Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 25, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Th. elihl hour day discussion that
i. . a w dw fviwlir avrtaJ
... T. '. Tfi noJ- Tt l
C ft. SRODtt. Editoe ed PvbMsnee. aetio oTr which
rV ' there in entwvery U certain to do
.. , .... ,... .. MllU'h
App'kAUon . for I"1-i tf,tvupa wttlsout too much
h-rt at th. rostofrtee at Oily.
OntM, under th. Act of Onnraa of heat. -
- V ' r There art I. -Me to every que-
. a i . 1 .. j.---tst .... ,.K rorlxln enthusiast da not
" '- , L.,
. u.a. it i in tiitit m.T r-
care to yu.t-r-uT- ... j".jr:.; r-.
Starling US
.TK If $CWCPftlW,
fku Kr mall
Six Montha. I M
Poor M.xtih. hr
Par wars. Hr ea:
'ha lame aoua afwr
Jil ..buiAhere U thai eecood side and-the
V'" mkat his- opponent has to say.
to the OWeeC. ABd w Ml
more caa be eoeompllhed working
with end through the local manager
thaa to Ignore thee or to force their
lands.-. And atlll ell lamelber.
shovM bo an effort N,te' ""
In the mill Jet m there should bo
la every other tndrrstryV-f which Ore
gon O'y I proud. 1
mtcrans iatu
titrfk pn lartt'B '
r. .
thoiv aro two t tb' ht-boor
. Br hi..... '"Ji!,
MdrO imnmn
Kan rr tT lmm
nm HMwrtkia
mm tvrr Kt than tlrrt fr tf
adni iH
Lonlt ! r' Uo: to trrutar arrr
Item tc Un.
1H nLkM
rii It U that with Iho tro,rr or
naitattoQ.and th proprr ,owcUt
1 .n lht hoar dT U
Pprtchlrtho",Wir Pit 'to Jump
into th mtdt cf such a inortiioi
prrpartnn for It wvhiM provo da(Twi
Tb aToraco dui-
,vtoh d.lrr dIIrrrd Oct. .
W frr lb Kt.ra Orool Mli-
nurvr. tMvrr rtty '
itaktV Otofty. ri, hrrrr
(baa ton of lh " u f
KaJ:-r: l iWtrlo Utho
niu Mountain Only on tho rt.
hro tb Nun.lry U oitltnM y
i ha SnaV rtrr, U tbf
lowering frawo tnm from th 4rtnr.
WUhln thrao HaUta aro woodod aMp
and frrtll vallrya and t xoroJ
hilta. carpclrd. In Jun with hunch
r: -.T':,r-'. t t t 4
: ii.imvi'MV ..TANl'AK 1 -. !:'
1 ' ...v...k it .ila-'durllon of
r II h Iho nrat wn r. -"' !,,j iha .lilttihU with JtKV
orry. f.r.rt.h.y . rn.tod Ibo , Ho cMH ,
M fnm. Iho p.arrr ro. ; ' frk. il.h "ift th.
to 4b. -noo hW ana n- .it ti iWivM: Iho ItotaWrl
a . , -
with IPO.
... nUro ..f and WM- .
I li in piit iw -
waa a-
IjltlcflrU rrmalnod. jlo ... --!-"'7
To I bo Vlrt uo Iho cttrodod
. . .w...!. .. i.irina innr ITorh at
-l .Bf othrra wrro too nnn ".,.-- -
,vl on tho ah? lino or r fc-, h.0 quail
and N-hrld tho Ira-oo. -Ilk) . " t. d4 tho CVnnor
a thrn for mod thl bw " wu,,, i .v . . . uLi t
and antolopo ocmaio i mw-v-.
atolro froio I" o
A ! ada haa
Want. Tcr Ha. T R. ;. 4B Kaa Inatancoa.
vat a trnnl nrat mari'o. "' '"-'. . .... .
aWHtonal ' i aro of .n- , f ,whroidor4 With flaw-
for .drmlaa . , ml, ,h, ettyt o ontanftod that j r w .....hnr,,
SOT aULtrr. ?.,iouU. rhae.c.nn.H bo mad. .Tj!
