Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 09, 1911, Image 1

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    7 Ah
. The enly tally iwwpii fee
Iwmii Pertta ana Sale! elr
latse In v.ry Beetle 4 Ola site
mas County, with a eepelaM) ef
MM Ar yu an eWertise'T
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fahapaa and
Vota-Buyara In Uncle Joe'e Balllwlok
Shiver Nervously. .
' DANVIIJX III.. Kab.r (8pl.)
Tha grand 'Jury la reported to have
socrelly found 80 Indlrtmenti for elac
lko frauds at Its rrent bcksIom. ' la
addition there has ben tha Indict
luaut of a acora of politicians on churg
) of subordination of perjury and per
Jury, and tha outlook fur a man who
has sold his vote or purchased votes
la vary had. . . ,
, The effort to squalen matters te
oauee of what the effect might ba on
Uncle Joa Cannon's political Ufa have
been abortive.
In Earnest Aa to Hie Reciprocity fro-
WA8HINOTON. Feb. 8. (8pl.)
From what has been said to Influential
Honators and Congressmen It la plain
that President Taft Is very much In
earnest In his efforta to carry through
bis reciprocity program. Humor haa
It that he haa threatened to call a
special aeaslon If Congress dodges
the Issue at Ibis time, and that he baa
gone so far aa to theraten what he
will do In tha matter.
Don't Want to See Reciprocity
Between Canada and U. 6.
IX3NIK)N, Feb. 8. (8pl) Urds
and Ministers are up In arma aa to
"What the effect will be In case presi
dent Taft Is aurcessrul In carrying
through his reciprocity program. There
la a divided sentiment aa to what the
outcome would be In mattera of trade
and traffic between thla country and
Canada, but whatever the outcome the
polltlrana here do not look with favor
on (he agitayma. .v .
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 (Spl.)
Hy request the name of E. It. Col well
was restored to the Hat of Senate ap
pointees and then President Taft with'
drew tha nomination ao that there
might be no reflection on the charac
er of Colwell. who la Taft'a appointee
for U. S. Marshall at Portland.
.. Kansas May Vote on Suffrage.
TOPEKA. Kan., Feb. 8. I he Katiias
Banal e passed the resolution ten) ay to
submit an amendment to the constltu'
Ion giving wumi'l the rlKht to vote I'l
11 elections by a vote of 27 to 12.
The reaolutlon bad previously paused
tha House.
To Sea HI Matter Confined There
On a Serioua Charge. -
The little French poodle belonging
to Nela Beebo, v bo la In Jail for killing
bla brother, Hiram Ileebe, la ' taken
dally to the courtroom to noe Ita ni ea
ter, and the animal Is perfectly con
ented when by Mr. Itoehe'e aid al
the Jail. The old man Is often taken
to the room of the Rlierlff whore he
may enjoy the aunllght. and the little
og alia beside hla master noting er
ery movement, thinking he la to take
him for a walk. The little dog was
brought to thla city about one year
go from California by Mr. Ileebe, and
the latter haa refnaed many sums of
money for him. He will not part with
Im. On the night of the murder many
who had wlahed to purehaae the dog,
aked the old gentleman for the care
of him, aa there was no place provided
for It In the Jail. The old man refused
to even sell him at thla time, thinking
that he could rare for him later. Mrs.
Harry Flemmlng. of Clackamas
Heights, waa given charge of the dog.
In whose possession he la finding ex
cellent care. The dog recelvee hla
regular bath and la taken dally to Jail
to call on his master. The animal hna
been taught many trlcka by Mr. Peebn
nd his deceased brother, Hiram, and
la a very Intelligent dog.
The Congregatlnonal church owns
property on the hill and aome day
hopes to build up there out of the aone
of dirt and noise. Taylor street, which
bnta thla property, la now being Im
proved. The nnlghbora own lota that
run to the middle of the street, thua
making the street but 30 feet wide.
In Improving; this street tha effort hat
been made by Council. to deal with
these people and aaaeaa damages
gainst the residence property and
then rebate to them to get the 30 feet
taking the street out to the property
linn aa It la made neceaaary In the
plan to widen out the street. In this
the city haa been auccessful.
