Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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s 1 :
Tovmrrra pridnt.
r. J. MEYER, tuMN
t snral tanking Business. Open I ran I A, M, to I P. M
, a
Next Door to Postofflc
yfl Moody bat gone to Th
J ( i Lalnss.
.."1 C " Zlgl"r left Monday after-
m i
j r
rj. r
.Portland for a brief visit
rln Ward INp; 6t Port
ing with her aunt, Mra,
Latourette.' .
!ra Ralph Marshall vlalled
a of Ih former's Bister,
ft on Sunday.
i r
' 3
i, !
r. f
ll 1 t
avlav Capeu returned to
loday evening, whnr aha
la tear hi ug school.
'a Jarkaon, who haa b-en
I nor psrenls, Mr. and Mra.
Clermont, haa returned to
; ...
t tlsffaey, of Claremont,
ten la Southern Orgon
Ji hr brother, Tbomaa
.turned home;""
I Rands, who haa been
relatives for the paat
In tbla rlty, haa returned
at Psloua. Wash. ----- T
Mitchell, after a 'brief
jer parents at Handy, haa
i Oregon f'lty and reeumed
1 In the sascksor of fire.
Nehbrss who la connected
'ew System Denial Com
Wave aoon for the Kaat,
111 vlalt with hla motLer
1e Day. who has been vla
Mt eon, tleorg Cllne, at
1 returned to Oregon City,
.if with Mra. C. I. Latour
: :a. Capen, of Willamette,
' ported aa quite III. Both
anced yeara and frlenda
. v y may not be able to re-
, "obnson, of Portland, who
siting at the home of her
Mr. Maxwell Telford, of
returned to her borne Mon-
Beatty, of Waabougal.
'altlng In the city the gueat
we, Mra. Webb Ilurna, of
I, and Mr. McCoy, of the
- J4 Porter, a aludent'at the
jinesa roller In Portland,
w of Carl Fl Andreaen thla
expressed Hlmaelf aa fav
aed withour little city,
ft Cafk, of' White Salmon,
returned to her home, after
Halt with her alater, Mr.
- She cam her to attend
union, held at th Duma
prlgga. of Portland, who
) the winter In thla city,
of the Oemond baby dur
ber'a Illness. Mra. Oemond
I from her aever attack
evr. .
. W. Mlltlkln. of Seattle,
t haa been vlaltlng wb
Mlaaea Auguata and Mafy
returned home. Mr. MIW
en vlaltlng with relatlvea
an Tldwell, nee Eva Todd,
y resided In thla city, but
e, who haa been vlaltlng
er, Mra. Harry Jonea, haa
her horn. 8h waa ge
ar by her lltUp child.
: Jonea, after Valuing with
ra. Hanklna, at Star, Ore
grand home, accompanied
r, who will vlalt ber for a
. She will alao vlalt with
t, Mra. H. B. Straight.
' Mra. William Thompaon
lrglnla Conrath, of Port
," Sunday In thla city the
lr. and Mra. Maxwell Tel
f were accompanied horn
nts- The party cam by
t and although th ground
d with anow excellent
nad from and to that city,
y Mil lor, or Portland, and
Miller, of Omaha, Neb.,
;a at th horn of Mi", and
(Dy yeaterday. They ar
th Mrs. Miller from Oral
Ag her alater In Portland for
3i. ' They cam to Oregon
rday to b pfeaent at th
tat Mrs. Latouretta'a, wlnh
f Mrs. Dy'a talk on Hawalla.
John lilaley, of Naefs Station, Was
transacting bualneaa In this city Mon
day.. Colt-man Marka, of Mark's Prairie,
waa In Oregon City Monday on bual
ness. . ,
K. Elllgaen. one of the prominent
farmera of Stafford,' waa In thla city
on bualneaa Tuesday. ...
Tbad Btlpp, one of the well known
residents of Molalla, waa tranaacilng
bualneaa In this city yesterdsy. .
(lorbelt k Robeaon have atarted
the new year right; they have made
three aalea ao far and have a number
In prospect. They predict a good year
Jim ahead.
U Adama baa been ependlng' hla
time the paat few day In Canby, aa
alntlng In taking th Invoice at th
(iordon Itroa ft Co; store. In which
he Is financially Intereated. -
During th abaence of Representa
tive 1 K. Jones at Salem, bis vacancy
In the drug ator la being filled by
Cbambera Howell, formerly on of th
proprietors of the eatabllahnient.
