HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON COT. OMCO E. E. ROCHE. Ete d PwWAr. SOMETHING ABOUT RQAOS-" abroad rata eot ft cJaTTiT half to three ceata a tea mi. Pop kick at ta ct The average F Orrfoi wagoa road trsasportstto eosTrSfeeaU to tail. Th re4 i-e. a ivmm roads ax not f'oJ Cl i mmmj - iacd coat rrom w - . . . . i mil. -A hard aurTece roa 'ptXNii for ex prrvl Wr at Ik PwoCTl at Or-e-a. the AH Cwa vt. aw ,- i -j coerctto coat etgkl cate for tranaportatloo a tea nUWr ' J il.on I'nrn iv TlNTtAliY 27. 1911. MORNING pvTkurHinri. r - ).t Mr. Trnr. la ! HI. t la abl to alt a la 14 occa. obstruction. ..4 4. -o oc I CORRESPONDENCE MOUNTAIN VIEW. It fa raratag aa soowlag ,kU aorwta TUMS KBCOTTJ Pm Trer fcr ...... ata Maia By ass - F - Maiaa k rar w. seen-.. imrrer uto rvM Pa-, e-r - n-s B-t rv rxn r -rd "o"i first NrTVM , 1' ..Mth farmer -ao "if. m,' wr I.-; at oa whea b trie to go to town la la -"'Oregon wtnter that klcka at in coei. I Ta n' ' ,T,B ob,lt",i lsc 'after careful compotatloa from vry J section of Oregoa by th Oregoa Good "Roads AssoeUtlon Th contra in . . . . i. w .1... ie- eoata oa fxa ana t "u"' - Km niw n : kt thaa nrt . m aja ffc xaaoctatloo mora cooratta to ZnT2i tha rWt aai." iaH; tiBa u f!M for tttai-bultt bifliaay. In to. aiaie. nmiiiw - muck dtftro- la evt to cooaumaca ElIVCN TAINTED NATOa. At ik. Hoar-4 of Tra4a 4laa la Treatoa. N J, Twly. ' f Tkara U r a la lala tr. .IWW taara w M clalt . la tioa thl U tra. but' ' doubt U thara ara a half fraud talat attacka. t"JkM J MoM ,4 K bart4 la traa. but'aa ' X h tb Ja of bta rata aa4 aoa, bt la thar ara a half 4.aA S ; mim IMHb J . aba tor, .b ablrt. ar c.a. N.M Ut J a atcb b a u. Lamat la rr tta: ta iUr a4 nwn ac baa. Wuii ror M To Hat "r an . nrtxTta to BroJncra. Thoa aaja Rat lag alttoa fraud, for a 4o , h- , M.ra coM. aJ aa atwak think, bo, brt la faw taatancaa aa u jtipr. S.tora ba aWtaJ altb.Mit trajlmj Mr.ry 1r i. rr'2 iw- ...u a tUbt attark of taw anJ rrom.ain,. - ; - 1B.KW h u-, M!B Itada of tha crtma la kH aa !rtM. , Mr latTm la alao alck. till tba InteBt la jat a bad and tb Vr .v Roba.Hi U arVa!y HI aodfrmlnla Infloea Ja aa alda- m of ba ax. nbWa Rob ,Pnd. A.d h. of tba Ua. do a., o. Wraar mrMiJkt tu aupr that kra aball b 1 Wtt-C. tk.a ak. trafTlcklnj or tradlac. aad thoaa b Mf m4 Mrlk K a Oaaaoa ara ait In blah placra kaow tbia. Aad ler feat k diapoalat of thnr with thoaa farta atari m ooa in ic i.mi-i far la It aaythlDg out of tba ordinary Tba btouataW imp"-'"!"" fo, .orttmc . th. mMt .traa.portata coat of ' T L J.L - w n"- rr,dAT f T for an art vcin, niada takca monry from nM"iu j....,u fr.,. tha atraiibt aad i.nranMn Ctalx Option. ! JJZP2trZ?ZZZX. pocket and adda to tba frira of UtL tr. witbwt cbaac. tk rata ' vttbnat profit rlthr to tha prodocor ZfZ'ZJZtr"- l" " or tb. con.um.r. alnra tha od a-a-CaA afci4 acer"r r.fc3 )oa afl tha diffrrB)ca ksd Barar ib eawrrcwr , makra ratru. a4rrtatn at VJ a4Trrtkn .... nfJ M-bea adrocatca of good roaJt from CB-rua-adrvrtiaii- "t rrHa! tramjl ; nf n--oroa wrat brfor itnrtmtum tl S li Mt u Inch. o-ord- eTary aactlOO Ot CUtCOB wrai r ta apcruJ etoaJittotia iot"1 ,b rtftar laat arrk tbay bad th ttai- u-d Bankru-M - Jtt- trrmMidooa cvt aad tba affcrtlre da LrrS' rn of bad road, la Nwa ttM aad aU wrlttea arWa i.j . rv(. (ttl 4iproatcd T aott nk UilrrrM to local twMt " ' , ... , rrmA wtB ka laHr artntrlL FJctd "-kenaoiaPf taMPk!?r,"r. criaia tf wntwl ua acevtapu- . eooEr rov'.d cond-ict Ua 0J M Hi waa pwn - ... . , road-buiMlg alrhHit brlp, " I Looia HHI. aoo cf tha rall-aty ms- blird hat broad mlnd4 lrlalatora . aata aad aoorthing of