JtlORNING ENTIJHPJU8B. TUESDAY; JANUARY 17, 1911. 4 7 t o rt: rv L ... r ft t. i '.ET7' I' f .'. r ' i . f r 1 . T I I t r r i I; IE FIRST NATIONAL DANK ! lORCCOnciTY.ORISGOri CAPITAL, WMMuM, I BaaMaf Boeteeee. Osn i I A M. t I P. M 7EORGE A. HARDING DRUGGIST r' URS DRUGS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES AND STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RE-' CEIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHONES MAIN 2911.. HOME, 134. I MAIN STREET Next Door lo Postoffice PLC POINTED OUT McGeehan, who has been very Je to be out In. , lfr May. of Mountain View, Xing from her recent Illness. n A a bee, of Woodt.urn, wn t of Oregon City friends gun A Schuebel, daughter of Mr C. 8chuebl, la 111 at their JJdlth Cheney, of Portland, wu With ber friend In thla city on j afternoon. V Jessie and Utsdys Blnkley, turn, war Sunday gliosis of - Jity friends.' -Jlleit. who haa been vary til Stat week, la now atile to be jployment again. 1. W. Italy, who realdes- on Ireet, who haa been la poor J slightly Improved. r- - 'albert, one of the well known I of Clackamas, was' transact aa In thla city Monday, Jamuelaon, one of the promt mors of Collon, waa transacts aess In thla city Monday. ' lnlla Met'arver, who haa been with relatlvea In Portland, baa 1 to her home In thla city. oeeph Draendle. of thla city. 4a y evenings for Spokane, tare ahe will visit with relay several weka.- Tlolet J oh neon, of Portland, resident of Oregon City, visit 1 home of Miaa Florence Orace j other friendi on Sunday. W E. Hedgea. R. O. Caufleld, A. Harding. B. B. Drodle and Newman ere among the Ore y people who went to Salem morning. . 9111. of Caaby, one of the In a of he schools at that place, -ent Saturday and Sunday In , City, left for Canby on Sunday train. iit Cwlnn and three daugh- recently arrived In Oregon .at Walla Walla, Waah.. and -f been vlaltlng with ber els . Ida Weal, are now guests of ier, Mra S R. Green. I J. Price, aecretary of the ah Typographical Union, of passed through the city thla en route to Salem. Mr. Price Silver. Spring on the line of land Railway Light ft Power r- 1 Mra. Tlenjamln Doollttle and I recently arrived from Van Waah.. and who have been with Mra. Doollttle a alater, yd Williams and other rsla A Sunday night for Los An here they will make their ruin. V, ard wheat flour 11.10 each at r Jaa 4 doten l at Sealers. jt Homemade Breed that ana I yea can get It at Sshredsrs ) Main atreet hear rostof- . a Frank Illgger was visiting friends In Wood burn last week. - Mra. John lioyer, who Uvea on 1)1 vis ion street. Is reported aa very 111. Mr. W. W. let, of Day toil, Oregon, Is vlaltlng the family of O. K. Freytag, at Oladatone. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Wlllott. of Bar low, spent Sunday guests at the home ef Mr. and Mra. E. II. Cooper. Mra Wlllott la a slater to Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. M. JO. Case," who' 11 vea at Fella View, armed home Saturday night from a trip East. She waa gone aev eral weeka and vtalted as far East as Illinois. Mr. M. R. Case, who Is believed to be suffering from tuberculoals, will go to the aanltarlum at Salem Wed nesday In the hope of receiving bene fit from treatment there. . Mayor Drowned, who haa been sick for a week, waa not able to visit his office Monday aa he had planned. The Mayor took on - more 'cold and waa not as well Monday as he bad been a few days before. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Doollttle, of Vancouver, have gone to Marietta, Cal where they will apend the rcat of the winter. Mr. Doollttle 'was engi neer In a Urge Vancouver aaw mill and .waa well known In this cliy. Mrs. L. E. Armstrong of Msckaburg. and her daughter, Mra. W. M.' Ilauer, who were vlaltlng ber son In Walla Walla. Elmer Armatrong, etopped over la Oregon City to vtalt her alater, Mra. W. II. II. Samson, Isat week. Sunday Mrs. Armstrong wss taken 111 with grip and la elck at the Samson home In this city. William Luelllng, one of the dele gates from sprlngwater to Jhe county Sunday- school convention that eon f-vened arth Preabyiertan church In thla city on Saturday ant Sunday, has been the guest of his brother, John Luelllng. 