' ' t ..... -.- ' . -.vr.-"- 'ft' KM Milady's JMifror Th Burglar Alarm M Did lt Work To , Well Br EDNA BLAKEMAK Crr?C V ArB lfH Aass- body ' the fcaa WStbOBt aC beard. Will ring ail these esft Ml ! got.bereaad setoff a . doa Ml tb oMlbtol onV. beirB ' turning , afty eUrd eeavtrkr lights 1 ber ! grttag tb mirader a Vaty ' k of trait j.. nm" unmt ;- ' rataly. ar ouJerfai aiB""' f -Noosrtis. t dear pcoed ltrtkl rurr. Ituiweoaelj (taltvrrd I ! Hht-0. ar va gtg to a It opt r-jJr ataed after M kU;'- -, V. AM JIuut. I ve arel,V. r YWrfrKlao t P oece. a i i:o:.:e nnir HELP YOURTOIVN . ; SHtn;5A.1 JUS AT ricc-x I) Ii t3 ct. illl t3 03 lb w txl lhhi coii1 took! of "Kwau'i pernor Ivr boy. .iw,-U,taMI,llf rla. hvUitoU-Ah klklntjr. Um-bi ap f the b.ji!riclj .lw P lb tW TTirr u.ftrwnl lb rki.-fc. tare b tb trtrk a4 UUo lbt . H.-UlMirr turooj 4lb a luttirrra (irlkln; V Mr ., Bfai?BrTr fWI BMkUmttX Mr brr inrtih-f. t.'liiutKxi"tiiil tntaint ha. L fivTbr th d.f fr-r lb 0tvir1inc 'elrrtrl- TlM tocuh ho ( prnfnjr kltrbra. bw b Wnil ft fcjio, lod rntl.hl baxH dWItbtwlry. ftrtt wWSM frw tfrr or Alllf ,1,, "I totw I lutj KtJ , "ftY ll rUfct t." b rHd-lb-thw luNt f br.!in poo h, in,ufJ r,.iw ; ib.t.. lK :ty. "t- m t off ta Iwd. cad' tiMr. . Has' w II! fcomif o latk-iiblj tted Uutt Burnt willff rvoife :hom COOtlDU! lflijt " usfr th b1 tbr coram ( thf iumth for to tor. t6 ixl bvKjinL "I -ao't rtn.vmbrr wUHbrr ! c.twvu IbAt wluikin' la b kntiM. and watt for oar fcarttar. rtT t:i at rt laio dral! Ht-onilnf tb nfJbi?j"lq'rslr alfHM. tor H fnriti baa aot frt d'UWsl 16 plr It on rbo markrU It H u(tW-Wnl I that It a a prxDnuafl" avM a CITT- K3 RACE TO UYE. Hat AanifluM la Alt Mart la J. tMtrrtOa ko IU W alKli lV U all r4 raawiNic a0 .imawr.ll aaa a' will iralA aa art .irfuro. b twtWtoa II IU I Ibo lal llui III rolrt Ibo r-rAt W. to xaHi-b 1 romil itii ( i4 Is miu lla ;' I .Wtrb rHua rn,l,M1 1 Vbvrkiaa b4loa ltut'a 111 ! al i UtId rwuir -Too tnow. t Hti n TiJin-fr thrlr trUla tbat oIb for a bow ib of fmb ir and. J. du . TVti-irVlaa bad tmlH tbo aj-atma ftetkn t dtrtiTt to lauty a , BUDd-pcc lirk aadtryia ltr bjr aTrfTlar dVk ba MHi'd tblak coattaoal octritw wf-pas-h'aa'ip rae "Watlaoat run) f br -fiwti.M and 1' -i i , l ab aOJi-d ruair!. of. but In arry ra b waa oratij Mr. HraJlxiry aioaittT ctjrtt trapfusj by tn , d-IIhtd .' .laHtf Mra. Rradburr Daawd him ltb uit-'Tb fichu flbd waralnfhr la all Uftrd chia and Mikd doaro !b iatr..TOi4r of loo ralnbitnr. Tbo arlrra did Utr buUied at down oa th Undin 'tmt-abork ta eJwirfc-laa. fur bo woro ud rawawi drrariijr. . . ; nibbr,-fc'oav aor did tbo toll rlac la Whtt b rrtarnod bo iiwaltrd br ) ibo coairtaMo'a fll.