,;-,n-?tf e""7 jmj,, m-j J T""T v MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911. - ' . j ,- ft Pay to Advertise W Article fv doubtful marlt or honesty for urnmri SIINATINQ. They know vsluss thsy know opportunltlss. be aold by advertising Is, by that last, tV'- In buying thing which hat "stood V TJy advertised artlcla, or commodity, la al ia Ufa. Ha csnnot shirk, nor cheapen hla test oaslbl prottotlon for tha coniumir, jylng advartlaad things It's tha loglo of eek, wm i-nesday. 'leys. , jjpi Oregon C" S from hla nr-celved jjatreet ather, of Jty Wad- l tha bin V in thla Hes for U i4 Mrs. M bean jSpusehold Saturday r big ") i. o. w. t , There XNM who f X!0!1 Of r to at seo- Tuesday jr visited tly pur- M. wss In "J arrsnge- I bUSI- PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mra. IX A. Burns, of Molalla, la the tueat of Miss Vada Elliott. Mra. Hurt Goodpasture, of Park place, pent Thuraday In thla city, the guest of Mra. Fred Btelner. . Mra. Frank I-ticaa. of l'arkplace, who haa been 111 for the pant week with a aevere cold, la Improving. MUa Veda Williams will entertain the Oypslee at the home of her sister, Mra. CG. MIHrJUof8eventh street. Mra. IJiin Jones, wife of Representa tlve Jones, waa called to linker City Wednesday beesuse of the lllneaa of her slater, Mra. Louis Leavlnger. ' Mis Ktta BtralKht, who haa been spending the winter at Hood Ktver, where ahe haa been attending school, and vlHltlng her alHter, Mra. UMr, returned to her borne at l'arkplace Sunday. Mra. II. L Kelley left on Wednes day for Hood Klver, where ahe will visit with her son, Hoy, who has charge of his brother's fruit ranch at that place. Mra. Kelley will remalu several weeks. I0WAN PRODUCES ELIXIROF YOUTH Sour Milk Ice Cream 1$ His Old Age Cure. BULGARIANS FOLLOW THE PLAN LOST IN THE CATACOMBS By CROVER J. GRIFFIN Copyright br Amarlran Prssa Asso ciation. 11. Hew ta Qat a Crowd. t the I)ov. 'ttlng the 1 la the Jf. M. A. yir, from I Mr. and "Jte, laat jr waa JUat after- rs. John 5 employed en Pon ded to hla attack proved and jj soon aa and Mra. tverely In- TSamlte, Is S brought dneaday. t one of hla ky the ex. 1 although metal In Jjs- from no F ' f Largs Bum Je will read a bequest VI ureiou. hlladelfthla tonal re, who Jtjr. . ha b-Eplaocpal Jftl confirms et been re- although tor the newa tereated In yua uianop If there ceptable to the Kprsco- If such a rill come srpo ration Jf expended chancellor expectej jslon of the (Wk. rs OHIO ct and decoration at rate Coit. pda Company's Pape Jk OMeag )aaon of Nine )a rcprrsrnt the World aRordi U. Ss ihatrn ! your rl Mt atlrirtlva vrlcct it m kSaia ( FOX rSSE V 83 First Actor-I u going to have my benefit next Pntimlny nlnht, ami I aui puxzl)l to know how I am going to Oil the Iioiihp. Second Ator That's eauy. Iuvlle your crwlltom. , On ths Wagon. da Fountain True Spring for Psr- pstusl , Juvsnilsa, AirU Profascor Martanaan of tha Hawkaya Stata' Agricultural Collaga Civaa Formula of Battling Baotsrta to World. 1'rofcxiior Mortcnnrn vt the dulry d partmiiitof the Iowa Htnte Agricultur al college at Ainrs, la., has Invented new frozen elixir of life which he call luito. When Professor Metchnlkoff of the rssteur Institute at ' Taris jiublUfied his book on "The Prolongation of Life" Professor MorteiiHen got an Idea. Metchnlkoff traced the caune of old age to the putrefactive bacteria That make their home In the Intestines. These bscteria throw off poison which csuhs ill health, old sge slid finally death. The way to dislodge them Is to give them a dose of their own medicine. The lactic arid bac teria whl b are found In sour milk pro. dure 'an add which Is fatal to their poisonous relatives. In certain . districts - of Bulgurla, where sour milk Is a regular artlclo of diet, the people are euhl to live to an old ago not approached eUewhere, But people generally don't like to drink sour milk. Bsctsris Msds Pslstabls. Bo Irofessor Mortensen started to work out bis Idea, which was to sup ply the lactic acid bacteria In a pala tablo form. At first he diluted the elix lr of life with buttermilk flavored with fruit Juices. Lster he decided to put his lactlAcId bacteria In cold atorHge and market them In the form of Ice cream rather