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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1911)
THE SCRATCHED. I; BULLET , Bv RUTH GRAHAM CopretsM nr tmrVtl I" , A A maa altllng la bW offii-e- rtMH-d u xplu"oa. Ue was rousting a f bills at the Ohm. but a im a he bad ItsUabeaK sod Ibrant 1 them In hi ea fe he wen tin next door am) found "the 'Bccapanf. Tmulrf Joireik. sKtlna; la hla rhslr with bis head do.u oa hN dcwk. deed. . "" " .. My office was la tbe name bolldlac and hearing of the murder I ( Into Jones' office , A aurgeoo. waa ex tract lug tb bullet from" the wvund. and aa soon aa b bad don ao l was Seised anon hi a detective' wbo""stood wsltlng for It. Tbe detective rolled It ap la 'his handkerchief and wan going away with It when I td . him: -I believe yoo detertlvee are burn- bufa. aukln a ctm! bout asutl ' tblnra to krrp ap an appiniiiev of eflV-len.-y. ' I'll brt yoo a baodnrd dM bra M tea that thf bulM r bav taka Mttr Irada to tba dl-worrry of tba murdrrar." "Since yoa uffer larre odd l"U taka yoar bet. I think la about oa caa la bra tb bollat with whk-h a bud la mordarcd will lead to tb d lacor ary f tb paraoa vbo abot him." -Very wH." I mlld. "If It la tn tbla raaa roma to taj oBf, tf II aa th ttorj, and 111 firt joo a boo drtd doUara." . ' Wa scbanrrd oamaa aad addrota aad I thought ao mora about tb mat ter till I aaw It abated m a Dwapaprr that a maa ba,d 'beea tried for tb ' Border of Datel Jonea. The Jury bad act born tea minute In- comic to a rerdk-t of Jwtlflable bonk-lde Th rary aezt axmlnr too detertlT wltb wbooa I bad made the bet cam Into my offico and claimed a bandrvd M Ian. r I.laTtted him to be aeated and ' tell me tb atory. - 1 examined the ballet wltb a mk-ro arope." na aakL "and dlscoTered a tiny acratcb oo ooe aide. and. looklnn farther, foand anotber. acratrb tvlrr tb breadth of the flrst about one-tblrd the distance around the circumference If I could And a pistol with two specka th barrel at sorb distance from each other to make tboae two aerate be oaj a bullet flred from It I would bare the weapon with which Mr. Jones waa killed. -The next mor waa of cpara to learn of. a ' person or peTSooa who' would bare a motiTo for the mnrder The family of the murdered man were very loath to point a Oncer of sua pkion at any one., and I bad a hard time to get anything out of them. Jonea had a debtor. Erans. whom the family admitted to bare preaaed ao atronrly for -payment that the two hid bitterly about the matter Thin there waa disc barred coach- who at the time of his dtacbarre at away matterib cartes. These rere th only sug-restiona I could get -from the family, and I went to work oa both of them at ooc. . ! effected aa entrance to the house f Jones debtor and found a pistol tn his drawer, but of a different caliber from the one with whk-h he (Jonest - had been killed. Deaidea. from other . todlcaOona I nude up my mind that be bad nothing to do with the murder. I "also found the conenmaa who bad been discharged, but no phtol tn hla poeaeatoa. "I ant down on day. lit a cigar, put my feet ap on a desk and did a job of thinking. 1 can think out any soluble problem' with a cigar In my mouth and J my feet tn the air. The murderer, af ter snooting Jones, would naturally ; be worried about the pistol with which he committed the deed, since It might be used as erldence against bim. Eren tbe fitting f the ball in It. conaidered with other . Incrtmlnatln? tlrcomstances. might convict him. He would eodearor to get rid of 1L OowT He would ether try to. lone it. giro It away, sell It or pawn It I rely greatly on criminals' anxiety to get rid of In criminating articles. There was a chance In this case that tbe pUtol Would And Its way Into either a sec ond hand store r a pawnshop. I con doded to go through all there were of . koth la the town. , "la pawnshop I found a new re- i gtamM TbJ yrer. only on barrel of which