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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1911)
.t '"V Queer , Miss Egerton Sh Wu Uaelligl (be S, CMNA NORCIOUSC Cwea-rlgkt r Jiwtaw Pa ctauoa. -n ' M W Mstvla Kg-rtoei i peculiar girl She seolom dkl anything as any oa els wrnild dJ It QI. was a: way doing thlri&7u rway that w oe 'le would think of 1.4ng tueoi. It U the purpo of this tor to cbroakl the roundabout way hc acted Id a mat tec that rooo-ru.-J boreif auJ severs! other people. la tbe nrst r'ce. Visa Egvrtou. who was aa orphan. Inherited a large , curate and cam Into po"ka of tt when she wss eighteen r old The next a1 Import aut ttjiug M: her waa an Intimate friend. IVfore her mother death, when h was but -twv Jfr okl she had conceived a Tloleot affection 6 Agues Hart, h was badly ntnxJfWiu she not poraaril of a heart at all. Marcta'a , Bsotber opposed the Intimacy and whei ; her daughter waa sixteen years old sent her off to cbool with no other purpose than to get ber away from Ag 1 Be, but without avail Toe two clrta kept op an almost daily corre- anoadenc dnrinf the whole period of i thdr ae pa rat to a and on Marcla'a re- tm were JHtt-re Xm??jLihiLlf Mr. Ecertoa died when Mania waa twenty, teavlna; her daurhter her own BtKreaa and tn poeai on of a larce property. Sbe took ber friend Airnea to lire with ber and larfohed upon her rarytldnc a girt conld dewlre. Several yvong men. each of whom would hart Bked to win VI arc la either for beraelf r her fortune, declared that they were amble to eeparate her tone enough troaa her girt friend to do ao. And It van tncetioasly remarked that any one who BMfTied Miaa Esertoo must hare twe wtrea. Marda became Interested In a yonng aaaa Edwia Bond who found mora opportunity to court than be aralled Idmaetf ot Be admired Marrla: bat. ha Ting ao fortune hlmaelt be objected being tied to a woman who poaaeaa 4 one. He waa one of tboae young haea who feel the teat of making a place for tbemaeirea In the world and haew that to do thai be moat be forced aa by a powerful ttlmalaa, for the man who max lies a fortune la p pot Id d for, and ha pay a the price, which la - in ten conatantly be- Inx reminded that hia wife bolda the pane ntrtngs and money la power. Marrla. not making any headway with Ed win Bead, chose another lover. Cecil Baxter. Mr. Baxter waa a fre qnent rlaltor at her boose and divided hai attenUoas between the two girls. His inclinations drew him rather to ward Agnes than Marda, but sine Marda poaaemed a fortune and Agnes was poor he accepted the encoorage aneat of the former and proposed to her and was accepted. . Whea a certain scheme of Marc la Egertoa's was whispered a boat, all who heard It wondered at ber Infatna tto for her bosom friend. On the ground that she did not fed that she would lire long she made will tear ing half her estate to a charitable In stitution to be named for and In tern ary of her mother. The other half aba divided between ber lorer and her bosoaa friend Those who were observant noticed that Baxter's Inclinations were rather toward hla fiancee's friend than his nance. They also noticed that the friend, except when the fiancee waa present, did not ahow any dUponltlon to compel Mr. Baxter t reaerTe bis - especial attention for his. betrothed. These people said. "What a pity that Marrla should not take herself off to heaven, leaving the poor their abare of her estate and the lovers the nut of It" And yet there were others who claimed that, ao matter what happen oat of BsasJ and conventional lines, tongue will wag: that these three yowog people anderstood one another thoreognly. and that was at) there was boat tt. An agreed that the bequest ' was very lovely la Marrla. who w. Jnat the kind of gtrl to look oat for the happiness of others and was as simple minaea as a eniw. ; Meanwhile Marda Ksertna seemed 1 . . T - tv wi. uuiat ner DBTslrlSa trae.1 eHth s m.s t. .v ,. . - ' MS rUIWB that she did not Drooose to thraw mr sl - . " ki . ' voioqur epon a BusDaaa aa mak- - " u. was .5 Q two i aaacaiB nnuix U nine caaea Afe Yott a Subsctthzt to tte . NewDaUy? ? 