Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 03, 1911, Image 1

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' '..
for th Morning
,w rclvd for
jm at a epolal
our order today
I of low prlo.
. t
. Tha only dally nowopaper .
twn rertland and Slmj lraa a
lataa In avary eoetlen of Ctooka-
a maa County, with population a 4
30.000. Are you an advertiser?
: -VC,
I1 t
. 23
Per Week, 10 Cents
ation AND
n,Maaur and
Ha It Ballavaa
I. (8pl.) Tuee-
irk tbe taking up
good roada bill,
tad In tha 8n
1 la according to
ae House Juat be
fp And tha House
agalnat per-
. mainbera to par-.
"IMlon on tha floor
-Bfclll. of Yamhill,
Wlude from tha
t members during
Vjtaklng. .
Jo Houaa la ho-
fathered by tha
Jon, and that Ita
ta doe not niak
be mora friendly,
far aa to art far-
providing that
' kare tha auper
faction, tbua ellm
f for a highway
I now to bava all
X consideration at
Tf, and not to bava
Jen outaldera.
Of the committee
"yways, aald today
lra .would be re
gion together on
JU report will be
t Good Koada Aa-
and a favorable
yt bill that pro
ao work In tha
change of aentl
a tha Oood Roada
I? will be dafaatad
JurrioN , .
Vuatnaat Meeting
'older meeting of
ity Fair Asaocla
thla city fin St
J a complete fi
ll offlcero of tha
JBS will tt dla
Ht ahoad. Tbera
Jt offlcera, and all
'jeeaaa of tbe or-
to bo present
ytt of tha aaio
,' Smith, prealdent,
4 vlca prealdent,
oxelle. aecreUry,
I Eby, treasurer.
f. Ixelle, R. 8.
X John Rlab-y, O.
jrollen, W. II. Mat-
I tha Electrlo Thai
Nloht .
Vlb benefit at the
t night waa well
llnb ladlea will re
Jfrom ' the perform
ig of Rome" waa
r the occasion,
jonted by local tal
ge Machine," and
Vch laughter. Wal-
Itho par( of tbe
Moor a a Duaty
tbo IJevll, while
Lbs part mat naa
laa Kva A I Id red ge,
Suld not BDoear.
! local blta mado at
aj people. - Prtxea
yott Crosa, Haael
Id Lloyd Howard,
jrtet- anng aeveral
I. Frlenda of tha
. them the .."glad
I calling for mirth.
weather la prophet-
that, high quality nao
mm hlah nrleea. In
I la ao. It haa alwaya
lint aim to offer, mer
a hloheat atandard at
llbla price, and during
lala wa have lowaroa
Tw one-half In order a
atock before tha next
AOt Invaatlgata tha atar-
ro offering T
UU Othore .:
M Main Ata.
Oregon City and Portland
Fair; weatarly wlnda.
t ; Oregon Oonurally fair north-'
weatarly wlnda.
The blizzard that had aaemlng-
ly atarted for the Coaat Btataa
haa run Ita course; ao to tha cold
wave apreadlng out qvar tbo Lake
realona, and the Kaat la not to
Buffer. .
Senate Votea to Abollah Whipping
Poat for Wlfebaatere.
BALEM. Or., Feb. I. 8pU Gov
ernor YVeet haa before him tha abollah
ment or retontlon of tha law provid
ing tha whipping poat for wlfbeatere.
tlucbanan'a Houae bill haa paaaed tba
Senate by a vote of 17 to 7 against.
Senator Dlmlrlc voted In favor of Ita
retention, evidently believing there la
nothing too great a humiliation for
auch a crtme.
WASHINGTON, Feb. J. (8pl.)
The Vice President three tlmea today
aved hla aide of the controveray from
defeat by voting yea. The flrat oc
casion when ha aaved tha ahlp aub
aldy bill from defeat, tha aecond when
be aaalated tha ahlp atihaldy people
to adjourn that they might have time
to reform their llnea.
ALII A NY, Or., Feb. 1. (8pl. The
mountalne In Eaatern Linn county
have a greater fall of enow than any
other time thla winter. In aomo plao-
ea It la aald to be five feet deep, but
thla la no more than ta often Been In
that aectlon of tbe State.
Teaehera' Inatltute at Canby.