.iV. ir ww ih aJrrt!ront ; . th- rinantv of tbo ; lnt tho watrra or tno nr. uitr-u
t. tvnmtrrrrO tnm tfc. Oally U h- v " " 1 .( , h.woahoo form. fiT .ro than
t. xtaoat rhanav. t ' institution. H do not know tno osact , m
'.T n- UM'1 of thr fla.ocUl condition of tho
cJh ahiM iwnpur wtl'r ' mtT hat wo do know that It I poaah
Irl aivrtWne at a1nlmjn - j,,, eonrorna. - .
"il! ..j .xwii innairnt ; ' uHtti 4mir1ran Workmen In ..tthe
advnMn at:c n Mr miiu. nrooorlr choaon and prop-
r - - . ...
" -Tin Mr" and Psnkrpt Sal'
TVinuitnaaai ajw m ' .
I prlr odocatod. wo Dourra it potiiv
adv" . n aictit hnnr ahlfta: at
lUrBfRTl " ' " ' . - - ...
tional toarrtiona Mmt rnaitrr ra men. ,1,, umg par a at proarni. m
X tt"- and i wwi wrntn b hft, thcre ut, efnelent
of rMfit. with tntMWt Inral Tadr. v ' ,, c .. , . ,
witt tx atadty aert-oted. Rytd mru- .oganliailon to aeconipllnttit ana
4 D'lnurvu mnr mnium imi
auro ft aktrta th fvt hllla of tho
mountain barrlora on thf wri and
nw?h and. from Ka hrad valWr. trib
utary arma atrvtrh outward thnttish
narnwr alra and rsrh in mualral
dlmlmirnjo up thrxmuh tbo plnoa lo
the anow ltuo. Tbo water eoppljt -of
thl -" Caator a Orrron Emplra" la aa
mnatant a It la puro, for l! aource
t prp-tiial at the. mountain top-
Uoki!i rnm" the creat of tbo Klk-
arrlpta rr mmM tlm to work It Out.
"''' " thnwriaoa. aro the men I borna to wboro th. Cornucopia.
III. conflnod to i harue cf the mill willing to do tbla their anmmlta. tho Intervening conn
try down below appeara aa a dreant.
d..... nnra 111. mnflnaJ ta . . v -in niliir to do ttua
his rooma at tho National Capital with work? We bellero. it will prove prof
trip. - : HaMo to ii to; btit aa Vrt of tho oo
a.. nnimfan h wUI wulro tt oftVcltat
. .American workmen
DOior tao leKiaiaturc r
A atw bin
proridea that a wife may collect dam-
shall be rabat I:
tn)4 for foreign labor. '
t. ... nn. furnlahlM Intoxi-: 'Amortfan ia our can mhwiwi
vAi.-i j, v.t 1 a high efficiency. Thla ba not boon
; . -1 demonstrated ln,the caao of forelirnetw.
! aeeraa. then, that the wloo niovr
Itt a hard row of atom pa when an OMrmtor of Ore on City
editor and writer must aland tip for (o cfUnpaUa (or lhe .mploy
a Urge in front of a man that can Mt.. fif onIy sk.,e4 Amertcmns har
tho mark erory timo. Joat aa if our ; cxptei the eight-hour ahlft and
Htm aro aot atreawona eaongh withoot tun t - f u ,nto .fI-ct
aotn. ono pot-ohotting ua- What PW1-! -,-Kow wor4 at lo tho propoood
Mpa had dono lo hi. asaallaat ao oo tchM!-. mo t0 y whether the
to anow. . j,, hall operate on 1J or S hour
' ' ; thifu? " CerUlaly the people who own
n i - a - .v.l .. . tn. ......ij.i.- nMihjt 1ml mm
dohjui nuouiKiui mrw twaiu. iu mil la nnnuiu uv iimwin.
themoetroa whether the new Bourne theae men do not lire here, and do not
. . . . I . . . . i i i
frogreenre Kepunucan ueagne mean. , thoroughly nnaeratann roou ur
a flaht on TafU or almplT- a new wtiona. makea It wlae to move with due
handle to the old hir. Certain it. la ! caution. The- men in charge of the
that Do urn a would like a larger hand ' xniU are not the laxceat atockholdera-
hH, and he may plan that this more-j They cannot Institute radical change
meat will giro it j without considering thoae higher up.
o ' And while they may bo la sympathy
One of the promising signs of the ' with the step, and bollere It to be a
times comes In the moTe of the leg- ep forward, still aa representatives
telature to curtail expenses where ! of Urge Intereata It la only fair that
thara aa kmm tha .Mat thna of i- thav conauli the men that own the
traoacance. When the people wake ' property.
