Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 09, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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A . . ! . w t i - . .. : r-
. i :
Hill -
Ooo too
- f STNOPSIS of th rffresa and
A . apre4 of tbe Touag- People's
' AiJL Soctrtj of Christian Endeavor
, r .... waa delivered at Boston re
cently t a celebration of the organise
Boat thirtieth anniversary by It
founder, the Rev. resorts E. CferkJ
Darin the last thirty Dr.
' Clark baa journeyed ihore than 81XXOOO
miles la tbe Interests of raw Christian tr comrades.
Endeavor eocietiea, which Included
! trlpa around tht world, besfclee rl
:. tta to Booth America and Mexico aud
s naa trlpa to Europe and Asia.
,, la telling the story of tbe ontaalsa
Uoal aasead the rounder said:
Jast thirty years ago some forty -Ct
yetiax people at thir pastor's
boas ia 1'ortUnd, Jie.. formed tbem
aerree tato the flrst Chrtetias Endeavor
;-. "To recite the names of tbe dennmi
' nations and tho nations lu which
Christlaa Endeavor is eatablo! i
Alaska, where today tho ndovorer
tixlur a day of twenty four hour
without tho tun, to larrrcarg III. at tho
aoathrrn tip -of Now Zoalaad. wbrrv
thry rojolco la twroty-fiar hour of
daylight; from A nitric doo wi acroot
Asia, acrooa Africa. acroaa ror.
hark to A rnork-a. Ihoufh wo should
kwo and fata ajrala twoatyAur h ur
la oar, rockoataf of ttmo, w should
fot hwo debt of oar Christlaa Eadoav-
CooMt thai sr rsro
Is wkoso swUt ros4
Ho STtslor
h ,
at. Loots rM.tHntrh.
'Meld Mzlul Terms Fcr
6reitEftii!3 L::mt
feovontlt In
Aroa WhH Ita Loa TaH
Addison. '
ialo Kod Callod Worohlo to Por
oiM Wor4 of Many rooMnoiatioita.
Aortal Plotlowo Covoro Ptsld Prom
Aoroatatoo ' to tKo Holioootoro and
'. Oraitkootor.
TKought She Ought
to Know
Csorrtfhl hf AotorWoa tt
tut. IMI.
RociaJ life Xhea aad Now.
"Thirty yoara aito thoro wrro few
ocla! rancriona arraaxrd distioctiy ftw
tho younc poopio. Now tho youac poo
pio'a oorial Is a dlstloct and almost
oalrorsal asrihod of tnttroatlnf tbroi
la tbo lifo and wort of tho church, aad
tho Infroulry of sono haadrods of
thousand of Ori'tiaa yonaa pe.v!
on tho aoclsl comoiitto is taxed to
prorido wboleaome onrortalnmeat aod
' rhntvh
. ImproaslTO and InrtrutUvo. It U tb. "Tnirty c.r. r wo woro la tho
yoanc pooplo'a aocfrty In ton da mi , " 01 i"lr'a ao far as tho young i
aaUAas of Methodlsu. la nearly all of 1 1'" ""r i -ocomoa. to ffundsy
tho rroshytariaa bodlos. m uoKt cbo0' nunairod by tho older jw
of tbo dJrlsWis or Cntlt. stuor? al! P"- " l ' nl rrom Its Tory
tbo Dtortrdea of ChrNt sod (.ni-rr... a4(ur always bo. for tt Is tbo
Hht. .Ju-, r.-sfMj. ir.,.,. at valn.itU' if all ageacios of ni
tho Latborana, Unlied rtrrtUnn aad tou" wrrcs.sioo. Older peopio man-
Tho oddest hred moatelpality hi
tho world la Loo Ancoloa oithoot a
doubt Maay cities of tho world bare
ass n Bed rartona forms t tool by aanot-
atioo. but aooo has a tall Uko tho rno
tropoUa of ooutheni Caitforala. tac-
dentally Los Aatreleo la tbo slith of
tbo Amerlcaa cttiea la aroa aad tbo
t rXtr
'i i I7" TJ .'JTvC
Church of KnfUttd la Great Britain.
Bonn Qristi&i End ea tot Cokatriea
-It la ostsblisbed ia tho Tnlted
- Btntaa, Canada. Uoilco. Groat Britain.
