unoviKO ENTERPRISE, FIUDAY. JANUARY 27, 1811, , . : - ' . : . ' . I Grandma Turnfers Beau IWa OMWlkM br Assart MM DhI Turner opened tb wk) M dm tbe bulky awe of ber neighbor. -My Ma hot rTa conte off COM. DaxV ablvrd Beulab Norton ,b bvered close to the w,r h" M t dWqit rm MMHib. but It md4 Uk I had ohi " -Sit . -t- Doat o want n ' I wa Jt-t o(o ! . M' Onx hrrxictat a JUf t cKWf from tb cellar and poured maatity lato a to plukla and H a lb tli tMt- Sh dJs' aoai natairt and rla" a0" lH, ! carefully W'bfn It w bot and amlajt al pourt- tba elder Into two aura cHlaa mar1 nd broucbt oat a plat of douitbnnta. -WWa I pawed tba old Buadermaa Blaro tbo wind waa bowlln ta lacwata flt to drio you craty- ' ron at Howard waaUM o ko bork tbero to Ut again." Deolab watc hed Ooxla atartled faco wltb rotio dWnt know tloward bad back. Beulab. I though bo waa aet t)ed In Omaha," -o bo wan. bnt-yon. know Lacy Aed moat a year ago and left him w1b those two little girl on hla kaMa. ' 1 goeoa be found It bard work doing for them and keeping at bla job, tro. ao He camo east a few daya ago. thinking Etele would take care of tbom ao'a be coald get work In the aainvard. Kho'a Ured alone tbero ao Bach i fnao bo thought abed bo glad ta hTf blm back borne again.9 "Didn't bo knew aho waa married T' aaked Ooilo curfemily. , "ya more faao any of tbe reat of the ' Tfltejo aoopected It mlfbt happen. Captain Lee, be'a been real mousy a boot coorMa Eatelle. and tbeo teir streaking off to tbe cltr an- goring Baarried Uat 8atordy waa tbe blggen amprtae FeraTlllo eter had. Twan't Bko a -toy and girt elopement you ei poet that but Eateilo Bundennaa and "aVT IT BEAUTirVU QULWDHXV Captain. Loea are both over forty, and nobody cared whether they orer got man-tod or uoL" -Whoa taking care of the llttleN gtriar asked Doile rather diffidently. Beulab reddened and for the Oral time appeared flustered. "I am." ahe aald bluntly. "Toa are? 1 didn't know you cared macb about children." remarked Doxio alowiy. "I don't especially, but I bare plenty of time, and ma aald we might aa well help Howard out till be got a bouae keeper. Too can't guess what that young one'a called!" abe repeated. "I can't guess unless It'a after Lucy'a Aunt Hyacinth Moore! suggested Doiie. rising to ber slender height "I remember wben Lwj an i I weot to school together she used to think h(r anot bad the loreilest name In th? world." "8ba wasn't named after h-r aiotb ar'a Aant Hyacinth Moore," ulmlrkr-d Beulab. rather crossly. "Lor Bun derma a was awful tender hearted, and 1 guess ber conscience kind of Ix ti ered aer too way abe d acted toward aomo folks, no aba named tbe second 'tittle girl after one of her old arbool xaateo. I moat bo going now. (J jod by." When Beulab'a. red shawl had flick ered from tight Doxio turned bark to the sunlit room and aat down once Aa attack of neuralgia bad confined ber ta tba boua for several day, and consequently sbe bad. aqft beard of Howard Bunderman a return to Fern Till. Xearly every pleasant day when aba went down to tbo poatofflc abe pass a tba Bundermaa place, and wheoevrr aba aaw Estelle'a pale fare at tbe door or window ah would ware ' a band ta -greeting, and sometimes Mlaa Bandermaa would com out to the gate and chat for awhll. But aho Bever mentioned ber brother nor any - thing about bla affair to Doxle Tur ner. Indeed, go ' one In Fernvllle dreamed of repeating Howard's aamo la Doxie'a bearing-.- . i fa&(Yov a, Sttbscfibef to the .If Tba Mornlof ttvUrpria la to b aa. auocesaful aa tb Interest of Oregon . r't.Clty demand It must need bava tb aupport of alL Tba bw dally baa . a big work before It ta booatlng Oregon City and Clackamaj County. Tour aapport'saeana awra strangtb for thwork. pill Tfoti Help Boost yotif own Intc'f est$? '" -v '?!L!L.Km,t4 tiffl,? iU MorBln ntarprlna wifl b aol to paid la advaac abacribers aa foltowi: .; - , ; ... , . . swvasjo. Hi sI1?'