a mafnata oa ' woaM knw that tha ery fwirpoa of j hia oaa aceoaat. h la Oraitoo kwiiiii ' thrlr gathfrtOR lo nikkr Utt wu to j aa tha proapacta foe fratrf proa- arork In unity for tha good of tha atata i artty In thla, tha best coontry oo aad for eT county ta l ataia. ana rtk. that cooccrtrd artloo la roadulldlng ' ' a" was prhapa mora important and mora Xerrbaata aay trade la alow at thia eaarntial than any other ata.a artlrtty ti-am. Bat what ar Orcgo. Oty r- Gorrroor Oawald Weat. In an Inter- cAaata doing t foater trad or to eo- w, anawerad thla mUken Idea on r thoaa who wiab to trad to ta pan 01 ma ..-". aad do it at thia rJnsa? Port- "11- notorlooa fact that th Uad avrrrhaaU ar making aaasuaj road work of the itat hi beB don ffarta at thla tlm-ajid they ar get- Ib the paat npon a craxy-ullt hit and ting the trad aad th mosey, too miaa alan whkb gar no permanent r- fTT Ilrf from bad and often time ,prac- tlcaJly tmpaaaabla roada. Tber can U. arw pleaa with tha many my detlre for OOU U,t to th Inauguration of n and aen.l- . v w , """irrbta yem of building good, aerica- .r.,B!v?,!. -bW. permanent highway. In th. But. TT ' . 'of Oregon. I am heartily In faror of ia aaai wi can now. in Deal . . in ransiru'rTkitJB ui kwmi a can oo later m m betur un1. , ,, .. -. . ! bop to ae th tlm gpeeally arrlT ZiT , 7 8 , . m0r -hen the pubUc highway. In thla .tat. completed Bnder c.ltlT.Uon. lwlllnd to none. I truat, there- ' 'for, that tha aentlemen. who are bow If wa are to belief naif th erl- j aitA together for th promotion of dewc of racrnt day aa to rot baying ,be moTcment will keep and aeniBg what a apecUel w find ; eTer lB m,Bd th, Me th, practlcal fronting oa. Senator Lorimer tm- ;nd economical, and that out of their der fir for tHeaJ prartlcea. Speaker nnjte1 effortI w, com, for Oregon a Cannon accnaed of ail claaaea of alec- nniform aBd dcalrabl .yatem of public Uon fraada. tha enemlea of both aald road bulMlnc - - o. a. weep w m mire or political , u wu Deceaaar7 for Judge Uonel trickery aa the men they accuae, H r. Webatcr. Dr. Andrew C. Smith and eombm to make a picture that baa' tl4l nf fh. wi.ro-d, ocUtlon Try little of light or warmth In Ita , My forc,Dly the g,n,te for " re w coming xo. , ,h. v.-f,, of Dnfnroned omwelnc aarrow aalh ah.HiM Uk tth faror 'Rraol.rd, That WAe Tai oa ,h. rwt. to gain or retain the, ; Tba. - by men aho hae committal Hayworth baa promt m4 to talk more glaring error? ! to the club, e-t turner inion hat t-a confined to Appearance, are decern, ' a luu. R. J - Kthrt. me, k.x. committed aalclde I. Port , pf ,tUlt4 o0, lo tb. Und wftblB that many day. Oa sUBday. who ar prj)l bay- far of It on mtgSt think that th',r, r k.'d . tDreaala effect on Mr. Wa McUrty and faailly. of U-e, M. U not th c.: dont j -J '.--- Sunday. ,h. ,u.t. A famHrbrtb nam or noyer dm blame Portlaad-fw the calamity . What land or film' can offer or clime can oner a belter .ample of winter weather than what waa gtrfu u yeatt-rday? THANK VOU KINDLY. (Fall Cily Nw.) good enough to drT ucceaa, The Nw hope It will be a winner. moed Into th Urg binia on IXian atreet. , ' j. T. FranrlB. who la ainillng tha lhi.r amona relatitra near lllllaloro. waa- her Xlon4ay.renlntV returnlnd to HUUnoro IB nienaay. i ii. Ktrbn and wit, or unuoei. wer tranaactlng bualnra In thla bnrg Oregon Clt, ha. a new dnil, PP.r.