Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 05, 1911, Image 3

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i Mr name li.
li Inaur
pn City. Ore
jromptness guaranteed.
aiers .
I, of Clarkea, were
."Way on business.
Vat f 1.60 to fO.DO
Jaoe Btore.
-sver Creek, waa
4ness Friday.
a B5 cents at
th street,
t.' t Beaver Creek
' ..Jon City on Bat
'. 1
'.til' Confections at
IHr Postofflce.
' In Oregon City
"50 Saturday at
ya and Correct
Ity Shoe Btore.
Who la confined
tee nth and Main
attack of grip,
"re and 8mokers'
blander, of Bea
.lactlng business
turday and visit-
V tbat hot lunch
210 Main atreet.
t, of Willamette,
pneumonia but la
V ahe can alt up
"er of the Boulh.
Jn Company, of
jon City Thurs-
aalng potatoes,
V Dentlat, Cau
''land, waa trans-
I city on Batur
1. formerly con
Jb City Commit-
f Shoea go to
liter of Mr. and
t thia city, who
Md fever, la Ira
k the Baptist
-"Bait; Ye are
Xh." Evening
. ,jsr."
itfcat hot lunch
10 Main atreet
' tK celebratod
Xh Sunday, at 8
If there will be
ghta of Pythlaa
f, at B o'clock,
iarnod on Batur
illnnville, where
With bla brother,
aO haa been very
I severe attack of
'is Improving.
J that hot lunch
10 Main atreet
to deputy of the
a ctty' renewing
Trauger will be
Maentatlve of the
)pany about three
ta the order that
f la growing fa at.
that hot lunch
10 Main atreet
i la chief clerk of
froaned bills, ar
ty on Saturday
I gueat of hla
Ja. He left for
kg. Mr. Robblna
nt residents of
I have one at our
want you to try
rlaon to any you
guarantee It to be
n respect. I claim
nakea more bread
ee It absorbs more
It'a whiter because
ns but the best ae-
thlrd, It Is cheaper
r atandard brands
by the Protected
price Is $1.40 psr
4 sack lota.
yourt to ervp
,11 Sts., Oregon City.
Get a
My residence
address I I will
need renewal, (additional or new) lu
i ' aurance V. 111. .
;, - ' 'to B. C. Dye, Ore. City
Next Door to Postofficc
O. L. Snldow, a Willamette carpen
ter, Is alck, a aufferer from grip.
The Socialists will hold their regu
lar niontoly meeting thla afternoon.
George Bloat, of Vancouver, Wash.,
was In Oregon City on business this
F. C. Ollleaple, of Portland, repre
senting the llnlon Pacific Coal Com
pany, was In Oregon City on business
The toplo at the meeting of the Y.
P. 8. C. K. at the Presbyterian church
Sunday evening will be "Mission In
South America."
At Zlon'a Iutherah church the Luth
er Ixngue topic Sunday evening at
7:45 Is "Life of St. raul," with John
Pambach aa leader.
Mayor Prownoll Is on the program
to speak to the Oregon City Mxh
school pupils In the mealing of the
Assembly Friday, February 10.
There will be a meeting at the Prea
byterlan manse on Wednesday even
ing for the purtose of organizing a
young mnrrled people'a Illble class In
the Presbyterian Sunday school.
Rev. F. Wleveslck, of the German
Evangelical church, will go to Canity
today where be preaches In the morn
ing. There will be preaching to his
congregation here In the evening.
A. L Dnrnea, of Willamette. Is suf
fering from an Injury to his right side. barn while handling
some bay and In fulling struck bis
side and It Is thought Injured Ms
A local firm at CWmont la perfect
ing plana to manufacture a spray for
local consumption. The claim is set
up that manufacturing spray In quan
tities, with suitable machinery, leads
to better success In Its use. .
The Saturday Club will meet at
the home of Mlaeea Edna and Clara
Caufleld on Monday evening. .There
Is bualness of Importance to come be
fore the club and a full attendance of
members Is desired.