'of Mountain View. Mr. Luelllng left for his home Monday morning. Mra. Jennie May, of Portland, who has been vlaltlng with her alster. Miss Roberts, and brother, Edward Roberta, left Sunday night for California, where ahe will remain during the remainder of the winter and neit aummer. Mra. May will at first visit -with, her sister. Mra. Grace Marlborough, of Oakland, California, and from that city will pro ceed to ls Angeles, to vtalt with her daughter, Mra. Henry Nelson, nee Net tle May, formerly of this city. LOCAL BRICrS - The Socialists of Clackamss county transacted the usual grlat of monthly bualoeas at Canby Sunday. f The dance given by Milton Price Saturday night waa well attended and the Armory waa filled by an orderly crowd. The Saturday Club will gl a ket social neit Wednesday evening in the parlors of the First Congregational Church, and aa lntereatlng evening la anticipated. C. T. Rlall last week purchaeed the five acre tract In Clermont of O. H. Dowoer, abutting a II acre tract pur Per fine ehoe. repairing ge te .. try r nn? t a dt T3 s0 CnOM S CITY SHOE SHOP Werk sens while ran welt. C. SCHOENHEINZ. Ptoptictof 711 Malft Bet. Sixth and Seventh, chased tome time ago -giving nlm 17 seres In one tract V . - Oregon City Erie No. 9I, fratesaal order of Eagles, Installed five candi dates Isat night In the words of one of the members who aided In the work, five bustarda were transformed Into Esglss Nelson Deebe, confined In all on the rhsrge of msnslsughter, does not lack for delicacies aa bis friends keep blm well supplied, lis Is not confined In a cell but is glren ihe liberty ol the corridor, r ' - Mra. C D. Letourette - will . give a sliver tes at her borne Tueaday after noon from I to 6 o'clock. There will be a "travelogue" by a dlstlngulahed literary woman and vocal numbers by a Portland soloist. "The revival meetings that have been holding the attention of Oladatone peo ple nightly for some time, were dis continued Sunday night. Heversl ad ditions were mane to the. church through thla effort. An effort Is blng made to organize a lodge of the Modern lirotherbood, fraternal beneficiary society. In this city. A. 8. Fuller is the local deputy, and the lodge will be Instituted, sbout the first of February. , Word haa been received from the Jrfferaon family who recently left here for their future heme In Chlco, Cal., that they have arrived ssfely. Mra. Jefferson's mother, slatera and brother are reaidlng In Chlco, and the former will realde with ber family on a fruit farm. The ladiee of the Chrlatlan church of Glsdatone will give a silver tea at the church thla afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at which time Mra.' 8. A. Hay worth, of this city, will give a tslk on "Mormon I am.; Solo by Mrs. Olm stesd snd selection by the ladles' quartette. Warden Curtis came here Mondsy from Salem to take Into custody Heard, who tried to get money on a forged check at Ihe Klrat National Dank Uat week. Aa he was a prisoner on pa role It waa not neceaaary that Sheriff Maaa deliver him In Salem, but rather the duty of those t the penitentiary to make the trip to get him. Mra. Joseph Wilson, living on Six teenth street, who fell on the slippery walk as she wss starting to the store Ssturdsy night, wss more seiioualy Injured thsn at first supposed. He snkle wss broken In two placea, aa the doctor d I Hoovered on examination, snd she will be laid, up fur some lime. Rev. W. T. Jordsn will lecture In the rtaptlat church next Monday evening on "Dixie, or the Southland." The b-cture will be given In the Interest of the educational worjt of the church, the special service to be accomplished being the support of Miss Amy Purr cell, who Is in the Chicago training school fitting herself for Mission work "The Oirl From Wyeming" Writes. Word wss received In this city yee- terdsy morning from Miss Alberta Claire. "The Girl from Wyoming," who la traveling across fhe continent on her horse "Bud" and having for com pany her dog "Micky," atatlng that she had reached Albany, and Is 'now on her wsy to Eugene, where she