Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 28, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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" Molalla, was In
X that hot lunch
610 Main strt. '
"alalia, i In Ore-
M ystrday.
Joap 25c. Beolny'a.
of Mr. and Mr.
, quit 111 with pueu
i Snd Confection at
at. nar Postofflce,
"JT, of Davenport,
Jon City during to
ttr 8O0 rolt Be
113 at hla home near
a aevere attack
at Seeley's
Jfcolt. waa In Ore
jaglsterlng at the
e 25o at Bnoley'a
Snimlaalon tnerch
jl thla city Thurs-
t that hot lunch
110 Main afreet
tof Beavox Creole,
;gon City business
that hot lunch
,10 Main street
lllugham, Waah.,
gon city visitors
sea goods 49o pc
i n i'ooi
"Jem, who waa in
la Thursday, re
rlday. I with No. 8 box
pf Zlon Lutheran
ij. pleasant meeting
It t o'clock,
f that hot lunch
1 Main atreet.
the prominent
l' waa transacting
I Thuraday.
Dentlat, Cau.
Jty. irm of Plaaa A
i, waa In Oregon
j potatoes.
t. Dentlat, Cau-
one of tha well
(ull no, waa trans
ila city yesterday.
M Dread that can
t It at Hchrader's
t near Poslof-
ho haa been at
Bre for the paat
to Oregon City
V who realdea on
out three mllea
t haa .been danger
(toproved. of the Luther
iaran church will
Bt Paul"' at the
e Sunday even-
mining man of
In Oregon City
to up from Port
It Oregon City and
river falla.
ffcaa Junt returned
lrlp In the Kat
ffera to locate In
there la no place
1 came back to It
Mat held at the W.
ia which articles
W number winning
Jo, and la held by
i other numbera
jr CSS, 107, and
y Runaet Magazine
V of Preama Come
illustrated In four
Ringing in the
knclaco Chrlatmaa
i All news stand,
t Ahrnathy Orange
Be there will be an
leers. . Mr. Pickens,
V will assist In the
(women of tha or
ft dinner, .
hurch Sunday even
ih will preach the
tthe aeries, "Mark
Junject, "A. Ploa for
I also discuss tha
new 8 hour labor
W Soda 6o at Bee-
y win be observed
plsropal church on
fat that time the
de Post, Q. A. R.,
dy at the morning
JMtor, Rev. Zimmer
man appropriate ad-
who has been con
ther In the awmlll
Rend, Wash., ar-
City yeaterday and
Con of iil farm lm
Reynolda haa pur
1 farm on tha Aber-
brought hla family
urn, one of the farm
)r Maple Lane, waa In
f business Friday, hav
A of poUtoea.
lty, of Davenport,
regon City on Friday,
Jfor a location for a
ha decides to locate
hi family to Ore-
Elks will attend tha
Copal church on next
at the 5 o'clock aer
following Sunday tha
hlas will attend In a
jate addresses will be
f occasions by the roo
,1es Robinson. It has
by the rector to have
ige and order of the'
ie Sunday evening anr-.
e eitended an Invlta-
L. A. Daugharty, on of the leading
farmer residing at Molalla, wa In
Oregon City Friday.
A half dozen employee of the En
terprise are on the aluk Hat, complain
ing of the grip and kindred disorder.
Tha IClks will attend divine services
In the Episcopal church Sunday, the
service for the occasion being held at
1. M. 4 .
D. Ouenther, who own two lot on
John Q. Adam street, corner Tenth,
la finishing up a pretty cottage for a
. Warner flrango, at New Era, will
hiatal ofrioera today, Mrs. May How
ard, of Mullno, will assist 111 tb work
of Installation. -
Mrs. Francis King llcadl will de
liver her lectur on Hawaii to the
chlliljayn, In the Congregational church
at tFvclock thla afternoon. -
orrest .Mllla Percale, 38 lncho
do. fast colore, 60 patterns 12Vtn
quality special price 11c yard, at
John Adams, ''The people' Store.'
Masonic Temple Dldg.
