- ' " 'V " .1. ft' ):vs " MOBNniro enterprise. Wednesday, February i, iml V..' l!a. FENCE I this substantial build Fence for 10c per foot mm busch JXRDWARC AND TURNITURC . 8TRAIN ON COW TAINTS - MILK, SAYS HEALTH HEAD. Capflolty Ono tight Quarts Nw Thirty, Art Chio0oan. ' .. JB-aMiw Pity tb poor dairy cowl Htuffed with , bran, oat, clover and 11 tli delicacies which tlckl tb bo vlu pulut, h nevertheless baa caus to envy ber brother, the ox, la boring In bla jroka and burning up hla muscular forv pulling heavy burdens. Tb csaual observer may think th llf of tba dnlry row a sinecure. It blm listen to Health Coinnibisluner Kvsu and b disenchanted. Dr. Evan THE PTED STATES CDISUS BY COUNTIES WHAT OFFICIAL COUNT 'tHOWl AS TO NATIONALITY, COLOR AND RACE IN OREGON. WASHINGTON, D. C . Jan. 26, 1911. Tba Director of tb Cenaua baa fur nished the Oregon Bute Legislature, for Its' uaa In redisricting the State, a statement ahowlng the population of Oregon by countlea, distributed ac- ascribe the prevalence of tuberculoma cording lo color and race. . The fig- urea iiierrin gi.vu iu. ic.un . an unverified count, by color, of the )Ricrs will meet neit Seo- ltr 80o roll. I v ot Molalla, wit a 4 Tueaday. Dentlat, Cau I city. Siting of the Cler till be bold tonight. that hot lunch to. 410 Main street i -d Marshall nook .-- Le Moy place, t 60 aack. 4 Council tonight ;alne will be up j Dentist, Cau- cy Of the prominent 2aBS, waa In Ore J yesterday, yu Z&o at Seeley'i I who had hla legs allls on the Wt Bth ago, la able itbat hoi lunch 0 Main street. Ige Improvemen. ineae aeaaton this committees la &a ' . yi Confections at t. Dear Postofflc. 1 Electric theatri 4omorrow evening, JUaughlln I'ark Im- jt Soda 6a at See- went to Salem t when tb bills Willamette fish- 1 are np for con- f remain at Salem J Dread that can at It at Bchrsdsr's .,Uret near rosior r , Of the Clackamaa Tl meet on Hatur I Commercial Club a. annual meeting i There will be the h el oct Ion of offl $ on week later y that hot lunch j 110 Main aireev ) Pocohontaa Or- It the Knapp hall lch time the Im f of raising the . jrg of Mra. Henry Jt the deputy great v "X tbat hot lunch i C10 Main street wlshes dlvorc t They wer mar- L With.. March 10, " In portlaad an 4 Moines, la. There Id plaintiff aI10Ri rsrcales, 3 Inches 10 patterns HSio Irloe.llo yr. I Peoples' Store." 'M- 'si Hoard of Watrr rerrtay placed a California Jewell filtering plant (Oregon City. The jard vlalted Oregon 9 and eiaialn4 tb M plant. Wit tee of the Tres H met laet evening went for the 'ban a before plarmnd, mala ttpt and principal speaker stalls were taken Bt the meetlag. )ye, who baa made jrmllan lalanda, bas lectures by Mrs. -,to a trla to the splendid stereoptl Jnlu, sbown br Mrs. ITegatlonal caurch atnrday afteranon." ry fjnnset Magatlne jlty of nreams Come f Illustrated In frmr M Singing In tlie francUr Cbrlatmaa All news staaas, h has receatly com the Bast, Intends to kens and cuinese jlana to begin on a ow ()0 or 800 birds I axperlenced In the Making of starting In i somheast of tals gallon at Beeley's. and etenlng and to n and evening there laces at the Electric ;h auspices of th i Tbe proceeds are to Hfylng the fountain In k. The farce, "The Is the cniei item i. musical numbers In- Ctgars and Smokers' Postofflce. Vlan miss onary con- ield In the church of in In thin city today, Waning. There will be )om abroad Dr. Hall, tof the mission work ant, and Dr. Mllllgao, and pastor. Dr. Hall t In Cores for many -ld to have a wtdn Uaalon work and mls Bd Is a very Interest- PEOPLE POINTED OUT Miss Pearl Iiarde, of Portland, wbo has been the guest of Miss Esther IevItt, has returned to ber borne. Dr. John Welch accompanied by bis little daughter, Msrgaret, wbo apent