-. for tby rot off comics witn a fvrtrtitom fVn crraa- that rpnor-tko. tov Nt la Ibo feattor Ing bia bandaomo brow. of colarod llsbta tbo alarm dll work -tlMnl too it-tin? th rwntrr iLnn- ' twantlftiUr. ablio tb rlblora boila . .. " and .r'-TT t hi Ibo tlo w, wnrj nmtaira. Y.k trld i - wbb ait Um-m wlrra' and tbinca itiff' (judUIIti gtarv of tbo arrr tsrr hrriat trt-tVlf N lboa tf - preaorrr brr boanty. '"" Erocy woman tMnid Smro to rvict If aha wtb to' -rxTTt Urr pw-d look. ' SkooJd atta load a-Torr buijr lifo abo 0t r,Q!xv the habit nf aaIUit brr- elf of orary frw Hrv tulnutea for i 1 -i; . tb Urtnx mm ind-iw fv tho f.Hirtb, ; didn't baro ta bo o oipoood." cwn- tuko too foilowlnr maoorr naas ue atom MWfij ai ino WW, Mib nl th rxrkvr f. tK lhn rtm r-.l!nf UM Rn.)Snn . TK L..k atboa boirta to moro tbn Oow!t -j frr mwch bhit. roitotod la uifnd .brrfd butwlmt anmad tbo doura and backward cd fortrarrl from tldo .aftrr Y.x trwd ttwm -'rnl-mt " 'rHi t P-rr-ini U 4rr yvr' 'vr-- Mr. TBOO OJVO tb BllJIWa UlJr and-,ij I.,! mfcl.Hr MWhw naa- 'H.MI ntrtl hin hii ilmnlM Jd. It 'hand kxwlT frvn tbo dum-i . i i nti vn limit 1 .rwii-.k. rn t hU m.. ad after tbla rrarit-o tV t u it .it. l., t. irK.n i n TJT" oniy tonight h i oot. and I wanted to rd Joo Impatloolly. -Roady to com ?m cooaldrr tbat too BMk ,ur rrerTthiB aaa air rtxht " ;op? ShaU I tarn eat tb lUbtar Z7. trod to owlrvjbeaa i Dar. aaid h! wife aorl.aly. 'you I Halfway Dp tbo atatrw Mr. Brad iri'iu wtq erery ay. Kiorrlao. abo nroa-abto, can JbV li1twd ta to tbe point of oxtroiao fbtltrae and takrn la ( doea mrb harm tbaa food. - (Mag Without Bow aball ooc arotd the sue of pow cr oa tb fac' Tbla qaeatloa H ao often aakl aat any aoIaOoii of. tt booJd bo of rniml tntomr. Ta tell tV ' rrutb. few womoa ran tt loo witboot powdrr to eoto Ana, aad tbero la ant tbo allf but ob ' jactloa to It U oo la rboaoa tbat U taiple la compoaitlon. If tbe aMIk-a ttoa la washed off at nlsbi aad tbe faro afwaya rleaaaed before retirlor. tb poraa wtl remain anrloned and tb alda aaaootb. It la only wbea powdera aartaj lead aad other Injortoa lti- rrdienta are aacd aabttoally and per- j ""a to remain oo tbat tb complex toa la aamaed. Tet whea tbere la a deeply rooted ' areJudJee acaluat powder daily ap- , wauoaw c proooaaeed aacrlnriu naiiriani act aa auburnt by neu traJlainjr tb aararal oil of the akin. Bat la. order to apply any aucb liquid i act tea fully a wobma .muitiidyber ar a ery eierrr. d.xi t yoo belWre yoa mlfbt lntrct a bargtar alarm, oo that would preretit any "a from eo terlnc tb bo at nlcbtT". l."I'Il.rrT.Bjj fTe."iiPomBed Brad- bdry. fnmpJiac bia bead la prrpletJtjr IMia tJtbat-your .Jaeat oTarcoaC. "What a boat il?" bcrr iaUAed nd tarped Wltb . tbeat ' He aeatnre. "Jor -VfeU. what Is It bow?" b pianed. "Ret easy 'a boat tb pa.ntry door that' faateaod aU rlf be rare folly aad know-which part require it. if the tvate U not rreaay f n aooietlaMa fotlowa that the rbeeka WW- aV - "a. mi 1 I 1 "1 left It oa tb' rtotboaila. I pat . It oat to'alr It amelled of rampbor. aa4 I forant t brtna: It a 1 "It! ret it Hold lb candl while 'diacoaBeet thi