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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1911)
MOKNING, EffTEKPJtlSK. WKDNEHDAY, JANUARY. 25, 1911. POINTED OUT 11 Shaw Is 111 with I bom on Sixth street, II. lniter. of Portland, tn 1 business Tuesdsy, III, of Hiimn, was In Or, trday. . ... ' v w. Omer HsrmoA, of HII 'jfethls city Monday, roK- 4 Elect rlo Hotel. Hoe ye. Desllet, CW Jron City. .Ink, of New Era, was In terrtsy and. today visiting V W. Urar.' I J, of Astoria, is vlsltliig silks, of Caiuinah. tMiillon will titiftaln ' , Club ! her home on tba 1 Friday evening. t '..araai K. Ityan. who ha.. I . .i Ortron City on 4KI htialneu, J t r;tttj4 to hi horn In Baton, f -.1. Jay Upton, of Portland, has re- ,v Jl Mm, C A Lstourett. oan at neeieye. aHlow. who ha u jit thrva weeks In Pert mod to Oregon City. Iloako, of I'ortland, who ,r, Mr. George Gardner . weoh, ha returned to Tu Commercial "Club has" Just Is sued a little booklet tflltnr tno lory of Ibe good things lying about, loose in and around Oregon City. It la a atory wall told, and It la truthful aa wall. Wby not mall copies of It to friends and acquaintances In tba Kaat lot Ihem In on tha good iblnga n lure baa so lavishly bestowed on our tliy and county, . , -- . 10 bara laundry onp Ta. , goeloy'a. Mr. and Mr. 0. W. Church hsvs sold tbalr place at Oladatoji ti a Mr. IhuiiiIsoii, and will purchase other properly at (llildstoii. where they will bUlItTa bungalow. Mr. Donulson will not tak poHsrimlon. of hi newly ao quired property for aoma time. Tbo beat llotnatnad flresd that cat baled.; you ran gat It at Scbrador's Bakery, on Mala atraat near PoaioT- flea. -' MAKING USE OF SCIIOOLHOUSES V rssr- Un d ) !f. J, . I j j . . V ytg. of Portland, who . vllb capillary tirom ht'ln, datona, and la vlalttnc 4 hla a'in, (). K. KmytNg. V rranklln, who Uvea on it, la quint III. Hb waa few duya and frlciiJ -1 of paralyala. .! 7. Mortimer CiH-krjll will . wi tt of February for llub- '"t. tha' former will have ' VMiiiiMmw tlrlltMM' Pnm. V, yt7t - . jtc: A ,a ana t onrartiona at 1 atraet. naar roatorrica. IJoore, of ff'tlwiMMl, mi J I Meldrutu. of Meldrum.J tm I My Tuondiiy ano 1 1 t t I A 1 I 1 I C MAKING POSSIBLE THE NEW BRIDGE - ' r.i i y- r I f I L -4 I yi , ti, -y SENATE BILL . THAT IS UP FOR CONSlOeRATION BY PRESENT k.,-. tCOISLATURC . THREE COUNTIES TO JOIN IN COST Act ; ? j j alan ' ka Potalbla for Coovnla- t Build Commlaalon to Chooaa Slta and Con duct Eractlon, Polio wlnv la the text of nrntMtaed j of wra. nenry nmi-jtrlermnty brlclga act ItD atreet, i Hertlmi I. That It nhnlt be unlawful V Uorrld, primary tenrlierjfor Marlon rountr. tlwlcnmn rouniy. va aohool. waa takri. ! and TimhlU county. Urason. and tha Wng th c1i9ot hour j Bal4 -ountlea nr' lierrby authorized. Tg. aiid w tiikao' t emiHwered and dirertod to roiiMtriict, f room la In cbara of j httlld, mntntatn and Wif. and canaa lo jjamett. of th High be ciinatrurted, built, tnalntnlned and r abaenca. ( utt.'L a brldKo arriMa tha Willamette ' milk :r,r. Sevley'a. ' nitr at IluttavUla. to U known and 'jirtunn Im aaaln at hla uxed a it wngon lrl'lg for tha arni-ra ,ng at or a aftar an o-.poidlo, ibe at b nation of aald I of Uu Uy. Ha Ma a brirtaa Ut l aab-cti by a commUnlon on hla (aro that baa, htruluaficr creattid by thla art, and ld of pain and annoy that antd Cnnnty Tonrta- of Marlon Dawhat Improved. oonnly, riarkaniaa county and Yam hill rounty be and they are- hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make a levy uin tba taxable property of their reapertlva rountlea fur aald porpone, and tha amount to h rained Waa largely attrlided by , by aald li'vy, ahall not cxreed a totai ) I T taat anrt ton. !"i ona aua one-nair mnia on tne ooi KiK?t( K, ati . fi;iHt V. .itherford, who haa bmn rf 1 1 f bom at New Kra. haa r -f )(.1'n City. Mlna lluth- Jtl - - I the baaket x-lt al t I . 