Oormany. FTaace. Italy. Hungary,
BcaadAarta. Bwttaerland. Spain. Tar
key, IndUvEcypv China. Japan. Auo
1 V V Vf .: ' ''. V.V.'v.. fl'S
S xv . V . -f-vvW'
knr. rmAoia m. taaa; lomn or thi
onnnmaa annnsvon sorum
tralla. Kow Zealand, tho south sea U
laada. tho West Indies. Sooth Africa.
Braall. Chilo and. In fact. In orery cob-
... aiderablo nation of the world.
"Thirty years sgo tnero were no dls
, ttnrtly reunions socket in for .young
ITt,d ttrw kr1 cbtircbea
and eertsla clreles of young people in
waatod In tb caas of foreign mis-
' afana. Today there la araroely a Irot.
atant chmrh In tbo ore continents
without a distinctly rellgiona organ!-
" J'iL"' Tm P,e- ot Uo ;
oooto 73.000 are Christlaa Endearor no
eletlea. aad there are at least 2fcOno
Pry deaoadiuukwaf societies based
"TT9m Po4a Barrow, la nortbenmost
woo Wants to Msstar tho language
and Bsesnio Amsrissn CHison.
JBor, trlckaen. a Swede, who baa re
aided in this com try for Are years and
who la eigbtywo yean old. has made
P his mind u master tb English lan
gnag and become a aaruraUced citl
en of tb United States. H. k..
vehUdran, nineteen grandehlidren and
oaron great grandchildren, an Urlng In
or near Worcester. Mass.
He attempted to come to the United
States forty Are years ago. bat missed
, the boat after , waikinir ...
aged the rem nt-rance society. They coo-
trotlod to missionary society, they led
tbo music, they furnished tho flowers
for the pulpit when any wore aeon.
aad ft was hardly thought fitting for
a hoy or a young man to pas a coo
tribution box or show a straager to a
Tfow w lire in tho ass not oair of
impression, but of expression, when
younjr peopl are Uugbt that tbo lu- i
preaslon made by teachers and boohs
la largely lost nnlese expressed by
them ha words aad deeds. This is a
fundamental principle of the new twr- I
enoiocy. or which the Christian En
dearor society is a practical exemplar.
Troa Faraway Land.
"Only the other dj a letter reached
me from distant Mara ran. in the in
terior of Turkey, telling bow the En
doarorers cultivated their wa flower
gardens that their chares might be
oeeoratea. and another from India.
t0in how tbo dusky Endearurers
there two stifled -the rhntih lawu and-
rescoed the adtolninr rraTerard rram
the weeda of neglect
TTilrty years ago there were Sea
men Friend societies, but no work
for sailors by the younx Deonle of imr
churches. Now there are floating su-
aeoee or christian Endearor among
the boya on the sea on many Ironclads
and merchant r easels, and "in coune
Oornce an Intense Interest In them hss
been aroused among the boys of the
"Thirty years ago few young people
out of prison gare a thought to the
tens of thousands of yornig men be-'
bind prison bars. Now the thonsanda
of prisoners who bare been conrerted
to Christ and organized Into, societies
throogh the efforts of their Endearor
friends outside appeal moot atronslr
to the warm hearts of our youth, and
tbefact that no prison Endearorer Is
recorded as returning to prison when
once discharged is a tribute to the
sincerity of their conversion anl t
tne sympathy of their friends outside.
Joawsr. CITY or
J Wuh'WSAhGfltS
; I apo , Amu KM
i -.- r
! A CD I
' I
The technical worda rommltte
which baa been constituted by the
Aeronautical Society of Great Urltaln
for lb pwrpoa of stands aero-
aautical termlaolecy baa 0e Ued on
terms and deonltioon,
It wUI be noticed that a fa rorlt e
term la America, hangar, whose many
pronunciatloae pouted aatbuaUata, la
frowned upon aad plain ahed mrom-
mended aa preferabl. The list ftl
Araoaltr Tss Miles aeUnes of ssrlsl
Asrsalte-TtM seloaco of sMranry at
sir r SMsaa of aispla ssmwit. This Is
tbsrWoro the ! I he appita 10 the
sMsnro of sarsetailon.
Aaexlysswlas The eelsaes rialUt le
the streets prednctl hr eJr la BMllen.
This Is tnerrs the larsa to bs apflt4
to lbs seteaee of arlallon.
Arosu(lo That prt ml serial sariss
thmnaseliin nun use hoss -r lis
than air" maehuaa.
Avtallon Thai sari of aerial navtralMi
eaallnc wlih dyasmlonUy raised or "tea,
hw than av maehlnaa.
