Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' - - v
7nder a
A art Ha an Opportunity
to Know. Hr Friend
OoprrtM y Amsrtcn Frsss
. - - cistlon. IslL
. CUrm Bates, with whom I had stood
bridesmaid, v. rota me that l waa
to bar bouse lrtj at tholrcoau
try place during lut and wished m
. to coin to her at ihl tin."! accept
: ' '' : ed and a couple of weeks before Easter
. wear to the Eyrie. a tneyxaiifo; ioe
. pUc-lt waa w high ground-wber
, I found a very pleaaant party asseu
Wed. ,
A, Nevertheless all the guest d not
i.-ye arrived. The eond day after J
' reached tba Eyrie our hoata gave at
automobile excursion, reeuug inui
I remained at noma. Late u
iVtje afternooOj thinking a lit t la free,
'air would do ma good, 1 concluded o
take walk. Aa I waa going do wo
" aulra tbevfront door opened and .
woman carrying a hand bag entere
I met bar la the ball, and aha aald t
...-"I have just arrlTed from tba' city.
It eeem that tba bostesavU away,
nara yoa any Idea where I ana" find
-V- i bare not" I replfed. "I eupposed
" Very room waa- occupied. 1 heard
Jlra. Batea eay ao yeaterday.-
. Tba .woman looked troubled.
. "Too are quite welcome," I added.
- "to make youraelf at borne m my
room. I am going for a walk, and by
- the time 1 return our hostess may be
here to recetr you."
---- I a bo wed bar to my room and went
off oa my ramble. I waa aomewhat
: preoecapled for the reason that Balpb
..' Prieatlay had been paying ma a great
deal of attention and. baring met
. 8ad!e Stamper, a prettier girl than I
among tbe gaiaata; waa withdrawing
hia attention from ma and beatowlng
tt oa her. Indeed, thia waa partly tba
iaaoa why I didat go on tba automo
. bfle.trtp. Ha bad arranged to go la
- tba name conveyance aa my rlral. and
I preferred ataylng at home to aeelng
- him devoted to ber. I returned Just
" aa tha antoa palled op -at the dnnr.
' and I aaw Balpb hand Sadie ont of
tba machine and aaw. or thought I
: aaw. a matoal lovellght In their eyea.
Bat perbapa It waa Jaalonay.
At any rata, my mind waa too full
' of my affair to think anything about
the goeat who had arrtred and whom
. I had left ta my room. Indeed, I for
got all about bar. ,At dinner I noticed
an axpraaalon of dlamay on tba part
at aereral of tba girls of tba party.
i an am. xxTmrDoia nn kad.
and It waa evident from a restraint
. that had come-over the party that
something had happened.
- The next morning, on exchanging
' .' worda with aerersl of tba girls, I no
ticed that they acarcely answered me.
X whlla aome of them failed to give me
any reply whatever. But what waa
my indignation when Sadie Stamper
passed me with a look of contempt
J " and without even a nod. I waa In a
5 ' very perplexed and troubled state of
-: mind whan Clara took ma upstairs to
j her room, abut the door and aald to
"My dear, yon bare been made the
victim of a conspiracy. On our return
' ' from the auto ride yeaterday aereral
, ' of tba gueata found that certain ralu
.; ! ' ; ablea tbay had left In their rooms were
r missing. John waa horrified. Be tele
, 'j phoned for a detective, who came
,. . . , right up and tarestleated the matter.
. The only aervaat In the bouse while
l'v w re away waa old Martha, who
,; baa been in our famllj forty years
, ; and waa my nurse when a baby. While
yon were all In the drawing room after
: , dinner tba detective searched the
; -bouae. Several bits of jewelry none
- of aay great value were found hidden
' ', away In the back part of one df your
v bureau drawers.
) i1 'C "Now, keep cool." she aald trutckty.
, , .- . aeetag the expreaston of despair on my
I' "- "No one can make me believe
i,.'." anything wrong about yon. Someone
. "1 P'aced the thlnga there to escape ana:
' plclon by IncrlmraaUng you."
