Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 20, 1911, Image 1

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    tlona for tho Morning
I vlll b roeolvsd for
U4 tlm at a pelr
d In your ardor today ,
anoflt of low price..
" Th only dally new;:. r t
twee) Portland and talam;
lato In oyory aoot'on of c:v
mil County, with a population of .
tO.OOa , Aro you an advortloorf
1 NO. n
Per "Week, 10 Cents
n own
sng From 100 to 1 10,000
rt la Mado to Stop
All Dodging on '
Or., Jan. 19. (Hpl.) Ben
r llellcn want to stop
nation In Oregon by rail
i.tbat end today Introduced
I effort.
uvldes that there shall be
to, rebate, drawback. a"l
.all ho no greater or Icaa
I o tact ml from una person
not her tr mean of any
tluiu f.ilio wckhiug de.
t daVice on any tranapor
ny operating aa a com
O tbla Plain.
penalty for disregarding
; (bo law of from $100 to
mall Bla' at th Kolaay Homo
School Moating Saturday.
M AllQUAM, Jan. .4.i-rJpl -The
and niiwi of the druwnlug of Iho llirl
daughter of Jottii f'ltKitaon, while with
hfe -mother and amitll broth' r, haa
reached here. They- were crossing
Iho "(klarquain . !riiln h, near Krott'a
Mltlawin their way from their homo
whUJf la hx-atod atiout 2ft mile from
Hcolt'a-. Mill. Grappling hooka aro
living uavil, but up to a late hour, all
effort to" rind the body liavo failed.
It ha Il0u beeu reported ttmt Mr.
Kolatiy'a nuU at Hcott'a Mill waa In
danger of fe ttre, which had been atari
4 by a 1 1 1 1 1 i boy while playing wltb
matches. Nt much damage waa dona
only-to- aonw-mrialna and' a few
clothe wrrd hurtied.
It. haa been raining a I moat contin
ually for the puat 4K houra and all tbo
hlKhwaya of travel aro well flooded.
Grandma Harrington )ioa been lery
III for tho past few daya.
Mr. and Mra. X, W. Ilently ariTbotb
muc h Improved.
everybody la requested to com out
to tho achool meeting next Saturday,
for Iho benefit of Iho school
Our itoatmoatrr haa added an Inru
halor to lila eatabllahmont,
Our newroad bona, John Hurl h. will
Ih reuulred to re-loeato a number of
the roaila In thin sort loir alnce the, ra
ce n l ralna.
aa Eatravaganc In Asy
lum Mattara.
)r., Jan- 1J tSpl.l 8cr
i were made ofextrva
lura tnamiKeraln a a pew h'
rman, In tho Senate toUy.
aade tho rhargca In de
I aeta In apHdntliiK one
mondou aa auperluteudeiit
jratirlt aalum, plunuod for,
t waa prerlpltatod by an
i apixilnt a rommltteo to
toilKato tho pnMaod alto
orn part of the tttato, and
ra la nereaalty of purrhaa
& before the building ran
' Spaakar of tho l2i Con-
.TON. Jan. !. (Hpl )ln
,tlo rauru tolay Champ
alourl, waa nominated by
fur RpeWker of tho llouao
Jonareaa. Tho purpoae la
, nay pick lila waya aud
mtttea ao that It may get to
new tariff.
) Democrat a entered the
r, of Vlralnla, prealded
ok, Ohio, waa aerrotary.
Maaona, of fntifTClty, Will Attand
Church In a Body.
- Tho Maaona of thla city aro In tb
bablr of attending rellicloua aervlrea In
one .f tho city rhurchea, In a body.
one Mumlay In the year. Thla year
iho acrvice will be held at 8. 'aul a
Kplacoal church, on Ninth atreet, and
Hov. Chna. Hublnaon haa been Invited
to make tho oddreaa. Tho o'rvlce
will be held lieit Sunday, at b p. m.,
and the h"'e lodite will be Invlted to
alletid. . , . ' . ' '
Olrla Got Tootalo-Wootaioo Wot .