1 If Tk MornlAf ENUroria Is to b as successful aa th lntfreU of Oregon Oty demand It tarast noedg bar th support of aa Th new dally haa a "big work, befor tt In booking Orogoa CUy and Clackamas County. Tour "port aa saor atrwagrhi for thworfc, t Will Yci Help Bot SSVwaTln;:::::::::! ood tai yr nam and rsmltfjt . i Basonac) that would tat ' rtrl rneod with ber- At this "0 'uLi- -Tkst la eitlv hl V bite .been expected". The ovlrty .th bosom frteod U Be-eery: that of jh nano U ao." Th two mwuli one oay in "sailed ob a M.xlltf rr !) steamer fo i Egypt That "Va the lal any oo la ijtufrA beard frvm tbeta fiw seeral 'Booths; theu one day Age returned. . saying that b.bad left Man ia alart- lug for a trip through to Holy I-aud. ,! Sh rrporUHl bet frlond ry niin b Ira prvd lb owilth and not at all avT-trrtUur- l.n. Abi w tlrwl of travoMn aud prr''",'l bin ; A Okn Marrta irann i'. n ' Aen Mld b had' trted to 1 a mmv(. MaMa ' would wot btar of b.- nmalulna; atmad any Ati : ftr rfuinit fr a long wbllo to na ture, bad Iwo llterwlly ooujHJ do m by Marx la t;ttx- fnc and Baiter wer w txsrthcr a trvat deal aft.T bor return crttkal ierooa aaW hat Ao had co fn h.wno imn to tu.u.H,H hinv Tb ca icltl ruor talk thin any a.vU aipo- that bad Un dUvuwwsl In tho Uce fc year. Kery one wouileretl , that Mart-la Kfertoq abH!d W k hltnd. "Ity .vb,. h wa blamed fir offi'rint lnduvuent r.r crime. Here were two lorer In-tweeni whom he ihrtl and w bo -mUnt te tempted to put her fat of the way that tney mUht r nnlte.1, each with cob alderablo mean. Into po'eloo of which they would i-viMOCat ber death. Then eam a reort.thai an Ameri can lady trarellnj In the' Holy 1-aoJ had been robbed and murdered. Tb report waa conirwed. and tha lady 'a name waa tixen aa Mirvla Kcerton she had r off on an exi-unlon to a .fcM3X - .rlavf wM.ajMnjg gaMe where there a as something i-tirtoua to ndhe bad returned to report that they had been set upon bv thugs, the lady murdered and her money,; loctud lng traveler's checks, taken. Ue aald that be bad bOried the body at the place f the murder. Baxter csWed and wrote to fuller" States consuls nearest the sceoe of th tragedy asking for Information. Not' tng waa adduced except the atatetue of M Las Egerton s guide, whlon was taken down tn writing and a worn to. After waiting six months for the girl to turn up. nothing baring been beard from ber. the will - was admitted to probate. The evidence of the testaror'a death being deficient, the rav dragged. Cer tain relatives who had hoped to bene fit by the will opposed a settlement of the estate under the plea that there was not sufficient evideuce thai MUa Egerton was, dead. It waa alt mouths after the reported death that the rhan cerr court agreed to liar over to U-ue- fldartee the three parts Into wbk-b the estate was divided by the will. About thlt time the announcement was made of the engagement of Ce-il Baxter and Agnes Hart. A statement fr-weut forth that Marcia Egerton bad had a presentiment that she would be summarily cut off and had requested tn the event of her being so that the lover was to marry her friend. With angelic unselfishness she had provided In her will for their comfort. This satisfied every one except certain per sons who hsd been watching Mr. Bax ter and' Miss Hart. Tbey averred that though they might state truly Mlsa Eg erton'a part of the' transaction It left much to be explained on the part of the two who were about to be mar ried and Inherit a fortune from ber who was to have been the bride. Baxter and Miss Hart were finally able to count on a dale when tbetr In heritance would be paid over to them. and they arranged