Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 07, 1911, Image 3

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    ,, . ;
t of Mullno, wu la
t of Needy, was In
;Oea Monday.
-lc at Heeley's.
7 .Ptwt to New Kra
t business.
I t at $1.60 to 10.50
Jh4 tihoe Store.
f tha prominent
v. waa transuding
jUf un rlaturday
Iea 80 cn l a at
Jsth street
f JhMwmlll man of
' f X l Olty on buslneaa
to hla aawmlll.
-t0 teasel grower
i V ' iMd to hla homo
)0 thla city.
i-Deatlat, Cau-
jool at Twilight
;Of tha lllneaa of
jale McDonald.
JTly of thla city,
fwaa vlaltlng with
T on Sunday,
near Molalla,
a, wrra among
viaiiora on
Vancouver, IJ. C,
7,0O Saturday and
f it the Electric
"Vaeat P. Randa,
If homes In thla
kda Hunday ev
jont realdent of
(til thla city and
X Hotel, haa re-
Dover, waa In
part of th
well know
jred a lecture
A Parkplace on
Holy I .and a.
4tlve audience
waa reported
Inlghtly aaloon
1 Main atreeta.
1 taking proper
Y Batacada, who
Ala real name
1 by the police
V Monday. He
Oladntone have
I Meeting night
Beaday to Mon
rtll continue to
, however,
new planing
V to be installed
jks arrived via
twill be carted
1 aa poaslbl
formerly owner
I Btroblg market
7etB, but now of
gon City 8un
Omi meeting of
I Baptist church
I the parlors of
r. Tueaday ev
I of apples re-
ma of the Ore-
Produce Union
tthe third con-
Jor the new of
Mitlon la to be
U the regular
Vening. The
Jaturday even
Jon a are mak-
firaa for years
Jlamette Pulp
Jl to the street
trio Hotel, In a
Jten to hla home
)llwood, has ac
1th the Portland
tower Company,
I resignation of
M accepted a po
y Pulp A Paper
Scottish society
d up In the baae
fatlonnl church,
lugs of the club.
Xtled on aa yet,
tan asaured auo
A -
Junset Magazine
Of Dreama Come
latrated In four
.Singing - In the
Alaco Christmas
AH newa stands,
the rVinorpirft.
I will give a Val-
,1iurch parlora on
Uiy, February 13.
snaking great ef
Moyable time for
. so kind aa to
I . ,
Jteople, a aoclety
i In the Catholic
M the dance that
i to give on the
Vs s day, and will
'to give It some
There are many
r the Valentine
i It waa deemed
Ctroduced a bill
Inld juat amend
rda from allow
B at large after
I would paaa.
mldn't Pay to Advertise
I A Poor Article
proposition of doubtful merit or honaaty for idTiidtn,
iff DISCRIMINATING. They know values they know
191 Qnuln opportunltloo.
which can ba sold by advartlalng la, by that taat, a
YOU ara aafa In buying a thing which haa "atood
Vk' f of a wldaly advartleed artlcla, or commodity, la al
)f hla bualnaaa Ufa., Ha cannot ehlrk, hor chaapan hla.
la la tha baat poaalbla protection for tha conaumar.
FB In buying advartlaad thlnga It'a tha loglo of
JMM condition. ,
Mlaa Mary Harlow, of Portland, la
tha guest of her alater, Mra. T. M. Mil-
Mlaa llertha. Koerner. nf Hf I rthna
after vlaltlng with Mlaa Hedonla Bhaw,
returnod to her home Sunday evening
Mra. Anna Johnson, of Itolton, haa
gone to Portland where ahe will visit
with friends.
Mr. Emll Gordon, of Can by, apent
Sunday with hla alater, Mra. Walter
W Llit
Mr. J. A- Johnson, of Portland, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. N. C. Hen
drlcka, In Gladstone.
Mr. N. It- Charman returned to Port
land Monday morning after a
visit with relatives In this city.
Mlssea Iloaa and Augusta Kcbrader
visited with friends In Portland Hat
urdsy --
Mis Ethol Green, who recently ac
rrpted a position In Portland, apent
Hunday with her parents In thla city.
Miss OIk McClure la still confined
In the hoapltal with typhoid fever.
and la atlll unable to alt up.
Mrs. M. 11. Gary, mother of County
School Superintendent T. J. Gary, la
very. Ill at her home at Willamette
with an attack of pneumonia.