But the claim Is set up that the
former owner never gave or Bold the
30 feet running from the church pro
ocrty to the center of the atreet, to
the city. As he never deeded It to
he church It waa natural to suppose
It was still vested In the hnlra to the
former owner. In caae It had not been
Iven to the city, and tha church or
mnmbert of the church went out to
secure It and then make a deal with
he city for assessment, damages and
TUn City Attorney nays the former
owner had In mind giving the 30 feet
the city, that It haa not been as
sessed for taxes to either the former
owner or the church, and advisee
Counoll to Ignore the claim of the
It seems to have been an after.
bought of aome one connected with
the church to offset tha anaessment
ffnlnst thfl church property for ben
efits, and If the church presses Its
claim It will of neoeeHtty be fought
nut In the courts. . It looks aa If there
wns a chance for a knotty problem,
and one In which the Intent of the In
dividual will come In for a large share
of whnt Is and whnt Is not.
The entertainment and bazaar given
last olght at the Methodist church by
the lllthfaha of the Methodist church
waa largely attended. One of the
features of the evening waa the cafe
teria aupper served at the 12 different
booths, and presided over by members
of - the class giving . the affair. - The
young ladlea were kept busy serving
their patrona and after all had been
served fancy artlclea, candy, postal
carda and Valentines were aold.
The bootha represented the twelve
different aeaaons. The ttooth of Jan
uary, presided over by Mrs. William
Johnston and Miss Mabel Morse, was
of red, green and whit. A background
waa formed of avergreena, and an
archway festooned with evergreens In
termingled with red velvet polnsettaa
and dew drops, made a very pretty
effect. Ilurlng the cafeteria supper
this booth waa the headquarters for
corn bread, plum pudding, platea.
February, presided over by Mlas
Kulsh Cantrell and Miss Anna' lint.
was the headquarters for table nap
kins, knives and forks, and during the
bazaar Valentines were sold. This
booth waa prettily decorated with ev
ergreens, festoons of red hearta and
miniature cuplds.
March booth, presided over by Miss
Cleo Dlllow and MIhs Morteta Hick
man, during the early part of the even
ing, wna the headquarters for pickles
and olives, and during the latter 'part
of the evening candlea were served.
Festoons of shamrocks Intermingled
with . festoons of Ivy. with a back
ground of ferns, made a very pretty
April booth, of purple, white and
green, formed a very preuy neaa
quartera lor the sandwiches during
the cafeteria aupper, after which fan
cy artlclea were aold by Mlaa Nellie
Swafford and Mlas Alice Ilalley. Lrge
bunches of artificial purple vloleta
completed the decorations.
Miss Elva Blanchard and Miss
Maude Smith presided over the May
booth. Thla waa very attractive, the
decorations being sprays of anowballa,
ferns and festoons of white and purple
crepe paper, naked beana were servea
by the young ladles presiding.
The predominating colors or tne
June booth were green and white Jap
anese chrysanthemums, and roses
were used In great profusion, he back
ground being formed of large bunches
of ferns. At this booth waa rouna
fruit aalad, and during the latter part
of the evening the grab bag.
Mlaa Mabel lilanchard and Mlas
Ada Watenpaugh were the patriotic
vonng ladles or tne evening lor
had charge of the July booth, which
wns completely formed of American
flags, with bunrhea of flrecrackera to
remind one of the glorious Fourth.
The booth of August was bright and
attractive; the archway waa formed
of red crepe popples, feme and Ore
gon grape. Festoons of red crepe pa
per wore used among the decorations.
This booth was In charge of Mrs.
Grace Cox and Mlas Hello Oray, who
served cookies and doughnuta.
September and October were orient
al booths, where coffee waa aerved,
and during the baaaar home made
candlea and postal carda were eagerly
sought for by many who attended.
These two bootha with their artistic
decorations were presided over by
Mlsa Myrtle Croaa, Mlaa Kathleen Har
rison, Mlas Harriet Mayes and Mlas
Wllma Myers. Evergreena were used
aa the archway, and at the rear of the
Beptember were large fana, and 'at
the rear of the October booth waa a
large Indian robe.