The preparatlona for tha teaehera'
natltute at Canby Saturday have been
completed and the proapeeta are good
for a very enjoyable meeting.' Thlnga
hat will be given prominence at thla
natltute are reading, writing, arith
metic, health condltlona and country
lira. Howard M. James, bead of the
work on dnbatea In the county will
give a talk on that aubject. B. Ved
der, bead of tha Clackamaa county
athletic leaTie will talk on athletics.
The program la a Rood one and those
who attend will be well repaid.
Jamea Shell Coffman, who waa con
victed upon a charge of gambling at
Estacada, waa released from custody
Thursday. Ho had only five daya to
aorve, and paid the balance of his
fine, amounting to 110 and. waa al
lowed to go- Coffman waa sentenced
on December 21 laat to pay a fine of
1100 or serve 60 daya In the county
Jail and he went to jail. On two other
Indlctraenta be waa fined flQOO, but
waa paroled on these counta by Judge
Campbell. Hla release leavea only
three men In the county Jail, two of
tbem awaiting tba action of tbe grand
Jury, the other being Clyde Smith,
who Is serving a sentence or one year
for failure to support bla wife.
Viewed By the County Court and Ex
pert Thuraday.
-The County Court apent most of the
day Tljuredny at Flscher"a mill, view
ing me oriUK pile at v-i
where the bridge waa washed away
during the lata flood. Aa thla bridge
accommodates a large number of peo
ple the Court la anxtoua to begin con
Btructlon work aa soon aa poealble
and are taking atepa td let the con
tract and get It under way aa aoon aa
Doenlble. The engineer who erectea
the bridge at Mullno waa on the acene
at the Invitation of the Court, and win
likely put In a bid for Ita erection.
STONE, Or., Feb. 2. (Spl.) Well,
there la atlll great activity around
our oil well hero and the Interest In
Ha ancceaa or lack of aucceaa la atlll
at fever heat. There waa aome little
disappointment when the attempt to
shoot It turned out to be barren of
reaulta. What we wanted to aee here
was a stream of oil to mount high up
In the air and run down and over a
twenty acre field or two.
Today the well owners bad a man
from the factory, where the explosive
waa made, on the ground to see 'what
waa the matter with their explosive.
Naturally tbe well ownera blamed It
on the explosive, especially aa the
man In charge of the well did the
aame thing. .
An old well operator living Sear
here aaya the trouble la not with the
exnloalve. or with tie-' battery either,
but that an effort la being made to do
omoUilna- that can't bo done. He
aava that dynamite won't eiplodo with
a battery down aa deep the well Is
8R0 feet Ho aaya that If they want
to shoot the well at that depth they
muat uao nitroglycerine to got reaulta.
Ho aaya he knows for ho he been
through the trouble,
Wo all live In hopes the difficulty
will bo remedied and good results ae-
eured. 1 , ,
PORLAND, Or., Feb. 2. (8pl )
An Interesting 'parallel haa Just been
drawn between the coat of transport
ing troops from Council Rluffs, Iowa,
to Vancouver Barracks, Waah., In
1824, when tbe post' waa flrat estab
lished, sod today. President Monroe
called on John C. Calhoun, then sec
retary of War, to make an estimate
of the coat of trasportlng 200 soldiers
to tha Columbia River at Vancouver
and the figure waa placed at $44,000.
Today It would be $4,400, or Juat one-
tenth of the old estimate.
Then the troiis would have walked
most of tbe diatance, fought their way
through forests and hostile Indian
country and Buffered great hardships.
The same trip la made now In three
daya In a comfortable railway coach.
In hla report. Secretary cainoun
provided for the march of the troopa
from Council Bluffa to the bead of
navlKHtlon on the Mlaaourl or Yellow-
atone In what la now tha State of Mon
tana. To carry the luggajre of tbe ex
pedition, 200 horses were to have
been bought near Council Bluffs from
the Indiana. From the head of navi
gation on the Columbia River the
party waa to descend the stream In
boata. built, on the 'river bank by the
exnedltton. Thla Journey would re
quire months; now It can be made in
three. days without the allghteaP In
convenience. Strange to say. after all thla plan
ning, the overland route waa consid
ered too difficult or haiardoua and the
trooDS were embarked on a sailing
ahlD and sent around the Horn, leav
Ins New York In 1848 and arriving at
Vancouver In May, 1849. One member
of thli expedition, and Ita sole anr-
vlvor. PblllD Christ, atlll Uvea at van
couver, within one block of the mili
tary reaervatlon he helped to estab
lish more than a half century ago.
vninhta of Pvthlaa to Attend In a
Bodv Sunday.