there, roafoaad K! Tt drorrod tbat little plo down tb reclater tTatlnt I caaT ret oat of tb boa. Loots, aattt that pln tafoaad ! -anderatand? CaUi-tbat-plajr-U ! found." Mr. BradborVa veh abowed tb atrata of aa orerworked atoi'k of j r"hy caat yoo go ontaide. JoT to iyoo aaeaa tbat we're lnid-heid prt joaera by taat barglar aUrmr ; MraT Bradbory waa fricbteoed. -' "Ton bar atated tb cold facta la the case." retaraed ber bvapaad I "Th)a. I1JU plug ta tny own drvk-e. ' Wbea It Is rrtnored from tbla hole tb current la oa all area nd tb boos. ! ba 1 Uiron tb pluc la tb rarreat i la off-Juat tbe reven of tb naoal aaethod. CTeTer. laat r- , . ilahaariMWI Mtraii taWCeitora-Ha tM'. Reow fee tCeuMry VewtK Yer 0w Te Haa' Larfae" lroaU.'. ' j ' .' :. ly JAMIS SvhtrtBtK. Jr. Aa oa wm teac tn ptrulvi tity im. Wtra baya Umta an.1 . i..iri ' -a "aiJ Mr ' It .waa ever thm aud iiinl no iKmM er be ao the 'titj, brr vhj.w- th.k kraod avWer auuy tbe air; U-re th ann a rutn and ciiiuf are m-u by few ualeea y rL. berx tb Moa la fut-foUi-a. txit (Uiaaotl rrwaa tbe dull gta electli tamp ain(o Ue, tbe trrel; waer gwoi'i ato-rlHitjaiii'la' traetueat aad amall i ruontril-' ajxrl meuU;, where. aHii ar buddlnl tor rrtber. all atrtritvK to beai tueir neUa bur to a idtaatota viJ rlcl-i wkwr raUeleaa wanderer, roatv- froo. .afar' and bruot luat In In mire of fmHure Or aay atuveaa la attaloed-lbat la. a mod era l accea. for on la a hundred t an tae loanmt uw-4 It worth atrirlac for! lven;i "jriJar aow abow nxtre avIraotjisToT Tb city la faarbiatiBa l-U.. Tb height t mMtU-o' of MMat of tbe tteoiJ Mr la wnt. the ll ter of popvlatKMi aee to Im to tUH New Tork. Cbk-agu or other Urv place. Vadt tbent all r your heart a ronteat bat doa't Biake yjar boo In ob'ot uieoa. A irreat city la eo iiar fnr tb am bltl0uayouth who tbe to tnm a power waer be lite. ,. cler la coontry alor raa do ox lib bia alary thaa a aaaaagrr of eoat of tb Btoree lo tb city. Tbei jtuail -tywa ha adtaauge wbWbtroa ar If jowiH.. bui take yoar rrea off that tnirao th. cfty.; Th doty f lb average tout b Wa.xt jw-yayirta .ijnin mm 'w4C.aim It) r and ,-al rt rttiinUKli trvmUltt . tuaa la maay 'of tb eri. k i lb rci.rd total.' tN wila tlgarea lbat a aMBrMU! Ir,alu le I ror o.t a avorv wtnt t ,! bia j Fberklan la attvaJtSbuHBa hiaewil for lb eteeL ffe ba oMtliaed r a) a. i - ' 1 r1 'J , aw ' -1 : S &9 n Q X',':t 7 r a i Met m CC4 , "Verjr said bia wife drily. VtrTta. it rrr i Tbi tb bejlnnlng of atrra .ad the cbia Buyl might a. weH pot la my ..are t7 I -SKl K&TXZ .IT ta aater edge of the cheeks and tb Strebead are dry. a strong astringent I caa make a go tt pat arer tboa narorally dry sect loos . "Will you put 1( on tb market. trying to lareBt aometbibg. Perbape J.: VZI" "wl wm aunpty art to gire tbem a cbap(ed Appearance, because there lx no' oil lu tboae regloaa to require Deatraltzlnr.' Therefore tbe noe Is not to be treated, bat