' The November booth with Its de
coratlona of yellow and green waa one
of the most admired bootha In the
church. Thla waa presided over by
Mlaa Adah Hulbert and Miss Annie
Myera. Festoona of crepe v paper of
yellow and green were used, and yel
low chrysanthemums.
December booth, similar to that of
the booth of January, was . presided
over by Mlsa Nettle Kruse and Mlaa
Mabel Myera. The decorations were
Of bright colored polnsettaa, ferns, ev
ergreens and cotton, the latter of
which a to represent the snow.
Theae young ladlea acted aa cashiers
during the early part of the evening,
and sold candlea the latter part.
One of the features of the affair
wan the excellent program rendered
by member of the class. '
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Philadelphia Preaa.
Four Men at Play and Small Stakea
and Chips In Sight. -
Officer Cooke raided a poker Joint
In full operation about midnight Wed
nesday and found four playera gath
ered around the table. There were
chips and fifty centa In sight, but the
Indications were that the stakes had
not been heavy.
The men were found playing at the
home of Charles Nash, corner of Sev
enth street and J. Q. Adams. As there
had been no disturbance, and there
was little money In sight the visitors
were not locked up and the officer
contented himself with giving orders
for the proprietor, Nash, to appear be
fore Recorder Htlpp at 3 o'clock this
afternoon. Officer Cooke will appear
and tell what be knows in the matter
and. Recorder Stlpv will hear the caae.
Council again had up for discussion
the question of an additional pollco
man for day aervice down town and
for night service on the hill, or Upper
Seventh street. Rev. Hayworth. of
the Ilaptist church, was present and
addreaaed Council on the aiibject of
law enforcement. "He cared not," he
said, "how law enforcement waa ob
tained, but he waa Interested In Its
enforcement. Mayor lirownell prom
laed It to us, we believe he wants to
give It to ua, and we aa christian peo
ple want It. Have no fault to find
with Council but think we should be
given tbla aaaurance that an effort
la to ba made to- see to It. that the
laws are enforced." ' ;
Mr. Walter Cole did not1 see any
necessity for another policeman, waa
satisfied the aaloon men .wanted to
do right and with rare exceptions were
doing right; thought It would be only
an added expenae. t .
Attorney Dye could see no reason
for another policeman; his home had
been burglarized three times but a
half dozen more policemen would not
have saved him; taxea were, hlgn
enough now.
Council has said all along that 1t
cannot aee where to get the money
for the extra expense and haa turned
the recommendation down on that
acore. With Attorney rye and Wal
ter Cole In opposition to Rev. Hay
worth Council voted no on the propo.
sltlon'and the hill people will not be
given pollca protection for a few
weeks at least, -
It la easy to aew that Mayor Brown-
ell ls"not yet satisfied with the out
come, and that he feela he haa prom
ised the hill people aomethlng that ao
far i Council will not permit him to
grant. ' r
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Backache and Kid
' bey Troubles ;
Cured With
Kro NSrtHD Plasters
50c per Boa.
Plasters 25c.
Money Back If Not Relieved.
PreaorlptlonA and Family Receipts
Filled With Pure Drugs.
Quality and Frleea Right.
City Drug Store. k ,
Next Door to Electric Hotel.
Pacifle phone II Home Phone 41
Hart In
' " - ' '
Counoll Can't Sea Ita Way Clear to
Give the Hill People Special
.. Police Protec
Council met in special session Wed
nesday evening with Councilman
Burke, Hblman, Andresen, Pope, May-
era, Romke, Hall and Mlchaela pres
ent, Dr. Strickland alone being absent.
A report from the atreet and alley
committee, recommending that the al
ley In block 114 be reduced In width
from 25 to 14' feet, waa ordered ac
cepted. f .
Council permitted ihe tranafer of
the license of the depot saloon from
Joseph Wilson to Chris Kroner.