1 f aol hoii no 8nlurday Mi j i V l Jnmer hmU 6c at ' ,.t . r Kra- rr. Hee- lar, on all laxablw property aaaeaitod In i , laain rouniiea, a one-nair part tnereot Vl tElard "ortimo, wkaito b larlid by aald county court In r r in Un extended vInII i January, 1912. and the remaining half Id Southern Hlnta-t, te jo City U ulnh'. aad ilia at tha home of Mr part thereof In the month of January, 1913.: . - , . Hee. 2. The duly elected, acting and 'IcCaualand, of B eiiil qualified County Judges of Marlon, whlto In tA C:"aSl'e for tbat hot lunch , t tsJuMta. 610 Main atraaL f .'(jaai and wife, who r. a, were In Oregon City rtng brought with them t ' Thotnaa, who ug4 on ' vt Portland, where aha will , "ara bumi.. Mlaa Thnroaa ' Jug- Rev. Owen and wife iar. The latter reiurnefl i on Tueaday evening. , ''-"V .jmmmmmm ICCAL BRICPS J s Streblg, who waa taken 7 ego at tha home of her "ey Streblg. la no better. Illow, tKKjk-kreier of the Bnterprlae, la III at her ftvere attack of lagrlppe, Taa among (he Oregon ho went, to Salem Jtn dlhe lagbjUhira.' I floeye. lntlat, Can ;regon city. t, one of te prominent of Mai la. waa tn Ore- ilaraa reMtrrday. t one of the' flromlncnt tiolalla, was In Oregon leaa Tueaday, returning l the evenla. r f r ; ga Iiodge CrinHJBnjf I flour. It 50 aarV:' t at Ketx'a green houae O'clock. Kverybody In- n t.'.-j. a 1 n. proprietor of the a, waa In thla city uu itter part of the week. to haa been attending k University, and who IK at his home In this latmaa, loft yeaterday latacada In company is on a surveying trip. iB for that hot lunch ts, CIO Malp street. 1 Martin. Vrid Joha'C Jlarrled Tueaday at the )aoopal parsonsge by juirmim.! Mn and Mrs, prominent realdcnta of mss county, and expect M home i la ; thnt - ootn- I, of Maple Lane, waa In iterday, morning , on his ,nd, where he was a dele regon Clly Produce and Union to Portland, where a been called for the pur flexing the prgAnlxatlon of Stry for the markatlng of J w j a4j J i one of the prominent Vale dealers of Canhy, i 01 ty yesterday on bual- is now connected "Wtrh inal Company, which haa to new headquarters In jtilldlng. and among the ( denla he has mnde was of the W. A. Salt mar ah 600, This land was pur Itly from -Mr. Colby, and I finest plecea of land tor inby. Mr. Taylor, of Port ought the land and will Uture home there. It la at the Baltmarah fnmlly D Portland to make their Oiwknmna and Vamhlll rouniiea and Ihelr aurreHMira In office, be and they are hereby conatlieted a rnmmlaslon, without aaktry except neccaaary ex-petiM-a, and aald coinmiHaton la here by authorlred, empowered and direct ed lo procure the- nereeanry binds for bridge site on either sine of the Will amette lltver at JlultertUe, and to con demn paid land In the nftme of aald rommUnlon, If neceaaary, .and aald eoiutulaalon la further authorized, em powered and directed to employ com petent aaaiHtanta In making the neo- t-naary surveys ef aald stream, and In provartng plans and speciDratlona for the conat ruction of aald bridge, and to fully complete the crniKt ruction of aald bridge without unneceaitary delay. Hec. 3. That Ibe ownership of aald bridge and the neceaaary landa on either side of aald at ream uaed for bridge purponra. ahall belong to aald count lea, and each of aald countlea ahall pay their proportionate share In the construction of aald bridge aa pro vlded for "by;ihla t and for the fu ture; maintenance ef.the sarna arcord- litf'to tne jianeaneil valuation of the taxable: property in earn or aaia coun Ilea, and aald bridge shall forever re main free and open to the public. ,Heo 4. - AKt fnada raiiteil In said counties by aald Ier1-a ahall b kept by the Connty Tfeasnrer of each of said counties In a separate fund, and ahall pay out aald funds only upon order dt)ytgnod and audited by all Of tfte ,rntihrt of aald commission J A vy RIVfcR IS SANE AGAIN. Floods Run Down Until It Is Safe to Try Navigation. Reports from along the river Indi cate that the preaent volume of watet In the Willamette assures plenty of water to keep the river up to a normal stage until late In the spring. This will mean, river men say, that the stsge of the river will remain at boat ing level and warrant thnt the river will provide a reliable means of mov ing the freight that Is held tn the grnnarles of the farmers and shipper nlotig the whole river. 