Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 29, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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f Clarksa, wr Id
2lna yesterday,
farmer of Beaver
,00 City yeaterday.
lllnghanv Waeh.,
Joe I5o at Seeley's
T, Of Bhubel, was In
Acting business
v,nd Confections at
it. near roitorric.
rmerly connected
t tbl city, was In
day visiting with
t ' '
r that hot lunch
610 Main street.
dependence, waa
'MS on Friday and
)1 to be at work
t Struggle with la
jthat hot lunch
,10 Main street. -
piano dealer on
In Portland yea-
Jtnneapolla, Minn.,
jlty, where he haa
I with the meat
iter 0o roll. 8ev
dance at Beaver
Svenlng, February
I will furnlah the
talea, 34 Inches
Peoples' Btore.
liter, MUa Nellie
who have been
brother, of Port
r. yesterday morn
a their home at
Soda 6c at See-
vrr Creek, one
Mldenta of that
BR business In
leaving for hie
,11 60 aack.
) of the Luther
Iran church will
X I'au I" at the
yt Sunday even-
Christian church
a merger aer
t once a month
Any school bo-Inn
be preaching at
at SeMey'e ,
Lutheran church
" at tlio morning
Bur fur Ktrtbly
Air of Nature: 2.
ord; 3- The Star
Jlce .will be ,at
f thai hot Junch
.0 M-ln atreet."
lday for Camaa,
Ion In the Crown
rCo. f Sunset Magazine
of Drearaa Uoina
justrated In four
Singing In the
'ielnpo Christmas
All newa atanda,
Jther In the Can
)regon City 8at-
Dentlat, Cau-
nd A. Dluhm, of
r In Oregon City
with them a load
"je Dread that caa
H It at Schrader's
jret sear Poetot-
h. prominent rw
kr Creek oonstrr,
f& business Et-
t J
r. Dentlat, Cao-
yeny. -
f on of the well
Claeluunas eerrty,
JwbeL.wn n Ore-
eaa gnote lo
M, "Tke; Peopr
a of Clsckjrmaa
la at Cm by, waa
f that tint lunch
d rramk HatUn,
reao city Barnr-
ISc. Seeleya.
X their residence
int. occupying Aie
aa. Mr. Laxaea la
f Pendleton. 1a 1n
jttlng with the fan
B that city.
He wt
a Monday-,
f Chrlat, Sclentlat.
Jlng, Mala ' atreet
it 11 o'clock, anbjeet
w." Bunday aeaooi
the meeting of the atockholdera of the
Home OH Oa Company, which waa
held yeaterday afternoon at the Com
mercial Club parlore. He waa ac
companied here by Grant Mumpower,
who la one of the atockholdera of the
company. t
The usual Saturday night dance at
the Armory la In progress tbla evening.
Milton Price la In charge of the fes
ttvltlue. . '
Elmer Nobel, agent of the O. W. P.
at their freight and passenger atailon
on Main street, haa raalgned to take
a position In tbo llawlfy paper mill.
Mr. Nnber'wllt give up hi poaltlon aa
aoon aa hla successor la ready to take
up the work for the railway people.
At the Baptist church Bunday even
ing Rev. llaywortn- will preach the
second aermon In the aeries, "Marka
of a Man" to the subject, "A Plea for
Purity." He will - alao dlacuaa the
propoalllun of the new I hour labor
bill, now before the legislature.
The evnlng aervloe at 'the M. E.
church promise to be of more than
ordinary Intereat. Aa thoae people
with good red blood In their velna
are friend of the boy a. and aa thla la
to be a boya' meeting, the church will
be crowded ao If you want a aeat you
had beat go early.
The Order of Elk will attend the
Bt Paul'a Episcopal church on next
Bunday evening at the 5 o'clock aer
vlce, and the following Bunday the
Knlghta of Pythlaa will attend In a
body. Appropriate addreaaea will be
given on theae-.occaelona by the reo
tor, Rev. Charlea Roblnaon. It haa
been arranged by the rector to have
many of the lodgea and ordera of the
city to atteju) the Sunday evening aer-vlce-
All will be extended an Invitation.
( patterns 12V4a I "
Mr a. J. D. Roblnaon, of Portland,
waa vlaltlng with her alatera, the Mia
aea Cochran, on Saturday.
