MOKNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911. 3 YTOURETTl Preeldsnt -- r. J. MUTER, Cashle 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK o! OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 10000.00. aOnrsl tanking Business. Open trm I A.M.UIP, M SORGE A. HORDING . DRUGGIST " fURt DRUGS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES AND STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTION ANO FAMILY"' RE CEIPT CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. , ' '.'.".. ' V v ' PHONE MAIN 3061. HOME, B 14. :iAIN STREET Next Door lo Postoffice mi) v GOVERNOR VESrS SUPOli T SECURED E POINTED OUT W Levitt m la Portland . visiting with friends. 3, . r Boyer, living on Dltlslon i, 1 1 I ported among tbe Mirk. ' ' of Jonnlnae Lodge, waa In " ' on business yestordsy e, of Portland. Is visiting , gueal of Mr. Qualte, who 1 hill. V Rchoenheins and Mlaa' Jar visited with frlenda In areday. ' I Liver more, of Pendleton, - : lend a In the city, guost o( . '. L llealle. . I . : uarsh, of Cattliy. who re T I I to (bat city from leba r aartlug business In Ore- Aeeday. . 1 Wood, of Aatorla,- who ting at the homo of Mr. . Cauflcld. returned to day Afternoon. .1)1 PLEASE NOTICE . . Jrum, who haa been .very m for aeveral yeara. came ' -' Jrum yesterday afternoonj t Mni from bla Illness. . i one of the prominent ' i elate men of Canby, waa 1 on bualueaa Wedneaday. Gently purchased aeveral i mah. in Van Hoy, of (ioldendale, lading with her parents, V II. O. Van lloy, of Moun Mlaa Van lloy la In the jlness at Uoldendale. I C i MrClure, who haa been II I I tome time with typhoid 11 t 1 confined In the St. Vln I I Ital. and her condition re i t the eaiue, with very Ht- .jient.- ; ai Champion haa accepted la the gerrest confectionery "J filled the vacancy Uurlug I rollenabee'a absence In' Jornla. Mlaa Follenebea if evening for C'hlco, and 1th frlenda for a month. 1 Lira. (Jporae Jacoba, of port. In Oregon City yeaterday "l the former's alater, Mra. of the Went Bide. They . automobile, and Margaret , t... ) daughter of Mr. and Mra. . r. a pan led them home for a - -a vlalt. To Introduce The. Morning Enterprise Into a large major ity of the honiea In Oregon City and Clackamaa county the management . baa decided lo make a a peel al price for the ilall? 'ssue, for- a . abort time only, where the subscriber paya a year In advance. By crr!ry paid '. a . year i In advance.-13.00. . Uy malt, paid a year In ad vance, fi.oo. People who gave our esnvss eer a trial aubacrlptlon for one or more montha, at ten centa a week, can have the dally dollv ered for a year for U 00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvaa ear a trial aubacrlptlon, by mall, for four montha at a dol- Iar,.may have the paper for a year for 2.uo. ir paia a year in advance. Hubacrlbera to the Weekly Enterprise " may chance tfielr" aubacrlptlnna. tn Iha, Jtadljfra-j reiving credit for half time on the dally that the weekly la paid In advance. When they cbooae to add cash to the ad vance payment equal to a full year's advance ' payment they may take advantage of the $1 rate. a -We make thla apeclal price ao that people who have paid In advance on aome other dally and wish tor take the Morning Enterprise, may, do ao wit bout too, great expense. . LOCAL -DRI CPS In the I wheat flour f l.JO aack t 'homemade Bread that can v can get It at Bchrader'a Mala atreet near foetof- jvet'a r 4hat hot lunch Ienta. 810 Main atreet ' 'AM GRANGE FAIR. Oattlng Thlnga Shaped for Fall Exhibit. f elected board of dlreo Orange Pair Aaaoclatlon f and perfected organlia lag the following of fleer a: fwla Bhattuck; vice preal Jill; aocretary, Kmll Kar r. T. R- llowltt. itlon la In (rood condition, f any Indehtedneaa ex klch la owing to the fair which are worth aeveral lount. Several Improve ) 1 made the coming Bum i ; effort will he made to r. - nt fall that will ecllpae t the kind heretofore held i ' a. Temlum Hat will be laaued iprlng and will enumerate , all exhlblta aRgregatlng jand dollars. There are eight prlaonera County Jail at thla time. . The eighth grade exaralnailona will be held today and tomorrow.. Them are three bid, fl for drilling wella for water at Willamette, but ao far Counclf haa not had a meeting ana not opened bids. The liooater Club of Mountain View will hold Ita usual weekly meeting to night at which