Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 19, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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TOURBTTB rresldest
r. J. MEYER. Cm b I at
! capital, aouxw.oa.
) . t)nral tanking Business.
Ops" frm t A. M. to I P. M
MAIN 2991.' HOME, B 14.
Next Door 16 Postofflce
Jam I lay hum! U serloualy
Mticor, of Portland, waa
,11 biialnee Tuesday after
1 Ptillentite ha accepted
. Jth tha Secrcst oonfoctloa
Jra. W. E. Nelson, of Col
are registered at tha Elue-
C. SehueM lesvcs thla
9 business trip to Ka
hna haa screpted a poal
I 1 alteration department of
t store.
1 MiwmIjt, formerly a real
ton City, waa In thla city
' r. Day and-fhsrlea I
ys of Wnodtiurn, war In
; , , on legal business Wed
." . - .:
y. of Woodburn. ws In
sadsy. and attended the
. Idler" preaented In Port
, '. ; v'v , . - V '
Ira. Walter I Tonie, of
yegon. ara visiting friends
; gneata at tha homes of
pee and Fred J. Toora.
Gould. architect of tha
sol building, and William
. liter of tha American
T t.)-" up from Ponland
jr. :-' .
i " T Snortledie. who baa been
r i her aon. Frank Short-
V. Jltakanlo, Oregon, for the
' weeks, returned to her
.lav evening.
1. E. Hedges, employed aa
T. Dr. J. J. Boaenberg, on
irder In Portland, waa un
Am hotna Wedneaday even
jnnt of the high water and
I dna on both Southern Pa-
, a W. P.
' rlan B Towne, of Jarkaon
baa vlalted with her sls
j. V.. Crises, of thla city,
tJM, left Wednesday for
X where ah will accept a
yt V stenographer, and will re
i Hawaiian Islsnds for at
T. Mia Town waa deputy
1i of Jarkaon county for
-half yeara.
9g of aoda crackera 20c at
Vb Entartslnmsnt a Vary
Issssnt Event.
Jdny Club, an organisation
With the Congregational
m a Baaket Social in tha
ore laat night. While tha
local briefs
II. K. Paria, of Portland la In thla
Hty. roglatered at tha ICIectrlo Hotel.
K. P. Dedman, if Clackamas, wss
trunaartlng bualneaa In thla city on
Wednesday- -
K DsMours, on of tb promlneut
residents of Highland, waa In thla city
on bualneaa Tuesday.
Attorney . K. Croaa and P. 8. Itak
er have returned from -Hood River,
where they have been on buqlnoa.
Among thoae from ,t til" city wltneas
Ing the "Chocolate Soldier," at tne
Melllg Theater on Tueaday evening,
waa A. Undau.
The ladles' Aid will hold a moetlng
thla afternoon at the home of Mrs.
George Sherk, to which all lad lea In
terested In the work are Invited.
It. K. and Jenoqu Carlaon have
filed an application to reglater the
tlllo to the aouth half of the soutbeaat
quarter of aectlon IB, townahlp I aouth,
rang 6 east
The peopl of Gladstob wUh to
hav the -new atop on the O. - W;- V,
railed Arlington, after the atreet near
by. . The conductors itwifi reluctant to
grant the conceaalon, but a few are
calling the atop by that nam.
Among the xealdenta of Stafford
who were In thla city on Tueaday to
attend the IMatrlct Boundary Hoard
meeting, held In the coumy court
room a, wr P. A. Baker, U. K. Weddle,
I.' Klllgaen. Mr. Tbomaa, William
Krhalx, rrel Moar.
The Derthlrk Club will meet at the
bom of Mr. John T- Clark, of the
Went Hide, Friday afternoon. Mrs.
8ua Jonea Montague, the talented
vocaJlat of Portland, and Mlaa Kaale
Hlock, formerly of thla city, but now
of Portland, are on the program.
An attendance content between the
fJuardlan Neighbors and Advlaora,
Women of Woodcraft, was recently de
cided In fttvor of th Advlaors. Ac
cording to the terms of the contest
the Uuardtan Neighbors must banquet
the winners and this they are to do
tomorrow night.