to be married the day after receiving It. They agreed that they would place a stained glass window in the church tbey attended to the memory of the noble girt who had left each of them . a comfortable for tune. The plan waa laid, but the order for the work was not to be glren until their property bad been turned over to them. For a wedding trip tbey were to go to the Holy Land to gather In for- nation of the woman they loved and. If possible, bring the body home for burial. One dsy tbey received a notice from their attorney that the papers In th case of their Inheritance would be ex ecuted the next morning at 11 o'clock. ney were an packed to go away as soon as the marriage ceremony bad been performed the day after coming Into posjiesdlon of their property. All other matters. Including the order for the memorial window, bad received at tention. On the appointed morning they call ed on their lawyer and were taken by him to the office where tbe transfer was to be made. While they were sit ring there two persons entered, on of whom especially they had not expected to see. They were Edwin Bond and Marda Egerton, now Mrs. Bond. mere is no record or what waa said between the testator, who bad re turned to life, and ber expected heirs. All that Is known about tbe sequel to the meeting Is that Mr. Baxter and Miss Hart were never married. Aa to the memorial window. It was not re quired. Msny blamed Mr. Bond for her ac tion In deceiving her two frlenda. pedally for going abroad and hiring native to report her murdered. How be, madejlt op with Bond she never told, but it was known that be went abroad while she. was there and they were married there. It ha been said at th beginning of mis srary wmi iis Egerton was a pe- mil. -t-t n-t... . . 7 . " COTTBIBIV 9mm - - I .. . . . way to ilV arsjufBjujaj iffja r . " pooisnea taem very UnUUI Til aifkl m wJt Usa.tB.-l as. . severelv. tfww k- 1 uin iney oMrvd Is question. yottf own Iotefests? .... f , "' V I REMOVING - SNOW FROM SIDEWALKS How BJs Oon In Lacrosse, WiSH.EipIalneit BEST METHODS TO EMPLOY. In & Strata andWalaa Shavalaea . Skauld 1trwt4 In Fra Mad,.aBli, Fr . Ca- . The peopeechHitfiug . of suow from sidewalks offers roualuVrapi difficulty to ooVlale for Ita proper amutHn Where the law requires the aiitnort ties to take char of in cleaning 4 all walka suowpkwa' can be Tied"T advantage at least once or ikt la the season. After this the snow will pack on tbe side sod roll back oa to tbe wtk. Hand labor must theo 1 to stalled f the walk la to lie deaue mil width. Where It I a question of dean lag walks which property owners sre required to clean, but do not. It la not generally practicable to use pkiwa sine tbe walk w hich are to be clean ed by th city ar Ulely scstterwt and In such cases also naod cleaning must be -resorted, to. Where there irr sorted strip snow should b removed at least one.foot be yond each edge of tn side ws Ik pVtng. especially where Lb Ma aajoiuiug ar higher thaa tb walks, as ibis win prevent ice " from accumulating after thawing begin. Immediately after a snowfall all pub lic walks, street corners end street and alley crossings should b cleaned' la s systematic way. Th work Is laid out In routes, with from two to four neu on each rout, depending npon tbe depth of snow fill Wbeo poaalbl the men aeleofed ir the Bving neanrat I to th rpeetlv stations. It 1 sometime djAcait-to Judg cor J twctly as to what conattrute a com pllanc with tb require menta of a tlean sidewalk.' Sow property owners appear to think that a path along the renter of th walk la aufBcWot, while .Others wait until th snow ba been tramped bard and then rvmov tbe loos snow on either side ..Neither of -the should be tolerated by tb a tboritiea, s the first thaw will cans Ve to form and mak a moat danger on condition -Th length of route and else of crews for abnveitog private sidewalks should