Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 09, 1911, Image 3

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    fl, -I
Mr' VI
birfdn't-Poy to -Advertise
A Poor , Article .
I aropeariMm ef doubtful merit or Iwnny tar aaVreadere,
jare. DIICRIMINATINO. They kito valiee thy know
Jthlnge, genuine opportunltlee.
Ptlelo which can b aold by adverting la, by that Uat, a
"""al. VOU are aata In burln a twin a wfclch hu Metood
..TlBY of a widely amvoHleed aeilclo, or commodity, la a I- t
for hla bualnaaa Ufa. Ha cannot ahlrk, nor cheapen hla j
' ,
thla la tha beet poaaiblo protection for tne (awumtr. j
' . ' - - ' ' t
flAFE In buying advertised things It' th loglo of .
Mnaaa condition. -
ba on of lb moat attractive launch
In tbt city.
JW piano Just received
,JBle, 401 Seventh street
"Ala 76c at Soeley a.
Of Chicago, 111., waa In
,0 business I rip Wad-
JBIn Apla 80 cent at
;lJjfc Seventh street.
j, or wiisonvnia, was
Wednesday and reg
3actrlo Hotel.
fko hua bocn .vlaltlng
Baat fnr the lnt alx
5dm ed home.
Hto. Dtit, Cau
ym Cl,r-
Its left on Wednesday
h JfBo, California, where
. Ot aome time.
accidentally broke
o wrxtka ago, waa
nneltlon today with
laat day of the big
plotters of admlnlatra-
'.la uie aetata
Davla. The aatata
IT will give a dancing
'Sory Saturday evening,
mar orchestra will fur
i for the rinnrlna
fin need of houaehold
Tolpolar' aa Saturday
day of the bin aala.
"JSf' Judgment haa been
"Bounty clerk office In
I B. Hockltt va. W. II.
HlTmn W. OrW.
cert Friday evening.
i ta desired on that oo-
tlmn la promised
"efreshment served.
5k, View Hnndny Bchool
Am will meet Tburaday
o'clock at the home
X Seventh and J. Q.
Avalon of the pre.
flr school will Rive a
1 at the) rhun h on Mon-
Jbruary U. the program
t 7:30 o'clock.
Y ka brn made to the
Jor the appototaiant of
fLoula Ijnmery. a minor.
rphy, a Portland attor
k the petitioner.
Stfy Claaa will meet at
jra Hahn on Rooaevelt
tfclock Thuraday after-
at the home of Mr a.
.Udchlld having panned
'lockett va. PercWal, In
Jl'a court, waa heard on
I day a ago and yeaterday
Samaon overruled the
tt the cane for trial oa
.Tueeday, February 14.
I Artlaaxa will give a ao
ynlng In W. O. W. hall.
a good program, with
afraaknienta. Member a
ad will wlah later that
People'a Society Chrla-
4r of the Iiaptlat cliurrh
t Valentloe party at the
)ra Tueaday evening, at and lltarary pTo-
I be given. Invltatlona
i for the affair.
COdd Fellowa gathered In
5 that city to examine unl-
)Calla with a view to de
fla wanted by the lodge.
l)pod attendance but out
Jle bualneaa nothing but
unlforma waa attempted,
haa, a bartender from
ho haa been hanging
tor aeveral daya and who
lee ping on the couch In
reataurant, waa locked
op by Officer Gren Tuarfday nlgbt.'
He waa given opportunity to lavo
town and gladly did eo.
Johu Cudy, a linotype operator of
Portland, formerly of Ihla city, where
ba reeldud many yeara ago, waa tn
Oregon City Wfjneaday looking aftr
property Intercut and vUltlng with
frlonda. Mr. Kudy many yeara aj;o
waa connected with the Oregon City
KnterprlMO, and vlalted the office
while In ttila city. '
Hs faror thro
Flour that
ctfully you re to aerve,
I and Main 8ta Oregon City.
CounlyClerk'Mulvpy- wna xonftned
to hla home yeatnrday by lllneaa. .
Mlaa Helen Chamberlain la alowly
Improving from her aerloua lllneaa.
Mlna Ruth Orecn, of Hcotta Mill.
la In thla city and vlaltlng with frlenda.
Mr. M. I. Shortledge, who haa been
alck with lagrlp, la Improving.
Mm. Cfiarlea Dlerke, of Portland,
eveaU Waditaaday with her parenta,
Mr. and Mra. K T. Harlow.
Attorney John F. Clark and J. J.
