Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 04, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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... - -
C'C. BRODIt, Editor and Publisher.
Application made for second else prlvl- ,
Ire at th Poetofflc t Onto City.
Orvcon. under the Act of Consreea of
March .' 1ST.
.... I
I o
On Tr, by mall . .
HII Months, tr mall
Four Months, by mall
Pw week, by carrier
Flrat Paae. ner tnoa fleet tnsertfoa....lo
First Fut, per Inch added Insert lona.. lo
Preferred position any pace, per Inch
flrat Insertion .lio
IWunJ position ny . PMftJXT- Inch
added Insertions loci
Run paper other than first p, par Inch j
flra Insert kw lie-
Run paper other than flrat para, par Jnch
added Insertions .....Sej
Local 10c per Una; to regular adver
tieera to una.
Want. For Pile. To Rent, etc . one
pent a word flrat Insertion : one-half cent!
aach additional.
Kate for adrertlalna In the Weekly
Entsrorls will ba the .ime as In h
dallv. for advertisements art especially i
for tha weekly. AVhere the advertisement
a iransrerrea rrom tne aany io ine wees
hr. without rhanire, tha rat will b c
aa took for rua of tha paper, and loo an
Inch for special poaitlon.
Cash should accompany order whsre
party la unknown In business offlc of
Ida Enterprise.
Legal adverttsine at le-al advertising
Circus advertising; and apeclal transient
advertising at !6e to 10c an Inch, accord
ing ta aneclal conditions goternlng the
"Fir Rale" and Bankrupt Sale" adver
tlaementa Itc Inch first Insertion: addi
tional Insertions same matter !tc Inch.
News Items and well wrlt'en articles
of merit, with Interest to local readers,
will be gladly accepted. Rented manu
script never returned unless accompan
ied by stamps to prepay postage. -
There hare been 246 bills intro
duced In the Senate so far this year.
.Who says there la no life at Salem
Th Mora-ads ere full of "opportun
ity news'' the most Interesting news
in the paper" to the people who buy
e .
In France there is a trained govern
ment official who has In charge all
the road building In the Nation. Aa
France has the oesf. roads In the world
Is It not reasonable to' ask if this gen
eral supervision of roads Is not a
good thing?
i : .
-bBbs. V I M 1 w. T sea Kb V
fn- T-rr- I
iUU'UtliiU "I ' -
Little 'Brown Sailors of Japan
Swarmintf to All Parts of Globe
Sliilllng, . Dutan, ArcMbafd and
Garner Only Stars Left.
Following a phva suggwstsd by tbe mlksdo of Japmu. every sailor to bis
kavy Is to visit tbe countries of tbe world. Japan wants her JacM to kuuw
each port and know the custom of th people Jn every country, big or little,
that has a seaport - As a result Japan Is buying more coal fur battleship tbaa
any other country at the praeent time. Her battleships and cruisers are con
stantly on the move. It la going to take a long time to get all tbe luso around
the world, but the Japs are patient men, and the mikado has given tbe order.
and it most be obeyed. For months past Japanese ships tare been arriving
at Tarioos ports In England until the sight of Japanese' sailors welklng-tne
streets of Liverpool has become almost aa common aa a cab driver. Another
Beet has been touring the ports of Booth America. United States navy officers
have noticed that none of tbe ships pass op a chance to visit rename:. Re
ports have been circulated many times of late that Japan la trying to buy a
naval station from the Mexican government
utwell, Pswt-, Knapp, thaw and
Millar Will Pilot Hsrses an Russian
"and German Trasks Kns YVithsu
Pigskin Artist Just New.
There will be a dearth tf Brat cl
Jockeys on the eastern rues track a tli
coming sain. . All tbe I! rlib-re
with one or two extvpilcm have sitiu
1 engNKctuenrs to pilot homo atrwil
Tbe Jockey who will rvimtlu thii
have a slight degree of rtftl(w ui- are
Phllllng. Dugan. ArchlhalJ ami lr
nrr. a line quartet aa Jockey go iwwu
days, but evaively enniigli to Oil the
domsmls of the turfnirii
Dugan baa signed with Auk'tit I lot
mont. Shllllnts will ride for X. Mil
dreth, A nh I bald will doti II. K. Car
man's racing colors, ami lamer will
sport the silk of the Newcastle atalilo.