I threw my anna about her neck and
burst Into a passionate weenlno:
.- I remained In my room or.Clara'a
moat ef the day. I waa altocether
, too wrought upon by my mlsfortane to
take aay thought for my' defense... ta
the afternoon I had regained enough
of my equanimity to talk with Clara
aboot tbe matter and asked, ber which
ana of tba party believed ma guilty,
Tbe only one abe mentioned aa being
Afe-Yoti a Stsbsctthit to the
" f ' - V.'-Vi , :' '. .' '"...'".''''.
U The Morning Enterprise la to be aa aocceeafut aa the Intereeta of Or agon
City demand It must needa have the aupport of all. . The new dally haa
a big vrark before It la booetlng Oregon City and Clackamaa County. Tour
aupport moona xaora etreagth. tofxaework '. fr , .
- - 71 .... ; . :;. , . ; , 1
Will YcxHdp Dccst yottf own Interests?
For animlte tlme Ihi Woratag BnterprUe win be sold to paid In adraaea
aubacrlbera aa follows : ... r -
.By Carrier, 1 yaar.rr
By Mail, l year.
Send In yowr name and remittance.
especially NT I waa tba t war won
idle Bumper.'
-And the aaw gueet." I kl-"aw
doea aha feel about UV
"What new guealT
Tn one who arrived yeaterday aft
ernoon." . -
No gueet arrived yeaterday aner
noon." '
"She came while" you all away.
I received her for you. and alnca.l did
not know what room to put nor la
I wft bcr In mine. Oow to tbiuk of
It. I've not seen ber alnce."
It waa all out that tba thief waa thbt
worn a who had parted herself off on
ma aa her gucKt. Clara waa so delight
en at what she considered my vlndl
ration, that aha araa about to run
downxtalr to niake It pnbllc when I.
atopprd ber. I bad auddenly regained
my bead. "
-Not ao fast." I aald. "Voo will be,
UeTw-my-etory of thla woian whom
ao one but I have aeenT
"I do."
"Of course you do. bat there are
other who will not . ITonilae me t!t
for tba rreaent yon will keep tba' mat
tar aecret."
Other purpoaea than . vindication
crowded uMn m. I wished to aea
how lUlph rrleatley would treat me
while under a cloud. Shortly before
dinner I weot down into the parlor.
Now that the matter waa explained
to my own and my boat'a aallafactlon
I felt easier In presence of the ober.
There were aereral In the room when
I entered. Including. Ralph and Sadie,
who were eittlng together on a tete-a-tete
In the center of the room. I
walked paat both of them ' without
looking at either, and I did hot bear
myaelf Uke a thief by any uieana.
. I walked to a window, where I
ttood Jooklng out for a few minute,
then ed into the library. 8eatln
myaelf aV-ibe long table in the center
of the room, 1 took up a periodical, i
bad been tberabul" a " few mm a tea
when Ralph Prleatlejtentered. I could
aea by the expreesion 9al hla face, bla
knit brow, that be waaery mucb
-I hnve been aeeking an opporta
nlty- be began, when I atopped hlnVJ
looking at him aa severely aa i co
and pointing to the door.
"Pleaae llata to
"I will not liaten to any man who,
while I anffer under a falae accusa
tion, not only falla to giro me bla aup
port,' bnt turns agalnA me."
"I hare not turned againat yon. I"
Toa hare devoted yourself to one
who haa assumed that I am guilty
sod bsa treated u accordingly
I arose and swept out of the room
Smarting aa I waa under bla bavins
transferred hia attentions to my rlrnt
a rival who had taken no pnlns t
conceal ber opinion that I bad stolen
the missing jewels I confess I revel-'
in my treatment of Ralph rrtentlcy
Finding that be waa endeavoring to
see me alone, I persistently kept out
of hla way except when there were
others about.
Aa aobn aa the detective waa In
formed of my story aa to the woman
whoJiad passed herself off aa a goeat
be began operations on a different line.