On Sunday evening tha Knights of
Pythlaa will attend religious aervtcea
in the Episcopal church, at the Invita
tion of the rector. Rev. Charlee Rob-
in.nn The Bervlce will be held at
ihm rernlar evening: hour S o'clock
While there Is a special eervlco, and
the church la small, atlll anyone who
wlahea to worship at St. Paul's at that
hour will be made welcome and given
n, a t,st seat available.
On Sunday evening, renrnary ii.
Co. O. O. N. a, will attend St. Paul s
In a body and be addressed by Rev.
Robinson. I no nour win no u u
for thla service also, and at 7 o'clock
th aame evening there will be a spe
cial aervlce for tbe Red Men and the
membera of the ladlea'. auxlinary 10
th Red Men.
At each of theae aervicea the rector,
Rev. Roblnaon, will present hla bear
era with an address the topic and sub
ject matter of which la in keeping
with the' occaalon. Aa Mr. Robinson
Is a very intereatlng speaker It la more
than likely (hat ho will have - large
audiences at each of theae aervicea.
Many Yaara a Realdant of Thla City
, and County.
Wm. P. Welsmandel died Wednea
dav afternoon in 8t. VIncenfe honm-
Portland, a victim of tuberculosla. Ho
had been alck for aeverai monma ana
bla death waa not unexpected. - He
waa 68 yeara of age. bad apent many
years In thla county, and waa a aon
Of Mrs. John Wetsmandel, who Uvea
on Van Bur en atreet In thla elty.
Mr. Wolamando) had been a alck
man for aeveral months and had tried
aeveral of the health reaorU In this
State and tbo Beat within the paat
year. He waa well known in thla city
and county - and leavea a beat o'
frlenda. He waa a builder and had
the construction of tbo Fair buildings
at Canby but short time ago.
' The funeral will bo held Friday, at
2 p. m., from the home of hla mother,
corner Eleventh and Van Bnren, '' The
Brry man in Washington Star.
Odd Fellowa, of which lodge be waa
a member, will have charge of tbe
ceremonies, and Interment will be ia
the Odd Fellowa cemetery.
The following are those who are
registered at the Electric Hotel: W.
F. Klnnally, Portland; C. L. Lathrop.
Portland; M. T. Hargrove, Portland;
V. B. Frlel, Sandy; J. H- Sedwell, Port
land; B. P. Fleeter. Canby; F. Schafer,
Molalla; W. H. Richardson, Rose burg;
O. C. Read, Heppner; J. O. Moehnke,
W. Bluhm, J. A. Adams and wife.
Portland; Mr. 8tlpp, M.' Perlnger,
Arthur Ttller,'LL- v." Rays, Ed Hett
man, Gilmer, Wash.; Vernon Smith,
Cldrlan, Mlch.j C. E. Termen.
Two Divorce Suita Filed.
Suite for divorce were filed yeater-
day by Ida M. Cottrell vs. John E.
Cottrell. and Mary E. Ganlard va.
Ralph W. Ganlard.
An expert bridge man has been en
gaged to examine Into the condition
of Ihe Seventh, street.- auspenslon
bridge, and will soon begin the work.
There Is gome fear that the bridge
Is not In a safe condition, and that re
pairs should be begun at once. To
this end tbe County Court plans to
ascertain Juat what the condition Is,
and not permit people to use it if
there la danger every time one crosses
It la only a few years ago that con
siderable money was spent In repair
ing thla bridge, but If there Is any
doubt as to the safety of Ita further
use that fact should be demonstrated
as aoon aa It can possibly bo done.
Report has It that It will take sev
eral weeka of the time of an expert
to find out the real condition of the
bridge. A prominent fa, payer de
murred to tbe time limit, and aald the
work could be done In a week.
: "If It Is in so bad a condition It
must needa be abandoned, as aome
surmise, then a week la not necessary
for 1ta examination," aaya thla taxpay
er: '1f It is to be repaired and the
County Court wants details as to its
condition and what to do and how to
do . it the three weeka may not bo
time wasted."
In any event the peonie are incuneo
to have confidence In the Judgment
of the new Court, and the outcome of
thla Investigation will be awaited wiyi
great lntereat -
Backache and Kid
j ncy Trouble
Cured With
KID-NE-OID Plasters
50c par Box.