Tobln wont to Portland Wednesday on
Mra. Frank Uethell will leave the
flrat of next week for Idaho, where abe
III vlnlt with bar aunt.
Attorney H. F. Latourette. of Port
land, waa In thla city on Monday on
legal bualnena.
Mra. A. L Hickman la Buffering with
a aever attack of lagrlppe at her home
on Molalla avenue.
Mlaa Helena Devaney, of Roaeburg,
baa arrived In thla city, and la the
gueat of Mra. F. C. Gad We.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Ely are very 111
at their bouie with a acvere attack of
Mra. C. Schoenbelnx, Mra. Cue
gchnoerr and Mra. R. Seller vlalted
with frlenda In Portland on Monday.
Mra.' K. II. Cooper waa vlaltlng
frlenda in Portland Wedneaday, guent
of her daughter, Mra. Louie liaron. .
Mra. Naterlin, of Fifteenth and Madl
aon atreeta. who haa been 111 at her
home for the paat two weeka, la Im
Mra. Parrott, of Salem, la visiting
frlenda In' the city, gueei -of h par
ent, Mr. and Mr. W. J. Rauch, living
In Oladatone.
Mr. R. J. Rohl, who la very III at
her home near Molalla avenue, re
main about the aaoie and her condi
tion I Bcrtoue.
Mlaa Elolae Alldredge, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. W. W. Alldredge, who
haa been HI for the paat week, la lm
proving and la able to be up.
Mr. R. K. Andrewa and wife, of
Rainier, arrived In Oregon City on
Tueaday remaining over Wedneaday,
and registering at the Klectrlc Hotel
Mr. and Mra. A. O. Frlel, Mlaa Rom
Ig, of thla city, apent Saturday at Har
low with Mlaa Crecraft, who I teach
ing there. Thy - alao attended the
local lnatltute at Canby. '
Attorney O.'I Hedge left on the
evening train Wednesday for Salem
where he expects to get Into the fun
In connaotloa with the eight hour and
other legislation of In tar eat to citizen
of thla city and county.
Mr. Harry Gordon, of Canby, waa In
the city yeaterday vlaltlng frlenda and
relative; thla waa the young man'
bogna until he and hi brother. Emit
Gordon, began business In the thriving
little burg to the south.
Mr. A. W. Cheney, formerly of thla
dty, but now of Portland, and Mra.
W. R. Hurt, of Portland, were In Ore
gon City Wednesday visiting with the
former' parent. Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Mrs. Viola Douglass, of Barton, and
Mr. 11. S. Gibson, of the same place,
were In Oregon City on business Tues
day. Mr. Gibson formerly resided In
Oregon City, and was one of Clacka
mas county's Instructors.
Miss Grace Crooks, of Albany, Is In
Oregon City vlaltlng with Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Conarroe. Mis Crook accom
panied Mr. Conarroe and wife to thla
otty from Albany, where the former
have been apendlng two weeka.
Mra. N. M. ABdredge, who haa bnen
very III at her home near DivlHlon
at rent, with nervoua prostration, la
slowly Improving. Mrs. Alldredge
was first taken down with a severe
attack of lagrlppe. which terminated
In nervous prostration.
Mr. C. E. Rand, of Palouse, Waah.,
la In the city fof a few days to visit
hi mother, Mr. E. P. Rand, who haa
been vary 111 the past weak. Mr. Rand
was a former resident here and he has
a boat of friend with whom to shake
hands. II la Interested la the flour
ing mill bualaeae In hla aoane city.
Miss Haxel Rand, who waa visiting
friends her for a few daya and who
went to Vancouver, Wash., to spend
a few day, returned to the city with
ber father Wedneaday and will tay
a few day longer before returning to
her home In Palouse, Waah.
Thoe. Brown and Sona Build
aome Qaeollne Craft.
One ofthe neat eat crafta that has
been constructed In thla city la that
belonging to Thomas Brown and ona,
George and Frank Brown. Thla boat.
which haa been named the Rachaal,
a launched Wedneaday afternoon In
the Willamette River near the foot oi
Seventh atroet.
Although there waa no pomp or
ceremony many frlenda of the owners
witnessed the launching. The boat.
which will b uaad for flthlng purpose
or for pleasure boating thla nest sum
mer, la 24 feet In length, and la paint
ed a dark green. It waa constructed
by the Drowns and when fitted up wll.
Sickness la the main toplo In thla
vicinity. ,
Mra. Elmer Dixon haa been In bed
for a few daya hut la better.
Mr. Crawford la able to rlda down
tuwa aaln.