Maater Oeorgle Pueey, little eon of
Mr. and Mra. George Puaey, of thla
city, la 111 with typhoid fever. 1
Mra. I. N. Hewitt, who haa been
Buffering from blood potaon In her
thumb, la bettor.
MUa Alda Proughton, of Portland,
haa returned home, after a' brief vlalt
with Mlaa Nlela Harding.
Frank H. Ileach, of Gladatone, who
haa been confined to hla home for
aeveral woeka with an attack of rhou
matlam, la Improving,
j Mlaa Marjorlo Cauflold entertained
tho mombera of the Oypny Club- and
of the ThurnVy evening Club at her
home Bnturdny evening. '
Mlaa Gertrude Holnra, who grad
uatea next week from the t'nlveralty
of Oregon, win In the city vlaltlng
frlenda yeaterdny.
Mra. I. W. Rivera, who waa taken
very 111 at her home at Wllhmette on
Friday evening with a aevero attack
of plouratlc pneumonia, waa allRhtly1
Improved on Haturdny.
Mra- Nellies Bhden, of Fern Rl.lKe,
who haa brn conducting a millinery
parlor at OludKtoue, haa doited hor.
pnrlora until aprlng. Mra. Bladen wm
formerly In tho millinery buaineae In
thla city." "
Mra. William Crltener la very 111
with pnoumonla at her home at Wil
lamette, and two trained nuraea are
In oonatant attendance.- Her huaband
who haa ben confined to hla home
with the aame malady, la Improving.
Mlaa Veryl Crooka, of Ooldendale,
arrived la Oregon City on Friday even
ing, and la the gueat Of Mlaa Hazel
Francla. and Mlaa Emma Vanlloy, of
Mountain View; ' ltofore Returning to
her home Mlaa Crook a will vlalt with
Mr aad Mra. 8. Chlldora,of SU Johna.
Mra.' Maxwell Telford,' of Canemah,
and brother, Karl Lutx, were called to
Portland Friday rm account of the aer
Ion a lllneaa of their mother, Mra. A.
Johnaon, of the Raat Side. Mra. John
aon'e conditio waa unchanged Satur
day morning.
Mra. Edward Maple, of Mnllao, who
waa operand on about fmir weka
ago at on ttf the Portland fcoapHara,
waa brought to Park place a Nw day a
ago. whet ahe will revatw until he
boomea stronger, i Mra. VlAt ra at
the boaawj of her 'alatef-tw-raw, Mra.
Jennl tatta.
Antkvrad herd of Me, 11 Have In
itiation aad B Feed. -
Otgfln t
.itreut an
Jut' aomvtlmea
'"a v.h i
Oregan City Lodg, No. 1189. Be
nd Protectlr Order of Elka,
known aa llie Beat People
on Karth. had one if thnlr rood old
( ttmea Friday nlgat tn ifhelr hall at
of the prominent o,tn ,ni Main at reft. - There were
a goodly number of the -antlered herd
rrom Oregon City and m carload from
Portland bod (re No- 111. accompanied
by Exalted Rnler W. Apperaon, Qua
C. Moaer, and Dr. W. Carleton Smith,
of Salem, the aiatrtci aeputy grana
exalted ruler. Taere were a doaea
p metTng ot the 1 Inltlatlona and tlie irewt waa real aportr
rwn m. n. . ive. aa ne naa not wn iea ior imeni
aaye. i ne anir enuou wim ou vi
thoae genuine ETk banqueta, the menu
li.ln ihm rhnlrMi anfl It waa near the
kme tg Laraern haa nouP of midnight wlien the herd acat
Jty from San Fran- tered.
Cheney Homi 'la Sold.
O. A. Chwncy tiaa aold hla home
place near Oreoa Ptfhrt to Mlaa Haxel
Tooce. The place waa aold Friday
morning, and la at nreaent occupied
L of Gladatone. Mr. ' by the Owenby famTly. The land con-
rtland to attend fae wMate of one lot, aad eanmanda an ex-
and haa been epen- cellent view, being located on tbe riv
er. The houae will we tnorougbiy
high School Lad Surprlaad.