Piasters 25c.
Money Backjf Not Rllvd.
Prescriptions . and Family Racelpta
Filled With Pur Drugs, t
, Quality and Prteoa Right
City Druf Star. .. , .
, .' Neit Door to Electric Hotel.
Paolfle Pboao II Home Pbone 43
By Dlmlck If Ha Finds They Have
United to Defeat Thla Labor
Meaaure That He
SALEM, Or, Feb. 2. (Spl.) The
Dlmlck bill was re-referred to the Sen
ate committee on commerce and labor
today. Opponents of the measure are
aeeklng to have tbe meaaure ao amend
ed as to apply to Oregon City mills,
exclualvely; they, do not want other
manufacturing enterprises Included. .
Tbe committee Is divided on tbe
subject and It la hard to tell what
kind of a report will bo made. Both
houaes adjourned thla afternoon until
Monday morning. Membera of the
legislature will go to Eugene to ex
amine, Into the needs of the school
there. .
A big news agency ia aendlng out
the following, for publication:
Senator Dlmlck of Clackamaa re
ceived a dressing down from Presi
dent Soiling thla morning, when no at-templed-to
have his eight-hour bill,
which waa recalled from the bouse,
reconsidered and referred yesterday,
changed from the committee on com
merce and navigation to tbe Indua
trlea committee.
Dlmlck charged the bill had been
taken from the industries committee,
of which be la a member, and sent to
the commerce and labor committee, of
which Nottingham is a member, by
requeat of Nottingham, In an Irregular
President Selling Insisted lheblll
waa properly referred and aald Dlmlck
had no right to take exceptlona to It.
"I have passed the bill three times
when it could have come up out of
courtesy to the aenator from Clacka
maa." aald the president "He haa re
ceived more favors from me than any
other member of thla aenate, and he
haa no right to complain."
When Dlmlck'a motion to recall 4he
bill from commerce and navigation
waa Dut it failed In a chorua of noes.
It ataya with that committee which
Dlmlck regards as unfriendly.
Stormy 8cen Enacted.
This incident came aa a aequel to a
tnrmt seene yesterday, when Dim-
Ick'a defenses were beaten down, and
the bill, which had been passed by the
KPnnte the day before, waa dragged
back from the house and almost angri
iv rfohnfed. Following: that came
another little atorm last night when
Dlmlck obtained possession of the bill,
rlntmlnir It had been Improperly taiien
from the industries committee, auu
waa ordered by President Selling to
return It to the desk. He did so.
nimlrk In the debate yesteraay, as
serted a scheme to defeat the meas
ure bad been concocted the night be-
fnr hv tha ble interesta. umereni
members of the senate received tele
grams of nrotest urging reconsidera
tion. Some of these came from San
Francisco, where live the ownera of
mills at Oregon City and otnera came
from Portland. Some of these tele
grams contained the threat mat me
Crown-Columbia, Pulp... Paper com
mill remove Ita plant from the
state and go Into Washington if the
bill ia passed, claiming that It cannot
meet the expensea or employing ei&m
hour shifts.
ReDorta Have Gone Arouna
that lohbvlsta of the Portland Railway
Light & Power company Joined forces
with the mill owners in caning tor re
consideration of the bill, and Dlmlck
nromlsea to give the "Interests a roy
al half hour when the bill next comes
tin. i
Joseph, who votea ror me um u
... . . J J V. . - wllK
. . . viil
passage, neia a neaicw un
nimi-ic. He aald the bill Is radical
and. while he would voto for It if the
rendition are as baa aa aiaieu oj
nimirk. he does not believe the sen
ate has Information enough to rote
nimiKir ha d he had been accosieu
by one of tbe lobbyists for the mills
and told be waa -a neu oi n..".
ti. .aid th rlahta of humanity anoum
nrevall and made an earnest plea
..I nut reconsideration, but lost ibe
- - - -
rrht hv a vote or ltt lO 12.
p.tA nf the bill remains In doubt,
as some of those voting for reconslder-
ilnn maria It nlaln they Old SO wnn
out reference to the merits of the bill,
crmn of Marlon, for instance, aa
noupced be waa firmly convincea mo
hill should nans and will vote ior u,
but la willing to give the other aide
another hearing.
Quean of Avalon Club win nv
. ' Charge of Program. , .