than as a drink. Here waa the opportunity. An Ice cream cone afloat la a aea of soda wi ter hss com to be the great national drink of the United Btates. The sulmtltutlon of lueto for Ice Cream csnnot but result In a gTeat Im provement In the health of the fre quenter of the soda fountain, 1'roreS' sor Mrt onsen lelleves. Asido from being loaded with friendly bacteria. It rontnlns ie-s fat tbitu lea cream, which makes It more dlgestlMe. iJicto con tains a hlith amount of protein, the muscle building part of the food Lacte Hsd s Majority. An erierlinent was csrried on at Ames to see 1ut how well lacto was liked by the average persoa. Out of 170 persons who ssmpled lacto J28 pro nounced It very good, thlrty-aeven good, six fslr and eight ioor. Compar lng It with common vanilla Ice cream. 111 reported that they preferred la.to, nine considered It ernal to Ice cream. and fifty -nine preferred Ice cream. Icto Is made of loptiered whole or aklmmllk. with the addition of eggs lstigsr. lemons ami flavoring material. It can be made In a one gallon rreeaer on the back porch aa easily aa In the 'They tell me Rllktoa la on too wster wagon now." yes; fire water wagou." Awful Pun by Pop. "1 don't wish you to have that clerk calling here." "Why not, papaT "Because a dry good clerk quently sales under falae colors." fr- 8 ha Took Some of It. "There Is one thing I like about woman." he said as they strolled. "Teal What'e thatr "An arm," be anld, and he slid one around her fragile waist. WANTS' OSteady suets mar for " m i apace. Birmr as. m- ps Hones unnecessary. Judl eloua advertisers with soma thing ta sell and aomethlng to , say win Tina this tha proper 1 graasa for a buainaea clog. N - trlflsra Married persona of ma-. 4 s turs age will understand. Call an, or address, Advertising Manager Morning Enterprise, 4 Or gen City. Oregon. When I wss a boy reading stories of Uoma In connection with my studies the great d.nlre of my life wss to visit the Eternal City snd the localities at which the Incidents I read about occurred. I wished to go over the seven hills on which the city had beeu built; I wished to see the Forum, the home of the vestal virgins, the spot where Custor and Pollux sppeared. marked now by the ruins of their temple; I wished to see th Collneuu). the triumphal arches, the Pantheon. Above all, 1 desired to go down luto the cstacomb where the esrly Chris tians socretly deposited their dead. The time dually came when I reach ed the object of my desire. I visited Itonie... On the steamer c running the Atlantic and later steaming over the Uedlterrsnenn 1 met Marian Cham bers. and, sitting on deck moonlight nights with her. I caught from her i fever the fever of love. Hy the time we reached Gibraltar I was down, and during" the whole voyage from there to Naples I waa very 111 with this Irri tating disease. I was cured on the homeopathic principal that ilka cures like. The love of the girl given In gradually hicreased doae put me In a normal condition. - By the time wa reached Home I was ready to enjoy the sights I had count ed on aeelng ever since I began to tody I-atln. And now I had a loved Companion to visit tbem with me. The catacombs that had Interested me most I reserved till the lust Marian and I bad a fancy for slipping way from those we traveled with and going alghtseelog together. . One- morning we took a cerrlage. drove out on the Applan way and stopied at the entrance of tbos aubterranean pas sages I had long wished to explore. We were In time to join a tarty about to descend, were each given a wax taner. and a monk In a white cowl, who waa to .pilot us. led na down a atone staircase at the bottom of which were the catacomba. We followed the taer light proces sion for awhile, but finally at the time I would not tell how it hapened, bnt now I am an old married man I will admit that 1 waa never happy for half an hour at a time without a kiss from my Marian, and I. led her away from the others for the purpose of tsklng one. As soon as this object bud been accompllahed we atarted on after the others. Immediately we came to a split In the passage, and the party bad gone 'so fsr that we could not tell which of the two avenues they bad taken. Making