Kmll Ouenther, who own property
on Jackson stret botween Ninth and
Tenth, la building a home. He own
a ranch near Heaver Creek but I mak
ing Oregon City hla home,
Tha newly-organized graded union,
fur the study of the Sunday achool
lesson, will meet at the Baptist church
this afternoon. It la desired that all
tudenta of the Hible' attend, and es
pecially teacher In the Sunday schools
In tb city. ,
Indian Joe I already tired of the
associations around the city prison
and longs for more convenient quar
ts. A the result of hi ImiHirtunl-
s he has been given a lob of house
cleaning la the Council chamber- and
will be permitted to work out hi fin
If he will continue In active service
so long without lapse.
Attorney John F. Clark went to
Portland Thuraday on legal business.
Mr. and Mra. Peter Bohlender, of
Heaver Creek, were In Oregon City
yesterday on business.
Mis Olivia Edwards, of Portland,
formerly of this city, wa In Oregon
City on Thursday visiting with friends.
Mis Certrud Kroll, who ha been
making ber home In thla city for the
past four montha, ha returned to her
home at Clermont.
Miss Josephine Newton, who I In
thla city visiting with her mother, Mrs.
K. I Newton, will return to Phila
delphia In February.
Mlsa Annie Le Miller, or Portland,
waa a guest Friday and Saturday of
Miss Charlotte Evangeline Dye, at tb
residence of Attorney C. II. Dye.
Mr. and Mr. William Ouenther, of
Reaver Creek, were In Oregon City
the first of the week visiting with
their son, D. Ouenther, and attending
to business matter.
Mr. Duane Ely left yesterday af
ternoon for Tualatin, wher she will
remain until Sunday visiting with ber
brother, Joseph Ryrom. . Mra. Ely'
father at that place la very 111, and
aba will visit him while there.
Mr. and Mr. II. C. Rllger and son.
of Ellensburg. Wash., left last night
for lios Angeles, after a few day'
visit with Mr. and Mr. C. W. Evans.
Mr. Rllrer I a Jeweler at Ellensburg
and wllf winter In Southern California
with bla family.
Mra. M. Andrews, . Of Cleveland.
Ohio, ha arrived In this city for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 8hew
waa at Tlonesta. Pa., before moving
to Cleveland, and ah haa been travel
ing alnoe September, a part of thla
time being spent In California. She
recently met with an accident while
visiting In California by falling on a
sidewalk and breaking her arm, but
the Injury Is Improving rapidly.
Two Famlllsa Mad Happy.
Horn To Mr. and Mr. August Dol
mar, of Stafford, a boy.
Born To Mr. and Mr. Stout, of
J. Q. Adam and Eleventh streets, a
Getting Ready for a Concert In th
Near Future.
The Willamette Rand, which la com
posed of some of the young boys of
that place, la rehearsing twice a week,
and much progress la being made. It
la th plan of the band to give a social
In the near future, at which time many
mnalral anl-tlnns will be alven. The
Graves hall la donated free to the boya
Th following are those belonging to
the organization:
T. Johnaon, cornet; E. Maaa, cornet;
A: Johnon, cornet; Al Edmond. cor
net; II. Colson. baritone; E. Rrltton,
baritone; A. Waldron, trombone; 8.
Waldron, trombone; E. Rerdine, alto;
O. Granqulat. bass tuba; R. Rrltton,
bas drum; E. Andrewa, anare drum.
The leader of the organization la La
vean Moehnke.
Encourage exercise by placing feed
some distance from the shed on fine
Ra sure that the sheep barn has a
tight roof, a dry floor, good ventilation
and no drafts.
Hold on to soma of the clover for
spring feeding. It 1 great when the
sheep get tired of timothy.
Sheep are timid, nervous Creature,
and all excitement and roughness
should be avoided In handling tbem.
Look out for sore teat on ewe with
lamb. When such conditions are dis
covered, rub the affected parta twlca
a day with alted butter.
Hogs properly sheltered will thrive
on much les feed than those exposed
to cold.
Alfalfa hay and corn have been
found to be a most satisfactory fatten
ing feed for hogs.
Hog manure 1 almost the richest of
any made on the farm. Save it all and
put It out on the land.
If the food la allowed to sour In the
troughs. It will throw tha hogs off feed.
This will check growth, and la a loaa.