bad n ttmi. that had been pawned a , day or two after tbe Jones our 4er. L focused tb sun's rays In . th barrel with' a glaes and thought I aaw some aerate he, but "nld not be nr. I bought tb pistol, loaded tbe barrel that had been used and fired tbe ball tnt-ra tank full of water. Be corertog the bullet ! fouad on It tbe cratches 1 was looking for." The detective paused, and I. taking m my checkbook, wrote bim a check for a hundred dollars, nsndlng n to him I remarked that the rest of bis Job waa doubt! dead easy, but f would Ilk to hear bow It was man agedV i V Bot lo0" b continued, fold- J , tog the check and putting It In bla pocketbook. "In finding the person who had pa.waed the rerolrer. n , , waa a tramp and said1 be bad been walking on a mad toward the city and met a maa In an auto drlrlna furiously. . The tramp turned to look" at the reglatered number and made a mental aqte of IC; Jaat then be aaw y , the maa In the auto throw ammtMn. ' away, n went after It and founds Mniln. - rerolrer. "Taking It Into the city he, pawned It Tbe men whf threw It away was tdentlflel hf bla anto number. "Jones had bfnkeo up bis domewrte happlnea by alienating hla wlfe'a at feTtlon.1" . n propeea a exprtaw my Optaloa." PLANS TO STOP : TIDE TO CITIES 1 r Rolpli Spreckels Has. Project For Prospecilrs Farmers..- WOULD ENUST CAPITAL'S A!(L ls la to Mava Wealthy Man Suy Up Daairahla Land. Than Rssell It Lang Peyments & Ona Cre Psilitr t.ll Mf Lawaa af farm ' lav Caahajaanyti rarw a rwo. . . Budoh.b PprtCkela; leader In the San FraiK Uk-o aut I graft mA. In . . . m w.. . tfcm to Meaa csrtc renwro. plan for stemming id po o ine ware of population flowing toward the Amerkan cities with suvh alarm ln rapidltr. " "The ttvuhle wtth tbe hack to lb t.kluv" Mr. Snreck - la ear. "U that. hll It dlatrtbutca a lot "of free advo to tbe. realdent f conceated etlona la our clttea. It offers comtaratiTeiy tittle aid of a substantial sort I thluk Ibat It Is not because city dwellers prefer the cltlea to the country that tbey remain In a state of Industrial' dependence, but be cause tbey haVe not the capital re quired to txry a' farm and the stock and Implements nei-eaaaryi to"'tuake II a paying reuture. , Thinka FunSneMld- to farmed. "I beileTe tbe capitalists of tbe rutt ed States should form a fund so that tbey could buy tillable bind and then resell it to prospective emigrants from the cltlea at actual cost. j Wltb pror islon for ea ay t crma of pa j" men t These payments could be so arranged as to extend over a period of fifty or even seventy years, qv that there would be little question that tbe pur chaser or bis family wouU'eventually wa tbe land. "As It is, many hesitate to leaVe their urban homes because farming la a great deal of a risk. Tbey would be compelled to place heavy mort gage vn their land, payable In a few Tear.' Under this ulan a series unfortunate seaaona woukt be fataFto (h farmer, who would be unable to meet tbe demands of tbe Incumbrance on his land and woqld thereby forfeit hi holdings, together with tbe money be had expended in getting started. Cair It Miatskao Pisa. The 4ra to tbe man of. tbe. city to emigrate to 4b frontier to bew out a home for himself where land is cheap la mistaken. Pioneer life necessarily ntaila many hanbiblps, which tb city dweller and bis wife cannot endure becauae they- are not Inured to-ibctn. To a man who has been reared vtug. farm It la difficult rnough to trauaform a stubborn prairie or a heavily wood ed land Into tillable land, but for the Inexperienced farmer, recruited from th congested cities. It la almost lw possible. After a few will get discouraged aud return to bis oM home and work. "Here U the difficulty, however. To embark vn a farming venture In a dis trict which la already cultivated and settled to some extent requires a big outlay of capital, whereas In pioneer regions land ran b obtained either free or tor g