( , ' .,nnnici' riii'wijmv T AN IT Alt Y 19. 1011. MOKMi- A bunuo.tiu T . , , MIMING ENTERPRISE 0M CITY. ORSCOa. . C K. BROOIS, Edltoe Ad Pbilaber. ApeMrat1a.pa4e tr am fa at tW tMMafTtoe . wxtrr tae Art f March . !.". , ' Pm Trar. by Mull .. tut Jlwk Ay atafl rwr Moat Mi. er Ml sr I. uronsK UTS Ftrvtrac. par BvrA addea' aaaa Mi..it' " "J ! eoattfca asur - pak TTrn4 Mtui ur sw. see tea -r..... v'f an paptr wmt man nra pat i run Iiimihu II f jJZt .7..TT ae'tM. rm BAivralfr am tbat It It " Hh; to WUr "r.f, wtxmg lo U ,r. tf lb prl- Wuta Knr Kale. Ta Ret ZZVZZZT 4ailr. tr Kwww ah mrt T-.ar tor tae weeklr- "era lhe,aJeenaent la tranaferfva tnm th aaJW la Ihe ee- Ir. wMaoat ehaaa.' the ra will be aa lark lor na o the paper. Aa4 I te aa lacti tor apertai poattioa. Cask aawld acOHapaar orarr-mn- parte la nakaowa fea ta Eaterprtaa. I ..1 uhwtMM at ImU atfreetatlnc i mm i Oma aaVentetao and rpectel truaienl aoVartMao at Sbe i Me aa laca. axr4- J few ta apecial ooadltiaBa rerBln ia -Fwa tale- aa4 Mnkrapt ale- aJrer- Maeaaeaia feVc lack tin, taaprtraa. Vl1- llnui taa.rOoaa aaaa autter 3tc lacA. . i Krara Iteau Ba4 aeU wrHte locaf 2iJfZ teted am-, "w-BHt. arx rnh tatermf to aria a M!t aerepteal feMcted arrlpts aeear maraed aalaa accoaapaa ; ; : : . LEASE NOTICE, To tntrodnco Tno Moraine. Eaterprteo Into a Iatco irfAjor try of tbo none In Oregon Ctty nnd Clacaamai eooaty tbf amanaxeeat kAS . decided to amako a a pedal prko for tbo d Ally la a. for a abort time a only, vboro tbo anbocrlbor pay a year ta ad ranee. --- Br enrrtor. paid a year in ndTAAcw. aXM. By mall, paid a rear in Ad vance, t2.ee. I i POOplO WbO (ATB OVT CAnrAO- B i . ser a trial ubacripUo. for ooe wlraAire one central banklnc Industry. rof Btof.Bl ten eenta a e j . e ween, cab nave tea AAiiy oeiie- ered for a rear for tXM by -' . e pnytnr a year ta adraace. ' .People a bo gave oor cAavAA '. air a trial subscription, by d mail, for foor naontka at a dol- ' far, may bare tbe paper for a year for $100. If paid a year ia -AdTAlIC. 8aberribera to tbe Weekly e) - Eatarpriae -may ckange - tbeir- 4 ; d rabacriptions to tbe daily, re eel ring- credit for kalf time) on' tbo daily that the weekly la paid ia adraace. When they ckooae to add cask to tbe ad vance payment eqoal to a fall roAra ad ranee payment they may Uke Ad r as tag e of tke II rate. We make thla apecial price no that poopio wbo hare paid ela Advance oa some other daily and wish to take tke Morning' - Enterprise, may do so without too great expense. ' Tke proposed bill to transfer tbe eoQectloa of taxes from tbe sheriff to tke treasurer met witk indefinite ;oet ponement ia tke Senate Tuesday. Evi dently tke SeoAtors believe In letting well enoogk alone - A young man la Jail At Vancouver Asked tke Sheriff to let him stay tbe rest of tke winter. It waa so mock easier to get on tkaa out in the world. AH of which is not very complimen tary to oar civilization. we May Yoke, nt one time a brilliant star ia tke theatrical world, say tbAt she bsngled ker matrimonial career. Aad if red seed to tke last AnsJysls ooe would likely find that she waa Assisted la tbe bungling by tbe bed training of her eArly years, or tke over .developed Ambitions that so oft- - em eater into tke Uvea of people who make a success in one thing and reach out too far in an effort to satiety An Ambitions longing to shine before the world. -"."' 