The best feed we find for' young
pigs before ' weaning Is shelled corn,
soaked from one feed till the next and
sprinkled over, when damp, with mid
dlings, with a very small proportion
of oil meal and tankage added. Salt
the mixture lightly and feed In troughs.
ything Strictly Fresh. Short Or-
ders Our Specialty
O'DONNEL, - Proprietors
I tttween 5th tivd 6th. on Main Street
Second Week Is Exciting and
and Numerous Bills Are
Salem, Or. Tb most exciting
event during th second week of tb
legislative session was the political
rumpus In the Senate over the Kella
ber resolution to hav tb Legislature
endorse tb Oregon system "a tb
best In th world." Th dobate, lust
ing five hours, embittered by person
alities, wa the stormiest heard In
many session. Jonathan Bourne.
more than tha resolution was th tar
get at which tb verbal bullet dew.
The resolution was defeated, but It
undoubtedly would hav been adopted
but. for the charge of the standpat
Republicans that It waa a scheme of
United States Sent: r Bourne to ad
vertise himself; bis band ws sus
pected even by some progressives, so,
with on accord, tbey resurrected
Bourns' political past and called him
everything tbey could think of In lan
guage fit for utterance In a public
Among those hurling verbal har
poon Into Bourna were Abraham, Al
bee. Chase, Carson, Rowerman, Not
tingham, Clklna,Norton and Malar
key. The defender of the resolution
and tha Oregon System were Dlmlck,
Slnnott, Miller, McColloch and Kella
ber. Meet of tha speech s were liter
ally "hot stuff," hut applause was
May Adopt Modified Resolution.
Senator Albe ha revised tb reso
lution to Indorse tha Oregon System
by not declaring Oregon "haa the best
goverament In tha world." Thla ac
tion I In line with tb desire of
friend of the Orejcon System to take
away the- IU effect caused by the Sen
ate's refusal t .Indorse the resolution
iaat week.!' Staadcat politicians al
ready have been using the failure to
Indorse, th system as a weapon, and
It is to counteract this that Albee
haa brought up tha matter again. As
now drafted, the resolution 1 expect
ed to pas, for several progressives
who refused to vote for the original
resolution will accept It In tha "new
Bowerman Raps Asylum Hssds.
Jay Rowerman also stirred up the
Senate b- his Vigorous defens of his
purchsse of tb branch asylum sit at
Pendleton. H openly charged Dr. R.
E. Le Btelner, of the State Asylum,
with extravagance; charged the Stat
Roard with playing peanut politics,
and Insisted" that he would not toler
ate being placed before tha people of
the atate as a fool or a knave. It was
the explosion which haa been gather
ing ever sine Governor West sent In
his special measage, asking that a
committee be selected to visit the
Rowerman aaylum alta aid see' If It
waa satisfactory. .
. A Joint committee consisting of
Representative L. L.' Mann of Uma
tilla, J. C. Rryant of Benton, Senator
L. E. Rean of Lane and Senator W. C.
Chase of Coos and Curry counties,
was appointed to view the site se
lected by Acting Governor Jsy Rower
man at Pendleton for the branch
Both Houses Working Well.
Aside from the row in the House
over -patronage, the failure of the Sen
ate to Indorse tb Oregon System of
popular government, and tb attack
n tba extravagance at tha Asylum
and Home for Feeble Minded, both
House and Senate are working well,
tha organization being on business
lines, the committees rushing. Msny
bills referred to committees have been
reported back within half an hour fa
vorably or unfavorably. The dealre to
be businesslike has extended to the
defeat of resolution for Junketing
committees to tha Institutions of the
state. Tbese Investigations are con
sidered nothing but- pleasure trip,
which are an eipense to the state and
bring no result. The Senate has
turned down every proposed commu
te of tne sort. Then, too, there I a
tendency to hold down the number of
clerks employed, and there I also a
partiality for men clerks and stenog
raphers rather than for women.
Committee Charges Extravagance.
The management of the state In
State Asylum and State School for
Fesble Minded are criticised In tba
report mad by the committee ap
pointed to Investigate the needs of the
atate Institutions and the methods
Not only was the committee severe
In reference to th manner In which
th funus allowed the aaylum have been
squandered by Dr. Ste!ner, but they
are inclined to place the blame upon
him for the manner In whlclr th
Home for tha Feeble Minded haa been
tiled with Inmates who should never
Company to Be Reorganized and Capi
tal Increased.