1 The" waters are reported down to steamboat stage and the frfflc on the river i la to be renewed' again today. At I'ortland. too. reports say that con ditions are about normal and that traf no can again be taken nrf with surety. REAL ESTATE. The following tranafera of real es tate were filed yesterday In the office of Recorder of Conveyances L. E. Will. lams: W. D. Wrks to D. L. Ulrks. lots 7 and 8, block, 1, Mllwaukle Parki $1. " otto Melnbf to frank UDgenssnd. lots fr- and 4. block X Otto Melnlgv first addition to Randy; $1. W. A and Ilia K. Jones to ITtydelle Kutcr, nt 6 Mid. north half Jot 4. block 35; first addition to Rstnrnda; 11. B. T. Mass, sheriff, to Q. B. Wmlck, aerea of donation land claim of S. B. White, townahln 3 south, ran go 1 and 3 enst; 151980. Christina Ely to Hilda Tooxe. nnrt of William Holmea donation land tlalm No. 88, aectlon 5. townshlD 3 south, rsnga east, 10.7 acres; $10. j. ana oryntha Corbet t to Henry and Ernest Drandt, land In Mountain View addition to Oregon City; $1. Getting Full Returns on a Bil- lloo. Dollar TriYestmeoLV-' AGITATION COUNTRY ; WIDE. Many Communities Now Oattlng Pull Uao ef Sahool ; Buildings, Which' Should Bo' the Looal Poin ef Edu oatlonal, Political and' Soolal Llfs. The school plant of Aiuvrka la val 0d at ll.OOO.OOtt.Wxi. It lies bile 01 pf cent of Ibe available time, when It Is used only fur day school pur poiee. Assuming tbst the full nae of this property Is worth to the cotnma Ully 0 per rent U(on tne Investment, Its tnployuM'iit for day Imrtrtictlon only w6uld Involve an annual waste lu the Uulted Btstes of l.'IO.noo.Ofto, asys Clar ence A. Perry In the Survey. Aa wss said recently, "most of us no more sppriM-lnte what It means to have these poeiM'SMlons ihau the pvoplo of Europe befure HfC spprvclated what It nieom lu have the rartb. Then wss a whole betulspbere of Incalcula ble wealth aud opportunity about wblrb they kuevr nothing. And In tbe acbool (ilunt there Is a ' whole' heni- ispbere of value unrealised, undiscov ered by tbo w ho think of It-as slin ply a bulldluii for tbe education of rhll dreo. with the added use of an occa- slooal evening school. Tbe sbool building should be tbe r s pilot of ibe neighborhood, tbe focal point of educational, recreation, po lltlcal and ecMlal life. Its Importance aa a place for.the development of In telligent public spirit through tbe free discussion of public qneatlous Is funds torn t si. for those who are openlug'our cboolbouaea fur the largt-sl public service are simply carrying on tbe tra ditions of freedom. " Hack In the eighties II was custom ary to turn tbe school houe over to tbe Junltor st 4 o'clock for sne.iii AO boor Inter be locketl the il, nml lbs -building was ii.. nei In rin l-ixtr during Ibe reM of tbe diiy When be got through on f'rliliir nfternoou iIh acbool pn-mlm wer -iou, imill I'tc fotlowlug M.imlnv nimiiluK . ttu Pnt onlay and uinbiy fit' h.n.l i"oii,wl were biiiin-l n fi.rlilit'lcti t.rHtor jfunug ine kmc I'linittii-r luotittia ni one entertNt iliem etiefil mMlir the workmen tin neet there to msktf re pair" Tbe wlio'i' hi li.l ioxrtsr wan oavd from 1 to 4 tlnrliiK Imii days out of the jeur-alHiut ;tn ,.r rent of the total -ul.b---rl.Hl "Hul within a couple of derailes n vast uovetueat has beeQitsrted for a wider ue of Ibe W Ow ilt. ' i r.!' few GREAT PERIOD OP ACTIVITY. Tha Attention ef Leading Mining Man ; j Of the Country Turnsd ' fhle Way. Best creamery butter 80a roll. iy'. See- &BEARLi'CHOP),HO.USE trything Strictly FrcsluTiShort Or- 1 ! 