no and the awaking of the legislature This takea-eome little time and as
is a good Indication that the people : said before, these people are not con
ara awake reforms are alwara tn ord- rersant with local conditlona ajld do
er. It Is tolly to permit of errrava-: not feel like acting without giving the
gance. In any department- of govern- - matter duo consMeratloo-. Hencethe
ment The people as a class are not ' local managers cannot be eipected to
Inclined to haggle over any expense do too much, regardleas of what their
for the unfortunate that etrwmstances own personal preference -may be
. make, necessary, but this does not
ander any clxcojnatances make
mlsatble peculation or waste.
We betlve the strong points in favor
of t-hour ahlfta should, be put up to
the managers of the mill, and then up
Trusts Are Essential
to Well Being
of Nation.
Indispensable to
Mode of Liv
ing Today.
By CEORCC W. rtRKINs. Fanner Partner of J. Plrrpent Marfan.
bETWEEN good management, government ownership
and socialism! it should not be hard to make choice.
. - - - - . - - W . T. I I W 1 I I V I I ,
- thotich aotnfl folic
w j a -w ait,, iuvoi ywytVf wuvu
. they eonaider the thing earmty,- look npotr the great aggregations " of
capital known is trust al realljr ' ESSENTIAL TO THE' WELL
: T)r t i . . . i
- iore vu. aaya oi great corpora Uona, mduatrial and financial,
when competition, that element to much clamored for, was at iu high
'. e point, the or cart and Shank.' mare were coniidcred moat excellent
. . meana oi trantportationw tiv." l'..t:A i--, . ;
. f ! a a a a
i 4 uw u cauou iruBia, me xnmga we hear m mnch of today, ARE
. OF YESTERDAY, or, to put it more explicitly, the ocean greyhounds
and the fjwt reaa traini-fta are ottl iymbols of the groat
'tranjiportation companiea oi ioiaj, aje'ai NECESSARY TO OUR
uifc'UA CAlfi vt A" CUNTCKTEa AGO.c
liUt abOT all It U essential that theae e-reat mrnnnloni Iw. vr PT T
. f- r-'r --' ivmi r v aiaj
If A "V A flVTV ITT? rt Trru fjMT. An t.i.r. .
at r AT?nt? i. ' . " : -
... uu wuum weir ,wconi,a'periaA as well a from
the point of iew of the aVKUu.ldera'wboae' jneome'tienenda' nn,,'
thei, profiu,: .HJiMM, f U t J )
It la a land of auuahlno where as far
as the eye can see. beauty forma are
Intermingled. Ha wt homes and wild
rosea fringe the streams and on the
silken ahevn of the upUnde vagrant
ituoimur clouds cal moving abadowa
liaiant area a are merged In rarloua
ahadea of blue where 11. "eitcnd.-d
parka of tamarack and pin. And the
alr--aterilliet on TOowy poaks snd
charged with balsam acta like wine
and unites, with a.'blrd seye view of
thlaxegian. In Xhe-dream effect of the
Nearly fifty years ago a flood of
gold aerkers from the newly-dlacov
ered fields In California, overflowed
Into Oregon. They plunged through
a wtlderneas unknown except to aav
ages, or trappers from the Hudson
flay company. When they climbed
the Kill horn range. Tne bewildering
vision of the Powder river country lay
beneath them. Surely thla was a land
cf gold, as well as of goldi-a sunlight,
elae why were the protecting arms of
the mountains thrown around It on
e.rery side, save where the entrance
was barred by a roaring gorge? Waa
It oaly, an image of tho promlv-d land
evolved from the dclirlnm , of their
quest? Men have gone to hell In
desert heat and arctic Ire for gold,
but here an earthly paradise smiled
a. welcome. Tet the aeemlng nlrage
romatited and even to theae rouch ad
venturers. It proved the realization
of a dream ithelr dream of the yellow
metal. .
Gold! Some strange wlreleaa sys
tem has always existed to call the
dare-devils of the race from the ends
of the earth with that magic cry.