'rC.' Tbe people of Oregon kad thirty two bills oa their ballot Uat fall for conscientious decision. Friends of tbe old way kad mack to aay relative to lack of time for tke people to prop- - erly decide. But la tbe Senate And Hoase tbere were fifty bills put Into tke hopper within tea minutes Tues day. Tke bAllot was somewhat cum bersome at tbe late ejection, wtrt It looks a if tbe people had aooat aa much show to decide rigut wltk a big ballot aa tke people's representative win wltk a multiplicity f bUlar ." Tkere are beakers wbo probably : know tke gam of banking, and are aonest men ana good ettlxeus. But . tbe business of banking is one calcu lated to make ewe) a trine kard senti mentally; to mAk one a conservative ' of te conservatives. Hence It la not to be wondered at that a convention of bankers would land! Caaaoa aad berate Roosevelt. A msa who ha madd his pile playing close) to tke , Interest" eaahloa la hardly tbe man to leglslste fqr the people he da not be dishonest, but, he la likely to te biAseo. , If you lose YOUR HORSE YOUR WATCH YOUR.POCKETBOOK i. . 'i - - " "."' i . , Try a few User ht oar ckeay eelama; tkey amy find It foTfew, . ' BANKING TRUST PROBABLE. Canno to tke front with a KkrM I centra tlte the bank aad banking immtt. Thta seems bet asotker aJaa to eeAtrsnse power. And to rake off huger dividend. , And It U not eertala tkat tke better men Interested Im baaklag are U sympatky with tbe wwnl-" : ' The steel men were aof n Ito'er ested In .the 1sttc truat that was organised few rr ago. P"' rather iithaB bo aouee.ed seme o tbmeo- r ... . '' .... i il other toU their Interests oatngai. Th Is probably the way thing work W case avw . --"" trust formed. Men who o not m ; pathlae villi the awreaveat, and pre- ,v .. aov -Vlll' bo forced to in - - - in IK valL And rlnla nnrlytn tbo propoaltioo, U from lio fact tbat ,b. poop. f-uh them P ' tM.()oB wkea tr to o rlKBt. I . f, Hekt I And ar ftady to aland for IbO Hint. !,. mm .Uotr lb OTanUr to . w"1 v ....j ; aqaeoao them la cao tbat br aano m - . . fc to lrt ! v. aiul A.t Inla la A' war l ""' m nromoto tbolr tntereota. And tbey r . aro aboot rif bt. Tinra karo pmoo to a rrotty P aBen BSe wkO Ub to Ottod tor tbo . - , j. tarret -fnr tboA wbo rlgkt are DAdO A tArfej T " " axe to rrlnS. ani isTena m force rood Bten to tnm ibe atone for : tbetn. And tbo kaa wbo aoef tbat it l a leucine ffcnt to tAd ont for riAafwkon ooJy bit nitb!or mt k! wnt and knowinr tbat tbo f.bt la 1 to bo diaAStroot to bimae'.fr-ranoot bo bUmod -ff ko. oretn tie end At tbo ootset tAkeo tbo noceoaary '? to aaro tb Acrmnolattona f yoara to hlnwelf nnd family, i Tbo twwblo U ltk tbo irate it v rrmit tboao on nlander bent to- ro forth to conquer ana wo ratae no band In proteat If It Vxbt to at At If i the other fellow's ox waa tb one cer- j i tain to bo gored. At tbla time It kk aa If tbere wta tO DO A ENirnrui vm " if tbatTa tbe ptAn. nnd It naa auch I men as Morgan. Rockefeller, Cannon and Carnegie back of It, one may be certAla tbAt the smAll. honest nanatr will either do aa be la told, or Be will be crushed with scant peremotfy. . - wot , Tke State Senate kas adopted a resolution forbidding tmoklng on tbe Door during A session. All of wbick goes to sbow that men asajlttle more than boys grown up. for if tbey were ell real men tbere would be no smok ing during