3 dwIOarlSp&Ultyjnn 1 4 O'DONNEL, Proprietors 1 Between 5th and 6th, on Main Street . i rum littxs BCoooLaocss. cbool put at. and many communities are oow receiving mut-b larger divi dends upon their school Investment ! klsoy activities are now carried en In school liousee after day boors. Rven Ing and vacation schools, playgrounds In acbool yarda during July-aod Au gust, evening recreation and aoclal cen ters during tbe winter months, free lectures, entertainments. Indoor sports, folk dance, civic and educational tneetlnga In acbool assembly rooms aod gymnsslnms these are tbe chief ways In wblch the taxpayers are now getting more service from acbool prop, orty. . In Roc beeter, ' . where every other Orhoolboua has become a neighbor bood aortal reater, an extenatve nae of tlaaarooma la being made by nien'e flvlc clubs for nonpartlaaa dlscue atooe ef political qaeetlona. "The ocboolhouapa are tbe placee for nollrt- fal meetings," said a coonty com ml t- leeman In a Rochester soctsl center. l do not mean that they should be' opened to any one political party, bat to all. Why should 1 be compelled lo go Into a barroom to address a po litical meeting, where tbe bartender Is using me to advertise bis . beer Why should I be compelled to go Into smoke Oiled rooms to talk on political turs when we have buildings like this where tboee things can be take a OpT How easily the ordinary public acbool plant becomes the focusing point for the social activities of the aelghhorhood Is . well Illustrated by Itochcster public school No. 0. Be sides being day, evening and'vara lion school and serving as a public eiubhouxe for men,' women,' boys aud frlrbv the. building Is oacd as a mov ing picture theater, a lecture ball, a fyranaslum. a bathhouse, a dance ball. library and a playground bouse. .. A free dental clinic Is to be established In It and It 'fins already become a public health office. Its yard Is nsed M a plvgronntLan athletic Held and I school gnrden With a little more ground fr a park the whole plant would come close' to a renllxotlon of tbe Ideal social center.' Is there anr other AtrcrVnn Institution tbst so Ssturally t tracts to Hwotf all the va ried Interests of the rotmnunltyf Go to Secrest'a for that hot lunch successor to Lenta, 610 Main street. - Eight Prisoners In Jail. There were eight Drlnonera In the Olty prison Tuesday night, mostly vol unteer prisoners locked up in order to ffot Into a plane out 'of Ik dold.ahd wet. The prison Is a popular place to nome, but novices do not take to It kindly and will brave etofm rather than go there volutarlly. : ' "v m .). ' Bogus counta aometlmea win Amer ican girls, and bogus' count quite frequently win election ' By V. M. bachelor) ' The many Inquiries being received from all parts of the country, by us, and the various civic Associations throughout the State, asking for deft, nlto and reliable InformationoWVA- LUig ihe mineral resources C"Oregon, InUlcate cloarly that wo are oow en tering upon a period of unusual min ing activity and development, and again demonstrates .the very great worth of tho publicity work the rail road compiles and Ihe commercial organizations of tbe State are doing. This condition Is only what baa .been expected and predicted by those In j close touch with the trend of affairs. First came the scramble for timber lands, that grew'and grew until It bo- came epldomlc among the communi ties of tba entire Pacific Northwest, and continued until our immense for ests were practically absorbed, and are now drifting Into possession of large holding 'companion, Tor