Soon a fearless horde came strugglln
through the trackless wllda Into thl
virginal garden. From Mormon Iiaain
to Medical Springs and from Alamo to
Timber Canyon, they pillaged the
water ways for ' treasure. Not
at ream, draw, or depression, In all thl
vast mountain hemmed domain eonld
be fonnd where gold was absent. Hut
these advance aklrmlahers lingered
only along the rich channels where
nugges reposed In the sands or where
water conld be turned without effort
Into sluice boxes Blue Canyon aur
rendered to them more than ten mil
lion dollars. The Nelson Placers.
Sparta and the old Trench Diggings"
on Burnt river, added other millions
while a multitude of lesser camps con
tributed millions more to these dar
ing Invaders.
mere is a geiogicai report com
piled in 1900, by Waldemar IJndgren,
and Issued by trie government, enti
tled, "The Gold Bolt of the Blue Moun
tains In Oregon"; In which, up to that
time, the record output of precious
metals, from this slate, Is given as
$109,000,000, principally gold. I have
due reverence for authority, but, alas
for the unnumbered millions that left
here In the early placer days by way
of buckskin belts and saddle bags and
of which there can be no record, un
less one might trace gold by the blood
and tears that so often attach to It
on a nival at civilized centers and at
tend It through various avenues of
crime and dissipation, until It reachea
it a final home In the safe and respec
table raults of the government and
(.he banks.
But let it go at that. A few mil
lions more or less In the early history
of this eonntry affect In no. way Its
wonaerrur present or Its glorious fu
ture. , '
The frontiers of civilization have al
ways been driven baek and the basis
of commercial wealth garnered and
preserved by daring spirits la the
first Instance and. In the second, by
safe and conservative men who, with
out hazard, bide their time and await
the outcome of the recklesa soyag.
eurs. . . .
.' Time wore on and In Its wake
trailed the forms of Inevitable change
And today, in the metropolis of East
ern Oregon u is strangely Interesting
to hear (he man, who led the van.
guard of gold hunters Into thla terri
tory, detail the atory of that Urn as
If It were yesterday. Those who cam
mad die. I War. .U,
f..i i,l.nt ah.r i have
iron im !. . ! . i. '. i'V.i,
. . . ....,, ., atand llut-let it go at that!
ltarr y ..". ...i i. aa mean
..t .,,-u-d trout aix.rted idly and T '" -T".- " . "
.t..i.n. waters of Urn "HUH'- KUut has
Ultoal 1 a,w "w
IMwder river,
Uttlefleld aalH first to
-pay dirt- and the InttUl find tvt.
l' Uil.) was at th. eotraoc to
tJrimh gutch not far from the seN
alent sHe O 'Auhura -Sare.! Au
hum. Ilv.Heat vlllagw of lb.' hills ".
now. for more than a third of a cen
tury, a -Deserted Ylliag. la Its
iwtiiiiy days, men were shot for
piaalng th. II. : hot oyst.f cna, filled
It h gold. In open cabins, were andl
turbed by theft. Any Infraction of
trrsona!. rights waa promptly
cated. aiyording to degree, elth.f by
angtng. which waa Informal and Im
mediate, or by dmtng the ortrnuer
out of th. country. There were no
her rrlmeeno other prnaltlja. .; .
"Old H. IJtlleteld." aa be U af
fectionately called, la now bent wKh
vi-ara. although tworaib a. shock -of
alaUati-r hair hla eyes aud brain are;
Tear "5"nO retalniTThe heart; f "a
tmv. Ilia place in local niaiory is
wrti! than certain
r In
qticatloo I1 a fleas-WMio. diaoovtrei
Amerlcarv 'Instantly, a small hand
oral p and the repla was shot t4-k:
Old Dan UtUeflakL'' . '
Pave lJttlefleld The flrat-bud, aa
t acre, and the last H-af on the true
My aama la
My residence addreae'la'"
I iwmi ranseti
new) inauranre.
A primary tei'h
eat of our ity at hooia fat te
levehHied the
l-nauuci' trow m surface Indies! kn
strike- Into a -world beater - And ther. sr.
hundreds snd doubtless Ihoitaanda oi
.her worM boaters hereabouts, whoa,
laubterraaean stores are awaiting only
! the "oiin aeime- of perataiency and
(t'onUnueit o page two.l
Mrs C J lf" I uull. arrloualy
III at her home r."H. H Mount la lo
William frlieacr ta suffering from
a severe attack of pneumonia
M l'rM.,of Ivtea Moonialn. left
Tueadsr tor IHtrlland. via Orrgon-i
City, on a brief business visit.