be Increased over those for tbe regular public shoveling.. . About eight men and one foreman for a crew have been found tq be tbe moat deslrabl Th foreman abould locat. mur and describe tbe work, roe th mea aremvnta be may us a ten foot stick and locat tbe work by giving tbe dis tance of tts beginning from tb near set corner and tbe number of front feet shoveled for etsmpl. "north west corner Bltb and "tint: xota menc north l'X) feet; SO feet: skip tuO feet; 50 feet." thl being nterprtd as meaning, beginning oa tb ortb west corner of Sfitb and State strspts, th first 100 feef mnnlng oorth were shoveled by tbe owner, the next DC feet shoveled by tbe city, tb follow ing 100 feet shoveled by tbe owner and tb last SO feet by tb city ' To correct any mistake made by the city force a. postal card printed for this porpoa should be sent to each owner of tb properties cleaned, giv ing Information of location, amount of work don and coat; tb owner having th option of paying thla coat at one or having tb asm charged to tsiea The cards ar very much appreclat ed by owner whoa lease call for their tenants to clean tbe sidewalk Th card used In La Crosse la as fot low: La Cross. Wis.. . 11 Dsar glr To ar harsbr Botlnsd thai anew has bsea rtnevsd by direction of th board of paMta work. Is aaeord aaes mntb provisions of etty charter and ordinances governing th aaaaa. from your walk shutting lot , block . a44l. flon, tb chars foe sue work amounting to I . Unless this Is paid by . in-. a spe cial aaaessmont will b mad against th property sad char gad to Uxk All snow and lea rtdgaa aa wall aa loos enow must b removed from idwslas (full width) st ones after sack and rry sowfalL Sand r salt must be Med on Icy sidewalks tUspaetfully. BOARD OF PX'BUC WORK. After tbe cleaning of all walka gut ters should b opened for a width of at least twenty-four Inches. Generally large banks of snow have accumulated from sidewalks or street ear tracks Wher tber Is a street ear track or the enow U being removed from th roadway these banks of snow sboold. of coarse, b hauled away, while on streets having no tracks or wber tb a now la not removed they may b scattered m the center of the roadway. Tb saving in coat of removing loon now from gutter rather thaa remov ing Ice by use pf picks Is an Item not to b overlooked Wber gutters ar kept open suddeo thaws will find good outlet, bat If tb gutter Is not opened lc m apt to- form to a greater or less depth. . .. Ia cleaning street and sidewalk anow sbovelera should be Instructed In tb special Importance of keeping free n catch basin openings, hydrant and mau. police and fir alarm boxes. rttttttt imiHMHiiu Bfr eoHnfl talf u , , d from anthe sKy try 1 yr lesal dsle. H may hsv ; just what y wast at eel; . ul to th mall aeaae ksu. ' MM.t If you would sell i V0UR HOUSfC YOUR FARM . YOUR H0R8C Trr what U) ehaa oolamng of th MomUg stntrprlM n do for Too. v, notes v i v. J LaMMaaBiBnnBMHajaaaJ If Improperly "cooked hf Mduej ar roan- duh. b "" 'earefu'ly pre I red Ibej anal aa etcelleut stw Kmo all agperflooos fat. trim theiu a ad cat them Into rhuaka. let tbm c!d lt. d wa'sa' .l""0'."? hour. I5IB thfB rj"ltor.ui;n..T then set them over the dr la freia rokl wster. WhB thev cooie ainn-i t tb boiling point and Welo to shew cttra on th arfac pour off th atv and add frenb rokl water. A better If m baa flats la to remote th kidney, pot them tn a w t er lay them aald a moment until the pot they wsr rooked tn has bee thoroughly washed ot The put Item back 1 order to get th strong flavor out ft thla meat tt U acaary to remov mora srum and bloxxi from It as po si bis. IX I hem reheat la watr s ood tiro. Tbeo pour oT thks od water and treat aa befor. It may necessary to do It a third, and a hHirtb time also. When th stsg k re coed In which th wtr la quit clear and free from ' srsaa cut op one o tw onon a good alsed one far every