Six yotmg ludlea made tho Journey !
to Canemalj laat night- Juat beforn ,
dark. It waa found ImpoaalbUt to'1
travel on the areft level ao tho giria
tiMk to the H. . tracko. When mid
way the. journey they all found them
aelvea In deep water and mud and one
young lady alepped Into a deep hole
filled with watr. going down Into tho
water up to her hl One of tho glrla
whom the reat aay waa old enough
to have a little nerve broke down
and tried when ahe felt tho water run
ning acroae her aoklca.
Maana Committee' Sooma
no to Follow Load.
3TON, Jan. 19. (8pl.)
publican membera of tho
- nieana com ml I) e have
ho prooaltion of a perma
! bohrdi. according to the
, Aa Dalaell la a aland pat
t mattera It look a aa If tbo
along tariff board llnea waa
f with a bill to pleaae hla
.Tiat may be dona to the
ico In Congreae can only be
W. Thornton waa hoateaa at
, afternoon tea given at her
Saturday .In honor of tho
Mra. V. II. Ilrobat, and the
of Mra. Wm. Hrobat and
Xlliaheth. to Central Ore
rory dainty luncheon waa
ra. Thornton waa aaalatod
to Wolbert
I ted gueata preaent were
nrobat. Mra. K. II. Ilrobat.
d. Mra. J. R. nrobat, Mra.
the Mlaaea Elizabeth, Cora,
Mary Ilrobat.
H. Miller, who Uvea on
1 Promenade atreet a. la onf
n a bad caae of polaon oak.
la a eight and hla eyea are
early abut Ho owna a lot
on atreet In thla city and
nod whlln 4-lenrlng the hruah
an effort to clean up the lot.
. -- v -
muat eome hara to appreciate
landld merchandlao wo are
'.ring at fully 40 per cent ro
i, In rdor to clean up our atook.
vary choice pattarna In aulta
'ortoata atlll to bo had.-Don't
i mo them. . j '
ice Bsothcaa
, Not Like Otbora . ...
th and Main Sta.
In aplto of the Inclemency of the
weather about fifty grangera, ataunch
and true, met at their hall In Oawego
and the offlcera of both the grange
and juvenile grange were Inatalled on
Saturday, January 14. Prof. (lary. our
county euperlntendent, acted aa In
atalllng officer. He waa aaalated by
Mra. C. T. Plrkenaon and Mr Lane.
Mra. iJino haa teen a very efficient
matron of the Juvytlle grange for the
paat ear and Marjorle Tledeman haa
been her aaalatant. both having gained
the Iov0 and reaped of all the mem
bora of tho Juvenile grange. Mra.
Stone, of Sprlngbrook, will take her
place for tho coming year.
Perhapa It la not generally known
that -any children between the agea
of 6 ond . 14 can Join the Juvenile
grange, whether their parent belong
or not. by the payment of a amall foe
and obeying tho rulea and regulatlona
laid down. Ita teachlnga tend to up
lift and form good tralta of character
which wtll go with them Into the. buoy
acenea of manhood and womanhood.
Prof. Gary, among other good thlnga,
aald when he waa aaked to Inatall tho
offlcera of Oawego Orange, and Ita
Juvenile grange, he felt glad to tie able
to do It and (old the atory of tho man
who aearchod tho world over for tbo
bod of dlamonda, and they were found
at hla own door. Therefore we may
not have to look to the Far Ka8t-for
tho great and good : they may be grow
ing up In Oawego Juvenile grange.
The profcaaor, who haa been a auc
ceaaful teacher for a numler of yeara,
clalma never to have aeen ft bad hoy.
The juvenile grange haa an organ
and have varloua exerclaea dear to tho
heart of every boy and girl, and the
time paaaea quickly for them. -
The have their own orflcera of IS
who carry on the meetlnga under the
aupervlalon of the matron, and they
have their separate table In the dining
room, a trifle better laden, perhapa
Hhnn the other.
A- J. Thompaon, who waa elected
steward, realgned and Mra. Geo. Btev
cnaon. who waa elected Ceree, alao
aent In her real gnat Ion, aa ahe waa
very 111. Mr. Milan waa elected atew
ard and Mra. Milan, Cerea. -
The worthy master, C. C. Borland,
who aucceeded hlmaelf, told of a card
ahower given him on hla birthday,
tha 3rd of the month, ho having re
ceived 113 from grangera and other
A committee of one waa appointed
to aond worda of aympathy and con
dolence to Tualatin grange and the
bereaved family upon the death of
Slater names.-
The evening waa spent by the young
er act; In dancing. Yrnder ft committee
of yotmg men of tho' grange, and they
always make their dancea enjoyable.