Mra. Nellie M. Aldredge I not able
to Ira out of bad.
Mr J. Iwelln ha a severe at
tack of pneumonia.
Willie eV-hoth cam home from the
mill Saturday quite alck but waa able
to go to work again Monday morning
Mra. Wllmer Fisher baby I quite
poorly thla week.
Mrs. Maggie Currao la differing
with a aever cold and Melvln haa had
the croup.
Mr. A. U Hickman la cm the alck
list and Aunt Maggie Harrington la
ataylng with her.
Mra. J. P. Khoil la seriously 111 and
her Vn. Will Jones of Kldorado, la
here with hr.
Mr. Maaoo'a children have the uioaa-
le this week. -
D. C. Robeson I Improving very
Mra. Welsh'e mother, Grandma Tay
lor, has a alight attack of pneumonia.
Miss Josle Curran la at home from
the legislature.
Miss Krma Calaran was given a
birthday surprise party last Saturday
In honor of her eleventh birthday.
Frank Welsh ha the machinery for
a new planing mill, which he will
erect soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and two
boys of Heaver Creek, were visiting
Mr. Well s .mother. Mr. Edgecome,
over Sunday.
Curtis Solby Is at home from Ksta
cada, the saw mill having ekmed down
until spring.
Mrs. Melvln. of J. Q. Adamas, was
the guest of Mr. Qulnn Sunday.
Mr. Frlnk, Mr. Miller and Mr.
Price, of Idaho, visited with their
mother a week then returned Friday
to their home.
Geo. Haskel ha a aon from the
East visiting him.
Mr. Shank and daughter. Crace, of
Portland, pent Sunday here with her
grandfather. J. W. Haty.
Mra. Will May and children were
the guesta of Charlea Stewart and
family, of Carua, over Sunday.
C. II. Dickey and wife were the
guesta of Mr. Dickey'a mother, Mra.
Weidner, last week. They are moving
Into a house on Taylor and Tenth
LAnibert Heard, of Portland, apent
8unday here with hla parenta.
Mr. and Mra. 8am Warnock, of Twi
light, were gnest of J. Lewellen and
family Sunday.
Charle Moran. of Meldrum tatton.
waa calling on frlenda In thla vicinity
last week.
Mrs. Pearl Everbart Is able to b In
the alore again after her attack of
lagrlppe. - - -
J. M. Harto la fencing hla property
on Duam atreet.
Mlsa Merle Crooka. of Ooldendale,
Washington, who ha been spending
a week with Mlsa Emma Vanhoy, re
turned home Wonday afternoon, and
Mlsa Emma Vanhoy accompanied her
to Portland.
Maple iJine Grange met In regular
aesslon last Saturday. One member
waa added to our list by demit from
Beaverton Grange. .A. committee waa
appointed to make arrangement for
an entertainment 10 oe givrn iu mw
near future. Full partlculara will be
given next month,
Mr. Elliott, on Seventh and Dl
vlalon streets. Is still Bick In bed.
Miss Eloise Aldredge la quite poorly
Mr. ShortlKlge, who ha been lck
last week, is getting better.
Harvey Hickman and wife and Ever
ett and wifp visited their mother last
week. - -
The City Council of Canby held Its
regular annual meeting Feb. 6, In the
City Hall at 8 p. m. All members of
the Council were present except Jos
eph Ller. The regular routine of
business was tranaacted. The ordin
ance authorlxing a five mill tax levy
for municipal purpoaea waa read for
the second time before the Council
and waa approved by tha Mayor.
A new ordinance defining and con
trolling the amount of space that may
be taken up by the merchants for the
display of groceries, vegetables, etc.,
was read and ordered posted. Ry this
ordinance obstructions of any nature,
except In case of a building permit, are
forbidden on the sidewalk.
Throe new street have been or
dered opened, the City Engineer, Fred
Roth, will begin survey and prepare
maps and plat at one. - Tha commit
tee on streets and public property will
be kept busy investigating and luaiall
lng Improvements. Among other lm
provemeuts five more electric light
will be Installed this month.
The following bills were presented
and warrant ordered drawn for the
same: Aurora Eleotrlc Co., lights,
$29 75; I Stlpp, for preparing amend
ment to charter. 125; C. N. Walt, Re
corder a service, December and Jan
uary, $11.85; C. F .Romlg, Recorder's
services, January, $2.30; J. A. Graham
lor work on road. $2.00; J. S. Dick,
police services, Jauuary, $16.