Just who will guide James It. Kecne'a
racer baa not yet been' decided If
Joe Notter remains In this country be
will be offered the mmiuts on tbe en
tranta In stake event. In tbe over
night races. In which the Keen borsea
will carry light welghla. the racers will
be Intrusted to tbe hands of a little
apprentice boy who now ta under con
i Even this lot of riders may be rut
down If Illldretb abould decide to take
bis string of racerajo Finland. In
that event Shilling will go'wiifTW
employer. Shilling la Justly regarded
aa the beat Jockey In America. II ba
proved his ability In lb saddle and
his superiority over the other led
times without number. .
Tan Star 0 te Curep.
The Jockeys wno have been proml
Dent Tor msny years on the American
turf that bare signed to rid abroad
had large eierleme In Ihla part of
the life In hl country and from per
eiperlenc can talk In.lrucilve.
y. llecauae of this e"er
Uuoe she I. Ulk wit Mlbor
Ity aud her story la certain to Inteiest
many ho desire to know about
missions 'a th.y lake hold on the
lives of these people, .
Larry MLn Naad Umpire
kypl a an In.plrati.r.
t Far Mi alam Dans.
-re--e-4t i 44 4 -4
eeele Whe auaa..
habit a it
The iivl. hsi.i. . i
mined wltl.lion) h' 'J J
e.4 eeiialn. ,r!"Hii;
Vsm tan aUr1 (h
SSrv.,M, tank.
London has free docks and It is
now planning to spend $70,000,000 to
widen the extent and improve what
It has. The work la to continue over
period f twenty years.
Work with him in an effort tn utiim
wnai appeals to both.
Bhertff 8teTns, of Multnomah coun
ty, has issued orders that there shall
be no more 8unday dancing and do
more Sunday liquor selling at road
houses through the county. The sher
iff Is determined to clean up a bit,
and the christian people aver that the
step a taken none too soon.
7-r )
Do you sometimes think that If you
' "had It to do over again" you would
hare advertised more effectively the
past year? "Well, you are "doing It
over again," beginning NQW. So Il
lustrate what you. WISH TOD HAD
' DONE before by what you do from
this time onward.
The good or evil which men do
es you happen to look at the matter
lives after them. Henry George ad
vocates never were more- active In
Oregon than now and we doubt if
ever Henry George matters were ever
more lively any place than they are
In this State at this time.
" Governor West thinks that Mr.
Bailey has been making a private
snap out of the government office of
State dairy and food commissioner.
To this he objects, and he tells why
In a special message to the legislature.
Few things can lie closer to the we!
The Portland Journal of Friday tell
the story of potatoes selling In that
city for I1.8Q the bushel, and talks
of recent raises to reach that point
Oregon City merchants have been pay
ing that price for several days, and
real fancy stock haa commanded that
price here for a week or ten days.
There is no such local demand for
consumption in Oregon City as in Port
land, and yet merchants are aa anx
ious to pay a fair price aa In Portland,
and this ahows that they have antici
pated the Portland prices by several
days. Oregon City merchants are as
anxious for (he farmer trade of this
county-as are the Portland merchants;
but at times they cannot meet the hot
air stories thst certain Portland
merchants can give people-
Will Install a Planing Mill.
Francis Welch, who owns the lum
ber yard on Molalla avenue, out Ely
way, has purchased a planing mill at
Albany and Is shipping it to thla city.
When it arrives and If Is aboard 1
train and enroute somewhere it will
be installed on Molalla avenue and set
to work. A new buildinar Is to be
ao not agree with the road aa laid
out. They were accompanied by 8ur-
te j. tauiielJ.
Plan for Valentine Day.
iue jouag people composing the
msJV?"nFr rillh-wUL
meerTnHMcLmighfin hall Tueaday ev-
" arrangementa for a
-.iriiiiiie party, in the near future.
. r ,uug peopie want to plan for a
unique affair and are considering pre-
lunltnn, M.kl .... .
" -... uiukiub; io mat end.
Baled Hay Received at w.r.t.
Several tons of baled hav h... k-'I
received at the warehouse of the Ore
Ron City Fruit and Produce Union
under consignment to the t'nlon nth.
or consignments are promised of 'frnli.l
unu TtiKeiaiiiv hut thn rnnria . ....
and tbe farmers ar a llttu .i. 4
turning out under these conditions to
u"" aiiyming mat baa weight.
wru. ova sosta us so, m m'lbam, ar-
rasa Lias Ti 1
a. : .. - t
n isiib on ins senate Floor f oc"T oaw. i.iiuim
Rottsnn... TSAB.
wmssa or
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.-(Spl )
Senator Root made an attach on a.
ator Lorimer today that caused the
.w f or Confrss to rock on
tholr base. Root left no doubt as to
ms Deuei in ice crookedness of Lori-
...-r Bni me rottenness of the cam
paign that culminated In his election.
the mach!n fusion lor'ZTn: 1
me wursmeu a convenient ana com- nd r.n... .v.- .