Educator at Oak Qrovo Monday and
Tuesday Evoninr
Dr. Edward .Todd, vice president
of Willamette University, and County
Superintendent flary, who will spend
next week visiting the aehoola of the
county, will hold rally at Oak Grove
Monday nlgtit and at Harmony on
Tuesday night. . Theao meetlnga are to
be made of more than ordjoarx Inter-
Washouts on Country Roada Are So-
vere-i-Many Dollars Will Bo
Necessary for
Repairs. '
Thla aectlori has been visited by
one of tho heaviest ralnfatla consider
ing the abort apace of time that It
rained heavily In Its history, and tbo
depth of. water on certain atreeta In
thla city waa great. The rain began
Tuesday and by Wednesday there waa
no uncertainty aa to (Is earneatneap.
The ralna fell up tho river, down the
river and to both sides of the river.
At times the water came down In
sheeta and the alreela were at reams
of swiftly moving waters. Added to
this was (he lurge volume of snow on
the ..tilllaldea that un ited with the
rain. -.
TronbleTiycgan at an early hour Wed
nesday, but not until ThondH7waa
there disturbance of consequence In
the traffic arrangements of raliwaye
entering thla city. Hut during tho
greater part Of Thursday and Thure
day night traffic waa greatly Inter
rupted and to a large extent expend
ed. ' r- r- -- -
There was a two-foot ralae at Eu
gene early lit' the trouble. Thla was
no larger from the fact there waa little
snow In that section to melt and the
bed of the stream had to carry only
the rainfall. The first raise In thla
city waa In oonaequence only In
fluenced by tho iwlvy ralna!
Many of fna flreams of the county
are overflowing their banka and have
done aerloua damage to property. The
Clear Creek bridge at Flacher'a Mill
went out Wednesday afternoon. There
Is no confirmation of this disaster but
as It la an old bridge, and haa alood
many vlaclaaltudes, the report la con
sidered as truest had a span of from
60 to 70 feet ..TV . . '
The AbernathYUi this city la greatly
swollen by the besvy and continued
downpour, and a few of the residents
near f ifteenth and Washington atreeta
are In readlneaa for a quick -move If
worst cornea to worat- There Is a
bad slide on the Abcmathy .road going
to liedland, and the river road on the
east ajde of the - Clackamas la Im
passable. Many rulverta are out on
aeveral of the main roada In the coun
ty. The brldgo extending over the
gulch at Fourteenth and Madiaon
atreeta la unsafe, and it nas oeen
closed to pedeatrlsca and teams.
On Twelfth- street, near Washington,
the city aewer, a large one, gave way,
causing a man of waters beneath the
newly filled atreet. which resulted In
a cave-In of about IS feet In depth.
On thla aame atreet, but nearer the
railroad track, the newer broke In
another place, causing another rush of.
watera overflowing the flat beneath
the railroad track. Dy the buratlng of
tho sewer on Twelfth street, near
Washington, It haa cauaed the lower
part of the property of Mra, Mary
Harlow to become a lake.
The bridge at Oawego haa been
closed to traffic. It having been ao bad
ly undermined In placea that there If
danger of lose of a portion of the
structure. Tho County Court waa no
tlfled yesterday and requested that
every precaution be taken.
Aa a result of the continued heavy
ralna a landslide occurred In tho yard
of '.Mra. Rlcharda, who resides on
Twelfth . atreet, near Waahlngton.
Tons of dirt came down from the land
adjoining, belonging to Mra. J. 1L
Roblnaon, and crossed the land of Mrs.
Rlcharda, atrlklng agnlnst the latter'a
hquse, but no one waa Injured. It will
take aeveral days to remove the de
The boats and boat houses that were
moored at the foot of Eleventh atreet.
have been aecurely fastened, ana mere
la no danger of these floating away on
th seething watera of the Willamette.
Many logs are floating down the river.
aoiite 'of which are being caught and
brought to shore. v
The bridge' extending across the
Abernethy Creek near Maple Lane to
tho farma of Cnlgar, Morris and Heat
er, waa yesterday waahed away. Some
of the fencea In that vicinity are also
gone. .
