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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
! tl :t. - ii it if ; ' w t it OF it Dozea Cld Members Re elected or Certain lo Bt While Thirteen Will Held Their Setts.' r JAMH A. WK uow know for tbe mot part Ihe personnel of the new seuate. A few state legislatures are yet aJ locked beceus f our srebale method of choosing aeDslors. and the results is thrss out; not be knows, for or erra weeks. In Georgia the legis Utore will not gather till June to name a mat to Oil the vacancjr caused by the death of Senator t lay. now temporarily occupied by former Gov ernor TerrelL The Hoke Smith faction 1 la control, and it la not Ukel.v to elect Terrell. A progressive Democrat will presumably win. There la even talk of the redoubtable Hoke himself. Then are an even twelve member of the present senate who h-ive been or almost certainly will be re-elected to the new one Claw of Minnesota. Clark of Wyomlns. Culberson of Tex a, Iu Font of lelaware. I- FoUette of Wteconxin. Ixxljre of Massachusetts. McCumber of North Dakota. Nixon of Nevada, direr of Pennsylvania. Fage of Vermont. Maryland and Sutherland of 1'Uh Two of these are Democrats, two fmrrwlT Repub licans and the remainder regular Ite publicans- Out of twenty-one- regn bra whose terms eml with thin ses ion thirteen have been or will be de feated. Because of several deaths there will bo exactly twenty-fonr of the new sen tors, an up usually large number. I doubt If In the memory, of those now Bring there were ever au equal num ber of new senators at the beginning Of any congress. j Lippitt a Textile Xing;. It at a startling fact that among these entire twenty-four there is only ooe regular Republican of the stand pat variety. There are or will be six progressive Republicans, and the re mainder are Democrats. More signifi cant still, the one ne regular Is from Rhode Island and even la that state got ta by the akin of his teeth. He Is Henry F. Uppltt. head-of a big tex tile company. Lippttt has never be fore held a prominent office, but has been In rK)lltV-s very much in. It is 1 'aid.-It is even averred that he wrote the cotton schedule in the present tar iff law. It la also worthy of note that Uppltt received two Peuu ratfcr rotes In his very clone contest. Just Lodge received two Democratic rotes in Mas sachusetts. . Me is fifty -five years of age. George Payne McLean, who beat Senator Bulkeley in Connecticut, says bo Is progressive, but wants some body bandy with a brake. McLean la leading lawyer, a persuasive speaker. Is fifty-three years old and has ' held various" offices. Including those of United States district attor ney and governor. ) Charles Elroy Townsend, the victor ever Senator Barrows in Michigan, is also progressive. Despite the fact that be lives In the railroad town of Jackson. Townsend has been against the railroads in his law practice and as a representative in congress was one of the authors of the famous rail road rat bill. He is of a serious torn of mind and la regarded by those near est him as a "man of destiny." Since ha Is only fifty-four years old It may be as well to take note of Senator ' Townsend. Asle J. Gronna, who succeeds Sen ator Purcell of North Dskota, Is at present an Insurgent congressman from that state. Tie was born In Iowa In 1858, removed to North Dakota where he was engaged In farming and banking, held some minor offices and baa been In congress for three terms. Poindexter an Insurgent. Miles Poindexter. the new senator from Washington, is also an insurgent congressman. Although be lives in Bollinger's own state, he sided with PI nc hot and then went bark home and went the state despite the opposition Of the national administration and of Balllnger'a friends. Poindexter Is only rorty-two years old, but has been a supreme court Judge and is serving bis first term In the house. John D. Works, who replaces Flint of California, was a soldier