Jaa. Fhuffe and fhaa. niete were
Oregott flty visitors Wednesday
Mra Herman V'etler aud wn. IV
lie, of yillatmrn. are spending a few
davs with Mra Wetoler's parenla. Mr,
hA Mrs ( has lltgham
The Hunnyalde Hrlgade. team da
fMited th. Oak Onv. team at baaket
bell. Hcore, toil
CUT the RIGHT hand CORNER 0Ff,
kiAit l.t R. T. Dye. l.enerai
antanc. Ilroksr, tteo O'f. Oreg.
.lift ..e U1V NEED. INSUR
ANCsU .mt.loaa.tsarastrsl. Tw R. C. l'Oflg'
The Bank of Oregon City"
Gives its customers genuine service
and its increased business end grovr
shows that such service is cpprccMi
, Th. dance thai waa gi.n by Win.
Mclutir. at th. Urania ball Haiurday
nifc-ht, aaa vrry auetaaatuL Kvery
ImmIv reuoried a SihmI time and aald
prearvlng In a large measure. te (hay would coma again. If they
atmosphere of a generation that ts ; wuuia hae aucn a gou tim. ib.
muMCiana war. vera i.rme, jonn
. Far foe ee rtpslrlog te
. - . werit dene while yea wait
Our Motlot.SAtlsiActioo Goaf AOtf d I
C. SCHOENHEINZ, Propritfc'
yi Mala Bet Slath ad Sevsoth. '
a a UATovitrm praaidsat
f. I alETH,,'
f-U- . . .
i 1
Tranaaata a wsi enhlekBusinee.
Opesi from I K M. he
past, ills language aaid from prop -
Morbuk. and j;imer l-e and every
names-snd e, f.w ihor unavoidable wa)r iH, plrBM(t ,B WUsl
pan of speech U eclualeiy pnfane
tmt harmlems as a prayer, li.tfard
lima of conitany, maaculln. or mlie".
he atrlnga together taths of the suoat
astonishing variety and utters them
In a high pitched vote with the eas-
leat unconcrn. If there are degrees.
of novelty and fluency In hla manlpu-
latlou of profane term a he Is at hla
bst. perhaps. In lovlug reminiscent.
o olden times.
All clauses snd conditions of men
snd said "that th manage of th
d-tnr. could nut have dona bet tar than j
In selling ihem .. Mr Melotyre r
marked how well everyone behaved
and It was one of the nlceat dance
thai baa. been given any here.
. Vera lrklna and Uaora. Ur
were over spending a .pleaakot after
noon with Wtu. Mrlotyre t'rlday. and
reported a vety guud linte.
Wm. Mclatyre Ike school al
Clarke Tuesday afternuoa.
I After the first of Ike month Wss.
I Mrlntvr. wUI start for Portland and
speed a weak there and then he will
j go lluitlton. where ha wUI
catue and went during the placer em:
and from each succeeding , band of, ivult Mr. and Mrs. Howard, 14 Uma
recrulta. there were alwa'ya'some whoLfrt.nda of his at that plarax II will
remained. The fertlbty of the aotl.,.; in lb. Bun's., tagging
the fascination of th. climate and lbeCo mhinrll, hma worked for seven
splendor of th. scanary, appealed W.ymim.
thoae who Indulged poetic Ideals of S Mr Hulllvan'an family. are on to.
home and otbera who were tired ..l .alckUst. They have bad eolds.
. . ... Th-y motwl tha fence back on the
roaming simply became tutor.. jrhMn yd Mllod,e
Prom a vegetable patch hwalde aj- r. ik.itemllier and W. 11. Klein-
miner's cabin gardening was stsrted; ; smith sera In town Ut weak.
and agriculture and horticulture de-f-
veloped as the ravished slresms do-
Mr. and Mrs. .am Elmer were la
loan last rrlday.
The anoai ta lea Ira ua now. SO II
lujtfi-in yieta oi me prectou. itMm'( present.
metal., There are princely estates snd
merchants and lank officials and land
lords rural and- urban, descending la
a direct line from the easily acquired
gold taken from the maiden tribu
taries of powder river
Thus the primitive Industry lan
guished snd even became discredited
by many whom it placed originally on' SANDY,
the road to affluence. Tet It baj g.ndr ,, on va. Great chang
never entlrsly diaappeared. Therein will take-place In Sandy In Ihe
are still occaalonal finds of rich placer ! moving line. ('. Junker baa cut his
. John Lark Ins moved onto Mr, Bbunb
el's place Monday.