. I '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..,.4. .oo uj staii, x year..., .. .(........., ,...;.. aJOO , tnd la your nam and ramKUooa. - , 7r - .. ! 1 1 tf they had eoly kaown. WW would not bare Beaded bWr "J"'1 lag the MM f Howard lUOdernan. to whoaa she V gaged r be married. ' b Mi VH tbe village belle ota MhL wit of pore wlsrhier. prated oT Mr wWkrdD 7d did a love bee a. eJ . did Poi T.roK. vet never by h or Joed dH be betray " BIL7 odennaa knew. The Itml ,h.t Lacy had wrHte a atrrto DM oac after her arrtBgV W ab. bad gooe out l Omaha t 'hat letter IVtile lr passed tbro,B 'he offle In reply That waa all. Nobody over DoxU Turner thoaghf about the nut IK. alwavs Moked the sante. Inll ,j fir m! ( with wistful blue fT tbt never overlooked dutyT Now aho nMeoty tram her chatr wltb a little osclamatioa oi say goo opened tbe doo" mio io alttlnt room woere uiww"" Turner aat In the aunny bo- rlndow knlltlnjt furlounly at a Kn wblto otocklnf. " Ajn'H wood Vof wore alurin aod alnllnc In ruin atore. am thre waa tbe pleaaant otUr of cedar from too old lady" open codar cheat -Aboat time yon too yonr tonc mulni." auaceated Poxle. "1 forr all about It naTO yoa nr wmii "" In heref -Not a rnlto, Doile. Tm too btwy to be lonewtme. I beard Peuian ,won role la tbe kltchea. and I waa era to death afraid she'd come In ,bere- cant abide berr' Mra. Turner Jabbed leedlee Into tbe .wool and pan"eo for breath.-ner Mack eyea aougbt granddauxhter'a face with a kea to ulry. "Whit the news. Poilo Somo thlnga bappeaed-your f)ce la real pink." -I ruess It waa tbe pkd cUler I'to been drinklne." eraded lilo aa ae moved to and fro preparing the took. -Benlab waa real cold when aho me In. and I heated some cider, and. oo- aidea. the kiuhen'a getting moat too bot "What's the uews?" persWed Mrr-f Turner, making a borrlblo face orer the medicine. "You know Estello and Capa' 1 went to the city and go married a Saturday." "Of course I know. Doric Tone-' You told me yourself: I fuw I know what Bculah Norton came up to tell ton" Rhe looked aarwty at tbe oonger woman. "What thenr asked poire defiantly Mr. Turner f"'Ul hi-r . n-rlnkM banda and looked out of the wludow "Beolah rame up to tell you thai Howard BnndiTiuan b:id rome ba-k I've known It erer. alm-e be aiue. Doric. Somebody run in and told me when you was down to the poMofflre I feel dreadful sorry for that r fel low. I roem he bad a bard row to hoe-with Lu-yMoore. though I Uet he tried to do bis duty hr her. And after aho got him I guess she wasn't real r hspTT oef tbe a' sbt'd treated yu They say before she died she named the aecond Httle girl after you." -After m!"-. Doxle'a face radiated with a atranirrlow. "Did I.U-T Din -1 bar lUtlo tfrLWtor.nier.. "Yea." anappert grandmotber ateroiy. "Twas tbe least abe might do after making ao much trouble ail around. Lucy wanted to marry Jim Turrell. but be dldnt care for ber. ao aho got around Howard and married blm for spite. Sher.waa a clever one. She fixed It ao be couldn't get out of It and first thing Howard knew be waa en gaged to ber Instead of you." "How did you know?" "It came direct from Lucy herself." returned Mrs. Turner with dignity. ' Doxle ofiened the store door and looked at the fire. Tbe red glow shone on ber sweet face and discovered ber blue eyes wet wltb tears. - "Something else I never told you. Doxle," resumed Mrs. Turner, knitting busily. "Before Howard married Lucy Moore be came bere and told mo all about It He aald be-kuew It looked as 1 be was a coward and a villain. and he asked me what do do. Ha aald be didn't like anybody but you and be d never be happy If bo married any body else. I advised him to go and tell Lucy what he