In the Union army, having enlisted In 1803, when be was fourteen years old, and erring till the end of the war. He has also been a supreme court Jndge and has written several law book. Just bow much of a progressive be Is may be Judged by the following utter nee: Pioaisasiv Republicans an4 pmaresstve Dsmoeiata srs so nearly silk that one esn hsrdly toll Utsni spsrt. When th Urns eomes for proareaslvs Demncrats and progresslvs Rstiubllcans to combtns against tbs money power snj th lnter svi for tbe pretention of our free Instltu Woos every true patriot will be found Moing bands without reference to party. Among tn new Democratic senator, ef whom there ar to be sereuteen ac . cording to present Indications, John Worth Jfern of Indiana la perhaps the beat tuown. Mr. Kern Is fsmons for having been an unsuccessful candidate for vice president and for being a very successful cultivator of whisker. He is sixty-one year old nd I. g rather vigorous speaker whs is long on liom ens, lit hat heM tereral offlcH gad would bsve held others If th electo rate: bad not prevented him.- Fdf on thing, h wit Hty krtonley under Mayor Tom Taggart in IndlanapolM. ' A welt knows Kara Is John Sharp- WniUrtss, who riiHd Money mm Nerr Daily? If The Morning InUrprls la to be aa successful ig the Interest of Oregon City demand It muat need aav the support of !. The new dally laa big work bfors K s) boostlttf Oregon City and Clscksmsg County. Touf buptort Msa more etrsaurrh t tawork. . - - ai X7M Tfctt Hdj tt For a litafiel tjjnj tie sWiUf ssatdrlKtee wtn be SBPsenueis ssj rmsns; itm r i 1 1 1 1 1 m. Wf vau. 1 ywaw JEW SENATE. Popular. Forecasts Place Townsend of Michiaa and Pomerene of Ohio as Men of Destiny. of Mississippi. It ta a rather strange coinctdmce that Mouey b the vsnt minority lead. uif the senate aud Wil liams The former lulnorlfy leader of the bouse. Speaking of the scholar In Hlulcs. Williams ta one of Ihe best educated man In our public life, hat big taken -courses iu several -southern uulrerslrie and at Heidelberg. i;erma ay. where he was a schoolmate of the kslser. He Is also one of the home liest member aud best atory tellers In congress. Ife is flfty-stx jear old and la a lawyer and planter. Hi recrea ttoo are writing Iltcal xvtry and making IVui.wratic stump spce. hcs. GUUrt M. Hltcbx k. tbe new sen ator from Nebraska. also received. part of his education In Germany. Although, a lemocrat. Hitchcock Is the son of a j former Republican senator and son In law of a former Republican governor. Lorrnso Ctvunse. Ills election to the senate occurred forty years to the day after the election of hi father. P. Ilitchcock. The present Senator Hitch- cock Is a lawyer and edit.. 1 'owner , of the Omaha World Herald, of which ! be once made ilium J. uryan eui . tor. Is fifty -one years old and Is serv Ing hi third term id the house. It i now seems a moral certainry idji Hitchcock will contend with hU for mer frieod and chief. Bryan, for tbe Democratic leadership of Nebraska. Pomerene Self Made Man. Poll t Ice turns tip strange flgnrea and now and then bring forth a really great man. It Is slNe that some thing like that ha bapsned In tbe case of Atlee Pomerene, the new sen ator from Ohio. Personally Pomerene ts something of a Puritan. Politically HALF DOZEN OF THE NEW FACES THAT WILL BK SEEN IN TnB Oil TED STATES SENATE AFTER MARCH -I N ' . j : .V fells' m i iI - -ji Upper row Claude A. Swanson. Virginia; John W. Kern, India ua, and Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Nebraska. Lower row George P. McLean, Connect! cut; Charles F. Johnson. Maine, and James A. Reed. Missouri) bo Is very much of a fundamental Democrat. He Is forty-seven years old. In youth be bad largely to make the money to pay for bis education and in addition bad to read all the lessons to an almost blind half broth er when th two went through Prince ton together. He practice law in McKinley's own town nt Canton and was