.i . " me mate
aa well as her represenUtlvea Rom.
fortable place to work.
Graded Union For Teachers.
The Graded Union will meet at the
Baptist church Saturday afternoon at
3 o clock. All teachers of beginners.
primary and Junior classes are Invited
to be present. The primary lesson for
next Sunday will be taught by Mrs.
8. P. Davis with sand table and black-
j iirem can oe no answer, end yet
many excuses were offered.
fare of the people of the State than N2.ara: nvn interested n Sunday
"wis is luvuru io anenu me
the proposition of dairy and food com
miss toner.
Joseph Frank
Minn., has arrived with bla family and
Is going Into Urine- nnsrt.r. nn
8 sere trsct he haa 1h mm.),..
Clermont. He will begin Monday to
build a cottage on hla arrefle- nt t.
going to erect a neat little homa
Goss Back to the Asylum.
Andres s. Wlbom, of Milwaukle
Heights, who escaped from the Insane
I asylum last Spring, was taken In cus
Complete Information for Northwest
ouok just orr Press Mas R...I....
rectory or cities In Oregon
ana wssnington.
The rivers and harbor appropria
tions bill has $200,000 more In it for
the Willamette and Columbia Rivers tdT Thursday night and was returned
when It comes from the United State I ?? th 8y,un Friday afternoon. Since
Senate than when It pas the House. JZZF JZ Z J,en ,r?un.d
This looks as if the Oregon Senators fenslve until recently, when his return (Th MorfnlD Oregonlan, Tuesday,
could accomplish something, even if as considered necessary. January 17, 1911.)
they are In a contention with the Commercial Institutions of the city
President over a few aoDolntment. I . '"'"O Up th. Roads. 're 'ect,vl'! . nnual gaxatteer of
And that i. on. .h.n, k ..A' A"e".nd Chris Tellefson, " Company, which Is
..t in t,. " . . "".":e n.ear tne a tbat runs from ""l '"r ,n.B 'llt f Washington and
u r.c..urni ima ravor ne may naoiers piace in Upper Logan to the - ,K"n" u ,M mo complete work
man on one proposition and
still -agree, with him on the next, and
Intersection of the Jake Oerber road, ? ,u , k.,nd lMUe1 ,n tn Northwest.
-t-.t, in me nirv Kridnv tn nl.iin. wmouia an accurate hnln. i...
change In the county records, that of Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane. Port-
' c'7 Kn't lown "nd Tillage
n the two states. It also contain.
Good Thing if Congress
Quit For Two Years
the names and addregses-of country
.. aim professional men, lum
bermen and others hA ... i ....
in k. ,. . ' '";ico
eiiiaiier places.
There Is a complete list of th. rw.
ernment officials. rnmmi..i
deeds, state boards and lllhilnn
rlslons and terma of rnnn. n.J.. ' .
Il,k . . VI
I t 7 ""l'"""le. PostofTiies, express,
next year are Hutwell. Knapp. rower.
Gannou. Sumpter. . 8haw, Miller.
O'Neill.. Henry and Herbert 'These
boys for a number of years have been
known to the racegoers on the Ameri
can and Canadian rare tracks. Each
one Is a rider of bkh class. They
can pilot winners anywhere, on any
pace course In the world. Their inlgra
tlon to the race tracks of Europe will
leare a big void tn the racing ranks of
thla country.
Hutwell and Cannon will go to Rus-
aia. Knapp will ride for Baron Open
helm. Powers for Richard Hsnlel nud
Herbert for James II. McCormlck In
Germany. Miller and Bbaw are under
contract to r'ch owners In Austria.
O'Neill will have tbe mount on W. K.
VanderbUt s horses In France. Henrr
will bsve the leg up on M. Le Plane's
French thoroughbred. Sumoter will
free lance In Germany.
Danny Maber and "Bkeets" Msrtln.
who have king ridden In England, will
continue their vocations there,. Ma her
will ride for Lord Rosehery, and
"Bkeets" Martin la under contract to
uarry rayne Whitney.
MANTEL!. M LEAN, the oot
ed tragedian of t'lm-lunail.
has been urged and Im
plored to lsy Hit Ionic ami
ill probably oblige. Mr, Mclean hue
studied the various Halome ami tie
Clares that there Is aoniviblng lacking
something wrong allll the wsy lit
character la exireaM.