Sunday with the former's aunt, Mrs. K. L Newton, hsve returned to their home. Miss Lurletle Haunter, of Portland, Is a guest of Miss Ora Kreytsg, lu Gladitone. Miss Nettle Miller, on of the teach ers In the Willamette school, Is 111 at ber home In Aurora. Mrs. Amelia (Jleason Haas Is teaching In her place. Miss Emily O'Malley, wbo Is teach Ing In the Portland schools, Is In tbe hospital In Portland with symptoms ol typhoid fever. Mr. snd Mrs. A. Ouenther, of Ca- nemah. were the guests of IX Ouenth er and family on Sunday. A. Ouenth er. will move bis family to Oladstone the ftrat of the month, where ns has charge of the Oladstone meat market. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. Celabratsd By Mrs. Owlnn, While Visiting Here. Mr. snd Mrs. J. n. Meyers enter tained at their home last we k In hon or of Mra. Meyers' sister, Mrs. Owlnn, It being that lady's birthday anlver- aary. Mra. Owlnn s home Is at Walla Walla, and ah bas sine returned to her horn. A supper waa aervea to which two score guests aat down. - Those presenr were: Mr. Msry lart, mother of Mra. Owlnn, Mr. and Mra H. U. Oreen and family, Mra. (Iwlnn and daughters of Walla Walla, Mrs. Ida West and daughter. Mr. ana Mrs t n Mevera and family .Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kldd, Mr. ana Mrs. Joel Osburn, Mr. and Mra. Harry llond, Mra. J. Uchtwera and daughter, Mr. Carll Nehren and Mr. Ralph Grove. ADD 20 aCHOLARS. Contest In Gladstone Christian Sunday School Interesting. Ther Is a friendly contest on In the Christian Sunday school at Gladstone fnr new members. In order to do good work In the mission effort the school l. divided Into two claases one led by th superintendent, N. C. Hen drtcks. and tbe second by the ssslst aut superintendent, Mrs. T. E. Osuit So far the contest Is very close but there hsve been about 10 added to tbe enrollment. The claaaes are between the boya and the glrlB with the boys slightly In th lead. . Llv Wlrs" Will Build Rosd- . At a meeting of th Live Wires at tb Commercial Club parlors on lues day afternoon one of th Important subjects brought tip for discussion waa the railroad to Molalla. It waa decided that If the present promoters do not Bush the matter along, that th club of this city will tak Immediate atepa to organize a stock company and establish a railroad In th near rsnsr. In cows Just proved by government tests iu the Chicago dulry district to tbe bard labor Imposed on cows. Tbla bard tabor Is producing milk In maximum quantities under unnatural nd artificial condition,, according to Dr. Evans. "It Is the most natural thing under tb sun that cows should succumb to tuberculosis when we roiiNldttr their environments snd their excessive Is bor," said Dr. Evans. "Dairy cows work too bard and rest too little. Man ufacturing milk la the hardest work In the world. "The ox bas plenty of fresh air, working In the open, while tbe cow Is Imprisoned month after month at ber Grant stanchion In a poorly ventllntea barn Harney full of bad odors and disease breeding germs. "Dairy cows In the Chicago district - a , tU re overfed ana overwornea. i ney go to pieces la Ave years, but they sre kept st tbo grind of producing milk much longer than that Nature baa In tended that a cow only should feed ber offspring. Now. a calf la well fed on Igbt quarts of milk -a day. A good riolsteln cow produces thirty quarts a day under tbe artificial conditions of p0lic our dairy dlstrlcte, enough. to feed 1 Sherman nearly four calves." Farmer Falls From Wagon. Ramnet Roake. Sr.. of Clackamaa waa In Oregon City yesterday, having norms to consult Dr. HK B. Mount, Mr. luske fell out of tb wagon and dislocated his left ahouldwr recently The Injury waa very pahafnl, but the