The stockholders' meeting of the
Home Oil ft Gas Company will be held
thla afternoon at tha Commercial Club
rooms. Th meeting is called for 1
o'clock, and the company will be re
organized and capitalised. Tha pres
ent capitalization I $25,000, and thla
amount will be Increaaed. It la prob
able that new officers will K al&ntt
but this has not yet been decided up
on. The present officer are presl-
aeni, ueorga Biernus; vloe-prealdent,
L D. Mumnowef- treasurer aiul
tnry, C. D. Latourette; J. P. Dunham,
general manager.
lava baea transferred from tha aaf
uiii at all.
Undoubtedly tba us of the probe
)n state Institutions, and especially
3D tha asylum, tb penitentiary and
pb Horn for the Feeble Minded, will
be continued by thla Legislature, by
reason cf tb astonishing mlsus of
funds, extravagance and unbusiness
like methods shown to have prevailed,
rh temper of the members of tb
House was show a by the Incidents
marking th conclusion of tha reading
sf tb report
fraternal Regulation Provided.
Regulation of tb fraternal benefit
societies of the state and their super
vision by tb Insurance commissioner
la provided by a bill Introduced by tba
Insurance committee of the House.
Tba bill wa drafted by Slat Insur
ance Commissioner Kozer . and has
been Indorsed by tba National Frater
nal Congress and tb Associated Fra
ternities of America. One of the pro
visions of the bill gives tbese socie
ties a prescribed time In which to
bring theTr rates up to a basis that
will Insure fulfillment of their mem
bership certificate.
Constitutional Amendments Proposed.
Two proposed constitutional amend
ment appeared In the House In the
form of resolutions. Clyde of Mult
nomah proposes an amendment which
abolishes capital punishment and llm-j
Its the pardoning power of the gov
ernor. '
Provision for a lieutenant-governor
1 provided by another constitutional
amendment proposed by Representa
tive Powell. This amendment fixe
tb aalary of auch officer at $1,200 per
annum except at auch times as h
hall be filling the office of governor,
when be shall receive the regular sal
ary of that official.
Changes In Election Laws.
Changes In the election laws are
proposed by a number of bills before
the Legislature. Senator Barrett of
Washington has introduced a resolu
tion raising the percentage of voters
necessary to Inaugurate an Initiative
petition from per cent to 20 per
cent and for the referendum from 5
to 10 per cent.
Senator Carsop has s bill requiring
county assessors to register electors.
This, he contends, I a way of reach
ing all voters and saves them the
trouble of going to the court house,
especially these llvlrg 'n the country.
. Repreeentatlve Gill hns a bill In tie
House which provides for a cert'flcate
of registration on wnVh an elector
can vote when not at home. It also
provides that electors need not regis
ter more than ence when they have
not moved from their precinct. This
does away with repeated registrations.
The certification of registration con
tains a complete description of the
elector, down to tba color of his eyes
and any physical peculiarities. Tbese
markings are to prevent another "vot
ing on th certificate.
Would Pay' Students' Railway Faroe.
A bill which la intended to appease
the friends of the Ashland and Wes
ton normal school by paying the
traveling expenses of students living
more than 100 miles from the Mon
mouth school was Introduced In the
Senate. Students from, the Ashland
and .Weston territory, who will now be
compelled to go to Monmouth, will be
materially aided If the bill goea
through. In order to eecur payment
of their traveling expenses students
living over 100 miles from Monmouth
must graduate and teach for at leaat
18 montha afterward
Anti-Trust Law Introduosd.
An anti-trust law, which la Intended
to hit all combinations In restraint of
trade, was Introduced In the Senate
by Joseph of Multnomah and may
loom aa one of the large measures of
the sesslan. ' It Is modeled largely
after the Sherman law, and hit at
trusts or combinations formed in re
straint of trade. The bill alms to
eliminate aU contract to combina
tion between two or more persona,
corporations or association, to limit
or reduce production or increase or
reduce the price of any merchandise
or commodity.
Total of Pupils Rsgulatea Pay.