Ha took down aa minute a description
of ber aa I waa able to give him; also
a description of every article that waa
mlsalng. I asked him why she had
bidden the articles in my bureau draw
er, and he aald that by incriminating
soma 'one In tbe bouse she hoped to
divert- suspicion from herself long
enough to dispose of her plunder
For several daya while he waa at
work en the case I remained with
the party, affable to those who were
affable to me. paying no attention to
those who were cool to me. There
was a aide play going on that I enjoy
ed watching. Sadie Bumper waa en
deavoring to bold on to Ralph Priest
ley, and Ralph waa trying to get rid
of ber. The poor fellow waa between
two Urea. He knew that I would not
listen to him ao long aa he continued
ma attentions to Sadie, and to break
away from her waa not an eaay mat
ter, especially as hla only excuse waa
that abe believed me. a thief, which
waa no more than others of the party
Then one morning the detective re
ported that he had found aome of the
missing property in a pawnshop and
within a couple of daya after the dis
covery had arrested a woman with
more of it in ber possession. She tal
lied with my description of her and
turned out to be living in the neigh
borhood of tbe Eyrie. This waa the
reason abe knew of tbe house party
and tbe automobile excursion and waa
able to concoct her plan of robbing
the bouae.
That evening at dinner our host let
out the story, returning a number of
tne missing articiee to tneir owners.
I waa now in a very enviable posi
tion. I knew those who were friend'
ly to me and had honored me with
their confidence while I bad been un
Jer a cloud, and I knew those who
bad not. They all crowded around
me t(j show their good will and aaanre
me that they had not for a moment
believed ma to be guilty. The only
person who did not approach me waa
Ralph Priestley, whose every effort to
do ao I had succeeded In thwarting.
Now that I waa vindicated be not
only kept away from ane, but Clara
came to me after dinner to tell me
Jhat be was going away on a late
train. I watched for him to come
downstairs, and when he- came, pre
pared for the Journey. I met Mm and
extended my band. .. Hla countenance
1 changed from a very lugubrlooa ex-
to a very nappy one. We
I went Into a aide mom. siut f h.nt Mtn
there tUl it waa too late to make hla
train.' .'' : '''
It waa Sadie who -made the Bret
break In the circle, for 1 not only de-
dined to notice her, bat since Ralph
understood that be must choose be-
twaea aa beebosa ma.
STYLES -OF 1911.
Millloary Wall Wear
In the Sariae. Tra-la,
raa aoraacao araa nt ara.
Bate are going to turn up and not
down la the aprlng. In other words,
tba extinguisher cbspeau baa extin
guished itaelf. and no more will the
masculine cry be heard, "lt'a bard
enough on a fellow to rememter the
facee of all the- glrta be knows when
be meets them on the atreet. but when
he's only a chin to recognise tbem by
Itaawfuir .
Tba bat model pictured clearly dla
plays the face of lh wesrr sad l
amart la tb xtremo for the tailored
glrL The trimming conslsta of a twlai
ef velvet about the crown, and the vel
vet faced brim la pierced with ah a!
aa-a.- ; Al m.M AU A'.m
diut rnnea wai e--e ww,.
Q Mud of Sortr,r, Mowing,pt 0f guee
vex a tuple, of Queen wary or
landvbas issued a book of photographs
of heraelfvand ber baby. IYtiu-a- Olat
aa aeanabtralalng money for char
Ity. She sells tb. book for, $1.21. The
queen bad recelvedxuany requests for
pictures of" herself anbVber baby boy.
and It finally occurred tanner, that abe
could aatlsfy the demand and make
something for charity by bavlirg tbe
pictures published. One picture shows
the print and hli pet dog; another de
plete tbe king of Norway In hla shirt
aleevea walking through the garden
with the prince. . .
Dent Be Fussy.
Doati Even If you can't try to
overcome tbe failing for tbe aake of
yoor own health and peace of mind try 1
to do ao for .the aake of tbe man you
will certainly render wretched one of
these daya. It la aald that no woman
haa a proper sense of proportion. The
fumy woman certainty hasn't. On ber
horlson trifiea loom like battleships.
She never recognlaea what really mat
tare and what la unimportant. Aa a
worker the fuaay womaa la alwaya a
failure. She neither gets through aa
much work nor allows others to do ao.
like a hitch atepplng horse, aha la all
action, yet make but little progress.