noirrtirium;-ndirtl3y- on Is where the capitalists should extend a helping band. at Europe's Plan Succeeds. "In many parts of Europe the plan of long psymenu for land Is In oper atlon and Is proving a great success When tbe settler are aasured that In case of crop reverse they are not In danger of losing their homes and that If tbey fail to psy for their homes even In a lifetime their sons can continue th payments tbey do not hesitate to leave the bench of the wage earner for tbe plow and tbe reaper. I under stand, too, that this plan has been ua dertaken In various parts of tbe Chit. ed States on a small scale and that ef- 10ns along this line have been tbe aource of great satisfaction to those who have supported them. If is a great problem, thla bark to tne land movement. It will be tbe frtat problem of the future, as It Is the problem of tbe present Our.cltle are certain to Increase In population immensely for many years to ceroe. A tbe number of mouths to feed frowi the number of actual producers on the land rauit Increas or develop- kwai ujasT cease. FRENCH HEELS RUIN FEET. pinal Curvature Another Phase. Ac cording to Minneapolis. Dr. Char'es n K'eene of Mlnneon oil In a public statement says tbat the high French heels whleh hi-t. cbool girls wear are the raus of de- lormea rcet that have to be cured by Physical culture, and therefore such hla are to be barred from the aehoob Dr. Kerne will bare tbe pbyalcal In structor in the high school find out how many girls have curvature of th Ptne. ne baa found many boys In th Minneapolis schools so a dieted. H attributed the prev.lence of eurva tnr of th spin to bad posture, both In, Bitting- amJ atandlng. asd to faulty custom. d to Improper footwear. nch a tench heeled shoes. T Dam Grand Canyen. Engineera are figuring on erecting a Jam 700 feet high in tbe Crand Canyo. th Colorado to Impound sufficient to produce IJOO.OOO horseDower DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . akaBaaB " - -v t "' 111 Try the Cfassifed Colttmns of tbe ' MORjWGENTiERFSaSE T 3000 Rieadm Daily : . Avljtors lnJjunt(J. TJiougb RetfJcreJ More tortious by Deaths of MoUiflt Ooa tw JAMks A. ttll TON. 1: AVINU flowa from tb deck of a battleship to laud. Kugeu Tl. Kly, to Utor; l-ev-aui ' auibltloua U rrtrert the l-roc- and fyfrow land dwk of" I k.ikin il.' .mn.f.1 allh the .i. t. .k san mnlai-o aenil , nautkal tuet to siyplaue ouj frx.iu tb , . r - er iTnyTaui. ... itt !om haiiects this a tlie hut senrMeoit,I, ni artatora afree i MtkWl Ber0lane ftjet umlrtakcnM i i.-t . brand hew. t went Mb century ; mtj of boarding a man of war. ThW beiug th month of tbe Kan r'rao.-1'fc-o I meet, th thing ta brought before r with all ita startling reality. Mr. Ely i baa not only reered hla ro-ea of j flUrbt but bis jmltka on tbe coull 'neat, tbe previous feat baring lj punea oa ai iiauipinu Atlantic coast Ue hat llkcwt re- vrrard all previous human exertence Tbe po-ulNUtlea he baa oeued are staggering. What la to prevent a flock of aero- kept oa with dogged rre erruo till plane from boarding a battleship j at laat he laixled la lou.lon whil tbe aeronauts whip-tbe crew , olsant's great vktory tu AuntN before the Jack tare recover ftvm 'heir ; wa that of wlnung the prise for tbi aatoniahment? . What Is to prevent the 1 qak-keat fitght 1U liu. nt irk sky paafteuger from' dn.p'lug Umt around tbi atatue of l.llvrty ami re oo the adnilral'a bead or blowing off j turn, That feat wa een tihr tUrlug the flgbtlng tope and coualng towersT j s,nd. UiiiiUuf lla 3. IWii twivl" It. Is plain to see that In XuTUre our J . . fighting sblps will bare to be artnoreu . 1 . -1 1 .. . .1 . .. . ... DOi muj pb taw Kuri ami iimrvn-wi tOJV 1 . .sir. Ely preaenU ua a more picaaln' proiei t. however. Hereafter when an Irate saetiger loses bis steamer, in stead of Jumping Into tbe water-or shaking his flat and hurling lauguage at the disappearing liner, he can take in aeroplane and land. on deck wltb tb casual remark that be alwaya takes ship that way. Already Sensational Performer. f M ... 