told me. n did tell ber, and ahe said she'd rather marry him even if bo didn't love ber a bit and so be did. Doxle Turner. Howard Bundonnan la a hero! What are you going to give me for supper?" "I'll cook you a poached egg. grand mother," aald Doxio In a queer little ton- as she kissed the gray hair be neath the oid ludy's cap. "I'd like It kind of early," went on the lndirp-eu: o'.d voice. "I'm rather exrwtlMg a benu tonight II cam lat evetii::fr, and talked to ma through thl? w !A'jw wben you was across the street. I te'd hln be better come to night. I ho,ie jiu don't mind my bar ing n beao. Iios'.e! What say?" she called if'er her rrand daughter. Ix1e tunied su(!l-nly and came back. Kneeling beslJe Mrs. Turner, ahe dropped her head against tbe bent lit tle shoulder. "lan't It boautifu!. grandmar ahe whispered. "It's wonderful ater do ing all thfe thing Lucy should be sorry and then name the little girl aft er no after me! Komebow It seems aa If I'm bappler now than I was be fore anything happened at all. 1 won I der why it Is " l Mrs. Turner was looking out at the rau ana goia suiwex ioai crown ea tne .abort Xorember day. "After sufferinr. comoyip purest Joy. ana It comes ju"x mb your aet tied down to dreailMa. Hark, waa that the gaUT nurry. Doxl. I Ulleva my beau to coming aowr . TIIE JOYS OF ; BOBSLED RACING tolManifiid Sport tndal&ed liiiKsT. WOERFUl FAST T1!E IUDE la wKaeHaod tease Attala a aoad of tiaoty Miloa aa Hour. Coasting at . Merita-rle at tba eseleaV In an early day. noma llmo after tbe landing of Jbe-pllgrtut fatbera. t.ut before one'a wulatbaod grow p manentlr great there waa a almple tdoor amoaemeal knowaaa "alklln downhill. At that day aleda were roughly of two kinds, bleb aleda for gtria and mollycoddle, woo aai irrm .Lai on t bo aeat while some one farted "them wltb a gentle push, and low aleda for boya who took the bill "wltb a run and flung themselves down aa tho aled TRelly bumier" wa the word to describe Ihla aefnod or ue- Mr Thers were, of rourso. many varlatlona of too almple aled What genlua Brat g"t the Idea of connoi-tlng two aruall aleda by a long ni.nk hltorr doea not record. We are told that a bobe'led I "a sled con liilnt nf t ihdv resting oa two abort aloila railed boba. one behind the other." a-avriy-vagosvOneJlewjW Am -Trodar-fteMlwaaadeJrom two old aleda and an onllnary bonrJ and tho carpeting of the plaak waa re tarded aa bordering on the effeminate Even wjjb tbto crude, material the iiripte aprt of -aleddln downhlir t come exciting and area dangenMi . Tbe real refinement of tbe bobsled baa com In , late year with tbe in B0BLBI110 Bt!J l BVlrUKbABn. (Uppsr Illustration shows . bobsleo eourse; loose as. eumum wn ' start. CTeasnonTiwberfwtntT resort whose attractlou la cold fresb air and not warm fresh air. Holt aer I and makes a epeciallty Oftbemand 4u Swltxerland tbe bobsled ta a highly developed speed maebiii. No longer Is old fashioned foot and rop steering gear In use That did well enough for the old timer, which waa well loaded wltb half a doxeo venturesome boys and girls Tbe new machine bar steel bob made fl that purpose, with a specially arranged connecting board. bleb aeat bet ween sixteen and twenty-fir, and It ta sierr ed by a wheel Ilk an aoMuobii. Even a searchlight baa been added by on builder eager for novelty. Owing to tbe Inconsistency of tbe weather la thia country a majority of people know very little of the possibil ities of tbe sport It Is not until one gets over la Ssrttserland. In ooe of tbe valleys of tbal mountaloous land, that on finds tbe sport of coasting carried to tbe blgbest point of perfection. It la there In tbe valley wltb tbe poet Ira r nam Eogadlne. at Ht Mortu4 that coasting become a najt In this val ley.' ita floor aabTgb above tbe level of tbo aoa aa tbe