Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 22, 1911, Image 1

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    r :
ptlon for the Morning
wilt be resolved for
jilted lima at a special
ltd In your order today
benefit of low prlca.
', Tha anfy datty ,rewaMpsr be-
' tween Portland and Salem; aires
; lata In every eeetlan ef ClMfca
maa County, with a population f
30,000. Ara you an advertleerf
1-No. 13
Per Week, 10 Cents
rt of tha City Will Not
y Disturbed Hlvar
Jitt Canlar of m.
provem nla.
or . Jan. rt. (Pyl.)
f be a city noted fur l(a
llana of tha Civic Im
Vlu, alia.ll hare been
V Ur.-J."R. Wetherbee,
JStlB organisation. K. II.
municipal. architect em
Hne tha' scheme of clly
...2a and tie I lo bring tha
fknm upon which be has
1 for over a year.
"M Mr. Wttherbee,
e "y f ppu
baaed, on the broad
beamy In It a moat mod-
7a found we could do
Mini I ha old roads liaed
ira to rraate tha rotary
an for I'oriland'a atreeta
,Je diagonal atreeta, the
(0 yvara ago, Into tba
Jtty. All theae ara to be
their present stopping
.they tourb tha rim of the
i Street la to be widened:
acquired on both (Idea
g1dges, giving the traffic
as an outlet so It can ba
Vthe plan la a system of
yards on tba top of tha
)at. lxwer there will be
I Of boulevarda and atlll
fnolbllla. Theae var
$ ara all connected up
jway and boulevarda on
.tale, making a aratera
a equalled In any apot In
Sated dlatrlrt will remain
X except In tha blocks
i park and Weat Park
A Una la to be tha renter
Avard running from the
river. The five block a In
W owned by private In
f ba acquired by condem
e foot of thla atrip will
r tertnlnala and tbla Una
Ji ba connected with tha
( tba court boue and tba
jjk will remain where they
ylng of Portland means
petaa to tha beautifying
tf. banre thla work ta one
tba clttaena In this, tha
Hue apot In thla section
tha Century Mark.
I who haa paaaed bla 93d
4 whoae realdenra la on
ibn Qulncy Adama atreeta,
I amonit his old friends
(treat Saturday. One of
;r Warner visited was tha
Wflee, where he waa em-
X) rears as a cotnpoaltor.
My rhangee In tbla office
)rs;enthaler machine and
art men t. Mr. Warner Is
1 health for ao old a per-
htly afflicted with rheu
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cnarlee
- Caldwell Make Mrry.
A auprUa party waa Rlvan at tha
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cald
wall by their friends Frtdsy evening
In honor of Mrs. t aid well a mother,
Mrs HUlnall, who has been making
her daughter a few week's visit. She
ei pacta to return to ber home at Van
couver, JI. C, In a short time. Tha
evening was pleasantly spent wltn
progressive whist and a delirious
luut bxoo wss served.
Those prestit were Mr. and Mrs
Oeorge M Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs, A. II
llsrvey. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mrs.
Frank Dlack, Mrs. William McCurd.
Mra. Curtis IXxIds, Mrs. Blilnsll, Mlsa
Marie llsrvey, Thomas hland.
Marshall J. iJisnlle, Clinton Iilack,
and W. A. IKdds.
"Was Dated Whan Awsk
Jwd By Officer. . .
t been numerous the pnst
Jftlng Into tba city by tha
ielflc. They board tha
'jfederatandlng that there
M her and when caught
)as ara locked up. Tha
running over tonight
ar who was lying drunk In
,en oallnd to by tha offl.
lely walked out of tba car
thrown acroas tba track
k tha depot.. Uttle trouble
M police by thla class of
Asrthnr than tha trouble of
rtl t III!
ust coma hara to appreciate
ndld marehandlaa we . ara
ng at fully 40 par eant ra
it A.. . .1... ... An.
try choice patterns In suits
reosts atlll to ba had. Don't
a them.
Nest Debate Will Ba at Mountain
View. ;
The literary entertainment at Moun
tain View Friday nlirht proved a draw
lug card. Tbere were upwards of
twenty visitors from Clermont pres
ent and they took tba bouse by storm.
The question up for dnbate was, '-Unsolved.
Tlilt- Capital - I'uiilahmKnt
fthmild lie AlfolUhed." Tba debate
waa won by tha affirmative. Those
who participated were: Affirmative
George Kobeiia. Wm. lUtsrd and Mra.
