Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 05, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MORNING "TSE. SUNDAY, .-FKlUtUAHY fl, 1911.
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1 . ,
A Great Battle
How He Col H Suit
Opyrtt. or AwrWn Fre Aa-
rUCton I'll.
The battle of tiravelott had. been
foagbt; awoke mint still hun er
tbe Held, though lu the inhering dark
ness It gradually becoming lm'
perceptible. A ma carrying port
foiio ami paraphernalia t"
sketching left tbe field and. waking
t.w w.r to a but ou a Mil overlooking
the scene of the engagement iluii h
..,rei that ilar Mwn tho Frva
ad the Prussia us. entered tbe ut
ami asked If ' might hT "om "p"
-Certainly. monsieur." akl a woruau
wbo was then, "but can S-
very little. The aoktiers of both j
mie bar taken ail hire eicept j
few hits that we hid lu the cellar .
Come. Fanchette. best yourwlf and j
set the tablcr I
The table waa t and the supi-er put ,
upon It. The stranger eat dowu. end t
Faochette poured Info hlscU'w j
of the cheap roe-.f the country. She .
waa between seventeen and eighteen j
rears old. a simple French waul ao
bad do secrets from ary
one In tho
-Too wear a aad loor. nnwurj
said tfh 8 tracer. '! It frnm awlnc j
the slaeghter today r J
"Xo, monsieur. I did not look that j
Wetl, then, tell tue what tmnt.le
"It H this, monsieur. Antolne Brls
son went out nns the fiphtlnif and
recvired a wound He la lying now
tn the next rvom." 1
"He la your brother?"
"So. monaieur"
"Well. thep. be t your kirerr
To tbU the only reply waa eyoa east
upon the floor.
-What waa he doing oat there
' "Xo, monaieur: he haa not yet be
come a conscript. He will not be the
age for a month."
"Well. then, what bualnees had he
on a battlefield 7"
"Sketching r
"Sketching? That'a what I was dv
tng there. When I hare finished my
fupper I will go In and see him."
The etrmagw thaiied ou with thejtfrl
aad easily gleaned from her that she
aad Antolne could not marry because
be had no dot After harlng aupped
aad amoked a pipe the artist went Into
the room where Antolne waa lying.
. The boy had recetred a flesh wound,
but not of sufficient Importance to en
danger bis life.
"80 you were making sketches of the
fihtraaid the artist . That la my
boalneaa. I hare been drawing for one ,
of the Tarls Illustrated papers. Let
me aee what you haTe done."
Fancbette took an lmprorlsed port
folio that she had made for her lover
.: ef two pieces of pasteboard laced to
gether with a string and brought It to
the artist. There were blood stains on
tt, but be did not mind that He had
seen plenty of blood that day. He
opened the portfolio, took out what
there waa la it fire or six sketches
aad began to look them orer.
"Where did you learn to sketch?" he
asked the boy.
"I have never learned, monaieur." be
"Never studied In an art school;
never bad any Instruction?"
"No, monaieur."
The artist went on looking at the
sketches one after the other and when
be had seen them all looked at them
again. Then he turned bis eyes to the
boy on the bed.
"Do you know, my boy, that my pa
per sent me here to make sketches of
this battle? I hare graduated at the
art school with honors, and yet you
who hare never taken a leason have
done what I cannot do."
"What do you mean, monaieur?"
aaked the boy, his eyes opening very
wide, while Fancbette waa all atten
tion. Tou are a born battle painter. Tou
have put Into thetm crude sketches an
action that I have not been able to
put In mine. Aad you have known
what acenea to select Tour soldiers
move; they tight; they are Impelled
by the demon of war; tbey die really
die, while mine well, mine beside
, yours are like toy soldiers."
"Oh. monsieur" exclaimed Fancbette,
clasping her hands, "how good you
are to say thatr
"Good to say that! I'm not talking
to please yon. I'm telling you the
truth. And, to prove what I aay. If
Aotolne when be has recovered will
eome to Paris I am sure I caa interest
. art lovers In him who will aee that he
receives instruction."
"Oh, monsieur." replied Fancbette.
"how can he do that? ne has no mon
ey. Ha would have t walk to Parte."
"Not at all. I will take these sketches
with me. They will be used In one of
the lllmtrated papers and will be well
paid for. The money received for them
. I wDl send to Antolne."
The same night, having hired a con
veyancc. the artlat set out poatbaata
I or tana. Anunne a sketches were
produced and created a sensation. Tb
money paid for them was sent him.