Upon motion W. H. Lucke, who was
named by J. S. Dick as deputy police,
waa duly Indorsed and appointed to
that position by the members of the
The following I a list of letters re
maining uncalled for In the postoffice
at Canby for tha week ending Fab. 4:
Fisher, Mrs. Myrta; Ooetc. Mra. Be-
A.. H. KNIGHT, P. M.
Mra. A. J. Knight and two daughters,
who moved laat summer to The Dalles,
were visiting relatives and friends
here during the paat two weeks. On
Monday they returned to Tha Dalles.
Meaara. A- J- Cobb and W. S. Maple,
who have been quite HI, are now about
again on our streets, we are glad to
Dow , Hutchlnsen, the thirteen year
old son of Mr. C .C. HutchlnBen,
while wrestling at the public achool
Wednesday with one of the hoys, suf
fered a very painful Injury, d I aloes t
Ing his elbow. Dr. Dedman waa sum
moned and after placing the hoy under
chloroform he dressed tho Injury.
T. B. Adama la painting a very large
picture,, a vlow of Yoaamlte Valley,
known an the Artist View. This plo-
ture la 4x7 V. Mr. Adams haa on dis
play, at the Canby Oanal Company'a
office, a number of fine painting.
B. V. Taylor aad family, of Port
land, who recently purchased W. A.
SaJtmarak'a paaoa.. wore visiting In
Canby Wedajwaday and making ajrt
rangementa far moving into hla now
home. Mr. Taylor la much pleased
with Canby.
Tha Christian church received eight
members Into church fellowship on
ventar aad on Wednesday
those wore baptised by Rav. Una.
W. A. fialtmarfh baa ranted for a
term of throe month from the Gordon
lir4 Mn. DooWe: konae. aad will
move bla faojUy lhara tmaaed lately.
M. J L ha had 111 two aatoa
painted by Adama Uro.
i B. Hoy Uaa and F. B- Adam made
a bualitfaa trip to Oregon City Wed
II. II. Eccle spent Sunday vlaltlng
friends in I"ortland. ' "
Church services will agala bo at
the termor achedule at the Method! it
aad Chrlatlan churches. Sabbath
acbool at 10 a. m. tnataad of 9:30 aa
ha been the case since the Kvange-
llatlc meetings have been In progress
William Knight lost a fine cow on
Wednesday morning.
' .
Ilobart IWbur, of Portland, vlalted
hi Mr. Vema Veteto a few day laat
Mr. and Mra. Newt Crlteser were
Canby visitors lust Saturday.
You ought to try a Back of Furga
son'a buckwheat flour.
Mrs. Fred Kurgoyno left Monday for
Roaeburg to visit her uncle before re
turning to Montana. Mrs. Nettle Hur
goyne accompanied Mrs. Fred Ilur
goyne a far a Wood burn where she
will visit friends this week.
Mrs. Ethel Keif Is in Portland taking
care of her sister, Lottie, who Is sick
The Misses Keif are expected home
this week.
Elmer Veteto haa been awarded the
contract of building G. II. Urown's
granary. ,
Mr. Relf has a fine bunch oU Fox
Terrier pups at his place.
Furl Wink got a couple of his fin
gers oruahed Saturday of laat week.
In the cogs at Doernbocher'a mill.
Ora Slyter and Mr. Ilurgoyno were
cruising a bunch of timber on the
west aide of the river the first of the
Joe lev lk - and - Karl - W'luk- wore
Oregon City viaitora Monday.
The Government will establish a U.
8. collection box at the Intersection of
the Lents, Oregon City and Sunnyside
roads, on the corner where Duncan
McNlchol and I. L. Clark live in Har
mony district, when carriers 1 and 2
from Mllwaukle and carrier 1 from
Clackamas can exchange mall which
will give at least one day quicker
service in every case. It will be an
accommodation to people traveling
through alao.
Mllwaukle Commercial Club will
hold a amoker Friday evening, Feb.
10. In connection with the smoker a
general mans meeting will be held for
the purpose of discussing the charter
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the First State Hank of
Mllwaukle was held and the officers
and directors were re-elected by
unanimous vote.
Now Is the time for all progressive
citizena of Mllwaukle to line up and
give the charter amendmenta all the
Buport they possibly can. Improve
ments are needed and must be had or
the new comers will pass-up Mllwauk
le and settle in Oak Grove.
Do not forget the election next Mon
day, Feb. 13. It is of vital lmponance
to Mllwaukle and the final verdict
then will mean either progress or a
stand still. If your are In favor of
progress vote for the amendments. If
you are satisfied with the mud and
mire we have now you want to vote
them down. ...