Nerertbeleaa fuaalneae will age ber be
fore ber time.
' Mrs. Taft'a Dream Came True.
On June 19 next tbe president and
Mrs. Tart will celebrate their sliver
wedding anniversary. The last erent
of tbe kind In tbe White House waa In
the administration of Rutherford B.
Ha yea. Mrs. Taft waa there aa
yoang girl, and It la on record ahe told
President Hayea, who waa her fa
tier's law partner and ber godfather,
that ahe would nerer be married to a
man who would not become president
Bayea advised her to become an Ohio
man'a wife If abe wlabed to realise
that dream.
Fer Winter Sparta,
The smartest girla are affecting very
eenslble and plain sporting clothes for
wear at week end parties Nothing la
, awaaTKH aan oar or aaooaa woot
better of Ita kind for abating and mo
torlng than.thla warm and aood look-
big sweater of Angora wool, aad tbe
cap that accompanies tt baa ilea of tbe
weot to wrap about tba each, -
If you would sell
Try what (he aheap' eolumna of tha
Morning Bnterprae caa do for yen.
- " ' , . fit
- ;
-rhla talk about Inside hair I
U dlsgtwUnc.- aald a a ow oaae-
ball expert recently.
"Imdde ball conslsta of Just
one Important thing: When a
" catcher aignala to tba pllcber
' ' riri certala kind of lall lo laf
".Be the batter It la up to tba
pitcher to pot me oan
o the point algnaied fiir aa poo-
allila. " '
-Tba catcher's si en conveyed
to the tnneldra and outBeldera
ih kind of ball that oould U
pitched, ami they In turn would t
X ablft their p-ltlona lo I la i
reljieaafOTbejlrlv A raii ,
nn ih to a rlahl hsu.UM
batter will Bud the neldera play
ing far to the left of Ihelr reg
ular poa'tlona. and a pitch on
Ibe outside will And Ibetu set
for the drive farther to the
-right. -
meeieait Turfman Ceoeleerioa 0e
to Jala Feeeee With Card Caroevan.
Sam lllldreth. the leading horseman
of the past two years, may race hia ata
hie of eta re la England In tbe future.
The clever trainer la considering an
offer from Lord Carnorau lo train and
race abroad, and if Tjegotlattoua cpmo
to a satisfactory adding trwttr mean
that tbe American turf will loaoMme
of the greatest horses that ever per
formed here. According to tbe inror
matlon. Lord Carnovan deal res llll
dreth to form a combination of both
atabiee and lllldreth to bare full away
aver the Urge airing If lllldreth ac
cepta the offer be wilt eblp r"lt liar
bert. Novelty and bla other wlnnera
to England within a few weeks. It
known that lllldreth la seriously
considering tbe offer and will give a
deflnlto answer shortly w Ulla. Urrn 1
nan will act aa bead lad for tbe com
bination If It goea through.
It la aaw said that there Is a strong
probability that John E. Mad.lenbiay
form a partnership with Louis N'lnaus
i Coglisb turf.- U'loana is a. big
factor la British racing circles and
will be remembered aa the turfman
who purchased Sir Mania from Mad
den for the apeclal purpose of racing
In the Derby.'t. Ilia sensational fall la
that classic will alwaya be a feat a re
In turf history, for that tumble rust
Amerlcaa bettera a fortune. If IIII
dretb and Madden sever their connec
tions with the American, turf It will
mean the lo of.two of the strongest
suppnrtere of tbe game. They tiave
raced the two largest atahiea la tne
past years and furnished winners ga
PKtsburf te Held Big Grind OuHng
Weak ef Marsh IS.
A novel departure from the general
trend of the epoetins calendar at this
time of the year la on-the card for
Pittsburg. Whlla aa popular as ever
In aome parte of the country, alx day
bicycle grinds and walking matrhea
are ancient pastlmea la their way. but
Pittsburg will get away from tbla old
rat by presenting tba novelty of a alt
day roller akatlng rice. It will be aa
event of national Importance In that
all of the crack roller akatere ta tbv
country will compete.