George Tftrown, one ' of tho well
known residents of Maple Lane, states
that during Tuesday and Wednesday
of thla week 94 Inches of rain fell at
Maple tane. Thla la the hew vie t
rainfall known In that vicinity for
many yeara, and caused all of the
amall streams there to become raging
Much damage haa been done on the
South End road near Canemah Park.
The streams above having been owol
len cauaed rocka to become loose and
to fall on the highway below. Street
Superintendent C. C. Dabcock haa ft
force of men at thla work repairing
the road, hut It will be almoat ft month
before tho roadway will b In Ita prop
er shape, and will coat the city about
$fi00. Mr. Bnbcock haa force of
about 20 men making repalra that
bar been caused by the ralna.
. Tbo O. W. P. Company haa brought
many of Ita flat oara to thla ctty, and
these have been placed, -on the com
pany'a track near the Hawley Pulp ft
Paper Corapahy'a MJU lit the aouihern
part of tho city.
Tho culvrt of tho O. W. P. located
In tho Chlneso garden near Green
Point waa yesterday washed away, and
tha pnaaengera arc now transferred
to another car at Farkplaco. The
company la able to operate Ita 'cars
from this city to Portland but on
Wednesday many of the cara passed
through water that had covered tho
tracka at ft depth of two feet. People
of thla city who wore In Portland were
forced to hire automoMles to come
home. . ; -.'
J. I Waldron, the mall carrier of
Molalla, returned from Molalla yes
terday evening at f: 80 o'clock, and
reports that Iho people of Mifllrto are
expcrlonclng a fferod. '.Milk Creek haa
overflowed Ita banks, and tbo watera
of that at ream bav never been known
to be aa hlk'h. Thla stream haa done
a great deal of dainaxo already. Tbe
rushing watera have brought drift of
all kluda down, which broke tho head
gatea of tho mill race of tbe Howard
Mill at Mullno. Tho water on the road
at the mill la over two feet deep, and
the smaller wagon bridge at thar point
la In danger. Mr. Waldron, anxious
to complete his , trip to thla city,
crooned tbe bridge without mlxbap.
The-Molalla rlveiHa- not o hlKft aa
that of last year, but la badly awolWn
and In many places over Ita banka.
The water from Milk Creek haa not
reached the Interior of tho Howard
Mill, ao far. Mr. Waldron will con
tinue to make bla dallytrlpa to Molal
la carrying paaaengeraand mall.
Traffic on the Southern Pacific baa'
been again opened up and t ralna are
assuming their .usual regularity. Oc
the O. W. P. an effort la made to
maintain tha achedule, with two trana
fera of paaaengera between bore and
Portland.. Taking IJ all In all the
railway companies are doing nicely
considering what they have bad to
contend Willi, and the magnitude of
the storm' and the damage done to
Lake County, Oregon, Haa Deposits
Equal to Death Vallay.
What la aald to be the second larg
est deposit of borax In the United
Slates la located in Lake county and
will b worked extensively during tbe
coming summer. The borax Ilea In
the Albert, -Summer and Alkali Lake
valleys and there havo been 241)0 min
eral locatlona mado within tboae dis
tricts. Tbe borax Is aald to be al
moat pure and compares In value wltb
the large deposits In Death Valley.
Cal... and tbo Lake county beds are
eaally accessible at all timea.
-. Will Preach- Her Sunday.
l) n J 1)1 ven In eharKA of the
Gimriuv f.hw.l m'firk In fhla Prahv
tery, comprising six counties In this
part or the State, .win spcag at tne
lrA.lti-(Arl.n tvnr,)i SunHav mominf
and be In attendance at the session of
I ha annflitv arhnol. tt wtll he here
In the Interest of the Sunday achool
work in tnis pan 01 toe fciaie. , -
The - meeting- of the St.-Andrew'a
Brotherhood of the St. Paul a Episco
pal church waa held on Wodneaday
evening at the rectory. - Tbla waa alao
a meeting of the vestrymen, ana Busi
ness of both organlsatlona waa brought
up for discussion.