- ': "T .u.r l.ni the Entervrla. edited and puMUhad ) Mr j Qort DM K,id bia property by E E. Brodle. owner of tb weekly on Molalla avenu to Henry and Er Enterpria. Tha dally Ent.rprla. U neatJUandt n1 I .l.liln. rrl.nft. In thla !l iriMiu. w-iw . ..... berg Tueaday afternonn. I Mr. O. A. Vanhoy la putting a new aire frnce around ni properiy wnn-a 1 tla murb to Ita appearance ! A aerie of meeting la being held I t tha I'nlted Hrethren rhurtn. con i i ducted by R. Ward. 1 ! " TWILIGHT. . Oller Bailey la cooHned to hit bom with an attack of I. grippe The lataat Improvement arw tha new gat and fenr of Geo. Scbrtner. wholesale crooked oeaa or a quickened cooaclenc that presage reform? eenator that the propoaed highway board and commlaaioner doe not pend money obtained either from But Aid or by countie bonding for ' Thar wu a fight In th Waahlngton legialatnre Wedneed.y when Senator i rnad building In counties, but th eoun Bryan made an attack on th propoai- j ty aathoritle locat the road and tion to memoraJlze Congreas In th i tpend the money whU the rt.t board natter of opening ap the coal field ! and highway commlaaioner gie ad rice of Alaaka. H told members that I and direction aa to acientiric contruc tboa who were boosting AUakan In-1 tion of road In each county. The tereaU, aa they claimed and In cer- T0te that followed showed that a ma Uln Incunee beliered. wer In reailty )ortty of the aenate were not (low In .king It eay for th Cunningham understanding nor narrow In dertlop aad Caggenhelmera to aecur control lnc ambition. When the Highway of ail tb resources of that country. Ha aald there wer plenty of mine owned by prirat Interest, now that Board and Commissioner bill was ap proved great satisfaction wa. felt by the hundreds who bad com before the can be mined without opening up the : legislature, because it wa. on that bill preaent reservation and that thi new ; tnt the whole great system of road mora was in th interest of putting all ! making planned for Oregon counties thea reserratioos Into the hand ofidenended. It waa thoutht then that th bad grabbera. It wa his belief, to secure the pasaage of the other bills and there Is much evidence to confirm j would not be difficult, because upon ft, tUt th present mov waa deliber- count It waa found that a majority of ateJy planned to that end. ; Oregon legislators atand for progress- Are We or Are We Not j Prepared In Case y PTMJdtBt TAfT. Je Jm Jm Jm jm CiLfcKt has been a great deal of talk on the SUPPOSED HE1TLESSXESS OF THIS COUNTRY in the ercnt of foreign invasion. I venture to f ink that much more ha ' been made of thi. than the facU, calmly conaidered, would Jtntify. We hare a VEEY GOOD NAVY, and with the opening of the Panama eanal it will be a much more effective one. It would be w ul io prevent the coming of an invgding arm arrow the aeas. TMC PtOPLE OF THIt COUNTRY w"lL4. NEVER CONSENT TO TWEIIAINTENANCE OP A STANOINQ ARMY WHICH MILITARY EX PERT! WILL PRONOUNCE SUFFICIENTLY LARGE TO COPE IN ATTL WITH THE STANDING ARMIES OF THE GREATER POW- irMUU tY 0tT Y U" HAVY' AR0UND 0 HARBOR DEFENSES AND DESCEND UPON OUR COAST. If thia leave mbi poaition -of helpUasneae, then lobtit, for thosw who understand the popular will in thie country know that IT CANNOT BE OTHERWISE. We shall do eTerrthing in the wtj of wim miliury preparation if we majnuifl our preeent regular army, if we contino to IMPHOVE THE NATIONAL iflLITIA, if we pa, the pending rolunteer bill to go bto operation when war ii declared and not to byolre the nation fa. a dollar worth of expense UNTIL THE EMERGENCY ARISEN if we paaa a law now pending in eongreae which will give a A FORCE OF ADDITIONAL OFFICERS TRAINED IN MILITARY ART and able in timet of peace io render efficient quasi cfVil inmtion. that are of the utmost advantage to the government afwein.reaaonabl time ACCUMULATE GUNS AND Aif- ifmmnf11 T0 ND ARM THE