1 . iij . . avw wkM,i wi - I a bunch of I'ncle Haffl'i naval otneers' and men th sensatloaof their lives. An lm lined .platftTm had t-eu lnjl'r : vised on the deck of tbe ltlrmlriubam, and from tbla tbe ventutvaom aviator made bis start It. waa a windy and rainy morning, and for this reason few believed that tbe trip would be made. Almost before the onlooker knew It tbe, biplane had left tb ship, dipped until It actnaQy grazed tbe wa ter, then arose to a bright of 2ii feet and bor away to tb faintly oulllucd Virginia shore, two and one-half miles Ely said that when be struck the water hie propeller was slightly Injured and he himself waa blinded by the salt spray covering his gog gles. When he had taken time to wjpe eff the molatur be waa far aloft and flying like a bird. The machine need waa tbe same one In which Glenn lh Curt las made tbe Journey from Albany to New York. Ely alwaya uses a Curtlse biplane and witb' H recently won a speed contest agatbat a Wright machine. tt would have been a star Idea If his snore to battleship flight some of th San Francisco belle who eagerly accepted Invitation to go aloft during the San Francisco meet It would hav opened a new era 'In tbe social sunals of the navy. .The custom, once hating started, might have continued and expanded until I'ncle Bern's ere wa rould bav looked forward to regular vistis rrom tn aeroplane girls' brPt gadea tbat would literally drop In on tbera every time their sblps got near shore. ... Xisa Sears Starts Fad. it was Eleanor Sears of Boston and Newport who started tbe San Fran cisco society buds to aviating. Mia sear was not the flrst woman to go arori. nut she was about tbe biggest eorlal nolo that had don so. and th Port .was soon the fad of the. smart aet Aeroplsnlng la now In the acrobatic stage. Man. having found his wing, is trying them out and U doing all sorts of fresk feats fat sheer enjoyment of ma new powers. This la especially irue in America, where we are natural . re venturesome and where trick ntung and rlrcua stunts hav bn in dulged to the limit and beyond. Avla tors are agreed that to thla fact la due many of the deatha tbat have cast a ahadow upon the sport Later on. let as nope we sbsll settle down to 1 more serious and cautious rslt. WML f ri lot mas) 1 sw UiJl Ia fa-nai a flivn a 1 ni profitable. It will at leaat be better fo tbe futur of aviation and will not break ao many necks The flight of Ely to the bsttlenblo 1 not exactly or the freak claaa. alnc It aemonsrrarea- poaalble uses for the aeroplane In war. But spiral drops, excessive' altitude tests and other en sa 1 Ions I riding contribute little to th acienc of aviation and nnl . t ...11 tbe prite rooner and th dMik it. , We need not le dlncouraged. how ever. Even th fclrd when be leglns to fly hr-e a few tumbles-. wltb tens or rionaandt of years it flying an center behind hjm.. falls out of tbe oesv, ana set bumped In learning to " winga wnat wonder that man. with no flying a nee tor shnnM ne. a few mlabspe! ' rerbaps tbe bUckeat day In tbe hi O tly4i .ly from tan J to Vessel. : Hmatkr-VY.II I17 An telope Hunting Irom AeropUnc. ( ooo tm-jr ut ABM)rira avlatioa waa Ibal "! hK h tatar bird An b Il'ry aud Jwbn II. MotaaKU uirl Iti. lr d.