Dr. C. B. Todd, vie prealdent of
WHIamntt Unlveralty and on .of the
boat known Methodlat mlnletora of lb
Northweat, will occupy tuo pulpit at
the M. H. church nt Sunday at 10:45
a. m. Dr. Todd has been unusually
aucrcRarul. in his .work in connection
with Wlllsniett 1,'ifWeralty. He has
uat aaslated In ancurlng a gift of ISO
000 from Mr. J. J. Hill, the great .rail
road magnate, for hla school. He will
not, however, make a financial appoai
next Sunday. He come to tour lb
schools of Clnrkamss county with
Supt. Gary.- A large crowd Is expect
ed out to hear blm.
In Hie evening at 7:30 the pastor
will give tha flrat of a aeries of Illus
trated sermons on Old Testsment his
tory. Tb subject for next Sunday
will be "In the rUglnnlng." About
So pictures will be thrown upon the
canvaa, many of tbem colored and very
beautiful. "There will be a large
crowd. Com early to be sure of a
good aeat.
Rev. Proctor Will Head Dsla0atlon to
' Vlalt Salem.
Iiev. William M. Proctor pnstor of
the First Congregational Church of
Oregon City, will bead a delegation of
people from thla' city who will go to
Salem early next week and lobby for
the Id II of Senator W. A. Dltnlrk, pro
viding for an eight hour day In factor-
lea where. work la carried on more
tUau-SJ-hOurB-a-dayTbla bill la
aimed at such establishments as the
Oregon City paper mills, that operate
24 houra a day with two shifts and Is
designed to compel the big companies
to put on three shifts. Increasing the
nutubor of Inborera by about on third
and a consequent Increase of the pay
roll Itev. proctor baa a brother In
the . Wsshlngton legialsture, who has
introduced a bill Identical with that
preaented by Dlmlck in the Oregon
' Co to 8creats for that bot lunch-
successor to Lenta, 610 Main atreet
Silver Tea at CHHstlan Church.
The silver tea at th Gladstone
Christian church Tueaday afternoon
waa a very enjoyable affair, and 22
women attended. Pour new member
were admitted Into tb Ladles' Auxil
iary. Mra. S. A. Hay worth gave a
very Intereatlng talk on "Mormonlam,'
and refreehmenta wer served.
I Don't forget-tha tlajn- la the
hall SMurday, January 21. Everyone
com and enjoy si big time.
V. B. Larklns and Pope Linn attend
ed Pomona Grange at Mllwaukt last
Wednesday and report a good time.
Our- mail carrier has been a little
more prortfpt of late; let the good
work continue.
C. N. Larklns has rented the Scher-
mblo place and will try farming again.
Duol, brothers, our bachelors, are
complaining of their feet being cold
these nights. Ed says there will have
to tie a change before long.
- We understand that Caunl fiughose
fy; who has some Very dear frlendsn
Clsrkes. la apendlng a two years' va
cation In Salem, '
was not as Urge as antlcl-rl,m' township 3 south, rang t east;
nt th dlaagreeabl weatti-l I'"- ' . , ' ,
rk there was In numbers Oregon Rllroad A Navlrstlon Co.
p In enthusiasm.- Justice
Ml aa auctioneer for tb
tta, and added to tb fun
Jng with bis usual "dry"
a gallon at Ssetey's
. Hoey. Deatlat,
rgo city.
'X Latter LI at.
aclalmed letters at tb
' postofflce for tb week
iry 20, 19U:
. List: Breaker, Fanny
'Mary (3); Drundage, Lulu
lrs. A. D.; Hummel, Ber
Bel, Dora; Maul, Mra.
ton, Mrs. Edith (2); Ray,
ll.i Smith, Mrs. Cora;
, Ms? Anna; Week, Mrs.
1st: Ban, J.; Danlelaon,
r, O. L.; (lame, Mateo 8.;
alus; HoUlnxawortb, Al
bs. Hob (2) ; Lee, Rev. EL
Joe; Orr, Alex; Rogers, T.
C. F.', Wilson, J. B.
orsat's for that hot lunch
Lents, 610 Main street
Georiro U Kayler to H. A. Knyler,
9(5 arrea, aectlona 31 and 32, townahlp
& aouth. range 3 eaat. quitclaim; 1.14.1
II. J. and Jan Moor to II. A. Kay
ler. ssme as above; It.