FORCE WE COULD ENLIST UNDER OUR COLORS IN EMEU- ADVERTISING TALKS. - TVeB advertising benefit the house wife? l-H us ae : '- How many of you know ther U auch a thing aa an electric Iron, for in stance? All of you. of course! How did you first hear of It? TimniT.ii anvKftTISIN'fl. If advertlalng were not employed fn ; which adda much to th appearance the Introduction or lauor aaving qe- i or nia pi.ee. i. tAm, it .m.M t.ke veara and M J. Laiell attend-d tha entertain years for all the housewives to learn 1 metit Tuesday eelng at Oregon City abouf'tbem In the ordinary course Of j given In memory of Robert Burn, affairs. 1. . M las Ienett Snook left laa Monday m .,w.pi.i.. nlsva an Imoortant ftr Vancouver to mak an utended part In" the household makes less j visit ;n relative and friend drudgerv-by the Introduction of new W.IIHm McCord wa call'd to Port-labor-saving thlnga tella tha houae- j l. nd Uat Tueaday -by tb serlou Ill wife th aafe place to trade of th . b- ' of his mother. M'S, 'Hive ycC.r: amusements the new books and ao j l.Tnn.rd Tbomp m able j re on. 1 aume hi dutle at ch4Wl once more Hfrfiiwlves who do not. should cul- since blsrerent attack of throat tivat a habit of watching th adver- trouble. tlaleg column ot tbia paer. A larg audience Italeoed to a very ' I Interesting progrTA given In Twilight FORUM OF THE PEOPLE trr ZTSZJXJVSi j ery much appreciated. Several visit- 'ors were preaent Neit meeting will -The. tnrtttirter T The Mori .H. Knfr-1 . ; vihruarv I prw OkM-utm e fi.ihinv for th .. b,.h11 ebruary - jwni npmmi in ih artkrlre publihd Mcepresldent of tba Willamette Imn tlm to Hm tn ihia Mlutnu. f'ut- fnlverslty. Edward H. Todd, and 8ut si.va to a q.ww ronnwuniratiofis ! and holding edurstloBal ralllea in va m'i mm proprrlr to Insure pub- J (,m, parts of Clarkamaa. Why not ,lc,lon- I hav them come to Twilight? H Got Rrsotta. I Editor Enterprise: To me It looks MULINO. as If there Is virtue In advertising If. Tn nlgB -gtera hav ublded and on know how to advertise. I hav onr e.w fra(, honm BM t rbance to made a tet of th column of the ,how Btt he do th, vay of Morning Enterprise and find It ha . making. paid me. Other may try something , A fr , m.B h.v been putting elae and not get satisfactory retnrns.:,B , Brw l)rllre acroaa th mill race, . An advertiser must uae common ,h o)(, mp having been washed out sense In fclvertlslng. It is ueles , fc tb 0,b for a man to think that he can eell I An(, BOW th ffthery snow flakea quantities of rubber in the dry sea- B(. v... aomm more aon by reducing tb price a few cent. hl lter. Th weather for Jano- skwally. It is folly to try and aell thin glove when a cold wave la upon u.-'-Why blame . newspaper If It falla to close out fifty ladle' coat that are out of season, at the season price. Just be cause you .bought too heavily? The ary lll haa been a record breaker. Nearly everyone In thla vicinity baa been laid BP with colds and la grlppa. The fever patleata ar all abl to be about again. Adklns has a crew of men taking paper m.y help you to move a few. j out te, -.a.j aOVB near th ana ir yon pnee mem a wnai is jair j to move all of them; but In many cases advertisers expect a paper to aell unseaaoaable'stock at seasonable price and then kick when It wont do lt- I have tried the dally and will say It haa aold my goods for me; if it don't for you I believe the fault is ,n(1 Mrt Torn Tueeday witn you; you may oe asmng too much. Cet In and make tbinga hum. that th dally may live to do as the good we need. Archie Dougan waa a Mullno vis itor laat week Mr. and Mrs. Claud Aahby, who have been visiting over on