Ninety members of the Portland
Turn Veretn gave a fine entertainment
last Saturday evening; their exercises
were greatly, appreciated by a lage
audience. Mrs. Wilson and Miss
Kemp gave a selection In German
which waa loudly encored; the ladles
then favored the audience with a song
In English. The net proceeds were
$28 to be uaed for the Hoys' Club and
tho gymnasium.
The Turners have allowed their In
structor, Prof. Cens, to come on Wed
neaday evenings and Instruct' the
classes of the gymnasium. Tha club
ha a membership of thirty boys. Last
Monday evening the Mothera and
Teachers' Club presented the Boy a
Club a medicine balL They are more
than pleased -with thla new feature
and will certainly enjoy It- '
Mllwaukle Orange met Frld even
ing. Regular routine of bustles and
Initiation of three candidate. Tne
lecture hour waa a discussion on roses
and rose culture which was an Inter
esting and Instructive lesson to all
present. Rosea should be planted In
classes and not promiscuously.
The men of the Mllwaukle Grange
will give a spelling match and basket
social at Grange Hall Friday evening,
Feb. 17. at 8 o'clock. First and second
prize for the best speller, and a con
solation piixe for the poorest speller,
and grand prize to the lady whose
basket sells at tho highest prize. 1 he
committee In charge la C B. Hanson,
E. W. Bunnell and Chas. Roswell. Ad
mission 10 and 5 cents. Every lady
will bring a basket. Get out your
spelling books and study.
School Note.
The mid-term examination took
place last week. The only promotions
were below the sixth grade. There
will he- two divisions, the first and
second. Several of the higher grade
pupils were honorably promoted.
Women of Woodcraft held an Inter
esting meeting last Friday evening.
Nine candidates were given the sec
ret work. Refreshments were served
and a good time had by all present.
Mr. and Mra. Orlxxell, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mra. Ella Maple.
Mra. Maggie Johnson haa been quite
alck with lagrlppe.
Isaac Mullen la alck In the Sell wood
hospital with typhoid fever.
We regret very much that Susie
Rnrnes is no better.
Lester Harlow la Improving slowly
from his accident.
Henry Phillips la much better and
hopes to be out again soon.
Robert Hallale had the misfortune
to get a piece of steel In his left eye.
Mr. Rallale is under the care of a
specialist In Portland and Is suffering
very much pain.
Dr. Townley haa several patlenta in
the Portland hospitals which takes a
good part of hla time.
Mrs. Ilonnett la quite sick but im
proving. C. I). Hanson was In Oak Grove on
business Wedneaday.
Warren Knight and wife were Port
land visitor Tuesday evening.
Church Notes.
Evangelical church, E. Radebaugh
pastor. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m.,
Fred Hergermlre superintendent. Ser
vices 11:10, by the pastor. Y. P.
at 7 p. m. Missionary program In
charge of Women Missionary 8oc.lety
at 8 p. m. Teacher' Training Tues
day evening. Prsyer meeting Wed
nesday evening. Choir practice Thurs
day evening.
Saturday afternoon Mra. J. H. Mo-
Arthur's twtna, IsabaDe and Ranaom,
gave a party In honor of their elghta
aaado the
time paaa too quickly. Refreiftmeota
were served by their mot bar, Mra
McArthur, and Mr. Hilton, tha grand
mother. Thoae present wor Mary
Rico, Kdltb Griffith, Kraocta Griffith
Gtadya McCuliy, Alma Lewla, Anabolle
Wella, Harriet Btkhora, 8ol)a Doanl
aon. laabella McArthur, Tommy Ora
ham, Raymond Huter, - Vorn Johna,
Corneliua Sioln, Ernest Rlchter, Harry
Kuka, Ransom and Ltndaey McArthur.
Saturday evening about 7 o'clock a
report came In that two boys, aged
11 and 10 yeara, children of prominent
citizena, were lost. A posae waa aoot
out in all dlrecllona through the down
pour of rain. The bunt continued till
after o'clock. When the aouthboand
car came In the boya got off and start
ed home and when ttey told their
atory they had ran away and bad
started for the Coast but when dark
neaa overtook them they decided home
was the best place after all. Their
school teacher had read Tom Sawyer
to them and they tried to follow his
example. The boys are none the worse
for their experience, but several of
the men took severe colds from the
exposure and soaking they received.
J. II Graham Son, one of our
firms, have purchased a new wagon
to go on the route, which will help the
driver a great deal aa the roads are in
a bad condition.