only fb skia near It Joer down, and f dund empty. Tbe It waa ( reputed amid much d oat aad disorder Hon :ri- Tt- Gum a Deatreyae. . "tb worst enemy we beanfy ' spe rJalltta have to combat la tbe gum chewing habit. You mar not believe tbat chewing gum destroys a woman a ', ouading.' food looks, yet I can t .is a re you that does," aaid an eipert to a New Tork tea reporter, "t bad a young client wbw fell off in looks In apite of all I ratald do. One day I studied ber face ta favorer the reason, and I taw that Jw w ttiaK,ajuare: there was aaary kick tbit wi destroying tbe raj of her face. " '! you chew gum y j lske ' "8b replied that she did: It helped kcr digestion and .be liked the habit- WeU. atop It." I aaldr -it It making your Jaw aquar. and aa yoor fnc gKi beaey Jawed your eye grow smaller. Tb eyes must be at In an oral face to be effertlre.' "8b stopped the gum chewing and tbe Jaw seemed to subside, ivrbspa It did nut r-aiiy grow lou. but bvr ' , got plumper and tb quarenext Bot ao tirent.' be asked, ruaning a comb . -.7 "w . "T". through4 ber golden hair. i i,, J. . Z7. . COTUno?1 m. .j, r - ; uw mu oowy WHOOUt result. tbousht. I uur",ul aiiempt to. eaoap "Call It The Bradbury Alarm. Ir ara mn. mnr. U)i. - ' sv aaatov u asc,t(r m. . . urged Juim. fllnslng , ! " taat unuget fcamaa ar- golden braid orer lier boulder non' w17 nr on "Nothing the matter with that el- i D? of nWed pleaear. Her at-tber.- anentel Mr. Bradbury, Jotting !ck 00 klrh- w foUowed ll down In bis notebook by an ear splitting shriek tbat brought roe aeisnnornood out of tbeir beds. was tbat tb Bradbury bar glar alarm demnaatrated lta efficiency. Tbe ' colored ilghu flashed" in termit- BurgUr ! tTm xb bo b a aecond story win- Many weeks ensued before any men- j un waa made of the burglar alarm. ! , n , In the meantime Joseph Bradbury each night rolJowed bia, wife from window to window t,f their little home trying earh catrh and lok after she hal fastened It nd then wIting paUently afterward while abe once mora made tbe round. Aa time ent on Mr. Bradbury spent mtvh tf fn c,t arMilit M a i.t. eopeUl desk In the corner skefrhlng j t"1 7ln Bridget bad been re-' plana and making batrua calcula- I . from hr unhappy position more Tntiy all oter -be bouse; tb elgbteea bei: rang iae.iantly: tb eonaubl ad bia'-aid rattled utroa motor-Tr c!. while Mlaa Lanlgaa prreeded to rend tb air with ber rrtee of pain. n nea tb tumult was orer. when tb two. Instead of wanting to qalt It yourself, you ahould try to Indue dty peopl la rwaatjipd lite with -you. tbow tbe4B Wber tbey can beoent by ao doing. Ifetp Invreajf.-tb pu aiatlua of your town In this way. Tell tbem thai you ar a big Tatully. not a lot of stranger to uo aaotberas tbey are, pmk of tb guud tlmm you 'Indalg ta that in cUj psopl orr enjoy.'