choice of the left band passage, we rsn as fast aa we could, only to find new splits and turns and cornera. but not the party We were lost. reople have been lost before In these underground burial phxcea and nave narrated their experjam-wa. la our rase there is aometuing oinerem irum any of them. I had a box, of matches In my pocket thst I csrried for cigar lighters. We also had two tapers, Aa aoon aa I realized that we were lost I Portland Marketa. Tne rattle aupply at the yards yea terday waa the heaviest since the first of the year, the arrlvala up to aoon being 1015 bead, with mora ex pected later. Other receipts were Zt calvea. 2216 sheep and 98 hoga. For the week thus far cattle have held In better shsps than other lines, but in some quarters tha belief pre vailed today that the market under tha preaent heavy load muat give way to aoine extent. Iluyera ware In evi dence aa usual this morning, out not much In the wsy of business waa re ported up to the noon hour. Latest salea Included the loiiowing: Weight. Price. 879 ewee l 3 2. cowe 990 6 00 6 cows T t 60 C cows 37 . 6 cows 898 4 60 21 cows 9'a oj 9 cows 706 6.00 29 steers 1"'" 6 80 1 calf mo -za Following Is the current general range of valuea: Cattle Steera, prime, 8.oo6.&o; good to choice $5.5005.75; common to fair, 4.50fl5; cows, top, wo.tu, fair to good, 4.506: cows, top, $5 5.25: fair to good, $4is4.7; com- mon, I3.00xpt.oo; caiven, wv, 8.25; heavy, $5.O07.O0; bulls, 13.00 04 50; stags, 13 &u.&.uo. Hogs Ilest, ISitfS.ZS; lair to goou, 77.76. okuiu. Tnn wet tiers. lD.uoiuo.iJ, fair lo good, 844.50; ewes, best, $4 6o 04.60; fair to good, 3pJ.t; mmu, 14 HOftG. Horses Drariers, extra, iaw i I7im Ins.. 11650350: drattera. lair 10 good 1 125 20; chunka, good, f!00 9 ' ., AiiiA. iln. i Ro chunks, meaium, isumiw; u.i- ers good. $125 up; drivers, medium 10 good; $40110; plugs, $10040. Rose Setts Hop Crop. INinKPENDENCB, Or., Feb. 9. C. U Rose has sold 4SC balea of hope to mehr. Wolf Netter, or roruauu. Of this amount 200 'bales were of the 1909 crop and the balance waa grown in 1910. He received 19 cenia a pouuu. ur. o.rW.r Charaed With Deeertion. j.mM a. Parker haa filed a sun io- divorce against Kate Parker, to wnom he was married In 1900. He charges her with deserting him at poruana in 1908. Vlerlne Post Carde. neautlful cards at Huntley Bros. Co. lc to 25c Lace valentines io io 50c. Hand Painted, 25c to $2. CORRESPONDENCE STAFFORD. The sad newa cornea of the death thla morning of Henry Ellegsen. Hia rteaih waa not unexpected, aa be hag been ailing since the first of July Real Estate Opportunjtie.0 C T. Tooxa, Lawyer and Notary Abatracts. ana. Insurance CHARLES T. TOOZE A CO. Resl Bstate Bought and Sold. Boom 3, Baaver Bldg., Oregon City If ya want ta UY A FARM, BUY A HOMC, -. BUY A LOT, See CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. And If you want to aa4l farm, name a lot do likewise. 25 present and an enjoyable evening waa spent. Archie Dougan la spending a few weeks with his father st this place. We understand that he Intenda to go Into business at Bllverton In the spring, having aold hla restaurant In Oregon City. Archie Ixavls apent 8aturday and Sunday at home with bis parents. Mr. Wallace Is doing a lot of slash ing and improving hia place generally. Bert Wallace la working for Dell Trulllnger this week. JENNINGS LODGE. - There was much Interest manifested at the meeting of the Jennings Lodge Community Club which met on Feb ruary 1 at Mr. Betxs greenhouse. Thirty-three applications were banded In for membership, which makea an organization of over fifty membera, all of which are enthusiastic over the work taken up. Very favorable re ports were heard from the chairmen of the varloua comrnltteea and John Jenning waa appointed to sea that our tlcketa over the O. W. P. read Jennlnga Lodge inatead of Jennings aa they have recently heretofore. Mr. Chaa. Rlsley, of Oak Grove, and Mr. W. Haberman, of Grants Pasa, were vlsltora and both these gentlemen be canie members on Wednesday, as they are property holders in thlB com munity. The Thursday afternoon sewing club will meet at the home of tne Misses Ellen and Mildred Hart on February 9th. Mr. Will Flnley returned from Salem on