time there will be a Joint debate on the aubject, ' Resolved, That Capital . Punishment Should He AbollHhed." Those scheduled to talk to the aubjoct are Bam Francis, George Roberta, Krank Albright. Wm. Heard Mra. M. B-own and Mra. O. W. Orlffln Oranges lOo dotea at 8eeley'a. Oo to Secreat'a for that hot lunch aucceanor to Lenta, 610 Main atreet Coal-oll lie a gallon at 8eeley's- Oo to Secreat'a for that hot lunch successor to Lenta, 910 Mala street. neat Jap. rice 6c a pound at Seeley'a. Freeh Dunne. canaiea and Confections at Main atreet. near Poetofflce. je Hoeye, Dentist, Cau Oregon City. I for Clears and 8mokera' it to Postorflce. raisins So a pound at Bee- yz of soda crackers tOo at HOTEL ARRIVALS. The following are those registered at the Electrto Motel: Fred Cooper, V. J. Gray, J. J. Gray, J. W. Lawrence. J. W. Cryer. II. Z. Donaker, Portland; J. P. Lane, Crea well; E. F. Valkman, E. W. Ijtwrence, C. 0. Samson, Portland; Charlea Gen try, Marlon;. Dnnlel Brugger, Mary Brugger, 0. Davis, H. Blgelow, J. L. Forbea, Portland; A.D. Irish, May Mills, Lena Kraft and slater, Fayne M. Coshow, Brownsville; J. F. Me Olnnls. San Francisco; D. M. Roberts, H. U Paris, Otto B. Blosser, E. H. Carlton, Portland; August. Oephart, Sherwood; B. Roy Lee, Canby; W. A. SaUmarsh, Canby. Dr. George Hoeys, Deatlat, Meld Rldf., Oregon City. Cau Cloth-plna 4 doxen 5o at 8eeley'a. For fine shoe repairing go to Z OLD RELIABLE OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP ' Work dens while yeu wait " ' ' '.' k Oor Mottt Stfsfactln Gtfarantcccl . SCHOENHEINZ, Proprietor 716 Main Bat. Sixth and Seventh. .. GOOD ROADS CAMPAIGN BEGUN I BY THE OREGON STATE L-J ASSOCIATION,- - SBSaaBBBBBBSBBB 0 0?CE OF STATE'S GREATEST NEEDS - - - Plan to Issue Bends Embraces Scheme to Let the Roads Over the State Help Pay for ,.' Themaelvea. (iuverijor.Went's strong Indorsement of the Good Houde cause In his mes sage to the Legislature haa given the better hlghwaya movement tremen dous encouragement and atrength. "We may sing the state's pralaea to tha aky and. apend a fortune In adver tising our resources to attract home-seekers- and settlers," said Governor West, "but we will have but little suc cess unleaa we can point to some movement toward the construction of good roads over which the products of the farm may be handled to market." ' "Realizing now greatly .the state was In need of good roads, and that through our slip-shod methods ofToad .patching thousands of dollars of the people's njomr-wai lji'tng squandered annually, a number of our public spir ited cltliens .through, their organiza tion,, the Oregon Good Roada Associa tion, have thoroughly Investigated the w hole question of mad building and I understand will submit slderatlon a number of bllla which embody vlewa and recommcndatlona In the matter. Knowing that their recommendations are being prompted solely by an earnest dealre to ace thla state grldlroned by the beat system of hlghwaya In the world, and at the least possible cost to the taxpayera, I ask that the whole question be Jclndljr given the most careful consideration -by- ymt. ' , With Governor Weat'a support haa TOM LYNCH'S METHOD OF ' HANDLING CALL PLAYERS. "Wbea I aianritred the. Stm - Hrllsla elub- lu;lb Conner tU ol iMgue," lufir l'relleDt Tom l.yticb. "all of my men weren't blue ribbon boys We bad been having a terrible slump, ami I took bold of. the team aa a. Ist resort - "We wou aomrthlng like twenty-three out of twetiiy-flve gsniea It) a month." said l.ucb recent ly,, "capturing ten double bend era. Ilw did we unike auii a 'allowing In bargain bills? Well, I'U reveal tlw aet-ret. Home of them liked tbrlr bottle of beer, and they imrtkulsrty enjoyed It ,00. a hot day. " "My boys would win the Aral -game of a bargain bll. and then 1 would let them g to the club house, where I bad Installed an Icebox. In which thf re were sev-" I eral bottles of beer on k-e. "The playera who wanted to Indulge In the beverage that made Milwaukee famous could do so without being lined T3y the manager, who was myself." 