Griffin. Nfgsllve d. V. Francis, J.
(lor belt and F. Allbrlght.
Next Friday night the debate will
be between the eocletlea of Mt. I'lesa-
ant and Mountain View, at Mountain
View, and tha aubjwt will be. "Re
solved. That Hingis Tax Is Preferable
to Our Present Tax Kyatem." The
speakers have not been announced as
Tha Proposition Receiving the no
tion of Nearly All.
W. Woolworth. of Ituttevllle, who
arrived In thla city Thuredsy morning
with a petition for the establishment
of a wsgon brldre across the Will
amette river at Huttevllle, haa met
with great auccesa, and up lo Bator
day bad about 300 namea. Mr. Wool
worth atated that ba had v lulled In
tbe counties of Yamhill and Marlon,
but ba never saw people mora enthas-
laatle over tha proposition than the
people In Clsckamaa county.- Me) waa
pleaaed over tha reception ha received
while In tha city. On tha petition
were namea of bankers, bualneaa men,
professional men and laborers, who
ara eager to have tha bridge built ai
that point, and think that there will
be macb beni-flt derived from such a
1,1 BY
"Senior" Lawmakers Will Have Six
' -Of Eight Mora Houra of
Spare Time On
Scots Take Notice.
All lovers of bble Hums, who do
not receive an Invitation to the Scotch
entertainment to be held Tuesday ev
ening at Willamette Hall, please apply
to MeLarty. tha tailor, or to It. N
Tha Fraternal Brotherhood meeting
beld at tha Knapp hall Friday even
ing waa largely attended.' Among the
visitors who were present and who
gsva addreaaea were Mra. Nellie
Knightly, of Is Angeles, who Is trav
eling In tha Interest of tba order, and
State Manager O'Mallfy, of Portland
The former spoke on the order and
told of. the different lodnes of th
state of California and Oregon, where
she haa visited.- Hhe gave to the
members of the local organlxatlon an
Invitation to tha "Home Coming,"
which takea place at Los Angeles on
July 7. Every member securing 15
members for this order will receive
transportation to and from Is Ange
las, and there are some In this city,
who are to try for thla and attend
the big meeting. There are at pres
ent 158 belonging to thla organisation
in this rlty, and It Is probable that
thla number wit be Increased.
During tha evening several Instru
mental selections were rendered, and
one of the feat urea of the evening
waa tha sleight of hand performance
of Bert Bloaaer, who surprised his
friends with his wonderful Illusions.
Onnclng and cards followed until a
late hour. '
Suss en Promleaovy Note.
' Tha Amity IJght aV. Power Company
has brought ault agalnat B. C. Kayt on
a promissory note, which Is due on
January 11, 1 9 1 . for the amount of
$1000. The plaintiff aaka for thla
amount and for 7 per caut Interest
from the. time of Its eapiratinn, and
alao for $100 for attorney'! feea. B.
At Kllka la tha attorney for tha Amity
Light A Power Company.
cc Bfothcfc
f Hal Like Others ,
Vsxai iah.
Improving Hie Property.
C."" IB. Naah, of Seventh afreet, la
having the upper atory of his large
building on Seventh street fitted Into
housekeeping rooms, which he la to
rent. The rooms are being painted
and papered by Powell A Muneey, and
will no doubt, he. Ideal housekeeping:
rooms when completed. Thera will
be atout eight rooms altogether. .,
fi" r 1 :
Will Try tha Case Mondsy. ;
The case of State of Oregon ta.
Lucht,. charged with obstructing tha
highway, will be on trial In Justice
Samson's court Monday at 10 a. to.
This caae haa bean postponed from
llrn to time and there will need to
be a good reaaon advanced to get
another continuance, says hla honor.
. . MarriaBe Lloenae. , ,
Tba county clerk Issued a marriage
license Saturday to Miss Evelyn Hall
and Earl Francis Mead, the latter of
SALEM. Or.. Jan. tl (8pl.) This
bss been a busy week In this old
town, snd there hsve been a few sore
spots laid bare, and a few new sore
spots created. First In Importance
waa the Itourne fiasco, with a large
handful of coarse aalt rubbed Into the
newly made Uourne wound. Ilourne
bad a smooth project on In bis effort
to hsve bis resolution aa to the beat
government on earth adopted In Ore
gon, with Ha memorializing of other
legislatures and later ou having tbe
chlckena come home to roost In time
to be counted two years hence. And
his little plsn to hsve his stenogrsph-
er on the job to take down verbatim
all that was said, and he only have an
official copy, waa a wise move hsd not
the Senate got wise and placed hla
stenographer on the pay roll and her
mlnutea on the public records.