Mr, Weitlauor worked on the road,
filled up some holes and fled a
bridge on P rid ay of lat weak. ,
Mr Harrington la going to clear aa
iter, of land for Mr. Wettlanf.r.
, Sam Kl'iier and family apent Monday
with Mr. lua and family.
ground In the v. He eipanae of tbla
mineralized field.
But the primeval home of Ihe piacer I
gold has never been ettenalvely, or',lHO
scientifically assailed. ' Gathering It
from the glittering sands after It was
mined and milted by the alchemy of I
nature, waa a simple affair; and, rea
sonably safe, while It rematned pie fi
lm! I In two and la moving both parts
to i be street and arranging It for
business purposes. It. It Meinlg will
at once move his store closer In snd
build a new building. Mrs. B.
Meinlg Is also having larrangi-ments
made lo move-her fine' realdonce clos
er In to town. Tbeae notable Improve
ments will condena. our town more
and will make It look more Jlke a city.
Next thing to move Is our tljjo new
tlful. Hut digging for the hidden velna ool. will be In town,
from which, aa a mere suggestion, all I Sandy people are doing another
these placer millions were eroded, In-' notable thing worthy of spoclsl men
volved work and money and also an I tlo the building of sldewalka. The
m., , , .,. , . , i south side of Main street through the
element of uncertainty, by reason of , pt o( low wm h.; eom.
which. It became prejudiced In Ihe plt-le ud to date all foot nlanh aide.
minds of the ciuMona. I walks with croaa walka, and the lunv
. True, some of the areat nuarti I ,,or ' on ground for sidewalks on
, v u ,i (the north side. When complete poo-
. .7a I VI . ,. I P'o of Handy can point with pride lo
strsted here, but It would be strange , ih. aldewalks as one of the beat works
In a country where every water course ever done for the public good by the
druggist !
Next Door to Pc
bears evidence of burled treasure, If
sn occasional orebody did not outcrop
at the surface, so brazenly as to flag
public spirited people of Handy.
y had a bad snow storm but not
enoutot to halt the work on tbo Ml
Hood Power plant and hundreds of
evun a "ITInlrg rrxpei-t.'' Herniations ruen and teams keep pegging away,
for sagacity and gtlogical knowledge !a,n or hlne-
have been acquired with fortunes by
the discovery of such deposits. ' ,
The business, therefore, of "mining
for gold Is not openly condemned by
even the most Conservative, and their
smile of skepticism Is so adjusted,
that It cad he easily chaaged to on
of pleasing toleration; when somebody
strikes It."
Where land produces with unfailing
regularity and, In some Instances, to
the amount of :oo per acre, for a
single crop the .financial Interests,
along most lines, have gradually and
perhaps naturally pinned their for
tunes to Industries related to the soil.
It really seems too hjuch, that r t
country on which God lavished health
and beauty and abundance; where
fruits and flowers In rlotoss profu
sion abound; where the hllla and vales
are dotted with happy domestic herds
and n the catalogue- of human want
the. elements are ao mingled aa to
make mere existence a continuous
Joy should have mineral wealth also
In the rorfcy cheats of Its mountains.
But so It is. Tributary lo Baker City
and ifMinvter'liWeVlmiMnM de
poslte of gypsum, granite and marble;
copper, Iron and oobalt and gold and
, Lindgren at the' time' of his report
established publicly for us the pro-
The saw mills shut down for a few
days on accouni of the auow storm.
out sre running mil blast again.
A large number of teams flocked In
to town until every building that can
shelter a horse Is pressed into use.
The horses are being used by the Ml.
Hood Power A Railway Co. About a
million feet of lumber Is to be hauled
at once from our mills lo the power
plant. .
The .Sandy Conimerclal Club held a
rousing meeting Monday evening. A
committee was appointed to raise
funds to pay for having 6000 descrip
tive pamphlets printed and are work
ing to raise tho necessary funds for
same. They are P. T. Bbelley, B. V.