Mlas Edith May and alater, Mlaa
Nora May, of Portland, were In On
Ron City Monday visiting with Miss
Zlda Goldsmith and other fiienda.
Miss Edith Cheney returned to Port-
tana Hunaay evening, aner a visit la
thla city with her fattier, O. A. Cheney,
and With friends. .
Miss Very! Crook, who has been
visiting with Mlsa Emma Van Hoy,
returned to her home at Goldendale,
Wash., Monday morning.
Mrs. Llnwood E. Jones returned
home from Salem Saturday evening,
after an extended visit with Mr. Jones'
sister and mother.
Mrs. Chsrles Insood. of Portland.
who has been visiting her son, Mr.
Hen Baxter, and other friends living
in the city, haa returned to her home.
Mr. N. D. Latourette, who baa been
sick wun grip ior several qbtb passim,
Is again at hi. .post of duty In the First
National Bank
Mr. and Mra. E. M. Rand, of Van
couver, Wash , were guesia In the city
yesterday calling on Mr. Rands moth-
er, Mrs. E, P. Rand, who has been
quite ill the past week.
Attorney Fred J. Melndl and family, I
of Portland, spent Sunday with Mra.
Melndl'a parents, Mr. and Mra. George
Laxelle, at Mountain Ash farm.
Miss Luclelle Bsumer, who haa been
vIsltlnB Miss Orva Frevtaa. at Glad-
atone, ha returned home to Portland
after a nleasant time with friends here,
Justice W. II. II. Samson la having
a fight with grip. He appeared at hi.
nrflo. k..,,1. mnrnln. hut tha Hlr
11.., w - - tfn.AnJ I
ri,.rn hnm for . rt of . dsv cr
Mrs. 8. Evans, of Alpena. Mich., ar
rived here today to make her home
with her aunt, Mrs. Viola Tate. Mra.
Evans was met at Portland by Miss
Clara Tate.
Mr. C. Keith, of Portland, was In
this city Sunday visiting wun inenas.
Miss Esther Levitt, who has been
the guest of Miss pearl Barde, of Port-
land, haa returned to Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Latourette, of
Portland, were Oregon City visitors
8unday, the guests of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. La tour-
ette. I
Mra Annlo Howard attended the
graduation exercises of the Washing-
ton High achool In Portland Friday
evening, when her niece. Miss Lorn a
wi i-i,r,. n,im.r. imrh.
er of the Canemah school, left for
Canby Friday evening, where she
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
nnronli Mr mn Mra Wanir
ui.. vr a nd a -..! -,-r.A
Portland Sunday evening to ri-nurae
ii ,nn ,""n,ri " hi ii. vi t.v i
Tfleh school, after a hrlef visit at her
V.v.., .
...r,.. 1 I
Mrs. Oeorgo Boylan, who la In this
city vlHltlng with her daughters, Mra.
W. C. Green and Mrs. Lloyd Williams,
has gone to roruana, wnere sne win
visit wltn her son, lien noyian.
MIhs Anna Sperl, of Tortlnnd, who
snent Sunday In this city with her
father, J. M. Sperl, and with Miss Ida
Morley and other friends, returned to
her home Sunday evening.
Mrs. William TJ. Wiggins, of Port-
and, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Jamea Wilkinson, who has been very
ill with pneumonia, Is Improving and
Is now out of danger. Two nurses
have been In constant attendance.
Mrs. Theodore Osmond, who recent
ly returned from Portland, where she
has been suffering for some time with
a severe attack of typhoid fever, was
taken suddenly 111 Saturday night but
la Improving.
Miss Ethel Rlsley will arrive home
Tuesday evening from Eugene, where
she Is attending the University' of
Oregon, having the remainder of the
week as a vacation, being the close
of the first semester,
Mrs. Henry ' slreblg, Mr. and Mrs
Doetc, the latter who are from Mlnne-
polls, Minn., and who are making an
extended visit In the West, went t
New Era Sunday morning where they
pent the day visiting with friends.
Miss Orayce Marshall, who aocom
panted her sister, Mrs. W. Mldlnm
and the latter'a daughter. Emily Mid
lam to Portland last week where thev
Isltod relatives, returned Sunday af
ter a week's stay,
Miss Genevieve Capon, who Is teach-
Ing school at Estacada, and who waa
callod ta thla city by tha lllneaa and
dath of the lata Mra. Ellery Capen
of .Willamette, returned to Ealacad
Monday morning, where ahe will re
adme her duties.