The High 8chool wuplla f the Glad
atone achool tendered a aurprlae to
'm9 .v.nin Mrvtee ' Frank Johnaton, one of thrtr number,
Jng room open dally . on Saturday evening. There mrere up-
n 9 to 4 p. m. - I wanfla of twenty present and a Jolly
. , rw.n ' Rood time waa the reaulu Ta young
ianl 1- r?llT n W roucb "rpriaed and hla
Jellwood, la very III ,.an. n)' ,nQf -. i,.i.
k E. Courand, of Can- -
rrdVr;dnGrTe" Single Tax.
brother, Fred Gr ea- Th of BlnRle T
r Mr". Courand baa 'Mountain Vlew PJSf
j her brother at Sell- Th afflrmUlve WM flT.n the
i aion, out noi uniu arier a iioi corneal
Sr, one of the promt-' jen engaged In. Rev. Hayworth,
aenu or atone, waa ot tne i)aptist church, made an Inter
! yeaterday attending tlng talk. - -
f s Chop House
Meols-at, All Hours-
the best, ot lowest prices, eat with us.
V is satisfaction. ,.f nr
Satwean Fourth and fifth Streeta.
The Abernethy Grange met at the
Orange Hall at Park place on Saturday,
the affair being an all day meeting,
and an excellent dinner waa served
by the ladlea of the grange. Tbe of
ficers who are to aerve for the enatilng
year were Installed and are aa follows:
Maater, O. 1). Dlmlck; overseer, Mra.
Ketta Rivera; lecturer, O. L Clyde;
chaplain, Mra- A. M. Rraytoir? treas
urer. Captain J. T. Apperaon; secre
tary, Mra. - Pearl Dernier; assistant
steward. Sam Jonea 'gatekeeper, John
Kent; lady assistant steward, Miss
Ethel Butts; cerea, Mra. Will River;
pomona, Mra. Charles Rivera; Flora,
Mra. Mendenhall. .
Mrs. Dlckerson, of Oaweao, one of
the prominent grangera of that place,
was present, a. well aa her husband.
Mrs. Dlckerson acted aa the Installing
officer, and waa assisted by Mr. Dlck
erson. Among the features or the
afternoon waa the address by the new
ly Installed master, O. B. Dlmlck. Mr.
Dlmlck outlined hla policy for the
year, which will change the system of
the program ao aa to take up good,
live questlona at each of the meetings,
and to secure speakers from different
parte of the state, and ao not to de
pend aolely on local talent, aa hereto
Mra. Dlckerson, who la a member of
the Women'a Work Club of Oswego,
told bow this -club waa working at
that place, and what la being accom
plished. Mr. Dlckerson gave some In.
st ructions, which were appreciated aa
to the aecret work, and he waa fol
lowed by Captain J. T. Apperaon, who
gave a short address which was well
received, aa well aa the others who
The next meeting of Abernethy
Grange will be held at tbe Grange hall
on the last Saturday in reurunry.
There were about 40 membera of tbe
grange attending Saturday'a meeting,
and there waa much Intereat manifest
ed both morning and evening sessions.
PORTLAND, Jan. 28. f Stl.) That
f2,00i.0)0 factory will aoon be locat
ed lu Portland, employing 600 men on
the day It opens, waa announced to
the annual meeting of tbe Manufac
turers' Association of tho Northwest,
just held here. Dr. J. R. Wethorbee
told of the big addition to Portland's
manufacturing Intereate lluU-ls prom
Ined, but aald he waa not yet at liberty
to name the newcomer.
Dr. Wetherbee aald the president of
one of the largest manufacturing con
cerlna In the United State, will be In
Portland within a few days to look
over the ground for a location. More
over, five new factorlea are In eight
for thla city, which la becoming more
and more the manufacturing center ot
the Northwest
There waa a great daal of Interest
In addresses at the dinner of the man
ufacturera. and employera' liability
lawn, freight mattera, etc., war dis
cussed. Those In attendance ravored
an equitable meaanr that win provide
for thoae dependent upon te Injured
workmen. The Gorman plan f a con
mlsslon, whereby the Government, tbe
employer and the employe contribute
to the relief fund, waa caererally fav
ored. -
The manufactures 'Wlfl give an
poaltlon m fortlan am tVe two wfeka
commencing February t. Goods eaade
In Otrwgon win ne h0wn on an exten
sive scato, & local department more
having offered to liotttm the exWblta.
Secretary Vincent, ot fhe manufactur
er, yroanteea that war 100,000 people
will view the shoving of Oregon made
prod acta. i .
entVOovrmnent "Rioting Is Renewed
at rjuayaqull.