business hour, resolution or no resolution. , I! DR. J. FOR X ROSENBERG ON TRIAL HER MURDER. IN THE PORTLAND COURTS. The case of Dr. J. J. Rosenberg, of Portland, charged wltk first degree murder in tbe deatb of Vera Hall, of tbla city, on wkose person It is charged be performed a criminal op eration, waa on trial in Portland Tues day And Wednesday. From the tactic of the Attorneys for Rosenberg It Is believed tbat tbe defense will rest In points of law. Lawyers for tbe defense claim that the sutement of the prosecuting offi- ;cer does not Agree with the Indictment Tne state s Attorney ciaima ne wui prove tbAt Dr. Rosen oerg gsve nis victim. Miss Hall, ekloroform for tbe purpose -Of performing A criminal op eration. Attorneys for tbe defense aay that tbe prosecution, under the indictment. mar not introduce evidence wnicn doe not tend to prove premeditation. FttzgerAld Answers the contention wltk tke' statement tbat first degree murder Implies tbe lesser charges of second degree and manslaughter. Many jurors were dismissed before twelve men could be round to auit both parties to tbe contention. Tbe 12 men wbo will try Rosenberg are: J. P. Montag. E. P. Armstrong, R. H. Ringbam. M. M. Donoboe, August Eacble, R. Shannon, A. E. Cole, Charles Z. Delaet, T. M. Ptiter. H. W. Sltton, W. E. Reed and J. U 811pp. J. E Hedges is one of tbe attorneys for tbe defense. - FIREMEN'S MONUMENT. All the Local companies In Line for Project. Twelve men hsve been appointed from the membership of the tlx fire companies tn Oregon City to Uke charge of tbe proposal to erect a vol unteer firemen's monument; and the companies have each pledged tbelr earnest support and have appropriated $25 towArd the fund, making a totAl w.j.v. mil noaa us. no Tuesdsy night and named W. A. Long and O. ErtckAon as tts committee. Ia tbe near future tbe committee of II win hold a meeting to make definite e-n. I DO lOllOWUlg Ofncers Of Hill "e -o- were elected Tuesday night- Oscar Mlaor. tM-aaManf H...ow.:' V,TitTiV- ' Godfrey. ecretary; a. a rhanmaa ir....... fWN'If.r: tor,mn: Joeeph My era' "ret s sal aunt: Rin.a, ua.i. second saal.unt " " I- O. O. F. Bffleara 1...- Deputy Grand Chler P.t...v - CUrk mstsiled the officers of Pall. EncAmpment Ra 4. ia the L O. O. F. HaII Tuesday evealne. T dates ware exalted to the mi . degree. After . which luarK. aerred. There was a Urge attendance following All Business a awrf.i uina was enjoyed. - FnterUlnmant Satuedav vi.lM Two clasees la the Chriatlaa ...luwj sit j . ... . r uimwods win nva a and dramatic entertainment la Oault's hi' ?,.8inr'Uy Home ui- ".""iwfl by mends Iron Abroad And It la promised that a good time will be given to pAtrona7 WOT TO If ID CORRESPONDENCE "." EAGLE CREEK. Tbo now almost " " ' agata raJalng. Ho webloeteta like the rata better lhaa saow. aaywav, im so Are glad tbo imi disappearing. ' Tker ke beee a od oral of Wh- e,m it past too ir three pee-as. coMa. ctp, but no w Ibla tbo irk rapidly rocoror. ainoo tbo rata baa umbo atara.. Mtaa.laora Cbaranan. wbo w tbo moat of ber aialef. Krt P. a Cib. for a rt to FOitlaod Ul vl a a '.ii J. r Voodlo'aa oVr tfala ay UU Mr. and Mra. CbarVro Mnky and rklldrra.