-alh Voiiabt Frovtd Merit. , MoUanl waa ciiiiarailvljf iww In tb gam, but bia. Orl tl tml b'iU ccntsa'ft h'"lJhe w.M a aitentu.n Thla u l flight with s. ihiwiwi from I "aria to U'todon. It a the tlrxt time si)ib a fer bad Kot.lwu at could not le done. To Mint l an JiluKin aoted aa a challenge, and tie 1 Immediately rtArrt to fry It out i Taking lih'hliu bl uim Haiiic, a ; beavy wan. be Brat sailed over tbe i II j i of Parlx, lb drat time'au. h a HUM with a s.turer had ever Wcn acvotu pllahod v1 er that or auv other big city, then by colitluuoua atatiea (lew to the coat. over tbe EuglSh ihaunel ail within twenty-ulne uillr of . luic.m. when a broken itroiller forced bin to alt for retmlra. Il reiaif.'rtuiie aft er miafortune attrmbtl hint, but be PA IK OK AVIATOHH WHO PI. Kl'TLKK AM TWO WHO LOUT flight. Hla two competitor were an Englishman and frenchman, each wltb a Hl horsepower motor. Wheu Motaaut d'.acovered that no American waa en tered be hastily V.ugbt a" fifty bor power machine from a brother aviator and although be waa a arranger to It mecbaulam be entered tbe race without an Initial trial flight and woo It, Moisnnt PMTed Herr r For sheer nerve there baa probably been nothing lu aviation quite Ilk. It. The macblu coat him $1.UJ. which be had to sy ou a mere chance. Then be fared a long flight tn an untried machine over a populou, city and a - large body of water. On the start he -rk,,rkt.l . I I ... ,. . -9nanTaMS9nTBnnaB . .s h y- wr! wri'Mmf ! , " I meS3 5oc re j I IT: " , ! " ' 4 ' ' , " two IVeocb aviators have recently vls- at an angle. tHe won by worklug out t .. . .! a theory and following It On the way ! 1 1m ' ,b' to the ataiue he mounted rapidly until ' Tjj" f " " T at one time he wa. 2.W feet high. " lH" " wt-r' Bcrm ,b Then be .-oa.ted back, with tbe wfu.T7" U' behind bim and hi motor going full , Hunts rrom AeropUne force, at times reaching1 tbe marvelous ' .... . . . . , . . speed of eighty mile, an hour. II. . h'' '" pt-- bis nearest rtvsL Clsude Orahame White of England. At the time of bl death Molaant waa pretaring to enter tbe contest for tbe Mkueltn prize at New Orleans. He bad placed a heavy gaaollue tank In front of hi engine, and tbla may have caused tbe dlaatef. At any rate, after a eucceaaful flight from tbe city to tbe aviation grounds, some miles die tant, be w as prejrlng to alight When about twenty flrs feet high hla machine suddenly pltc bed forward and burled tbe aviator from bla seat aa though from a catapult Molsant struck tbe soft ground on bis besd. HI neck was luntantly broken. His was a daring aptrit' Before be coming an aviator he had been a Cen tral American revolutloulat. Tenon ally be wa a slight, almost sbr man. but adventure waa hla meat and drink and danger hla element It waa tbe batard of the snort tbat drew bim to aviation. Hoxsey Plnojed rrom the Clouds. An h Hoxaer's death came at almost tbe ssme hour snd in a similar man ner. It occurred at tbe Ijo Angeles meet, where a few day before Hoxsey bad circled above Mount Wilson la a sensational flight and earlier still bad broken tbe w.rld'a.altltude record. On tbe fatal trip Hnxaey's machine glided swiftly down from an altitude of 7.11 feet When wltbln a abort distance of tbe earth and while tbe rrowd waa cbeerlng It hegsn to turn over and over and fell a maea of wreckage with the dead aviator pinned beneath the engine. Hoxsey'a mechanic gave It aa bla opinion tbat the aeronaut, had died from tb swift descent wbH'ptlll 2.ono Ate Yot a Subscribe io the New DaUr? Vill Yes Help Boestyosr own Interests? '"i'StiV. u 1. Cimtrr yw 1 ' er Man. 1 far...:. JM " your mmn Vn rriUnw "' " "0 feet la air. II mU Vhat at that Mat th a la I of seemed la l cwtiarn th sh., hM-a than ram ovwa aa ewlftly aa If were f"lu and pareutly without a sweater Olen II Curtl bald a aliulUr tlew. although he did notjbeflere that death- bad ac- -Uiallx'lH- l',- 11 Ibat ll.ty bad lru traruiy a;i Un nKlvm, due V awlfl l sltliude, aa4 bid 1-e.ouie'lMt Cl aris I Wlllard. whit bad lm am - lla aania day rrnriiitl m hi arth with the atateiiM-al-4bHt jw tiwu ey mould leu hliiijlo a-'d analn. aa h had foui. 