Senator Walter Plmlck was' home
over Sunday to put In the time of the
Senate recess. While things have
been strenuous for Mr. Dlmlck the
past ten days still he seemingly Is
losing no flesh or sleep.
Plans for the Brotherhood banquet
at the Presbyterian church Tuesday
evening are practically completed.
Mayor Drownell Is to be the speaker
of the evening and there will be
musical program for the occasion.
Read In February Sunset Magazine
San Diego The City of Dreama Come
True, Beautifully illustrated In four
colors; Tetraxrlnl Singing In the
Streeta of San Francisco Christmas
Eve. Now on sale. All news standa,
IS centa.
John Fay Is the name of the "trav
eler" In Jail suffering with an attack
of grip. Pr. Norrls found him quite
111 but medical assistance and a quiet
rest Is effecting a speedy cure so that
he may again assume the duties of hla
Journey. ' .
The morning hour at the M. E.
church today Is to be made Interesting
with an address by Mrs. Eddy, a re
turned missionary who spent several
years In India. Those who are inter
ested In foreign mission work cannot
do better than to hear her.
Among those who were In thla city
from Cauby, who attended the annual
meeting of the Clackamas County
Fair Association held at the Commer
cial Club rootpe on Saturday afternoon
were O. W. Kesselrlng, O. R. Mack,
R. 8. Coe. Wesley Rlggs, C. N. Walt,
M J. Lee, A. M. Vlnyard. Charles
Rev. C. B- Hysom, Sr., preaches at
Logan today, at 11 a. m. The aubject
for the occasion la "I Will." The
story for the morning scripture read
ing Is that of the two sons, one of
whom said he would not go and re
pented later and went and of the other
who promised to go and went not.
The Sunday school meets at 10.
C. n. Hysom, Jr., will leave for the
Madraa country Monday for a few
days of Inspection of the country.
Mr. Hysom has purchased a farm near
Madras and will move there as soon
as the railway trains are running over
the new stretch of road now nearlng
completion, which It Is promised will
be the last of the month. The Hysom
farm is four miles this side of Madras.
Georgia Pusey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Pusey, of Eleventh and Main
streets, who has been til for the past
two weeks with typhoid fever, Is still
very 111, and there Is very little change
In his condition. There are two pro
fessional nurses In charge, and the
little fellow's friends hope for a
change for the better within a few
days when the crisis takes place.
Mr. Roy Allen, of Salem, Is visiting
with friends In tbls city.
Attorney W. M. Stone has gone to
Salem to spend Sunday with friends
In that city. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, of The
Dalles, were In Oregon City visiting
with friends this week.
Mrs. J. P. Keating and two children.
Rodney and Virginia, spent Saturday
In this city visiting with relatives.
Mrs. a. H. Bestow, of Portland, Is
here to attenil the funeral of Miss
Dorothy Oray. ' Mrs. Bestow was a
former resident of Oregon City an J
has many friends here.
Mrs. Rea Norrls and son, Donald,
of Monument, will arrive In thla city
on Monday and will visit with Dr. and
Mrs. J. W. Norrls for a few days be
fore returning to their home. They
have been spendUif' the past . sis
weeks with relatives In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bestow, of Portland,
and son, Herbert, were In thla city on
Saturday afternoon, having come here
to attend the funeral services over
the remains of the late Dorothy Gray,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Gray,
which were held In this city at I
Mr. W. H. Richardson, of Rosaburg
Oregon, wss In this city yesterday a
guest at- the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. Wllmot. He haa Interests at
Oak Grove, where be formerly resid
ed, and has a ranch at Estacada, where
he will rusticate for a few months and
In the meantime see what can be done
In cleaning It up.
Miss Msrgaret Wllllums, teacher In
the Shaver school of Portland, and
Miss Maude Mattley, one of the teach
ers of the High school In Portland,
have been spending the psst two days
In this city visiting the Oregon City
schools. Tbey visited their opines In
tbls city and left for Portland last
nlgbt, where they attended the teach
ers' meeting thst was held In Port
land on Saturday.