Aaroaaut Ons who ereetlees ear braaen.
of ssrlal (vavlcalton. j
Aoiatse tls whe recthwo avlallan.
rUotAa saraimsl eonUAM In aartal
navlotlan. ' .
Knstnaer, In ehart of the psnar Unt
Helmaman In rKarsa of h storing.
' Bnea.Ths use or the ton -she Is im-
mihwmM Instead of "hangar -
.Harhee-A aalaral ee nrtlflclal shaliar.
Aarsdrama A around sea aaart fae nr.
A , r ----- w
mm sira. The eoaamluaa doe mi
nm l ihls larsa, hmt In of Its
hat sanorsi um soesaets thai M
should ha soinlorsd ontr In lha ahoen
This urtlna le mads nhhawi
projndlca Mtbar Is Hs tfarleallM ar la Ha
apfiltrattoa In anoihar iinn kr aathors
neb ss Lsaclay. Laachaatar sad Orsha m
Bell .
Dtiiibl-A Doner dHvsn hallaaa.
Airship This term bavin oceaalonatly
kaen'uaea to denole aaroslaaa. lha torn.
aalttas rtmffliMsdi lis use onl In lha
sanas sr oiriciMo. la ror la svsld cota.
Hotieoetse and Ornithoetsr. '
Hallcae-A flrin maehlaa stisarlad
na aa aaata atrn ateealleie iaailaa
on vertical or aooroslmaislv v.nii
ahsrt .
I "1
I . -1 u
"napping wing" m
Ornlthopter A
rtrtn machine A aa ifci t.
JSLTtfilr ta '",'u" aa diinci I family. Instead f picking It ap and
tosaing it back at Ike thrower bad
Teuaa Mrs. Hardsabnrsb wan a
ereatare f Impulne, Vh waa not nly
ewared bl Impale, but would Uke
tb meat lm porta at slope wttboat real
king what ah waa doing periston
that aa4hor would paly make after
long deliberation the would make ew
the last a at
hevertbeleo Mrs. Itsrdeoborcb waa
a dear little woman, kind hearted, lor
able aad popalar with all who knew
The oaly trait that Interfered
with bar getting oa with all tb world
wasjhat If told anything to ne'e die
adraatag aha would aot atop af qoea
tloa tb truth of the leronuatioa. but
proceed at one to strike tb rulprit'a
nam off bar list
New. there are parsons la the world
whe think nothing of making trouble
betwea ether persona, area to the
me cd bars af families. A worn a a one
day gave Mrs. Ilardeaburgb Inform
ttsa about ber buabaad'a doings which
If true would bare marled him fur
very dishonorable and contemptible
poreoa. Tb Informer bad gut the
aewa from another, who bad ft It
from aome ene is Her ground for
teiltag Mr. Hardenburgb of It was
that she thought she ought le know
It It did not occur i the tale
bearer that It might aot be true, aad
If It were true It was Jaat the thing
of all ethers the guilty ma a a wtrt
boatd' wot -knew f'ererlhaleaa the
above named resaoa w lbeunTe
eicaae ef tboa persona who carry
such to forma tloa.
Mrs. nardeaburgk waa tkrewa Into
hysterics by tb story end. Instead ef
giving ber buabaad aa opportualty to
defend himself of the charge, re a
away t ber mother aa fast aa aa
could go. Doing aa oaly child, hot
Mtber waa need to humoring ber aad
a tble oecasioa gav ber anbouaded
aympathy. Whether tb good lady
doubted tb truth of the story aad in
tended later to pare the way to a rec
onciliation done not appear. Tor tb
Um being she comforted ber child aa
beat ah could. Wbea tb latter had
recovered ber. equanimity ber mother
auggested that she aend ber husband
tb reasons for ber flight Tb young
wife did so. sprinkling ber not with
rocb worda aa "perfldtooa." dlagrer
fnl." "Iniquitous." aad tbe like.
Wbea Hardenburgb retaraed borne
la tb evening and found tb letter.
Jostesd of ruanjof riibtjreond to bl
wire to explain matters be sat down
to think. If waa rertslnly not plena
log that be bad married a wife who,
when a firebrand waa Thrown Into the
um oai.aB'obo aornoaaT roanTm.
aeventb In the world's catalogue. It
embrace ftMl acres, or a fraction
ver 100 square miles. London to tbe
only foreign ctty w sumesa It In area
wane in tnia countrv New York ' Phi. I aupportin plana, which msv eon.
cago. PhlUdelpbU. New Orleans and ,-J, ' .'"