fracture waa reduced by ur. Mouni and Dr. Roake waa abl to return to ats home unattended. CARD OF THINKS. - We wish to extenfl our heanfc. thanVa to th friends wbo assisted it durlnr onr rectmt bereavemwal and for th floral niece. GRANDPA MOLJlENHAttKR AND FAM1UT. W aee no logical reaaon do yeroT why a prosperous farmer anouia -put all his money la tJe bank and let the repair of farm kmndlnga, fence, ere k nnriectMl. Monev and time are well spent In Vwplng up farm build inn and fence. It's all right ss save something, as we to along, for a rainy day; but there Is more pleaswr for the whole family in a smaller bank account, and la having thlnRB neatly kent-to Improve rather than to de teriorate. For a water-pipe burst by the frost Oet at a drug-store, or from yasrr doc tor, a plaster bandage two Inches wide Hold it In a bowl of water till th bub bles stop rising. Then at 'once wrap It around and around tbe broke pipe, smoothing with tke hands as yosi go, Thus you will make a splint similar In shane to the wiped Joint which the pluuibers make. 'It will last long and will not leak. It paya to go down to tbe city and work up a trad ror me farm proawce. Hunt- tin customers for the butter, eggs, apples, potatoes, cabbage and all such stuff. Have a regular market dav when you oaa always b found there. Folks will expect you and de nnd on yon. They will pay you cash and as good prices aa they would have to nay at the store, because tney get better weight and meaaure and freaher produce. High Priees Hit the Slums. "1 V P Crsnky Dad (to offspring) Still chewing the rag. . "WaaL xv can't afford beef." returns of tb Thirteenth Census, and are, therefore, subject to some poss ible revision, but It Is hardly probable that such revision would materially affect tbe flgurea as given. County Tota Pop. The State 672,765 Raker 18.076 COSRESPOHDENCE SH0BEL. Mis Gertie Sbubel bas about recov. ered from ber recent Illness. R. Glnther purchased some wheat from C. Hornscbuh, snd osts from K. F. Olnthar one day last week. Tbe fence that wer destroyed by the various fires last summer, bar all been replaced by better ones. Will Dotbow Is working for Ed Hett man, of Clarkea. A number of our young people at tended the dance at Clarkea Saturday night and reported a very pleassnt time. Everybody Is expecting a square deal from our new road aupervlaor. Mr, and Mrs. Moser are tbe proud parents of another baby boy. John Barret passed through here on on dsy last week looking for beef, mutton, etc Julia Masslnger Is home for a short time. Zllla Klrbyson was taken to Olad stone on dsy last week where . the Benton Clackamas Clatsop . . , Columbia , Coos Crook Curry Douglas . . . Gilliam .., Hood River Jackson Josephine ... Klamath .... Lak Lne Lincoln ..... IJnn ........ Malheur . . . . Marlon Morrow Multnomah -ri CATTLE RANGE IN COAL YARD. Aberdeen-Angus Herd Thrive In Novsl Chlosge Pn, A promising herd of beef cattl wss raised In a Chicago coal yard. Most people when they bear of tbe droves of rsttle that furnish meat connect them with tbe boundless ranges of tbe west, of the great black soil farms of Illinois snd lows, of tbe Dskotaa and wltb the herds of Mis souri. Kansas and Texas. nut here Is a plump, sleek Uttle 10,603 . 29,931 , 16.106 . 10,080 . 17,969 . 9.315 . 2,044 . 19.674 . 2,701 . 5.607 . 4.059 . 8,016 . 25,766 . 9,567 . 8.654 . 4,658 . 33.783 . 5,587 . 22,662 . 8.601 . 39.780 . 4,357 .226,261 . 13.469 . 4.242 . 6.266 . 20,309 . 16.191 Tillamook Umatilla I'nlon Wallowa .-sbl Wasco 16,336 Washington 21,622-- Wheeler M84 Yamhill 18-285 WhIU 655.610 , 17.757 10.644 29,769 15.516 10.548 17,682 8.866 1.894 19.430 3,686 . 