Mlaa Addle Clurk returned to Tort'
tnnd Sunday afternoon, after vlaltln
with Mr. and Mra. John V. Clark, of
the Weat Bide. Mlaa Clark, a teacher
of the ninth grade of the Highland
school. Mlaa Clark waa formerly city
superintendent of the Oregon City
schools. )
Mra. Jlolman, mother of Roswell
Holinan, who came here about three
weeks ago from McMlnnvllle on a via
It, and who haa been very low with
pneumonia, la Improving. Mra. Hoi-
man la about 80 years of age and her
condjtlon wan considered serious for
aeveral daya.
Attorneys Hlrai Overton, of Wood'
burn, and Frank Holmes, of Sulem,
were In Circuit Court Monday asKtst-
Ing In the litigation In the cane of Mra.
Davllla Clark va. . J. Dinger. The
question waa one of the amount of
lund that a deed conveyed there hav
Ing been a misunderstanding aa to the
Mr. and Mra. J. I Hammond, who
resides at Mount Angel, arrived on
Hunday afternoon'a train with their
five-year-old daughter, who waa very
111 with a aever attack of appendicitis
They came to conault with Dr. Hugh
8. Mount, and from all Indications now
the little child will probably not have
to undergo a surgical operation. She
haa Improved since being; brought
lJere- Wr-
nd Mrs. Hammond and
daughter are at the home of the for
mer's mother, Mra. Hammond near
Fourth and Main streets
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Mr. and Mrs. E. U Pope, of Park
place, entertained at. dinner Friday
evening at uieir home, ' f our Acres on
the Clackamas," for the teachera of
Parkplace school. After dinner the
guests enjoyed Interesting eiperlencea
of a trip to Alaska related by Miss
Eva Wash, readings by Mrs. Jolley and
music by Miss Horner.
Those present were Prof. . and Mra.
W. 0. Jolley, Mlsa Alicia Pearl Horner,
I M Us Ida Maude Mack, Mlaa Effle
Morris, and Miss Eva F. Wash of Ilol
ton school.
Prof. Horner, of O. A. C, delivered
a very Interesting lecture on Athens,
Egypt and the Holy Ivind at Parkplace
school Saturday evening. The lecture
was Illustrated by stereoptlcon views.
Frank Weber, from Portland, waa a
visitor with PrsnU Dodre and famllv
I diirlnsr the latter part of last week
i-hillrw Wlsemantle. a former resl-
Int nf rsnhv. died on the oreratln
I talMe at one of the Portland hospitals
Feb. 2
I F. F. Hannah left Canby on the
I morning train for Eastern Oregon,
where be Intends to locate
Mrs. Harvey Blssel baa been quite
lck during the past week
H. M. Stlmson, of Portland, who is
property holder at Canby, made a
business trip last Friday to our town.
Mrs. C. F. Romlg lias been quite III
during the past week, but we are glatj
to learn that she Is better at thla time.
Sabbath, Feb. 5, marked the close
i . mulln vih In fonhv
Kv.ngellat Johnson and hla wife left
on the train this morning for Chicago.
The meetings were a great success,
judging from the number of converts
!t j, claimed that more than ninety
n ,n either took their stand for Christ
tor tne firBt time or renewed their
nrofession of belief In Him
All Indebtedness was wiped out and
besides a neat little purse of over two
hundred dollars was presented the
Evangelist, thus showing the people's
appreciation of bis larjora among mem
These meetings have been in progress
for the past five weeks.
Webber, who had Jormery
T M PaBAtor of !h" ,Mf,'"t
Cnurcn, Was III lowu ..., uB ,,n,,un
Willi uiu,
Mrs. Mandervlllea sister, who is
now living with her, la quite 111.
Fifty years ago the Molalla Tribe of
Indiana would have applied the "paint
and been on the war path, and a pale
face mother's son would have been
delivered to the red skina for torture.
m order to have avoided further
trouble with the whites. The old "Con
Rar Chief" would have been Hl-u ha-ha
n seeing the flesh fry from the rob-
bers of his peopled graves: many
years ago Maxwell Ramsby. one of the
old pioneers of Molalla, gave Beaver
Trapper Ctilef the permission to bury
his dead Indians on the Ramsby claim
' aound of the roaring Molalla river
for which privilege Beaver Trapper
was ever graterul, saying that Mr.