Stat 8uMrlntendent of Instruction,
Alderman will apeak to the High
School pupUe-thla forenoon. As he la
a plraaant and entertaining spraker
great things ar anticipated by the
pupil. Patrona and parenta' ar In
vited to be present and enjoy his talk.
- A ahlp lnth dlaplay window of the
Prank Iiuach furniture ator la attract
ing attention. Thla Is th workman
ship of W. M. Wilds, of Clsdatone, and
la valued at $00. There ar four maats
a th boat and many aalla ready foe
the sailing There ar four allk flsgs
adorning th veaael, thoa of America.
Germany. Ireland and Prance. Th
boat Is taking th children' eye as
well aa th older one.
William Scbats, a well known real
dent of Stafford, was tranaacilng bual
neaa In thla city on Tuesday. Mr.
Bchatt states thst th people In that
part of th connty-perlenced swm4
wintry weather during tn paat week,
and the anow reached a depth of sev
en Inches, but. was fsat disappearing
th morning he cam to thla city, and
by Wednesday there waa no doubt
would entirely disappear.
Th allver tea given by Mra. Charles
D. LAtourett at ber pretty home on
th bluff, yeaterday afternoon for the
benefit of th Congregational church,
waa a moat auccesaful affair. Although
th Inclemency of the weather kept
many away who had plsnned to attend.
there were about 86 present.'who en
Joyed a most delightful afternoon In
listening to th two solos rendered by
Mrs. Ksthryn Wsrd Pope, or Portland,
who wss accompanied by Mtas Veda
Wllllatna, of this city. Mrs. Popes
solos wer well received, as ah ren
dered both beautifully.
Mrs. Eva Emery Dy gave an escel
lent account of her recent trip to the
Hawaiian lalands. Mrs. Dy told of
th peopl of that place, th customs,
th climate, th products, etc During
the afternoon the guests wer served
delicious- refreshments, and th hos
tess wss assisted by Mrs. Minn! Dsy,
Uf Waltsburg, Wssh.: Miss Uesa Daul-
ton and Miss Maud Warner,
Among those attending were Mrs.
C, If Caufleld, Mrs. Henry Me.ldrum,
Mrs. 11. C. Stevens. Mrs. T. U Char
man, Mrs. M. Miller, of Portlsnd;
Mrs. Iialley, of portlsnd; Mrs. James
Wilkinson. Mra. Iena Charman. Mra.
Thomas Warner, Mrs. Roalna Fouts,
Mr, p. James. Mrs. E. J. Daulton,
Mtas Iteaa Daulton. Mrs. W. M. Proc
tor, Mrs. O. E. rreytsg, Mrs. Rlchsrd
Prey tag. Mrs. Todd, Mrs. Henry Jones,
Mrs. liert Hoake. Mra. Charles Noble.
Mrs. J. II. Wslker. Mrs. William Mon
ey, Mrs. Kred C. (ireenmsn, Mrs. Kvan
R. Wllllama. Mrs. Dave Caufleld, Mrs.
J M. Mark, Miss Mlna Kelly. Mra.
Kathrrn Ward Pope. Mlsa Veda Will-
lams. Mint Maud Warner, Mra. C. H.
Twelve dollara was netted for tne
work of th Congregational choir. -
Sesdlesa rslalna 6c a pound at Bee-Ufa.
Th following tranafera of real es
tate wer filed yeaterday In the office
or Recorder .L. E. Wllllama:
Cary 8. and Ida May Herman to J.
R, Edgmand, loo acrea, aectlon 20,'
townahlp B south, rang t east; 11000.
Mary U-Church, t al., to Charla
ft. Moors, laad In sections IS and 26,
townahlp 1 aouth, rang 1 eaat, cor
recilon; quitclaim. ,
J. M. and Uda Poorman to United
Rtatea, acrea, aectlon 10, town
ahlp 2 aouth, rang 2 eaat; $8941.
Cdnsd Milk.
Baffer Tber doesn't seem to b
much or th milk of human kindness
these days.
Waggles Oh. I guess ther Is, only
It's condensed. .
Complete Una Richardson's silks
first prii wlnnsrs at D. C. Ely's.