4 4 NEW ORLEANS AUTO RACES. lHen Joined the promises of many leg islator that they will aupport the good roada cause and the. bllla that have been framed to meet the- good roada construction need. Oregon good roada advocatea are bending the atrength of their united Influence to secure adoption of five highway measures nOw pending before the legislature. Tbeae bllla, made aw, will aet Into motion and make possible a good roada campaign In every county that will reault In actual miles of road built. But the plana for mutated by the Oregon Good Roads Aaaoclatlon contemplate mors. "'.than road building, they are intended to aid In the building of better homos. belter schools, and to make farirt work pay better. The unit system of road building - recommended - for . every - county. Thla means that each county aided by the atate will construct Ita own high way ayatem In the way moat needed by that particular county. - - ' - Every unemployed man in every county will be given work In road building according to the present plan. He will be made a producer of wealth and an agent of development. Con vict a will be taken from the Jails and made to prepare material and In In- atancea where H 1a desirable actually build tha roads. Making of macadlmlsed roada Is recommended wherever possible. The State Highway Commissioner will have aa a duty the apread of Informa tion explaining beat construction methods. The bonding act la not Intended to saddle debt on counties. It la expect ed to make Immediately available $10, ooo from the atate fund for every $20, 000 aecured by bonding. Future gen eratlona who will enjoy the benefits and pleaaurea of Improved highways even more than the present will pay for the roada gradually. If roads were built on caah outlay the cost would come before the benefits. Under the bondlna act the road Itself guarantees the outlay, and -the enhanced value of property, the facilitated transportation and the larger returns from effort, will meet Interest and first coat. Good roada are an Intereat-paying Investment Annual Mardl ,Ors Event Billed Fee Feb. 25 to 27. The new year'a automobile racing In the south-will begin lu Keliruary. The third running of the so called New Or. leans MardJ Crae spel carnival will be held on Feb. Z 21 and 27. All arrangementa have l-en completed. - Thelrrndltlona prmnlne a blgiJeld of- Cars. The rie list totals I.I.ViO The events rsnpe front. Ave toOft miles, snd there are two one-hour con testa. Efforts are being made to se cure all the prominent drivers In the country. The prizes have been divided to your con-1 so as to temm the star drivers. Ar rangements have been made to make the track unusually fast It will be scraped, oiled snd packed more firmly than ever. The Mardl Gras races are alwaya a feature of the southern sveed aeason. New Orleana alwaya staggers at that time' under the press of tbe festival aeelng crowd. The auto races are a relief from thS monotony of peaceful pageanta. fancy drens parades and other M9.rfll Gr'-I,,ltiir!,Moreover. a New Orleana show will be held lq, Feb ruary at the fair grounds during the progress of the meet M'GRAW TO PLAY AGAIN. Manager of Giants Peoposoa to Got Himeelf Inte Condition For Season. Tbe latest celebrity to make an ef fort to ''come back" Is John McCraw. manager of tbe New Tork Giants. Mc Graw baa given It out that be proposea to get himself In perfect condition this spring, ss he Intends to play In many of the Giants' early games. McGrsw got oat of harness because of an Injured leg. Tbla baa been welt rested and may. have entirely healed. In which event there is no doubt that Me- Graw would still be of great service to bis team. There oerer waa a cleverer batter than tbla aame McCraw. lis could tantalize a pitcher more than any of tbe great aluggers, for there was nothing sbout the srt of worrying a pitcher that McCraw could not do. Of course McGrsw may be like some of. the" other old fellows when ne starts to train be may Ond It too atren nous work to continue and give op the Idea of plsytng sgaln. BOWLERS READY FOR TOURNEY T ' , eBaaBaBBjaawasBsaaaa) St. Louis Plans fa Make A. B, C, Ever.t Best Ever Hell' NEW WAY TO HANDLE SPDS Idsa la te Have Men Shoot Individual Entry In Same Mannar a Deubloa. Thereby Having en Allaye Two . Squads ef Bewlere at One Time. The eyes of tbe bowling work! will be turned toward 8t Louis during tbe last week of January snd tbe Drat In February, wbeo the mighty lournu ment-of the American bowling con greas will I on. Twenty thousand games will be-rolled daring the two weeks of the tournament on the six teen alleys used for that purpose. Not one other ball than a boll, to count scores In this tournament -will be roll ed In tbla building or ou the alleys to be built II places sit on nn equal footing, snd It guaranteea to the vis itor a square deal In tbe game be baa traveled a long way to aupport. Tbe foundation of tbe game la laid In aoclabitlty and en,uareneaa. and Et Louis will furnish both. The Bt Louie I C-" ' J " Lacrosse Tumi For Olympic Games. B. Floorman of Vancouver plana to take two lacroeae teams to play at the Olympic games In Stockholm. Sweden. July 10 snd 21. 