AnabeUe Well la alck with tonailltia.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Biient Satur
day and Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. W. Wells and family.
School Notes.
The Oak Grove school haa been or
ganized Into a Congress. The pupils
of Prof. Itu t lif are acting as the Sen
ate, and Mrs. Kerry's pupils aa the
representatives.' - The entire school
represents the State of Oregon. Elsie
Skelley , elected Governor
Lowell' Paget has changed from the
Portland school to our"school and the
seventh grade.
Muriel Malcom Is again In school
after an alMteoc of avtral days.
Mra. Green entertained her sister
and a lady friend Tburaday at school.
lie warned in timo. Heed the voice
of those Interested In your welfare
and do your trading at the L. and L.
Company, Oak Grove.
Church Notes.
M. E church Sunday school 10 a.
m. Services 11 a. m., by Rev. W. R.
Allen. Evening services by pastor
Rev. Henry Spela 7:30 p. m. Special
music. All cordially Invited. .
Ladles Aid.
Regular sewing meeting at the home
of Mrs. L. E. Armstrong Thursday
B. F. Hart and Miss Ethel were Fir-
wood visitors last week..
Mrs. G. M. Howe, who has been
visiting her daughter at St. Johns for
the past few weeks, has returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mra. Vernon Miller visited
n Portland the first of the week.
Mrs. E. R. Hart spent a few days
In Portland the first of the week.
Harvey Kehras, of Sandy, Clair
Corey and Ray Howe visited at Ed
Harts Sunday ...
Word was received that T. M. Sl-
mester, who went to California for
his health a few months ago, passed
away; particular not yet known.
Kir wood School and Progressive As
sociation is making preparation, for a
good entertainment Saturday, Febru
ary 17th.
Antone Molar waa a mill visitor last
week. He la building a fine chicken
house. - ' '
New library books are expected this
week. Come and look them over.
The Mt. Hood railroad Is having
1.000,000 feet of lumber sawed, mostly
big timbers, some of the largest being
8i 17x30 feet long. Three different
mills are doing the work. The Fir
wood mill is so blocked up on account
of it that It cannot run steady.
Godfried Stuck! has quit work on
the school ground until the weather
settles, and is now working at tha
Joe Canning received a gash on his
arm and leg by the cut-off saw break
ing. He did not have to lay off on
account of it.
Miss Katie Kehras visited her
mother at the Ft r wood mill last week.
Mr. Greenwell. pony sawyer for the
mill, accidentally caught tho thumb
of his glove between the belt and the
wheel, pulling hla arm In. He weTit
to his home in Ients to recuperate.
Mr. Honett, hook lender at the mill,
had a severe cough last week, and
finding a bottle that he thought wa
cough medicine hurriedly took a drink
hut he found it to be carbolic acid.
He is still on liquid diet.
Real Estate Qpportun
C T. Too,
Lawyer aad Notary
Aba tract. ,'
Real Batax Bought aad Bold.
Howm i. Beaver Btdg., Oregoa City
It yM want ta
i afUV A HOMt.
And IT you was aoll farm.
M k'li
turned to hi post of duty aa clerk
In Harris store In Oregon City.
Mlaa Nettle Miller, one of tho teach
ers in the Willamette school, I alck.
Mr. Haa, of Oregon City, I filling
her place.
Mra. Chaa. Andrewa la alck with la
C. Montgomery, of thla place, haa
moved to Portland with hla family.
He la employed on the fire depart
ment there.
Joseph Paris, of Highland, with his
wife from Highland, Tuesday of this
week were visiting in Willamette with
Mrs. M. B. Gary, mother of T. J.
Gary, County School Superintendent.
is reported better at her son's home
In this place.
E. Maas is able to retnrn to the
court house after a brief Illness.
Mr. IJesman, the Willamette mer
chant, went to Portland on Wednea
day on buslnesa.
Meeting of Willamette Council.
The council meeting waa held on
Tuesday evening, all councilman being
present except Frank Shipley. Coun
cilmen present were Frank Oliver,
John Reams, W. Snidow, Arch Ross,
with Mayor Gary in the chair.
Hum In ess of Importance was brought
up for discussion, among this being
the water plant system. Bids were
read for the construction of a well,
from which the water will be taken,
the lowest bid being that of " I. W.
Rivers for a 300 foot well for 11000.
Bids were laid on the table, and It
will be decided In the near future as
to what movement will be made to
construct one.
It was resolved to commence con
demnation proceeding against J.