kid ny one or two smalt csrrot and oe or two pot toe. fut them Into th water around tb Meat and cook slow ly for about two hotir or oattl a gravy I formed. Rom cook add a lltt I len jBk art of lb yellow peel of a lento to tbe atew. Th car rots snd onion may be left oat and TOe-rrdney stwed by themselves, lbs gravy being flavored only with a tiny glaa of win and lmon Julc. P4l CkSk Two cupfula of sugar, two rapfttl of floor, oo cupful of butter, .ao. large rnpful of Kugtlab walnot. use cupful of potato, maabed and sea foosd, rdy to re; oo and no half cupruls of ehocoJata grated; one half capful of tnllk. fiv'gg, osing U th yolks and white of tbrs. kteplag two whit for buUed frost ing; two tesapooofula of baking pow dr. on ech of clove, cinnamon, all- par and nutmeg, oo each of l moo and vanilla. Hak itbe la loar or layer. Cream hatter and augar. Add milk, the yolks of eggs, beste high; then potatoe. aoft apk-wa. rboroiat and baking powder In flour, and add to egg and batter. Then add beaten white sad Isstty tb nuts. Will keep fresh for a week or tea day. plit Psa tu. For split pea oap. so good In thl cold weather. uk a quart jf spltvpeaj ovornlght In tb morning put lnroi on th stov la plenty , of fresh coWT water, about four times a jnoch water as psss. Add B targe pier of salt pork, half a god alted carrot.' a good slaed leek, two potatoe of medium Is, on root of parsley, on teaspoon ful of thyme, on large turnip, a banc h of celery tips, a lrg a lie of bread and salt a ad pepper to tast. Let tbe anap boll all day, adding fresh water as It bolls dowa Strain before orvlng. - - A Fin taw. Apple and cranberrte are' very good cooked together, about half and halt I-et a quart of tb mlimr cook with gbout a cupful- of water or )ut nough to prevent burning At tb end of twenty minute add two cup ful of granulated sugar and let th m.lxturV cook for about tea minute more. Turn Into molds and Brvt when cold. The apple .seem to met low tb berries, and tb auc will b preferred to one entirely of berrie by thoa who do not Ilk th sbarpi of th latter when cooked a loo. Tea Wafer. - For tb Virginia wafers that ar served with afternoon ta and other light repasts work a coo pi of tsble spoonfuls of butter Into two cupfuls of flour and mix In enough lc water to mak a atlff pa at. Then put tb dough on to a Soured board and roll Into a very thin sheet It should b little thicker than paper and cat la round with a saucer. Bak hi a quick ova on a floured pan. Th wafer should hsv an uneven, bubbly urfac and b eaten cold. They ar dellclou with a eonaer or Jam. Sandwich Filler. Whit ralaln bread mad Into sand wiches wltb minced ant and cream cheese I delirious. Cut tb allce very thin and spread one wltb cream cheese and tbe other , with th nuts. Both should b buttered first. If they ar cut In th shape of card sulta for after noon refreshments at card club and parties tbey sre very sightly. Th card suit cutters ar kept by th houa furnishers 8up Stk. In mixing leftover for soups never combine fish and meat, beef and lamb, chicken and beef. Sometime a llttl bacon or pork- bone can b added to soup stock for richer flavoring. I One Day's Menu. rtRF.AKF.A8T. teemed Rice and Apple, flugr nd Cream. Poached Egge on Buttered Toast, roffe LUNCHEON, wast Potato sad Nut Lost Cream Cheese andwlcha. Apple Pie. Milk or Tea. ( DINNER. -Cream of Turnip Mo Roast MUttes, Brown Baus, Baked Macaroni. Frsaeh Pea Psposr Aalad. Wafer. , Cotfeeji WANTED Steady customer for wymvm m. iiner sex. eb Bnnca iinncsry. JUdl- lou sdvsrtlsr Wrth soms tntng t Mil and mthln0 to ay win nrid this th proper grfer a business leg. N triflr Msrrtsd pron. m(.. tor ao will understand. Call a. r addrMa, Advsrtlaln Man0e Mmlr,t tntrprl, Orfln city. Oron. v Th rlddl oflh sphinx may b anfathomhbl. bat anybody can UDdr taad tb eoai j,. tt t f,4Bcfc BRIGHTEN UP YOUR VINDOWSi lining Your Uttt