Ramsby had a hl-u-tura tun and was
,n only white brother be had left
when the other old ploneesr paaaed
J- Toy n'a' J Mx"
y ' uurying
Kr"""i a sacrea Bpoi on me rarm
khuiwihuiiniii imi wwi Wlieu IOOH-
",,rr ,U l" pasture
L, ,,,,... w. v ..J .
,1, . v....n .1 1 ., .1 .1.
"""". "" '" ""'
vnan u u warnoritf mnt tho hnna wap
a., vj. iv v ...w uvja "tilt.
a.11 al,OAn tTm - J
tail ni'nrn, liuui iiwui-a, ilia nuaUntU
ohlect for the nllferlnir of thnA Indian
Brv.a a to ohtsin nik tw..hth
wir. ...nniifta the rolntlva of th.
departed spirits to decorate them for
,he happy hunting grounds" to dls
pose of to the order of Elks at a hand-
some figure (110 apiece ) These In
dlan grave sneaks may thank their
stars that oM Chief Metsga Is not on
their tracks or they would., aoou be
broiling at tn spot.
MIrs Gertie ShubeLhas about recov
ered from her recent Illness.
R. Glnther purchased some wheat
from C. Hornschuh, and oata from E.
F. Glnther one day last week.
The fence that were destroyed by
the various fires last summer, have
all 'been replaced by better onea.
Will Dolbow Is working for Ed Hett
man, of Clarkes. r
A number of our young people at
tended the dance at Clarkes Saturday
night and reported a very pleasant
Everybody Is expecting a square
deal from our new road supervisor.
Mr. and Mrs. Moser are the proud
parents of another baby boy.
John Barret passed through here
one one day last week looking for
beef, mutton, etc.
Julia Masslnger Is home for a short
time. '
Zllla Klrbyson was taken to Glad
stone one day last week where the
doctor removed adenoid growths from
her throat.
Mr. Weldnnr, of Beaver Creek,
bought a beef cow from E- F. Glnther
Will Hettman, of Col ton, Is at hi
mother's home here, putting; on th4
nnianmg toucnes on her new house.
James Deeaon baa rented Pete Hub-
er a place.
Mr. Shepard Is hauling lumber to
Oregon City for Mr. Cumlna. Mr.
Hancock la also hauling lumber.
Mr. Masslnger has bought a hand
Fred Flaher and Fred Heft have
gone to uanacia to look up aome land.
Mra. C. Hornschuh and daughter,
Lydla, vlslte(t -with Mrs. C. Hettman
this afternoon.
Mra. Stella Greaves Is visiting her
folka at Clarkes her better half Is
In Seattle.
Several of the young people of
Clarkes attended the debate at High'
land Saturday night and reported a
verr Interesting t me.
There waa a wrestling match at the
Oroosemlller place Sunday between
Griffith and pary. The first two falls
were won by Pary with the crotch
hold and the the third was won by
Griffith with the toe hold.
Mr. Sullivan, the road supervisor.
laid rails last Saturday.
Mr. Kottemlller had a lame horse.
It stepped on a nail.
Mr. Dual waa In town last week
Willie Mclnfyre Is Intending to
lesve Wednesday.
Elmer Iee butchered hogs.
Mr. Kottemlller was grubbing
stumps and bis dog killed two grave
diggers last week.
Hual Bros, are plowing on their new
Ixok for the ground hog on Feb. 2,
Ed Mclntyre was on the sick list.
Mr. and Mra. George Clark have
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Card,
a son.
Superintendent Gary and Dr. Todd
were speakers at the school hoiyje last
Measlea and grip are raging In this
Mrs. Boatman was taken to the St
Vincent's Hospital and operated upon,
but under the conditions Is slowly im
proving. Arlelgh Millard, from 8eattle, Is
here visiting, with relatives and
Mr. Pollock and family have moved
Into Mr. Hilton's house.
Mrs. Batttn bad a phone Installed
In her house Saturday.
Robert Rosenan, who has been up
to Sheridan visiting with hla parenta,
has returned. 1 ,
Quite a number from here attended
he social at Nltchlta last Saturday
There waa a pleasant surprise on
Mr. and Mra. Bone In their pretty
ungalow. They spent a very pleas
ant evening with games and cards.
Refreshments were served (hiring the
evening and all the guests reported
that they had a very pleasant time.