Wednesday evening. Miss Esther Holden, of Sellwood, enjoyed a two days' visit with ner grandpa, Mr. L. Wilcox. Mr. Chaa. Klrmse was ousineaa caller In Portland on Friday. Mra. H. H. Emmons called on friends st the Lodga recently ana made a trip to Oregon City on Friday. Mrs. J. P. Flnley and Miss Anna Flnley of Portland, spent mursaay with William FInlay ana ramny. Mr. Henrr Smith haa rented tne small cottage of U. L. Haberman and will occupy It at one. Mlaa Bessie Roberts entertained a number of her little friends on Sat urday afternoon from two until four at her home. Games or various mu war played and Miss Ellen Hart as sisted Mrs. Roberts tn serving rnumn- menta. A number of the folks re membered that Miss Bessie was eleven Executors Notice. Notice Is hereby given that A idea B. Graham, Arthur W. Graham, R. D. Morrill- and Wm. Andreaen have beea appointed by the County Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon, executor! of the eatate of John M. Graham, Da ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to Wm. Andresen, Executor, at 619 Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the data of tha first publication of this notice. Data of first publication, January 27th, 1911. Date of last, publication, February 24, 1911. ALDEN R GRAHAM, ARTHUR W. GRAHAM, H. D. MORRILL, ; " Wm. ANDRESEN, Executors. WESTBROOK A WE8TBROO K, Port land, Oregon, Attorneys. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notlcea under theae elaasiriad haadmas will ba lnaertd at ona cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional Inac tions. On Inch card, ft per month; half Inch card. M lineal II per month. Cash muat accompany order unless oris haa an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notlea will be printed tor patron. Minimum charas lc WANTED. . WANTED Competent girl or woman In small family at Portland Tor care of baby and light honaework. No cooking. Good wages and desirable and steady position. Apply Enter prise office at once. WANTED Girl for housework; good wages. Inquire Mrs. Don Meldram, 1114 Washington St, WANTED Small advertlsementa for this column. Prices very reason able. - Sea rates at head of column. FOR SALE. ' lsst At flrat bis aieease was pro nounced walking typhoid, which ter- presented her with some very pretty was the eldest son of Fred Ellegsen factory. The family ncl given by put out both the tapers, and. being In Professor Morteusen Is as follows: Take a bottle of good fresh milk which haa not leen heated and set It away In a temperature of from 68 to 1 70 degree. until It curdles. If It forms a smooth solid curd without a small open space where waa a Chrla tlan'a skeleton In a aarcophagas. we aat down on the latter to think. What would be the result of our thus being lost underground? We would not be missed by the party wa baa I . . . - A A 1- ninholenwlf the aroma Is clean and joinea. ior w anew ooi u and pleaaant and tha flavor nice creamy. It can ba used as a starter for a larger amount of paateurlsed whole or aklmmllk. After thla aecond batch of milk baa curdled it should hsve a mild clean acid flavor. The curd must be thor oughly broken up by the pouring from one dish to another until It la aa tmck and velvety as rich cream. Fsrmula of Elixir. From thla "lacto milk" lacto can be made by the following formula, which la Buffleleot for one gallon: Two and ona-half quarts lacto milk. Mir, h a wife, waa aoout m yeara old. and his whole me nas oeen apent upon his father's farm, where ki. oir.rnriretllne- merry disposition will ever be treasured In the neans oi those who are left to mourn ma u rfth Resides his motner anu father ha leaves three sisters ana one brother and hosts of other relatives, k. nr Inns- friends and neigh' bors of his childhood, boyhood and ,..,no- manhood to mourn tne aeatn of one of whom no one ever had ought but good words to speak. His mother has been doubly afflicted recently, aa she followed a dearly belovea jnotner (Mrs. Turner) to the grave less m three weeks ago. Them is as much sickness In and near this neighborhood as elsewhere, ..elnelnallv nolds and la grlPP- No .,. ...o. frnm these causes have resulted as vet. but there Is scarcely a house where there la noi