-Among the businesa urougnt up lor
dlacuaslon waa the laaulng of ft paper,
of pure reading matter pertaining to
the work or the churen, but no aaver
Using tuatter. that will be published
br the parishioners for the parishion
er of thla church once amonth. It
will bo of four pages, tbe first Issue
to appear In the month of February.
It la planned to have a representative
front tho-8L Andrew'a Brotherhood,
Vestry, Ladles of St. Paul a Guild, the
Klng'a Daughters, tbe choir, and the
8t. Andrew'a Brotherhood, Jr, the lat
ter of which Is soon to bo organized
bv the rector, and rector, to write for
thla paper oacb month. The commit
tee having thla In charge conalata of
William Hammond. Dr. L. A. Morrla
and John R. . Humphrya, with Rev.
Charles Robinson, rector, at tho head
of it.
It waa proposed aeveral weeks ago
to purchaae a new organ for. tbe
church, and there baa been one on
trial, but the one that haa been In use
In the church for aeveral yeara haa
been thoroughly overhauled and re
paired, by an experienced man of
Portland, ao that the committee in
charge haa decided to retain thla In
the church Instead of purchasing
Every Garage Will Put On Gala Attire
Don't Mlas Thla Groat -Show
In Any
rina' nT tha mnat nnvt! Biitnmntilla
exhibits ever held on tbe Pacific Coast
la to 4e held In Portland during tbe
week between Saturday, January 21
and Saturday, January 28. - Portland's
automobile dealera are to bold open
hr'.iiaa rinrlnir that week and every
nan wfima ft . nf r-hllH in thife etfV la
Invited to visit tho varloua garages and
aee tho new models on exniuiuon
Qafnrilav-m-tlt her-Yeatttred hTthe
Journal s big reliability run for com
marolal tnielia. a Inn . onen at nlchL
Monday there will bo ft parade. Tues
day a numoer 01 specialties ine nature
of wblcb baa been kept a secret, will
h. miiloil nit Whllx Wednesday will
be society nlgbt Thuraday there wljl
be alow and obstacle races rnuay
mill ha iruelr 1a- and tha bi- commer
cial motor trucks will be put through
their atepa for tbe entncation 01 tne
merchanta and othera Interested. Sat.
will onil th rrand finale' and
will be tho occasion of a real feast for
tbe dealera and their f nenas. j
The automobile dealera themselves
.1 II ,ni,iil laatlna all arealr
Iputtown dealera from every aectlon
of tne staie are planning iu w uu
a loaut 9wia automobile admlrera and
hardware men -will be In attendance
at thla convention.- The Oregon mate
hardware and .Implement dealera are
in hnM f heir annual convention during
that week: and wtll be Invited to at
tend the opening convention in ft boay.
rtn. nt iho mmt feomnlete avstems
"of transporting the gueata haa been
adopted. A line of over zvo automo
biles will carry; paaaengera from one
Hiatrtr. Tn another. Thev wilt have
regular running achedulea. and will be
kept on these acheauies ny reguiariy
appointed Inspectora, much after the
fashion of the atreet cara. -
The public need feel no apprenen
alon aa-to the sights they are going to
av for - the cara" on exhibition are
among the finest that have ever been
shown on the coast. The automobile
world haa never known auch ft year
-far mill hoantv of design and elegance
aa it la going through now.' Every
manufacturer seems to nave viea wnn
the other, to aee who could turn out
the moat excellent piece of work, and
the creatlona are aurely wonderful.
Every caro has been taken that vlslt
ora may make the round 6f lhe--ar-loua
establishments with 1 minimum
of effort and Inconvenience. Oil the
back of the program prepared will be
a map of that portion pt the ctty-ln-wtlch
tbe motor car dealera are locat
ed; while Hated are automob'le ahow
dealera by nam and cara by name,
which will enable either to bo quickly
During tha houra from 2 to 10 p. m.,
a number of motor cara will be aa
signed to covering a route which will
Include all of v the dealera' establish
ments on the list of exhibitors. Tboae
cara will atop to take on and leave
visitors at each establishment, and
there will be plenty of them to accom
modate all visltora.
Bring tbla ad and wo will tell you
bow to get ft sample onthts tho
One Dye For All Goods
. Sixteen Colora
Ten Centa Per Package
. We Fill AU Drog Wants
A Full lino of V
A. D. So Remedies
Proscrlptfona and Family - Receipts
. Flllod With Pu'ro Drnga. ,
Quality and Price Right.