Representatives Belknap and Thomp
son have Introduced a bill which pro
poses a uniform basis for computing
the salary for county achool superin
tendents of the itate. -The bill pro
vides that the salary of the achool
superintendent of each county ahall
be $1,000, and In addition thereto $100
for every 1,200 children In hla county
as abown by the last annual school
cenBus. No superintendent, however.
Is to receive a salary la excess of
$150,000 Asked for Capitol.
An appropriation of $150,000 la rec
ommended by the House committee
on capltol buildings and grounds for
the construction of the state house
grounds, esst of the building, of a
building of sufficient site for the ac
commodation of the atate library, the
supreme court, the library commission,
the railroad commission and tha at
torney general. -,
A little shelled corn mixed In with
the ground feed you give your horses
will help to keep them from swallowing
their food too fast.
The man who boree auger-holes In
his stable floor to allow tha liquid ma
nure to escape, la the man who la al
waya hard up and in "bad luck."
Do not put a handful of salt In the
Teed bog. Put a brick or lump of rock
salt In a convenient placa where the
horse may help himself to It when he
wants It.' n
Do not neglect to give each horaa a
chance to drink th last thing at night,
even If tha weather 1 cool.
A bora that la thirsty all night wtll
loaa In condition, aa compared with
one watered frequently, and the last
thlng at night. ' ' ;
Senator Cummins Asserts Ho
Could Contend Otherwise.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-flnator
Cum ml us, of Iowa, resuming hi argu
ment against th adoption of the com
mittee resolution exonerating Senator
fjorlmer, of Illinois, of the charge of
having procured his-seat by corrupt
means, declared today that there were
many circumstance to sustain tb
Tb Iowa Senator asserted It would
have been Impossible for the human
mind to hav fabricated such a story
aa that supplied to the Chicago Trib
une by Representative White, of the
Illinois Legislature, without having it
refuted by the facta.
Cummins contended that tba votes
of at leant aeven memhera of the Illi
nois Legislature bad been corrupted In
connection with the Lorlmer election.
No 8'turday Session of the State Leg
islature. SALEM. Or., Jan. 27. (Spl.)
8hort, ' sharp and decisive conflict
arose In th Senate thla afternoon on
the question of adjourning until Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock. Dlmlck, of
Clacksmas, objected on the ground
that the Senate had lost a day last
week at the University of Oregon and
would lose another day next week at
Oregon Agricultural College. He In
sisted that the body remain In session
President Selling and Joseph fav
ored adjournment, declaring that Sen
ators were not so munificently remun
erated that they could afford to neg
lect their business completely.
The vote showed 18 for adjournment
and 10 against.
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 27. A pretty
wedding of last night was that of Mis
Clara Nou Woodard aad Emll G. Kar-
dlll, of Gresham, Or., which took place
at the home of Mrs. Robert Dobbins,
1815 North Fair Oaks avenue, Pasa
dena. Q. A. R. Meeting February 4.
The G. A. R. will meet at the Will
amette Hall on Saturday, February 4,
when . the newly elected commander,
D. K. Bill, will preside at the meeting.
The members of Mead Post meet at
thla hall on tha first and third Satur
days In the month, and social times
are enjoyed by the old soldier boys.
The Milwaukle Grange held Its regu
lar all day meeting Saturday, January
21, with several members present. A I
fin dinner waa spread at noon. Lec
ture work in the afternoon with a dis
cussion on the amendment of the City
Charter. The election will take place
February 13. All present favored the
Improvement bond.
Next month the grange will discuss
roses and rose culture.
Mra. Maggie Johnson was an Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday.
Emma Roberta who haa been aick
with the measles Is Improving.
Three girls of the Knickerbocker
family are down with the scarlet fever.
Margaret Roberts Is absent from
school on account of sickness.
Francis Johnson ia confined to her
borne with tosllltla.
Mrs. Geo. Atwood has been serious
ly 111 but Is much better at last report.
Henry Phillips Is still confined to
his home. Mrs. Phillip stated this
morning she waa afraid of pneumonia
setting In. ' f.
Mothers and Teachers Club will
meet Thursday afternoon at the school
house and discuss the gymnasium.