The opening up of tbe asylum mat
ters la causing astlnk, and Ita often
the stink that leads to the abatement
of tha nuisance. Tha public la made
wise to the nuisance and It looks aa If
It will be abated.
Tbe hopper haa been filled with
bills from morn to night, only a few
of which will receive aertoua consid
eration, but what do will be threshed
over out In tha open and tha public
will hear of them often and anon.
The Renate adjourned to meet at 1
m. Monday, while tha House Is
scheduled to get together In the early
forenoon of the earn day. Usually
both hoMaea aim 4o meet at tha same
time aa there la much In harmony In
the work but for once tba Senate put
one over on the House and took sev
eral mora hours for ita real and re
creation, ,-'
I' roe pacts are for a busy week
shead; surety there Is enough to do
If tha two houses can be held down
to bnslneaa.
Mra. Loulaa E. Snow Leavea Frlenda
to Mourn.
Mrs. Loulaa E. Snow, wife of Ed
ward Snow, and cldeat daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Anton Waer, died at the
home of her parents, of park place, on
Friday morning at 11 o'clock, after a
aeveral months' lllnnsa of tuberculoma
Mra. Snow, with her buaband, has
made her home at Cazadero. until a
few montha ago, for the paat four
yeare. She waa born In the slate of
Texss, and cam to Oregon about 19
yeara ago with her parenta. Tbey re
sided In thla city for some time be
fore moving to Park place. She waa
united In marriage to Edward Snow
nine yeara ago, who survives her. At
tbe time of ber desth Mrs. Snow wss
aged 30 yeara and II montha. She
leavea besides her psrents. her hus
band, and the following alatera and
brothere: Mra. Fred Pallet, of Park
place; Mra. Jamea Charles, of Glad
stone; Mlsa Lottie and Miss Rett a
Waer, of Park place; -Charlea, Alfred
and Lawrence Waer. of Park place.
The deceased was well known In
Parkplace, and bad many friends who
learned with regret of her untimely
demise. The funeral servlcea will be
beld from the St. John's Catholic
church on Monday morning; at 10
o'clock, as the deceased waa a devout
member of that church, since coming
to this city. Father Hlllebrand will
officiate. The Interm nt will be in
the Catholic cemetery.
Msad-Hsll Nuptlala Take place
Cplscopal Church.
The marriage of Mlaa Evelyn Hall,
of Oregon City, and Mr. Earl Francis
Mead, of Portland, waa solemnised
Saturday afternoon, January XI, at tbe
Rt. Paul's Episcopal church. Tbe mar
riage ceremony waa performed by
Rev. Charles Robinson, at It o'clock,
and waa a very quiet affair. William
P. Mead, brother of tha groom, waa
tha beat man. but tha bride waa un
attended. After tbe marriage cere
mony Mr. and Mra. Mead left for Port
land, their future home.
Breach of Contract Alao Alleged In
Suit at Law.
A new caae In Circuit Court la that
of'J. B. Lamb va. Jamea Adklna. It la
a contention In which plaintiff aeeka
to recover on the price of logs and
services, alleged due and unpaid.
Thera la, too, la the contention a
claim for breach of contract.
Jamea Adklna owna and operatea a
aaw mill four mllea eaat of Canby and
claims to have delivered logs to the
mill and performed other aervlcea.
Dlmlrk A Dimlck ara attorneys for
plaintiff. - 1
. CORVALIJ8. Jan. Jl. The annual
Farmers' Week Course at the Oregon
agricultural college has been set for
February 13 to It and the plana for
tbe work ara being rapidly bronght to
completion. . In addition to tbe regu
lar lecture and demonstration work In
fruit growing, orchard work, market
ing, aolls, drainage, Tarm - manage
ment, stock raising, home manage
ment. Insect and dlaeaae peats, butter
and cheese majtlng and kindred sub
jects, two special features In the form
of dJacuaalona and demonstrations on
tba subjects of good road for the
state and Irrigation 'n the Willamette
Valley will ha added to the program.