the only Democrat elected In the county in ISsI, when McKInley reach ed the presidency. Pomerene wa then discovered by Tom L. Johnson. Finding that the young prosecuting attorney bad idea on the taxation question, Johnson pro cured bl appointment on tbe tax com mission, of which Pomerene was made secretary. Next Johnson put bim up for governor to defeat Harmon, who savored too much of reactlonism to suit Tom L. Harmon beat Pomerene In the convention, but this year the Canton man' was given second place on tbe ticket, a nomination be did not want. Despite bis election as lieu tenant governor be bc-ame candi date for the senate. Against blm was Edward W. Hanley, chairman of tbe state committee. Pomerene challeng ed Hanley to Joint debates, and when tbe cauens wa held the honorable chairman lind but ten votes. Senator Pomerene doe not smoke. drink or swear and ba no vices ex cept politics. He can be, very firm on occasion and is good speaker. Johnion Old Style Democrat, Of quit a different stamp Is-CIMFles F. Johnson, the new senator from Main. He la a Democrat of the old school and If not conservative 1 at least af and sane. He bag run for governor one or twice tn Maine drafted, of course, and not expecting to be elected. II has also been can didate for other office and haa been' elected mayor of Watervltl and Dem ocratic leader Of th bouse on two oc casions. 'n is tb attorney of tbe Main Centrsl railroad and vrl corporations. Senator Johnson Is ilesi ly nftywo years old and ts as war- ssf ' - - 1 a .MJDsctibe to the jttt own tnicfczi7 I astd U asU4 ta a4vwne4 Itoe too MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, hearted and com pa a Ions Me tut Kugeuo Hale cue) ami s"- Jamea A. Reed. l el Gov eras I. K. Prom is la the race te succeed Senator Warner of Missouri, was bom In Oblo la l.l. lie first re moved to Iowa, when-be was educat ed and etd.ed law. and U lWT l to Kansas lily. Twelve jreara iatet be was prosecuting attorney of the ennntr and for two lenus was reiocss mayor of Kashas City. Because of Senator Elkine death there are two new IVMoovrslIc seoa tors from West Virginia. 'William K. Chilton of Charleston, who succeeds Senator rVott. missed by only one rote being Democratic national com mitteemaa In 1K He thought be bad that victory cinched, but one snau betrayed Mm. Chilton ts not stran ger to Washington, wheATS la most popular. He Is a wealthy man. but has not as many American dollar a Clarence W. Watson, who takea the short term so briefly occupies oy i- via Elklna, WAtsoi Worth Millions. Watson is a muKlmlllloualre who own coal mines, rast expanses ot land, villages, fleets and railroads. He la only about forty-four years old and a few year ago created a sensation In soclctv by wlnnlug a cool quarter of a million In prlaee at the London International horse show. Watson started out early In the senatorial game, traveled from county to county and before the other aspirants bad fairly awakened to the fact said he hut thlnrs nrwtre much bis war. whn el(Jr Klkin, cie.1 and thef wo nator to elect. Wat- M tW np w)IB chn,,, ,Bd the m WM won A, nr4M tr game was won. the tales told la West Virginia. Qm of (b(l flclUng i-Mfota of the contest was the flight of tbe entire Republican membership of the state senate. As there are fifteen Repub licans and fifteen Democrats tbe exodus- left the body without a constitu tional quorum, and Governor Glass cock, a Republican, refused to recog nlxe tbe senate as legslly organised. So long as the fifteen Republican seu atera remain In ClucltinatL out of reach of the West Virginia aergeant-at-arnts, there seem large obstacles between Chilton and Watson and those coveted seat In Washington. W. A. Blount, who la to be tbe new senator from Florida, bas unique distinction. He U corporation attor ney who refuses to lobby for bis cli ents In tbe legislature. He puts In bis brief tn the case, and there his service end. He U attorney for the