Perry Kayler to H. A. Kayler, same
as above; $250.
Nancy J. and Beast r. Paxton, east
half of south went quarter, west half of
southeast quarter, aectlon 30, townahlp
1 south, range B east, quitclaim: II
Walter H. and Bertha Douglas to I.
T. Hart, ssme as above; 110
Clara Bnglc to R. W. and Katherlne
Davidson. 41.95 arrea, township 5
aouth, range 2 eaat; 14200.
Mary Mader et al to M. R. Skinner,
part of Robert Caufleld donation; land
to Oregon-Waahlngton Railroad
Navigation Co.. all property In Clacks
maa County, and other property of
grantor; I7S.0O0.0O0.
George and Mary Randall to Gilbert
8. Randall, atrip of land for roadway,
townahlp 3 south, rang 2 east; II-
Compelled to Journey In a Round
About Way.
C. Field, of Portland, mad a run
from th Ros City to this plac yea
terdsy evening, by auto. Mr. Field,
through persistence, wss enabled to
finish the run with safety, but not
without encountering many obstacles.
II was forced to go out of bis way,
coming around by way of Stafford.
He waa not able to cross th bridge
st Oswego, for It Is closed to traffic.
Mr. Field reports that th bridge was
sunk down about three feet, and fear
la entertained of a collapse. He cam
Into the city from th West Side, and
reports many difficulties In the way of
a repetition of the Journey.
" Oranges 100 doxaa at Saaley'a.
Go to 8ecreat's for that bot lunch
successors to Lents, 610 Mala street
I ' Per fin shoe rspslrtng go to
. p Work dn while yau wait."
Out Mottoi Satisfaction Gmrantccd
716 Main Sat. Sixth and Seventh.
verythinil Strictly Fresh; Short Or-
ders Our Specialty . ;
N & O'DONNEL, - - Proprietors
Itlmtn 5th and 6th, en Main Street . -
The beat Homemade nfead that caa
he baked; you can gat It at Scareder's
riskery, on Msln street near Poator
Frlanda Surprise Mrs. Johns.
A few of th friends of Mrs. M
Johns took her by surprise Tuesday
evening at ber -bom In Green Point
The time wits spent In whist Re
freshments were, served "and an en
joyabl lira was ba4. .
Seedleaa rslslns Cc a pousd at Se-
- Discord In Chipmunk Family. -
Maud Squirrel hss filed a -suit In
the Circuit Court of Clackamaa county
against George Squirrel for a decree
of dlvorc.
Good hard wheat flour 11.20 sack at
seeley s.
Dldnt Knew Him.
"Oh. Harold. I have such confidence
In you that I would believe you tf you
lied to m."
"Darling, don't tempt m tbaf way."
Usually Put Up In Conislououe Publle
Plaoe, Deatroylng Beauty.
In moat towns the law require tb
posting of notices In public place. In
selecting a cousplcuons pole or fence a
disfigurement Is of
ten created which
will at time de
stroy tb looks of
a whole section.
What Is ther
mor nnalghtly
than a large plac
ard stuck up on a
telegraph pole In a
well kept street,
perhaps In tb
town's finest real
dentin! section? 1
Since cotnmnnl
ties are or should
bo trying to over
come the ' unalght
Af decorating of
fences, buildings
nnd pole with all
fctnda of advertis
ing mntter It Is
necenanry thnt the
authorities find
some otlaV plau for poHtlng such no
tices thun the use of bulletin boards
such as shown In the Illustration.
si V"?"evifl
Mr, J. W. Jtarlo bas rented W. M.
May's place on Duura street and Is
moving Into tb bous from Mr. Ger
ber's bous.
Mr. Will Lwellu of Spring water,
a delegate to th S. B. Convention,
was a guest of his brother, J. Lewcilen
and family over Sunday., - ..
Mrs. Llssl Gwlnti sod. daughters,
Mlnnl, liessl and Hattle, are guests
of her sister,. M,rs. S. R Green.
Grsudma May . and Grandma Uaty
are qultf lioorly. t
Mr. aud Mrs. Cbarnberlain, lately
from Kansas, but former residents
ber, were guests of Geo. Everhart
end wife on Friday evening of Isst
week. .