"Even lsry (iartleit. ears Mr. Me
Lean, "doe rxt give th aoul fir of
Halotu aa adequate re.Dtatlon. To
ber the head of Jvkaituaah la merely
wst. not real. 'InaplrAtton la all and
When J play Balome I shall have
the bead of Umpire Hank O'Day, with
a mask on. as my lusplrstlou. While
may not be able to get tbe real head
much to my sorrow-1 shall bsve lb
moat aocurate copy sued. Ihat hU;h
art ran supply, place (bat head on a
little pedestal, strike up a little r!al
cal music, such a tbe 'Crtuly Hear.'
nd I will play Ha lotus that Broadway
never saw. .
! will writhe ecro tbe stage to
that head and bet It one on the rVni
aa tbe grand climax to a scene that
111 hold my audience absolutely a pel I
I will costume my Balome along
different Tinea from those followed by
Mary Garden. Her Idea of uo draiwtry
all rlgbt-for ber-but I'll take no
chances of getting a splinter In my
ahaie when I writhe, .neither will I
fall for bare feet.
"How would I look, stretched out
across the stage, my head down near
the footlights, my feet bark In the
wings, and then bare Ilugs Raymond
come along aud tickle my toes? What
sort of a kick bark would that tie for
art. Id like to know? I'll take no
chances-at least while Hugs la
VVerk e"n vhll '7g wait ' J
Uor Mottot ix,tisUctloa GoAuritMi i ' '
71l Main let. SUth and t.nih,
D. C. LaTOUKCTTB President
CAPITAL, 100)00.00,
Oe" frealt
TraneU 0nrsl Oanklng Buelfieee,
IKS to ll&O; drsfters, fair to good,
1129 to 2M: Chunks. $100 In 1&0;
rhunk. medium. f&O to 1100; drivers,
medium to good, 1 40 to I lid; plugs,
f 10 to I0,
Representative sales are aa follows:
104 Itteers .
If H leers ,
II 8 I ears ,
7T I loss ,,
277 Hogs .,
2 Cows . ,
20 Cow .,
II Cow .,
40 Cows .,
It Calves .
10 Calve ,
71 Wst hers
101 Ewes . .
t iiuiis
I 8tag
hit i. jrr
103 tli
..ills too
..1211 1.71
n res
100 1.40
...142 I2S
MI lit
'1I4S 411
7 4 00
1 Ml
,. t.sO
.100 ft IS
. lit 4S0
.1110 4 SO
.12T.0 400
Cngllahman Tsk Up Amerieen Pole.
An Innovation In the game of polo
s played In England la contemplated.
In view of tbe prospective Anglo
American match the Hurllngham Pohi
dull, one of the leader In the anort.
haa suspended the offside rule for the
coming season ami baa Invited other
clubs to follow suit aa an experiment
In order to decide whether tbe Ameri
can game should lie permanently
adopted. Msny Rrltlsh players con
alder he American game superior to
their own.
Canby M rktt a.
(Reported bv Gordon Uroe. Co.)
GRAINS Wheat soiling It. roro
tl.SO ewt, oata -1140. I'sylng II 20
rsk, for oat t this lime I if as '
brings iSc sack, shorts 15, middlings j
I IS, barley li lt. Dour Is selilnc at '
IS th barrel. r.- - ;
CHICKENS B primers trtnr 17e
nd are In good demand, hena 17c!
Id roosters 12c, young roosters lie,!
luraeys are quotable at 10c durk
20c and gee 1JC. I
MEvT8-Pressed pork U Sailing at '
I We at thfs time and the same la ba. I
Ing paid In trade: lOUe la Mid in1
caah. Vaal selling 14 We and paying
IlUe cash. Itaoon and ham sella at
2ic. shoulder 17o. lard command Ho.
KRl'lTB Apples command l&o boa,
dried Uo to Re pound, prunes le to Co.
I'OTATOES-PotatoM aril at I 43.
with II.2S best cash offer. 8rd stock
commands 1 OS, cash ISc.
HAY 'lover hay command 111 SO
cash, oat hay f 14.&0, wheat hay I4 50,
timotny in.oo, mixrttgll.
r.(,(J8 Market J too strong at
Oregon City Quotation.