City Drug Store. v
Next Door to Eloctrlo Hotel 1
Paolflo Phono IS Homo Fhone 41
Woman of Woodcraft Making prepare
tlons for Groat Time.
- Tbo Women of Woodcraft have com
pleted their arrangements for their
big meeting thla evening, when one of
tho largest classes ever-. Initiated Into
the myaterioa of the order will take
place at S o'clock sharp. - The grand
offlcera of the order have been extend
ed an Invitation, and these too will be
After the business sea Ion la ovef
a banquet wilt be served In tbe ban
quet room, which la to be elaborately
decorated In the. colora of red and
green, evergreens and polnaettlaa be
ing used In abundance, which will
make the room attractive. Tbe ban
quet will be served by tbo aide losing
In tbe recent contest for members, and
thla will be for tne members of tho
order only. The committee In charge
of tbe affair conststa of Mra. Locinda
Freeze, chairman; Mra. J. L. Waldron,
Mra. A. F. Parker, Mrs. J. K. Morrla.
Mra. O. D. Eby, Mra. Cbarlea Spencer.
Mra. Lake May, Mra. Otto Erlckaon,
Mrs. Belle Sleight. Mra. J. J .Tobln and
Robert Brown.
reat Preparation Making for Satur-
. day Evening.
Tho Papermakera of tbla city are
making great preparations for tbo ball
to be given at the Armory on Saturday
night, January 21, one of tbo features
of the evening to be ft prize waits,
w hich will take place at 10:30 o'clock.
The Farmer orcheatra will furnish
music for tho dancing. Aa many of
the departmenta of the paper mills
have, been temporarily cloaed on ac
count of the high water It la probable
that tbe dance will be largely attend
ed. This la the first dance of tbe
season given by these men, and ft good
time la promised all who attend.
Saturday Club Haa Delightful - Time
'Despite Ra I n.J - -The
net proceeds of the basket so
cial given on Wodneaday evening at
the Congregational church by the Sat
urday Club amounted to 120, $10 of
which waa earned by -the 10 young
ladles, previous to tbe social, each one
earning $1, while the remainder waa
from the sale of the basketa. The
highest, price paid for a baaket waa
$170, and waa the handiwork of Miaa
Maude Warner, the buyer being John
Crawford. '
Many of tbe basketa donated by tbe
membera of the club contained ft 'do
Ucioua luncheon. Just enough for two.
During tbe evening Vlctore Gault, who
has a well trained voice, rendered aev
eral aoloa, that were highly appreciat
ed, and heartily encored. Judge Sam
son, who haa many yeara of exper
ience aa an auctioneer, bad charge of
the disposing of the baskets, and kept
the people In good humor by bla wIL
mother rescues coy
Tho 12-year-old daughter of Mr, and
Mra: John Ferguaon, living near Scott 'a
Mllla, waa drowned Wodneaday after
noon while crossing a amall atream
near her homo. Tbo girl, her mother
and little brother wore on tbolr way
to Scot fa Mllla to do some trading
and In crossing a amall wet weather
atream, aa they paaaed through the
fields, both boy and girl fell from tho
foot bridge Into the water below. Af
ter much effort tbo mother succeeded
In pulling tbo boy out. of tho water,
but In tbe meantime tbo little girl bad
disappeared from view.
Search waa at once inatltuted for '
the girl Not finding ber at once, and .
being unable to determine where ahe'
could have disappeared to In ao abort ,
a time, tbo alarm waa given and
frienda soon joined in tbo search.
Search waa continued until late at
night but with no aucceaa. Thuraday.
morning tho search waa again, taken
up and about g o'clock tho body waa
found In ft pool, ft short, distance from
where ahe fell Into 'the atream.
Ferguson lived In Clackamas, county,
near Ruaaellvlllo and alao near, tho
Marlon county line, and waa in the
habit of going to Scott's Mllla to do
trading. The atream In 'which tho lit
tle girl waa drowned la an ordinary
pools during freshets . such aa have
been experienced the paat few daya.