. Go to 8crest'a for that hot lunch
successor to bents, 610 Main strL
Per fin shoe rspslrlng t '
, . Work dsn whll ysu wait. ,
Otrt Mottt SattsUctMtm GMraatMdl
SCHOENHEINZ, Propt ietot
716 Main Est. Elxtn and Eevsnth.
cYerythinStrlctly Fresh. Short" Or-
; . dtrs Oar Specialty
iJ & O'DONNEL, Proprietors
Ititm 5:h tr.d 6th, ca Street
.' . . ' ' "
In th County Court of the Stat or
Oregon, for the' County or Clacka
mas. ;
In lb mstter or drawing )he names
or tsipsyers to act as Jurors for
th year 1911. v
Ordered that the following named
taxpayers be and they ar hereby
drawn to act aa Jurora for lb year
Nam and Occupation. Precinct.
R. W. Porter.. Blacksmith, Abernethy
W. W. Smith, Tarmer, "
B. P. Mitchell. Real Estate, " .
Joha Kent. Carpenter, " 1
O. W.. Waldron. Parmer, "
J..W. Potter, Farmer, "
R. W. Zimmerman, Farmer. IUrlow
Chrl Kocher, Farmer,
W. S. Tull, Farmer, ;.
8. a Derg Farmer, ' "
Geo. Zelgter, Farmer,
ETATTIowardr Farmer. Beaver Creek
Qua Schuble, Farmer, "
E. F. (Jlnther, Farmer, "
Ceo. Schmidt, Farmer,,
Gotfrled Moehnk. Farmer,
Adolph Aschofr, Farmer, Bull Run
Lulgl Vsereth, Fsrmer, "
W. H- Tbomss, Farmer, "
W. H. Boring. Farmer, Boring
C. M. lJk. Farmer,
Sol Qartiso. Farmer, "
O. W. Hall. Farmer,
Frank. Irvln. rarmer, "
W. E. Bonney, Farmer, Canyon Creek
Andrew Johnssn, Farmer.
M. J. Lee, Bookkeeper, .
A. M. Vlnyard. Farmer,
M. T. Mack, Farmer,
Q. H. Fellers, Farmer,
R. A. Easton, Farmer, "
J. J.- Sandsness, Merchant,
W. 8. Maple, Blacksmith, "
M. R Webster Farmer, ciacgamaa
B. p. Dedman. Farmer,
John Talbert, Farmer.
Fred Roadarm!. Farmer, "
a IUneon,"rrmer, "
Chas. Wagner, Farmer. "
U War. Farmer, Cherryvlll
Tho. McCsbe, Farmer,
F. H. Tswney, Farmr, "
Frd Shannon, Logger, Canemah
Mag Telford. Farmer. "
Wm. Fin. Uvryman, "
Wm- Buckner, Farmer,
Fred Painter, Farmer,
W. B. Lawton, Farmer, "
Oeo. Epperson, Farmer, caacaaes
Chas. Sharnk, Farmer, S
J. tl. Rvnu. Farmer. ".
Frank Beers, Farmer,
Joseph Hall. Farmer,
A. 0. Melnlg, Merchant,
John R. Maroney, Farmer,
O. C. Dallaa, Farmer, Damascus
E. H. Burghardt, Farmer,
Al. Cook. Farmer,
Carl Wollhagen, Blacksmith,
Henry Hlllery,. Fanner, "
Chas. A. Keith, Farmer, uorw
H. H. Udell, Farmer,
H. 8. Olbaon, Farmer, Eagl Creek
Henry Glthena, Farmer, "
Alex Baker, Farmer, . . " '
H. B. Ballou, Farmer, " .
E. N.'Foaler; Farmer, " " .
B. T. Forrester, rarmer, "
Ward Douglas. Farmer, , " .
k n. Palmateer. Farmer'."' Estacada
fl. E. Wooster, rarmer; .
John C- Tracy, Capitalist.
C Krlgbaum, CapUaltst,
a O. Burver, Capitalist,
a r. Dullard, Capitalist,
P.'B. Linn, Capitalist,
F. H. Davis, Capltallat,
John K. Ely. Capltallat.