6.562 2,985 7,613 25.683 9,620 7,494 4.560 33.682 5,190 22.615 8.444 38.798 4.351 217.605 13,197 - 4.239 6.240 19.165 16,000 8,351 "15,766 21,439 2.484 18,056 Negro 1526 60 9 22 13 1 1 10 1 3 2 -17 66 7 20 8' 13 2 4 12 55 1093 - 2 1 1 62 19 1 31 7 Indian Chinese 6001 26 9 2 1 180 451 147 154 6 2. - - 65 15 5 . 30 ' 1027 75 35 392 1 39 604 44 133 1 13 960 ' 1 377 3 204 7317 - 90 10 68 407 6 60 8 2 28 2 40 7 6 84 10 13 3 19 37 287 6764 28 1 98 65 2 93 45 11 Jsp. 3286 152 9 75 159 26 24 52 7 465 28 44 23 69 34 1734 . 109 IOC 10 69 28 Real -Estate Opportunities 1 CV T. Toore, Lawyer and Notary Abstracts. ' ' Loans and Insurance CHARLES T. TOOZE A CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City If you want ' BUY A FARM, BUY A HOME, BUY A LOT, See '"'. CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. . And If you want te sell farm, home t lot da llkewte. ' V.).. TWO PAY FINES. He Who Fought and Ran Away- is Still st Large. As a seauel to tbe street fight pulled off In front of the Bank ofOregon City Monday night we have two buhb to report In Justice samson s roun urceu niea corn- doctor removed adenoid growths from er throat. Mr. Weldner. of . Beaver creea, bought a beef cow from E- F. Glnther TMiterdav . W1U Hettman, oi uouon, is ai iw here. duUIdk on tbe i-nxitnn that belonsa to the particular Tuesday. Officer rritxi that lust now Is claiming: front plaint ror ngnunn rank among the great beef tribes, as she Is an Aberdeen-Angua. This ani mal bas been kept In a boxlike stsble. sixteen feet square, located In tha rear of a Chicago coal yard all of ber life. There Is a small aide yard, a three cornered lot. In which she baa taken all of tbe exercise she got In ber en' tire life. In tbe ssme stsblo the moth er of this heifer baa produced two other calves, one of which la a prom lslna- bead of an Angus herd. All of these animals are of pure bred stock on the street sgalnat F. R. Norton and George War ren. When the case was niea warren at one plead guilty and was fined $25 and coats, and paid. Norton plead not gttllty and hearing was set for Thursday at 3 p. m. Later Norton's father beard of.tbe trouble and went to the court and settled the fin and costs. Th father of th two Norton ooys was stonDlnc ai me wreuni seems a very fine genuemnu. r row ing tbe father would see the account nnisning toucoes m. i . : - . of ,JooA James Beeson bas rented fete hud- i i er s piai-B. Mr. Sbepara is naming iuiuuci i -,n rf t for Mr. uumins. mi. n.wri, la also haul In k lumber - - . . , . VI r Masslncer has DOUgni a uauu rrd Msher and ITea tieii nave r.lIMPTION ON THE FARM Sometimes we have so much to do that we don t know where to negin. It Is a good plan to tackle the Job we hate worst the first thing. Then we gone to Canada to look up some land, can feel good while we are doing the Mrs. C Hornscnun ana uunuici, omers. In the naDer. and having failed to sup- The owner of this Chicago herd ofltwesa the Btory of the trouble. the ar- . im f fr. it i tin nan Dmn cut iruiu cbiuo in nam m a. " - I . . Vnt.rt.rliA Rut In Cblcsgo, but own. . 000 scr f ;e ,t 'w.s found that a confession was the easier way out which proved true, for in tamer a f nnrn nald the fine when It was vnnwn that tha son was In trouble. The name of the party who startea the row did not comeTrat m tne inai near Oroton, S. D. From thla farm about four years ago be brought a pare bred cow, Groton Isabella, and stabled her In his coal yard, since then three calve have been added to th little coal yard herd. PLANS HUMANITY COLLEGE. Monday evening meeting. General Booth Could Us Seme Carw " at Millions. General ttonth of the Salvation Ar my was deeply stirred by Andrew Carnegie's gift of $10,000,000 for th promotion of the peso of th world. -What would I give ror flO.OfaVJOO to hern ns start a anlrerstry