the fur ther advance In value. Many consid erable fortunes have already . been made during this process. This waa followed by a veritable real estate craze that began with the rapid ad vance of valuea In our cities and towns, which soon spread to the sur rounding country, until every portion of the State has been more or less affected and benefitted by the spread ing broadcast of accurate Information, Jof the many advantages, of this re gion- This has gone on1 until prices have soarod to such a height that tbe demand Is, In a measure, subsiding and tbe more thoughtful, aagaclous Investors, who always aim to get In at tbe bottom and go up with the crowd, are looking for other natural resources to . develop. What more natural, then, than that they should turn to an Industry that has yielded and will yield larger nrofita, and has made more wealthy men than -any other line of business? That they have (walted so long la surprising to those familiar with tho vast deposits of precious metals known of In the mineralized sections of the Northwest. ' But we are pleased to note tbe change has come, and the period of preliminary development ac tually begun. Every portion of our Lstate and the entire Pacific Coast will feel and benefit by the, aa It were, electric touch of gold that will be pro duced from our mountains and val leys. There are almost Innumerable properties simply waiting sufficient capital to properly develop and equip them, which, coupled with competent engineering ability and experience, to gether with honest, economical, execu tive management, will aurely yield co lossal fortunes. With these elements combined, that are no more than every other successful business haa to have, there la no such thing as failure. We look for the most rapid growth along the lines of Gold Dredging; for while this branch of tho work Is com paratively new, yet Is has long since passed the experimental stage and Is now regarded as a regular, fixed In dustry, rather than a mining venture, California has Improved and perfected tho dredges and made, an exact sci ence of the work. It haa shown that pay gravel can be taken from-its' bed, passed through the machine, the gold and other valuable minerals extracted and the tailings or debris piled up again where they were taken from, at cost of less than 8 cents per cubic yard when don on a large scale. (See TJ, ft. Geological Survey Report, 108, Page 317). It may not be gen erally known, but Is a fact, neverthe less, bat In 1008, Care were 69 gold dredgea working tn California. They recovered, In that year. f6.636.18S.00 of placer gold, and In ten years, tho enormous sum of I26.S85.571 .00. " ' The amount of material Contained In a given area, and Its average value, Is easily and accurately ascertained by drilling, and the profits of dredg Ing fully determined before any fur ther ' Investment for machinery la needed. The many placer mtnea tndl cate, and It Is well 'known by many who are familiar with the subject, that there are thousands of acres of auriferous gravel dopoatta In the min eralised portions of thla State, that will andoubtedly he dredged In tha next few years. What thla will mean to the State at large and more es pecially to the owners. Is more clearly understood when we realise that a Ingle acre, only 80 feet deep, contains 48,400 cubic yarda. Thla, at 25 centa per ' yard, would yield . 112,100.00, gross, or a clear net profit of over 610,000.00 per acre. Representatives' of ' capital are quietly exploring thla region, and every piece of probable dredging ground that can be secured at a mod ern to price la put under option. Drills are already at work testing the grav els, we understand, with satisfactory rosults. We predict a fleet of the huge .machines will soon be plough ing the valleys of Oregon, aa they are now those of California and Alaska. The successful launching of tbe first dredge will bo the signal for a reg ular atampede thla way, . Too rnuch.coQld scarcely be aald In praise of tho good work the Commer cial Club of Sumpter, Oregon, Is doing, In elevating and boosting the mining (yidustry1 of Oregon.. 