Ha went to Paris, where owing to tb
Interest created by hla picture he waa
taken Hp aad educated by th paper
(hat published them.
All this occurred forty years ago,
and tb great battle painter baa flour
. Ished and passed away. Hia widow
loves to tell bow be got his start
Ate You a Subscribe to tbe
New Day?
' . ' - I" 'if.
If Tka Maralaf tnUrprla 1 to b as successful aa th interests of Oregon
City demand tt mast seeds bav th support of all. Tho new dally has
a bl work befov U In bootls Oron City and Clackamas County. Tour
- support, at a a wior atreagta tor tbwork.
Will Yott Hcfp Boost yotif own Interests?
For KmlUd tin th Monfaag BaUrpria win b sold to paid la ad vane
svbMtibwrs as foUowt: . . '
By l yr.
fall. 1 yar.....
1 IMIM Mildred Holland '
, Prefeeaional Wome Irasuo thai j
. oa. aid lo aNlrno beuX sa I 1
keep your mouih .hul hen a.Mrel
! She h oneJ bv radian! j
Thuuah It reenWd very far from
' her reach : I 4
! 8h haa aouaht for a kln lhal la 4
trull y J
(Which rfra nt ! temon. bul a
Bho h lolled la acquire a com-
pinion .
Ami h lauahed at I he sl of
lha bill
Bul ahe will n obrjr lh dlrectloa
Kp IM'" ;
S h lavd In Ihe lnle Ihafa
H'in' '
9h l.aa dlN1 "In lpniroiia
tfha haa Irled mn of lo- ,
Also p.w,lT and Weacha an.l ..
She r. n bheJ In tha temon Juice
Till It burned li,a tlatJort Vy ,
h aever auj! reauir oj
huitlna .;
Her m 'uth.
h haa pt en a mk hen rtlr
Inir; And ier hubn.l cerl!rlr
For her Vot.-e h.uM close t ,f
rtrtr ffhdi U p covered by papier n.a-
Bul. aU. aa l.e fjlla lnn d nnf
He 1. in hear her re!rn!te. a
For no commoiu'lac niaa can be
Her Jaw
U' aainn
I h i 1. 1
Tfcere la only one thing ihe wont
She wt!l live In a reion lhat f !
clal; In the- tropica h'll broil hereelf
throuah :
She will aiarve in decermine.1 en
deavor. She will banian the bite and the;
But ahe J' raihef itar hoTnrtj- than ;
Shut up
-John CTKeefe In New Vork
Ne Explanation In Siaht For Delayed
Jaumay of Miaaiv.
If It take a letter aeventy-two year
to travel 335 miles and both the writei
and the addressee are de-ad when I'u
rlertanrat -bat gets
ery. how long-will It take a pwti-ard t
make the Journey ThU la putallni: n
only Nathan Warren, the r-w-tninM.-.
at Tonkerx, N. Y.. but Mr. Vulti
Paddock of the aame place, who n
cently received a letter mulled fro:.
Geneva. N. Y- In IMS. directed to th.
great-uncle other htwtmud. I. O. l':ul
dock, who haa been dead forty years.
Mrs. PaddiN-k aay the Ivttir n
1 written by Peter Bentty rfnd conceriT
ed the shipment of a ronsinunn-nl ot
lumber. Mr. Bcatty Informed Mr. Pad
dock that he would remit $im on re
celpt of the lumber. Whether Mr. Pad
dock shipped the lumlier or not L
likely to remain as great a mystery as
the hLstory of the letter froni April 21),
1838, "until It turned up at the Syra
cuae rtostofnVe on lec. 2T last.
It is faded with age aud Instead of
being Inclosed In an enveloe was fold
ed square, with the edges pasted to
gether. It had apparently never been
In the dead letter office
v.. .
Plac of Morgan 8urrndar Marked
by Monument
A monument haa recently been put
In place on the Crubaugb farm In Co
luuiblana county, O., which marks the
farthest northern point reached by
the Confederate forces during the civil
It also marks the spot wherA General
John fl. Morgan, the famous southern
leuder; surrendered. Many will not
realize without looking at the map
that Wellsville la north of Gettys
For many years an old locust tree
marked the place of surrender, but ft
short time ago It died and was cut
down, the stump being taken to East
Liverpool, O.. and placed In the public
library for safe keeping as a historical
It was tbe Idea of the late W. L.