iroui to four sick, but at present writing .11 hatter and not many new caaes. Among the latter we regret to say Is Mrs. Powell, who Is threatened hut we are happy to hear aha seams to be resting easier at present. , Mrs. Anrnl has one of her daugh vlaltlnv her with her baby boy. , Miss Helen Rablc ! "lowly Retting better, and as, from present iuu.i.. tlons we are promised a spell of fine weather, we are all hopeful It will be ... kanoftr tn the ailing. Seems to your correspondent that. ilk. all rood things, the wormy mr ai - f ih. 4iiHnhon society Is dl rimej, " ; i who came In to spend the afternoon were the Misses Anna Hester. Gladys Caldwell. Helen 8eeley, Naomi Wil co, Etta Strain, Mary. Jane and Doris Palnton Ruth Cook. Ruth iruscon. and Fanny Smith of Oregon City. Miss Eileen DM, who has spent, tne past month with her sister, Mra. Cal vin Morse, has returnea io ner In Yamhill. FOR SALE By owner, modern bU- room hoaae nearly new on improves street, close In. Terms. Call at 214 Washington street. FOR SALE 1 span of mares and har ness, weight 2300, age 9 years. Price $250. Phone or address J. K. Malloy, Beaver Creek. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 3 miles from, Oregon City, 1 miles from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit land. Cut into 7 and 14 acre tracts, $100 to $225 pr acre- Enquire of D. K. Bill & Co., Room 9, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. Mr. and Mrs. Brlchley, who have HARRy JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estlmataa cnearrnuy given on all classes of building work, concrete' walks and reinforced concrete. Rea. Phone Main 111. ATTORNRYeV O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law buslnesa. Over Bank of Oregon City. One sad four-fifths pounds sugar. Two eats- Ona-half pint charry Jules or concan- trmtad charry atrup. Ono-thlrd pint lemon Julc. Othr fruit flavors can be used In Parties were golug through the cata combs every dsy, but would they bsp- Den to come our wsy? Besides, we might starve before wa were discos ered. There was nothing whatever for us to subsist on. Wa might try to And our wa oat. but there were many miles of tbeae subterranean passages. and wa were liable to wander farther from the entrance. Tha result: of our deliberations waa to remain where we were. I will pass over some twenty boors of our captivity without attempting to deacribe our feelings. IDS moat hopeless psrt of it waa that our betng clothed with a little brief w where wa were. :,wnrntT. to run things Into tne friends did Dot kno We panaed most of the time In the dark, for 1 wished to aava our tapers and marches for any opportunity that might occur. While sitting on tha sar- stead of cherry as desired. The yolks cophsgos something ran on my foot and whites sre beaten In separate con- j scratched a match, and Its flame re tainers. Both are then sdded to the yaaled tha two glistening aysa of a milk. Tha mixture Is thoroughly stir-1 n red and strained through a One wire j at once lighted a taper, and while gauze. The fruit juices are added last Marian held It I tried to catch the rat If there la any Indication of the Julcea if be would serve no other purpose we precipitating the casein they should might need to eat him. I didn't have not be added until the mixture has be-1 mUch trouble getting my hands on gun to freexe. I him. I think be knew wa were lost The freezer Is run nntll It tnrns with there and waa willing ta help us out difficulty, when the paddle Is removed. I Then so Idea occurred to me. Scrlb- TK. hrlna ta IvmnTA and the f reezer I . 