Famous Oenersl of the Boer War
Meets Defsst In Death.
KIERK8DOKP. 8. A-, Feb. 4. Piet
Cronje, distinguished genersl of tbe
lloer army In the South African war
died here today. He was 75 years old
and bad lived in retirement since bis
surrender to the British at r a r de
berg In 1900.
Cronje wss one of the most pictur
esque fighters in tbe war that ended
In England's assimilation of the Trans,
vaal. He conducted a brlllant and
desperate campaign at the head of
10.000 men until driven to bay by the
British Ir) overwhelming numbers un
der Kitchener and Roberts.
In a fierce engagement, with Cronje
at Paardeberg, on February 16, 1900,
the British casualties - amounted to
1100. Two days later. Lord Roberts
demanded Cronje'a surrendeT, but tbe
latter refused. Cronje also declined
Roberts' offer of safe conduct for tbe
women and medical aid.
On February 27, however, his sup
plies having been cut off, and his army
being reduced to 4000 men, Cronje
was finally compelled to make an un
conditional surrender.''-
Tax Collection Has Begun.
Sheriff Maas Saturday afternoon
commenced the collection of Abe 1911
taxes and 11 people had paid before
5 o'clock. Receipt No. 1 was Issued
to W. W. Webster, of Portland. Dr.
L O. Ice obtslned receipt No. 11. Dr.
Ice has fishing license No. 1 In his
possession Miss. Cls Barclay . Pratt,
Misa Nora Crlswell and Miss Ona Ren-
ner will ssslst on the rolls during tbe
collection of taxea.
Will Celebrate Founding of Order.
Cataract Lodge , Knights of Pyihlas,
will celebrste the founding of the
order on Wednesday evening, Feb
ruary 15. Arrangements are being
made for an enjoyable affair, which
will take place In the hall of Wood
men of the World. Knights, their
families and a few friends will he In
vited to attend.
' The following transfers of real es
tate were filed Saturday In the office
of County Recorder L. E. Williams:
Gottfried and Minna Nothnagel to
Olof Rodlun, strip of land in section
34. township 1 south, range 3 east;
' Elmer L. and Ida M. Walker to
Frank E. -Cockerllne,' 10 acres. Able
Mattoon donation land claim, townahlp
S south, range 3 east; 1750.
Whst Ailed Him.
Indignant Csller Why did yon print
my nsme aa one of tbe contributors for
that charity fund?
Editor Very sorry. Shall we re
tract? '
"Refract nothing. Besides, It wss
$26 I gave lustesd of $5."
Starting Early.
Tomson Your father's In Florida
for tbe winter, I bcllevel
BUson Yes; economy and health.
Calculated that tho saving In coal and
Christmas presents would psy rallrnnd
fare both ways and put money In bis
The Messenger's Shade,
Mistress I . ordered flnsha colored
hosiery, and here .you have brought
black. . ;
Makl Yes, ma'am, but master seut
tbe negro page to buy them. .
Shewing Nsw Fad ef Using
1 Many Msterlals In One Freek.
Tbe new fsd for combining materials
reaches tbe art of high eipresxlon In
the frock sketched. Tbe soutacbed
motif In foulard, blue and white la
tbls Instance, la UHed for tbe deep
skirt hem, while the upper part of tbe
Jupe Is of plain blue messallne. Tbeee
combined fabrics are blended in tbe
wslxt portions together with a tucked
white chiffon collar and Jabot A band-
some decoration of Irlnh lace trims tbe
reverse side of the waist The skirt
niching la of navy blue chiffon cloth.
New Millinery.
Tbls huge sombrero shape, designed
by Georgette of Paris. Is going to be a
smart model In the spring snd Is typical
of tbe bats to be worn when tbe tiny
hugging caps arw discarded. Tbe model
la msde of good colored silk, over which
In shirred blsck cbantllly lace flounc
ing, tbe edge of tbe flouncing forming
a frilled cap, which rests on tbe balr
under the sweeping brim. Around tbe
top of tbe crowb Is plaited a band of
black velvet and over tbla ia draped a
festoon of heavy gold cord.
