDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 19H
.iUVlM'U A - T ' ' i
t - p. ' jlUivwinvi rji x ijiti j.a. v-i - . ,- .
i mi (V - i . I " i
K. C .OOIC. Editor and Pvblleher.
AppUra-.toa n f' sscoa tl artvl
We at hs rostonr at Onna. City.
Orsa-un. uaJac th Act of Ctama of
terra I. UTl
tcus w st'cctirTWR.
... 1
... I
... .u
composing thrm will be atroog enough
numrrlcMly to put any reform that
Interoai thm throuith la ehape- and
every legitimate wfcrm U likely to
Interest tbem.
It la coming o a pretty pasa whoa
nolle officer muat Jlr way to
victory with young men of the town,
anil young men who aa a general thine
are pretty fair cttUena. If It la a case
of petty spite at the offlcera In ques
tion then la the matter even more de
plorable. Certain It la lhat the neit
time It la attempted to discredit the
utiir or to Injur one or more If
that wa the plan. thoee who are con
rioted In the niatter are not likely to
get off with ao light a aentence.
While on one hand we are given
the news telling of the rottenness
rTiir dvr- tha( lg being found lu Cannon's home
Owe Tw. by mall . .
Bis Month, br null .
Four Months, b mail.
Pr mrrk. br carrier...
" First THr. r men first Inarrttoa tic
First fas. pr l.ioh a)tt4 narttona .19c
Prfrrr4 raltLm any pgr. psr Inch
firs. Insertion lac
Prttfitwl poaiilun any pa. pr Inch
addvd Insrnl.ina 10c
Run pap th (ban first pas. psr terh
. flral ...lie
Run papr other than first la-. per Inch
afc1sl marrtlona (c
Loral 10c per ltn: to
Waata. For Rale. T. itsnt. etc . on j city and county, on the other we are
ee.t a'wnl flrt Insertion; cna-harf cnt nf the aucceas of Other men who
ach additional. 1 ... .,
Rat, for advert.... In the Weekly ! driving for better conditions ID
Enterprise will b th same as in th j government and preparatlona for gov-.
for th weekly. Wherj the advertisement , eminent We seem to be gaining
ta transfarrrd from th dally to the wsrk
It. without rhanjc. the rate will be tc
aa Bach for nan of th paper, and 10 aa
kneer for apeclai position.
'- Cash, should accompany order where
party la unknown In business ofrtca of
th Enterprise
Uscal advert lairs a( h-gal advsrtlslns
Circus advertlslns and special transient
advert Is Ins at tic to 0e an Inch, accord
ins to special conditions (overnlng th
"Fir 8J' and Bankrupt 8a!e" adver
t tee men la t&c Inch first Insertion: addi
tional Insertions asm matter Ste Inch.
News Items and well wrlt'en anlclee
of merit, with Interest to local readers,
will b (ladly accepted. Rcted aitnu-
ripia nsver ratuntwLuji1esgcxxnipsn
d by siamos to prepay post.-.e.
ground; wh'rb we lose It la material
while where we win It la moral yle-
to-y. If our victorle could all be
moral and our loaae material It
would not be long until these material
losses would tease of their own cure
The town has been rather quiet of
late and the present police intend to
keep It so. Any attempt on thepaxt
of "rising young bloods'' to make Jt
..otherwise Is not likely to prove profit
able. Have you joined any one of the
Brotherhoods? Perhaps you may find
the niche In which you fit In one of
these organiiatloas; and If you do
you don't know how much good you
may do.
It Is the purpose of the Mayor to
put a stop to gambling If he can get
his men around over the ground often
enough to catch those who are doing
the work. It Is not believed much
gambling Is being done, but even if
there is thepolice can only be In one
place at a time, per man.
The Saturday meetings of the mem
bers of the tregon City Fruit and
Produce Union, with the discussions'
Plav "One Thouaand."