GUAYAQUIL, "Ecuador. Tan. 28.
The antl-govertrment rlotlnjc In proteiit
agarnat the projected leaae of the Gala-
natoe Talanaa to tne unites uiaiea waa
rMwA laat -tflrht. A mob -stoned
the residence of president-elect Estra
da and tne orncea or ki iimpo, e
government organ.
Ti. MiTlra urevnnted the crowds
from approaching the government
ace, nut it wwa neceasary 10 cu m
the mounted Torcea. The latter
charred and dispersed the riotera. At
nldnlgtrt the ttty waa nulet again.
Rwoort That LouU W. Hill Said Aa
MncrT Today.
PORTLAND, Jan- "28. (Spl.) Lowla
W. Hill waa In thla city today and ta
planning for another trip Into the In
terior of the State. ' According to the
atory of what he had to aay there la
every prospect or tne hih property
continuing on aonth Into the Medford
and - Klamath Falla aectlon of the
State, much to the Joy of people living
ana waning for inn xaci.
riw Wl inn. WMTllllaa.
Born. Friday. January 17. to the wife
of Jacob Scharf, of Cams, a boy.
Born, at Willamette, to the wife ot
Jacob Flynn, January 27, a daughter.
Born, January 28. to tne wre or
AiTgust Delmar, of Stafford, a aon.
Born, on Friday, January 28, to Mr.
and Mra. Samuel Moaer, a daughter.
Mr. and Mra. Moaer are realdenia of
Born, on Friday, January 28, to Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph H. Delker, ot Staf
ford, a aon.
'. Vary III at Fern Ridge.
Frank Oswald, who haa been at
work on In aide finishing on some of
the better homea at Sllverton, re
lumed to hla home In Fern Ridge thla
evening. ' When he arrived at h"m
he lound hla Wife's mother, Mra. Ken
nedy, very low with allm chance of
recovery, no word or e u in ess naa
been received by him, notification
passing him enronte.
nr n Averv Newton, who haa been
i. (tin whh hla mother. Mra. K. L.
Newton, ot Tenth and John Qulncy
Adama atreete, naa gone to jaiuorni,
' j ' i ' i. . ' '
What'. Doing In Many of the Districts
of the Stats.
Report From Clue River District. -There
are no Idle men In this min
ing camp, which apeaka well for tbe
progress of mine development through
out the district. The Blue Bird Min
ing Co. baa installed a new mill,
known aa tbe Denver Quarts Mill, and
made their Initial run last week, the of which waa most gratifying.
This mill la fully equipped with feeder
and platea, and will crush 50 ton. of
ore In 24 hour., An equivalent of a
ten stamp mill and can be operated
with a 20-borsepower engine. This
property baa bad a great-deal of sys
tematic development done on It, which
will make It an Immediate producer.
The-Blue Bird MlnUig Co. baa made
all lta building lumber, having In
stalled on Its property a 36-boraepower
sawmill for that purpose.
The Treaaure mine, which haa been
Idle for some time, gives promise of
soon again being In activity. Twenty-
five hundred feet of tunnel ha. been
driven on thla property and on which
ta a triple discharge Merrill mill with
platea and a concentrating table;
alao an artel tram 800 feet In length
with 2 bucketa with 800 pounds capa
city each, and blacksmith shop with
anvil, forge and tools. This property
haa an exceptionally fine building of
six stories, and la very modern, aa
it contains aeveral baths, with hot and
cold water, well ventilated sleeping
rooms, large living rooms, reading and
writing rooms for tbe men and com
pany offices, and a perfect sewer aya-
tera In connection.