T hn 01177" he said. "This nntverslty for a beginning sboald hare two cen tera, London snd New Yert. It would be an Institution tw -whh-a the lowest, the humblest a ad the most 'degraded would be brought that they might h taught. The greatest and aly sbld Ing lesson weald tte Torgettalness of self. "In them n I vendues I would glv men of healthy bedles the means healthy work. . I .wonld have then trained mentally, morally and pbywl cally. I wonld se that tbe money was not spent on the few aleae. Aroand each university I wonld have l00 hslls which by their brightness wwald attract each their thousands. "There are so many ways of Bread ing money In the direction of near and yet making It repnednctlv that I csnnot recount all. I wnly wlsa Mr. Carnegie wonld give in a chance.' Dickens Club Entertslned By Mr. L. - I Pickens. The Dickens Club met at the home of Mrs- U L. Pickens on Monday ven- Ing, wher they spent th evening in reading "TJombey and Bon." The hos tess served a luncheon and a social time followed. Th next meeting will b hl4 on next Monday evening at the bom of the Mlmwa Vara and Nell Cauflvld on seventh and John Adams stm-ts. This club formerly met st th home of the member on the after noon of each Monday, and the boor or meeting was recently changed because ant all th members were able to at tend at that hour. Those attending the meeting Monday night were Mrs. L L Porter, Mrs. Max nollack. Mrs. Lena. Char- man. Mrs. H. 8. Mount. Mrs. W. IL Godfrey. Mrs- Theodore W. Clark. Mrs M- CMcBrlde, Miss Lulu Spangler, sH Corvallls, Mis Vsra Caufleld, Miss Marjorie Cao field, Miss MurM Stev ens. Miss Nea cauneia. Tbe all-round square. man tnj also te h In Hohokua. PLAN COURSE IN WASHING. Missouri University Co-eds Must Lssra Effects f Stsreku Every yonng woman of the home economic department of the University of Missouri who taken a conrse In testing fabric must soon roll np her sleevs and work over a washtub. Each student will hsve a locker la tbe laboratory which will contain a tub. washbosrd, soap and chemical. It la the aim of the university to teach tbe effect the starch, bluing and other chemicals have on clothing. Lat er the Isborntory will be equipped wltb an electric washing machine. It la ex pected to enable the co ?ls to deter mine which la cheaper, laundry work done by hand of work done by elec tricity. ' ; ' - Trinity. Wealthiest Church. Trinity Church corporation of New Tork Is the richest church corporation in the world, with Its ten chnrche. nine school and assets vt $ ID, 000,000. Toung Mis (to ber young man) Did you attend the ho? "You mean tbe hopf "I know what I mean. Ho la French for hop. Just as galo Is French for galop. How long have yon been In so ciety r -' ' A Coming Flnaneise. OAK GROVE. Oak Grove ' Improvement Aasocla tton will meet February 2d In Oreen's hall. Topic ' for dlscusion reor ganization and construction of a fair building. Bring your friends. Basket Ball. Christian Brothers Athletic' Club team defeated the Oak Grove senior athletic club team Saturday, Januara 28. In Green's halt Score 38-29. Oak Grove senior team defeated the Hawthorne Athletic Club team Mon day evening In Green's hall. Score 58-17. 