Mr and Mr. William Sch warts, of
the West Side, eatertained a few of
their friends at "One Thouaand
a new card game, Thursday evening
The first prlie was won by William
Schwarta and Mrs. P. O. Wlnkel, while
tiremaulation ptlie were awarded
to Mrs. Schwarfr"rafrPTGTWlnkel
Refreshments were served to about
13 guests.
Will Soon Start th Drill.
Rivers ft McGregor went to Port
land yesterday where they purchased
material for their drilling outfit They
succeeded in wetting what they wiahed
and the drill Is now being constructed
at the Oregon City Machine Shop
and will soon be ready to complete
the task of drilling the wells they
have contracted for on the West Side.
Insurgent Senator Welcomes Agree
ment aa First Step.
WASHINGTON, Feb, 10 The first
(tun in the Congressional battle over
Canadian reciprocity waa fired In the
Senate yesterday.
Beveridge, of Indiana, an Insurgent.
lined no on the side of the Administra
tion. He did not make a pretense of
representing others of the progressive
Republican camp.
Beveridge .welcomed the compact aa
the first concrete evidence or me es
tablishment of such relations with
Canada as be thought the United
States should maintain with that
country. He continued:
"If some think that the agreement
la nn all it should ho hecauaa of the
and addresses, promise much. It Is a treatment of a few articles, the answer
question of the people of Clackamas 1 is that even If this objection Is sound
county getting Interested they have ; to tno" ,ew dt,1- vrt " j
A few
rible when compared with the Import
ance of getting this great National
nd nolle v established?
the climate.
months of study and research
Clackamas county citizens will be In "If the agreement la enacted Into
line for anything good In fruit grow-1 ,,w nd proves beneficial to the" Na
tlon aa a whole. It Is certsln to be ex
tended as time goes on and the two
Monument For Perry 'of 1812
7 Fame to Be Erected at Put-In-Day
s ji
Tsulatlte plaiiaTiTTria bulVIInf rC "'ouunient la cimuieiimratloii of
rvwnmsnd.t O. H. PafTT deeds at Put in HayJ tl . nnl t a i-niiimintrti.
Miehratlon of th event are well under way. Cougrwaa haa rin.iriated
Ahel Children ( rU,
Up rr ry. . ,
Portland Is oin tu t hv a -iod.l
aystem of playgrotind. "'a
vices of an Prt tTt
from the Playarwun.1 AasooUU
' 1.1 .rrlv. la March and
will look over th prnt playgrounds
and wutlln. plant for W-,-
men. a Whll b-r. h .'
addreaae on playground work In other
"urn ordr ha' .f1?
new apparatus l"l b ,
1- ..e na during I h ctimlns
.e iMrtuma of th rltf not al
ready provided wllh rM rtl !
will b supplied so that the children
S every Trt vt Portland will h.v
whoreaom outMor amusement fa-
ues. Jr- Vauahri, el aU, Could Not
a Drunk.
The saloon men ar often made th
butt' of a loh and this wsa lb Mtsr
at th trial of th young men charged
with dlsturbanc Thursday- night.
eral saloon mn wer callwd up In oaa
evldenc was heeded to show th
young wen wer not drunk. On
Councilman who' knew of th !
ken aatd:
"Of eoure thea aaloon mn muat
that tha vntins men wer not
H-mk thav rani do otherwl; for If
ik. MiiiM man wer drunk what bual-
.... hail the sail Una mtuT drink? It
makes m laugh to think that any
Bla fit I II Mat that anv aaloonlat would
b foolish enough to anak surh ad
mlasloa, conaiueriDg won is at i-
000 for th building of the monument and It I believed ,t hut ten state will
Uke part In the celebration to be held In 10IS,. Tbe'iuoimm.-nt will be la Juv
mena ahaft of granite, with provlal.ip lu th le ftr aaaetiil'ly halla and gov
eroment departments. At the top will t located a Itatlit Iwnisc and a wlrelea
station. It Is proposed to ask th government , to Install a nh hatchery as
wall as other bumsus In the baa of th monument. t'onatniiMlon work on lb
monument probably wilt not be bogwn ttntli after th rutmlftLrelebrattone
bar tteen held. Cuncreaeinaa Madden of lltlnola says (he anMirt of ronsT
In tb move for a celebration fitting to the great lake vk-eurv ctiuld b aaaured.