- Tber ar thoueande' of people cooped apja tb cltle at rf tbey ar brought far to face with tb beau. Uea af tb amall tow a will com ta ya nd belpyoa grow. By tb rerent rf afia tt waaoed tbat la . Mhwuurl wbefever a Iowa showed deaa ta pormiatioa It waa BLurrta aaaaitkaa,. W(bilj aaisraai j at Aswao araier., tern df tralBlng aad wtu rwatlaa at H tbrougboai tb wtater and. la I be' early j prtug IU take part la assay Co sap l Utiooa smtdxura, Shertdaa eaterwl hm Irat aU area ad raaupktavsblp.at.Tech Sekt. Brook 11 a. ,11 la IWX captarlog lb ! aad; ban II log a a worlds rsrwrd et aJOal points la l!Ml b dkl apt defend bta -Utl,'bat to Inu7 b again eolered lb Ilea tbftwwW hi wnb-ur a aw wArhJ a record acwr f I.IH pointa. Mania waa o lb borft agata I to lv. but roan feted agata la tun.'! srbeo to louing lb at b r4l4 ap TiSa points., lb pr wn world" i Tb Brat aprarb t tboa ftrarea waa aaad b Krad Tbeaasua. IK Ika m - 'oUI4 - I tered 8.001 olats la taking lb rasas- ! pkwablp at ChVago last am 8br klta did at ewaBptiua . Jack tiUIle, ta. Vtoeuurer B4lr aaaa. wb waa b lea l -4y-py il etgbty lw polata for flrsl aoaura by M Tboaasna aad wb. Ibeaigb b did mm j ana to rrect. is eamara Better 1 1 aaaa lb a Tbaawaax aaawty will bs a I competitor. I uunew arstraywaa gresiee taaa la i point acore aaad by Tea Kleley. kU- uo lo' tbe Jack of gwal Made. 'Tbla neclert wilf hate rf.r..r.;i.t ,ie.t rr Clarke. rred lvwr. Ilarry UUL oa any community. Petipt w Mother-1 Adam Uuaa or aay tbr furaxr all wis would reach your towa will arotd J arouad eaamptoa. Ciperta took fr 8om of your own penpl will park ap I tb boaora. iter awuiie aw (ear la disgust current bad been abut-off from tbe tOtea fiWte T. - trt- i - - a aaiuK lay aior. not eren a drug ator 11 ng b tlons on arra'ps of paper. One Thumday night Mr. Bradbury frightened thaa hurt, for tb current bad sot been a. very' beary oo after Tw fiuty Tip. WBrpl JUlCe Is gor.J f;T ' oiflg tatoa out of tbe band It nnld be tl rubbed to. left fur a few minutes ad then IttorougMy washed with Heaty of soda aad warm water. tout people should limit the mount f potatoes and sugar tbey eat as toaae artlrleaof fond fame A.n.! af fat aderneaih the .kh. . .... and opened It a. mstj IUUL - aw meat, stewed fruit and flab ar wlr' r'1 Tods aud. bolts - v "f?; tka. fat awat and greasy dlsbea Vhit ttr Khe leaned orer tb - i... V asjfht ta ba aeolded. 0,t ber pretty face puckered Vv. . " ' , . .! I -wltbt-arlQalty and Imoatienre ""wj uurgiar Alarm," an Bounced the iDTenu.r Droodlr TttMl nw AtA f . ..... V . J .:.iaw warn meawre aaaV anUra tb. aqueaj. r' m ' Tba atretchlag rtni issa. too f aplaadbl aa wait daoteti V " Wgb aba tba b; team. 'VX? Trtt. try to toueft jJ t-.lt. floor -nth tbe Inger tips. Stand Bd a aipa. band from , waJat far poeafbl t tba rlgbt . to tba left. , hurried bom from th mn. . wbn tl fonaubl had been lib- "'ij iq ior mi troooia ana an tba neighbors bad enjoyed their laurb to tb utmost. Mr. Bradbury slammed tb rroot door ttcioasly npon tb outaid worn and confronted his wlf "Now, what ar you going to Id. Joe? You look desperate. Bridget says an brought In your orercoar at 2 o'clock, ao yoU need not bar tried to fet out and" "My dear." aaid Bradbury with a grat-effort at aelf con trot.