Salmon River, returned borne last week. Mrs. Dart. Mrs. 8pragu and 'Mr Cordlll. of Molai:.. wer visiting Mr WOMANLY WISOOM. Some people grumble because tb rose ba thorn; they ought to be thankful that thorns bar rose, Cook prunes by pouring hot water over them and letting them atand on the back of the stove for a few hour. Don't mak ginger cookie and then hide the Jar- Nobody ever bid a cooky Jar where a boy could not find It. Cruel are more tempting to the sick If whipped lo a froth with an erg beater, and served In a pretty, dainty cup. When your slocking feet ar past mending, cut off the legs for bag to put over the broom when wiping off wall or floor. If the neck of a sweater become stretched too loose from wearing. shrink It by dipping It In clear, warm water, then drying. I To prevent woven carpet from un raveling. It I a good plan to unravel about two Inches and tl together th enda of warp. 8ome Jars of nicety canned fruit. I or glasses of Jelly or pickle, make a Christ maa present that la alwaya ae cerxable to tb recipient. When you mak doughnut, remem ber that It Ixo't tb bole thai fill ap a hungry boy' appetite. If th kitchen wtadow la kept open t tb lop whll cooking awefc food a. cabbage, on ion a. etc, th aa pleas ant odor will go out of th window Instead of spreading all over tb bona. I ther anything better for break faat tbeae cold mornings than fried maa. or corn griddle-cake? Don't let be miller grind th meal too fine, and If be I tricky keep aa y oa aim or yon may not get the meal from your own corn. Oraage Ite doxea at Feeler's. Try Dana for Clrars and -. Goods. Nxt to Ptom STAFFORD. Death ef Mr. Turner. Last Saturday, th 21st, a long pro cession of sympathising neighbors and friends followed all that waa mortal of Mrs. T. L. Turner to br Uat rest ing place In th Stafford cemetery. She passed through th "Gate Ajar" on tb afternoon of Thursday, the Ivth, after suffering ten day with that dread disease, pneumonia. Her pleaaant far and kindly halpful ways will be missed by acores of friends outside of her ova family. Her mald-n nam was Nancy -E. Power, and ah wa born In Knot County. Missouri, tb lth day of September, 1844. 8h waa married to Thomas 1 Turner on tb 4th day of April. 18(1. We bellev sh waa preparing t celebrate their gold, wedding next April. 8b crossed tba plain, by ox tear la 1I6S, arriving In Oregon City In December of that year. Hhe and her husband bav helped to mak th wllderne to bloaaom aa tb roae and hav a beautiful walMllled farm at what haa been known for more than a decad aa Prog Pond. Sh waa the-mother of 11 children. 10 of whom, with her husband, survive her. namely: Mrs. Mary Ellegaen, Mrs Ellen Seedling, and. John Turner, of Stafford; Mra. Llasl Seeley, near Wood burn; Herbert, Charles, Smith and Albert Turner, of Prog Pood; Jamea Turner, near Dayton, Wash.; and Mra. Basle Gross, of Oregon city. A tittl daughter of four year diee msnyyears ago. Tan haa another pioneer paaaed away, ana tb ranks of tb faithful who helped to make Oregon a mighty tat ar fast growing thin, dropping, aa It wer. like fruit fully ripe. Sh waa a faithful and helpful char, lev member of th Tualatin Orang. and th beautiful ceremony of that Order waa repeated at her grave, end ing with th word, -In th nam of weU 8,,,W TttrB,r rr- Henry.ETlegaen, who to a grandson 1 ..A lb succeeding raiaVa-if "' ,fcU ! are ailing, principal!. lda and gnu, Mteat Pwtr I J aeaaU hxv are attlBd of hi Ott peter I btir aad rod doa t c.