prob ably will remain for several days. She Is enjoying the beat of health and tne Oregon climate. Mlaa Claire remained over night In thla city while on her way, and made many friends here, wno will watch with Interest the progreaa ahe la making on her pony. PLAINTIFF GIVEN VERDICT. J. W. Rivera Wine His Suit In Sam- eons Court. The esse of J. W. Rivers vs. Fred Schseffer. a contention over the pay for catching of runaway logs In the Willamette, which waa tried In Jus tice Samson's court last week, waa up for final hearing In that court Monday morning.' In the decision Justice Sam son gave verdict for plaintiff for 125.60 and coats, the costs totalling $11.50. There waa a threat of appeal to the higher court by defendant. J- m PEARL CHOP HOUSE Everything Strictly Fresh. Short Or ders Osr Specialty IAN & O'DONNEL, Proprietors Bctwcci 5th ltd 6th, HtJt Strttt Coffee and Buffer '( , 1 IS OUR HOBBY Finest RoasrCoffec - - ,35c Best Butter in the State - 80c , ras' Qrocerv 8TH AND MAIN STREETS r.n In Raereat'a for that hot lunch successor to Lents, 610 Main street Coal-ott 15c a gallon at Seeley'e- 1 a - f Will Vlelt the County Schools, iteat advices Indicate that County Superintendent of 8choola Gsry and n, vuiward M. Todd, vice nresldent of Willamette Unlveralty, wlU have an lntereatlng time In their school visita tions about the county next week. Mr. Todd will preach at the M. E. church Bunday morning, and It waa niri of tha nlan to have him at the teachera Institute In Canby Saturday. Change In date of the institute win necessitate change In plan for speak ers, and It la possible that Mr. Todd may not be able to attend. Try Dunn for Cigars and Smokers' Goods. Next to Postoffice. Be st Jap. rice lo a pound at Sceley'a, Complete line Richardson's Bilks flrst prise winners at D. J. sty e. Dr. George Hoeye. Dentist, Cu field Dldg., Oregon City. Fresh candies and Confections at Dune's. Msln street, nesr Postoffice. A. It STURGES 7th Center Street - i It th pUe to buy your dltht. Good white dlshss, 6 platss, I eupa and 0 saucers for only 95c, snd also some --IP;,.-. fine bargalna In China Dishes, fancy dlshsa, platee, I eupa and saucers only $1.35. These are for Mondsy on- , . V . - iy. ' Do you wsrtt to trade your Organ In en a Planof If so some and see me as will allow you good prises for your Organ. Sewing machines on the Installment plan, Qraphophonea also on the In PROSPERITY 111 FREE LIBRARIES .. - Every Town Should Be In Pos session ol Oca. CONDITIONS OF CARNEGIE Why Seme Paopla Are Against the Aoeeptanee ef Libraries Frem the Steel King Most Cities New Hsve Libraries Msjority Given ss Gifts. There Is no doubt Ibut where t!u;r Is a free clrcuUtlug library tlit-ro bt uu Intelligent coinuiunlty. Every town. whether It bus 400 or Io.imhj popula tion, shoulil furuUh ikiidu sort of ceu- ter where the lubabltunts csu irM'ure an liiHigbt Into the labors bt tlie uiigbty and know what I it"lig ou lu the world to IncresHe knowlMlKe. ' The great majority of citli-s of 25.- 000 lubabltunts ami uiiward lu the United States, says a New York edu cator, have a publk- lilrury of some sort, snd the suute U true of many of the smaller cities and towns. But tbers sre still quite s numlrt-r of towns tbst sre mjuus them, towns that really need them. A feV public Nplrlted rltl sens could easily sdvoeste a lltirary ' READY FOR. WORK. Man's "UnrWf as Women's Dress.,,, - modsi, us a a st suiLoiaoa. or reading room and get the aupport of the rest of the conimnnity.lf not of the town Itself. ' Hooks will always be forthcoming either from the aherres of Individual libraries or from contributions solicited through various niesns. The newspa pers will slwsys help their town to gsin the financial aupport of the clt Msoy of the libraries slresdy. estab lished hsve been fosuded on glfjts of Individuals, some bsvw derelopc-OTroiil sabscrltbn libraries, but tbs msjority sre now supported mainly or entirely by funds expropriated by tlie city government. A considerable number sre still In tbe formative stage, till Iteing true of those for which build ings sre being erected from funds provided by Mr. Csrnegie snd