1 1 n n m lot .. f mi tn 111 V repacked with Ice and salt and left for pocket, stating that we were lost In the suppar. It leaves but a small PJtl"" an hour or so before the contents are c,tacombs, held the rst while Mar- to the owner of the tree Now, i oe- tan tlad the note with a strip torn from "eve in m , ' fr,t k K.t.H.f .,mmd th. Httl. fel- society, as I understand It was nrsi ZLrr-r-started, but those who go ntou ""rrj. . V.r-w kI to be able to distinguish oetweeu anthoroty, ki;uuu. vs. . . a . namalIV are not as plenmui now ..... t k... . lsdr friend who ob- talned ona of their skins a number of years Ago, and liking the beautiful thing so well Bha has It made over eyery winter, pr used for trimming, .n. nne'in this free land hsve nutfuiu . . the power to deprive her or u. r an war make trouble for her. I ao not see the justice. A woman doctor v .u.tai was lect and pleaded for the beautiful little i hich did no harm, but a boy Ait'A one and counted 84 little Uinnn.iv -w K had nicked, ana wnen an army of them came for breakfatit and vfuitori for some weeks with Mr. 1 Shenefield ' and wife, left for Hood River on Friday snd after a snort visit there will return to tneir nome In Ohio. . . Mr. and Miss Miller are enjoying a visit from their father who recently arrived from Montana. Mr. O. A. 8haver is again aoie io be abont arter being connnea iur some days with a severe attack of the quinsy. rr W. S. Eddy, or uregon i,nj, was at the Lodge on Tuesday, mak ing a professional call. The Past me Club. Of Meiarum, mei at the home of Mra Gus. Wamhlad on Monday afternoon. The hostesa served dainty refreshments. inose present were Mesdames Gardner, Fre tag. Seeley, Powers, Erickson, Harris, Morse, Grant. Gill, wnite, neainmau. Moran and Miss 8crlpture. Mr. and Mrs. York, or Montana, were vlstting at Mr. and Mra. Morse's last week. Mrs. L. Wilcox and Mrs. tieo. Moras and Miss Scripture attenaeo. tne Vorelvn Missionary society oi ma m. xt Church which was neugnuuny en- vONKY LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of an farm laaas In Clackamas County and can loan your money on good safe security. Farm loana made one, two and. thraa yeara at 7 per cant Abatracts a title examined. DJMiCK DIM ICK. Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. U'REN ft 8CHUEBEL, Attorneyaat- Law, Deutscher Advokat. win prac tice In all courta, make collections and settlementa. Offlca In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ) DENTISTS. DR. 1- O. ICE. DJENTIST Kooma a. B and 6 Beaver building, atain uu, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-l$ , and Pacific States 1221. MONEY TO LOAN. tertained at the home of Mrs. Tingle In Gladstone. w - rnjr... nf ct Tnhns. was out Of course China pheasants I p,BCe 'th,B week and'is con templating building on ms property liAre " - .... i ur and Mra Rill WambiadS, OI Meldrum, have sold their pretty Utile home but are glad to hear they have bought adjoining the Byron green- houae. ' Mr. McGovern. of Spokane, win do ' . WW I a guest of his brother, Mr. tiugn mo- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Oif.ce Govern, or some time and lnclden- Land tltlea Investigated, convevan- who belonged to (g taK,n ln the implement deal- , notry public ur,.nK n.P?n. b, ,8: ers' meeting; t, tniriw HAUN lUmT Room 7. Barclay Blr QrajftfTt City: PLEASE NOTICE. served. PENALTY ISLAND FOR SALE. Was Dumping around For Daformad Children of Habrldaana. The laland of Iewls, now up for sain, Is a favored spot for students of eugenics. According to Mr. Macken- ale, tha historian of the outer Heb rides, tha custom of putting weakly or deformed children to death by "ex posure," ss Plato recommended, long prevailed on thla Island, and "Instances hsve lan known In comparatively modern times." ' As a result of this prsctlcsl prorl- slon for the survival nf tho fittest by the ellmlnstloti of the unfit the Island ers poasess rsmnrkably Ann physiques, nd consumption" Is unknown. fcrorld snd ran away. Half an hour later I felt the rat run ning over my feet I lit a taper and eaw that be waa wunoux eitner too note or tne atrip uy wuicn n nau oeen faatenad to blra. Thla gave us hope that It bad been removed by a human being. Ten minutes later I board a helloo. 