While events resembling this to noma
extent were held la aome cltlee i
score of years ago. the proposed com
petition will be something entirely
new to the present generation, and It
can hardly fall to arouse Interest that
will make tt a great success. Tba time
selected for the novel race te tbe week
beginning March 13 and ending March
18, and tba conditions call for tea
hoars of abating each day, or atxty
hours all told, and there will be big
cash prtxea for tha speeders having
tha greatest number of miles and lapa
to their credit at tbe finish. It will
not-be a team affair. Ilka tbe bicycle
grinds, but an Individual contest, with
"every man for himself,"
Four games will be played between
Louisville of the A. A. and Torouto of
the Eastern league In Louisville. April
S, T. S and
Philadelphia dope artiate have re-
cbrlstenod the Phillies. Tbe new name
for Dooln'a men la tbe Camels. Can
they go eight daya without a drink t
A. G. Booth by, the newest Of Co mis-
key's pitchers, won thirty-two gamea
out of tblrty-Ove during tba paat sea
aod. lie worked for minor teams, bat
looks good at tbnt
Tha modern catcher doewi't steal
any bases-that la, none to apeak of.
Yet the great otd catchers of long ago
were frequently among the beat base
runners of every aeaaon. Why tbe al
teration T
There will be three new bosses at
fba belme of varloua teams In 101L
Watch 'em! Fred Tenney with Boa-
ton. Hal Cbaae with the New York
Highlander and Bobby Wallace with
tha St. Louis Browna. -
Aa a method of Increasing batting a
Cincinnati .party, anggeate a flat bat
He says that a flat bat. catching a
ball foil on tba equator, would produce
a liner ao hot that Satan himself would
duck the burning drtve, a-
Bountlee fee Killing Wild Animals.
Following la tba text of a proposed
bill for paying bounties for killing de
structive animate:
There ahall be paid by tha State of
ureaon ana tne counties thereof, aa
la thia act and In tha manner herein
after provided for tha killing and de
atrnctloa of tha following named ani
mal hereafter killed In tba State of
Oregon, tha following bono tie: For
each coyote or coyote pup, 11.50: for
each gray wolf, black wolf, timber
wolf, gray wolf pap, black wolf pap,
eTt W.,f 5; f0T bob
cat, wild cat or lynx, : for each
mountain Hon, pantherT or eoagar, t
10 bara laundry aoap tic. Seelsy'a.
L!any of ti President's Pet
llsasures WiD Kot Pass.
Past m arise Oanaral Mllshaeak'a ' Ef
ferta te taenemlte Have .Caused
Mush Harsh CHttalam Oaaerlla
awhtialsna al Waahlnaten A're la
Washington, Vb, L I Spas-la U J -
prom present ImlU-allone there la to
be a large addition H the legislative
.-rap boap. Thai pile of would bo
lawa will bo augmented by -quite a
auutlwr of measure lu which I'rval
deut Taft ae particularly Interested
and which he racomutemUol lu bla an
nual message.
So far every bill relating lo Alaaaa
and tbe diaoaltioa ot Ibe coal la mis
haa been blocked In oife way or att
othor. Tbe same la also I rue of differ
ant roneervaliue) 1411a that have boea
presented. . ,
Measures that have been oiscuaeea
at considerable length and which aein
to bo on the way to the as-rap heap
Include the ship sul-ldy bill, tba om
nibus clalma Mil, the resolution for
election ot senator by direct vote, tbe
Beveridge anti-coupon bill and the
tariff romuilssloii bill" ;
" The promise Ibal Ibe presetT"U"ritT
board will be continued by a provision
ta an appropriation 1411 la oot satis
factory to those w bo really waatt a
tariff commission. Tba life of the
tariff hoard would only l extended
nntll July 1. 1U12. and It la very doubt
ful If the next Wmtk-raltc bouse will i
continue It. ,
Tbeeny Pathway ef Rafaenv ."