When found the body waa entangled
in the debris that naually settle Into ,
tbo pools that form a part of these
wet-weatber atreama. . . "
Mrav T; LTTurnor Died at tho Family"
Mra. Tbomda L. Turner, wife of
Thomas L. Turner, ft prominent farmer
of the Stafford country, died at 1
o'clock -Thuraday ' afternoon at tbo
family home at Frog Pond after an til -neaa-
of 10 days. Her death waa duo
to pneumonia. -
Mrs. Turner waa about 60 yeara of .
age, and was ' ft leading.' member of
Tualatin Orange. Patrons of Husband
ry. Beaidea her husband, ahe Is snr-
vlved by a large family of grown sons
and daughter.
Clermont School Matting Postponed.
Tho educational discussion planned
for the Wodneaday evening meeting at
tho Clermont achool waa postponed on
account of tho inclement ; weather.
Messrs. Gary-and Tooro . were . the :
speakers on the program for the oc
casion. .. . "''...
' o
." . . .
We Buy, Sell or Trade-and Deal in
Large and Small Tracts. If you want ,
to sell list with us, if you want to buy .
call, and see us. . . v.
Price's Chop Hoyse
Meals at All Hours- r
If you wont the best, ot lowest pric:s, eat with us.
Our specialty is satisfaction.
Between Fourth and Fifth Stroeta.
PORTLAND, Jan. 19. Washlngton'a
birthday , will be-the occasion of the
annual rose planting here, thla having
become an annual custom throughout
the city. Great Interest la being taken
In the forthcoming event by the people
of the Peninsula district, who will bold
special exerclaea.
Tho Peninsula Rose Feativai Asso
ciation haa ten affiliated Improvement,
clubs and all will have a part In the
roae planting. Each club will make
it own ohotce of rosea to be planted.
Tbe rose planting will take on atato
wlde Importance for Governor West
will be on of the speakers, while
Mayor Stmon will repreaenr tho cur
President Hovt. Manager Hutchln aU
Secretary Drake of the Rose Festival
win participate, aa win juri. a. u.
Panton, president of tho Portland
Rose Society. . .
President Sherbrook, of Seattle
roae society, will be Invited to repre
sent that city and apeak on behalf of
the.Puget Sound roaarlana.
While public rose planting will be
confined to the parka and aquarea,
there will be many buahea Bet out
throughout tho ctty by householder
who tako occasion on February 22nd
to add to their rose gardena for. the
coming season. The coming Rose Fea
tivai In June will see a tremendous in
crease In blooming rosea over any
former year. . ,
- Community Club Mooting.
There will be ft meeting of tbo Jen
n log Lodge Community Club at the
Dett green bouae on next Wednesday
evening. January 25, at 8 o'clock, at
which time all who are Interested In
The growth and welfare of tbo county
aro cordially Invited to attend, wheth
er ft member or not. Thla club waa
organised last Wednesday evening,
and there will be much Important
mattera brought up for discussion.
' ' " . V .
Get In On the Ground Floor
35c and 40c Comb ..25c
656 Comb 34o
15e Nail Brushes .10c
20 On All Nail Brushes.,
Mo-Cloth Brushea 54
25o Cloth Brushes 18c
25o C- C. Pills .....150
1Se Talcum Powder. . . .2 for 15o
25o Mann'a Medicated 8oap 18c
25c Toilet Soap 1 80
25o Violet Ammonia ..I.... 15
AU BHe-.... 20 off
25c Rexal Playing Card....19o
S5o Fancy Back Card..,. ..20c
25c Saratoga Card........ .1 5c
$1.7$ Oroklnole Boards.... 1.S5
13.78 - Croklnol Arcbarena
Board 12.71
All game boards reduced. " -H-00
American Watches. .. .75c
PROTECT YOUR FACE Wish Cloths t lllY::;
from tbe winter -winds. Special Hero, aro som bargaina boi...t
cut price on face creama thl direct from tbo maker. .
month. - '. iOc te Knit Wash Clothe.....
. ........... 80 OB.. 60c per do . 1
40e Listers Cream. ,,.......25 Mo Tnrt,n Bath Wool Clc M
25o Theatrical Cream. ......15e g for I j
85o Massage Cream ...18o 15o Sponge Wash Cloth 2 for 1.a
Hcntlcy Brcc. Cc
Th RexaU. Dftfsshts
1 ; ?
1 ;