1 replied, snd after a number of calls we could see tha dim light of tapers, then a party coming to search for os. Tbey hsd received tha mes- sagw, but bad pot missed us when the party we had started with returned. We brought the rst out with ua. He sleeps at night In a cage and by day goes where he Ukea Invitations Out for 8econd Ball. The Invitations are out for tho sec ond annual hall of .the Commercial Club, to be held at Busch's hall, In Oregon City, Thursday evening, Feb ruary 16. Music at 8 o'clock. Proa nects for a a-ond tlmn are manr. THe new hall It to ba resplendent with its aomethlng from tha primer, n,. trior .and thm allta of tha cltv reao as imiuw.. will be present to enjoy the festiv ities of the occasion. Johnny snd tha Worm. A prominent Jurist was discussing the difference ln opinions by different Deople on different lswa. Ha said: "The matter of Interpreting laws Is much like the story of tha little boy who wss told by his teacher to read The coy neat and a blessing wneu in, tomnt to teach farmera Motnt Peters, who has been sick a long time, ending ln dropsy, died on Tuesday night. TWILIGHT Geo. Ixelle. M. J. iJtr.elle and A. If Harvey attended the Congrega tlonal Brotherhood banquet last Tues day evening and report a very pieaa ant time. Mrs. Marlon Thompson entertained last Tiiesdav at her home. Mrs. Laid well and her mother, Mrs. Shlnall, of Vancouver. B. Cv Mr. Mulr has gone to Myrtle point to work on a dairy ranch for his brother-in-law, Arthur Ruasell. Dur ing his stay In Oils neighborhood he has msde many friends who regret to see him leave. Mrs. Frank Blacv Is suffering from a aevera cold. Geo. Latslle la hauling potatoes to New Era this week To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major lty of the homes In Oregon City and Clsckamas county the management has decided to make a special price for tha dally issue, for a short tlma only, where the subscriber pays , a year ln sdvance. By carrier, paid a year in advance, 13.00. By mall, paid a year ln ad vance, $2.00. People who gave our canvas ser a trial subscription for one or mora months, at ten cents a week, can have the dally deliv ered tor a year for $3 00 by paying a year In advance. . People who gave our canvas ser a trial subscription, by mall, for four months at a dol lsr, may have the paper for a year for $2.00, If paid a year In advance. a Suhacribers to tha Weekly Enterprise may change . their I 4 ' "EA.'. ttTATE. D. K. lLl, CO.. REAL ESTATE" rarm, Timber, Graxlng. Agricultural Lands, City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Ranchaa for 8ale, Wat-, nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. - - E. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurancr and Real Estate. Let na handle your propertlas) wa buy, sail as exchange. Office In Enter prtee Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FRKYTAf) ft BW AFFORD; Real Ba tata Dealers, have clsoloa bargains ln farm landa, elty and suburban homee, good fruit landa and poultry rsnches. See na for good buya Near 8. P. depot SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Heir In Molslls Psntlly. Born. January 30, to the wife of II flnwman, a seven pound boy, which haa been given the name of Theodore attsMa. Mn. Bowman Is at the home oi nr na.ents, Mr. and Mra. Charles " Thla la a warm doughnut Step on It" 'Why. Johnnie,'" said the teacher, 'thst cn't be right, your book.' " "This Is what he found: "This Is a worm; do not step on It.'" Read the Morning Enterprise. MULINO. Our enterprising fellow townsman, Claud Howard. Is building a hot house snd Intends to supply the people of this community with early vegetables. Mrs. Maple, who returned from the Let me see city of Portland laat week, la getting along nicely. The friends of Miss Inet Snodgraas gave her an Intended aurprlse party last Saturday evening 1n honor of her 20th birthday. However, It was not much of a surprise. There were about subacriptlona ta the dally, re- celvlng credit for half time on the dally that the weekly Is paid ln advance. When they choose to add cash to tha ad vance payment equal to a full year's advance payment they may take advantage of the 1 rate. We make this epeelal price so that people who have paid In advance oa some other dally ana wtsb to take the Morning Enterprlae, may do so without too great expense. MANY TIMES yon an buy just the . article you want, Jat aa good. a new, at a small fraction of ilha aost of new. If yon go and aea- TtJtJWO. the second hand man. Hla eolrec tloo ooBtataai New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware. Tools, Cnrtoa, ato. See him; It costs nothing to la fat re. Electric Hotel 411 Erie; 'VwtWwtn 4tft-a, Kb itt. ftEQOM CITY, ORB. . J. J. TOBIMV "ten Inter. ,1 -J J 1 I I - -4 I 7 Hall on Molalla aveuue. 1 f (