The guests were, Mrs. Gwlne and her
three daughters, from Walla Walla;
Mrs. Rose Nehren, Mrs. Elva Single-
terry, Mrs. G. H. Howell, Mrs. Randall,
Mr- and Mrs. W. M. Gardner, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. Cald
well, Mr. and Mrs. Gua Wamblad, Mr.
nd Mrs. Van Hoyton, Mr. and Mra.
Charles Moran, Miss Ethle Green,
Miss Mar)orle Myers, Mlaa Josle Cun
an. Miss Maud Moran, Frank Hamp
ton, E. P. Caldwell and Carl Nehren.
There were exactly thirty people In
cluding Mr. and Mra. Bone.
Mr.- Louis Helghmen, of Saconore,
Wash., waa visiting his parents for a
short time. He returned to hla home
Monday evening.
Mr. Arthor Erickson Is stopping
home at hla parenta, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Erickson. He Is on hla way to
Alaska for a stay of about four months
and maybe longer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Miller spent a
few days In Sell wood with their daugh
ter. Mrs. Clyde Plckered.
There was a surprise party on Os
car and Arthur Erickson Monday ev
ening. They spent the evening) in
games such aa five hundred and pedro.
The guesta were all old schoolmates
that had moved to Portland. Those
present were, Mlsa Tlllle . Thomous,
Miss Sarah Thomous. Miss Cora Jag
ger, Miss Vlda Graham, Miss C. E.
Ellis, Mra. Annie Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Jamea Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Erickson, Mr. Q. R. Graham, Mr. Dew
ey Thomous, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Oscar
Erickson and Mr. Arthur Erickson.
Some of the ladles of Meldrum met
on Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. William Gardner, of that place,
and organized a club, which will be
called the "Pastime Club." Officers
were elected after the organization
waa perfected and are aa follows:
President, Mrs. Charles Moran; vice
president, Mrs. Grant; secretary,
Mra. Charles Harris; treasurer, Mrs.
Powers After the business waa trans
acted and plans made for the future
It was decided to have the meetings
of the club on Monday afternoon of
each week, these meetings to be held
at the home of each member. Mrs.
Gardner served a luncheon to the
following: Mrs. J. E. Seeley, Mrs.
Alex Gill, Mrs. Charles Moran, Mra.
Powers, Mra. Grout, Mrs. Hettman,
Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. O. E. Freytag,
Mra. P. G. Wamblad, and Mrs. Chag.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Miller, who have
been making their home at Meldrum
for the past four years, have disposed
of their property Interests here and
on Wednesday moved to Sellwood to
make their future home.
Mrs. J. E. Seeley, of this place,
went to Portland on business Mon
day afternoon.
Oak Grove Improvement Associa
tion will meet February 2d In Green's
hall. Topics for discussion reor
ganization and construction of a fair
building. Bring your friends.
Oak Grove senior team defeated the
Hawthorne Athletic Club team Mon
day evening In Qreen'a hall. Score
Sunnyslde Brigade team defeated the
Oak Grove Junior team Monday even
ing In Brigade ball, Sunnyslde. Score
Mrs. John Rlsley entertained at din
ner Tuesday In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
John Qnalman of Saginaw, Mich.
Other guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Nlchols, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
Qnalman I ave Thursday for Seattle.
John Rlsley and son, Victor, apent
Saturday at Sea Side looking . after
their summer cottage.
Earl Sutter baa a severe attack of
Dr. J. H. and Mrs. McArthur re
turned home Monday after several
days' visit with the Doctor's brother,
Westley McArthur, of Rldgefleld,
Mrs. Guy White and son spent
Tuesday In Portland with Mrs, White's
mother, Mrs. Howell.
Geo. F. Nokes and wife are receiv
ing congratulations on the birth of a
little daughter Wednesday, January
E. C. Warren haa a severe dase of I
K. J. Moore Is able to be out again
but atlll under the doctor's care.
Modern Woodmen of America regu
lar meeting Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. B. Robinson, of Pine Val
ley, Eastern Oregon, arrived Tueaday
ana win spend a week with her aunt.
Mrs. Ada (Josgrlff of Courtney station
Miss ivy, of Courtney avenue. 1
slowly Improving under the care of a
heatln expert, Mra. Little, of Hood
The Oak Grove Junior basket ball
team defeated the Young Men's Jew
Inn team of Portland, Wednesday er-
ening, January 26, In Green's ball
Score 28 14.
Mrs. Arthur Kuebl Is quite sick
witn la grippe.