1012. Floorman Og ares on the Vancouver and New West minster teams aa the onea In line for the trip, and hla plana propone an ex tended tour of Europe In addition to playing at the" Olympic games. Be proposes to play a couple of games In eastern Canada and one In New Tork city before leaving America. 'In Eu rope he plana to play In London, Parts, Bordeaux. Hamburg. Berlin. Copen hagen, Chris tlanta aud Stockholm. Yes, After All, It's Vp to Vs! Trotting Futurity Worth 121,000. Tbe list of nominations announced recently for tbe twenty-first renewal of the Kentucky trotting futurity, for foala of 1010, which has a value of $21,000, contains 814 , weanlings. The entries come from thirty -Ave states. England and Canada also are repre sented. AT THE PEARL CHOP HOUSE Iverything Strictly Fresh. Short Or I ders Cur Specialty )i & O'DONNEL, v Proprietors Cttween 5th ixd 6th, on Main Street Horse Rsolno In Australia. In Australia racing goes on every day in the year, it'a the favorite sport of the antlnodee. Tbe Mel bourns cup is worth $50,000 to tbe winner, while the Derby paya $20,000 SPORTS IN BRIEF PR0QBES8, which spells PROS PERITY, Is but another way of spell, lot PUBLtCITT. . In ADVERTISING, In making thlnga known from mao to men, from wo man to woman, lies the secret of SUC CESS for which Individuals and com munition seek. . J , The day of waiting for BUSINESS to step In at the door and SUCCESS to-blow In at tbe window Is past . Ws must go out and corral BPSI NESS and coat SUCCESS. And ths ons way to do It Is spelt sot P-U-B L-t-C-I T-T. ' Professional aculllng Is booming bt Engtsnd again. Stockholm atadlum. where the 1012 Olympic gamea will be held, will Beat 1 30.000, ' , Atlanta will have the Drat six day bicycle race ever held In the south In February, Vincent Powers. American Jockey, will ride In Germany next year for $10,000 a year "Knockout Brown" and Tommy Mur phy are going to fight again on the night of Jan. 23 In New York. Tom Flanagan, the once fly by olght manager of Jack Johnson and agent for Tom Longboat, la out with a atate went that beer la not Injurious to an athlete while In training. If yoiMose 1 YOU HORSE ' ' YOU Ft WATCH . - ' ' -... . , YOU efiKETSOOK s '" '" : ' v ' . Try few liners In our cheap column j they may find it for -you. abi LAa0TBY,esx-aa-rABT or ambjuca , SOWLIRO COHOBBtO. people are preparing to entertain tbe bowlers or give them a golden oppor tunity to entertain themaelvea. and the American bowling congreaa la pre paring to see that all get a square deal The tournament building Is one of the largest In tbe country, and tbe floor space Is enormous. Entries cover a large territory, hav ing been received from Vancouver to New Tork and front Montreal to Mo bile, Te Try Out New Feature. A new feature will be tried oat this year. In former tournaments, when two. fall aiuada of Ave men teams shot tbe olgbt previous. It became nec essary tbe next day In order to take care of the' doubles and singles of all members of these Ave men squads to start bowling . io some Instances as early aa 7 JO a. m- and this .has caaaed considerable discontent among tbe bowlers so early ecbedoled." There hardly seemed sny remedy for tbla. but It haa been found by Secretary Abe Lanjrtry. and be haa had tbe Illi nois Bowling association, also ths Chi cago Bowling association, try It oat for him In two tournamenta since the last national' tournaments, and they have found It worked to a charm. v How the Scheme Works. Tbe Idea Is to double op tbe indi vidual equada and have them aboot their Individual entry In . the aame manner aa they would the doubles, thereby hsvlng on the tournament al leys at one time two squads of Indi vidual bowlers while heretofore there was only oue squad snooting A great deal of time haa been lost with Indi vidual squads In checking them tn at the paddock, and In addition to that