The Cup That Cheers.
A business girl who wished to brew
an occasional cup of tea la her own
room hit upon this bsppy device: She
went about among tbe secondhand
furniture shops until she found ad old
machine table with the treadle re
moved. Tbe top of tbe table she cov
ered wtthNbestos, and on this she In
stalled a smnll gns stove. The ma
chine drawers were used for holding
knives and forks, small tea, coffee and
sngnr canisters and paper napkins.
Screw books fastened to the under
side of the table hold tea and coffee
pots, a saucepan and frying pan.
and curtains act as a screen. A com
pact and useful device Is this, says the
Women's Home Companion. -
Wedding Anniversaries.
" First Cotton wedding.
Second Ph per wedding.
Third Leather wedding.
Fifth Wooden wedding.
Seventh Woolen wedding.
Tenth Tin wedding.
Twelfth Bilk wedding. v
Fifteenth Crystal wedding.
Twentieth-China wedding.
Twenty-fifth Silver wedding.
Fortieth Rnby wedding.
Flfttth Golden wedding.
Seventy -fifth Diamond wedding.
Work Train Jump Track.
The work train on the O. W. P.
Jumped the track near Concord sta
tion, a short distance down the line
towards Portland, Saturday night, and
at 9 o'clock passengers between the
two cities were forced to alight and
walk the distance between the two
trains. No one waa Injured, simply
a little Inconvenience that made) the
paasenger who was la a hurry grumble
WANTED You to know that the Bn-
terprlsa job printing department la
the most complete In tho State,
outside Portland. Try It for your
next printing.
ii : '
The publUhora of The Morning Entr
prtee dim lalrn reponlblllly for the entl
rrw-nl rsprmevil In the artich-a publuh'd
from time to lime In (his column. I'uu
llcliy le given In an rfirt to be fair, and
wlih the view to the publication of both
Ide to s quretlon. Communications
must eome properly elsned to Inaure pub
lication. i. s "
Merchant Answers "A Reader.''
Editor Enterprise: I notice In this
Morning's Enterprise an article head
ed "Hest Room on Ground Floor,"
signed "A Resder."
Will you kindly grant space in your
paper for a partial reply to the article
referred to. "A Reader" ssys In part,
"Merchants aay business Is quiet and
what are they doing to make business
llvelyf If a farmer comes Into town
with a dozen sacks .of potatoes he
can't sell them, the town Is over
stocked. They won't have them at
any fair price and so tbe man .must
take what he can get or else take
them home or ship them to Portland."
From the above statement I should
Judge the writer Is a stranger to the
actual conditions of our city, basing
his conclusions from experience with
dealers who buy for the local retail
trade only. As Oregon City's popula
tion Is limited, the demands and re
quirements are proportionally so. At
the same time I have known the time
when Portland's market could not ab
sorb the potatoea offered.
The firm of Lrsen & Co., conduct
ing a produce and commission busi
ness In connection with their line or
groceries, have been In business In
this city for about 2M yeara. During
this time we have purchased all and
every kind of farm products on a
CASH BASI8. We have never refused
to buy raercantable potatoes In any
quantity and have always paid the
market price.
While I agree with our rriena re
garding tbe need for a rest place for
the farmer and bis family, yet I hard
ly think the merchants alone are to
blame for conditions as they now ex
ist. Another matter I wish to men
tion, that apparently our friend over
looked, la the inadequate iacniuesoi
hitching racks and sheds for the free
use for farmera' teams.
x E. 8. LARS EN.
Freddie Welch's Record.
Freddie - Welch, the English light
weight. Is the only pugilist living who
hus decisively 1enten two champion
featherweights. Abe Attell utid Jem
Drlscoll. He pnve Attell an awful
bcntlnr In n twelve round loiit In Los
Anpelos three years njjo.