Mr. K. A. Osmon has trsded bis
plac on Molalla avenue to Mr. Robe
son for a ranch near Cotton.
Miss Josle Currsn Is In Salem this
week at th leglslsture and Is clerk
for Mr. I B. Jones.
A birthday party was given Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mr. Frank
tlullard in honor of Mrs. Laura Boll
ard and Mrs. R. M. C. Brown. The
afternoon was spent In piecing quill
blocks, Grsndma's fsvorlte, and social
conversation. Tea, coffee, cake and
sandwiches wer served. Those pres
ent' were: Mrs. Laura Dullard, Mrs.
Ida West, Mrs. Hattle .Merrill, Mrs.
F. P. Morrison. Mrs. L. H. Newman,
Mrs. J. Lewellen, Mrs. A. Mautz, Mrs.
WH. Rurd, Mrs. Jsne Crawford, Mrs.
It. M. C. Hrown. Mrs. M. F. Quinn,
Mrs. M. A. Clark. Mrs.. Nellie Scboth
and Mrs. 8....A. Glllett. After singing
a few songs and havlog prayer ail
left for home wishing Mrs." Dullard
and Mrs. Ilrown.many happy returns
of the dsy.
"The Gould Girls," Two of a Family
Of Goulds That Arc Much Admired
Try Dunn for Cigars and Smokers'
Goods. Next to Postofflce. ,
if u .
tffV'Jr piBMaa3 "
Dr. Ceo nee Hoey. Dentlat, Cu-
fleld Dldg,, Oregon City.
rv not fnreet th aix-lal at Firwood
BaturdayFwilng, January 21 at 8
o'clock. All are motiT eordially Invit
ed. Com one, come' all snd see the
fun. Ladles bring old hats and trim
ming. The bats and pieces of trim
ming will be aold to the gentlemen at
a low figure; the gentlemen will then
trim then fit to be worn by a queen,
no doubt. A prise will be given to tb
best trimmer. Ladles bring lunch.
The supper will be Grange style all
eating together.
The lecture given by w, J. Wlrts,
of Sandy, Sunday afternoon, waa quite
well attended, considering th weath
er, and all felt well repaid for making
th effort. Many considered It one of
the beat talka be haa given here. Tbe
subject wss, "Character Building" -a
subject that abould be of vital Interest
to esch and everyone. Mr. Wlrts
brought out some very Interesting
points, worthy of considerable thought.
Firwood and Dover wer wen rep
resented at the Sandy Grange Satur
day. Among those who attended were
Mr. and Mrs.' J- G. DeShsier, Miss
Ulna Dauglaa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Malar.
Mr. and Mrs. R D. Hart. Miss Jennie
LeGrand. Mrs. W. F. Fischer. Clair
Corey. Victor Bodley, Mr. A. J. Mor
rison. James Lemper and Ray Howe.
Mr.", Leo McCabe, who bas been
spending a few dsys with his parents,
has returned to Johnson's Mill, where
he has been working.
Mrs. B. F. Hart visited over Sunday
with ber Barents at CbernrvlIIe.
Miss Blna Douglas, of Eagle creeg.
has been visiting with ber sister, Mrs.
G. DeShsser, for a couple of weeks.
Fred K. Black, of Portland, visited
Firwood friends over Sunday.
A. C. Mllllron spent a few day a in
Molalla the past week looking after
business Interests.
Mr. A. G. Bornstedt, Mr. P. Shelly.
Mr. Ed Bruns, Mr. Essen and Mr.
Hoffman, of Sandy, attended th Flr-wood-Dover
Telephone Co, meeting
last Saturday evening.
Mr. E. C. Strong has been on tn
sick list th nast week.
Mlas Berths Stuckl bas gone to Kel
so to work for tb winter.
The snow la melting fast and It Is
hoped will soon be out of algbt.
Wants, For Su
. Copyright by American Preas Asaoclatlon. .