A. H. Miller, rarmer, 0org
Julius Paulssn, rarmer,
rtank Ahnert, rarmer,-
J. M. Tracy,. Capitalist, Gladston
C. H-.Dauchy, Caviullst,-.
B. D. Blevers, Farmer,
J. C. BchmMt, Csrpenter,
W. E. Becknerj Mill Wright, J
John r. Jennings, rarmer, ,
W. II. Bonney. Mill man, Harding
J. W. Watts, rarmer,
Chas. Hatton, Farmer,
J. C. Young, Par mar, '
J. R. Carr, Parmet,
Robuf: uibson Farmer, Harmony
0. W, At wood, Farmer, "
John A. Davis, Fsrmsr, H
Jsmes E. Wilson, Fsrmer," "
M. B. Handle, Farmer, Highland
Nat Scrlbner, Farmer, ,
Robt., Rutherford, Farmer, . " "
John Bchram." Farmer,-' "
T. J. WlrU, Farmer, -
0. R. Miller, Farmer.
Charles Bchockley, Fsrmer, ' M
N. R. Graham, Farmer, Klllln
1. 8. Owlngs, Farmer, "
Ol O. Ry, Farmr, "
D. C. Voder, Farmer, '
8. a Taylor, Fsrmer, "
R. A. Wrtght, Fsrmer, Macksburg
J. t?. Ilepler, Farmer,
D. Wolfer, Farmed, "
8. N. Btrubabr, Farmer, "
D. C. Harns. Farmer, -
P. l Bchamel. Farmer, Molalla
Sllaa Wright, Farmer,
II. 8. Raniaby, Farmer, ' . '
J. A. Wells, Parmer, -
P. O. Chlndgren. Farmer, "
J. P. Dosler, Farmer, . "
Unrrf Raslsll, Farmer, "
W. II. Counsell, Contractor, Mllwaukl
Chas. A. Lakln, Machlneat, "
Walter, B. Harvey, Farmer, . j "
Walter Fred Lehman, Butcher, "
Wm- Bhlndler, Farmer, "
Joseph Conrad, Farmer, Marquam
J. C Lei Jh man. Farmer, "
E. A. Shaver, Farmer, "
E. B. Albright, Farmer,- , -
O. W,. Bentley, Farmer, "
3. F. Ridings. Merchant. "
O. A. Marquam, Farmer, "
Joseph Jones, Fsrmer, . " I
frank Jackaoa, Farmer, : " I
W. F. HartnelTSyFarmer, Maple Lan
Michael Krall, Farmer, "
L. Msutx, Farmer, "
W. H. Heater, Farmer, " j
G. A- Ward, Farmer, " . i
Chrla Muralt, Farmer, M
C. H. Albright, Farmer, Milk Crk
James F. Nelson, Farmer, "
J. J .Mallett, Farmer, " -
A L Jones, Farmer, "
. L. Evans, Farmer,- "
E. Mitts, Farmer, Needy
C. W. Carothers, Farmer, "
C. a Noblttt, rarmer, "
Wm. Thompson, Farmer, "
Wm. H. Btuwe, Farmer, "
Geo. Brockart, Farmer, " .
M. ilulrss, Farmer,- New Era
G. 8. Randall, Farmer. " . '
Thomaa Kelland, Farmer, "
Sam Warnock, Farmer, "
Emll Gelbiich. Farmer. -,.
John 8toker, Farmer. ' '-"
L, E. Armstrong. Capltallat, Oak Grove
Chaa a Voaberg, Agent; "
F. a Msdlson, Farmer, "
John a Oatfleld Parmer, M .
a 8- McLaughlin, rarmer, ' ' "
John 8. Broetje, riortst.",
Otto Naer, rarmer, ' '
O. P. Rothe, rarmer, "
Wm. Scott, Tarmer, "
' Or. City No. 1
H. EL Straight, Plumber. " '
W. N. Myers. Retired rarmer '
J. J. Cooke, Merchant, "
S. A. D, Hungate, Surveyor, "
D. K. Bill. Real Estate. "
R. G. Pierce. Florist, "
David 'Wllllama, Transfer,
V. Harris. Merchant, Or. City No. 2
J. H. Walker, rarmer. '
F. H. Cross, Harness Maker, " .
Chrla Bluhm, Capltallat. "
Joseph Lynch, Laborer, "
W. E Pratt, Steamboat man,
D. Renner, Contractor, "
W.-C Green, Barber, " .