Keeping Family Name In Athletics.
Mlciilnu H'u.lcnfn Include All-n ! ir
relp. brother of Johnny Gurr .:!. and
Jimmy Crahr. brother of Ralph C.
Cralir. t lie L'ilfG Q'Urto te.rTD-i:aril
cbiunplon. ft i-criM'tunte their brother"
nnmes In hthletlcs.
In the lust frame of his Drat
night's play with William Clear- &
water lu New York recently Al-
fred De Oro, bolder of tbe
world'a pool title, made what ex
perts declare tbe most wonder-'
ful shot ever seen In a champion
ship contest. Clesrwater bad
broken the bunch and left tbe
"one" ball outstanding from the
pyramid. De Oro atudled the lay
of the balls for fully three min
utes before shooting bis cue ball
to the side and bottom rails for
two banks and Into the remain
der of the pyramid, from which
the "three" ball was sped away
toward the lower left hand pock
et and at rtt;bt .angles from tbe
direction taken by tbe cue ball
when It left the bottom - ralL
From this olav he anread the
balls all over the table and bnd X
little trouble In pocketing his V
needed - Ave for the total of his J
required 200, but as tbe trame
had to be played out be went on
until he had pocketed thirteen
for a total of 2oa
He Takes the Air.
'The aviator Is not a selfish man."
"'Cause he doesn't want the earth?"
Baptist Cor. Main and Ninth streets,
Kftv. 8. A. Hay worth pastor, rra. Ill
Ninth; 8. 8. 11 noon, Mrs. A. F. Parker
sttpt.; morn Ins sfrvlce 10:30. evening
rjO, T. P. 8. C. E :S0 p. m. and Jun
iors same hour. Weekly prayer meet
ing Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Morning TopWs "Ye Are the Salt
of the Earth." .
Evening "Christian Use of Anger."
Canemah Baptist MIlon 8. 8. meeta at
1:00 p. m.. Lewis Conklln aupt.
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth streets.
Kev. A. IIIIIhrand pastor, res. 11
Water; Low Mass t a. m., Hlh Maas
10:30 a. m., afternoon enrvlce 4:30. Maas
every morning at S:15.
Congregational Cor. Main and Eleventh
streets. Rev. Wm. M. Proctor pastor,
res. 609 Third; 8. 8. 13 noon. John Ixw
ry sunt.; morning service 10:30, even
bis 1:30. young people 4:30. Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at T.S0 p. m.
Morning Subject "The Temptation
of JesusA' '
' Evening "The Strong Man Bound."
Christ Ev. Luthersn Cor. Eighth and J.
Q. Adams streets. Hev. P. Schmidt
pastor, res. 80S J. Q. Adams; 8. 8
9:30 a. m : preaching afternoona of first
and third Hundaye at 1:10 in Rnallah
other Sunday aervloea moraines at 10:30
with preaching In Germsn.
Cnrlatlsn Science Willamette building;
Sunday services 11 a. m 8. 8. II noon;
Wedneaday services I p. m.
Morning Subject -"Spirit."
Germsn Evsngellcal-i-Cor. Klghth and
Madlaon streets. Iv. F Wlevealck pas
tor, res. Tit Madison; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
Herman Bchrader. Monroe street, supt.;
'morning service 11, young people at T
MANY TIMES yo can buy Juat the
article you want. Just aa good aa
aew, at a small fraction of the cost
of new, If yon go and aee YOUNO,
tbe second band man. His collec
tion contain Now and Second Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curios,
etc. See him; it costs nothing to
Real Estate
C. T. Too re,
Lawyer and Notary
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Room t. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City
p. m. and preaching at I p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7 10 p. in.
Preaching at the evening hour.
Gladstone Chrlstlan-Rev. A. II. Mulkey
Raalor. rea. Uladatone; B. 10 a. m
I. C. Hendii'ks supt.; morning service
11 o'clock, evening service 7:20. Week
ly prayer meeting Tburaday 7:30 p. m.