8unnyslde Brigade team defeated the Oak Grove Junior team Monday even ing In Brigade ball, Sunnyslde. Score 12-11. Mrs. John Rlsley entertained at din ner Tuesday la honor of Mr. and Mra. John Qualman of Saginaw, Mich. Other guests were Mr. snd Mrs. Mo- Nichols, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Qualman 1 ave Thursday for Seattle. John Rlsley and son, victor, spent Saturday at Sea Side looking after their summer cottage. Earl Sutter has a severe attack of pneumonia. Dr. J. H. and Mrs. McArtnur re turned home Monday after several days' visit with the Doctor's brother, West ley McArthur, of Rldgefleld, Waab. Church Notes. M. E. church Sunday school at 10 m. Preaching at 11 a. m., by pas tor. Rev. Henry Speia. Ladles'Ald has a special work meet ing Thursday afternoon at the. home of Mrs. J. S. Smith. Mrs. Gut White and son spent X Tuesday In Portland with Mrs. White's . mother Mrs. Howell. ' " . i - ! lieo. . Noses ana who i "- Ing congratulations on the birth of a little daughter wedneaaay, January stii. E. C. Warren has a sever cas or la arinoe. B J. Moor Is able to he out again but still nnder the doctors care. Modern Woodmen of America regu lar meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. w. B. Robinson, or fine vai ley, Eastern Oregon, arrived Tuesday and will spend a weeic wttn ner aunt. Mrs. Ada Cosgrtff of Courtney station Miss Ivy. of Courtney avenue, is slowly improving under the care of a 11 Tit-for-Tat Among th Crook. Ther was a fight at th Crown Columbia Pulp A Paper Co.' mill Friday afternoon laat, In which two or three Greeks were beaten up a con siderable. As a result Jim Bervynoo secured the arrest of Gost Porley and that worthy paid $25 and coats In Jus tice Samson's coort Tueaday after- . noon to settle. This suit waa no soon er settled than a charge was placed agalnat J. Varelow, who was also ar raigned and a fine of $25 and coats assessed. Varelow could not or would not pay and was taken to tbe county Jail. . Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these claaalflod head In sa will b Inserted at ona cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional Inser tion a. One Inch card, fl per month; half Inch card. (4 llnes tt per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with tha paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur freo corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge lc WANTED. WANTED Experienced girl for gen-. era! housework In family ol three Enquire 610 Seventh St. . . WANTED You to know that the En terprise Job printing department I tbe most complete in the State,' outside Portland. Try it for your next printing.- '- FOR SALE . 7 Room House and acre. Nice acre Lota close to car line... Also S acr tracts at $600 per acr. BOARDMAN Sc NEWELL" Jennings Lodge, Ore. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Spac In this column. Sell that old plow or barrow; you dont use It since you purchased your new one. FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for sale. John W. Loder. Owner. Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner space In thla col umn. A few line may rent inai house, store or farm; they will cost you but a few cents. ' L-ydia-. visited with Mrs. u. neumau this afternoon. CLARKE8. Mra. Stella Greaves I visiting hr folks at Clarke her better nan In Caaltla . O.aanl r tn TOI1I1Z DeoDie Ol ri.rVM attended the debate at High land Saturday night and reported a ..n Intorestlnr time. There was a wrestling matcn i - . ii 1 A annrlo nPtWPfIl ' rCZ, fall. ; the nlow for th spring work w. " Thy Vary with th. crotch " Never 'run for an office; better to nn- anS th I the third wa won by .o comport yourself and so conduct . I I wart II AT T MM lI I 1 t'SB) I II II' Griffith with th toe noia. your b.iui. niritr n 1 1 1 r luu. If you have any iron or omer iucioi rnf. taliA a comfonaDtB spell anu nalnt them. Get all BOch lobs out ot tha way before something els begins The proposal to cor.nne parceia pui A loose board too foten aqueaus loudly of loose methods. All sorts or odd Jods ar in oruur . . . L I K kmat cow; ana get tne wunewaou ready to flop. Sow clover seed twic to o will take, and don't forget thj alslk along with the red. It Is too late wnen tne siat-a. o tumbled and smothered your best cow tn resret not having fenced It on. Get Rny extra nlow-points or oiujr fixtures you may need, before you get HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cneertnuy given on all claases of building work, concrete walks and rlnforcd concrete. Re. Phone Main 111- MARQUAM The Rer. J. H. uutnn, Ol urr!u City, waa burled at the Miller cerne- i.n nnite a numner oi nm neighbor and friends attended the burlaL ..