A card was received from Loe Von-
derba from Los Angeles, Cal., stating
tne weather was ftne,-
Hazel Hood, of Portland, spent the
week end with Lt-xy M. Graham.
Arthur Graham Is once more able
to be up and around but not able to
resume his duties In the store.
Ladles' Sewing Circle will meet at
the home of Mrs- V. Clark Thursday
Basket ball game Saturday evening.
January 28 In Green's hall between
the Oak Grove Senior club team and
the Christian Brothers Athletic Club
of Portland.
Mrs. Louis Brandt received a letter
from her son Ralph, who Is serving
In the army. In the Philippines Ralph
reports they are working and Im
proving the Islands all the time. He
s well and only 17 more months to
Grandpa Rowley Is quite sick at the
home of hia daughter, Mrs. II. Riley,
Geo. Brownell ,of Oregon City, has
purchased ten acres of land Just
iwro from- hi home at Concord sta
Mrs. V. Riley and Mlsc Coulbuin,
were Portland visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Price received word that her
grandson was nulte sick.
John Smith is at home sick with
la grippe.
Earl and Ruth Sutler are Improv-
ng slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Broteje were
isltlng In Portland Tuesday evening.
School Notes.
Mr- Todd, the vice-president of the
Willamette University, gave a splen
did lecture Monday evening In the
church for the benefit of the schcl
Superintendent Gary paid the school
visit Monday.
The graduating class la studying
hard for the June examinations with
15 pupils In the class.
One hundred and twelve pupils are
enrolled, daily attendance, 105; per
cent of attendance, 93.
. 8urprlse Party.
A surprise party waa given Walter
Wetzler at his home on Courtney
avenue, January 2Cth. Those present
were - Kate - and Mary Stein, Edna
Schuburt, Hilda Stromer, Elsie Skelly,
ames Hefty, Irving Hanson, Alfred
Livingston, Arthur Schlefler, Robert
Cosgrlff and Edwin Schuburt.
The MUwaukle Grange held Its regu
lar all day meeting Saturday, January
21. with several members present. A
fine dinner was spread at noon. Lec
ture work In the afternoon with a dis
cussion on the amendment of the City
Charter. The election will take place
February 13. All present favored the
Improvement bond.
Next month the grange will discuss
roses and rose culture.
Mrs. Maggie Johnson was an Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday.
Emma Roberta who haa been sick
with the measles la Improving.
Three girls of - the Knickerbocker
family are down with the scarlet fever.
Margaret Roberts la absent from
school on account of sickness.
Francis Johnson la confined to her
home with toailltis. -
Mrs. Geo. At wood haa been serious
ly ill but Is much better at last report,
Henry Phillips Is still confined to
hla. home. Mrs. Phillips stated this
morning she waa afraid of pneumonia
setting In.
Mothers and Teachers Club will
meet Thursday afternoon at the achool
house and discuss the gymnasium.
The club presented the boys with 18
bean baga. They have purchased a
punching bag and frame and are Im
proving the gymnasium little by little,
Mr. Huff haa let the contract for a
five room house In Leo addition.
Thoa. Foata Is building a house for
Leslie Harlow on the -river.
Real estate Is looking up several
parties are looking for property. We
see a bright future for MUwaukle.
The Knlghta and Ladles of Security
bave several applications and expect
to be booming before long.
F. E. Maple, Mrs. Maple and two
daughters of Sunnyslde, spent Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Ella Maple, mother
of F. E. Maple. .
The Charter Amendments are In the
printers' hands, and will be mailed
ten days before the election, which
takes place February 13.
The MUwaukle Commercial Club has
sent their folders to the press and ex
pect to have them ready for distribu
tion In a few daya.
Judge Kelso spent Wednesday In
Portland on official business.
Thoa. Toata was an Oak Grove visit
or Wednesday. Mr. Toats Is planning
to repair the front of O. Wlasinger's
store building and enlarge the show
A free lecture will be given by B.
C. Jones, of Portland, on municipal
government In the city hall Friday ev
ening, January 27. This la a question
that each and every one Is deeply in
terested In. Come and bring one or
more persona with you. ,
A special committee of the Council
appointed by Mayor Strelb, with War
ren Knight as chairman, la preparing
a new license ordinance for MUwaukle.
The present $C00 license for Baloons
will be increased to about $800 or
$1000, and pool rooms will be severely
regulated. MUwaukle has two saloons
and the policy of the administration
is not to grant any new licenses and
to Increase the license fee.