Or. City Na 2
John Lewellyn, Retired Fmr., "
L. Mattocka. Laborers "
John Darling. Bookkeeper, " " '
E. P. Elliott. Real Estate. "
J. L. Swafford. Real Estate, "
B. F. Linn, Retired, "
Francis WelBh. Mill man, "
J. P. Cook, rarmer, Oswego
Wm. Henke, rarmer,
C. C. Borland, rarmer,
O. a Whltten. rarmer. . "
J. W. Thomas, rsrmer, "
Joa. Blckner. Merchant,' "
C. W .Caulklns. rarmer. Pleasant Hill
P. O. Chapman, rarmer, - "
E L. Baker, rarmer. "
J. B. Beeley, rarmer,
A. P. Todd, rarmer, "
J. Vt. Chase, rarmer, ' "
a M. Kelso, Farmer, "
Marion Young, rarmer. , , " .
A. M. Oroshong. Tarmer, Soda 8prings
Scott Carter, Farmer,
rrank Jones, rarmer, ' " "
Hubert Engle, rarmer, ,. .
Roy Phelps,' Tarmer, M
W. H. Kandle, Tarmer. Bprlngwater
John 8tormer, Tarmer,
J. A. Reld, Tarmer. "
W. A- Bard, Tarmer,
Tred Shoppert, Tarmer,
C, W. Arnett, Tarmer,
Tred bag, Tarmer,
Joe E. Deardorf, Farmer,
Chaa. Thompaon, Tarmer,
Auguat Gebhardt, Tarnwr,
John Aden, Tarmer,
O. P. Sharp, Tarmer,
Tred L. Baker, Tarmer,
a T. Weddle, Tarmer,
P. A. Baker, Tarmer,
R. DeNuL Tarmer,
L. P. Kiel. Tanner. r Union
V. 1 Mack, Tarmer,
C. D. T. Wilson, Tarmer,
A. M. Klrchem. Tarmer, Viola
J. E. LaCroy, Tarmer,
C. C. Miller, Tanner,
L. Tenny, Tarmer,
Wm. Brown, Farmer,
O. f..Horton, Tarmer, West Or. City
P. J.. Winkle, rarmr,
A. Bremer, Tarmer,
Geo. J. Armstrong, rarmar,
II. T. Shipley. Tarmer.
John W'agley, Laborer,
D. C.Iowll, Tarmer,
Eight and tcsn as Hs Describes
Thsm in Lsttsra to HI Mother,
Mrs. D. C. Lstour- .
' Stt. r
N. F. Humphry, Paper maker, "
Ttia following ir trarts from
siniA lot f frm srrlttj.fl liil amUr
by Kenneth Latourette, near the end
of a Jong Journey, which began at
Oregon Cty early In June, and after
s faw wJMfa" stsv In Mw Rnvlanil.
terminated at Champa In Hunan Pro
vince, central China, his rout was
across th Atlsntlc to Plymouth, Eng
land. After a few daya sightseeing
hlrh flnlnritfl UwArnrwil. Ovfnr.1
Cambridge, London, and many famous
nM aallfl hs irrtsflvt nvsr to the
Continent Rapidly. touring In Trance,
Switzerland, uavana, woera oe wit
nessed th Passion Play, Germany;
thence to Warsaw in Poland and to
Moscow, Russia, where began the long
Trans Siberian Journey across Russia,
Siberia and Manchuria to Peking.
Hankow and finally Champa, where
be arrived on September 7. Hla work
there Is In Ysle Mission College, an
Institution of higher learning estab
llh1 hv TTnlvoraltv. dfslcned to
train op Christian Chines young men
for teachers and leaders among their
own ' people.
Ths nsrts of the letters riven here
are begun on th Yangtze, on his way
up to Hankow, one or tn tnree cities
which form the commercial center of
East Central China.