The club presented the boys with 18
bean bags. They hav purchased a
punching bag and frame and are Im
proving the gymnasium little by little.
Mr. Huff haa let the contract for a
five room house In Leo addition.
Tbos. Foats la building a house for
Leslie Harlow on the river.
Real estate la looking up several
partlea are looking for property. We
see a bright future for Milwaukle.
The Knights and Ladles of Security
have several applications and expect
to be booming before long.
F. E. Maple, Mrs- Maple and two
daughters of Sunnyslde, spent Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Ella Maple, mother
of F. E. Maple.
The Charter Amendments are In the
printers' hands,' and will be mailed
ten daya before the election, which
takes place February 13.
The Milwaukle Commercial Club has
sent their folders to the press and ex
pect to have them ready for distribu
tion In a few daya.
Judge Kelso spent Wednesday In
Portland on official business.
Thos. Toata was an Oak Grove visit
or Wednesday. Mr. Toata ia planning
to repair the front of O. Wlsslnger's
store building and enlarge the show
A free lecture will be given by B.
C- Jones, of .Portland, on municipal
government In the city hall Friday ev
ening, January 27. This Is a question
that each and every one la deeply In
terested In. Come and bring one or
more persona with you.
A special committee of the Council
appointed by Mayor Streib, with War
ren Knight aa chairman, la preparing
a new license ordinance for Milwaukle.
The present $600 license for saloona
win be Increased to about $800 or
$1000, and pool rooms will be severely
regulated. Milwaukle has two saloons
and the policy of the administration
Is not to grant any new licenses and
to increase the license fee.
Arrangementa are completed for the
special election to be held February
4th to submit the new city charter to
a vote.
Oregon City Quotations.
APPLES The apple market Is still
firm with large stocks still on hand.
Demand la good with prices from 60c
to $1.
POTATOES Good stock la scarce
with the supply cleaning up; top pay
ing price $1.25 with tha farmera hold
Ing because atock la getting low.
Sweets still on the market are all cel
lar stock and that Is about exhausted.
VEGETABLES Oniona are strong
at 2c pound; carrots, parsfllps and tur
nips plenty with selling prlca at $1
sack; beets S bunches for 10c; plenty
of all kinds but market free. Cabbage
and celery all California stocks.
FLOUR The inclination Is down
ward In sympathy with wheat, which
la off ona cent a bushel. Iical flour
$5 25. hard wheat brand $5.50.
CORN Selling $1 ton cheaper mak
ing- rates $1.65 to $1.76 hundred. Feed
about same prices bran 85o, ahorts
$1.20. barley $1.15.
HAY Merchant paying $14 for
elover, $18 for timothy, and $18 for
oat hay; selling alfalfa for $20 ton.
Plenty of hay to meet demands as yet
BUTTER la weaker but selling at
th same price, paying 65c roll. Cheese
alow demand and all cream good hav
downward tendency.
Real Estate
C T. Tooz,
Lawyer nd Notary
Real Estate Bought and Bold.
Room 2. Reaver BIdg., Oregoa City
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estlmataa cheerfully
given on all clssses of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Re. Phone Main 111.
Baptlat Cor. Mln and Ninth sirert,),
Krv. 8. A. Hay worth piutur. r-. Ill
Ninth; 8. 8. 12 noon, Mrs. A. V. Farker
upt. ; morning rvt- 10:20, v-nln
7:30. T. V. 8. 0. K. 10 p. m. and Jun
ior rnima hour. Weekly prayer meet
In Thursday at 7:10 p. ra.
Morning subject "The Higher Joy."
Evening "A Plea for Purity."
Canemah Baptlat Mlaalon fl. 8. meats at
2:00 p. GQ-. lewla C'onklin aupt.
Catholic Cor Water and Tenth afreet
Kev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, rea. ll
Water; Low Maaa a. m.. Hlnh Maaa
10:30 a. m.. afternoon aervlra 4:20. Maaa;
every morning; at i IS.
Congregational Tor. Main and Eleventh
atreetii. Key. wm. M. Proctor paator,
res. t9 Third; 8. 8. 12 noon. John lxw
ry aupt.; morning- aervtre 1A 20. even
Ina 7:20. younf people (.20. Weekly!
prayer meeting Thuraday at 7:30 p. ra.