Bruns and Caapar J anker, and they are
also arranging Jor one of ihe finest
entertainments ever given In Canby,
When thla cornea off there will bo
something doing every minute and
everyone should coma and aid a good
cause. Dates later, ,
Bandy grange held a splendid meet
ing Saturday which was Isrgely attend
ed. New officers were Installed and
the lecture program which followed
was exceedingly good under the lead
ership of Mra. A. Mllar, lecturer. ,
Sandy lodge, . o. O. V., bad another
of their annual banqueta and-good
times Saturday evening.. Tbey cer
tainly must have bad a good time tor
very Odd Fellow, until the early
houre of the morning, waa trying to
find out "who had the cheese.". ,
The I. O. O. r. Installed the follow
ing officers s past grand, V. B, Jdo
Ouglnj noble grand, Clem Bart sen.)
vice grand. A- C Baumbeok; secre
tary, K. -r. Brunei treasurer.. W. A
Morsnd; wsrden. Joe fjtundree; con
ductor. K. f lonshue; rlsht supporter
to noble grand. .11. P. Inttert; right
supporter tn vice grand, A. Yederheah:
scene supporters, II P. Brans and
John Kelaecker; Inside guardian.
Prank Ijingena, chaplain, p T Hhe
ley .
PI r wood Ijover .Telephone f'o. held
Ita annual meeting and the folios Ing
offlcera were elvrtrd. President. A. j
Morrison; vice 'president. J. 4). I a-)
Hhaaer; secretary. , t. Khei:y; irraa- i
urer. A. Malar; dlnrclor, E. P. Bruns, j
Th. lines of Ihe company will be great. 1
ly Improved and extended Into vv.ry
nook and corner of our n? lgbtorbl.
P. ttlrack caught a couple of hunlers
chaalng a con. which look up a hol
low cellar tree. In order lo dislodge
tha roon they started a fire and soon
the cedar tree waa a roaring furnace
Mr. Stark thinking something unus
ual waa happening, seeing a big redar
t rea on fire during the deep snow. In
veatigated aad fosnd Harry Garret
and another young man eagerly weigh
ing for Mr. Coon to come jiut Mr.
St rack gently reitqeated them to go up
town to Justice Hh.lVy where ihe ooon
hunt waa amicably settled by Mr. Gar
ni paying 2 for burning the cedar
I rea.
Justice of the Pear fthelley has ha.l
his hsnds full of legal business sine
he has ten n office. He will pat up
a hnlldlng for an office.
8andy Land Co. has opened up a
modern real estate office In Ihe Iabl
gren building with E. P. Bruna In
charge and all Ihe necesaary office
rixturea esrent a eteocMhvr AV
pretty steegrptier rwn gpts position
by applvlag for It. J The Unit l-And
Co will do a general real estate and
tan tigidneaa; also hands loaaaT In
suraaco ifd faff 4Botitia M Mj
the S. npcTerenn fsrw .' istelf sold.
will be divided Into t and 10 acre
reaper Junker hss sold his hotel
and saloon to Geo. Wolf of Dover. Mr.
Wolf, a genial man for Ihe btialnesa,
will Iske rhargw pehraary 1. 1
The Handy drug atore haa been re
modeled and enlarged so Ibat aow II
Is one of the busiest and handsomest
drug stores la the northeastern part of
Clackamas county.
K. P. Donahue has purchased Ihe
atock In Kelley s blacksmith shop and
with Jim Allison at anvil' they are
busier than ever. ,
The new bank which waa to open
up on January 2nd, la atlll unopea and
nobody as yet la able to secure hank
W. M. t levies, who has been travel
ing through California and Ihe East,
Is glsd to be back to old Oregon again.
WernJtogera haa left for California
and Mexico to look after aomo Inter
ests there. v
Messrs. Rdwards A Co. will estab
lish an up to date saloon In town.
A man, from Portland, was out with
a view lo establishing a sash and doot
factory In Sandy. Geo, Ketch, rep
resenting them. Is hopeful of securing
a new business for Bandy.
Main Stent j
-Dost MIm H I
"AS Ttt KASTll Q.
A RcIiAncc MAste
. -- i
Illnstiaud by tha iff at WafT
tUta, MUaMarloalW
sad James Kixkwtc
to.igiit qr
f ... i i i w i
f1' ''II
. at
Oo to'ssvrfWsfa tor
successor to Lenta, 610 H
1 t
anything:;-. , r ;
Tty the ClassifcfJ Colccins of O
3000 lUzia, pfly .