1 If . every' com mercial organization of tba SUto will lend a helping hand until every worthy prospect Is a producing mine, the most optomlstio dreamer will fall far short In his estimate of the benefits , that will accrue. . . PAST AND PUTURE OP GOLD MIN ING IN EASTERN OREGON. X (Continued on Page 2.) Loans devoted effort, combined with eovmJuwyer and Notary - and geoua tttpl'al and Intelligent dlre4 t,.tracts. Insursnco lion. . Real Estate Opportunities C T. Tooxe, Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room 2, Beaver Bid., Oregon City - ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract O f tee Land titles Investigated, conveys- clng, notary public. Critics comraT 0MPET1T0RS COP! Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. ABSTRACTS nr TtTT.1T TIM Investment Co.. Stevens nidtJ ' . 1 BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. .., uiiumxiiiiif BUj uwiuie-atr CHARLES T. TOOZE A Indicate that the decade on which wo are entering will witness, from To rn ots regions, a second hejlra of gold hunters Into "'The Gold Bolt of the Blue Mountains of Oregon." They are coming with the economic atrengtb of the modorn world to dolve for tho sonree of the placer gold tn the ma sonry of the hills. And, on the smug faces of the timid, tbst hybrid smile will change to a sunburst of genuine approval; for, as In the .old days, the placer gold was the beginning of, and gave aubstance and form to husbandry and the commercial life of today, so will tbo mills and smelters of tho new era, thundering In their extraction of primal gold, give to every -. Industry here an Impetus undreamed of, In the dawn of tomorrow. The most stupendous strides will be taken when every resource of this ."Inland Empire" Is In atep with the general advance. Ita fruits and grains and grf ires; ita miraculous gardens; Ita honey and beet sugar; Ita horse. sheep and cattle; its stone and tin ber; Its sanator! , In cool retreats be side lK'Mng springs, for the benefit of people from foreign states; Its free dom from insect pesta and. storms and earthquakes; Us pure water. Its azure skies;, lu days of comfort and nights of repose, can no longer bo kept secret from the restless multitudes' In' the distance and their coming will nsher a new age of golden glory Into, this Arcadia of the West. CO. If you want to ' BUY A PARM, ' BUY A HOME, BUY A LOT, See CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. And If you want to sell farm, home or lot do likewise. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimate cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Phono Main 111. ' Wants," For Sale; ctel Notloa under theso chuairicd hadlna will to liuartrd at on cant a word, (tret Inaartlon. half a rrnt additional Inser tions. One Inch card. II pr month; half Inch wrd, (4 llna II per month. . C'aah muat accompany order uaWiss one haa an open account with tha papar. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur Ires eorrrctrd nottca will bs printed for patron. Minimum charas llo. WANTED. Table Talk. "What's Ihe matter with tbe chick en?" snapped the landlady. . "I think somebody doped It with an tlfat," replied tbe ball room boarder. When It Wabblsft go LAMY BROTHERS. SPEED AND JUMPING ICE SKAT. , ING CHAMPIONS. 't"7 "'-)''-i ''' If. round. "Love makes the vorld aln'd Itr ' . "Yaw. But vhen It bits dot dlvorco corner it goes bumpety-bump. Tbst Idiotlo Talk. i Try Dunn for Clears and Smokers' (Vwds.. Next to, Postofflce, , ,., "Did you falir asked a young man, assisting a lady who bad fallen over a dog. ' - '.''