-.-"Good nlBbtr fT' Tbea when be waa alone Mr. Brad bury proceeded to undo bta earlier work of tbo erenlng. He tore down all his wires and other dtiof nr. o'clock. He came out on tb trolley, and with him he carried a shabby leather silt rase which Hang bearlly from on" hand. "What hare y.m got. dearr Mra. Bradbury kissed her busUhd and look ed rgrjously t the suit raae. ' "Anylrtdy rrndr asked Bradbury entlously. "Not a soul Bridge afternoon and erenlng. of eonrse." Bradjmry knelt down before tbe case Within wa a Ungl Ttl i. - '' Daea braarhlna: wm . ad Joyfully. - "Sural did. Now.rTamadarrknga aaats with tbe electric llsjht plaat to rtm a line down from their feed wire. It urffl connect with this and tbla and tWO dlaplaytnc Ibe tangl ofi!k eo. Wta af ahan m, An rw got to do ta to switch oa Ibo rarraat when I go to bed. and a. and restored tbo bouse to lta "artistic" atmosphere. What bo did with tbo debris from tbla devastation l not re corded. When be had finished be went ear fully around Ibe boos and locked each wtodow and door. Tbea ho mad a aecond trip aad tested each on. "What ar you doing. Jor called Louis from tb stairs.- "The Iprkatepr granted Mr. BradV bury, with a grim sml! at hla anra ant , . If ycawould sell " ' . 'V'- ' ' ,;- : Try wtu O tkm9 otaasMtkd Ijnt atarrto mm Ufot 1i t BO YOU WANT AIWTTfllNG . . Try tlie Cacsdfcd Colecsa cf tfcs - .r'i.,'"-"ftv.;iiyt?ry;i;j :;v'W..r'; -r. : Tb same might b said If tb towa' Itaelf presetit a slitrealy appearaOr u h soows a lacs or citic pru. Bat tb place that ablaea out In rlvV Impruvrinent whoa streets and roads j bow that tb people ar bp aind do. lag. will be tbe gala by Its neigh bore aeglert Ta Builtf BaawtifMl Market la filea UMce, N. a vlilag mar ket a unique aad pretty feature of modern euburt.au Impruvrnleut, la to be erected at th corner of Bloomfleld arena ana Herman street. It la part of a general plan for lb beaatiocation of tb borough aad protection against tn erection, of aasivhtly struct a re. Too inoto buildlng-wlll hsv sis UnM. each '2t'by 40 feet, with oftcea on tb aecond Hot, a ault bavin al toady been reserved for boronrb IB eUIs and lb borough couo'-li chamber. Tbe -buildings 'will bo of light brick and bay a red Ml roof. Tbo stores will be in an arrail. Tha at Nate) Meaetof DArajrV "Ring beatiaga bate destroyed Bat- tOnc Nelaou's bearing Tb Battler la stUI a great fighter." ore ru la tea Owe MoraB, -lMil b'a aa deaf aa a hitching poet Why. a caa'l ova bear tbo bvll ring at tb oad of tb rounds aay more. I grabbed aim by tb arm It or all time wba ibo ball rang and avet aim to hla coca." AoAlie to 1ay rVaVvaotoM. 