-.tt with tb doctor oa M.dr A yttwag rowaia of hie wb cam from fmii I III with something- similar t tb Tip, aad w bear ther ar three or fowr rk at Ham Moser a. ..a . Kr .1 Ittrk tleoiaui Mark tukee and brhei-Jaw. MrJ Wlweaaaa. bav Hr Wash, vt-ttag ftWada. ad th lttr la btag for Uad lie Ibiak iaa a boat ther U U , t It I eapabl ef raielag aaytblnt u sra-j mm rroaa PurtUad ea futarday. aad Auavet aad Adolph ! kar aad tb Uttera wtr aa r ter. who r Mr. Recaeia korompaaled fctaa hM to aee rrank Kerkel. the ad brotr. wao tra very bad off for tb past U or eight week with a dreadful awelilag oa his week aad It waa thought that mora lag be was aearlag lb end. but ken they rettwaed Huaday a aeease better. . , , Mr Delkar'a blp Pb . . . , ill K. ht. eo mura r ae limb I dd all th lime, b aaya. u.r who aold out recently and tnovml to Portland oa aoeouBt ot ant affecthn of on of . tsken to the hospital Uat Saturday and operated upa. and the pbyak-Un give strong btvpee of bla getting well Mra WlwiBiS. wao apent iai with friends Bear Canby. returned oa Saturday last aad her another can with her. ' Tb llaptlat ar Improving lb Tac n tha country by tearlag" down lb old wagon abed which atwod cUhUn front of th parsonage and building a new one beyond Ihe church. Mra Weddl nd daughter. llleo. visited In Wilson vlll Hundsy at tb home ot their friend. Mr. Cowllpshy. wh. la very HI. Tha Nemle brther ar trimming orchard treea at their home In Staf ford. Mr. Tbnmaa had a fore balling water from tha basement of bis barn and opening a ditch to drain It off Mrs. Schatts baa her eldest daugh ter. Christina, wit, her at present: and Annie baa returned to her bom In Portland. An old man who la a county charge I alck at rred tkr a JENNINGS LODGE., Theodore Kruae, of Portland, who recently purchased 14 acre of land from Mr. Naef. which overlook a the Willamette river, west, of Covell. will build a beautiful residence) and baa given tha contract for hla water aup ply to II. C. palntao of thla place. Wm. I Fin ley. of thla place, and president of the Oregoa Audubon So ciety, baa been la Salem lb greater part of th week la tb latere of tb Pish and (Jam bill, which was Intro duced by Representative llollla. A bill Is also being prepared by W. L rtnley that propne-a to authorise tb stat board of fish commissioner to leas preserve where gam bird will t allowed to congregate wher they will be fed by the stat wardens, and where they will be allowed to propa gate their species. E- Van der Mr paaaed away aud dealy la 811 wood Uat Monday with valvular heart ,dlaeaa,. Mr. Vaa der Mrer waa owner of Van der Meer Park, which consisted of 40 acre at this place, which be parr based from Dr. Spinney, and bad recently pUtted and put on the market for Bale, and was taken auddenly 111 when coming to thla tract with a pnwpectlv pur chaser. .. Owing to th O W. P. track being coveted with water on Wednesday night. . number of our Portland busi ness folks war compelled to remata ta town all night Unir coming aa far as Naef wer obliged ta wade through mud and water and a drench. Ing rain to reach their borne. On Monday aftrnoon the pupils of tb J.nnlngs Lode school enjoyed th privilege of meeting Dr. Todd, vice president of WllUmett University. HI tslk to th boy aad girt wa. Interesting, and gav them aa Inspira tion for n higher and better education. H waa accompanied by BapC Gary, who la alwaya a wetrom visitor at our school. A party conslatlng of Mr. and Mr. O. D. IVard man. Mr. and Mr. J. P. Strain. Mr. and Mrs. Cfcaa dough and Meadamea Rice and Jone ar planning on hearing Dud Roblnaon. the cowboy preacher In Portland on Wedneaday night when h give a his tory of his life. Mr. and Mra Crtmpton and son hav removed to ML Scott during th week and hav decided not to begin their building till tb weather become more settled. . A (ieclal meeting of the Jennings Idge Community Clob haa been called for .Wedneaday evening at th I lei i conservatory. Miss Eileen Dill, of Tamhlll. who at present I visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. p. Morse, spent th week end with Portland friend. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons nave pur chased some very desirable property on th Roeth tract, overlooking th Willamette A number of handsome home ar being built In that locality W wer all pleaaed to ae Mlaa Leah M (-Govern abl to be out after an nine of almost three months. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse and Mr. and Mra. Chaa. B locum wer business visitor In Redwood last week. Th regular prayer meeting ar held at Grace Chapel oa ' Thursday evenings. O. D. Board man J. class leader. All are Invited to attend. Mr. Conway spent Sunday with her parent in (lackamaa. Little. Wlllard Btocom and Robert Ruaaeii are on the alck list. CLARKES. Mr. Robert Linn I aawlng wood In mia part or fh country. r Th danc in th ball 8atnrday night wa a social aoccaee. Elmer Klelnsmltb ba purchase a wood saw. I anppoa th war he will slic up th tall timber around her wont be slow. Mr. and Mra Lew Bagar aud Miss Hayman attended th dance at C1arks saturaay nignt. Our school teacher la on tba lk uat. V. E. Larktns and Geo rt. fla-nr caueq on Lew Hagar Uat week. Ther seems io be some attraction over that way. ELDORADO. R- Dullard spent Sunday with C. Smith. T. Johnson ha lft for the old coun try. Bora. January U. to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tulll. a girl, but baby did not live but a few hours. The mother Is vry everybody baa bad colds hare. CUT the RIGHT fcBBd CORNER OFF, and MAIL to K. C tf. Uwal l suranc llrohr. T)ran CF. urau. If yoa NIEO, or MAY NaD. INSUR ANCE. Prompt ae eurntd. My asm I m j mmmm I My rsstdenr addr' I l )a4 reas.gl"; aew laauraac To K. C. Dy. Oregug'' The Bank of Oregon City Gives its customers genuine strvkt and its increased business and growa shows that such service Is apprecktd THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY J. Fr re rplH( fe t. THE OLD RELIABLE OREGo' ' . CITY SHOE SHOP . ' Week See while jrU wait. . Oof Mottot Stiictko Ctfarsotrrd C. SCHOENHEINZ, Prop n Male Set Satn d Svntn. 1 GEORGE A. HARDIKc DRUGGIST PURE DRLGS PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES ADO - I . .v.Aw. ' BlekAa - lAkia AkjM A aan u . !: i CEIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED 1 PHONES MAIN reft. HOME. 14. 511 MAIN STKEET t r. r. m t - ttl Next Door to Pott c C Ther a quit a crowd of man out working on the telephone ln. e'tla In new pot. which help th service very much - . Mr. and Mra. A. 8 Jooea made a bualnes trip to Oregoa City Mnndar. Mr. and Mra IL J. Ilelvey think- Ing of taking a trip to Wasbiagioo ! The eubtert for dslto kJ t. Smith I aader th west ar with i. -uj.i tl.i w CARUS Tba Cam literary ane -very latereailag naeeiiagaj ta. The ssb)ert for a-, d olved. That Hcku.4 Tearaef be R tired urn a pwnstoa. V dM-ided la favor of tb af-u The aub)er v- aa Thaa UtasrJ" bolla oa hla Beck. CANBY. . W. trucks and Joseph lieeer. of this rlty. wer among those who went to Portland oa bualaeee. W. J. tjordoo. who baa beea at Cou luy fur xirM tlm, haa rets. rued He waa unable to b her at hla wife's f u sera I. owing to the big walere. C. P. Kmtilg. of thla city, weat to PortUad oa Tbradayraad stopped at Oregon Oty his return trip. r,,k IwUm Mt. Ik, ..l..r In.. of tkla city, waa amoeg the Portlaad i ' Frd Jaggar. O - I buslaesa vUltors oa Thursday j Edgar iew II. II. Ercles waa la Portland oo "sr aao v m. lrw-. More Mlaery I V J . A Ml . and Ed wards. Users Hin.