A contract has been let by the
Lucky Boy Company for a , 700-foot
tunnel on a lower level to tap the
base ore. A; 40 atamp mill Is on thla
property which also haa a first class
electric power plant, and at one time
a large producer, by government re
port. '"There are many substantial
buildings on the Lucky Boy property,
Including a hotel and club house. The
Great Western Mining and Milling
Company'a property Is located on the
extension of the Lucky Boy lelge, and
which property Is, with tho progress
of development showing up flntf values
which gives great promise of becom
ing one of the large producers of tho
district, flome good work la being
dono on tbe Great Northern, In open
ing up an ore body of very rich ore,
which la In formation, mostly black
manganese, running very high In free
gold. - '
There are many other mines In. this
district, under private ownership,
which development haa proven to be
valuable properties, among which are
the Tate Brothera, group, the Rowena
and Ruby, the Taft, owned by William
Odgera, the McCaulley mine, the Cin
derella group, the Powers and Odgera
mine, tbe Providence, Confidence and
Golden Eagle No. 1 and 2, group
owned by Portland women, and many
others which we will note later, to
gether with" correct data covering
aame. With the organisation of the
Blue Rlvr Branch of the State Mln-
era' Association, we feel that we are
not Mandlng alone, but are. a unit of
a hoi j, which, with our ntlted efforts,
oft achieve all within mason we may
ak for. "In nnlty thr la atrfength,"
and with that mtrength properly man
aged, we eaa bring the mining buai
nesa to Ira rlghtrol standing, bntld np
legitimate mrattt business all over the
state, and torre tbe falter to the wall.
Tkwaw things nnd much more can
we 0s tfcrwfr we earnestly entreat
all aa nnd wtrmen Interested In Ore
gon aatwea, whether their Intereat be
In lata wwnerahrtn or stock In Oregon
rala, to tme (forward and Join the
Stat Ulnars' Association and help a
to nrcre ear assertion to the pnbllc
that Oregon lias no superior In nay
llwe ( wrodndt and that her vast min
eral brce and placer mines need enly
the combination of skill, capital and
labor to bring about thla desired con
dition, then our'atate may take her
place In the mineral world, where ahe
property belongs. ..
Report f Curry County Dhrtrict.
Oolfl Beach, Ore. The work of the
mining district la on the Tip-grade.
Several new companlea and many
profipertore have come Into the coun
try sine our laat report. Tk Elk
River Wining Company, with head
qnartnra at Portland, a corporation,
hare taken up the work of developing
their vlaoer and quart claim on Elk
river. The property la a most excel
lent one. Much of the sand Is ao rich
that an average salary can he made by
planning out the yellow metaL Flnmea
and the necessary equipment will be
Installed at once.
. Rogwe River. Territory.
Three men are working on tbe pla
cer group of clalma owned by Port
land and Salem people, located on
Collier creek. A full set of supplies,
together with tools and other equip
ment, has been provided to run the
crew through tho winter months.
Every preparation will be made for
a great development In the early sum
mer. ,
On the upper Rogue the- Red River
Mining and Development Company of
Indlanapolla, are extending their wprk.
Flumea of more than nine mllea have
been completed. ' Stamp mllla and
giants have been Installed and every
thing polnta to a great development
of thla part of the county .On Mule
Creek some copper ledges have been
opened which look Very promising.
The lack Of tranaportatton Into this
aectlon ot the state prevent mnch of
the work from being done that would,
ba If the condition were different.
The people are living In hope of bet
ter days and better shipping facilities.
The Mining 'and Timber Journal I.
read by our people with great delight.
It I. juat what la needed. .Word, of
commendation come from all the
camps of the splendid reading you are
giving us. ..Long may It live. .,
Jusanvllle District, Oraat County.
Tbe Badger, one of the most pro
ductive mines of Eastern Oregon 1.
located here. For twelve years It waa
In operation and paid good dividends
to lta owners- The Ophlr Join, the
Badger and blda fair to become one
of the great producera. There are
two atrataa of ore running with an
average aasay of $60. Tbe property
baa a ten atamp mill with five con
centrators and plenty of -water and
ateam power. The main shaft Is 280
feet deep with ore shoots 110 feet In
length and still going north In the
drift. The average width of the ore
shoot la three feet.
Tbe Ophlr mine Jolna In thla dis
trict with two clalma. -The present
development consists of tunnel and
ahaft. Aasaya from thla property av
erage 154.72. Tbe property la bonded
and thoae In charge are looking for.
capital to push the work and put It on
a paying basis. Tbrre are other valu
able clalma In thla district which will
be operated as fast aa capital and
transportation facilities are forth-coming.
Highland Mine. .
One of the beat Illustrations of what
can be done when a mine la properly
handled la the Highland mine, near
the head of Rock Creek, Baker coun
ty. The stock had decreased to tbe
point where It bad no commercial
value, the property waa In litigation
and but little, If any, ore In sight
With careful management the man
ager, during the paat year and more,
haa shipped more than $00,000 worth
of crude ore.. The property haa no
milling or reduction facilities, hence
the ore shipment. Out of the ship
ments for the pftt few months, valued
at. t24.C95.52 gross, after paying all
expenaos, the net returns amounted
to $17,247.50- Tbla la but one example
that might be duplicated In uany In
stances anon properly handled.