Louisville and Nashville railroad and various other concerns, but says bl connection end the moment be re ceive hi certificate of election. Former Governor Napoleon B. Brow ard, truly progressive Itemocrat, wa orginally elected In the primaries to succeed Senutor Taliaferro, but died before be could take bis seat, and Blount wa chosen in his stead. Thornton'! Election Sealed. Two of the new mocratic aenutor to fill vacancies caused by death are John H. Thornton of Louisiana and Claude A. Swansou of Virginia. Judge Thornton was chosen after peculiar tangle. The ' legislature chose Gov ernor Sander for senator, but after It adjourned be declined and appointed Thornton, The question was raised to Sanders' power to do this under the constitution, wbereuKn the legls lature met one more and removed the doubt by electing Thornton. As for Senator Swanson, bis career bas ting of tbe romantic. When a boy his father financial reverses compelled him to quit school and work on a rarm, clerk in a store and do other thing to earn bl way. He managed to procure a university edu cation and went Mpklly to the front Despite tbe fact, tbat be Is only forty- lght year old be ba already been in congress more tban twelve years and governor of Virginia four ,year. On March 4 there will also b new Democratic senators from New York. New Jersey, Tennessee. Colorado and Montana and presumably a new pro gressiva Republican from Iowa tbat la, there will be if a aufaclent number r Keys ars found to unbolt alt th deadlock. - If you would sell YOUR HOUtC YOUR FARM YOUR HORM - . Tt! t?t of the Merniaej ssiterarsse eaa e feVfosj. FE13RUARY 4, 1911. Good a, - Form " Flaaoa' Msl Call. fnlesa sever IHuess iu hi faml'j prevents. girl who has Ju.t b.s,"ooK engaged must wall for her fuluri fcu band s family to rsll uu ber - Tbs reason for thU 1 olvo . She U bout to become a member of another family. If aba bt welcome here Its members will hasten to) greet her; If be Is not they will stay way. ssys Roaauaa Schuyler. She may not wake the first call, for then she 1 In the position of forcing her aco,ualniac upon tbeov and If ther are Inconald rat she may be sub)$ted to snub bing. Courtesy ! good form -demand that, evea If a gtrl 'I wot altogether wek-oms to ber future -In laws." 4hey hall call upoa ber soon aa they know of the engagemeut. or If loey fall to do so It Is an announcement to tbe world that tbey are displeased It Is lwsys tbe iart of wlsdoia'to keep knowledse of private family mat ter from tbe public, and so It ts that wossaa wlU go u see ber swua sa cee, even though she may wlsb tbe engagenteat did not elst. Tbe only juatlnable excus ror tno UW wotuaa'a not going at oofi la IU aess os) ber part or thst of ber fsmlly or good and surtVlent resson why she should not receive (he gtrl. A srotuaa of any rtprrieuco will beslUtO before sbt will make such a sweeping condemnation of young woman whom, ber son experts to marry. - If a young anau's father should call upon his tutor daughter In law It ts conslderM a mark of courtesy, but Is not required, for the visit of thr older woman means bis ssnction lo the en gagesuent. If young man who has ls-come en gaged ba any aisters they, too, must call Immediately ujsn Ms fiancee, even though tbey may not have known ncr previously. On ber part she Is to rw-etv sucn rlslta with cordiality and good feeling. If for any reason sh bs not cared much fr her fiance's family and has known them any former lack of friend liness 8iiusrlH removed sa l-tss coat of effort, for It I both 111 bred and stupid for gtrl not tn bo oa rd terms with ber future busband rela tires, and If ae-snry she must over look everything not Inconsistent with self, ressj-t la ber endeavor to bavt pears, even Jf only on tbe surfsc,. If th young nun s fsmlly liv In an other city Ihey are supiswed to make their welcome through letters written at one to tbe girt. She may not b the first to write any mors than sb Is to