-Mla Veda, aad rorry. apeoi Snada with Mr. aad Mra AWi IUker Mr. and Mra. Ray Wood! ailed on Mr. and Mra. R. a CI boon Sandar of- ternoon. ' - Yed HofTrae(trr butchered oomo !htf ooo da lat aeoa. . - COLTON. Tbo rond Aa covered' tb alt Isrbee or w wblrb went off ettb tbe rain Monday nibt Matt Kandle and aaKlrtua. of HlKbland. aere. to their rancb la the ft bl!! last ThuraJay and rrouitht bowe their tattle on account of tbe know. - Mr. tlendern and dauthr. Mra. U ValWn. of ETnwd. were callere-nrj V iWT OA ia( .Mooua. - . . .i i Mr.' J. pVhieae. of narke..ae tMltisc At J. rMtt'a last Sundae Frank Robtin and Ouat vWt'rt bre retarned from tfceir baetinc trip to tbe aeoootalna. Mr and Mra Freeaian And cbildren. of El wood, were trislttna wKb Grand an Pt ai VlxoflulAAt .rrKlar. : ' Mr. Anne waa A bnaineaa tiaitor in Afrer a abort lay-off on accost of the anow Walter Gorbett la ajain boay hcin with a crew of men Mlaa Artene Mink, the teacher of arbool diatrlct No. W. i on the alca lst. . Witt Jamee. oor blackamltb. la dln prette food huaineaa. Mr. and Mm. U Elliott, of Elmond. were-tialtine erttfeptn. and Mr. Cat I Stromcren nt Colton Sunday. J. putt aa at Clarke on bnaineaa Monday.' frank Robinson And Oust t.ouourg are down with the nteasle E. Undstrom Is working for t 8 Gorbett this week CLARKES. The anow aill soon be a thing of the pest About one foot feu here. A number irom mis Dunt auenaea tbe danee at Beaver, Creek Saturday evening. . : There waa rather a slim crowd out to tbe debAte Saturday evening. Mr. Stark waa out bustling bay Mon day. He purr baaed a load of Mr. r. Mueller. H. Wallace a pent Monday across tbe canyon. Dan C reaves, who purchased the Neuktrchner farm a" short time Ago ta making many needed improvements.. . Quite a number of men And boy were out bunting during tbe snow but moat had hunter's Inrk as uaual. ' Jay Dig wae-a-calier At tbe Wallace borne Monday. Not much eeeolng done aa yet. There la quite a lot of excitement among people in this burg caused by the report wbick came to the effect that gold had been found on several farms which has been aaaayed to go one hundred dollars to tbe ton. Sidney Smttb -spent - Sundayand Monday with Will .Wallace. William Wallace Is contemplating buying a ranch In Lincoln county- R. Bullard killed a couple of bogs Monday that dressed about 300 Ibe. each. A. Buckner was a caller In this burg Uat week. -: Mr. end Mr. L Sagar and Mattle D. Hayman were among those who at tended the dance Saturday evening. Hens have quit laying on account of the cold weather. MEADOW6ROOK. About six Inches of tbe beautiful snow Monday morning. The Baty brother of Canby, were on our streets Monday looking over some real estate. H. C Bonaker and A. V. Davis have embarked In the butcher business. .Mcnnorj Hoi man And his mother tave been visiting In Portland for a weeK and a day. O. T. Kay and a few of his neigh bors Are preparing to take a trip to Lake county In the spring with a view of buying land and making tbat their future borne. We are reliably Informed that the single tax question Is to be tnorougbly discussed at tbe school bouse la the near future. By way of a surprise a goodlr num. ber of young friends called on T. R. Cooper Saturday evening In commem oration of his 21st birthday. Tbe ev ening waa piesssntiy spent In song ano gamea and at eleven o clock lunch eon waa served and All wended their way homeward believing they had spent A pleaaant evening. News has Just reAched us that C. L Stnudlnger's folks on Colton Avenue nil have the measles. Quite a