Southern Oregon Enjoys Growth.
Grant's Pairs, Ore. The revival of
the mining Industry on a broader,
more comprehensive and substantial
basis, Is now on In Southern Oregon.
Never in lta history has the outlook
for real mining been ca brlsht In the
districts of Josephine and Jackson
counties.-The revival of the present
la not the result of booming, or nn
due promoting, but haa come about
through the development of a number
of mammoth propositions, whose
worth la represented In the Immen
sity and atablenesa of their ore bodies,
rather than Id the extreme richness
of narrow Veins. The certainty of
better transportation facilities also
has contributed to the better condi
tion of things In Southern Oregon
mining districts. Mlnea that would
acarcely pay to work, particularly the
copper properties of Waldo district,
aouthern Josephine, ' because of the
long wagon road haul, will pay hand
somely whan a railroad reduces the
cost ot carrying matte and coke- Three
surveying crewa, one o,thm a HUL
and the other a. Southern Pacific out
fit, am now making routes from
Grant's pass to Crescent City, by way
of "Waldo. ' That on ot these com
paniea will build a lino within the
next six or eight months, or at least
make a good beginning In that direc
tion, now aeenis an absolute certainty.
The trtaaportattofa problem for Ca
lico district, aa haa already been to'.d
tn these colnmna, will be solved by
tbe building ot a motor highway from
the Alsoeda mme to LelandV Thla
road la almost completed, and the big
trucks will be hauling their loads of
matte aad coko In a few weeks. This
highway win alao give transportation
facllitlea to other developed mlnea of
Galle and lower Rogue river districts.
The anlmng; men of Southern Oregon
are -getflna; together." White no at-
temjA ta snade to hold a congress, or
perfect am association, a better feeling
of harmony prevalla than haa ever
been known. The Idea of tho present
la not that of "wlld-cattlng," or of
booming, but of deep development and
lnteATlgnnt operation. The fact that
the !( mlnea of Southern Oregoi
those that "made good," were atl
economically managed and Intelligent
ly operated, encourages ' experienced
mining men to take up propositions
In this district. Thua there haa been
opened p In the Gallce district, be
sides the Almeda, the Oriole, Golden
Wedge, Cold Springs and Sugar Pine;
In the Grave Creek district, besides
tbe famoas old Greenback, the Saint
Peter's. Yellow Horn, Kramer and
Vulcan: In the Waldo district, besides
the Queen of Bronxe, the Lyttle, Cow
boy, and Tutt; In the Canyon Creek
district, besides the Canyon Creek
consolidated, the Mldaa and Curlew
All of these properties are In the
handa of competent mining men, and
are being Intelligently developed and
equipped. It la not "thousand dollar"
ore, or even "hundred dollar" ore that
men are now aeeklng tn Southern Ore
gon, bnt the big, wide and permanent
ledgea whoae value of from $7 to $10
a ton can be retted upon. Such ledgee
have already been uncovered In the
mine here named, and will be the
basis for a big and oonatant produo-
loa-ogod and copper. These two
metal are fpund together in practi
cally all tho big ledge of Southern
Oregon. In moat of them, a ha al
ready been proved on such properties
as the Almeda and the mine of the
' ' (Continued on page 4.)
Real. .Estate
C T. Toose,. .
Lawyer and Notary
-' Loan
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
Rwia 2, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City
8. B., and Florence E. Cobb to Elec
tric Development Co., right to flood
and suVftierge with water, of Sandy
and Bull Run Rivera parte of south
west quarter of southwest quarter, or
lot 4, aectlon 20, township 1 south,
lange 6 east; $1.
Asa Parker to C. A. Frost, lot 1
and 2, block 12. Gladstone; $960.
George E. and Lucy Hara: reaves to
Emma E- Mllstead. lot ft and fractional
lot 7, block 14, Fall View addition to
Oregon qity; $1100. '
Joseph E. snd Lillian B. Hedges to
Mary O. Omnd, lota 7, 8 and , block
21, Windsor; $525.