-. "I should aay 1 did faU." "I thought It funny If yon Jnst aat down to play with the pup." ' Subtlatise of Snobbery. "Are those people anybody V "They are known by everybody," buf care to know nobody."' "Then they must be somebody." Bstwton K !. P. C La my. father of Edmnnd La my, tbe world's champion We skster. Is probably tbe most picturesque character In tbe realm of sport today, for In addition to having In bis charge the most Illustrious ice ' speed mer chant of the present time, be has also two younger sons, Ernest and Clau dius,., who give promise of occupying, the place held by tbe older brother In a few years to come. ; Lamy tbe elder la probably as much responsible for tbe racceaa of bla eon Edmnnd as any other agency which has bsd to do with making tbe boy a champion. When Edmnnd started ont in the sport tbe father attended to tbe most minute detail of tbe training of the boy. and be would not let any other bands care for tbe skater, either Just before or Immediately after a race. The consequence la that his careful attention, with the young man's native ability, made elm tbe greatest amateur ice skster In Ameri ca. Edmnnd broke the world's amateur skating record for the 220 yard dash at Saranac Lake. N. Y recently, whoa be negotiated tbe distance In 17 2-S seconds, taking two and two fifths seconds from tbe record of 10 4-5, held by Leroy Se since 1900. Lamy was paced by his brother Er nest, and the time was made at the Pontiac rink on a track of seven Up to the mile. : 1 ' . Tbe Lamy brothers are the three speed and Jumping champions. The two smaller ones, Claudius and Ernest, hare woo international championship races In Montreal, Cleveland and Sar anac Lake for their respective ages, fifteen and seventeen years. Tbe picture sbows Edmnnd oo the left, Ernest In tbe center and Claudius on tbe right All three entered In the International outdoor skating cham pionship to be held at Saranac Lake Jan. 24. 25 and 2a ' WANTED Girl for general house-' work in sraalf family. Inquire of Mrs. Don Meldrum, Twelfth and Washington streets. ' WANTED Strong boy to deliver papers Enterprise Office. '. tf WANTED Experienced girl for gen-' era! housework In family of three. Enquire 610 Seventh SL ' WANTED Too to know that tho En-' terptise Job printing department Is the most complete In tbe State,' outside Portland. Try It for your next printing. -. , , ; FOR BALE. FOR SALE: Space in this column. " 8eU that old plow or harrow; you don't use It since you purchased. , your new one. FOR SALE A good 610,000 farm for ' aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty. " at taw, Stevens Bldg. "'',': ef FOR SALE-Meat market, consisting' of full equipment of tools, meat wag-' on, deitvei rrt, barn, 2 horses, har ness, etc., lopa'ed In a good live'., town with a good trade. Having: gone Into other business have no 1 s for it Will sell at a sacrifice and giro good term to tho right i , . , J. O. STAATS. Sheriffs office, Oregon City-i FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner spac la thla col umn. A few linen may rent that house, store or farm; they will coat , . yon but a few centa. . , FOUND. FOUND Valise containing clothing by Rev.; Owes,. Oregon City, rout 2, on Monday, . Owner call at Enter prie office, piove property and pay for aa. - ATTORNEYS. Money land - Tbo end of an argument Is better than either aide of It FOR SALE 7 Room , House and !, acre. Nke Also 6 acre Lota close to car- line. acr tracts at 66C0 per acre. BOARDMAN So NEWELL ,, , Jennings Lodge, Ore. ' i. v-uai-vii, isq a gauuu si cxrcio Mrs, Megushletgh (of ChlcacoW-So glad to see you, desr. Mrs. Roneelolch oif Cincinnati!.! nm jfratd I am too tired to dissipated-much. .Oh, you'll get over that Papa -baaj invitea menus whom .you will ilk to go to tbo factory to see the bog kill ing." t 444444444444444 ' . . PLEASE NOTICE. 