The Queen of Avalon. Club of the
Presbyterian church met at the home
Of Misa Kate cooper on jacnauu
street Thuraday afternoon, wnen plana
for an entertainment were made. Thla
entertainment promlsea to be a novel
affair, and the members of th class
who will have charge are very en
thusiastic over it Mrs. E. II. Cooper
served a luncheon to the club mem
bers, and a moat enjoyable afternoon
waa apent by the following: Misses
Iva Bluhm, Helen Baker,. Roberta
Schuebel. Harriet Miller, Ellen Grace,
imni Tnnlav and Kate Cooper. .
Tbeao young ladlea are membera of
Mlsa Alma Moore's claea of the Pres
byterian church.
IbmUI Meatl no February 7.
There will be a special meeting of
Council next Wednesday evening, to
com pie t work needing Immediate at
tention. As there-la much bualneaa
to com before Council In th way of
cleaning up th Improvement work of
the laat year and In getting Into ahape
for the work Just abead, special and
adjourned meetlnga are likely to be
the order of the day until springtime
On of Hla Parlsfionar Haa a Good
Word for Hm.
There la a different atmosphere
around the Episcopal chufch alnco the
advent of the new rector. Rev. Charles
Robinson. "Mr. Robinson," says one
of bla . parlahonera, Is a thorough
business man, and. that Is what a
burch needa In these daya. And, yet,"
thla paiiahoner continue, "Mr. Rob
inson ia a fine speaker, a clear reaa
oner and a friend to everyone who
comes aeeklng bis friendship. I like
him and I am certain the rest of the
congregation la learning to like him."
Rev. Robinson baa been In Oregon
City but a few weeka and It speaks
well for him that be can Inspire, so
quickly, one of bla congregation who
ia in fact a conservative of the con
Minnie Bovo and IL O. Solk.
Will Not Accept Poaitlon. ' ,
Major Charlea S. Tloble, who waa
thla week elected - city engineer of
Gladstone, will not accept the position.
No man can serve two masters, said
Major Noble yeaterday, "and ao long
aa I am city engineer of Oregon City,
cannot undertake to work for Glad-
atone or any other municipal corpora
Born, at Willamette, on January 31,
to the wife of Al Granquist, a 10 Vt
pound aon. Dr. Hugh S. Mf ajtwirt
lng. A a.;. -
A new baby boy arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F- Soeabee, at
Gladstone, Sunday. ,
The first regular meeting of the
Jennings Lodge Community Club was
held Wednesday evening at the Rett
conservatory at Jenntnga Lodge. There
waa a large attendance, about 7$ peo
ple, all of whom were very enthusias
tic over Jhe business that waa taken
np for consideration and acted upon.
Although the club organized a few
weeks ago. It baa a membership of
56,. there being 29 members taken in
at the meeting of Wednesday night,
and many more are contemplating be
coming membera In tbo near future.
There waa much Important business
transacted Wednesday night and new
committees appointed. Tbo reporta of
the committees were heard and ap
proved, one of the committees being
discharged, this commlttee'a task waa
to look after the drainage along the
county road, and as the work of lay
ing the culvert waa on Thursday com
menced, R waa thought unnecessary
for this committee to act further. This
committee consisted of William Ross,
George 8haver and Will Thompson.
Charlea Rlsley, member or the oak
Grove Improvement Club, was pres
ent and addressed the membera. Mr.
Rlsley told how yi telephone aervlce
at Jennings Lodge could be Improved,
nd this matter will at once be taken
tip by the club. A committee was ap-
Dolnted and la composed of J. A. jonn-
son, Han-y Palnton and A. F. Russell,
and these men will make their report
at the next meeting.
Among those who gave Interesting
talks on the club, ita organlxatlon and
the work that has and will be planned
to be accomplished during the coming
vear were Charlea Keomona, nanea
Slocum. Bert Russell, P. D. Newell.
John Jennings. W. L. Flnley. Other
also talked In the interest or tne ciud.
and which added much to tne interest
nr the meeting. Among the visitors
present was William Haoerman. oi
Granta Pass. Mr. Haberman Has pro
nrtr Interests here, and it la probable
that he will become a member of this
Jennings Lodge Community Club be-
fnr leaving for hla home in aouinern
Oregon. The member are very act
ive in Dushlng the club ahead, and bo-
fore aummer It la probable that many
n homes w 11 be built in wai wnv
in auhurh all through the efforta of
the membera of this organization. Al
ready a banquet la being planned,
which will take place In the near fu
ture, when some of the best speakers
in th county will be Invited to give
talka. The date haa not yet been set
o TI AIDMftNT Plant jour dollars in Clairmont Acre-' t
t JUJjJJJJJJi age it will return you Bank Rolls.