number attended Grange at Mnlmo Saturday and report ad inter esting program end a sumptuous din ner. J. W. Btaodlnger made a bnaineaa trip to MoIaIIa Monday. Mr. Standing- er reports the roads 1n tbe Molalla district In a deplorable condition. on coming to our office this Ing the first thing we noticed waa a copy of tbe Morning Enterprise. We congratulate tbe editor on the venture ana nope to see tbe Morning Enter- pn necome ooe or tbe leading dallies' of tbe Pacific Coast, Fresh Csnoies And Confections At Dunn1. MaiA street, aesr Postofflc. ELECTRIC THEATRE Main street TdNIQHT ONLY '. Twixt Loyalty and love . ". The Indian Ixnd Grab Aa Intersetloj Waatare Pierre The Millionaire HU.m:id Thla Is an Exceptleeslly Good Bill. The Bank of Or egon City Gives its customers genuine service , and its increased business and grovvth; shou's that such service is appreciated THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY .-0ACON" fHlU.lf (- tlGft ' CO tLANK CONTRACT ' A fW-Jtlar cae ef erf,lhil ainlnK avorvew Pj-vi1- I l oOiw .f the ntt'Uii IVta-lti club ftwrlea rlft'U! rbu tlipav-tbe ttteraa Htchee, ba Jul PrturaeJ frvoi a buotluf trip'Tn" ladiaAA. c:d i I'rvH.ltl.'Ut IUry lneifu a happy New Veer. "Iliit w.xihJ y Ule t A tract while Jtre bereT" aaknl I re T fo a ;jhi llnte suits n el aa aiHrtbor."' reileij t.e ra, .' e . vt wvnd-r If. Ju be lUe nerve to alffA A blink r .atratt lit tbe J and allow me t OM l . m... . 1 tw IT ltar.u.' O The deacon rearbe f"T Ibe blank, wrote bis name on tbe T . tal line and batrd terk Ibe I eoutrsi-t to iTeyfyaa. Tbe club . oaurr flUe; out . tbe (knuairal, -tj(ttT"apparenttj pteae.ttne ' plti'tirr. for 'he aotlled wbeii be ! rend t lie filled out coo trait a Uttle later . 1 ht I t ANOTHER AFTER GOTCHf Cerdsreli. Ti.rh.ah Giant. Wants le Meet Wsrloft CHampian an Mat. ...... . . 1 1 . i TurkUb reatlera. wbo rwently ir.pinttl . VLCJtniiU aicinuu rived In thla country., J ready to tiii"l all (be heavyweight graplrrs In the world, aay Anlolne Pierri. his man sger ' CnrdATell Is known ss ibe heav iest grai'pler in Turkey, tipping tbe beam ar sno poub.u.Tbls gtabr from, the land of tbe sultan Is six feet four Inches tall ami when compared with all the wrestlers now tn the game tower over tbera as tbe oak above the sapling. 5 Thla Turk m not reraatlle at catrb-as-catcb-can wrestttng. ..being scene tomed to tbe Oreco-Rumen style, fits best Achievement of late came ta tbe tournament bekl In Turkey, ta which About fifteen or tweoty of the beat wrestler part Hp ted Cordarell won tbe grand prU ever all bis competi tor. ' Tbe ton rn meet was held under tbe rule tn vogue in Turkey, being a modification of tbe Greco-Roman. FROM TROTTER TO PACER. Syd Aawarthy . Will - Try Side Wheal .Gsit Neat Sessen. 9yd Axworthy, bolder of tbe world's half mile record of S(r seconds, trot ted ovefTbe Boaloo speedwsy. bsa de cided to change ble gait sod tnvsde tbe rank of the aidew heeler next see son. Syd's record was made la D, bat for the lst two seasons be baa stepped down the lindane River drive In New Tork st a twe aalnote clip, and as A matinee and speedwsy borae he has been conaldered almost Invincible It Is therefore a surprise to many horsemen to learn tbat tbla pare, level gslted trotter can pace Just about at fast as be csn trot, and possibly when his mnscles have become accustomed to the new gait be