Koc beater rank It
Tha city waa rounded In 17SI and In
corporated In lSTiO with an area of
rwenty-elgbt square miles. Since that
fron tboaa senptorad la aerostation
eropian-A Hiring machine provided
rnh nd planes su(tartai tv.i.ii.
sr Its movameai throurh lha air. This
term ahould mh bo used la deneta the
planes themeelvae. but ahonM al
to tha whole nischlnau .
QlMeeAa aaroptsae unprovMad wHh
motive power. . t.
MultiplaaeAa seroplane with two or
nora main . nlanea hmiiikiii. i. .i
Blplaaa-An narofilane with two eoper
paae4 main claaaa i
form. : " r""
Monoplane An aeroplane with a aWle
pruroeded to act tb bouse a ore with
It If be were going to tire wlih hie
wire It waa certainly arrnaary that
be eliminate tble trait la ber. and if
be could not eliminate It It was per-
bapa better that they ahould re ma la
lie bad for nose ttme Meditated
rwng to a distant rlty to nettle a long
standing matter of bualoena. bat bad I
pat tbe trip off from ttme to time oa
nccoont f bartng juH been married.
Wlthle aa hour after hie rotors
aitner atoe ef a central bodr. I lla bom be bad eBSuUDCvd to the aerv
lanoam. stepped-ln aama immm I - w . . . .
PIumo have mom than on sab-of wWa I II 7 " .V,"" V,Q"
which mar ar . zL .T?: I for the railway atstlou.
j fL Buck planes. If thry do not evar.
time it hss he. .i.,.-t -i " Z. bo sr.
variV (JlAjayii I rwnaj an kflkftOVlr, WhM
-U HW DM PODUUtkM. Atf 810(
tMbt AM
inajV flaTtl gam ll fan hkA e - , . m an
who have helped them to forget the Tt" mln Portn of tbe city in ap- IzZJH?' ro,,'o ! ihra
. a. ... I nu i. . a ... . I PallFB Oft VlBaTtl astsltiasaxdl len - - - ss
- ss whjwiii,
Prmaipal Oimensiena,
Aran This term la iu . tk.if
the reilglooa Ufe of tbe young peoole barbor portion by a atrip twelve for " adrl,T ',. " 1,,0 Uformntlon
Br area la bmhi i
planae tha area of the plan form
Pt and to begin a new career. I proximately eight miles wide east and
lain j years ago there were I "7 ten miles lonr north mrl
newspapers or magaxlnea devoted to I utn aa connected with the Ban
Tbe young wife meanwhile waa pass
In. through the transition rennoi to
all pemons who act hastily. Wbea aha
bad bown somewhat calmed ber mother
ventured to auggest that Ik charge
Bugai nor n true. To ibis lb dwugb-
t' reepoeded that, the Informer bad I
to V H not proficient In
-e . ut ae atarued his assembled
children and his grandchildren br en-
ta become s dtlaen.
T ' rebnbl,
v Fertyssvsn Ysare Old. - '
A codflsh measuring Ave feet three
inches and weighing aevenfynxie
pounds dressed waa brought Into Bo,
ton recently. An authority on nh
. Professor Morton Kilgallen, estimated
toe age of tble Bormom red as fortr
1 - seven years. '
"I base my estimate on this fish's
age oa tbe length ot bis whisker." said
Profre-w KUgalletv "I would unheal.
- tatlngty give him ten years per Inch."
Tb eotTa' whisker wa, four and
.seven-tenth Inches long. .
aave a few story papers for children.
wnicn were given awar In the Hnn.
day acbool. Now there are aome forty
national and state papers In half as
many languages, devoted to the work
of Christian Endeavor alone." -
Carpenter Preacher, ef Laurel, Ms,
Completes a Store.
Tbe Ber. A. B. Sites, -the rarrvmt..
preacher" of Laurel. 114, has just fin
ished building with his own bands a
tore which he will open for business
In a few weeks. So sucreesful has be
beea In building dwelling houses ha
now plans to build virtually a whole
mueu in lencth and hair n.
width. The harbor section Itsnlf
aome what In tbe sbape of an koscele
triangle, whoee aide are about fM.
ana inrew-quartera mllee. The city's
I icugui ia turty-on and three-
euui mue and width ten end rw.
niu miii
WTW vauejr an mils to Depth ef
ai Inchaa.