Downey to secure the right-of-way to
lay pipes and mains. Furthermore
resolved to Instruct the recorder to
notify Attorney Stlpp, who has been
secured for this pnrpose, to commence
proceedings Immediately.
A committee of three was appointed
to arrange for a farewell supper for
E. Maas. who will soon take np his
residence In Oregon City. The date
of the supper will be held in the near
After other buslnesa was taken up
for discussion the meeting adjourned.
The Deutsche Verein had a pleasant
and successful session, in Macksburg
on Saturday, February 4.
Cicero Grimm carried off first hon
ors In the prixe waits at Molalla last
Mr. Baldwin and his mother had the
pleasure of receiving visit from Mrs.
W. Barth, Mr. J. J. Gibson and Mr.
Sylvester Gibson on Sunday, Febru
ary 6.
Miss Hazel Lorlng is In Portland,
where she has obtained a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Knudeson entertained
a number of the Macksburg young
people on Saturday evening.
Ed Craves has sold hi place to
Grant Graves, who expects to take
poeession of the ground in time Jo
put In the early crop .
Sol Strubaks is preparing ground
for a crop of alfalfa, for which much
of the Willamette Valley soil la found
to be eminently favorable.
Mr. Baldwin attended teachera' In
stitute at Canby on Saturday, Febrn
ary 5.
The grubbing on all the ranches Is
going on at a rapid pace. Stump
covered tract are fast turning Into
fruitful orchards, and fertile fields of
grain. The farmers are Jubilant over
the fine promise for wheat. The ap
pearance of. the winter crop I nn-
Lprecedentedly fine.
Mra. C. O. Perry returned to her
home at Maple I-no the 4th of this
month from Willamette, where ahe
has been acting nurse for Mr. A. J.
Flynn and her little baby. .
Miss Christine Johnson la reported
up and around after a brief Illness of
stomach trouble.
Miss Lollte Tompkins Is back' to
school after being sick with tne la
Mr. and Mr. J. Johnson have re
covored, from the la grippe.
Sixteen births have been recorded
in Willamette In the last 60 day. How
I that for this burg?
Grandma Rivera was taken awrlously
ill last Friday night with - heart
trouble. Dr. Stewart waa aent for
Immediately and with the aid of neigh
bor friends soon gave her relief.
Pert Barnes has recovered from an
accident when he fall at one of hi
building, and fractured hla aide. He
I able to go to Oregon City.
Lao Larson, of thla place, haa re-
Mra. Emmon, from Portland, wa
a pleasant caller at the home of Mrs.
W. M. Gardner.
The Pastime club met at the home
of Mrs. Gus Wamblads and they re
ported they bad a very pleasant time.
Some of the ladlea praut were, called
upon to make a speech, but Instead
they recited poems they had learned
when they were children. A nice
lunch was served and those present
were Mrs. Charles Moran, Mra. Grant,
Mr. Charley Harris, Mr. Frank
Powers, Mrs. Alex OiU. Mr. Victor
Eriekson. Mr. O. A. Freytag, Mrs. G.
E. Heathman. Mr. White, Mrs. W. M.
Gardner, Mrs. Morris, Mr. J. E. See-
ley and Mr. Gu Wamblad.
Mr. Grace, of Oregon City, and
Mra. Gardner spent a very pleasant
day with Mrs. Philips, of Portland.
. Mr. Molion at Fern Ridge la very
Someone must have been very hun
gry for they stole eight of Mr. Harry
Bond's chickens.
Mr. White, who has been on the
sick list, is better this week.
Pete Davidson, of Maple Ijine, has
bought Mrs. Wambladea pretty cot
Eagle Creek Grange will give an en
tertainment and basket social Satur
day, February 11. All are cordially
Invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones were Portland
visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. WM1 Dotiglssa and
Mrs. Walter Douglass were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Howlett last Thurs
day. It was the birthday of Mra.
Howlett. and also of Mrs. Will Doug
lass, and so they celebrated together.
Mrs. H. O. Huntington called on
Mrs. Howlett Sundsy.
Miss Hina Douglass called on Mrs.
Howlett Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass were
the guesta of Mr. and Mra. Harvey
Gibson Saturday night and Sunday.
Will went down for the purpose of
going panther hunting. There have
been reports of a cougar or panther
roaming around that part of the coun
try lately.
Noah Stlngley waa seen on the hill
Afternoon and
War Drama
TOid TO 0. ' 2
Big Indian Named Wwrron lvgt W&L
Walking Papara. i , if
A big Indian whoM laat nftat 14
Warren, and who haa been tmaCZ'
around here for some tine, waa ttT$i
an opportunity to get hla braaatat$
and then hustle over tha horde tt
of the city Wednesday.