, ' rrobnl.Iy no nam Is better known throughout tb United Statea than that
of Gould, onleas it be that of RooaeveiU. - Nearly everybody seems to be la tar
sated lu tbe Goulds. Ther Is a large family of them, and several have bean
In tbe .n ie rs for som years past In sn unenviable poeltion. This cannot b
said, how ever, of th George- J. Goulds. "They constitute a family of whom
tb American people are properly proud," remarked a well known St. Louleaa
tbe other dav who bas met Mr. Gould, Mrs. Goold, their sons and their daugh
ters, even to cute little Gloria, In tbe course of bis railroad connection. "I
do not know a family anywhere that I admire more warmly, and, while I
cannot call uiywlf an Intlc-aie friend. I do Bay that I look upon every member
of Oeorjre J. Gou'd'a f?n:fly as a person of th right sort." Th second Gould
daughter. Mi s Vivien, r.fco 1 to tarry Lord Dectes soon, and her softer, Mrs.
Anthony J.'prexel. Jr.. Iit!i nre rraclous sad charming young women. Tbey
are called ' tlie r;m!d glris" i.i tt;Hr set and out of it, and they ar said to be
most loving eUtera.
Go to Secrest's for that bot lunch-
successor to Lents, 610 Main street.
New Tewrv to B a Model.
, Announcement bas been mnde by an
American of the completion of plans
for founding nn entirely new city In
I.o ver California directly on the lln
of the new Su ' PIcbo snd Arizona
rsll'vay. neiir the old town of Tls Jo
ana and the IntermitlonMl boiimlnry.
The pinna for the New Tla Jnana
call for well constructed streets,
modern hotei, n cnlno, a sunken gar
den, a thenter. s Spnnltth hull ling.
pnrlllon nml other plnre of mue
Uient, livliirilng h lecture tintl, plnngf
baths ihid llbriiry.
On week of winter weather with
snow three Inches deep and th ther
mometer down to 10 degrees above
sero -on nlgbt only. At many fav
ored localities It was several degrees
warmer than that.- With the regular
webfoot "Chinook" now In sight every
body Is beginning to .feel better already.
Why yes, Molalla bas redeemed her
self by voting t three mill special road
tax. Don't know whether . Meadow
brook would call that "waking up" or
merely doting along. However, things
do not look very bright for that steel
bridge this year.
Carry Herman bas sold bis farm to
Mr. Edgemond for $G000. Carry con
templates entering ' th mercantile
business at this place.
Mr. Barney Frederick, who recently
got hooked In tue Jaw by a cow, la
getting along nicety.
Mr. Lamb, who recently underwent
n operation for appendicitis at Eu
gene, Is home again feeling fin and
has a good word for tb city of Eu
gene In more ways than on.
Clyde Engl has taken up bis posi
tion In the store again looking mor
like himself every day.
Mrs. Anna Clifford has consented
to take charge of th Mutual Tale
phone central station for -another year.
Miss Sailer, our very efficient oper
ator, haa also consented to wait at
the switch. Th uniform good ser
vice will b assured for 1911.
. Now thst we ar on th verg of a
systematic road Improvement, it may
be reasons!)! to hop to ae some of
our steep grades reduced by "cutting
out" the worst hills instead of trying
to cut them down.
Henry Hulberaon waa Installed nob
le grsnd and Frank Sawteil vice grand
tn Molalla lodge No. 184 I. O. O. F.
Molalla Assembly No. 82 United Ar
tisans Installed Enerman Robblns M.
A. and Solon Echord, superintendent.
This Assembly Aas an Interesting con
test on thla winter.
On the tun Saturday and th 28th
day of January will be tbe regular
meeting of Molalla Grange-No. 310,
when the officers for the ensuing year
will be installed; alao the officers of
Juvenile No. 3 will atep Into their
work. Members all take notice there
wilt be something doing for a pleasant
Best Jsp. rlc 6c a pound at Seeley'a.
Snow and Ice are rapidly disappear
ing under the influence of a steady
downpour of rain.
Installation of officers In Clackamas
Gange No- 298, took plac at th regu
lar meeting. Saturday, January 14.