-, lAshtoa. Praah Jaggar aai l Asbtoa The Bet,e-0Bj J lAbei Tbom.s. t kas ( aa J -' maa. Jack Irish and lmJ-J, fa Friday evening. ,rvm- 3. I aorlety will glv a pi Jd ' ' dehat. Tb Carua arwool lBt" artemoo. 'Rtlved. TM OmJ ' U of Mors I'm Ta w m - glne. Tb. debater ta Lit business Saturday and Sunday. 1 ! . TT. . ' . 1 7. Cobb ha moved lato tb Wll-1 "" """. ""'1 ) er and Fred Joel Mr. Porbe vUlted day afteraooa. scba J. A Ham Kendall cottage, and Mr. aad Mr. B loots and Evangelist Johnson and wife have take tb bona vacated by the Cobb family. Th meeting that la tha tabernacle ar ana it is prooanie isi isia win ew - - . : .. , last week of the meetla.a Already Chlttendea t al va H. W. tber hav with th church ar being h-ld S.e Wilt Qlee DeKwi- s wll attended Salurday JssUc Hmm i tkl. .Ill the down hi decision la Ib In- and been M who have nnlted ! Plaintiff seed for 1 107 for mf lurches of thla dty. Oale - htlr Sunday tb building wa Tiled to ita i Jasiice aamsou rvw- capacity. Nett Sunday tber will prob. clsloa to Saturday at IQ" . ably be aa larg aa attendance. Tte s .. " f musle Is furoUbed by a rholr of 10 REAL ESTATE. voice and thl haa beea stuong tha; Th following traasfsrtd) attraction. The vanretlst and hla i Ute were filed yesterday k aaalatant hav worked diligently slncepf county Recorder L E- coming hare. Oa Wednesday evening ; Amoa j sad Catharla U( Rv. Jobnaoa had for hla aub)eet. i r. .ad Millie Noftlger. ssral weat half of north east gaarwi I. townahlp S south, rasp.' $1140. 1 August KonlgahofeB k Will. 1IJ acrw. iowBlt rang 1 east; 1M. J R. H. aad Email Burfbs RyUnder aad Carl O Urai rea. sections 14 sad la, south, rang I at: t:SUatj O. a and Ada A Rank and Uarv H Valentin. ', northeast quarter, aectlos I " south, rang I east; I 4 "Popular Amusements.'" which eluded dancing, card playing theatr-golng Cobb A Dillingham, who bav been In charge of the Rig Sit Department HI or for lb paat year, hav disposed of their business to a merchant of Gervala, who haa already taken noa aeaaion Mr. Cobb will probably mov to portlaad la tb near futur. wher h haa other bualnes. but Mr. Dil lingham wilt remain her for the pres ent. Ml Verna Porter, th wll known and highly esteemed rUrk, who haa been In th employ of Cobb A Dillingham, will remain In her prea ent quart era. SPRINOWATER. On January It. 1111. th Angel of Death cam to th bom of Mr. and Mra. Ed Cloanar. and took away their sister. Mra. Ann. U Moor. Sh la (I years of ag. and leave to mourn her loss two won, father, mother, flv sisters, four b rot her and man I i friends. J "Peaceful be thy silent alum ber, Peaceful In thy grave ao low, Thoq no mor will join her number. Thou no, mor our Borrows know. Tet again w bop to gobet the, When the day of life la fled. And In Heaven w nope to meet thee, Wher no farwll tar ar abed." Next Saturday night a drama will h glvea at tb Orange ball by the young people of Logan. It was given ther and proved on of the grtt u creese ever glvea. Basketball practice every Tueaday and Thursday night. We will aonn hav two good teams by lb boys and one by th girl. Uat Thursday nlgM Mr. Alderman. Stat Superintendent of School, gav aa addreaa which, was appreciated by a larg audience. Seeley s beat flour, 1 SO. sack. THE GRAi; To-Nighfs Pi J "TlIF THF t nix wi i "THE STOLEN d "THE BLACK lift A Good Sho Every 0V' ) DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . ."o 3 Try the Classlfcd Columns of & morningenterprk 3000 ReAdVn Dally