A large corps of special lecturers,
many of whom are repreaetatlva men
many of whom are representative men
slst the college experts In carrying on
the work. This has made It possible
to fill every hour of the day from
4ght In the morning until ten at
night with apeclal features.
The work will deal entirely wkh
vital problems which are claiming the
attention of the people of Oregon.
Those In attendance wlU be urged to
i i . , , v
ring up lor uiit'iimiun aiiu utuiiou-
at rat Ion Subjects In which they are
particularly Interested and which par
tain to tba peculiar problems arising
out of their experience and which are
characteristic of their particular com
munity. The work 'Will be carried on
very much la tha form .of hug farm
era' Institute.
A poultry show, at which the 'Heat
fowls In the Northwest wlU be axhtblt.
ad. la scheduled for .toe v last .day of
tba session. Thla feature. In connec
tion with tha apeclal work on good
roads and Irrigation, will add greatly
to the -scope of the work.
Preaantad By Ywn0 P'OP1 of Glad-
atone Chriatlan Sunday School.
Two classes in the Christian Sunday
school at Gladstone gave a musical
and dramatic entertainment Saturday
night In Oault'a hall, in that place
Among other things they presented a
little drama, which wss well received.
It was entitled, "Raising the Wind,"
and told the atory of an amateur
theatrical venture that waa full of
mirth and comedy.
Tbe two claasea presenting tha play
were thoee who have taken a bond In
the new church and are using thla
meana to pay It off. The particlpanta
were -Hazel Mulkey, Muriel Pa via,
Eveline Gay, Kenneth Hendrick, Leon
ard Wllllame and IMbert Conway.
Ruth Mendenhall presented a piano
solo. Conway proved a star of flrat
magnitude In the part assigned to
him, and all the young people did
Dlaa on Way Home From Manilla.
Word was received by friends In
this city Saturday of the death of
Jacob" Mader, who haa been In the
Philippines Very little la known by
friends of tha particulars, bnt tt la
expected that tha rem alas will arrive
Sunday. - Tha young man waa work
ing for a' large steamship company,
and ha died enroute home. Friends
here did not know ha waa on his way
home until word waa received of bia
death. ', .
at w arn
A acoie of Sunday achool werkera
met In . tha parlors of tha Baptist
church Saturday afternoon to organ
ise a graded department for the atudy
of tha weakly leesoxtav ' Mra Wilkin
son, of Portland, waa present and pre
sided at the meeting- and lad in the
lesson atudy of the afternoon.
The organlxstion waa affected by
the election of Mlaa Alma Moore,
president; Mra Frank Moore, junior
vice president; Mra. Chaa Ely. be
glnnera vice president; Mra. 8. P.
Da via. secretary ; Mra. Olaxler, treas
urer. The organisation choae the
name of Oregon City Oradad Union or
Sunday School Workers, and decided
to meet each Saturday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock. At the ontaei the meet
ings will be held lo the Bantist church.
There will be a regular program for
study, with three different depart
ments. A leader will be chosen week
ly. Four churches were represented
at the meeting Saturday Preabyter
lan, Baptlat. Congregational and Unit
ed Brethren.
Bring thla ad and we will tell you
how to get a sample of this tha
One Dye For All Goods
Sixteen Colors
Ten Cents Per Package
We Fill All Drog Wants
t A Full Una of.
A, D. S. Remedies
Preecrtpttona : and Family Receipt!
Filled With Pure Drugs. ,
' . Quality and Prices Right, '
... , t : . , ,v. ;
City Drug Stare.
' Neat Door to Electrlo Hotel. '
...... (
Paolfle phone 11 Home Fkone 41
Road Meaeuree Have PHenda, But
There la Some Opposition From
Farm re to Bonding
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 21-8pl.) Thla
far nothing haa appeared In either
branch of tbe Legislature seriously
affecting tbe fishing Industry on tbe
Willamette River and its tributaries.
With a membership on the fisheries
committee In the House, Representa
tive Magone Is on the alert for any
legislation which will operate to the
disadvantage of the Oregon City fishermen.
Representative Jones has Intro
duced a drastic bill regulating the sale
of druga and chemicals to be used for
medicinal purposes. The terma of the
bill conform to the provisions of tba
National pure Food and Drug Act and
make tbe standards eetabilshed by
Congreas In tbeae mattera the meae
ure of quality hereafter to be fol
lowed by druggists in thla state !n
compounding preacpriptlons and tbe
le of other materials.