'The ath'ioH" full of holm ha a Ha Imv Ilia tbeorr" aa.'tbat llokwy liol iaiua Into oil of ttKe hofea in' fl air 4 bad iws o unat.l to rltiht bl" nui hlne E1J Altitude Keeor'd oey waa a hUih type. f alatr keen and lutelUk'eiit Ilia darlug 1 eienipllned If Ihe fact thai a frt -Mg4waa blowing at , tlitf - tllUf - broke the world' a altitude record II then went np 11.44 over t tkillA 1 1 A h llk ttlan' M h.t tllMfW III - -- --. -- - -- - . . ' great rroiM country night rroin Prti6 felil. Ill, lo ht lula aii-t who ' TheHore lioowrvelt ni for Ma famoii flight Aa a nouit of tlnw and other fata afcidmia.'w hlch spread a all over lh alatlou aky In tvMt", a cn-enatl motetnent Is oa ft. t'ortlaml t:"WW llhp. Aral le prealdenl of Hie Aero flub of America, la out In au app for mre caution and for uaeful rulia rather than apr-1acular eltecta. Kol hwlng the death of llivev. Wilbur Wright wired to bJ tuaiiager on Ihe Paeltle roaat lo Ittatruct the other Wright fliers to attempt aa mr seu sat tonal or record breaking effort, but to ronltue tbemaelvea .lt straightaway fllthta. . lleaplt the death lUt tb record 'f 11M(1 U tbeeuoat brllllsnt Its Ibo-blatory of attatloa Tbe tuwtxr of tuarttlue HAItl.Vtl KATI I.N THE .NKAII THEIIt LIVE 1 1 I K r'LVINO; and ternr Increased many fold, and all over Korop and America fly ing Iwram a -recogutu-J ojioct. In France aud other roantrle aviator are now being regularly licensed, and new taw tu govern aviation are ! ; Ing enscted. Tbe ssme tendency l j observed tit America. "Coventor Held j win of C'ounectk-at devirted a ortlon tMyiam-ULkMnemnUm of avu t Tlon laws. ' The year of 1911 promise to bo even JW brllllaul than that of lltia Aald from xii9 ,borm to 1,1,,,,, fl,sU, s.n Francis. Ely promise, to attend , m , Iun( ta rl(rtt. ,,, , - ... Ih lr1p fruw l0e Cuban city to I tc u, i... . .. , . ' -- " " ' - bert Latbam aay that tbla year be will go after big game, such ha ante- l-e. Several Frenchwomen have lie come experta at tb pni.. on remain Ing aloft recently nearly an hour Feminine aviator prviule to become flted feature of the sport during tbe coming twelve months. The year la yonng, and a, tbe wjjnt world ha turned Its' thoughts to flying who ran tell what progress will be msde before tbe advent of 191:! . Among tbe dead Molaant'a effect a waa found a pathetic letter to hla sou advising him "against tbe fa ae I nation that attraeta you to the life of a bird man." It was tbe nstursl cry of a father's heart and revealed tbe fact that Molsant was not ibe reckless op erator he had been pictured, but one who realised tbe perils of the air. Iej)fe the wsmlnr It la ear ... that thousands of- other voon him will barnesa ibe air and rldetb wind this year and coming years. Mao has fried his wings, and tbe firing tn er I In hi veins. One hopeful f.ct Is that the Wright brothers, the In ventors of (he aeroplane and still the king of ibe air. are among th living and may b trusted lo guide and de velop the art ttntll flunllv It give ua a comparative ,.fl. and' getters! mod of travel. Uam by Cat Ing Ml. NUm. A Serrlan teacher. M. MeIakovft. h n UjH-m - -M a ' ....w.o.ra rne tno.1 anceeafu 01 learning yet discovered la bj achom each pnpfl la provided wltb OB KWJ. .Si 1 B. a '..-iiaaoet. and aa soon aa be can put hla name together correctly be ' tWt4l Wotd making ta . . on me same plan. M KtOtkn 0 B0P,, on an average can md uueuiij in in re days. 1 ? ; ; Y ' 1 ' IKIIIS OWED UFf JO BAIT COLE Pffi , l.i...Qoo 0. J MP KM ATX) It . HTKI'IIKM U KIN of WtHrt lrglnla. died rvxuliy. baa had bla a a ureal railroad nloueer whi fame aua li as sex-relary of war Im the reMnel -rldeat-ltaft4.ia laMrd lit popular Ibe rumor about engagvmeul vf bla daughter lu tlukaLr the A brutal ' lie s In Uerry couuty. tl. ua itepi. SH. It ll.a father nna'a farmer So. I uwtel hfc.. while ua ass silU a buy Ju..MI-i"lxJ4 He'wa.grsiUiated front I be uulerally of that state )jl twu-sud look up lh study of law Jut naa adnilttr in Ibe bar th chll war started, an. V k.tklita Showed bla nidlvlduallly break In a away from hi family and a'l bla home Ilea to enl,t In to X'uhln army III father and t rot her fiwigbt for th Con federate, toil he Hn! the Mbwtmrt militia and ervnng ea-OBgh lwSalM tbe