SHIns Is! Bssl War to Draw Trads. K0THIK6 GOOD IH OIOESS. ! tee WKK 0aUy Meaksd's t-i , tet.vly Ue rik lllm.ti , 1 tk 0 WkiaK Mks Moy F ' -It lalHti Owaw. ) -It your light hi before ta." ! the good book say In advising awn t j Uv splrltusl live Th words are ) wrltteo rigurnvly. sad tn advkw la I good rwBstilersd frwia aa rthlcal tlsw j polaL II to good too If tb word ar j Ukea at tnelf Utrl loeaulng "Lt j your light shin befor meo If yo j ar a bustues ma and oesire trad. lJght np your. aUr window a, mak a j how. aad tb ahow will mak busl j Boa fr o- llav you ever trh4 a crowd of ; folks out strulllBg o a 8j vnlng1 , Tney stop t kk Into th tor win : dowa, and lb thing whkh attract them and wbifb bring Ihera la to buy la th light disputing vry plec of good to tb I -est advaatagv. Tb well 'lighted slur got lb trad.' Th dim window attract nobody, aad ake ao j pros e rlty for its unenterprising owns. Thl Is not aa sdvertlseojeot fir any I system of Ugh ting Any U good which' j let tb folks e Whit It la Jo bav to aelL Th window of a ior ar ; Ilk th face of a Btaa. If tbey ar . bright aad shining and nappy looking ' they seetn to rdit prosperity and j good feeling and Bat orally tend to i draw tb psoaW od tb dollar ol ' f th pocketa f tb paassrsby. If ; thy ar gloomy or towertag or dull or ; dingy aattrctiv tbey repel cu to mar and fsli t bring Into th prk-1 of their owner tb shekel ftw which b U In buslnss Get busy. Bgbt up your wlsdows, mak a ahow j and aottcw how quickly trad will ; brighte) Ughtlng blU are a email , ttvra la rompariaon with th peoflta to , b mads by dlapiaytng year good j brightly sod sttrsrtlvely. I Speaking oa thl subject, a mag-1 Bin devoted to tb Interests, of ; method of lighting aald reroatly: ! "In lb day of prugraa and las- I provemeot th up to dat merrbaat j moat rsulls that to keep abea f th time H become partes re for 'i . r " WTUX LioarsD aD i a a i so sd rsfrr aaaa wtatmw. htm to oa up to dat met bod of doing bu aloes and. If poaalbl. lo keep Jut ahead of his neighbor. . Tn qoeatlou of ior lighting Is of "tuprvm Import nc waa on rnnald j r lb thuanl of men and women who to lb evening take their fa a Ills or stroll a ion through th lighted thoroughfar making their purchase Oftea they ar aadorldd aa (a )ut what tbey deslr. aad Bat orally tbey ar draw t th stor that makes It a point to present ita.warwa most at trcUvly. "Na oo vr ear to gas Into a gloomy or dimly lighted stor It tb warm. ' brilliant aspect presented by a wall lighted tor that attrsrt th public and Increases tb purr bas ing power tenfold, la any larg city It can b notlcod that tb majority f peoal at night patroats th More that ar loraud oa th aid f tb street or avenue that to moot tlgbtd It la a common sight to e on aid of aa avuu crowded wbll tb other W la almost tnpty, do to tb fact that tb wll lighted More attract. Rom time ago It waa aald that r. Btlfle sslesmanablp waa th beat as Bet a merchant possessed, bot bow adaya It la different. Tb Interest rr td by well lighted good netty dl plyd I far mor product I v thaa ay other method need, tb object be ing to Brat Interest th customer, aftr which th sal I saaursd." 1 t Trading st hm mssna llfs t. T a tsws. toi.a u. at T . -... 7nr money x T lswker mean aUnti4t and X eeatn. iimiiiiiiii---- "PI Help Cln StrMta." Th board of public works of Knox. Ill, Teno.. ha had i lirn nmt. of "ctoaoap1" placards printed for tb wy iiesunrul league to be gtra to ward chairmen for distribution. Th placards read: 'Will you pi belp make oar city ctoan, healthful aad beaotlful by observing th ordinance gainst spitting on th aldwalka and throwing papers and othr trash la tb streets' By rqust of tb womo of Kaoirill." Whoa It comes to th pinch tber Is something to b aald for th lob tar. , ' ' If you lose YOUR HORSC YOUR WATCH YOUR P0CKIT100K Try fv Unri in our ehaa eolama; tkay may find It for fob.