E. M. and Maude 8. Rasmuasen to
Frank and Llllie Hammerle, lot 4
and 17, block J 6. Gladstone; $1000. '
Oeptl.t Cor. Main and Ninth atreete.
Kv. b. A. Hayworth paator, rea. ill
Ninth; 8. 8. 12 noon. Mra. A. F. Parker
upt. ; mom In servlca 10:30, evenlne;
7:10. T. P. 8. C. K. ( 20 p. m. and Jun
iors aame hour. Weekly prayer meet
In Thursday at TrJO p, m.
Morning subject ".The Higher Joy."
Evening "A Plea for Purity."
Canemah Baptlet Mleelon 8. 8. meet at
1:00 p. m., Lewis Conklln aupt.
CathAllo Cor. Water and Tenth streets.
Hev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, res. 1J
Water; Low Maaa ( a. m.. Hlsh Mass
10:10 a. m., afternoon service 4:10. Mwi
very morning" at S:l.
Congregational Cor. Main and Kleventh
street". Itev. Wm M. Proctor paator,
rea. M Third; 8. 8. 12 noon, John 1-ow-ry
anpt.; morning service 10:20, evening-
7:20. young people 4:10. Weekly
prayer roeetln Thursday at 7:10 p. m.
Morning subject "Jesus at the Jor
Erenlng "Tbe Haunted Houae;"
Christ Ev. Lutheran Cor.' Elfrhth and J.
Q. Adama atreeta, Kev. P. Schmidt
paator, res. UM J. Q. Adama; 8. 8.
t M a. m ; preaching atemoona of f rat
and third Sundaya at Z:10 In Englteh.
other Sunday aervlcea morning st 10:20
with preaching In German.
Morning subJect--Three Stars for
Earthly Pilgrims." Preaching in Eng
lish. .. . ..
Christian Science Willamette building;
Pununy srrvicrs 11 a. m., 8. 8. 12 noon;
Wednesday rcrvlcra 1p.m.
Morning subject "Love." '
German Evangelical Cor. Eighth and
Alamaon trcl. Hev. r . WievwicK paa-tii--.
ivh. 712 Madlw.n: B. B. 10 a. m.,
Herman Bchradcr. Monroe atrtet. aupt.:
momjif aervlce 11. young peuplo at 7
p. rn. and prt-aih'ng at p. m. Prayer
met tine Wednesday at 7:20 p. i.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. II. Mulkr-y
paator. rea.. tjladj'tone; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
N. C. Hendrtcka aupt.; morning sTVli-e
11 o'clock, evening service 7:2') Week
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
'Morning A "merger" service - of
church and Sunday School.
Evening Preaching by the pastor
at the usual hour. - - - -
Mathodlct Main atreet cor.' Seventh.
Kev. W F. Zimmerman pastor, res. cor.
Bixth and Washington; 8. 8. :4& a. m..
C. A. Williams. Gladatone, aupt.; morn
ing ae-rvlo 10:46, Bpworlh Leau :10,
evenlne; service- 7:20. Prayer meeting
Thursday T:10 p. m.
Morning Quarterly communion ser
Evening topic "The Prize Winner."
Mountain View Union (Cong) 8. 8. S
i. m.. Mra. J. H. Qulnn aupt-: "dk
Study every ' Thursday afternoon;
preaching 7:20 p. ta. second and fourth
Sundays In January
Presbyterian Seventh street cor Jeffer
aon. Rev. J. B. Landaborough paator,
rea. 71 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a aniara.
W. C. Oreen aunt.: rooming service 11
a. m.. T. P. B. C. B. :4S p. m.. even-
In aervlce 7:10. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 1p.m. .
Morning aubject "Manhood Four-
Evening "Power of Endurance,
ParknlM-s Conaraaatlonal -ReY. J. I.
Jonea paator. rea. Clackamas; 8. 8. 10
a- m.. Emery French aupt. ; preaching
awrvlcea each Bunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m. Chrla
tlan Endeavor Thursday evening 7:20
p. m.
at. Paul's Episcopal Ninth at., near
Main. Rev. Chaa. W. Roblnaon paator.
rea. at Rectory, Ninth and Water ata.
8. 8, 11 noon. Wm. Bhewman aupt.;
morning servlc 11 a. evening aer
vtoa t p. m.
Evening Sermon to Elks Lodge
appropriate to Lincoln Day.