A curious natural phenomenon haa
been observed In tbe lower Emmen
nlley above tb Lake of Briens, Swlt-
One morning the Inhabitant woke
town. In softs of the oi-i . Z. 7 iJ.. v . i . .. awrwing
m -cop. of hi. bniM,;: .viu "" -T,"rr
b h.. " i y urruunajn'
be has made a good record as a mia-1 Inches
"lrr baa two chffrcbea now-
Triniry Methodist, Eplscopsl Church'
8outh of Lenrel.and Grace church ef
Savage. j
It U aald. however, that be will soon
reure rmm the ministry. Already be which haa been lying a week In . Mir
-maanea considerable wealth, al- xpoKl to .1) tbe emu,, of 7h " '
bills. Abonl air
Of new SDOW Was ivtne an
ns xar aa u eye could see It was not
wh te, but of a grayish black color.
" " ,u" coaung er dust and soot
nau accumulated upon It.
It waa much Slacker ihat
" MlarT na never been rounding rblmneva. whereas - .
I I- .v. n .. . '
u ammen vaiiey there waa Both
He bellevea In toarblng frugality by tag to soil It
dTtri.?' "r.T,,n? J.: T"?1" which any en.
i. ' J-at oner or id phenomenon of black
UT.k pnbi" Pt wow I. that It may be doe to vol.
1 -dmm! 0mbWMferT1 Prt c,n,c "h by winds aciSa I?,
re . adjoining a aettlement known as ek' and tb moontate. rTZ.l
rrro Town." wi.ui.. li . !... i , . . . , p... ,
... . T . n ii, a nor- i "u uas atreiy oeen In eruntfon.
' Canteiv China, Booming. .
Building la Uvely at Canton, China.
Many fine new hotels, (hope and resi
dences are In course of construction.
H and pick, be cleared away the treea.
weefls and briers and nnnn .-.
T v "W"" "'r N
rown." Negroes srs ant.t.
hidustrioua with tbe bepe of on mov
ng Into ew and comfortable bouses
on the rraet - j
aa Umm Tmtmt i '
The number 7 " .VlA
n - , - sr. Aa JUIUln3Q
Russia haa faijen to 00,000,000. u
could easily be quadrupled, which
try-- axcbeqwir af nearly . bQltoa dol-
Ate You a Subset ihzt to the
; ;Ne Daily? !
If Tht Morning EnUrprioo Uto tWu Mccetsfa) as the In trMt- of nr.-vJ
yiU-V C3;ndd'-Boe3t yotjf own
ror a limited lime U Uortlng Kn tar Brian -in '
subscrlbern as follows: VV "T wm. U to
Fy Carrier, 1 year.. . '. y .
Cy Mall. 1 ..... .;: '
lend In your name and remlttane ""r...
paid ta
Red snow, ef course, la a fairiv mm.
mon phenomenon In the Andes and
waa remarked by Darwin. 1 ' -
ism Fend
a Bran.. ..K.
Bronze cantinr was laben in .
by the Chinese In the eleventh century,
m n,n one or Plan 'a principal bom.
Building I. Ampl, Wired. '
Therere nearly UX) mile, of 1ec.
Trrk office
If you would stll
affaottva aad bad don It only sine ah thought
mind to I Wlf' kaow tL NeTsrtbe-
uble snr
krea lira. Hardenbergh begsn to a
tnamors maaaurad In salts of double ear.
fsee; that I. to ear. both side ae tor.
faeas are counted ss one onM ef araa.
br a aran of aft) square feet Is mv.
piled n surfsce of twice ttm aqua re (eat.
aurfaoa-Attantloa is draws to the die.
ttoctlonthst ..tat. bw, aarrT aM
arm. gw area.-
Welaht Thta. U . . .
hould only ba u4 wh. eu.iirfd
aoiactive. aucb as "na walsht,"
Net Walabt Tha wauht i tk. -- - -
machine eiclualva ef variable ouaaUtlaaL
such ss pilot. Mel. lubrt,..,. J". 'T
troaa Walsht Th,, ' m
nwimi mciuaira af ail
4wnmwuai Is.
Loadlas Tha Vn.itin. . . .
! J,w,tht to Pound, divided by tbe
supporting area In equare feat.
, Prinsipnl Parts.'