-xX m,tM If made into law, will Rev. Mayca went to Moiaua ' V" ,h, .xnresa to preach . . -mnnia and not of th rural popula- M188 Doll Marquam W rr' tnn1lllhnaa. x ..i,,h.i in th vard bare ot . ' .k- f1,t nt PehruarT. tlOlt. It IB lOOlianoesa. I Oil IU nv livers n.w - Ml as Nora Barth has mdgned her ...niR nn of the clerks In F.-J. 4j . .mi una Mabel Miller, some ruuiMB . - j I i ni. Clarewe Thomas 1b altw worklag In enough L.Tli .a, nrira m v. J irraaa? After the nm maw .pr .-.. poHiuon u- . K-ntuckv blue-grass on In tbera when ground gets dry of Teavei threes, " .J I" itttu white clover, too. a-. n. .allv In the harness for the store. . i , , Manv folks are. Omer Marqnam rnx nis nu -u ,--- -- : tl,rlr , th0 BVmlZ Myrtle and Laura Baker, ot ends and let the other fellow do the XtoC7. have beeu kicking. Keep yo own f '""'f & ing ;i.h their nncle, 1. a Irkln- tb. traces and 1 pu 1 true ( all "m. rnwi, " " - go very well together; but as soon as ..-h rin-a anften nD. TOU Will CLARKE8. . ... y,.-, ,,me of au the year Sullivan, the road snpervisor, f u ,8n.t nearly such hard work then aa It is for a few daya. Mr. laid rails last Saturday. Mr nottemlller had a lame horse. It atenned on a nail. Mr. Bnal was in town last week KVIrtav wiih Mclntvre Is Intending to leave Wednesday. Te butchered hogs. Mr. , Bottetnlller was grubbing stumps and his dog killed two grave dlrenra last week Bual Bros, are plowing on their new farm. Look for tbe ground hqg on Feb. 2. Ed Mclntyre waa on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. George Clark have moved. s ' Born, to My. and Mrs. John Card, a son. later when the earth bard as a bone. . Is as dry and BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-ai-iaw, smw loaned, abstracts rurnisnea. ib title examined, estate settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank ' of Oregon City.- ' U'REN 4k 8CHUEBEU Aliorneyam Law, Deoucner Aavoaai. win tlc In all courts, make collioa. and awttlnmenta. Oince in prts Bldg., Oregon CSty. DENTISTS. DR. L O. ICE. DJENTiar norau. vw 5 and 8 Beaver building, atain o Oregon City. Phonea: Horn A-198 and pacific States 122L MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law, Steven Bldg. MONEY LOANED W are acquaint ed with the value of all farm land In Clackamas County and caw loan your money on good safe security. Farm loans made one, two and three years at 7 per cent Abstracts o. ' title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK-. , Lawyers, - Andresen Bldg., Oregets City, Oregon. ' - ' v ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Hunting For Cougsr Nssr Molalla : Messrs. K. p. Elliott and Oren Cut tings are home from a hunt In tb wilds near Molalla. Tbey were out for cougar, but secured no gam. They ssw msny evidences hut could not come face to face with on. T. P. Randall and C. E. Ramsby war also out In that aame neighborhood th first of th week but had no better success than th first party- They re port that th cougar ar plentiful and that they are killing deer and giving fnrmers a scare but so far few have been killed. . Hunger Is the best sauce, w am told, but still ther la something ale about apple sauce.