rail. A Dinner Danes. For a dinner dance the hostess Is sues two different sets of invitation. one to.tbfsse persons whom she wishes first to entertain at dinner, and Inylta tlona to these would be ber regular en graved dinner cards, with tn words -dancing at 11" written in the lower left band corner, and one to thnsst whom she wUbea to ask In for th dancing only, snd these would be ber regular "nt home" cards, with 'danc. Ing at ll written In the lower left hand corner, trr for a small party ah may us In pise of th latter ber vis iting card, with th date under ber nam In tbe lower left band corner. "Dancing at 10M." When dam- ts to b tbe occasloo of Introducing a; young woman Into so ciety either the first or th second of tbe forms given above may be used A hostess In sending out Invitation for a danc should carefully consld r what dancing pac sb will bava at her disposal, whether the entertain ment Is to b given in ber own house or In a hotel suit rented for the occa Ion. To crowd a atnall, narrow. 111 ventilated drawing room with dancers Is grievous mistake. Two small dances will please better than one no pleasant crush. Etiquette Paint. A man should never speak of bl sister or fiancee Miss Anybody, bnt Just her Christian name. If you ar engaged to Agnes William and ar announcing tbe fact, don't say yon re going to marry "Mis" Agnes Wll Hams, but Ague William. A woman should not speak of ber husband a "Mr. Seymour." It ts pre tentious, but tbe custom If so thor oughly Ingrained In this country to make people oblivious of It Impro prlety. For woman to speak of ber husband as "Mr." So-and o to any on but an Inferior is a specie of anub. A woman should alwaya ay "My hus band" to acquaintances and "Ben" or "Fred" to her friend. Signing OnVs Nsma. "Should widow Use ber husband name on ber visiting card or ber own Christian namej Should aha be Mrs. Cyril Smith or tin. Charlotte Bmltbl la signing one'a name to a letter how la it usual to Indicate whether wo man Is married or single?"" A widow may ne her discretion. At present It la customary for ber to continue using the am form sb did In ber buiband'a lifetime. In lgn Ing your ha me writ it simply Mary Brown or Emma James, and put Ml In brackets in on Instance tod lira. John or Robert M brackets In Ox other. A KICKINQ H0RIK Lead to a Family Feud In a Nearby '. " Neighborhood. A cane In Juattee Samson's court Friday was that of Levi Btebmaa vs Bphralra James, action for money. ' II ZLV"? I9. rr tn4 tdo" " arable tlmd for the attorneys to argue rnl 1 "t' the ownosltUn. presented the Jury said horr?w2,Bvlth Plaintiff Kicked hie buggy- to niocea " v. waat UfA W jgf dmage to hi. buggy U SntHwtbe for the Dally BntergrWe. BALL TEAMS TO START TRAINING Major League Clubs Preparing; For Annual Spring Stunts. L0K6 TRIPS ARE ABANDONED. Wllh tn staeeptl f etesi Hed Ne Tesm Will Trvsl Any Qrsst Di.tsneswreeslyn Will KmM f tartars ts tssth. WHERE MAJOR LEAGUES.! WILL 00 RIN0 WORK, t AMERICAN LCAdt't WrssMsatsa ' Atlanta. Oa. AthWtk-s Mvsnnas. . ...ln , IslUornla Ns York Alhsns. Os. rvnrott atonme. 1- Oevstand Alssssorts, t-a. Cnk-sso Mlnrsl Sprins. Tsa. L Ixula ,.Het atnas. Ar. NATIONAL LKAOt'B. Nw Tor .... Msrtla gprtns, Ts- l-nilad.lpiua. ItaMsn Iiroukly Oilrsao.. rntisbure Cincinnati..,. L Louis .... .lurssinsiiass, ais. Amsusis, 1s Hut Ktwlsss. Aril. Nw 1H-Ins .Hot Sprint. Ark. .Hot Uprises. Ark. .West lUJsn, Ind. Msnsgers of tbe vsrlou pennant , chasing cluU are giving nearly all their attention to plana for tbs spring training of their teBuvWlh the eg ceptkto of tbe lloaton "lied - tout training lrta have been atandned. It baa often, though not Invariably. been tbe rase Ibat a good training trip nt a great deal to a team. The Chtcsgo 1Mb, for instsoce, woo four chswplooahlps la nve years and train ed each spring at a different place, la 190)1 they did prartlrally no training t all ITesldmt Charley Mun-by bad the klea that Cbamismign. IIL. would