Tbe question as to the ownerahlp of
the portion of Ninth street, to which
the Congregational church has laid
claim. In connection with their pro
perty on the hill, had been referred
to the City Attorney for report. Hla
report expressed the opinion that the
atreet had been duly given to the city
by I. H. Atkinson yeara ago when be
aold tbe lot to the church for one
dollar and did not Include the half of
tbe street tn the deed to the church,
and that It had been accepted by the
city and thua acquired by the city, and
therefore that the claim of ownership
by the church would not atand the
test of the law. Advised Council to
Ignore the claim of the church and go
ahead with the Improvement of . the
Coplea of U.a contract with Moffatt
- Parker - for - t he - Improvement - of
Sixth street reported ready for sig
natures of city officials. . Report made
that contract was to be completed by
October 15 and penalty for delay of
$5 a day. Mr. Holman did not think
the penalty large enough. Mr. Mof
fatt said no need for penalty aa it
would prove an easy task. After con
siderable discussion It waa agreed to
let the $5 penalty stand. s - '
Mr. Roake aaked aa to the accept
ance of Eleventh street, and Its con-
dlttoo,- eta. r Dtacuaalon . brought out
the fact that when that contract was
In the air the people became so anx
ious that It waa let without due con
sideration, with the people clamoring
for fear of any delay. The further
fact that the street waa not madd
wide enough waa shown and the hope
expressed that du4 consideration be
given the contract on other streets;
also further fact waa brought out ihat
the contract for Eleventh street la no
where to be found, and aome wonder
ing Indulged as to why and how.
Figures of City Engineer were pre
sented as to the cost of Improving
Washington street from Seventh to
Eleventh. Decided not necessary to
refer to committee but simply for
Council to act In due form later.
The question of city official printer
waa taken up and Council voted to
make the Morning Enterprise public
printer at the same rate per Inch aa
at present. Shown that often quicker
action can be taken In having a dally
rather than weekly as official printer.
Mr. Meyera, aa chairman of a spe
cial committee to consider the new
Home Rule proposition aa to the con
duct of saloons waa handed up with
recommendatlona of tbe committee,
the Recorder reading same. The mat
ter waa referred to the City Attorney
to draw an ordinance conforming to
the recommendations.
Councilman Pope could aee no reas
on for pushing aside our own present
good lawa and acting on auggestlona
of aome one else.
Mr. Meyers though aa the people of
the State had voted for home rule it
ahould be tried, and thia waa the out
come of the committee's views aa to
how It be tried.
In the discussion of the Eleventh
Btreet improvement the fact was
brought out that Twelfth Btreet la
likely to be spoiled by makipg a road
way too narrow aa in the Eleventh
atreet matter. Mr. Holman thought
Twelfth street Bhou'd be made right
(JO feet roadway If that la proper.
Mr. Andreaen agreed with thla and
moved that the City Engineer be In
structed to give flgurea and ahow
what and how mdeh it will coat to
make It right.
Mr. Meyera said 8. P. waa not pay
ing any attention to the bridge or
trestle work It must construct at
Twelfth and Recorder waa Instructed
to write again In the matter.
Mr. Roake called up the matter of
the O. W. P. being required to acroen
Us headlighta within the city. Re
corder write again In thla matter.
Rev. Hayworth here aecured the
floor and asked aa to the enforcement
of law that waa promised by the Mayor
In hla campaign. After discussion a
vote waa taken on the subject of
another policeman to aid In the work
and Council voted not to gram the
Mayor's request.
Friends Entertained at the Family
Home In Csnemah.
Mlsa Minnie Ixulse Rakel enter
tained a few of her friends at her
home In Canemah on Tuesday evening
at Five Hundred. A most enj-ya Ic
time waa spent In cards, which was
followed . by refreshments The hoe
tens was assisted by Mlsa Nora Hn
nlfln. .
Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Oanong, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Tel
ford, Mr. and Mia. Henry Teltrc Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Rakel, Mra. Dorothy
Rakel, Miss Nora Hannifin, S. U Siev
ena and Herman. Rakel.
Mlaalonary Tea at Qladetone.