Senator DJmlck's bill providing for
an eight hour work-day In all manufac
turing planta operating for 22 hours
In every 24 Is now before tbe Senate
committee on commerce and naviga
tion. Senator Dimlck ia hopaful of
aecuring the enactment of tbla bill at
tbla aession. It waa defeated In the
Senate two yeara ago after having
been paaaed by the House.
One of the Important bills before
tbe Senate committee on revls!on of
lawa la a measure prescribing tbe
manner In which additional territory
ahall be annexed to any municipality.
It provide that the queation ahall be
determined by a vote of the voters of
tbe city Itaelf as well aa the voters of
the territory to be annexed. Under
the present law. unless proposed un
der the initiative when the entire
state votes on the queation, the de
termination of theae annexation ques
tions la left to the votea of the elec
tors In the territory desiring to be
come a part of the municipality.
There Is a strong probability that this
bill will be favorably recommended
for paaaage by the committee.
Hills relating to construction of
roads Lave been Introduced both In
the House and In the Senate. Some
opposition has developed to the meas
ure which proposes tbe Issuance of
bonds by counties for making these
Improvementa. Thla Is objected to by
many of the Grangea for the reaaon
It la feared that In the expenditure of
the money ao provided much dissatis
faction might result from the action of
the authorities In directing Its expen
diture In one section of the county o
the disregard of other equally deserv
ing localities- General support la giv
en the bill which provides for state
aid In the building of roads. These
several bills, including the ones pro
viding for the' employment of state
and county prisoners on these Im
provements, will receive the further
consideration of the legislators at
next week's seeaion.
Probably the most Important legis
lation to be considered at this session
Is the redisricting of the state into
Senatorial and Representative dis
tricts. To date not a alngle bill on
this subject haa appeared in either
House. There Is a growing feeling In
favor of creating separate Senatorial
and Representative dlstrlcta as rec
ommended In the message of former
Acting Governor Bowerman. While
thla necessary would slightly Increase
the membership of both branches of
the Legislature It Is contended that
the distribution of representation
would be far more fair than under tha
present system. - Bills covering this
subject are expected to appear next
Making Hla Office Pleasant.
The dental parlora of Dr. L. L.
Pickena In ' the Welnbard building
bave been thoroughly renovated and
now present an attractive appearance.
The walla and ceilings of the recep
tion room, operating room and labora
tory have been tinted tan and brown,
and the woodwork has been painted
with colore to correspond, while the
floors have - been painted - in. dark
green. , t .; . , l J ..
- ""-Wants to Be Divorced.
Vonah Hereford haa filed a suit for
divorce against O. L Hertford through
her attorBeva,'Wheelook A Williams,
ber complaint - reading that abe haa
been a faithful wife, but her husband
haa deserted, her, -and refused to re
turn to her and support her aa he
should. They were married on May
1st. 1905. In Portland. She aska to
assume her maiden name, Vonah
King. ' ' :
Will Plat the Property.
The Fred Balmer place at ..Mount
Pleaaant haa been sold through Frey-
tag A Sw afford, of thla city, to Mr.
Helnx, of Portland, the price being
$ 13.0(H). Tbere are 87 acres in the
piece of land, and la excellent for
farming purposes. Mr. Hems la to
have the property cut Into tracts and
placed on the market, whtrh la to be
bandied by Freytag tt gwafford.
Lowndee-Gibbone Nuptlala
The marriage of Mlsa Edna L. GltV
bona, of Portland, and Mr. Ernest A.
Ixwndea, who resides at - Meldrum,
took place In Portland on 8a;urdey,
January 14. Bishop Scaddlng officiat
ing. The ceremony waa aolmonlxed
In the atudy of the bishop. Mr. and
Mra.' Lowndes win reside In Clacka
mas county.
Wa propoae to meet the prlca of tha. catalogue houeee. " Plank the
money down when you o.'iir the gooda and we will meet each and
avary price they make. We will go further, and claim that we can
self you a better fence for leaa money than you can buy from any cata
logue house. Do not overlook thla. It ia money In your pecketa.