Thompson, a well known song writer,
who lived near tbe scene of tbe fight.
to erect a monument to mark the spot
He bad a fund well started when he
suddenly died, but bl friends took up
tbe work and carried it through.
A huge granite bowlder was put In
place last year, but it was not until
a few weeks ago that tbe bronze tablet
was put In place and tbe monument
The tablet bears this inscription:
"This atone marks tbe spot where
tbe Confederate raider General John
II. Morgan surrendered, his command
to Major George W. Hue July 20, 18(53,
and is the farthest point north ever
reached by any body of Confederate
troops during the civil war."
Japan' ftithway imsrovtmants.
It will cost tll5.iJ00.000 to widen the
Range of the railway from Tokyo to
Sblmonosekl, a distance of 704 mile.
I With thla work completed Japan's
end of what may be called th inter
national rallivays, viz those extend
ing from Calais to Tokyo will ap
proximate 1,000 miles, Inclusive of the
sea trip across the strait from Shl-
monosekl to Fnsan, for which large
t earners ar now being built
Cuban Papar Duties H labor.
Cuba purpose to Increase its Import
duties on vanotia kinds of paper.
Pcrio' YelUo Journal " PuWIshsd
2,000 Miles. Up Amazon.
Pasee Tbat Circulates Amae-a $i
TkmmmA Emalayeaa af Cemaany
That la Building Brazilian Railway
Araund Madeira FaMa All
tfca Nawa That la CaeJed Pace.
Xowconivra to the astonishing Atua-
jouiltry ajse coiwiauiiy amaseq oy
the uianuer in which tb wMlv man,
who tua eet himself to tame Ihla wtl
donie and wring fortune out of It.
has applied th ery latet deva-e of
clvllltatlou to uo which In au older
country ar atlll nerved by mahtuery
not (juite ao up to dativ
The wodiTa deeloH-r of raw geo
graphical material arrive la Itratll
with ail hia work to do aud. nudlui:
it virgin aoll. promptly appliea to the
tuak the very latent labor saving rn
, rlvaucra-a thing he could not do at
Ljuj. w here vanl sum are tUsl up lu
earlier tyrH -of machinery.
1. i..,'.....ft,.ilf rraon-
able that what b irhapa the only
newst-aper w ith an etcluMvety wlrvle
telegraph service published elsy where
tbaii ou au ocean liner should flourish
lu the midst of a patch of ilvllliatlou
bedded In by huudreda of mile of tho
Amnions Jungle through which the running and maintaining a
Uue.of JHietand. wlrwoitld b quite
prohibitive, the patch of clvlllxattou
being aweaaible otherwla only by a
long voyage by rher.
Journalism In th Jungl.
A traveler b nevertheless hardly
prewred for the shock of aevln a
casual ipy of the Porto Velno Mar
couiratu. actually published lu a coun
try Infested by cannibal bead huulers.
In such a bole In tbe Jungle, as It were,
and relying on wifelrwa entirely for tb
part of Its news which deal with rue
outside world.
The Porto Velho Ma iron I gram U a
four page weekly, neatly printed on
a slugle twice folded sheet. It la the
one newaer of Porto Velho. a Bra-
nioiiiti of the Amuzwu. on the Madeira
river, which enters the main stem of
the greateat of river below thia port
and Is reached by not too freiiueut
steamers from Manuo.
It la from Manao that Ibe news
which fopwi thus far by cable Is sent
by wireless) to the Porto Velho new
pHper, the n-ndern of which are found
among the i lulinMlnnts or that
lace All of tuct lnhabltauu arrn
the employ of the Madelra-Mamore
Railway company, a i-onc-ern actively
managed by Americana which la en
gaged In building for the Brazilian
government a line around tbe falls of
tbe Madeira river. This line, 3.10
miles long. Brazil has ,u1ulertaken to
coustrnct In order to fulfill a treaty
obligation to Bolivia to give that re
public an outlet to the ocean by way
of the Amazon.
The Madeira above tbe falls la navi
gable for !. mile. The railway
when completed will link this tipper
stretch with the great channel of the
Amazon which make M ana on. though
It la l.aa) milea from tbe river's mouth
to all Intents an ocean port, since It is
tbe landing place of steamship from
New York and European ports.
Circulation of Six Thouaand,
Tbe railway around the fall haa
been under construction some foar
years and Is now about half completed.