Market condition are alow at thla
time in nearly all lines. There la
aome little activity In llnea that are
nearly exhausted, because the resular
season is over and th cold storage
neany so, out outalde of Ihla there la
little activity manifested. VesetahUa
are nrmer but quotations have not
APPLES The annle market la still
firm with large stocks still on am
Demand la good with prices from 60c
luiAiuns-food stiKk la getting
career every day
- eC
e- t(
Heart of u"
dUn Net
Crimsoa &r
Fire! Fi!
JMaklnj . (
of Hht
-km mat
His DcAfti
hewing th attach I
violinist haa for M
Tommy Burns to Taokl Bill Lang.
Promise of large chunk of money
rill make a boier change bis mind
very ten minutes. To mine Hum.
former heavyweight chamiilon. has ac!
nstnttui r r .. i. . . , . .
i.uku .ncinioao s oner or a
purse of 12..V)0 for v tight with Rill
iang in ixindon. Recently Bums had
announced hi retirement
Ith the natural
sequence that the price Is stiffening
rv imi .v., v . i , actually advanc ns
lo not let the brood it.t . I n,A .,,1. i . -""-i".
to farrow In the -etn-" ..T " " r nK,n" rrom o
- wo lai. j . ana aometning real fancy might
or a L KRTiTff r I,,, ,nV pr,c K-rmera
Arthur lTki"' . sr..... ,.t" l" ' " - hoP of
io rkiri- ir m V u nunni ioviiui more, nweets are no
Knhr n-.,Blgh'm' t,M ,n the cellar .tock. and noon Io good
- ..-vi, si. I vrneriniM .
inMiii; carrota, parsnips and Mr
vm ineniy wn selling nrlce st it
I ?
Fr.f,.fUwitkJ1Bb1.u,.m. -i. fr"0" and telegraph offices. Jus-
" . P"" OI " Pace. a list of the daily
Z i-. 1. u"rP"P,',s, and a world
I J. 7 V n crMulr complied.
l7tJ??rtylrl ,.ktcn of h town
i""va TBiuea aata is given
An Important feature of the publlca
U h? '-'ned bu.lnes.P direct
GOOD TH i tun is-
ton;.;ut sr; "M:!rv.v
more;mom new vi'Z'
VANTAGE. t- . -"""vn ac l" nain at a glance
. - ' -,m suureases Of, all Of the rllf.
. fl o... i. . i i. . . ferent firm . ln.a'
uuuu ""err! wotua anord tu tn onnortnt- ., of -hn-in " . mnr given line
mttrk-n -:J . V mvn luor' comn uT" 7L 1' a.rectory has been
D7. 7 wu..uer.uon io me neexU of tLo time, gnd to
iach . matoro gnd o relatirel- moro .ound dctcrn.ii.tion m to the
ctaractcr 0f l.gjaWn required. In the second place. Mch
ana -7 U for which" new' l,gi!.Uor,
. J m 11 If IH4BBrM I I Vat) tl Amt saa F.Ia
f It . Just at this point th.t tWcnW rice of U in'WaU
'tneo-iMrETTjous DAvna A Wr . ZZ ' ' 21" 1
. ' Mnuit, vruy niE
N)mnii.j - . """j na oeen
Cne':.d fcr Of th.
-- -.v-MiiiuiuiT ana hs hn
spected thnrr,i.. V11 .Pn ln
waa only by tbe wnenni.-.t
aum of imnM .v.. " 'rge
--- i 'in iscia War rath
ered in tha ,1... .. r gain
. . . l" mey were. TV.
is iZirf Jt , . . 7 rnaDl. o that It.
1 1 a 1 1 at Mt i?lZt . T C?.nc'rn to !..
. u.wnun aany letter mil
prove any address desire ne,!J
fTo. y ;;'
The official data .nv
the list of.OoveTnmUnt r"C"
county offlclala "will h. tA . SZQ
especially raluahJe. It Is crected so
that the result of th.
' v. Hwank to H. II.
1 srn ; 110.
ihH"",rn I,nv,,,'mnt Co. Io heirs
John Brock, north we. ...
hip 1 south, range 4 east: oultclaim
mman a. and Ed E. Lee to Oramel
lit; till'. ?WD " 8 ,OUth' 1
Jame W. Curl to Myra Curl. 5 19
.i 0" 36. township 1 Jo,,
"si; quitclaim
What's T
Will Be
. ,
Pur Vet... DksV
uui o 1 uui ni.w-,
of 5?. XZifSSZ &6$ AH0 "
aim criery an caMrornla stocks i
XI ins j
Lexington, Ky will give a thirteen
uay racing meeting next spring. .