toxlcated condition. He agreed to go
bom and waa nermltted to start but
Dr. Board Raiaaa It at Mania Lm m hirk Tha Mil lhln lk mllra
knew Raines waa In the street with
a bad cut oq bla bead, received from
the Paat Seaaon.
& Beam and wife of Maol
Dr. T.
Lane, were In Oregon City on bualneaa
yesterday. I. Beard brought In with
him a table carrot of the Model var-
iei which meaaured 18 Inches In cir
cumference, and placed It In the exhib
it rooms of the Oregon City Commer
cial Club. Dr. Beard and wife have
recently returned from a trio throut-h
the Eastern and Southern States, snd
saya that during their . travels they
had never seen a carrot aa larcw aa
the one brought Into thla city Friday
Nothing like It haa ever been brought
to the Oregon City markets, and It ta
attracting the attention of visitors to
the Conintemal Club rooms.
' Falls and Cut Face.
Charles Raines, of Bolton, waa
about town Thursday night In an In-
a fall to th cement sidewalk. This
aobered him up somewhat and b was
permitted to aga'a start for horns.
Lot Off From Gambling Charge.
Chaa. Nash, whoa plac waa raided
Thursday at midnight and who waa
told to appear Jo Recorder's court and
aettle that afternoon, waa up early la
an. effort to aettle without getting In
to court. He pleaded ao hard Officer
Cooke did not press th caa. While
the player wer caught at the'tabte,
wtth money and chlpa In sight, the
amount was ao amall and the chances
of conviction not being all they might
Nash wag let off on promise of being
Huetlln for Now Member.
A. R. Wwlls. deputy suprm com
mender of tb Knlghls of Marabeea.
arrived In Oregon Oily yoatrdr
morning and spent th day working In
th interest of Ik order. H will visit
Us lo. secure member ror in
... . .. . . k I .ttJ a
in r. nvill umm
order until A or II If
been a member Of tb Maccabees for
the paat four years, and was appointed
to the offtc ho la now filling about
four months ago. Tb knlf a of Ibis
city now numbers about X) mmbra,
and many mora will be taken la no
doubt before) tb deputy supreme com
mander leave a.
Read th Morning Entarprta.
Pleade Qullty and Pays PI.
Bert Ooodfortun. bartender .In
Case's aaloon. waa before Recorder
Sttpp Friday on tb charge of selling
liquor to an intoalraled person. II
plead guilty and waa fined $28, which
he paid and waa given bis liberty.
Two Women Who Picked Blanks In
Lottery of Lit.
Zella McCookey baa filed a ault for
dlvorc against William McCookay.
They were married June 17, 1811. and
bav thro children. Mr. McCoakey
eaya her uuaband baa refused to work
or support bla family, but would loaf
around and quarrel with her. II Is
also charged with cursing and beating
bar and grabbed br by the throat and
choked her. leaving Bears.
Zeola Kennedy, who waa enarrled to
Fred R, Kennedy al Bumpter, Or, Ap
ril IS. IfrX. baa filed a ault for dlvorc
on th ground of desertion and Don
aupport Tbey bav one daughter.
Lodema, wbo waa bora February it,
! DeoDles exoerlence lta rood effect.
The High School Assembly la cer-; on the other hand. It should pfo.e
talnly bearing fruit and the fruit Is ' harmful to the Nation aa a whole, It
rertslnle swi Th. .,. ta eould be repealed quickly."