The Mlaalonary Society of the Math-
odmt Episcopal church met at the
home of Mrs. Tingle, of Gladstone, on
Monday afternoon.. An Interesting
talk was given by Mrs. M. L. Drlgg
In regard to foreign missions. During
the afternoon delicious refreshments
were aerved by the hostess. '
A Former Oregon City Business Man
Called to Reet.
Wcrd was received In this city Wed
nesday of the death In Stevenavllle,
Montana, of F. W. Howard, a former
resident of this city. Nothing of Mr.
Howard's sickness waa known until
the announcement came of hla death.
He died Tuesday, January 31.
When here Mr. Howard waa In the
grocery business on Seventh street,
on the hill. He lived In Oregon City
two or three yeara and was well and
favorably known. He was 61 yeara of
age and leavea a wife, alx children
who are married and away from home
and two children still living at home
at the time of bla decease. Mr. How
ard was a deacon In the Ilaptist church
here when living In tbla city.
Petty- Law- Breaker - Won't Getto
Sit By Fir. -Officer
Shaw saya there haa been
too much foolishness In certain quar
ters, aa it la too easy a matter to make
a row and then when caught beg off
from the 'police because of the fact
that to put prisoners In the cooler
means expense for food.
New plan Is on foot and If It Is
permissible will soon be put In force.
It Is nothing more than to put the pris
oners to work on the streets of the
city,' under eacort, and require the
cleaning of the aide streets at the ex-
pente of tho petty law breaker. The
matter la to be called to (tie attention
oT the Council.
Liet ef Pall Bearer.
William Bradley, William Krueger,
Thomaa Brown, George Secrest, A.
C. Beaullau and William Anderaon
acted as pall bearers at the funeral of
Mrs. Ashton Woodard, which was held
on Tuesday afternoon from the Hol
man undertaking parlors at 2:30
o'clock. Rev. Zimmerman, pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church, offi
ciated and the interment waa In the
Mountain View cemetery. - The funer
al waa largely attended. ,
The semi-annual examination for
state and county paper are in pro
gress In Oregon City, commencing
Wednesday. The circuit court room
at the courthouse, where these exam
inations are usually held, 1a In use, and
tbe applicants are being examined In
the Willamette Hall. County School
Superintendent Gary Is conducting the
examination, assisted by Brenton Ved
der, principal of the Gladstone school
and Asa R. Thompaon, of Needy. Mr.
Thompson Is a new member of the
tsxa.nlnlng board, having succeeded
J. W. Mitts, who resigned to attend
Oregon Agricultural College. Mr.
Thompson la a graduate of the Mon
mouth Normal School and - haa had
many years experience In educational
work. The examinations for state pi
pera -will end Friday afternoon, and
those for county paper will close Sat
urday. The results will be announced
tbe latter part of next week.
Following la a list of the applicants
for state and county papera:
State papera John L Ashton, Jesse
A. Johns, Minnie E. Grace, Helen Mur
ray. .' y "
County paper-Jamea M. Park, Har
ry H. Hargreavea, Jean E. Maxwell,
Charlea T. Slevera, Olive II. Mortl
more. Isabella T. Mann, Alma O. Huae
by, Marie B. Mulford, Mary Sunder
land, Mra. Ada Jolley, Alice F. Rliter,
Ethel E. Sharpe, V. I Coleman, Hattle
O. Brown, Thersa Dehler, Joseph W.
Hethune, Ruth Green, Maud Mason,
llelle Mattley, Jessie M. Maxwell.
Ruby D. Maxwell, Ixila E. Herald, 1-ola
F. Walker, Rica Anderson, Title Knudt-
son, Anna uotrredson, j. a. jhhib,
Pauline Forle8, Fred H. Wilcox, Lulu
Miller, Genevieve Capen, - Rose O.
Walsh. Estella McGetrhle, Inez R.
Thompson Wood, Calvin Wolfer, Ijena
Reed, W. H. Blood. Earl Kocher.
Frances Potter, Rosa Eaton, Mary
Dlckerson, Ethel R. CHnes, Marlon
Humbel, Bessie M. lewls, Irene Car
ter, Emille C. 8haw.