. Th Vinrtu la a wonderful river.
and the boats are email ocean going
steamers. It is mors tnsn a miie
wlrfa at Hankow and vet haa a swift
current. It Is about the color or light
brick dnst, with aedlment rrom tn
rlpfnrMtait hills, of fhlns. I Shall not
soon forgot tbeaunaet that night over
the hills.. and th deepening twilight
on the river. Two missionaries wer
alnging softly. "Steal Away to Jeans"
almost any music would have been
rittlng and tb light slowly faded
leaving nothing but the occasional
nllni limna vlalhle. the oath Of light
mad by th steamer, and the stars
overhead. We got Into Hankow early
the next morning.. In the afternoon
omaajul this river to Nueberg. We
crossed la a native sampan. aall boat
about as big as a large row boat, a
atmna- hroexs was hlowlnar ud stream.
and for tb first time sine leaving
New York I felt a touch or sea aica
ness. R I got sea sick crossing th
Yangtze in a row boat whsi will hap
pen when I cross th Pvnilc in a big
liner two or three summers from now?
Nueberg is a most Jntereailng city.
It present Its old--trail, and Its narrow
streets are said to be truly Chinese.
The smells are not nearlrso-fead as, I
hsd anticipated, and th entire; scene
was intensely Interesting to me. Have
had to pinch myself to keep'rronTreel
Ing thst all this was Europe In the
Middle Age. Narrow winding streets
are lined 'th shops, wher various
article ar sold or manufactured.
Her ar some cakea for sale, and a
man la frying them while you watch.
Here are some looms buMly going.
Her a tombstone maker is at worg,
hla annMn Ilea IshnrloualV DOllshlng a
-stone by rubbing another on up and
down tta moistened surtae. uccas
innalfV von at en aside to let chairbear-
ers pasa and catch a glimpse or some
official or Important personnge as th
chair passe. Her is an oia issn
loned Chines school from whence
eome the loud voices or children con
ning their lessons aa loudly aa they
ran f ml intn one of them, to their
amazement, and possibly to their trri-
Utlon, although I apoiogizeu in my
best English. Chickens dodge around,
ntrkln tm arrans aa industriously as
ever any or our biddle at home. Dogs
ar everywhere; not tn wen iea,
complacent sort w hav. at home, last
underalie. wolfish creatures, thin.
dirty and sometimes ao mangy tnai
their hair I nearly all on. r oor crea
ture thav and the Ale are tb sad
dest aighta I hav yet seen In China.
The pigs ar unusually dirty, always
thin ai nH hava s discouraged mint.
Inherited from a long line or hair-
atarved ancestors.
Nuchang la a great educational cen
ter. Ther ar larg government
schools her on a modern basis; but
rew or them, I am sorry to say. ar
Jln. anv nrk that Is worth Whll.
Then ther ar several large mission
schools. On or the is kept oy
the Wesleyana (English Methodists).
t ! nr a hih ae.hnol trade, and also
has a normal department There ar
perhaps 150 boys in it, ana tney nave
a pleasant campus or twenty acres or
so. Another is Boon university. iu
Episcopal Institution. It Is probably
th best In Central Chin, and has
wr I..H tn taarh all our other school s
Ther ar about 400 students In th
nreDsratory. theological, medical ana
college departmenta.
aknnt ik, middle of the forenoon.
Tyng and I crossed again to Hankow.
W went over thla urn in a large
aall boat, nature again. I could hav
Imagined myself In the Arabian
aall boat, natlv again. I could hav
been surprised had 8intaa. tn aauor,
ollmlMHt over the s-unwale. I had Urn
befor tiffin to visit th tailor and
to pay my respects to the American
Consul. Arter timn Tyng ana i toos
Hxkahawa for the jndon Mission
School. Griffith John College, they eau
It. It lies on the outskirts of th city
nn a level nlsin. and has soma good
buildings, but only about 60 pupils aa
yet It is th biggest toreign nign
school In Hankow, however. Th head
maater la an Oxford graduate. We
cam back by boat down th Hau riv
er, which empUea Into th Hau river
here, and gives Hankow and Hanyang
their same. These thre cities. Hsn;
kow, Hanyang and Nuchang. ar to
gether, th grest future city or Central
China. Ther ar already large fac
tories, and tb tall chimneys, belching
their smok glv the plac quit a
Pittsburg appearance. Ther l are
large Iron and ateoh Works, antimony
works, etc. It will, too, b th rail
road center or Central China, and la
th head or lower rlvr traffic. Th
foreign quarter la large, and lined on
th front by a handsome embank
ment or "Bund." with a broad drive
way lined with shad trees. Th
streets and buildings In this quarter,
ar like those In any -European city In
th sub-tropics, and there' are some
fin compounds and public bullJIngs.