With all oi the convenience of the city-and pleasures ,
J of the country, it is the most Ideal place for a home. q;
. , . ! ( IL. ...-.'It it.- Tl
; i ne present iow pntc w iuc muu wi iuuuuui unv y'
(purchaser two or three times in a short time. , o ;
The best soil that lay out ; doors. ' Small payment ot
0 rdoyn $10.00 per month. ' 2
1 Oregon City, Or. BOTH PHONES Main 0 A 156 ;
Price's Chop
: Meals at All Hours
If you wont the best, at lowest prices, cot wi:.Yc3.
Our spccloltv Is satisfaction.
Between Fourth and Fifth Strooea.
Student Scattered Ovr Stat Taatlfy
to th Hlp Received from the
New Coura of Study In
' EUGENE, Or.; Feb. 1. (SpL) That
the Correspondence Department of
tbe University, which ha been In.
operation only about two yeara 1
proving Its usefulness by affording
definite, practical help to vartoua
classes of persons, can be aeen from
tbe subjoined quotatlona from' letter
recently received at the department
One young teacher writes: "I thank
you for the lntereat you have ahown
and wish to express my appreciation
of what tbe acbool baa done for me.
Mainly through your help, I wa able
to secure my certificate -In February."
Another teacher aaya: "The reason
that I have not aent in my other par
per on English Literature, Ia that at
the February examlnatlona I made a
First Grade Certificate, making 87
per cent in English Literature, to
which I am glad to aay that I feel
that your courae helped mo wonder
fully. . I am not reading
the other classics, as I am teaching
and bavo a vast amount of work to
do. I want to thank the U. of O. for
their Interest In mo and their many
courtesies. I am Intending to write
for atate papers next, and. will, take . ...
up one or more of your branches later
A high achool atudent writea: "I
entered the T high achool this
fall, and owing to your kind help dur
ing the aummer. was able soon to
finish the Tenth Grade work In Geo--metry,
and will now, I think, bo able
to finish the work required In the
Eleventh Grade."
A woodsman, who hi studylnglhe '
course In Oregon History, write: "I
did not get to read any aupplementary .
matter, because I have no mean of
procuring any. 1 work In a logging
camp, and I dont care about purcha-- -lng
any more (books) than I Just have
to. We work every day as long aa U
Is light enough to see, ao that It takea
good while to finish a lesson, i
have enjoyed the work, though. It
haa been an Inspiration to me. De
aides, It give me much Information."
Another young man wrllea: ir you
desire me to send any more fee. I
shall be glad to do ao, for I appreciate
very much the opportunity to wow .
more of an author who haa been a
fHnnrl of mine from my boyhood. I
thought I knew my Shakeapeare welU'..
but thla course haa been a revelation
to me of bow little I really knew of
a writer I had been reading so many .
years. It Is wonderful how many fin
point one passes over In aolltary, un
assisted reading." . . , '
Proposed Law for the Protection of
Few - Remaining ueer.
It shall be unlawful at any time
within the State .of Oregon, between
one" hour after sunset and one-half.
hour before aunrlso of any day of any
year to hunt, pursue, take, kill, in
jure or destroy any deer; and it ahall
be unlawful for any peraon to take,
capture, kill or destroy. In any open
season, more than three doer. It ahall t
be unlawful within the State or uro- -gon.
at any time, to aell or offer for
aale, barter or exchange any deer
whatsoever, or the meat or flesh of
any deer. Any person violating any
of the provisions of this section ahall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,.
and upon conviction thereof, ahall bj
punished by a nne of not iesa man
$50 nor more than $250, or by Im
prisonment In the county Jail of .the
county wherein auch unlawful act waa
commltteed for not leas than alxty
daya nor more than ninety daya. or by
both auch fine and Imprisonment '
Lucht Appeala to Circuit Court.
The case of the State of Oregon va.
Fred Lucht, who was convicted on the
charge of fencing a county road, haa
been appealed to tbe Circuit Court,
and the transcript of tbe appeal from
Justice Samson's court waa filed
Thursday. ...
-- Vice-
. -s
'. '.V