Arrangements are completed for the
special election to be held February
4th to submit the new city charter to
a vote.
Mayor Strelb and Henry Loedlng
representing MUwaukle, will go to
Salem this week to ask for an appro
priation to employ counsel to argue
the appeal of the fare case which the
Portland Railway Light A Power Com
pany has taken to the Supreme Court.
MUwaukle won the case for five cent
fare before the Railroad Commission,
Circuit and State Supreme Court, but
the railroad company appealed to the
United States Supreme Court. There
la no money available to handle Mil
waukle's- side of the case before the
Supreme Court and the State will be
ssked to appropriate funds for the
M. E. Moffltt Is contemplating
building on the fraction of a lot next
Real Estate
C T. Tooze,
Lawyer and Notary
Real Eatate Bought and Sold.
Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City
to the postofflce. Small frontage but
extremely good location. This would
shut out travel to and from the shin
gle and pulp mill via Homer Mullan'a.
W. R. Kennedy has moved his fam
ily to Unity, Oregon.
Where Is the dog marshal that he
don t take In some of the worthless
dogs running at large that dirty up
the front doors of the stores and pub
lic places, waiting for their masters
to come out. None of them have tags
on what a the use of lawa If not en
Be careful how you vote on the
amendment. No one haa seen a copy
of It yet and It Is a good Idea not to
vote for a cat In a bag not knowing
now It Is worded.
Mrs. W. H. Edwards la back from
a trip through Idaho and Washington
with ber husband, the genial travel
ling man. .
Wouldn't It be a good Idea to give
your "big" orders for stamped en
velopea to your local postofflce and
the small orders to Portland. Just
reverse the matter and In this way
boost your own locality. Think It
R. E- Lee Injured hla eye quite
aertously sacking lima this week.
R. V. Anxler has completed a log
house-on nis property adjoining S. M
webber, neat ana unique in appear
ance. Too bad It isn't near the
street car line.
It .would sell in a
Mrs. Ella Maple spent Wednesday
In Portland.
8usy Barnes Is still In the St. Vln
cent Hospital and in a very critical
condition. Miss Barnes underwent
three operations for apendicltls.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Reddaway, from
Lewiston, Idaho, are visiting Mrs. J,
E. Elkin. Mr. Redaway will settle in
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hanson returned
home Saturday. Mr. Hansen went to
Fargo, North Dakota, on business and
Mrs. Hansen visited her sister at Lyle
Carrol Howard has accepted a posi
tion as news ageni on me Boumern
Pacific train.
J. A. Snyder was In Oregon City
Wednesday on business. -
While Leslie Harlow was giving or
ders to his men through the elevator
shaft from the sixth floor of one of
the large buildings In Portland Tues-
ay afternoon, a descending elevator
hit him on the head and cut hia face
In several places. Mr. Harlow saw
the shadow of the elevator and got
back Just in time to avoid a serious
One of Milwaukle's prominent
young men, James Leo Duffy, was
married at the home of the brides
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wlttllnger,
in Waukon, Iowa, to Miss Marie Mar
getta Wlttllnger. At home at Sun-
ybrook Farm, Gaston, Oregon, after
March 15, 1911.
Mayor Strelb, Herman Loedlng and
judge Keiso spent Tuesday at Haiero
visiting with the legislature. They
An Interesting meeting of the Moth
ers' and Teachers' Club was held
Thursday afternoon. A good attend
ance. A short program waa rendered
by the pupils of the school. The club
will give a play the middle of Feb
ruary and all the proceeds will go to
the gymnasium.
The Portland Turn Vereln will give
an athletic entertainment at the City
Hall Saturday evening, February 4th.
Forty volcea will be heard In. the
choruB. The Turners are giving the
entertainment through the efforts of
Mayor 8trelb, absolutely free for the
benefit of the Boy Club and gym
nasium. Mayor and Mrs. Strelb, Mrs. Mag
gie Johnson and Miss L. Albee attend
er the Turners' entertainment at the
Ilellig theater Monday evening.
all favor the Malarkey bill and are
anxious for It to pass.
On the 10th of February the MU
waukle Commercial Club will give a
Women's Work Club met at the
home of Mrs. Maggie Johnson Wed
nesday. Owing to the bad weather
a very small number were present.
Election of officers resulted as fol
lows: President, Miss Ella Rawle;
vice-president, Mrs. Addna Parallus;
secretary, Mrs. S. V. Lewelling; treas
urer, Mrs. A. L Canto. Next regular
meeting February 8th.