rik of raptaln. ' rV-o after he JitlnH be anH with adventure whlb nearly ral bim life Wtth ht brother be bal left tbe I'nlon tine lo tUll a woman frttt nf th family, and aa b waa returning be rau lulo a pbket of tJuaalrlU'a gtterrlllaa. They were' not e for their brutality and were know le . all their prlaoner.' v . ' Saved by CoU Toancer. Mr. Ulkln waa taken lo the gwt-r rllla ramp and there fortunatelv r ogtiiae tin Toujtsor. an oi.i trteiiu and pupil of hla Vounger lnlerr.ted wtth ijtrantrtH for the f u nr -eenelta and oblalnrU a reU ,! are.,aiA tb. uM utttlrmU of . f A e.1 off Mr. Libia bad I- -d tkmMu4t of ' rtllaa mo ride with tbeiu. t'Ut he rrarbed tbe croarala galloped off for bla life Younger hWd bla raptor In rhtwk. and be e.l fouutfer,. after wsr. Icsme a Un.ltl and ess a mm" btr of th Jeaae James gang II was aeotepxed lo Ituprlaoniueni for life, and years sfter Henat. EJUue t only helped to secure hi rele-.. Iml recelve.1 bim af hi ewn homo when ' ' - Before tbe war wsa over Mr E'kla left the army and 1 11 I-! atmrk scrota tbe plain lo New Metleo. then a hoc der Ierr1hry of whk-b Iwekthlnl. of tbe poulai4n were ikauUb II' ac qulmt that Unguage la lb ronr of year at4-y.'q aerured a' Urr law pra-tke He Waa elerted-to tbe keg lalalur and also served aa territorial ttorne general. prl.leot Johnson made bim lerrttnrial t'blle.1 Ktatee dl trkt attorney. anl be ass one of Ibe few New Mleo nfltt 11 wbmlet) 1 Oram dkl not illauiU It tell to bla lot a a federal nflWIal to n force lb act ef emgeean iohlh- Itlag slavery. AI Ihst tlsse there werf " "" a 0e in the Hriiiah at in New MetV-o thnsnda ef eons. ; M omg too meh ef drlnklagv who to -" tnlrnfa and tmnairs wee ,' ,b Word "etehaage- miu1 U enalavH by the Mexican realdenta j t be Ihe exact Hit for tbe task The abnae bad Jrea tolerated long r,ub " lt ' tbat It bad letme a regular social, A'!y tiered in irdlwaor rtitom. but Mr. Uklns. In th fsc of ' omlnalkHi of th BeubhVstM It tgorou optwalfk-n. Inal.ted oa tbe Virginia to tb sens I In IL 11 restoration of hea.afurtwiiat-tkh" !-hrt4 in IVtV ao or freedom. t ewniluuoualy to bU death. He U But be. blew eaforrlng the law be ! U' dentined wltb ml awt. waa amassing a fortune , tw UsUrt,'k- ,c rte ati praetke wss lucratlv. and he bad III i rnnjUo'" rather, than IneltBe, Ue rompetltloa. la fartbular he waa associated with Ibe Ma 1 well . UnJ araat whlrh throuah hla loi mmrw lee iHrvliMt- ih. Miln..iu. . .k- courts. 1 . a . , .,' "I Ee-elected DespiU Dccliaatioi. Mr. Elkln flrst appeared tn Waah- Ington aa the delegate to cop gre. from tbe ternrViry of New kletV-oid' 1H7X Ilia ixipulartty among Ibe Sin lab secured bim tbe handoiiie major-1 e, HCRNEO MAN-MONKEYS fOUND keleten f Queer ksp Cihom, n Califereiia. .1 What are dearrlbed a skeletons of a strange tribe of homed man monkey pygmtoe are tielng exhumed from aa ancient burying ground discovered near Jack rabbit Jjralge. In ibe delta of Topango ranyon. near Santa Monica. CsL Fony four skulls and almost as many complete sets of lorso and Umb bone hav been recovered, together wltb strange antiquities apparently used -by the tribe aa weapon and many stone laortar. . , , Tb trile le thuugbt to hav been the last of tbe kind, and K la assert! by a legend of lb oldest Spanish fam ilies that Aftee Indiana exterminated them Umu their Invasion Into south ern California. RAISING FISH ON FARMS. h asaawnnssBSsssaBn) Novel tehee t Reduo Hhjk, Ceet f Living. BUI Flab and Jam Warden Oorg A. Lincoln has advised Jowa people to ro Into the buslneaa of raising Ash for food In view of the high coat nf living. -fond flahee." he says, "can be raised wltb no mor difficulty than chicken or vegetable., A pond of aa acre or mor ia xint and with eight or ten feet of water In tb deepeet part will. If Properly managed, glv excellent re sults." , r Th gam warden has written In structions for th small flab farmer wno cannot arrord a pond mor than a quarter acre big- and declare that th uuaineoa IS a food on la nfag. which tn jL If you would sell- V0US1 H0USK - ..r.