The towa of Pflrto Velho waa found
ed . by the railway company. which
employs some 6,000 men and which In
this country has to Import not only all
of Its engineers and other responsible
employees, but also all of Its manual
labor, the Indiana wbo Inhabit the
Amazonas Jungle through which the
work la now pushing Its alow and pain
ful way being a unwilling as unfit to
perform the .taxks required of a rail
way builder.
Before Porto Velho reached Ita pres
ent size and lmiortaBce as a center
of European opulat!on tbe newspaper
waa merely typewritten and mimeo
graphed. , Then, too. It waa merely a
local organ, no wireless having then
been installed. Nnar, with four pages
printed on a modern prem, the paper
pride Itself on Its telegraph news
from all tbe world cabled to Para,
thence by cable, agnln up tbe Amazon
to Manao and finally by wireless
across the Jungle to the office of tb
Porto Velho MarconlgTam.
Amorioan Army Offieor Haa Wondrous
Example In Gold.
There Is now on the active list of
the United States army an accom
plished officer who during an exten
sive sojourn In China bad some work
done on his teeth bya native dentist
which Is wonderfnl to behold. In tbe
ptace of three or four missing teeth
tit Chines operative appears to have
anchored single atrip of gold, which
teems to serve the intended purpose
all right, but without a line or curve
to show tb contour of Individual
teeth. Tb officer -who posse this
remarkable example of oriental den-
natry prize It as a Chinese enrio.
Now Yorkers Like Coffee. .
Father Knickerbocker Is th laraost
cone consumer In the world. It re
quire 35,000,000 pounds to last hla
one year. : -
If you would sell
Try what th cheap onlumna of tha
Morning KnUrpr4 can do for you.
,1 Cookery
PS! Points
Caiokon t Casaoeol.
Cut Into Jolata u. jante fowl or two
small one, removing, aa many of th
bvae aa polbl aud the akliu iCery
louxa. lnt two taUesiHoufula oil
oil. irh drlildn3i or gutter In a fry
Ing pan and aa aooo aa smoking hot
lay a few piece of tb cbk keu lu at
a time, turuln orteo until tb 0b
loae Ita pinky ting and turn blt
Iax-not allow tho pieces to bruwtt. A
fast aa tie whit stare la reached lake
from tb pan and dralu on aoft paper
wall rooking another batch. When
all ar cooked -aud juu may uav to
add mor butter or ll lfor you
llulatMsL but do when there la li
chkkeu la tb pan-pi ore ier tur
chicken will keep hot hll you pre
pare th aaac. Put tare tableapoo"
fula of bullae In lb pa" "her to
chicken waa cooked and aa soon aa
melted add two talieinful of flour.
As noo aa blended and frothy turn
tn three enpfuia Teat or rblckeo stock
fula Teal or Cblcfceo stock,
tJ ,,1. f,., ihiJ..L.
lik h cast
cleaned fet and triutnilngs of tb
fowl, weU seasoned' with vevtaul.-o
and boup herb. iVh unUl aiuoullij
and thickened, atraln lute tbramirile.
add Ibe pl-e of cUk ken. rover vluaely
with oiled paper. a-ljut lb i-aaar-role
rover and Mke lu a mooerai oven
an hour or mor. d ieuleni uim tb
agaand, tendrmrwm of the lhkken
Gam and real are Hiked In tb sam
way aa tb chicken Itabblt U ajwUI
ly ale prepared tn tbla way. ,
Hungarian Go!aah.
This la n peciaiiy apielUlng dial)
when cooked and served en caaaerol.
and her ar th directions for Ita
preparation aa given by on of th
manufacturer of tbe American ware:
81k a peeled on loir and cook until
brown In thre" tablesipoonfohi pork
dripping or butter. Take out Ibe
onion and turn lu a imnd and a batf
of lean, uncooked veal rut In Inch
cube. Btlr and cook th meat ontii
ellghtty browned, then reject th fat.
If there I any, Old arrange th nieat
In caaeerol. Adil a pint of broth or
boiling water and a tcBBponoful of
paprika, com the dlh and f'sc in
tbe oven. In tbe meantime add more
fat to tbe frying pan and when ht
brown In It about a dmtrn balls cut
from peeled potatoes and a doaeni
amall onloua. When to onions are
wll browned add them to the casse
role aud after the nieat has been cook-
la an hour add a- teaauoouf ul of salt
and the potatoe and If desired two
tableaponnfula flonr mixed to a tnlu
paste with cold water. Cook about
two hour and avrv from tbe raaae
role. Mslaaao Taffy. Light and Porous.