the greatest loss of time wss when one bowler started to lag. either wait ing for his ball or from fatigue, as the pace set In the Individual event waa rather fast Now, to aboot tbe bowlers In doable squads will give each man a abort pe riod of rest, which will not only work to hla advantage, but to the advantage of the tournament secretary, and In doing so It will save about Ave min utes to a squad, and wben you flgure from twelve to fourteen aquada daily yon will readily aee a saving of one hour and over and the starting of the tournament that much later In ' tbe evening. This la aurely a great boon to tbe bowler who ahoota the night before, aa be can anatch a few extra winks snd be satisfied. This be will thank the American Bowling congress for, and other tournamenta will aurely follow the lead within a year or two wben they aee the advantage of the ayatem. Chiotjoana Take Up Javelin Throwing 4 Physical Director Martin Delaney of the Chicago Athletic aasoclatiou plana to jrlve Western track entbuslnsta a novelty by Introducing the Javelin throw aa an event for his track men to train for. The new event hns been a feature of tbe Olympic games for some time past and has been Included In the programs of several eastern meets, bat It cams to tbe west aa an Innovation. Delaney believes the new event will add great ly to the entries tn any meet which Includes the new event on Its card. EXPENSIVE SIMPLICITY. The Forty Frock That Looks Chsao, but Isn't 7 Jl f$? m m - dmes flrU Nolea undor those alaasirM hoa4tn win m raane ai on ont a worS, ri Insert tun. half a en additional Ina ttona. One Inrh card, II par aimilhl half Inch rard. 44 llnral l par month. Cash must aocotnoanv ortlar unlaa ana haa Sn own account with tha Dauar. Na ' financial raanonslblllty for errors; where rrora occur rraa corrrtd notloa will bo prlntod for pa Iron. Minimum charge llo, 1 WANTED. ' WANTED Strong - boy- to - deliver papers Enterprise Office. , , tf , WANTED To Enterprise. . rent piano, tf Inquire) WAITED You to know thal'tlie En terprise Job printing department Is the most complete la .the Stars, outside Portland. Try It for your next printing. WANTED Small advertisements for this column. Prices very reason able. 8ee rates at head of column. ': FOR SALE. FOR SALE Space In this column. Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don't uae It since you purchaaed our new one.. FOR SALE A good $ 10,000 farm for aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty. st Law,- Stevens Bldg. -- . FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner space In this col umn. A few lines may rent that house, store or farm; they will cost you but a few cents. ATTORNEYS. FABTT ooww TOM oiau Very sweet snd simple looking Is the girl's party gown seen In the cat. hot It Is a simplicity thst makes father's pocket book flatten out to an appre ciable degree wben the bill Is sent In for the creation. The material Is gauzy figured net In-lovely nuances of pinks and greens, and the nnderalip Is of silver tlasue.- The pretty rose decora tions s're of silk and made especially for the gown. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully president's dsughter-look---etyT .wnpn .. aiiciassea or. nuuaing w , cuucrviv wuti ana retaxurcwa . concrete. Res. Phone. Mala 111. Miss Taft's Fendnosa For Brown. Pink and brown are the White House colors. Helen Tsft pre fern brown and constantly uses It ss s theme in her dresses. Her mother clings-to pink. The attractive in a rough brown homespun anlt the aklrt a modified "hobble" with ample proportions for a graceful stride, and the coat aemlflttlng and trimmed In dark brown velvet aa to enffa and collar.. She has a beautiful golden aft ernoon gown built on brown mescaline, with touches of old rose and gold In the underlining, while the main ma terial Is. diet almost completely cover ed In wrought designs of thick brown silk. She baa a natty brown fur coat and with it ahe wears a for turban with one big red rose on the right aide. LMrs. Tsft likes tbe old fashioned china pink -more than any of the more mod ern hues, such as ros. shell and salm on. One of the state gowns of Mrs. Taft Is of heavy aatlu In peachblow, embroidered in deeper abades of pink. O.