Postmaster General llltehcttrk baa
been reminded that the pathway of re- !
form la strewn with thorns, lie has
made aBearneat"effoti In the dlrec
tion of economy el nee he haa teen la
office, and be flnda that most of hla
efforts ha -resulted la a sever rss-
tlgalWn In coiigrssa. -
Clerks who have not been JTOtnoteil I
complained, railway mall clerka who
had to work overtime complained, peo
ple complained about the fatting off
In the efficiency of . tbe mall service.
complaints were made that new rural
route were not elabilahe4la fart.
there waa nothing but roniplalnla all !
along tbe Hue.
And It all goea to show that, while j
there la a great deal of clamor for r 1
form and change, tbe people do not
want either If It affect a them or Inter
fere with their comfort.
Intereeted In Bryan,
Activity of William J. Bryan In Pern.
ecratlc politic give tha leader ber
a little conr-ern, or at least aome of
them, . While presidential polltlce did
aot figure at all In the caurna of the
Demorrate of the Sixty second congress.
It waa noticed that a fair ahare of Bry
an men were named on the waya and
means committee. The second member
of that committee. Ollle James, la tbe
moat pronounced Bryan man In tbe
house, and , aereral other men have
been warm friend of tba Nebraska a.
It la believed that Bryan haa already
Intereeted himself In tbe campaign for
pext year and baa friend at work In
an effort to keep the IVmocrscy pro-
greaalv. While Bryan baa not Indi
cated i presidential preference, it te
believed he will vlgoroualy oppose Gov.
ernor Harmon. Hla Men da aay that
either ex-Governor Folk or Champ
Clark, both of Missouri, wtU be satis
factory to Bryan in 1012.
Democrats of congrese may abow a
great deal of Interest in tba coming
presidential ..campaign, but they aay
It la their business to make tba DomH
Oct tie record In tbe SIxty-aecond con
gress ao good that tha people will be
satis fled with any man who may be
nominated for president.
Wssks la Hepeful.
Although nearly everybody Interest
ed has given up hope of a parcel post
law at thia .session. Chairman Weeks
of the bouse postoftV committee te
atlll hopeful He thlnka that If they
can get a bill for a limited parcel post
on rural routes which will meet tbe
approval of a Republican caucus It
coold le put though tinder a apeclal
rule; otherwise nothing will be done.
If the legislation goea over nntll next
congress It la expected that a gen
eral bill, urh aa that Introduced by
Congressman Suiter of New York for
parrel post on all mall routea, will
be passed.
Alike In One Particular. '
Congressman Olll James of Ken
tucky and Conirreesman Elect Henry
George, Jr., of Xew York' were stand
ing In the mtddla atale of the houee
tml mado a remarkable picture. James
In tall, Mir, broad shouldered and mas
sive looking. George te slight, abort
and frail looking. It waa a contrast
rendered more striking because the
two men had one common point of
likeness. Neither haa any hair above
tba top of bla ear. "
i Will Net Be Bothered.
Champ Clark haa one satisfaction In
not naming the commltteea of the
house. He will not be worried and
harassed for the next year. With
the power given tbe waya and moan
committee goea tba trouble of eject
ing tbe commltteea with all the self
lah demands and rivalries of different
membera. Meanwhile Champ ckn (9
serenely upon the lecture circuit
8peclal Bala of dree good 4 to par
I!1' uK ,ohn Aam. "The people
WANTED Steady customer for
thia apace. Either .
parlance unnaeeaaary. JudW
eloua advertleera with aome
thing te cell and something ta 4)
ay will find thia the proper e
grease for a business clog. Ne 4
trlfiera. Married aamana ef ma-.
tore age will understand. Call
ar address, Advertising)
Wanting imerprlee,
Ores eai Chy. Oraaen. a
)' t , J 1 I
fr- ' ' '
Will You Help f
By cat tier . year $3.
By mail I ycat? 2
... . ''
- Send
w ,
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
lTjsrneeds have the the support
of all. The new daily has 1 1
Kirr wrrtr rvofr it i irvA I
I1WIS1 LTVIVI V lb lit UW4f
Oregon Xity and Clacko
Gunty. Your support mca
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