Some one ha been aapprytag fcjW'i
tha Clark, the Indian woman, wiA
drink, causing the police trovbla, aad) 3
It I charged that Warren waa . tBa:j
guilty party. Hence the InvltaXlOCt Mt.;
get "lit of the city. i ijj
Warren la a big Sflets Iadiaa, Jl aV
rradi'ire of Chef..awa. and ihould Cbwf t
doea know better. Officer Shaw WyV.r
he ha been giving much troobta IB
stealthy way and he wna deteraxtnaal
ha should etay here tw leaaaar.
Wants, For Sale, Etc.!
Notices under these claaotflad
will b Inaertrd at oft cent a wort
Insertion, half a cent additional
tlona. On lnh card, fl por snoath;
men card, m nn- i per rauntn.
C'ah must accompany order onlee taM
haa an open account with tha paper. 10 .
financial responsibility for errors; whara '
errors m-cur free corrected notlco wtai
printed for patron. Minimum chars Sw4
WANTED To exchange firaf
painting, paperhanglng or calctatt
lng for timothy or mixed hay. A6V,
dress II. C. Morse. 386 HawtbonaB
Avenue, Portland, Oregon.
WANTKIV Competent girl or woaaaa. -J
In email family at Portland for oar'-;
of baby and light housework. tf
cooking. Good wagea and dealrabka
and ateady position- Apply Knikjj
piiae office at once. ;"r3
WANTED Small advertleementa ftr'
tills column. Price rry reaeoav a&
able. See rates at head Of colaaaav j
good 2 Inch wagon with a gravaf ..d
bad. I have no naa for ao keavy m
wagon; wUl aell or trade far a llgat-
er one, or a good back. I alaa &.
a strong road breaking plow aaal
some second hand door aad wl.
Room 2 Baaver Bldg.. Oregon City.
FOR SALE By owner, modern arg.,
room house nearly new on lmprored M
at retr close In Tenon. 1 r-" rtt'j
214 Washington atreet. Jt
t AflT Itfllsraan MMtArfUl anBndt 1 !
au i t fcvi-vBB,wv ' a yjaaB -
atreet. chatelaln ntn. Retara to "-5
123 17th atreet Reward. .
Contractor. Estimate tas)3rtlill -A
given on all claaae of bulldtas V
work, concrete walka aad retaforoad j
concrete. Ran. Pbooe Mala 111.
O. D.' EBY, Attorneyt-Law, Motay
loaned, abatract furnished, laBa5'
titles examined, eetatea settled,
eral law business. Over Bank
Oregon City.
U'REN 8CHUBBEL, AttoraayvdnV
Law, Deutacaer Advokat. will atdBM
tice la all courta. make illii)laT.
and settlement. Office In
prlae Bldg., Oregon City. OraflOBw .
DR. L.
5 and
Oregon Ctty-
and pacific Statee 1221.
o. I CIS. DJPNTI 8T Rooaaej '
D uuaiui Duiiwiue;. hub iw,,,.
Photta: Hama AXS;'
MONEY LOANED We are acqtfafalti
ed with tha vain of aO farm fivi
in Clackamaa County and can kxuK
. your money on good safe euiiiH
Farm loana made one, two and QCtC
year at 7 per cant Abatradts ax,.
' title examined. DlaflCK V VOaKXHi
Lawyers, Aadreeea Bldg., Ot)axt
City, Oregon. .- ,J
V. R. HYDE, Abstract
Land tltlea investigated. cmreyaW
clng, notary public. '..:A
Room 7, Barclay Bldg.,
Farm, Timber, Oraalac. AarianW
Lenda, Ctty property. 8 matt fr
and Poultry Ranehea for Bala, W
ut Lead. Room t Bearer
Oregon City, Oregon.
L H. OOOPaTB, for Ptra tamra'';
your propertleewe bay,. aaU
axcaange. omce tm
Bldg., Oregon City,
uta uwaiera, nave cansna. MeTS
In farm landa, city aad nbdtt
homea, good fruit landa and aem
ranch. - See va tor good bW
Near 8. P. depot. , w
article you want. Jut a BB$V
new, at a am all fraction! at tad
or new. If roii go and aaa tXT
the aecona u' mBm. Wa f
tloa cofulna Now and sekf "
Furniture, Hardware, ToolC, U,
etc. See Mm ; It eoata aotaJac Jf
lagair. '
411 Hami