. V. - "5 L I" conclusion, BeveridKe said;
ticuvaiKg are taxing on new laeas
. oacrnWig life; the yoong lassies are
learning ' more and more concerning
the things that are to make them wise
We do not need to protect otrr peo
ple from the Canadian people. What
we need Is to make It easier for Can
ada to buy freely from us the things
wncn tney are given tne ' neei ,, to make ,t eagy for our people
to buy from Canada those things
which our people need Instead of mak
Ing It hard for them to do so."
ballot. And these Aasomhllsa eanrwi '
become too popular without giving
the women the ballot.
There was another Brotherhood
meeting last night making the fourth ! WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. (Spl.)
Brotherhood that Is doini bualneaa in The fate of Malcolm, nominated for
the Oregon City churches. All of
which haa much of promise of good
for thla city. If these Brotherhood
Collector of Customs for Oregon, held
up st the Instance of Senator Bourne,
Is to be settled next Thursday. The
Senate has decided to permit of no
continue to grow In numbers and in-1 aeiay beyond that date. It Is said
fluence It won't" be long until the men Bourne hM never 0ed a written pro
test against .the confirmation.
If You Want to Fly Be
Certain You
Have Absolute
Confidence In
The Kind That
Our New Steel Die Embossing
Machine IS THE THING .
CUrrORO B. HARMON. Aviator. Je
HERE are people who believe that it is Dosmhl to l.
knack of flying aa easily aa you can cultivate a bad habit
A88umine vou want tr. ;n,lw :
, lu si-rujjiano sport, as-
tain that "UrY0Umlf f quality. Be absolutely cer-
m a. job. Z h
A atupid man does not make a pood flipr . . .
beintr air wis Pw .;. . , " uch a th ing as
uewg air wise, iverj air man knows it. But h e. i. ji 7.
, n ku a, , . Mnpteb!,im of
you become initiatevi in . . .
difficultie. unfolded before rol T otbw
depth, of hi. evince hw ,0UnIed
tW SST ' "cony truing on each flight
without end. iXrnly Ck;" T "' hon obstacle, .re
tble to analyze the deW not been
T - " r .a
II -
I ftwdnn fitv
I-- ajwss vitj
. .
' ' ' ; -
aaaaa as r- ; ' '
. : . . . ''aTaafsBgl
- The savlna ,t(l .
awlewd fitly.',,.;'; jp,.
4 sortaln. . tTt
.7 Mv
Tha Bank of Or:-
. far fin. ahae reaalrlag g. to
Worai eaa vlillo you wait
Ovt Mottot SHsiattoo 'GuariLi.tcU I
-" 711 Main tot thitli ana ,,ntn.
D. C. J-ATOUMTTsI lTwaUait
CAMTAl tMAOO.00. . (
Traneaeio 0ersl vanklnf slioe. Oaea fratt
1101, aa4 Mrs. Kenae4f caargea doaer
tko brwary S, lr". elace waleh
lime aba baa supported bereetf.
-I t AU-ltTATIt.
The followlag traaaTer. of real ea
Ule were pls4 yeaiertlar ta tbo offtc)
of County Recorder La B. William.;
& W. and Alice a Weaver aa.
J. I. ana-Kdsle A- Calvert to Uv
Kixb. tt acrwe, lowoablp i south,
rang t weal, Clarbanae aa. Martoa
C. W. an4 Caaaed to D. W.
Mart. SI aree, nactkoa x, townsblp
I south, range I east; 100.
O. A. aad Ulllan B. I'almar to Oeo.
E. and Joha R. Knoi, land at nor
In. Junccu.n; I3OO0.
O. A. and Ulllao 8. Palmer to J.
R. and Ormce Knoi, land at llortng;
J. A- and Annie Nelson to T. Wil
liam aad CX title Yeohe, kxs I and C
section 1, townsblp I south, range I
east. M M acre.; JJOO. .
rhe ITnloa will boiaW.J
lor better gra41a7V
Ii -the paat uWlSw
wrl H CsM
Your Homo
Arttttie Decoration at
Moderate Cost.
tempt-, made to
pack fruit s snd
wlablag good pntml
to pack and sot paa,
atock raised. j
firm with lars. stor..