for severs! hundred others for -which he will probably provide buildings. The conditions un wbk'b be pro vides funds for the erection of mifnlc'- Ipal library buildings are simple. The city muat provide a site, which it may j obtain by gift If It can, and it adust , agree to provide annually ror the main-; tenance of tbe library a sum equut ' to at least 10 per cent of the cost of , the building. Practically this offer Is i open to any city or town which haa no , public library building. ' ' I Some good citizens thtnk that tbe . cut snouia proviuo us own uunuius and not ask for It as a gift The people who hare no taxable property and who therefore often erro neously suppose tbst they contribute nothing towsrd the payment of the taue sre usually quite willing to have a higher tag rate Impoaed for tbe. pur pose of securing for themselves snd their families free library facilities, although In exceptional cases religious or sociologies! opinions may lead them to oppose It. A considerable number of taxpayers are more or less reluctant to have their assessments Increased for this purpose. They say: First That they should not be tax ed for things they do not want and never use. Second. That the furnishing free books tenda to pauperise the commu nity and to discourage the purchase Of book a for home use. ' Third. That there Is no evidence that free public llbrarlea Improve the community materially or" morally. Fourth. That the greater part of the books used are worka of fiction, and that these are Injurious to the readers. -Fifth. Thst most of the arguments used In favor of free public libraries are merely sentimental and emotional, and that those who urge them most strongly do so for advertising and po litical reasons or to make a place for themselves or some of their relatives. While It Is difficult to trace to either specific lastaneea of material or moral Improvement It la certain that the general diffusion of Intelligence which both certainly effect does result bene ficially In theee directions. Communi ties with flourishing free schools and libraries are usually more prosperous and better than those without auch facilities, and while there la doubtless room hsre for a confusion of causa and effect It Is probable that there Is both, action and reaction.. Prosperity calls for Increased facilities for edu cation, and theee In turn tend to make the community more prosperous. waanixo tub ovkba(.l. Tbe up to dste boose wife, has dis covered that she csn work better when she Is : wearing overalls or pa Ja nuts than ahe can when aba Is hampered by aklrta; bence tbe fact that In many cases she has taken to wearing one or the other of these articles of roeo's apparel when ber dutlea call for house work In which tbe ordinary dress Is something of a bsndicsp and acta as fetters. One woman who always puts up her own Isce curtains says thst she had a most serious accident by having her aklrta catch on tbe steplsdder and that now she slwsys puts on psjamaa for the work. If a caller comes In un expectedly It Is essy. to, throw on a ki mono over the masculine attire. The Illustration shows a very active housewife prepared to do a " little whitewashing below stairs without spoiling a frock. MMMM AOVICC TO CLCRKS. '' :rTfi y gXBEMT TICB8ARD,' Te the elert -who would succeed 1 say.' CULTIVATE CHARM OF M.l.NNKIl. Courteous manners In little things sre sa ssset worth sc qnlring. When a customer ap proaches rise snd offer a chair. 8tep aside and let the atore's, guest pass first Into tbe elevator. These are little things, but they 4 make yon and your work finer, ' . J To guy visitors or to give short, 7 sharp, flippant answers even to J stupid or Impudent peop.e Is a "greutmfstske.""' Meet" rudeness" Z with nnfslllng patience end po- 4 llteness snd see bow much bet ter you feel. Most Inaccuracies come from not 4 reslly listening to wbst Is said or not reslly see ing wbst yon put down. Tbe chewing o t gum, tobacco or paper as a Jaw exercise ahonld be eliminate d. Tbe world Is now pro- T nonnclna- It vulicar. unbualness- Z like, useless snd silly. Keep sbesd of your employer and of tbe board or health