- Coma, let ua figure. You will be aurprlaad how llttlo It coata to
fence your lot er farm.
j-f 1& w
r i -r -L i M t I 4 -l m .1. iim h
rtaae of the beti hard tl ire.lhofooptily oafcanized. The lock wdl net tlip,
iney are not driven down on the wire,fienc not a wire i injured. 16 crou Mrs
to the rod.TTw heaviest woven wir standard (arm fence on ine markeu .
FRANK BUSCN, Hardware-Furniture
Tbe Oregon City Commercial Club
beld Its aecond annual meeting In the
club rooms in the Masonic building on
Saturday evening. There was a full
attendanae and much Interest. The
buslneaa of the evening was the clos
ing of the year's work and the choice
of three niembera to ait on the Board
of Governors, three members retiring
st clone of - thetpOenus-of office
M enure, Frank Buach, Dr. W. E. Carll
and Dr. E. A. Sommera.
Tbe retiring president Tom P.
Randall read a message to the mem
bers in which he reviewed the work
of the year and gave advice for the
future such aa only a man who has
experienced the difficulties one -must
encounter is fitted to give. The mes
sage was received with much enthua
iaam and many complimented Mr.
Randall on the timely nature of hla
remarks. - .
'When the ballots were counted In
the election It was found tnat Messrs.
J. E. Hedges," Harry E. Draper and
Frank Busch were chosen to sit on
tbe board for tbe coming year.
After the business of the evening
hsd been completed by tbe club the
Board of Governors met for the elec
tion of officers. Tbe election result
ed as follows: President, J. E-
Hedges; vice president, John Adams;
secretary, M. D. Latourette; treas
urer, Frank Busch.
Following the selection of officera
the members were bid to a buffet
luncb, whose bounty waa munificent,
and to which all did ample Justice.
A aoclal season was next to follow,
which was replete with Joke and
atory, rounding out In Its complete-'
nesa the enjoyment of a pleaaant ev
en I nz.
la Entertained At Home of Mra. John
F. Clark.
Mrs. John F. Clark entertained the
members o-the Derthlclr Club at her
home in West Oregon City Friday af
ternoon. Mra E- T. Aviaon read "The
Matured Impressionist'' from the life
of Edward MacDowell, and Miss Essie
Block rendered two MacDowell piano
numbers, "Improvisation,' and "Shad-1
ow Dance." Mre. R- C Montague, of
Portland, In charge of tbe cbolr of
St, David a Episcopa Church, sang
four of tbe MacDowell love songs and
Schnelder'a "Flower Rain." Mlaa
Carlander. of Portland, waa the seoonv
panlst. Mrs. Montague'a- Interpret
tion waa charming. The Derthlck
Plnh'a tif t mMtlnr wilt li PAhpnirv
3 at the home of Mrs. O. W. Baetham.
Those present at tbe Clark home
Friday were Mra Leonard L. Pickena,
Mrs. R C Ganong. Mra John W. Lod
er, Mra O. W. Eaat ham, Mra. Charlea
H. Canfleld. Miss Edna Caufleld. Mrs.
Leon DesLarxes, Mra. Leslie L Porter,
Mrs. E. T. Aviaon. Mrs. William A..
Huntley. Mlsa Louise Huntley, Mrs.
Matilda Charman, Mrs. C. H. Melsa
ner. Miss Muriel 8tevena. Mlsa Essie
Block. Mra. R. (. Montague, Mlaa
Carlander, Mra John F. Clark. .,
Drunken Stranger Commita Nuiaanca.
Some drunken stranger committed
a nuisance on Main street, near the
poatoffice, Saturday forenoon, while
a score of women and children were
passing by. No one reported the mat
ter to Officer Shaw and the fellow es
caped without so much aa a reprimand.
. )
REV. W T. JORDAN, famous Southern orator, will deliver hla lecture at the
Baptist Church next Monday evening on "The Southland." The lecture
la extremely humorous, consisting of highly colored word-pa I ntlnga, negro
' aermon and coon hunt. Proceeds go to the Amy Pureed fund, wrieas" MM
Baptlata are educating In the Chicago Missionary Training SchooL 'v
Price's Chop Hot
Meals ot; All Hours
We Buy, Sell or Trade and Deal in
Large and Small Tracts. If you want
to sell list with us, if you want to buy
call and see us.
If vou wont the best, at lowest pric:s, eat with us.
Our speciolty Is satisfaction. .
' Between Fourth and Fifth Streeta.