The United Slate Revolver aasocla-
to,o ,goln t0 ' team In the
Olympic EnrriM at nt.Li.i
Sweden. . '
t ,.K ,nentlon la down-1
"' sympatny wib wheat, which
is orr on cent A bushel. tow
naro wneat brand 15.60
CORN-8elllng ft ton cheaper mak-1
le. ,,.0o I0 11.75 hundred. Feed
shout asm. prices-bran 8S0. short
A. U and Agnes M. Veaile to va !.-, sf; .l,nU p,J,ln ' tor
srd Hlrstel, J .Cre . geJlton -, . 1,7 fr t,mon. nd 115 for
hlP2soU,n rsnge ! ?lfo,OWn' Sljyj a,f-,f " to"
Heaton 11. ad Susannah Rol'ey to BUTn'Vh m",1 "mMit "
Ouy D. Roley, east half of "UTTER Ther D0 atrength to
quarter of northvL.lfL?"!"" mrket and they are Darin L
22 lown.hlp 4 south.ran.. . u. .n, Cheese
iu. I cv cream good.
.Ouy D. and Orace Roley to H..t ,h!Xia.8.rTh'r! !? tone to
M.Ko.ey.we.t half of ,ou .,V" "na Prlc to
ier or northwest ....... " I ""
(The Heus ef I
nncrnu wit'
. J
n . . . 1 lei ui DtirinirMi ah.... ..
z waT i "'p t brmg,.
- -w uriu u 1 Aniavam
8pt. Jl to 10 incloalre. while th
men will bold their at Rsitent rx
9 to 14 Inclusive. '
An International "amateur tnsn...
st isz talk lino billiards will
I2o for choice. Vssi
..Tsv i. u, muuon so to 100, lard 15c
..PEfl?R!r.No dBmn 'or the l.rg-
.11 ri . '
mand 7 moaT'it
PnP$?TA.1 MARKtTt.'
Kn. H.B var-ds, r.;. ro.-S. 08nT0 flrSr7nTdh,,thrp r "
In New York Feb. 20. and amone .h- market for th. ...iik. .,l. ...'! nrm.r nd t believed that th.!
expert from all over
and among the for tbe week have been 14R .h L?a . Mmv that thoa
th. worM .! tle. Mcah-a it?h LV r.!V:S9 J wbo. ho,d tat the outside fl.ur. .m
will compete will be II err Poen.-e 'nl 2' M.' -" , No greilt moernanti- y
tne German evnarr mnA u tji,. I The cattle mark iv. . .
champion of France. been easy In tone and prlcea
ga from 25 to so cents from the
high point of a week or two sgo. TherS
tested P pr WM
Eddy Will Sp.k . h- Mt
Church luniiiu u.i
Mrs. Eddy. . reT'mr"'.?: L "7 "A. rk how,
who I,, now living i. l,:T"2 .,?,'n', wt Eastern
. a'tjw inrv. win 1 oui7jiifa wghr. Mariai
Alllf.T leyV-w. 1
-.r",,l"W f.-.J 9Ka
HIiVPBi as at I tt . - w . , ,-,v ,
f,," kTO'ina, 70c 100 lb
' : ....'.II M
8ell round-trip ticket. K
months, allowing
rlum. at rortUW
O..W. R.
For further Inforti-!'
trated bookUt,
Phy, Mdlcal SMptf'.
Uki Oregon, an" 1
Aglnl, or writ to J
V ' WM. MoMUC-"
. General fsJ
The hog market sin .1 '
In svmnath v ,.7;. "V w.e"K-
a . ' nm
- ..uiiarw in lnd . fnm I was nnt . .
hail . 1 ' . " '. "l " 10 Drina- r.n ,. ..n
srtonsry n india fop yMrt was not in
Hh-V. "p"r,,, la that strength of the market. The ton U
Bhe la an Interestlna-fait-e was l.6. top price
nice aturv In ,.ti ...... I ia.i .
It entertainingly.
There la
Z i lhe. 'enr people ,,,
nr is.Dernsn Atvi..i,i... ii . ' ' "
. . . ' "".ii.iiaj mm in. T"-tu anu ewes Bold tnr tA an
me netler nannta 1- I . 11.. . jh
Prices, on. lot Ui ""ui
ANYTHING . . . (
, 1 t . ' -
Tty the Qassiled Colomns cf
try mora than Vhl. T V ,01" coun- . V. ' n"eo "'ed were not fat and
r.r! w'i1 a "4 ' conwquence ,h..
a, ij
3000 Readers Daily
i 'tl. " )' - ' e. - . - - '