Mrs. Eva Paul served as Installing of
ficer. Tbe grange has bought a fine
new stove for th hall, and th build
ing can be comfortably heated for all
. A company of young people, of the
Epworth League and Endeavor soci
eties, took a moonlight ride out to the
home of Miss Gertrude Hargreavea
Saturday evening. They met with a
cordial welcome and were pleasantly
Wednesday evening Miss Francis
Cummins gave a social at her home for
the benefit of the Christian Endeavor
The annual meeting of the Congre
gational church was held after service
last Sabbath evening. By acclamation
Wilson Dawalt waa elected trustee for
five years. J. R. Landis. deacon; Mrs.
A. M' Spurgeon, deaconess; Mrs. Eva
Paul, treasurer. The financial report
showed the pastor's salary paid up to
date. Sunday school had raised 149.
C. K. society, $50; Ladles' Aid. $150.
Each aoclety, after meeting its obliga
tions, has a surplus in the treasury.
Harrison Imel In having his house
tn town put in thorough repair. It
wilt be ready for Its new tenants, M.
Heacock and family, -by February 1.
Mrs. A. M. Spurgeon, now In Park
place, will take possession of her old
home early next month.
Several famillea of the town have
united to organise a wbist club to
meet on Wednesday and Saturday ev
enings at th home of each member
In turn.
A few "Jolly Daddiea" of the town,
meet on or two eventnga a week,
here and there, and without luncn,
ounch or beer, enjoy a social gam oi
so-con-p-dro, crlbbag. etc.
Horn and School Club Notsa.
At th regular meeting of the club
which was hetd In connection with
that of th school board about thirty
patrons of th school were present,
and much Interest manifested. Th
school boerd took precedence, and at
tended to such matters as cam within
its province. The chairman then
turned the meeting over to th presi
dent of tbe club, C. C. 8argent.
A member of the civic Improvement
committee reported that W. W. Smith
would hav gravel for sidewalks on
th street leading past the school
building aa soon as tb necessary grad
ing waa done. ' Chairman of ways and
means cOmmttte reported that teams
could be secured It necessary; auggest-
ed that for th distance unaer con
sideration on msn with shovel could
do the work, president .Sargent ap
pointed E. Harrington to aecure help
and get the work don. Committee
on electric lights for th town absent.
No report sent In. Under hesd of new
business the prealdent suggested that
tb club take up tha matter of ridding
the town of th powder houses. Com
mittee, on civic Improvement ststed
sh had Information from agenta of
the powder companies that said com
panies were only waiting to have the
people make some movement towards
tbe removal of what was a serious
menace to the community at large.
Several present .being tn doubt as to
whether there was a government or
state law prohibiting powder house
within certain limits, the president ap
pointed the members of the school
board a committee, with clerk as chair
man, to Investigate th matter In all
Its bearings and report at tbe next
meeting of the club.. President Sar
gent then Introduced the question for
discussion i "Resolved,' - thst - tb-re-
sponslbllity for '.o good manners and
morals of pupl'n in the school building,
on the grounds, and to and from home,
rested with the teachers." A lively,
Interesting, but Informal discussion
followed. In which most of those pres
ent took part. The question for the
next time waa given out "Resolved,
That boys and girls should have sepa
rate playgrounds." Upon motion the
club adjourned to meet Friday after
noon, January 27, at the school honse.
Miss Erma Hall., a teacher at Port
land, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. L.
Herron and family.-
Mrs. Louis Brandt is quit sick and
Miss Gussie Brandt remained at home
from ber position In tbe Oregonlan
office to assist ber mother.
Oak Grove Camp No. 9207 M. W.
A. installed their officers Tuesday ev
ening. Mr. Snorelle and E. C. Warren
were installing officers. Consul, Geo.
F. Nokes; banker, Ed Oland; adviser,
A. Linn; escort, R. Kelly; clerk, E.
W. Bunnell; guard, Geo. jonea. Re
freshments wer served and a Jolly
good time had.
The P. R. L. fc P. Company have
material her to extend their electric
light system south to Concord station,
thua enabling the residents there to
have electric Hghffc"
A line hss been received from Dr.
McFsrland and wife stating tbey are
enjoying their trip In Southern Cali
fornia. -
The name of Pine station has been
changed to St Theresa, much to the
dislike of tbe residents there, and tbe
people have a lengthy petition In cir
culation, to be presented to th rail
road company to change the name
back to Pin, and we hope everyone
win sign tt-
Road supervisor Fred Harris haa
filed the bonds for oath of office and
Is now ready to receive complaints and
kicks from anyone in tbe Oak Grove
district. Judging from the steady
ralna Mr. Harris' troubles will be numerous.