Thar ar electric light-In some plac
es and other modern conveniences.
Even th natlv city baa on or two
broad, modern street, and a modern
water work plant. Ther arfrom
7W.000 to 1,000,000 peopl in th three
cltle." - '
At Isst my suit esses hav a rest,
and after 1 get settled csn be stowed
away" for months.-Th"yri wan
derings are at an end, and I can esttl
down to a consecutive piece of work.
And my first Impressions of Cbampba
ar vary happy ones. W anchored
Priday night thirty miles or so below
th c-lty, as tb river, th Hslang, was
high and ther was danger of running
over email boats In th dark. About
daylight wer started on and by tb
time I had finished' breakfast and had
gotten out on deck, w wer approach
ing tb city. Tb river Is large this
time of year, seemingly almost as
wide as tb Columbia at Vancouver.
It is muddy, but not so much so as
th Yangtze. On each aid or the
stream green hills rose, more nearly
wooded than any I have aeen In China.'
Prosperous . looking farm houses ap
peared from behind th tree. It wa
a beautiful landscape. Soon Champa
cam in sight In th middle of th
river Isy a long, green Island, cov
ered with trees, and on Ra north end
rose the British Consulate. Her are
recreation grounds, open to all foreign
era, and tennla grounds, bowling
greens, etc., sre there for their use.
To th west rose Yoloehsn, on of th
sacred mountains or China. It Is per
haps as high as Council Crest on Port
land Heights, and has slope looking
much like them. Part of It Is heavily
wooded, an unusual thing In China,
To th east lay th city, on a level
plain rising back from th river. To
the north and all along tb river bank
stretches a partially- completed stone
faced bank, with steps running down
to the rlverTh cltv-la1 surrounded
by an, old stone wall, soro twenty or
thirty feet high, and twenty or more
reet thick. - Th casings, at least sr
brick. As our boat came to anchor
Irt mid stream a white suited missloo
srr was seen to com toward us In a
sampan, and took us '- W aoon
round ourselves passing tnrougn in
narow cat Into th city. Th streets
are narrow, possibly thirty reet wide,
stone paved and ar largely shaded by
awnings.. On and two story bouses
arose on either side, the street face
b-elng almost always the open stores.
And tb stores took large and prosper
ous, more ao than any I hav yet seen
In China. 1 .
Street scenes are Interesting; rick-
ahsws snd sedan chairs are aeen pass
ing by, coolie carrying boxes and
timbua were going along In strings '
calling out waring cries to passersby.
calling out warring cries xo psasemoy
quickly made our. way to th Yal
Mission where Hall ana ven gave a
most cordial welcome.
In th afternoon Hall and I took a
walk ii n on th citr wall and then cut
through the country for aeveral mile.
The ilntry is beautiful, and with
treeartniedges, shrubs snd sunken
nattls looks so much Ilk England
that It haa been named the "English
Psrk." Distant mountains ar to-1
aeen In the east. So I am quit cap
tured with Champa. Th weather has
turned cool and pleasant thougtt we
still wear our sun helmets and our
whit duck coats. I hav never felt
better, physically, in my Ilf and am
glad to be here,"
' Bst Jap. rlc e a pound at Seeley's.
Dr. George Hoeye. Dentist. Can
field Bldg., Oregon City.
O. DEBT, Attorney-t-Law, Money
loaned, abetracta furnished, land
titles examined, estates ssxtled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City. - . .
' Fresh tjanaiea and Confections at
Dunn's. . Main street nsr Postofflc.
Good hsrd wheat flour 11.J0 sack at
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Robblns, of
Amity, who have been visiting with
their son, D. C Robblns, of 408 High
street, left for their home Monday
evening. Mr- and Mra. Robblna ar
early pioneers of Oregon, tb former
having across the plains In 1852, whll
th latter cam In 1845, and well re
members Dr. John McLoughlln. She
la th daughter of Mr. and Mra. Amos
Harvey, well known pioneers, Mr. Har
vey was appointed agent of th Indian
reservstion at Grand Rond by Abra
ham Lincoln. This Is Mrs. Robblns'
first visit to this city since 184S, and
ahe atated while her that the only
thing ah recogulzed In th city 'was
th falls. Her husband visited thla
city about flv yeara ago, and noted
many Improvements. Mr. and Mra.