CLAIRM0NT Pla"1 yur dollars Clairmont Acre-
BBjBjBfHBVSsSBBBBi ac it return you Bank Rolls. J
With all of the convenience of the city ami pleasure o
of the country, it is the most . Ideal place for ft honie. 6
The present low price of the land will remunerate the o
purchaser two or three times in a short time. " o
The best soil that lays out doors. . Small payment o
Oregon Qty, Or. BOTH PHONES Main 80 A 156
e-r a -w . -wv r . T ! j C .1 "
, i ne ist JJay
Can be found 't his store on Main Street. Between fifth and Slxtlw
A full Hna of Dish; and Household Gooda. Remember the tact 4f
of the Sale Is - V
appeal to mmm hawuy
Proposed Schema to Erect Small Hua
aa to Accommodate Laboring i
Men la Abandoned By
The Ure Wire are still making a
fight for the establishment of a rural
free delivery route out of Oregon City
Into the Stafford country, now partial
ly covered by a rural route from Sher
wood, Washington County. Stafford Is
only six mllea from Oregon City, yet
the farmers of that section receive
their mall in a roundabout way, letter
and papera first going from Oregon
City to Portland and then out to Sher
wood. ' Through this course. It takes
a letter two days to get from Oregon
City into a place only alx miles away.
It Is proposed to take some of tbe -territory
from one of th Sherwood
routes and establish a new routs from
Oregon City running paat Willamette,
but the IJve Wlrea encountered their
first stumbling block when they ap
plied to the post master at Sherwood
for a tracing of the routs In order to
proceed Intelligently. That official re
fused to, furnish this tracing and aa
there la no way to compel htm to ac
ceed to the wtahea of the Oregon City
people who are Interested In procuring
better mall aervlce for the Stafford
residents. It haa been decided to take
up the matter with Congressman Haw
ley at Washington. .City Recorder L
Stipp waa laat Tuesday appointed a
committee to communicate with Con
gressman Hawley, with the object of
obtaining a tracing, and when that la
aecured, there will be something to
work on.
The Live Wires have concluded not
to father a plan to form a company to
building small housea In Oregon City.
A committee has had thla matter un
der Investigation or several weeks.
being spurred by tits reports that
there la work In thf mills hers for
married men, but that no house are
to be had at a rental that can be paid
out of the wages paid in tha paper
milla. Considerable enthusiasm waa
at first manlfeated but sober second
thought convinced the committee that
the scheme waa not sufficiently rose
ate aa a purely business proposition,
and It haa therefore been abandoned.
Chairman Frank Buach of the com
mittee, suggested that the Live Wires
bend their efforts towarda promoting
the construction of -a railroad to Mo- "
Mr. and Mra.
John Adams Host fend
.. Hoes. i
Mr. 'and Mra. junn Adams enter
tained in a most delightful manner
Tuesday night the Tuesday Evening
Bridge Club at their home on Seventh
street. After many games of bridge
had been enjoyed the prlxea were
awarded to Mlaa Cls Pratt and Harry
Draper. During the evening a lunch
eon waa aerved. "
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Eber A.
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. McB,ln,
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Eaatham. Mrs. W.
A. ghewman. Mra. L. E. Jones. Mrs.
Andrews. of Pennsylvania. atlas
Hecox, Mlsa CI Pratt, Harry Draper,
Forbea Pratt, Dr. Thomaa Fox.
A Stafford Farmer Diea at tha Family
Home Aged 66. e .
Moint K- Peter, a well known far
mer of Stafford, died at the family
home on Tuesday evening, after aer
eral woeka- Illness.
Deceased waa born In Germany and
has been a resident of Stafford for
aome time. He waa 65 years of age.
The funeral services will be conducted
from the family residence Thursday,
February 10, at 10 o'clock, and the
Interment will be In the Stafford ceme
tery. ' . . - -. ...--.r-.'
Miss Lela Smith of Portland, la vis
iting friends in thla city for a few
daya. ,.
Mr. Wm. Calif f, of Portland, was an
Oregon City business visitor Wednes
day. V . ; J
ot tne oig owe . , . .
..; , t"i4&r