Demaad la good an.,,
to IL "4
but a tendency is i g&
maad. Oood Moaw
ohlppwd In troaiBMtg,
M4 parking of asaj,
II JO, WblU Uarsba,,
Offervd It la aot VsaTa
rod first class sat ka
buying outside It aa'
at te poand; raneu,ax
aloe plenty uk aWt
ak: beeu I baataai
Of aJIblads blarf.
and rwlery all CaBfataW
rLOL'K Tao tatts.
ward la sjmpstkrn
ta off oa cent aaat .
t tl. hard wheat rw:
Ing rates tl UUtlSa
about earn prtwo as
II t. bartertUt -Hkj"
decllM la quouaaa k
that la MHlrsUisi.
MAT Morcaassj k
clover. 1T far Oaak'
oat bai aelllsflswli
ploaty of haylsBMar'
and a weakaaayrar
gooda atltl oo4asaftaf ,
grade, caa not atl
latlona. Choaak
but about holfta 1
lot .a t V . .1 aSQOaWItavoaajtK
U2ii rapcrs
few fart
For rhe tasos) ot Kin,
trra-f Www rrpmrat ike
best tbe World aflords
Tkanvfc sa saUfMias m
mm A t mm Am litaaiBT1
ttooav The tnao.ks
firmoT aad tbo fii
lie: f
BKANS Tb aawt
very stif and tbi r'
sblpmeou of ststs)
couatrtw are Maj
York, aad their raw?
J.B. F0X rSf
profit to those
abroad. i
white hooey o. ttw
Tory .tiff aad prkai.
M-UT8 T)rseasl 1
lie to llefiweboi
or fowls; cblckoail
wlU brtag 1I& Oat I
mood. J
HoeawTbo bop f
firmer aad tt la hdr
who hold for tto
m i kjm ma! awax
mw ta. a1 i
8 alt Liverpool . J
Stork salt w f.
Dairy 1
Canby Marwets.
(Roporlod bv Gordon Dree. Co.)
GRAINS Wheat aaJllne It ewt. oata 11.4a. pai 01 n
time. Bran AND OTHKH lit'
Cure Your C
In the front rank of the
caah for oata at tbl.
brings IS. sack, shorts H is. wMtiin, barley 11.11. riour I. aelllng at
II the barrel .
CinCKENS Bprlngere brtaf 17.
and are la good demand, hen. I7e,
old rooator. He, young roosters He,
Turkey are quotable at I0e, duck.
10c and geeae lie.
MEATS Dreeeed pork la selling at
11 He at tbla time and tbe aame I. be
ing paid in trade; -lOHo I. paid la
Man. veal selling U0 and paring
IJHc cask, naoon and ham Bella at
20c, shoulder 17c, lard command, lie.
FKIJITB ADD aa rnmn... as. k.
I'OTATOES-Potatoee .all at 11.45.
with ll.ll best cash offer. Read atook
cuniHianas .1.0., CSStl lie. -
. HAY Clover hsv AomnisAi SIS Rn
""'";, auitq fij,
E008 Market Booo too sUoog ai
Oregon City Quotation.,
Jk. - MM.. .
""any emanated there
v uwsru tendencies that
' Tbe trad, la eraatl lt. lm '
.La ""cc""" Oregon City Fruit
and Produce Union, chiefly for what
AT T3f
(Tbo HousS 1
fell, round-trip
months. allop l
si aorominodsU
;1 rliim. at f .
For further laf:
t rated booklet,
. Pby, Mlcal ll
Uko. Or. WT
Agent, or writ
Try the Classif cd Coltf c
3000 TUxittM Datlly .