crest of Mount Wash Ingtoa, where winter reigns for half a year and people go to regain health. there U a Hide- ueailj a mil lung which baa a descent of & feet At soma points Id tbe course ibe aleda travel at tbe rate of eighty mile aa hour. There la sport! Skill baa greatly reduced tba dm In wblcb tb course can b covered. Id tba early daya tb a rente speed wa about thirty mile ao hour Recent winner of tbo contest bar averaged. however, mora than fifty mile. On tba straight run at tbe foot of tbe course a speed verging on eighty mile baa been attained. Tbe same kind of sport may bo bad with bobsleds, but tb single racing Bled la tbe favorite for coasting at St Morltx. Tb sweep of a bobsled loaded wltb aevera I per son around on of tbe curve la aa exciting apertacle. Tbe man at tb helm, wltb eyea fixed ahead and mua cle at blgb tension, keep t be front bob la It course Those behind lean toward tbe Inside of tb etirv. two or three of tbem digging Into tb anow wltb sticks, which throw up tb anow behind Ilk a cloud of dust Lika an cxpreaa train It aweepa around tb eurv and to gone. , Why ai(,hr Oygsrt Failed In 1910. la Philadelphia tb fana are begirr nlng ta bettav that Dygert failed tout season beeanse b pitched all wintet it New Orleans. Ha s doing tba aanu irvM. again thia winter. If you would sell YOUR HOUfiK ' t YOUR FARM . YOUR HORtt Try wbat tba chaap column of tba Morning Enter pes eaa do for yon. I vTTTv.?5i"'Cca I y ? J J ' tr. rflNVfT C3JECTlCrUSLE W WW - - ,w . ;PUCE INTO PUYCROUNO Wa'afc'loitoa WWUt AM at Cooac la OWltoeattot Wlllot- Troa am-. ra. niatrlrt of CaiaaabU sJaaera. wlta too ev-rw Waablagtoa rbapter or toe Antrum w int.i. ml Arrbllocta, will eadearof t otxala frooa eawgrosa aa apiH' tloa of IIA00O to coavort Willow Tree alley and aurrouotuugw - playground.. . . : , w-iiu. tm alter la a aoctloa of southwest Waablagiou'whkh the Dla trlct govern aeat as. well aa oo oral civic and patrioilc a4etleo. sup ported by laoaaaads of inaiTiuu. baa eodMvorea so aav rear. Bulldlaga of cheap type llae both aldea of tba aarrw iwasageway Tbo alley la ronaldeeed the worst of Ita Mod la tho Dx-trh t. Tbo iltuatratloa showa tbo plaa or tba proposed Improvraieot, Too ao ttoa of the square wblrb the aatloaal capital , would bar coavort'txl ! nlaTrosia4-foC lb ayutnwesi t eluded -wllbla ba-dottfd -Uo Tbo caDltal of the nation la uauy LwtkM la roe aucreatlon by oinev Buatctpaltttea. rturreaalre cities and towns tnmugn oat tba country ran well bold tbe na Mob's ra filial a a mojol wnico inoy caa follow, tbw rooyming - t ... . . . i objectlonal aoctloa of aa otherwise boautlful place will be atuan-a luougm full br enterprising aiuulclilitle and perbapa ere copl.-d by -many lfioureall wanlloeip joar town, get rid of tbo ugly apow - Tho snail ardor hoosea earn mlllieris. ) year, laal it time ti(Twifor aoaahbor a aKaaoa? .LESSON FROM GERMANY. troete Mad Subject t Town's OrswtK. - - - A lesson caa be taken by any town from German toetb'iale aa regard width of Btreeta In the innrT s-ctUB of-lowna, aoina of wbtrh are maa? renturtea old. oo naturally pods ma ay A narrow streets, butwbeneyer a aew street ,ta laid out ground orsutAVlrut width ta ur based by lb couimuultjr to auiftc for b aeat ! years, tab Ing Into arcouat tnrreaso of traffic. ThU seems for tbe fin.1 years like an extravagance to port bae more property than Is Immediately needed but in practU-e thia la not tru. for l he atreet ta laid out wltb a width at first required, aa well - aa tb sidewalks while lb remaining ground ta rented to tho bouse owners lo b utilised for front gardeo. Tbta method ta required by law; otb arwta they it he owserst could not ob tain the llren for building, and by tbta method tbe city administration receive a conatderabia nam for tbta apparently waste