'r It m announced thai tb JKavy foot ball team will play PrtBctoq.ait aa. on-lit Aaaapoiav tb aoatrb bating been OeBnltety arraagad for either Oct 21 or Oct .- ' Is to be as successful cs the inter- ests of Oiegon City deminds it must heeds of all. , big work before it in boosting Oregon ; City and CUckanas . .County. Your nipport means more sttogui for the worL HelpUs "TTttftttttttlltMIMIItt fa'"! ,lthln "fi,e Hmlia of tb muuiii pauty or oter ? ooo Inhabitant. Citiaa Dm4m , .. titles always destroy; they never PToaue. The city alia like a parasite on tbo face of tbo country liarlltig IU best The country alwaya cvo tri botes to ,th Hty, tb dty never to mo country. Tb dtie could not out ror the country. W bar de veloped tbe city dvtlltatlon ttond iL.l al . iuai oi in rountry-rrofeaaor Bailey -t'-- A Quick ThinkliM Aa1waela.' It bapriened J Tonefca. Thh.riik. lag stores are on tbe same block. One monilng tbe n.'d.lle trotirle4r . t tb right of him a bta: aim it.nke.nt Kale." and lo the left "Closing Out at I'oat- Twenty tolnolea later there ap ,mm wter ui own door In lare Ut. tera, "Mala Entrance." Ererybody'a On Way t Keep. Trstf a. Tbero ta none who baa area tee .. porlunliy to make fHAili tks k. riera in in store. aDd to him friends ar valuable. Jtever consider any on a bor who la a customer of tbo place It k quit aa easy to bo good natured aod railing aa to be rbort, erfcvp. and frowning, - , . NO FIAR" Or NEW Mil. BALL -BAT BIINO UI0.- tb latest auggestlo ta X rreaso tbo battlag Is that tb f round bat b rhaaged for a quaro ooo. thaa prvtenUng tbe t Bomeroua roul tlpa and aaaklng-i lb gam aa oU time alagging t uauifc vcatr aov inai BUCB a cbang will bo mad, for base ball owe lta popularity to tb X fact (bat tb bat la roaad. It to t tbla tat which baa aa moch I auaa 10 gam aacortaui Z uiBiag roaaertea with It If aot morsv Tbo base ball loving public owes murb lo tbe ma a who figured out ibo as of tbo round bat and placed Ibo baaso ninety feet apart To tongta or abortea tbo dlataaro bet) tbo baaea woukj' rula baseball. Aa It to oow tfm dlstaac la just treat enough to make It poaalbl for aa In fielder to throw cm 'batter If th ball la bandied wU X aia aot bit loo alow, aad yt fat mit hllMa a l . s - - m ipw arvwoo- or caa beat It out-truly aa Meal f Aa for tbo roaad bat It Is la t mm mat ao macb of tb unr Utoty Hoa. rortanateiy tbo aaoa la chargo of ibe rule ar ftot alio wing themseltaa la bo Influenced by lb ma ay aggao tlona to change tbo oam. ttm tbey aem to feotlov la tba leava wall tsoart aim ml . i '"IMItttHIIIIIH WiU. You Boost Your Own Interests? a Scbr ccij2s-to tt' If ThO BtaeailM :i Otv gmu .7 1.-7. ' . V Weeeogfttl aa tba latoraat. mmnw avengia lor taawnrk jour Yc3 Kelp D::i b I,---- By carrlor. l year.... aod in yoor ajimo aJ rwJtta,,;V"''""? ; t ) For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subixribcrs as follows: By ccczios, I year? 2.0 L- Vl .