-D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, aba tracts furnished, land titles examined,- estatea settled, gen- - eral - law business. Over Bank of Ocegon City. ITREN ft SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-atp " Law, Deutscher'Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlements. Office tn Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olf Ice Land, titles investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. , CRITICS (OTOT (KOTCXS COPT Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Title Investment Co., Stevens Bldg. . BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. If you would sell YOUR HOUSE YOUR FARM 1 .' ! . YOUR HORSE . Try what tha cheat eolamns of the Morning Enterprse can do for you. " Choice of a Wife. Jeremy Taykr very aptly summed up his opinion of the unwise choice of a wife In the folio whig words: "A very fool la he that chooses for beauty prin cipally. Hla eyea are , witty, bnt his soul Is sensual. It la an 111 band of af fection to tie two hearts together by a little thread of red and white." Theee are Indeed true sentiments, snd ths man Is both nnwusa and un lucky who merely selects his wife be cause she Is a pretty girt. Pretttness alone never yet made for happiness. Tbe girl who csn be a true friend, a devoted companion and a loving wife Is worth a great deal more to her hus band than- "tbe little thread of red and whltewblch the old time divine con demns. When the Qrapaa Hang High. To paraphraae the rhyme "Every thing la lovely and the goose hangs high." everything Is right up to ths moment In fruit decorations when the r ' ww . . fhoto or American Press Association. . aiLvaa ampa bakobr. grapes hang high on a silver holder made expressly for tbe purpose. In other words. It Is the lateat way of ar ranging the big. luacloua bunches of hothouse grupee when they are need as a table centerpiece. Oo to Secrest'a for that hot lunch successor to Lenta. 610 Mala street ' DENTISTS. DR. L G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, B and 6 Beaver, building. Main St, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and Pacific States 1221. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, -Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. . MONEY LOANED We are acquaint- , ed with the value of all farm lands In Clackamaa County and can loan your money on good safe security." Farm loans made one, two and three) yeara at 7 per cent Abstracts at title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK, Lawyers, Andreeen Bldg., Oregoa City, Oregon. . REAL ESTATE. D- K. BILL CO., REAL ESTATE Farm, Timber. Grailng, Agricultural Lands, City Property. Small Fruit and Poultry Ranchea for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room Beaver Bldg., , Oregon City, Oregon. eTH. COOPER, For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. Let as handle your properties wa bay, sell and exchange. Office ' In ' Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FRETTAG ft 8 WATFORD. Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city and suburban; homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. See us for good buys Near 8. P. depot 1 3 ACRES of sandy loam, all good farm land free from stone and gravel.' $4 acres tn cult, balance all slashed, burnt and seeded but one acre and haa been for good many years so tha clearing la - not very hard; 4 room box houae. barn 20x22; vgood well, alao borders tha Tualatin river. This Is fin, peach, berry or garden land, In fact good for anything that grows; i miles of - Oregon City on a macadam road; It miles of Portland on a macadam road. The price of thla place haa alwaya been $2650 but for a quick sale ownef will take $2200, $800 down, balano $ yeara at 6 per cent E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON Oregon City, Ore. Near Suspension Bridge. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. 8ECOND HAND Furniture, Curios and Relics bought, sold and exchanged. Anything from a darning needle to a ship's anchor. YOUNG, Tha Second Hand Man, Main St, Ore gon City. Electric Hotel , 411 Mala, letweta 4th asd fcl ttt, OREGON CITY, ORB. " . A. TOIN, FrepHeter. ' Rea 1 Estate Opportun ities O TToose, . Lawyer and Notary Abstracts. Loans . and Insurance CHARLES T. T002E ft CO. Real Estate Bought and Bold. Room S. Beaver Bldg , Oregoa City If you want BUY A FARM, BUY A HOME. BUY A LOT, tea CHAS. T. TOOZE &; CO. And If you want te sail farm, home or lot do likewise.