Methodlet Main atreet cor. Seventh,
Hev. K. r. Zimmerman pastor, res. cor.
Hlxth and Washington; 8. 8. f 46 a. m.,
C. A. Williams. Uladatone, supt.; morn
ing service 10:46, Kr worth League :30.
evening service 7;3t. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:10 p. m.
Morning Hour Mrs. Eddy, returned
missionary, with talk on India and
foreign missions.
Evening Dramatic picture story of
scenes In the lives of Joseph and
Mountain View Union (Cong ) 8. 8. t
S. m., Mrs. J. II. tjulnn aupt.; Hlble
tudy every Thursday afternoon;
preac hing 7:30 p. m. second and fourth
Hundaya In January,
Presbyterian Seventh street cor Jeffer-
eon, Kev. J. K. fndaborougn pastor,
res. 71 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mre.
W. C. Green supt.; morning service 11
a. m.. T. V. 8. C. E. :46 p. m.. even
ing service 7:30. Prayer meeting Thurs
day ( p. m.
Morning Topic "Christian Friend
Evening "The Law of Reproduc
Parkptaca Congregational Rev. J. I
Jones pastor, rra. Clackamas; 8. 8. 10
a. an., Emery French supt preaching
aervlcea each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor Tburaday evening 7:20
p. m.
St. Paul'a Eplecopst Ninth St., near
Main, Kev. tubas. W. Koblnson pastor,
res. at Kectory, Ninth and Water sts.;
8. 8. 12 noon. Wm. Hhewman supt.;
morning service 11 au xzu. evening ser
vice 6p.m.
Holy communion at 8 and 11.
Preaching at 6, at which time the
Knighta of Pythias will attend in a
United Brethren Cor. Elshth and Taylor.
Kev. L. K. Clarke pastor, rea. Portland;
8. 8. 10 a. m.. Frank Fnrker. Maple
Ine, supt.; morning service 11. T. P.
8. C. K. 6 p. m.. evening service 7.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
aervlces. 8. 8. S p. in.. Mrs. Keama
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jrfferscs and Eighth
streets. Rev. W. R. Kraxberrer pas
tor, res. 720 Jefferson; S. 8. 9:30 a. m ,
Rev Kraxberger aupt.; morning service
10:30, evening 7:46, Luther League 7
p. m.
Morning Topic "Tares Among the
Luther League Topic "Life of 8U
Paul," John Dambock, leader.
Thomas Graham, of Alberta, Can
ada, arrived Friday evening and sur
prised bla brother, J. IL Graham. Mr
Graham will visit his brother and
family-for "some time. "This Is his
first trip to Oregon.
Mrs. L E. Armstrong waa a city
visitor Friday.
Mrs. Frank Mason and two sons,
of Portland, spent Wednesday with
Mrs. J. H. Graham and family.
J. O- Staats and family moved to
Oregon City Friday. We are more
than sorry to lose the family, and
we wish them success In their new
home, and Mr. Staats In hla office as
Deputy Sheriff.
Monday evening tbe schoolmates of
Benny Staata gave him a farewell
party. The evening was pleasantly
spent In games, refreshments being
served by Mrs. Staats.
Tuesday after school the girl school
mates of Esther Staats spent a pleas
ant hour at her home, planning and
discussing Esther's new home and
school mates In Oregon City. The
school loses two good scholars In
Benny and Esther Staats, nd we
wish them success in their new
Ladles' Aid.
- The Ladies' Aid met at the home
of Mrs. Geo. Sherk Thursday after
noon. There were eight ladles pres
ent A comforter was tied, and a
pleasant hour spent. - --Mrs. Sherk
served refreshments in honor of Mrs.
J. O. Staats' departure. The society
presented Mrs. Staats with a silver
berry spoon and a handkerchief. Mrs.
Staats has been a faithful worker
and the society will feel her absence
Electric Hotel
. 411 Mais. Ictwtti 4th snd'Sth Sts.