Cook together on cupful of granu
lated or coffee augar, two rupfuls New
Orleana molasses, on talleatoouful of
vinegar and a plec of butter the alze
of a amall hickory nut lo not let it
boll hard and do not atlr, els It will
grain. Aa soon as brtttl. when dro
ped Into cold water turn Into buttered
pana and set away until cool enough
to handle. The pulling require two
(Hjople, one to bold tb bands In ponl
tlon of a hook for th puller to throw
the atretched candy uiwn. while the
other holds the lengths together. Tbe
more delicately Jt Is bandied tb light
er In color and textur will th candy
he. When It Is of n light cream color
stretch Into a long, wide, thin atrip
and lay on a marble or molding board
With the left hand lift tbe end of the
randy from the board and with the
back of a knife, held In tb right
band, break into pieces any also de
sired. Cutting th lengths presses tbe
ends together, making; tb candy lea
Children Cry Fe THm.
Pate gems are a favorite with the
children for breakfast or Inncbenm
They should be nerved hot. To make
them, make a batter with a cupful of
milk, the yolks of two eggs benten
thoroughly, a cupful .and half of
flour and two teaspoonfuls of linking
powder. When tbe batter la smooth
add a quarter of n poond of date cut
One and the white of the two egg
beaten to a stiff froth. Bake In but
tered gem tins In a quick oven. It will
take about thirty minute.
Company Ooooorta.
A delicious dcert Is made by stiff
enlng grape Jules with gelatin and
folding the whites of egg whipped to
a stiff froth through It while It Is thick
nlng. Berv with whipped creanf.' ' 'All
easily made "company" dessert Is pre
pared by splitting an angel cake
lengthwise and spreading It with
thick covering of whipped cream and
then putting th layers together and
decorating the top with candled fruit
arranged in aome pretty design.
Smoked Halibut
Shred Into medium alzed piece two
cupftila of halibut and put It on the
stove in a spider. . Cover with cold
water. Let It com to a scald, but not
t a boll. Then turn off the water
and. covering again with cold water,
scald again and then pour off the
water. Tak equal quantities of milk
and water, enough to cover, thicken
with flour wet In cold water, add two
well beaten eggs and butter th sis of
an sgg and serv at one.
Of Pastorate f Rav. Landaborough
With th Proebyterian Church.
Th sixth anniversary of th call
to th Presbyterian church of this city
of Rar. J. R. Landabormigh occurs to
day and th pastor will deliver an ap
propriate sermon to th occasion at
the morning service. Bines coming to
this city Rev Landaborough has done
much to build ap tha membership, and
at.preaent tber Is a larger attendance
at this church than at any tlraa In
tha history of the church. Tha Bun
day school haa a large memberahln as
well, on class, th friendly Blbla
Haas, having a membership of over
An Unfortunate
Copyright American ITao Aaoi
elation. I'll"
Th only defliilt luatur rai:tlug
my aiteullouo lo 1'Uoeb Couetaul was
that they wer tiuwekow to nr tt
thee. Mothers ar los apt lo Ue
dcflnll ground with regaid lo their
daughter, especially mn frliida. aud
the only o'ppoalllou lo my Ma de
voted to 'hob cam from br fa
tber. Mlod jou, 1 waa not ooaagl to
hr. I was not aur thai t wished lo
b uaaa-ed lo her, and she bad tool
Indicated that ab wished lo b n:
gsgod. to ui. Thla waller of U Is
usually cousldered aa something Ibal
com auddeuly. turning a couH
fwm .Indifferent to a wild lon
for each other. I admit Ilia! tber ar
mauy wh raae. but mlo V"'
on of that kind. . .
(n day Phoet wrvi in not
Bucgrstlu. Ibal If I bad nothing ape
Vial on banl for tb voulug I d lt
lr fm to or her. i Ukl a ami
louodv that k.r father bad goo ou
Itualne lo a neighboring town and
would not bo at how befol II
O'cnuk. If ' jiir la anything needed
to bring t"ra Uv affair It U m
thing clandestine. Th fact ' lhal
phet bad sen! fr m t l with
her won ner lamer w...
nothlnif alH.iit It Inspired me with
her wbll her father wouta anuw
mor lender feeling Tr lief.
It oiieued lb bud of lov.