4 ' To Introduce Tho Morning 4 Enterprise Into a large major lty of the homes in Oregon 1 City and Clackamas county the management haa decided ' to make a special price for the dally issue, for a short time - 4 only, where the subscriber pays a year In advance. 4 By carrier, paid a year In advance, 3.00. 4 By mall, paid a year In ad- vance, 62.00. 4 People who gave our canvas- ser a trial subscription Tor one or more months, at ten cents a week, can have the dally dellv- ered for a year for 63.00 by paying a year in advance, i, : 4 People who gave our canvas-, ser a trial subscription, . by 4 mall, fof four month at a dol- lar, may have tho paper for a year for fj.00, if paid a year In advance- - Subscribers to, the Weakly Entcrprln maychanso thlr4 aubscrtpttona to the dally, re-')-celvlng credit for Ijalf time on , me aany mat tne weekly la . paid In advance. Wbe they choose to add cash to the ad- 4 v vance payment equal to a full , year's advance 11 payment they s may take advantage of tbe 62 rate. .' W mak this special price so" that poppl .wlo have paid in advsno on oim other dally -4 ! and wish to take the Morning i Enterprise, may do so without ' 4 - too great expenae. - ' ' O. Dl 'EBY. Attorney-at-La w. 'loaned, i abstracts furnished. title examined, estates settled, gets- erai taw cosiness, uver bsusbV r VTREN ft SCHUEBEL, Attornyt Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice In all courts, make collet-tlgns and settlementa. Office In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon; City, Oregon? I ' '- ! 'DENTISTS, DR. U G. ICE. DENTIST Rooma 4, 5 and 6 Beaver building,' Maid St., Oregon City- Phone: Home A-19S and Pacific State 1221. MONEY TO LOAN. 'f'ix MONEY TO LOAN John W.' Loder, Atty. at Law, Steven Bldg. MONEY LOANED We are acquaint- ed with the value of alt farm lands ' In Clackamas County and can loan I yonr money on good safe security. ' Farm loans mad one, two and three i year at 7 per cent. . Abstracts of title examined. DIMiCK ft DIMICK.J Lawyers, Andresen t Bldfr, ,Oreov,( : City, Oregon. , . ; P-Hll vi n-.,IV -rt-r-.TTrr.-! , -i.-l ..r: u . ina b ru'.'Stsw REAL ESTATE, ! I nv.l D- K. BILL tO., REAL ESTATE m Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural Lands, City Property, - Small Fruit 1 and Poultry Ranch for Sale, WV , nut Land, Room 9 Beaver Bldg,,,, Oregon City Oregon. . , ,, , i,,,. ! ... 1 E. Ii. COOPER. For Fir insurance and Real Estate. , Lot us , handle , ! your properties we buy, aell , and , CDiiie. , ujutt iu , caicrynno Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ;0 FREYTAd ft 8WAFFORD. Real E- ' tat Dealers, have choice bar gal ne ' In farm lands, city and suburban ' home, good fruit lands aad poultry ' ranches. See us for good boy- '' Near S. P, depot.: " .v-i! 13 ACRES . A of sandy loam, all good farm land free '. from stone and gravel. SVfc acres In cult, balance all alashed, burnt and '' seeded but on aero and haa boon for " a good many years so tho clearing la , not very hard; 4 room box bouse, barn ' 26x22; 'good well, also border . tho j Tualatin river. - This la fin peach, .', berry or garden land, la fact good lor , anything that grows ; 4 V4 mlls of Oregon City on a macadam road rlft mues oi roruana on mscaasm roaa. . The price of this place has always ' been 62650 but for a quick sale owner will take 62200, 6800 down, balance 3 years at 6 per cent 1 t . ' ' E. P. ELLIOTT A SON" Oregon City, Ore. ' ' '"" " Nesr Suspension. Bridge. " .' SECOND HAND Furnltore, Curio and ' Bellca bouhl.i sold and exchanged. 'Anything frona. a darning ndl to a ship's anchor. YOUNO, Th . , Second Hand Man, Main St., Ore , gon City.. ..... i !,. 'i . , ;. ? Electric! Hotz;i 7 , . 411 Mala, lotwsta 4t ajsj tk Uu ORtQON CITY, . A, A TOBIN, Prft:-of.- ti