be the proper pla-e. , ftnow drove the learn mil of tbe col lege Iowa after a week of Idleness. They hurried to Vlcksburg. where ralu allowed only a"day6fso of work. Tbey weat to Atlanta and again were prevented from working by rain. All the real work Ibe team got was In hlbltlon games north of tb liblo river. Yet they won tbe pennsntjisml dowir """Wftuln a few-weeks re"rts will come from Ibe training ramps lauding the youngsters being tried out Few players get regular )obs on Ibe strength of tb work don In Ihe training sea son.' Tbey must make good In a real ball game before tbey ran lay aay Claim to bavlug upheld their end. Leng Trig Fee Red . President John I. Tsylor of the To- ton Red Hoi ha paped out tbe long eat trip ever taken by any baseball rluh. Tbe player will leave on Feb. 1 and go to California by way of Chi cago. The team's training will be done t Iledondo, Just ootsld of los An geles. Th club will use two special trains and Nve on Ihem. The Itinerary will cover about "...W) mllre. With a perfect baseball diamond end well-prepared - rJarlngfield-a waiting them, tbe Clients will again do tbetr training at Msrlln ftprlng, Tei. They will begin practice under MrGraw' eye Feb. ta Manager 111 Chase of the New Tork Americans eipecta to have twenty men or more at work at Athena. Oa.t by March 13. On March I be will have tbe Older members of tbe team report to him at Hot ftprtngs for a two week' fay. when tbey will leave to Join the recruits at Athens. Early Start Fee Dodgers. Manager BUI Dahlen of th Brook lyn! will have his men at Hot Spring by Feb. 10. Tbey will remain there until March IT, after which the team will divide Into two snnada and work their way north. Fred Clarke of the rtttsbnrgs will have the Pirates at West Baden on March 7. They will remain there until March' 17 end go to. Hot "prlngs. where, the clnb bas trained for several year. They will remain -there until April 8. Tbe Philadelphia club will start for Its training grounds at Birmingham, AU., Feb. 28, In charge of Charley Dooln. Three week will be spent In Birmingham, when the club will split Into two teams and work 'north. Clark Otimth of th Cincinnati Red will send bis pitchers and catchers to Hot Spring, Ark., on March 1. Two weeks later tb other members of the team will go aoutb. . Cub Fee New OHtsns. President Murphy of the Chicago Cube bas once more made arrange ment for his team to train at New Orleans The player will report there tbe first week tn March. They will he gin regular games at once, aa Char ley Frank, manager of tbe New Or lean club, baa ordered bis players to report by March 10. The Cuba will also play a series of game with sever al American league teams. Roger Bresnahan Bt. Louis Crdl als will report at West Baden about March 15. After a ten day stay the team will return to BL Louis. Fred Tenney's Boston rustlers will do their training at August a, Oa., leaf ing for that town on March 16. Iloghey Jennings of the Detroit Tiger mad aa extended tour of tbe aoutb before be finally elected Mon roe, Uf ao the training piece of the 1911 Tigers. Some veterans. Including the pitchers, will train at Hot "Spring. By March 1 the entire team wUl report t Monroe. After peellnj apple drop them Into cdld water.' fhla will prevent their becoming discolored. ' "iftVtrP'l'L atitTomer I thU apc4. tliher get. t e Nrlenag wnneeeeary. Jeal- mm. I 2L"J4 M4 t y will tlhl hl4 i.U M44 sv"w ttj OsTVasTs9a A ' T ftSae DA in aavance suDscnoers as roiiu By taailf t ycat f . M in Yci7 Wc:: SSBSJSI' i u SBSJBBBJ V ... f . t f :: i The RSogniiif' "' i Is to be as successful as the ictsi . ests of Oregon - City dcmani ? , must needs have the the supp of all. The new daily laif' big work before- it in bociq Oregon City and Cla2ta j . County. Your support na! 1 more .strength for theworltv j S 1 Will You Help jj Boost Your Ovi Interests? 5 r i For a limited time the Morcr; Enterprise will be sold to p! : i i i fJL.'