Morning subject "Jesus at the Jor
Evening "The Haunted House."
Chrlat Cv. Lutheran Cor. Eighth and J.
. U Adama ratreeta, Kev. P. Schmidt
paator, rea. Hut J. Q. Adama; 8. 8.
9:30 a. m.; preaching afternoons of first
and third Sundays at 2:20 tn Kngllah.
other Sunday aervtrea mornings at 10.30
with preaching In German.
Morning subject "Three Stare for
Karthly Pilgrima." Preaching In Eng
Christian Science Willamette building;
nunday aervlcea 11 a. m.. 8. 8. II noon;
Wedneaday services t p. ra.
St. Paul's Eplacopal Ninth at., near
Main. Kev. C'haa W. Koblnaon paator,
rea. at Rectory, Ninth and Water ata.;
8. 8. 12 noon. Wm. Shewman aupt.;
raomlng aervU-e 11 a. m., evening aer
vtca i p. m.
German Evangelical Cor. Eighth and
JAadiaon streeta. Kev. K. Wlevevlck' paa
tor, rea. 711 Madlaon; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
Herman Bi-hrader. Monroe street, supt.j
morning aervlce 11. young people at 7
p. m. and preaching at S p. m. Prayer
meeting Wedneaday at 7:30 p. m. .
Oladatone Christian Rev. A. H. Mulkey
paator. rea. Uladatone; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
N. C. Itendrtcka aupt. morning aervlce
11 o'clock, evening aervlce 7:30. Week,
ly prayer meeting Thuraday 7:30 p. m.
Morning A "merger" - aervlce of
church and Sunday School,
Evening Preaching by the pastor
at the nsual hour.
Methodist Main street - cor. Seventh.
Kev. K. F. Zimmerman paator. rea. cor.
Hlxth and Waablnston; 8. 8. 45 a. m.,
C. A. Wllllama. Uladatone. aupt.; morn
ing aervk-a 10:4S, Kfworth League i:J0.
evening aervlce 7:10. Prayer meeting
Thuraday 7:30 p. m.
Morning Quarterly communion aer
vlcea. -
I Evening topic "The Prlxe Winner."
Mountain View Union (Cong ) 8. R. S
p. m., Mrs. 1. H. Quinn supt.; Bible
Study every Thuraday afternoon;
preaihlng 7:30 p. m. second and fourth
Sundays In January.
Presbyterian Seventh atreet cor Jeffer
aon. Hev. J. K LandaboroURh paatnr.
rea. 710 Jefferson; 8. S. 10 a. m., Mra.
W. C. Green aupt.; morning aervlce 11
a. m.. T. P. 8. C. E. : p. m., even
, Ing aervlce 7:10. Prayer meeting Thura
day I p. m.
Morning subject "Manhood Four
square." Evening "Power of Endurance."
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. L
Jones paator. rea. Clackamas; 8. S. 10
a m.. Emery l-Vench aupt.; preaching
aervlcea each SundayT alternating be
tween 11 a- m. and 7:10 p. ra. Chrla
tlan Endeavor Thuraday evening 7:30
p. m.
United Brethren Cor. Eighth and Taylor.
Kev. Ia. . Clarke paator. rea. Portland;
S. 8. 10 a. m., Frank Parker. Maple
Ian, mipt.; morning aervlce 11, T. P.
8. C. E. p. m . evening aervlra 7.
Prayer meeting Wedneaday 7:30 p. m.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
aervlcea. S. 8. t p. m.. Mra. Keama
Zlon Lutheran Cor.'jefferaon and Eighth
atreeta. Kev. W. R. Kraxberger paa
tor. rea. 7J0 Jefferson; 8. H. :10 a. m .
Rev. Krajtberger aupt.; morning aervlce
10:20, evening 7:45, Luther Leaaue 7
p. m.
Morning subject "Some Important
Duties of Christians."
Subject of Luther League, 7 p. rn.
"Life of St. Paul."
EGGS Firm at 35c; scare locally
has disappeared. -
MEATS Dressed pork la bringing
11c to 12c for choice. Veal commands
12Vjc to 13c, mutton 9c to 10c, lard 15c.