United rthrn Cor. Eighth and Taylor,
Rev. L. F. Clarke paator. rea. Portiana
8. S. 10 a. m., Frank Pnrker, Maple
Ian. aunt.: mornlna? aervlo 11. Y. P.
8. C. B. D. m.. evening aervica 7.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:10 p. ra.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
services. 8. 8. I p. n, Mra. Reama
supt. .
Zlen Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
atreeta. Rev. W. K. Kraxberrer paa
tor. rea. 720 Jefferson; 8. 8. t: 10 a. m ,
Rev. Kraxberg-er aupt.: morning aervlo
10:10. evening 7:46. Luther League
p. m.
Morning aubject "Sojae Important
uuues oi unriHimiiB.
Subject of Luther League, 7 p. m.
"Life of SL Paul."
If you want to V t . ' ;
UY A LOT, :-- '
And If you want t sell farm, horn or
lot do likewise.
Wants, For Sale, etc
Notloea under tbM- claaalftad haadlns
will tx (navri-l at on cent a word, first
Insertion, half a crnl additional tnsr
tlima. On Inch card. II per month; half
Inch card. (4 lines) $1 per month.
Cash, nun accompany order unleaa one
haa an open account with the paper. No
financial reaponatbllltjr for errors; where
err ore orcur free corrected hot Ira will be
printed for patron. Minimum char Ho.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
. eral. housework In family ol three..
1 Enquire G10 Seventh St.
7 Reom House and acre. Nice
acre Lota close to car line... Also 0
acre tracts at $400 per sere.
Jennings Lodge, Ore.
FOR SALE-T-Spaco In this column.
Sell that old plow or harrow; yon
don't use It since you purchased
your new one. ... ,
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, 8tevena Bldg. -
FOR RENT Liner space In this col--nmn.
A few line may rent that
house, store or farm; they will cost,
. you but a few cent.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully
glen- on all classes of building
work, concrete wslks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 111.
O. D. EBY, -Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law business. Over Hank ot
. Oregon City.
U'REN &.8CHUEBEL, Attomeys-at-
Law. Deutscher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, make collections;
and aettlementa. Office In Enter-,
prle Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon..
DR. L a. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4,"
5 nd 6 Beaver building. Mam t.r
Oregon City- Phonea: Home A-198
and Pacific Statea 1221. - '
MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevena Bldg.
MONEY LOANED We are "acquaint
ed with the value ot an iarm lanuai
In Clack amaa County and can loom
your money on good safe security.
Farm loana made one, two and three
years at 7 per cent. Abstract cat
title examined. DIMlCK A D1MICK.
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon. - .,.
V. R. HYDE, A ttfact Oiflc
Land tlUes Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public -
Room 7. Barclay Bldg, Oregon .City.
Investment Co., Steven Bldg.!
Farm, Timber, Grazing. Agricultural).
Lands. City Property, Small Fruit,
and Poultry Ranchea for Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg.,.
Oregon City, Oregon. ,
E. H. COOPER, For Fir insurance-
anu neai caiaie. ubi ub auraiv-
your properties we ' buy, sell and.
exchange. Office - in Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. .
: tate Dealera. have choice bargain
In farm landa, city and auburban-.
homea, good fruit land and poultry
ranchea. See u for good buy.
Near S. P. depot.
of aandy loam, nil good farm land fro .
from stone and gravel 3 ft acre th
cult, balance all alaahed, burnt and
aeeded but on acre and haa boon for
a good many year so the clearing 1
not very hard; 4 room box house, barn .
20x22; good well, alao border th
Tualatin , river. Thla I fine poach,
berry or garden land. In fact rood for
anything that growa; 4 ft miles of
Oregon City on a macadam road; IS
mile of Portland on a macadam road.
Tho price of thl place ha always
been (2650 but for a quick sale owner
will take $2200. 1800 down, balane ,
S year at 8 per cent,
Oregon City, Or.
Near Suspension vWia, t $'
SECOND HAND Fnmltu4j, Curio t4
Rllca bonght,' ol4) astd xfcT.J,
Anything from a. darning needle to
-a ships anchor. TO UNO. Tho
toootf Hand Man, Main SL, Or-'
gon city.
Electric Hotel 1
J. J. TCSlM, rVtpi fetor.
' , - " -W w- 9 f.