In this thing. . If your .business Is to wait on customers be csreful i of your J dress snd sppearance. Do your msnlcurlng before you reach the store. A toothbrush Is a good Investment A salesman with a bed breath Is dear at any price. Let your dress be quiet nest snd not too fashionable. To have a prosperous appearance help yon Inwardly and helps th busi ness. . . ' Give each customer your whole attention, and give Just aa con stderSte s Mention to a little buyer ss s big one. If ssked for information be sure you have It before you rive It Do not assume thst tbe lo cation or fact Is so now because you once thought It so. 4 Don't misdirect Make your directions so clear that they win 2 be a real help." - .7 1 Wants, fcrfclctie Notieee eaer these olasstfUl headtags will he laasrud at ewe esat a word, (tret Insertion., half a esat additional laser tloas. One toteta eard. II ser ssawtbt half Inch sard. llnss) It per asssttfe. ' Cash must eeoeaipaay erase wnleae one has aa open aeoount with (he papers No riasnela! responsibility for errors; where rrors occur free eorrsetod aotloe will he printed for ps'roe. Minimum charge Jlo. WANTED. WANTED To . Enterprise. rent plsno. U 1 Inquire WANTED Tou to know that tbe Enterprise.- Job printing department la . the most complete In the State, outside Portland. Try It for your nest printing. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Space In this column. Sell that old plow or harrow; you don't use it since you purchased your new one. FOR SALE A good 110,000 farm for aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg.. FOR RENT Liner space In this col- am n. A few lines may rent that house, atore or farm; they will cost you but a few cents. .; '. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law Money .loaned, abatracts furnished, laad tltlea examined, estates, settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City- U'REN Jc BCHUEBKU Attorneyfrat- Law, Deutacher Advokat will prac tice In all court a, make collections and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. - - - . CRITICS COnPLC'iEKT ompetitoxs copy Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. The Lure ef Artifioial R , The somber costumes of the , winter thst sre hsving such s vogue sre brightened up effectively by the ex quisite hsndmsde rosea of silk, satin and chiffon. Milady of the picture Is r,-Y- ) ) Si mm l-V "k - r"fcv " WASTE; CAN FOH USE ON STREET CC?v?iER FCLE. ABSTRACTS Or TITLE Title Investment Co., Stevens Bldg. Substantial Receptacle of Which Any Town Might r.'ake Use. The accomjienj Ing lllntratlon shows a aelf closing can for nnelvlng paier and other waste wbbh has been in Lsuccessful oiierutiou during the past four seaaons. and any town that cares for tbe a pi ears nee of its streets might I 41 I .-vy0 -.'.; .4 nuK. ten it He pi i how kiladx wsAsa bkji roans. wearing a large specimen In her hat another aa a corsage flower and a third rose to complete the trilogy on the end of her scsrf. The effect Is most pless- Ing when color values are understood. What Suggestion Will Do. There la nothing thst plays so Impor tant a part In the dally life of men and women as does suggestion, says II. Ad dlngton Bruce In the Delineator. No matter how manjr setbacks come, keep repeating to yourself optimistic auto- -suggestions. Repetition Is one of the' moat forceful Instruments of. sugges tion. There Is a great truth underly-i Ing the familiar aaylng. "As a man thlnketh so Is he." Not only the peo ple with whom you associate, but the books you read, the. clothes you wear, the pictures on your bedroom wall, tbe very wall paper Itself, convey to you suggestions which hsve an Influence In the making of your character, the shaping of your Ideals, the determining of your life. See to It thst so far as possible you banish the tawdry, the coarse and the garish from your aight Surround yourself with objects of beauty. Keep your clothes neat and clean, but do not aa ao many people seem to do, regard them aa your chief aim In life. Be especially solicitous with regard to your choice of books. ' .. . . .. .... - ..