Piano Aa .l. . . .
j,u - " " " mrwm aaea rar
"vhZfLfrJr??? !0 ompM. 1ol, bT W,,k VU fore that
mm mmw uuim - I lOf ratlllW
pilot, furl, tabrkmata.
worried. She noted tb hour that be
aoa tana aamally retaraed bom and !
gav Din tiro to com to ber. After
awveral boars bad elapsed and Mr. Hsr-
ennurgb did aot appear abe could not
real ber ireptdattoa. She gar ber
manner a a reason for It that ab
eeresoitBta might hare happened
kobtsa. -
' Wbew btactorb cease aad there was j
aw rrea the rulprtt husband tbs
oofier wa newt lb bona to recon-
noiier. ho retaraed reporting that Mr.
Hardeabargk) kn4 me awar.
Tb reawM tbk toformatloa which I
-re. uaraemaargba friend -thongbt
she ought t knww" opened with tb
tnoet frightful aigkt tb young wlf
"w aponu rretm her pre? Ions con
demnation of hr kwsbaad abe awung
wr viner esirem. and It rnahad
wms-The praewit uas of Ihla term he Ht V" "V' " w"" "
nnlo., with nnturTsh, ZoieTeaX r'" "
ridT . ,r7''lrmlcht4 oTJZr fUUl"! "V am rOndoct aa bad beea
S3, f.
: :
Is to be as tuccesiful a the inter- 'I
ests of Oregon City demands it I
must needs have the die support !
of all. The new daily has t !
big work before it in boostq !
Oregon City and CUclaarn j
County, Your support mean
more strength for the work, r !
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
For a limited time ihe Moming
ton1tllnU rr. V""
Planj. , i - wnitn ins
Piasea and ersana of control and nro.i.
Ion ars attaeb4d.
CarrUea That Mrt of th. ...i i.-
Tail Is trtna nuu. .
ef nkMl.r, -t - vumm or grovv
-. . . wnicn mar include I Ana now um it . .
"win uwiauntal sod vertical LZL, 1 I . . "uwuuurgu D
th. mam Pl. ?' bablnd thnnght bcreolf le m.kt of
"" Plane er aroun ef """"" lo where she got the
ha anl kAM.. tk. a .
. -".--i vni is team bo roe-
mg or net knaband-s movements.
She waa disappointed. Tbe aervants I
tW" liJir T
nmi, ID oiscotiaoiate wife
went to her baabaad- erfic. but alk lt-
Enterprise will be,( sold to pakj
in advance subscriber as follower -
Plsnre for dhwetisirLS??'
machine vertically. y...n, ina
RndderA Mana nr .
nldlne- a machiM ... laT
t a plane, for mainti.i . .
Ubrtam. " ,lr,u "-
Two Million Cihi. i. U.11.-J
aawA rev i ipi i gsTleOs
Tn total nurnhdht ns ....t. -
land l estimated at nearly 2.000,000.
nun oair or them are mllkcowa.
Calendar Is Cempllsatod."
Tbe Perslana have a -- -
for each day la the mouth. '
Information. Tb dear woman who h.4 i
are., .a interest In ber frteod a af-
'" noia inal abe had "haat it ..
"-.-a irons-- And Mrs. Harden,
bwrgha Investigation never got any
farther tha a -ae com Ins from - .
A ft or .. " i I
a,K.w r. Ha
-.H,;: i'"" ,o bis wir
aa. mW 7 . . " 0""rt wom-
Strang to aaf: th. V rvw aa aw .11-
all Aa --""" aner
.. M, predate having beard
what abe ought to know .nt h
Pik to tbe Informer. ,
. :
List of unclaimed letter. . twrw. L.8!Lnt .Y,,D,I Vea beadnnartar.
tin r;it Pnatnrrt.. . .i." . "'r.l" nuntiey r ,
tag rebru uT W WWt l """
v r -"-v 4 - l
By cawicr, .J-ycoff3.C).
iy mail, i yea? -7 2X3
m w
. 7 v a ; i? r
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Try what theheap tsolumna of the
Woman a list-Brown, Mra. Mary
Blmmona, Mra. Viola.
n-rrl iut-Ao'. - Harrison R.:
ami. i P0"' JohD' Snooler, W.
S ; 8ml(h. Johai8jnjth;Merle;(2):
M.fV " ''"""ory Notea.
I. .1 D!1" "trday filed stilt
1? ,,n Circuit Court ag.ln.i Fred J
t tt Ttrti
I uT ID-8,Ma customer for I
tnriara. Married person of ma! I
0 will unermnd. ciTi't
i : "
in Your Name
and RerniUcnce
Morning Enter'nr'se can do for you.
II .. - ' ,:;V..-"