spar. Tb roads thus look pretty, and tbe ground to available at any time whenever In- cress of trafiV requires widening af Btreeta la England and other coa eerratlv rouotrlaa . the property la bought of a wldtb u (Be lent for pre. ent aeeda. and . when, several rears later, tb thoroughfare baa to be wld ened additional apara Boat b pur chased at an exfeaalv coat, aa la tbe sue n Mm ta vain of property baa greatly Increased. Tb ssooov vrili alrsulata 1 at nos i in aiaad f tat town. Doa't blsed yawr aighbe and yoralf by Bonding eJsewhee fe goads. MUNICIPAL SKATING RINK. Dubuaua, la, FomlsK On Fse tb - Plsssurs f Ita Inbabltanta. The city council of Dubuque. la- Das voted to establish a free munlrl. pal skating rink and coasting ground Tb rink will I located In tb bar. bor. which i. within minutes' walk pf tb buslnesa renter of the city. Tbe Ice will be kept in condition, ahaved flooded and free from anow, and the Crowds will b ander aoDervtslon ugut win be maintained, and there Will be shanties where skater nay go to adjust their skatea and get warm A apodal round! committee acting witn the chief of police will bar charge of the roaatlog ground. Suit able bill will be selected wber roast ra may enjoy thenwelve wltboot dan ger an4 always wltb proper police supervision. Naval pa la Light Street. Knlgbbrtown. Ind.. to trying a aovl plan to light the atreeta. Tba alcctrte llght station la a municipal plant, and re rarrenr for on porch light la fur nlabed all conmimar wbo will provide and maintain tba required tamp. Tb dark: place between comer In tb raaidanca district are now mad bright. 'a, WANTED Steady utomr for this Mae. Clthar aaa. Ea. parwnea unnaoeaaary. Jud). clous dvrtlar with om thing ta Mil and Mouthing ta Mf will find this th proper grtiM for a buinM elog. N trifltr Married person a ma-. tur ag will undaretand. Call a n, or . addrasa, Advtrtlaltrg Manager Morning EntarprlM, A Oregon City Oran. v It takas aln4 tailor, to maka a man bnt ona woman caa Maily maka a foo of a mat. AN IMPORTANT SEARCH v By AiXNB tONA MAY' ropyrlaiit W Asses if A eUtM. IML Tho case af pliai twl l Ua stuauacb of Ik dead." aUI Iba tV tsrUro, -wltb Iba rwaaequeat rooth ttoa af sous aaa who I charged wltb murder, bata roulie4 In " at luauy aa laaorout persoa, Tbe prooecutlng attorney whoso busiuee It to ! roavM tbosa brought up for trial by lb atata baa ouly ! P" a auoilva fur wUblng tba deceased out of tba way and present of pobwa laj tba stomach to la bla eaaa, Aa-tbet ; aMlter swyngtbeaa It; tbal kv' rv Ing that the acctieed bssaght tbo lUoa though there aro Inataai-oo la wbbb thU ta Ut couslderid al4utljr ow aary to awjug tbo accusal .. -I work largely f attorney. Bate. Waheley A eVrimser bv glvea : a lot of wb to do. al I ba fur, alabed them wltb fact that bavt jgAlUIrd tbem to win a auiuier tn fssoa. They are rrittnuai lawyers. aoat of tbo evUleoco I hava aivrn tbem baa been uefc I amTltappy lo aay. to socur tbo anjulttal of persons arcuaod of rrliu I dual baow any thlug Ibal give w Dore aatlsfacllon than saving aa lunoreot person frw punlshnicut -t)n day Mr, avrlmsor ami for , a4 aU: " " w bar been retained lo defend Mr. Kdltb TuwnaetML.wbarged with polaoaing berhusbantl a man she was' tndorrd by ber pretw-rry wura. she waa elgbtxvu yeara old. Twnaeui waa tery rl h and a miser. Ills wife. t who I only toeuly.four yvara old. is a lioaullful woman. At lb Itm of ber marriage she bad lieen eugaged lo a you ug man not abi to sutirt ber, and abe luted him Instead of. ber bus band. Her. busband'a relative, who would Ilk lo secure hi property, have worked up the rase agalu-f br. A not an wrote the man she bad been engaged to. Horse TroexUI, telling blm abe would not aeo blm so long a br bttsband lived. I all tbe evldrnt tber navobevu . abloe to adduce to prove ber lutlmocy wttbr bTm during ber warrled life. Hut tbey bate proved that ou ooe utcaskib a wootb prevliNM to her bubaod'a death abe bought, a drug that was found Uo analysts la ber hul'ol s jtioanarb. She aald that when she bought' tbta drug ber . husband seat br for a prem-rtptloo tb nature of whb-b she. knew nothing.