John Rlsley waa In Portland Monday
. Church Not,
M. E. church Sunday school. 10 a.
m., Mra. J. H. McArthur. superintend
ent; preaching, 11 a. m. by pastor, Rev.
Henry 8pela.
' Ladles' Aid regular meeting at tn
home of Mrs. Geo. Sherk! Thursday
Fred Lehman has a butcher wagon
running between Mllwaukte and Oak
Grove Thursdays' and Saturdays. Lis
ten tor th belL
Mrs. J. H. Graham Is suffering wtth
Arthur Graham la still confined to
the house, not abl to be up and
around. ... " i ' ' :
Notice antr Ihoee alaaairMi heatftnss
will be tnavrtad at oSe cent wont, (Irs
Insertion, half a coot additional Inaar
I km. One Inolt card. 1 pr month; half
Inch rard. (4 lineal 11 per month.
Cull null anuoiupanv oriUr unk-a on
haa aa open account with the paper. No
financial rf ponallililty for arrnra; where
rroia occur ( corrvctnd nolle will be
printed for patron. Mlnliuum charge lo.
rent piano.'
WANTED 8trong boy to deliver
papers Enterprise Office. tf
WANTED-rTou to know thst tb En
. terpris Job printing department Is
tb most complete In tb Stat,
' outald Portland. Try It for your
next printing.
FOR 8ALE 8 pace In this column.
8ell that old plow or barrow; you
don't us It sine you purchssed
your new on.
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law,' Stetena Bldg.
. i . ..
FOR RENT Liner space In this col
umn. A few line may rent that
house, store or farm; they will cost
you but a few- cents.
O. D. EBY. Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
Utles4xamlned estate settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
WREN SCHUEBEL, T Attorneys-at
Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac
tice in all courts, make collections
- and settlements. - Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olf ice
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
Investment Co., Stevens Bldg.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor.. Estlmat cheerfully
given on all claaae of building
work, eoncret walks and reinforced
concrete. Re. Phon Mala 11L
DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Room 4,
S and 6 Beaver' building. Main St.,
Oregon City. Phone: Horn A-198
and Pacific State 1221.
MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg.
MONET LOANED W ar acquaint
ed with tb value of all farm tends
In Clackamas County amd caa loan
your money on good aaf security.
Farm loane mad one, two and three
years at 7 per cent Abstracts of
tltl examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK.
Lawyers. Andresea Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon,
Farm; Timber, Gracing, Agricultural
Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
- and Poultry Rancbea for Bale, Wal
nut Land. Room Beaver Bldg,
Oregon City, Oregon.
fTlI. COOPER. For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us hand)
your propertle-w buy, sell and
' exchange. Office tn - Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, hav choice bargains
In farm lands, city and suburban
home, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. S us for good buys
Near 8. P. depot
of sandy loam, all good farm land free
from ston and gravel. IV acre ta
cult, balance all alaahd, burnt and
seeded but on acre and ha been for
a good many yeara so th clearing I
not very hard; 4 room box bona, bar
20x22; good wll, alao borders th
Tualatin river. This I fin pck,
berry or garden land. In fact good for
anything that grows; i mil of
Oregon City on a macadam road; 10
miles of Portland on a macadam road.
The price of this plac haa always
been $2650 but for a quick sal owner
will take $2200. $800 down, balano
8 years at S per cent.
Oregon City, Ore,
Nar Suspension Bridge
Cloth-pins 4 dosen So at fieeley's,
SECOND HAND Furniture, Curio and
Relics bought, aold and exchanged.
Anything from a darning nedl to
a ahlp's anchor. TO UNO, Th
Becond Hand Man, Main 8t, Ore
gon City. .
Electric Hotel
411 Mais, letweta 4th sad Kt Kfc
. J. J- TOBIN, Proprietor.
Real Estate Opportunity
C T. Toose, '
Lawyer and Notary
'Real Eat at Bought aad Sold.
Room 2, Beaver Bldg., Otpgop City
If you want to
So .- .
And lf you want to sell farm, t; tr
lt de llkawto.