---. r""H "Msrama," said Charlie, "would It b right If 1 took two of your pin me to play Indian wlthf . "Certainly It woo Id not You bevsn't tbem, have yoot" K "Only one, mamma." , LOGAN. F. Rlebhoff lost one of his best cows recently found ber dead In tbe barn one morning. Mr. Kohl has a cow on the sick HbL The good family cow Is something hard to replace. Tbe "Harding Hustlers" played their play. "Butternut' " Bride," at Sprlngwater Saturday night to a crowded house. If the party Introduced a hill for a hotel Inspector would Just amend It and prohibit landlords from allow. Ing bed bugs to roam at larg after sunset It Is probable IV would pa. Do the county commissioners Imag ine the farmers are bo green thny do not know which they want a road engineer or a hlfth aalaried official to work in th Intereat of th "sporting class" of Portland, who want an auto road across th state ad expect to pull the wool over th farmers' yeT We are not as areen aa we look- sometimes. O. B- Dimlck told tb truth when be said much of th money Is squandered. The Influence of the Grange Is growing and some surprises may be In store for som and their pet measures when It comes to a vote Show-down. Th single tax hooters get well paid for their talk In that line. What w rurallat want la bet ter roads leading to the markets and batter rural school. It I Ilk paying rent now when tax paying Urn come around. 1 On of the very beat rolls for break fast Is a prompt roll out of bed. When he pay is 19 a week it Is a Job; when he compensation is 125, It Is a position.. Science has decided that A kiss Is Infectious osculation, but plain people are satisfied with tbe good oldam. J- PLEASE NOTICE. To Introduc The Morning Enterprise Into a large major ity of the home in Oregon City and Clackamaa county tb management ha decided to make a special price for the dally Issue, for a short tlm only, where th subscriber pays a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In advance, 13.00. By mall, paid a year In ad vance, $2.00. Peopl who gave our canvas ser a trial subscription for on or mor months, at ten cents a week, can have the dally deliv ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvas ser a . trial subscription, by mall, for four months at a dol lar, may have the paper for a year for $2.00, If paid a year In advance. " ' Subscribers to the" Weekly Enterprise may change - their subscriptions to. the dally, re- celvlng credit for half time on" tbe dally that the weekly Is paid In advance. Who they choose to add caah to the ad vance payment equal to a full year's advanc payment they may take advantage of th $2 rat. y . We mat thl pclI prtc so that peopl who bav paid In advanc on som other dally , and wish to tak Uu Morning ; Enterprise, may do so without too great expense, , V. R. HV?E, Abstract Oiflcaj Land tltlea Inve1 wnveyai clng, notary public.' ' CRITICS C0Flk"ENT uuwm copy Room 7. Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE T1U V Investment Co., Steven Bldg. REAL ESTATE. D- K. BILL CO., REAL. ESTATE Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural Lands, City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Ranch for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Beaver BIdsW Oregon City, Oregon. E. IL COOPER, For Fir Imuran o and Real Estate. . Let us handl your properties) w buy, sell and exchange. Offtc In KnterpriM Bldg,, Oregon City, -Oregon- FRBYTAO ft 8WAFFORD. Real Es tate Dealer, bav choice bargain In farm land, city and auburbaa home, good fruit land and poultry ranches. See u for good ouy. Nor 8. P. depot ' SECOND HAND FURNlTVUJL SECOND HAND irfcrtltur. Carlo aaaj Relics bought, sold and xchang4. Anything Cross a darting adl to a shrp' i anchor. TO UNO, Th - Second Hsnd Man, Main St. Or , gon City. , Electric Hotel 411 Cats. 4th mi M. Its. OREGON CITY, ORst. J. TOSIN, Proritr. . ,