-t YOU FARM " .VOUSJ H0RIK Try what tb cheap eolumna of ths Morning EnUrprts esa do for yon. Ity f . anl bf was rkKu, a second term while he was T ' la Kurup la th fac vf Bw . ' Htb riMjl f thvBominstk fell that it could not d ILua eon km'nf. aod ha )iirrvl In tl a, teeni a iMlloual reutatka by ,, In wbk b fa pleaded fur lite ,4bW f lb lerrttor-) la stiteiium. i Whll In rvngreaa kjr. i:iklas $ ri4 jlsrligbter. wf i Kettaior ti" tlaaaaway' ImvU of wm viJ Tt-lllaa. ik4- hItwr-arqiMi,' wltb great nndevelopeil reao that dtouutalnous stale, and 1 hint ta throw la hla lot with It 1 BeftJi AqtJrin rorttntj Aftr the expiration nf t,u Kle Vf lb Ibe lb bemn rotigraoal term, aithoiii k I alwaya recognised a on. r the J e of the llepublbsn and w aaelr ef the natk.nal .t.tuuiitts, ' a re red bla r on notion wtih s,w y tco and turd fir-Mo year la Ay Ingtud. II found that ss a atr ' ef national repute be rould ttiak y by luwhlag after the legal ef Ibe great lnireta alikk J growlu-g np la Ibe a,, del(M( otatrA I I Nell be liea-ant lateri.ted g , road and turned hi attention J a a. .1 ...k. . k J -. I ' . k an bla wife's stale la rirsthv i I father TiiefVr tliey cixkcvtr I Wt Vlrgtwla feetral. wbkh eiedf a4 eat of tbf Aiieghen- utnasta It thread Ihe" ti miter land regki i lap a district eworwMMialy weallk;' -mi ami awrr I . k ..... m Owning aa be did U Um tn aer. mines. Mr Elkln l -im ibe crewaed king of ibe state lUdiif hi Kowee with hla fil-ii, I., f Ibe i , ... iulmrmm,a ..... ' it, tmrk .,., j ! h0 m, j, m, j chlcag la IwM. U has slwsvs been eai.i. -t ih.,' ! uttm stateamsa o .-d hi n.o.iaw j (o ffae, railroad, m iw tta J . iiaiaJina nmr IMh IMIV'll I ' .' Re) again trte4 to make bim th ;llBa teadard taMrer- .Mr If IlliltvJ Ifter ke I fned. but It wee only s rawed lawltliety from Florence It! that Mr Elhlua red to pre ; claim. In HaiTitoa i Cabinet lie thesj credited with hating moch t W with th wotnlna'tW t llarrlaon and la IflUI was Iuiim 1 that reblent to Join hi re Mae' 1 -retary vf th war oVpartmrnt held oBW for I we year and wstj "ewl of the tons nM esrhaa j that he obrll to -csaie, , " f1 ah ao St ret strej, 1 resesr f d. I Lrtoatajy enough, whll be ed U est Irxlnl la tb avast li? (Republican Inter-, hla fslbeehK Ba-Hawaior tfevt. waa nomlaatet,' j etc -rideot on in I'arker 0 Tl"" wevec. BaMlevwteod at ' tlu" " trt of aa arrangemeat ,wre0 senator and the ktnc ,"deea aad l tw way dlaiuroet j I- 09 IfaUy, vl : ! RL HAIR GROWER FOt' Von Meat tk Frigid PrefaaM ' ' aefeehly Plae. ,' Tb '' "Bnlvetwal balr gta , diaevvered la a trip to tb arc j Kloaa or, falling time and InctlbO for that, employment la a cold at company. ' , , I According tn Mr Ernest Shackle' tb antarctic ipkrr, strew c on of lb beat Beans of strength th hair, la to coflra of aa view recently Sir fcraMt aald: j "All f th ma who went wUk on th Sontk pole sipedlUou tUI or twe sewpuoaa posaad itr crop of hsir rn their return to clvt: Oon. - . J "Extreme cold undoubtedly at rear Ml htas'al kaalss A m uaa au aot a k rM w w.w.w ae bmb, askal Wif ai s V 'r' ' j d aesr the south pel our hair r Dor slowly, but becam thicker A stronger." J An official nf a !ondo cold sbV company. Interviewed on tb same Jct stated that there waa not a beaded man in tb snptoy of tb Pnnf. n aald Ibat tb men wet" JO day In a Uroporator of 30 OT of frost, and tb cold andoubt ssad tbetr hair tblcksr. . a Amnrinn Lda CvT Drinker. Germany, Holland. Ftanc. llelf' aad Auetrta uoogary. la th named, follow nest after Uie V' States Jn coffee consumption. -' ' Ptsflu Again In England Ponr recent deatha from plain Suffolk rillag war tb flrst la I land from that disc for aearlr years, If you lose , V0UR-H0RltJ ( .YOUR WATCH YOUR POCKITI00K Try m fsw liners la oar ebp eolc they may find It for yoo- .V,