POULTRY No demand for tha larg
er fowls; chlckena 14c and springers
will bring 16c Only moderate de
mand. Hops The hop market is becoming
firmer and it is believed that those
who hold for the outside figure will
get It. No great movement
Salt Liverpool 75c
Stock salt ground, 70c 100 lba
Dairy $1.50
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise into a large major
ity of tba homes tn Oregon
City and Clackamas county tha
management has decided to
make a special price for tha
daily Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber paya
a year in advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00. -
4 By mall, paid a year in ad-
' vance, $2.00.
People who gave our canvas-
aer a trial subscription for one
or more months, at-ten cents a
week, can have the daily dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
d - paying a year In advance.
$ People who gave our canvaa-
ser a trial subscription, by
. mall, for four months at a dol
3 lar, may have the paper for a
year for $2.00, If paid a year In
$ advance-
Subscriber to the Weekly
Enterprise may change their.
S subscriptions to the dally, re-
cclvlng credit tor half time on
the dally that the weekly Is
paid In advance. When they
choose to add cash to the ad-
vance payment equal to a full .
year'a advance payment they
may taka advantage of the $2
wa make thla special price
no that people who hav paid
In advance) on some other dally
and wish to take tha Morning
Enterprise, may do so without
too great expense.
If you want to k
And If you want to sell farm, horn a
lot do llkewta.
Wants, For Sale, etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be Inaerted at one cent a word, first
Insert Ion. half a cent additional mstr
tlona. One Inch card, 12 par month; half
Inch card. (4 lineal II per month.
Caah must accompany order unleae on
haa an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge lto.
WANTED Strong boy to
papers Enterprise Office.
7 Room House and ' acre. Nio
acre Lota close to car line. ..Also S
acre tracts at 1600 par acre.
Jennings Lodge, Ore.
FOR" SALE Space In thla column.
Sell that old plow or harrow; yon
don't use It since you purchased ,
your new one.
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
sale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevena Bldg.
FOR RENT Liner space In thla col
umn. A few linea may rent that
house, store or farm; they will coat
you but a few cents. -
FOUND Good overcoat, on Seventh
street hill; owner prove property
and pay ton notice; at Enterprise
--office- - '
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracta furnished, land
titles examined, estatea settled, gen
eral law business. .Over Bank of '
Oregon City.
U'REN at 8CHUEBEL, Attorneye-at-
Law, Deutacher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, make collection
and settlements. Office in Enter-
prise Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
DR. L. O. ICE, DENTIST Roo ma 4,
5 and 6 Beaver building. Main St.,
Oregon City. Phones: Home A-l8
and Pacific States 1221.
MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevena Bldg.
MONEY LOANED We are acquaint
ed with the value of all farm land
In Clackamas County and can loan
your money on good aafe security.
Farm loana made one, two and three)
yeara at 7 per cent. Abstracta of
title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK,
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
Investment Co., Stevena Bldg.
Farm, Timber, Grazing. Agricultural
. Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg.,
Oregon City, Oregon."
E. H. COOPER. For Fire Inauranc
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tata Dealers, have choice bargains
tn farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
-ranches. Sea us for good buys
Near 8- P. depot.
of sandy loam, all good farm land free
from stone and gravel. 3 acre In
cult., balance all alaahed, burnt and
seeded but one acre and haa been for
a good many yeara so th clearing is
not very hard ; 4 room box bouae, barn
20x22; good well, also bordara the
Tualatin river. Tbta la fine panels
berry or garden land, In fact good for
anything that grows; 4ft mile of
Oregon City on a macadam road; 10
mllea of Portland on a macadam road.
The price of thla place haa alwaya
been $2050 but for a quick aala owner
wtll take $2200. $800 down, balano
3 yeara at 6 per cent.
Oregon City, Or. ,
Nar Suspension Bridga.
SECOND HAND Furniture, Curloa as4
Rellca bought, sold and exchanged.
Anything from a darning needl to
a ships anchor. YOUNO, Th
, Second Hand Man, Main St, Ore
gon City. ,'...
Electric Hdtel
411 Mala, ktvtta 4th ia fca Ut.
X J- TOtIM, fraartj0r.
I i -