J. J. TOBIN, Proprietor.
To introduce The Morning
4 Enterprise into a large major-
tty of the homes in Oregon
4. City and Clackamas county the
management has decided to
4 make a special price for the
dally Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber psys
4 a year In advance.
By carrier, paid -a year in
advance, 33.00.
By mail, paid a year in ad- 4
vance, $2.00. e
People who gave our canvas- O
ser a trial subscription for one
or more months, at ten cents a O
week, can have the dally dellv- d
4 ered for a year for $3.00 by
4 paying a year In advance.
d People who gave our canvas-
4 ser a trial subscription, by
mall, for four montha at adoI-
lar, may have the paper for
year for $2.00, If paid & year in
4 advance.
4 Subscribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may change their,,
subscriptions to the dally, re-
celvlng credit for half time on
- the dally that the weekly Is
paid in advance. When they
choose to add cash to the ad
ranee payment equal to a full
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of the $$
rate. -
4 We make thla apeclal price
4 so that peopl who have paid
4 in advance oa some other dally
and wish to take the Morning
Enterprise, may do so without
v too great expense. ,
4 - - 4
"And If you want te sell farm, home r.
lot tfe likewise.
Wants. For Sale. Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be Inserted at one cent a word, flnt
Inaertlon, half a cent additional inser
tions. One Inch card, 12 per month,; ball
Inch card, (i llnea) (1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
baa an open account with the paper. No
financial reapnnalblllty for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge lie.
LOST Gentleman'a gold watch; open
face; Hamilton movement; on Mad
ison street between 7th and 8th or
on Seventh street between Madison
and J. Q. Adams. - Finder return to
Burmelster & Andresen's and re
ceive reward.
good Zhi Inch wagon with A gravel
bed. I have no use for so heavy
wagon; will sell or trade for a light
er one, or a good hack. I also have
a strong road breaking plow and
aome second hand doors and win
dows for sale.
Room 2 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City.
PIANO CHECK. 1131 sold for $10 if
boughV at once. Harry Lundgren,
Route No. L
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
- sale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevens Bldg.
FOR SALE By owner, modern six
room house nearly new on improved
. street, close in. Terms. Call at
214 Washington street
FOR RENT Liner space In this col
umn. A few lines may rent that
house, store or farm; tbey will cost
you but a few cents.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on aH ' classes or building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Pbone Main 111.
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, , Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estatea settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City. . -
U'REN & SCHUEBEL, Attoroeys-at-Law,
Deutscher Advokat, will prae-
- tlce in all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office in Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
DR. L O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4,
6 and 6 Beaver building. Main St,
Oregon City- Phones: Home A-198
and Pacific States 1221.
MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. '
MONEY LOANED We are acquaint
ed with the value of all farm lands
in Clackamas County and can loan '
your money on good safe security.
Farm loans made one, two and three)
yeara at 7 per cent- Abstracta of
title examined. DJMlCK V DIMICK.
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg.; Oregon
" City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City, j
Investment Co., Stevens Bldg.
Abstractor and general insurance and)
realty broker. BEST 8ERVICE TO
amas County for RECORDING EX
PIRATIONS. High grade real estate
wanted on my lists. DYE Is the MOST
Eighth snd Main.
Farm, Timber, Graxlng. Agricultural
Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room 9 Beaver BMg,
Oregon City, Oregon. - - ?
. f-J...
E. H. COOPER. For Flrw losursjssw W
and Real Estate. Let oa ksaM ., V
your properties we buy, sell at V..'
ichange. Office hi Bnterprta) .'fc
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ... .'WjJVs? ,.,
Ute Dealers, hare choice barralna
la farm lands, city and ankrtwa
' home, good fruit lands ami StMitr
iwaofce. 8m ua for good buys
Near & P. depot
BBCOND HAND rwntttire, Curios mA
Relics boufnt, sold and nchsnged.
Anything from s d arming leedle to
a ship's anchor. TOUNO, Tee
eeeod Hand Man, Idaln ftQr
goa City.
- '
" 'ft
' ''if