For th
flrai time In my life I
.put BOW
warmth Into my worda
and bearing
toward br ami received a rrrisiiil
Ing rana. Wheu I Wft her I flt
that w bad mad a beginning In a
new rlatknlilp
Mr liiant kei-t a larr dC on
his premise 'whlchwnncbatndt
very nlgbt at 10 o'clock. Not wlab '
ing lo make, my ifrwnrr norm ah.
Conataol'a absence recUlly known
among th acrvanta. I did not auggeat
any delay In unchaining lb dog. In
tending to leav Jut brfor l o'clm k.
At flv minute Hfore 10 1 said good
night to Phoebe-no kla; I hadn't got
that far, 6nly a preasiir of the hand
and atartrst down tb walk leading to
tho gat. I aadnt gone more than
half way tsrfor I saw a Mack waa
moving In another part of, Ibe yard
and knew It for tbe dog. I waa about
ten atcpa from a tree, which I reached
tn flv long one and. making lb Jump
ofjny II f. caught a branch and drew
myself up lo a oaf plac.
Either my watch was wrong or the
dog bad liren let nul ahead of tint.
It did not mattr wlih hwa tb case,
I waa prisoner In n tree near a walk
along which Mr. Constant would pass
when h cam bom. If th dg had
barked Phoels would have heard him
and suspected that I waa In trouble.
But be did not utter a alngl growl. I
aw no way to attract tb attention of
any ou In tb house, and. aa lo com
ing down Into tb Jaw of lb Here
brut below lue, It was not to b con
atdcred. When be found b rouldn I
reach m h simply lay down and
My position , waa unpleasant In mor
rrapevta than one. That flrat sweet
passion .of lore wbk-b bad eutcred by
blood I found delk-loua. I know that
a young woman about to enter upon a
lov affair la very aenaltlv to any no
bis or Ignobl attltud th man In tn
raae may occupy. ' I dreaded to b
caught by her father upon a Ire Ilk
a thief, guarded by a watchdog. It
was- a rontemptlhl MMltlon for m
and would plac Phoeb In an un
enviable attitude with regard lo her
father. Indicating that she bad re
ceived m clandestinely during hla ab
sence. If I could only think of sum In
genious way to eerap tbe dog or, bet
ter yet aom daring strok to over
come him I might not only avoid los
ing prestige, but gain It I looked
about m f or a means of eocap. Tb
tree wer Very thick, but toward the
gat not thick enough to admit of my
passing from one lo lb tribe r and out
of lb ground. Toward Ibe boua th
proect looked mor favorable. 1
determined to try It Better ba caught
Ilk a burglar than a aneak thief.
By climbing from branch to branch
and making aom desperate leaps, the
dog follow Ing me, I finally gained tb
roof of tb bouse. When I got thers
I couldn't get back, for tht limb from
which I dropped, relieved of my
weight, sprang upward beyond my
reach. I found myetf In a sort of
roof pocket directly In front of n win
dow. ' It seemed to me that I had not Im
proved th situation. I had got rid of
tbe dog, but had been cornered on the
roof. In any event I must stay where
I was till relieved by human help. I
heard n train com In at tha station
half a mil away, and In about twenty
minute Mr. Constant ram la at tbe
gat and spoke to tb do. I rejoiced
that doga cant talk and thla on
couldn't giv ni away. Then th
front door closed, and tb next devel
opment waa a bright light In the win
dow befor which I was atagdlng and
from which I could not mov. And
what waa my horror to ae Mr. Con
etant beginning to disrobe. '
II advanced at once to draw down
the shade and, seeing a man on th
narrow ledge of th roof outsld tb
window, was about to turn for aom
weapon for defense when, placing ray
far against a pan, 1 Implored him
by my expression to desist Tb light
shone on my featurea, and ba recog
nlr.ed m.
That waa th end of mr attention.
to rhoeba Constant Rh never quit
aatlsfled her father not that there was
aom mystery a boot th matter great
ly to my discredit, and she could Bar
er agnln think of m tl a lover.
FOR BALE flpac In thla column
Rail that old plow or harrow; yo
don't ua It alnc-you purchaeed
yonr nw on.
VVANTED-staady edatomar fr
this spao. Either aex. la-
porlencs unnecessary. .Judl-
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thing- to toll and something to
aay will find thla tha propar
greas for a business slog. N
trlfU, Marrid eer.on. tf ma-.
ura age will undortttnd. Xill
en. r address, Advertising
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vny. urogn, 4
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