will estsbtlsb a new pacing record. Ts Buijd Up Figure Skstinf. There Is a movement oo foot to stlm alate renewed interest In expert figure skating, a winter sport whose devotees have become fewer and fewer In re cent year It Is proposed to larro- dorr a system known as tbe Interna tional style, which has grown so popu lar among the' enthaslasta Abroad tbat tbere Is now a generally accepted standard of competition throughout tbe European continent and tbe Brit ish lalea. Counties orgAnlxatlons throughout Europe foster tbe sport And a surprisingly large number of contests of national and International character are held, tarongnoat tbe sea- Prepsrlng Uhlse, 1:MH. TJhlan. tbe world's first real two Din ta trotter, which covered a mile with out the aid of a wind shield la 128 last year, is now la Brans wick, Oa, where he will be slowly prepared for bis next campaign. Dr. Charles Tan ner, who will train Uhlan, expresses confidence that the black whirlwind ha not reached tbe limit of bla speed. - Loti Dillon, which holds tbe world's trotting record of behind a wind shield, has been shipped south with l'h Ian by Dr. Tanner, together with sev eral yoangsters. Bums Hss Quit fling f ad. tommy Burns, former heavy weight raamploa pugilist hns Announced his Permanent retirement from the orix ring. Aa Injury to his knee receives ia a game of la erases some months ago M given as bla reasoa for retiring WINTER BASEBALL CHAT "Boston Terrier" if the new an me of the Dove. Shortstop George Mc Bride of the Washington team ha missed bat one fame In three years. If Jske gtshl of the Boston Ameri can quits the game next spring he will be one of the very few tbat have quit the national pastime while la their prim. George Ru.es II Is the best baUt play er on the Cleveland team and proba bly tbe moat psrfect ptylal man la tbe American league, according e Doe Sell meld er. team trainer lest season. Bill Murray say tbst he wouldn't snenage the Brown for a million a yesr. and St. Lools corns right beck and says tbst Marray couldn't masse the Browns for a dollar aad a half a yesr. 0-t-o WHAT IS CIVIC t. r W b" t le rl h- beuf. T Nd flue iiw.k p lkT. f'itlalna ami ..4nUh lul"iluA. llaa.laoiue la aa liAUd-ae J-e" alof Ni'lle t. loan If a jwu t-e fH f UaVwi'A ra. krt. .n4Me, I4 A eilttA. J.lt. CiWilentiua, II I u4 ibe luaii beenilful-T It la tbe loan !. Irt Ii lvareu's rrl lw eer.eWe, au-.l a t n eiv4ln lltlii tHti'tje ko bailee akellrr la VU( tu I iK. M l au deface M n 'ti ettv wl II dtre-Ulea a I rt.-rfT l7t tbe. loan lo an I.I .. t'f a'i'lk r.lt. another li .la tl and the welfre of the whole community la weakeuvd lit W life la Ibe luata tSInf It 1 f.e that tine tre.-ta stut alr-tuiva are purpura .;d The ime rlvb I fe Imptlea Ihlnita ttuit ate jaiilve pnrliy, buour,- C)t Itteaa, .le.-ew.-y. ortlrT, golet. : i - e i :t e ; J J X I e fte(atlc. thefral lMti a low a 4tW.!aT1ake .ate . f If II wauta t 1 1 le guard I'a ea b.r r I fare. Ui-erl.it.ntj I ih. lo- tiHMtey. bnuaee n-r Land It a J In i-.n to. t. a a-1 rtatUt cmmIu- I I A OtHI'y. n sdranlat'e to A T CvmUMinltT. Wben tbat U a.d J lightly lllaed.A ciuiuuulty U tery onf.mnaie. - J eet-e-eee e-ee M - e-ee - EMPLOYED-BY LACROSSE. CemelBsieees Tel tplaea Systenv . ': '.. Used by. MynittWyr rTH." In Cleaning the streets vt I-acrusae. WW) , I'ewrge I' oik. alxeet rotntuiaaloa er. carefully