Electric Hotel
411 Mala. Bctwtta 4th and'Sia Sit.
J. J. TOBIN, Proprietor.
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major-
tty of the homes in Oregon
City and Clackamas county the
management has decided to
4 make a special price for the
daily Issue, for a short time 9
only, where the subscriber pays
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00
By mall, paid a year In ad-
vance, $2.00.
People who gave our canvaa-
ser a trial subscription for one
or more months, at ten cents a 4
a week, can have the dally dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance. .
Feople who gave our canvas-
ser a trial subscription, by
mall, for four months at a dol-
lar, may have the paper for a O
e year for $2.00, If paid a year In
Subscribera to the Weekly '
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the dally, re-
( cetvlng credit for half time on
the dally that the weekly Is
paid In advance. When they
choose to add cash to the ad-
ance payment equal to a full
year's advance payment they
a- may take advantage of the $2 4
4 We make thla special price 4
so that people who have paid
In advance on aome other dally 4
and wlah to take the Morning ,4
Enterprise, may do so without 4
too great expense.
If yen want ta
And rf yeu want te sell farm, home f
- lot de likewise.
Wants, For Sale, Etc.
Notlcra umirr tha classified haadtafS
will ba Inarrtrd at ona crnt a word, first
Insertion, half a crnt additional Inaar
tlona. On Inch card, II per month; hatf
Inch card, (4 llnr 1 prr month. '
Caah mint accompany ordar untaaa one
haa an open account with tha papar. Mo
financial reaponnlblllty, for crrura; where
errors occur free corrected notice will ta)
printed for patron. . Minimum chars 16.
WANTED Small advertisements for
this column. Prices very reason
able. See rates at bead of column,-
WANTED To exchange flrat class
painting, paperbanging or calclmln
lrtg for timothy or mixed hay. Ad
dress II. C. Morse, 386 Hawthorn
Avenue, Portland, Oregon. .
good 3 Inch wagon with a gravel
bed. I have no use for so heavy a
wagon; wlU aell or trade for a light
er one, or a good hack. I also have
a strong'"ToadbreakIng plow and
some second hand doors and Win
dow for sale.
Room 2 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City.
PIANO CHECK. 1131 sold for $10 U
bought at once. Harry Lundgren,
Route No. L
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
sale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevens Bldg.
FOR 8 ALE Fresh shipped Columbia
River Smelt and Yaqulna Crabs, at
. the North Pole Fish Market Pbone
Main 1502. it
FOR SALE By owner, modern six-
room house nearly new on Improved
atreet, close in. Terms. Call at
214 Washington street
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates - cheerfully
given on all claaaea of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced '
concrete. Rea. Pbone Main 11L
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates settled, gen- -eral
law business. Over Bank of -Oregon
DUEN 8CHUEBEL. Attorney s-at-
Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac
tice in all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4.
5 and 6 Beaver building. Main 8L,
Oregon City. Phones: Home A-19S
and Pacific States 1221.
MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg.
MONET LOANED We are acquaint
ed with the value of all farm lands
In Clackamas County and can loan .
your money on good safe security.
Farm loana made one, two and three
yeara at 7 per cent Abstracts of
title examined. DIMlCK DIMICK,
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon. -
V. R. HYDE, Abst rave t Olf Ice
Land-titles Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Competitors copy
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City..
Investment Co., Stevens Bids.
Abstractor and general Insurance and
realty broker. BEST SERVICE TO
amas County for RECORDING EX
PIRATIONS. High grade real estate
wanted on my lists. DYE ta the MOST
Eighth and Main.
Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural
Lands, City Property. 8 mall Fruit
and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room 9 , Beaver Bldg
Oregon City, Oregon.
E. H. COOPER, For Fir iBSuraao
and Real Estate. Let us handba
your properties we buy, sell aat
exchange. Office In Bntarprta
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tat Dealers, have choice bargsM
in farm lands, city and subturtWI
horaea, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. Be us for good bays
Near 8. P. dapot - .a.
MANY TIMES yon can buy Just tft
article you want, juat as good aa ,
pew,i.t a email fraction of th eoat
of new, if yon go and ae TOUNO,
tha second hand man. - His coUaw
tlon contains New and gacoad Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curioa,
etc. See him; it cost nothing t
Inqvtra. (';
.' -.
- J.
. .
. f':f
-' . '.
.a tr sRw- .ti