- I Mlev tbal he wa taking a drug for a stimulant ami that It evi-otualtyi killed blm. Her Is tba technical. name fr if lie gave an a aUp of per. 'I wUb you to dls rover If be waa not In tho- habit of baying It l(ememtar that a woumu' good name, prrbap ber life, lejmd upon your efforte -1 went at tbe matter aystematk-alty, , flrt procuring a list of the drug stores wlibln reacb of Mr. Twurnd' rest tjeoce. lie bail Tired Irt bi Coautry filar surrounded by vlllsgiw lit wblrb therefdrugstore.lfJiajtabd to conceal tb fa t of bla purrbaee bo bad only lo drive to one of Ibeae town sufficiently dialaul that b should not i be known there, buy bla drug a ltd car ry It borne himself. Though It waa a poison when taken lo targ quantities. It waa re,-rtljod by physician, and aa order for It wa not In all rase e eentlal. . "I visited every drug etore wit hla a radius of twenty mllrs from bla ho in and talked with every ruprleior and Clerk In all of litem. Not on of them could reuiember any peraon answering to my description of Mr. Tawasond. and all declared that ao such person had ever to their knowledge visited their st or. I bit upon tb plac where bla wife bad bought lb prison ah waa charged with bating prorured. bot thia bad all beea worked up by another detective. "I ' went to Mr. Scrlotaer and re ported my failure. "Try tba wholesale drugglata.' be aid. ' . - . "'Why should tb man have bought tb drug at wholesale? aaked. " 'II wa mean enough to buy bla tabl aalt at wbolesale. be replied. maksva sarrh if lb whnlewU drug atore waa quit another proposi tion. It waa eiulvalent to a bunt In very wholesale drug house In tb United State, and Mr. ' Townaeml might have bought the drug 'in Can ada. . Indeed. If be wished to conceal bla purchase Canada would Ita tbo better field. I first looked Into lb ex press office In lb place where pack age might bar beea delivered to blm. Nothing sent blm tbat could have been a drug appeared oa tbe books of th zpresa companies, nor waa any aocb receipt on III. "Tb only hope left for Mra. Town. end waa that ber husband had or dered the.drug sent by mail. 1 pro cured list of all tba wholes I drag bouse In tb United Statea and Can ada and aent a letter lo each asking If tbey bad ever filled orders for th drug found la bla atomacb. giving also th reaaon wby I wlahed to know, ft was a enormoua work for them lo bunt tba matter up, bnt sine fs might bang npon their efforts nearly all re plied that they would make a thorough aaarch. 'ro you . know that tbrea different . , . ... urug nouses, two la to United SUtM and on lo Canada, wrot ma that on everal orcaalona tbey bad aent Town. end pound package! of tb drag la queatlon. "Tbat aettlad tba matter. Mra. Tows, end wg dtacbarged.M Tba rolling aton hasn't time to tr-th-e ""' on roads frequented by automobile. , ' If you lose "YOUR HORSE YOUR WATCH . ' .' . YOUR P0CKETE00K 'a Try a fw Hnara la our cheap column; Aire- TD) the Boost By carrier, ycat? $3 By mailf yens 2.' J V Ssnd in Your Nan and Remiiiuncc . ... Li.-.' see 3 IF DAILY? . Is -to be as successful as, the inter ests of. Oregon City demands it niust needs have the the supped of all. "" The nev daily has a big work before it ia boostl? Oregon City and Clackau County Your support meia more trcTuSf6rtfie work. : Will You Help 11 Your Own Interests? : I . .. .. Y ",, e For a limited time tKe Morninj Enterprise will be told to" in advance subscribers as follovi- tbey may find It fpr yon. . :