studied tlx vsrioua turib oda wbttk aaaml Adatabte to tbat city end from tbeae has reai bed sev eral ronrluaWins aa j Ibe moat desira ble practice under the eooditloue vb talnlog tbere. wbick may be of awe to ether enicrprtalag towns. He believe that a machine, macsdam STraper. requiring but ream sod a driver, wbo also (peratr tbe ma. blue, ran acuoitUb lu a day niura tkaa twice as mork -work as twenty live men naing tbe old faahtooed be. Tbe natter method rejoIre.1 Bv ur alt weeks for each of tbe semiannual cleaning, but wllb the mscblne this la now dooe within two or three We-ks.' Macadam streets In rea. ik" portions of the rtty are given lul lao cleaning a year. In sprtner and f.itt. v In cleaning the buluea dMtri.1 hand weepers are eui4u eii j tV up tbe heavier refuse, au. b a l.r..k.-o glaaa. boopa. atoor ai.d ..-'it mi tetials,' many of wblh are tt. l. rsreless drivers. tbee Wlug kept ori. stsntty removed. Hand nul dut are reuWed by marblne iT"rri tit the morning or evening, the f re. i or in-y V - X if ta . 'HI tir0 II- Lontrso aars roa aaovna, rrc. with which this la required on any given street being determined by ob servation. Tbe machine leave tbla dirt In piles, which are removed by tbe dsy force a few hours later, lisnd sweepers are Instructed when going on tbelr route In the morning first to clesa tbe center of the street and to clean tbe gutters later after the a bop keepers sre through sweeping the stores aad sidewalks. Wsate paper cans at the street corner be finds to be of considerable ssalaU nee In keep ing Ibe streets clean. For cleaning brick or block pave, nient In the- spring after a winter's ccamnlAtlon of dirt be finds tbe quick est and cheapest method to be by tbe ase ef Iron snow shovel In the place of old fashioned hoe. Each of the cleaning crew Is required to furnish bla wwm shovel, which Is kept it besdqusr ters In lock Ing racks provided by the city. ' . These racks are made of ordinary straight hasp such ss are kept la stock at any hardware store, which have been bested and bent la a half circle ao as to fit closely around the handle. On end of the hasp Is fsstened per manently to the wan by a staple, while the other end may be fsstened to an other staple by padlock. These racks are arranged around the room la tbe men quart era. In this way each man J sure alwsys to obtain bis own sbor. el or other tooL It being tlie nrartte nave the men furnish the locks also a od inns do tn sole ponaeaaor of tb to tne same. Tewn Ceieee Club. ' A club to be kiwwn a. t -e Crier was organized at aa enthusi astic meeting of the leading foulness en of Fargo, jf. n receotlr. Tbla erganisatloa Is tbe outcome of tbe na- nsuni interest la advertising which bsa bee felt la tbe town for soma time. 4 f ' r T' . ' " ' ' ''"'' 0 1' t-cri a t 4 I D A 1 L Y ? I I - V. r ' ' - . . ' ' i IF ... . . . . . . . . (, . ' " - . - . -V,' ' : r The Mogffljbag Is to be as successful as the inter est of Oregon City demands it must needs have the the support of all; The new daily has a big work before it in boosting Oregon - City and - Clackamas County. r Your support means more strength for the W6rk7 Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? .For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: By cawici-, By mail, I Ssnd in .Your Name ' - X . and laemitece TIT t i t ,. . t yeas $3.00 yea 72.00