Robblns own a ICO-scre farm at Amity
and have a beautiful home. After
leaving this city many years ago Mr
Robblns entered business In Portland.
and afterwards moved to Yamhill
county, wher he haa sine made his
hom with hla family-
Netls under thsss classinsd hsadhtga
will be Inserted at en east word, first
insertion, half a Cant additional tnaar- '
lions. .On Inch aaxd. II per month; half
Inch rerd. (I pnii) It par month.
Cash muat eeomosjiv ordar anlaaa an
has as open acoouM with the Per. N '
financial rasponslblUly for-srvors; whsr ,
rrors oocur frs corractad sotles will as
prlnlsd for palioa.. Minimum sharg lie, ,.
WANTED To rent piano. Inqulr
Enterprise. U -
WANTED You to kaow that tb En
terpris Job printing department I
th moat complete" In th Stat,
outside Portland. Try it for .your
next printing.
FOR BALE 8 pace la this column.
Sell that old plow or harrow; you
don't us It sine you purchased
your new one.
FOR 8a LB A good 110,000 farm tor
sal. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevena Bldg.
FOR RENT Liner spac la this col
umn, a lew lines may rant that
house, ator or farm; they will coat
you but a few cents.
U'REtf A" SCHTJEBEU Attorneys-at-
Law, Deutscher Advokat will prac
tice in all courts, mak collections
and settlements. Office - In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olf Ice
Land title Investigated, conveyao'
cing, notary public.
c,"jfnra COPY
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
Investment Co., Stevens Bldg.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
. Contractor. Estimate cAesrfully
given on all class t building
work, concrete walka and rslnfortred
concrete. Res, Phons Main 11L
DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4.
S and C Beaver building. Main 8L.
Oregon City. Phones: Horn A-198
and pacific State 1I1L
MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. .
MONEY LOANED W ar acquaint
ed with the valu of all farm land
In Clackamas County and can loan
your money on good safe security.
Farm loans mad one, two and thre
years at 7 per cent Abstracts or
title examined. DIMtCK DIM ICE.
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg Oregon
City, Oregon.
Farm, Timber, erasing. Agricultural
Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
and Poultry Ranches for Sal, Wal
nut Land. Room S Beaver Bldg
Oregon City, Oregon.
H. COOPER. For fir Insurance
and Heal Estate. Let as hand!
your properties w buy, sell and
exchange. Offtc "in Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, hav thole bargalna
In farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit landa aad poultry
ranchea. Be us for good buy.
Near 8. P. dpot.--
of sandy loam, all good farm land free
from ston and gravel. 1 acre la
cult, balance all slaabed. burnt and
seeded hut on acre and haa been for
a good many years so th clearing la
not very sard; 4 room box hous, bans '
10x22; good well, also border th
Tualatin river. Thla Is fin peaca.
berry or garden land, la fact good for
anything that grows; 4Vtj miles r
Oregon City on a macadam toad r 1
miles of Portland on ar macadam road.
The1 pric f tbla pise haa always
been 2650 but for a quick sal owner
will take 1200. $800 down; batanc
8 years at per cent , '
. Orsflon City, Or.' ...
Near Suspension Bridg.
Try Dunn for Cigars and Smokers'
Goods. Nsxt to Postofflc.
Go to Sersfs tor that hot lunch-
successor to Lenta, 610 Maln strt
Coal-oil 15c a gallon at Beeley'.
Dr. Gsorgs Hosts, Daatlst, Cau
flsld Bldg., Orgoa City.
I pound box of soda crackers 20o at
SECOND HAND Furniture, Curios and
Relics bought, sold and exchanged.
Anything from a darning aecdl to
a ahlp'a anchor. TO UNO, Th
Second Hand Man, Main 8t, Ore
gon City. .
Electric Hotel
411 MalB. Istwcss 4is sad SJl .
J. J-' TOSIN,' PrprletT.
Real Estate Ppportunitio.
C T. Toos,
Lawyer and Notary
' Loans
Real Estate Bought and 8old.
Room 8, Bavr Bldg., Oregon City
. . .
If yeu want to
UY A LOT, . .
And h? you want to sail term, hm r
lot do iCkawlMt