- t r-' j . .. ... J , , Read the horning Enterprise WASTa KaOKFTACLH. sdopflt with advisability. The can is semicircular In horlxontal section, with a flat back, and Is made to fit Into tbe iron street railway poles used In most cities, being held In place by a hook which eneaces In the latticework of the pole- Thla permits essy removal for the purpose of emptying the can. The bottom of tbe can Is perforated with half Inch holes, allowing water from rains to drain off. The top is a cover which Is made somewhat smaller than the can Itself. allowing about one Inch play between the edge of the cover and tbe aides of the can. The cover Is fastened to a horlxontal rod which extends through holes In opposite sides of tbe can and serrVs ss a swivel, allowing the coVer to awliSg downward. Thla rod la fas tened 'a short distance from the back of the cover, and at tbe back a weight la fastened to the underside of tbe cover sufficiently heavy to draw the Utter back to place, thus making It self closing. The material used In the con struction of the csns la besvy gal vanlsed iron, -tainted. For guidance, the words Tush Down" are print ed with stencil on top of the cover, and the request to Tut It In Here' la stenciled on the outside of tbe csn. Qoed News For Retailors. . It Is reported thst tbe mall order houses experienced a shrinkage in buslneaa during tbe past year, and the bead of one of the biggest mail order houses ststes that this shrinkage doe to the retail merchants learning to advertise their prices In big. figures. I pound box of soda crackers 20d at Beeieys. ; .- - ; FOR RENT. ATTORNEYS. AB8TRACTS OF TITLE. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR.. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building 'work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Mala 111. DENTISTS. DR. L O. ICE, DENTIST Rooms 4, S and C Reaver building. Main St, Oregon City. Phonea: Home A-Ut and Pacific States 1221. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law, Stevena Bldg. MONEY LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of all farm- lands In Clackamaa ; County and can loan your money on good aafe aecurlty. Farm loana made one. two and three years at 7 per cent Abstracts of title examined. DlMlCK A DIMICK. Lawyers, Andresen Bldg.,. Oregon City, Oregon. REAL ESTATE. D. K. BILL. CO., KEAL ESTATE Farm. Timber. Grating, Agricultural Lands, City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Rancbea for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate.-. Let us handle your propertlea we buy, Tiell ' and exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg.i Oregon City, Oregon. - FREYTAQ SWAFFORD. Real Es tate Dealera, have choice bargains in farm lands, city and suburban homes,, good fruit landa and poultry rancbea. See us for good buys. Near S- P. depot 13 A CRES of aandy loam, all good farm laad free from stone and gravel. SVs acres In cult, balance all slaahed, burnt and seeded but one acre and has been for a good many years so the clearing Is not very hard ; 4 room box house, bars 20x22 ; good 1 well, also borders the Tualatin river. Thla la fine peach, berry or garden land. In fact good for anything that grows; ' 4 miles of Oregon City on a macadam road; It miles of Portland on a macadam road. The price of thla place -toss alwsys been $2650 but for a quick sale owner will take $2200. $800 down, balance S years at 0 per cent E. P. ELLIOTT eV SON , Oregon. City, Ore. Near Suspension Bridge. . SECOND HAND FURNITURE. SECOND HAND Furniture, Curios and Relics bought, sold snd exchanged. Anything; from a darning needle to 'a ship's anchor. YOUNO, The Second Hand Man, Main Bt. Ore gon city. . 1 " a , ' ..; " Electric Hotel 411 Hals, lotweta 4th Ml U La. 'OREGOH.CITY, OR.f- J. TQSIN,: rroprler. Real Estate Opportunitf C. T. Tooie, Lawyer and Notary Abstracts. : - . Loans and Insurance CHARLES T. TOOZE .e CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room 2. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City Jf you want to A ' BUY A HOME, . BUY A LOT, Sse . . . - CHAS. T. TOOZE & CO. And If you want to seU farm, hems tr let do likewise. stsltmsnt plsn. , "