Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 17, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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,: , oregoi crrr, omgo.
E. E. BRODHE, Editor and abll
Apptk-atkia maa for second eta prtvl'.
lea at tbe Poatofnca at fttn Ctty,
-nraana. mta Um Act of Contraes Of
Marc lllrt. v.'.
.tuns tr tstscnmtik
o Tfj-. ay wui
Sis Mentha. by nail
wr Month. OT
Per nrt. by carrier.
.... IH
.... 10
uvonstm um
- riiil per Trim Tirwr maai mm" .t.TSo
Trat P. per htch added laaertloas. .tse
PrrfwrrJ poattlca any pa,, Pc rock
ft rat Inerrtlna ., ...IS
Prafarred paaitma anr . Pr "eh
1 add Inarrttoee ,
Run papar ethar tnaa ftrat pa, par kch
rtrt awrtloa '
u ik thti first nam. -r men
. added Inamiona .....Sc
Local le pr Una; to retylar advec
llarr to Una.
waata. For Sale. To fcr.L etc . OB
rant a wv-d rtret Insertion; oar-half cant
. aa'k additional
Rata for 1rrtltn In the Werkht'
- Rntarprtae will ha tha aama a la tha
nalrv. for dmemrni art epaclally
for the wrrkty Where the lTr-m-nt
la Iranafarred from tb dally to th week
ly, without rtir. tha rata will he e
aa Inch for run of th aper. and loo an
Inch for special poaltloa.
. Oaak aboald aerompanv' order wkara
arty la unknown In bulnra offlca of
' Least adrarttatna' at tel advertising
Circus advertudn- and special tranalVnt
advertartn at iao to He an Inch, accord
ing to apodal condition! foramina; tb
Tlra 8a and Bankrupt )" der
ttoement Inch ftrat rnerrtlon: aJdl
- ttonai taerrtlona aama matter JSC Inch.
Nm Itama and weU written arttclr
nt merit, with mrereet to local reader,
will a tiadly accepted. Rejected manu
eriaai nrr 'retaraed unle accompan
ied by Mam pa to prepay poet.
On millionaire, Joa- Feld aoap
manufacturer, admits tbtt h did not
Kt kit million honaaUr and la tir-
tag them away U an effort to eas ;
his conscience. No man can get to
- b worth a million In a lifetime and
do It with Justice to other men. But
the system wider which we ar all
working make it possible for a man
to accumulate a million wtthoat being
dishonest Th system Is wrong, as
any man who will stop to think, most
concede. But so long as the system
Is hi vogiM, a man is not to b Judged
too severely who profits by it. Still.
no th other hand, a -nan who really
"wants to be thoroughly honest should
Join In th effort to correct th sys
tem. And while with a correct system
In Togo on eoald not pile np money
' ao high aa now, h would be happier
himself, and be able to make others
happy, and that layabout all ther is
. to Uf when reduced to th last naly
ala. 'I
" Th fight in Congress on conserra
tiontlon is growing warmer day by
day- To a man who covets th public
domain It la a terrible crime to see
aa aggressive President like Roose
velt lock th door against him. And
If he waa the only on to consider it
would be a crime to lock the doors
against htm. But a man who will
atop and think cannot but admit that
If we ar wis we will not base our
actions on this generation only, but
en what is to be the good of this and
succeeding generations. If conserva
tion win be for th good of present
and future generations . then conser
vation ts a good thing. If It will
aim ply -annoy taos who are living
ow, and want to make a "stake,"
then conservation is an error. Th
general public can be trusted to settle
this question correctly If It will only
stop to consider It before making de
cision. The American people never
make a mistake except when they de
cide a question off hand. This is why
such men as Roosevelt wish to have
the people stop and think; that was
Roosevelt's reason for withdrawing
so much of the public domain from
public entry as he did he wanted to
glv th people time to stop and
think, believing if they did so they
would settle tb question rightly.
Get Rid of False
and Large
r v. woo anrrcMinsoN r Mr Yarn.
1 CAN thiak of no
I T 1
dollars than in making over the monatroeitie of eitie)
in which w are now oWif4 to lire. .If onr for.
5 R
fatties Vail t.
i ... ..w.... , inTu av gicvuj ib ionr pnrsuji 01 ID
J dollar they WOULD NEVER IIAVE ?ER!flT-
w Vkll TUJ ntr 1 T vtvtnreTvn -
A gfA-dkjgggk&Aj
W VrptaTa"
x . - uucAi
v etmntry nd befor all other, of
. Bp th way thrj hav,
V : Ths money grasper who went
-; dark, poorly rmtilated achoolroomi deftigned for little else but tb
fcwodin; f diea. Wo GOT OUR , FIGHTING BPIRIT UP
j snd, reaching out to right and! left, took all the land we needed and
V . And tKo auno thing ia going to Ihold tree of eveTTthing 1m.
, , CPmrr UP IN lTTIIER .WATS, and'wg will politely ask our
called ?ARISTOCRA0Tw and otir ao 'called "best famUiea" to
: ,toPdd B1 ,Bk TWm ,0 tho REAL UE8T FAIULIES AND
Tha Oood RMii mum drT
aupport and tueoaa. Tha announced
inttwtlon of th Orf Good Road
Aaaorlatlon to promot and anarjlia
empali for tb mktn cf food
roads ayslem In county csn har
only practlcaJ banaflts tor th ropl
of th eountl. Good, roads r J
waya a lntmnr Thy ar nrrr
a k-M.Tl pn"t"j!;Vn,l,!tB ti1
by lantnf bond to mt !hcoat of
mnairuction th tmproTHl hlhfcny
thrmnelv pT. . 1,0(11 Pfn',Pa, (W, J. C..rdj war held at. th t ort
proparty alu and I'rt's3 vTl cndwial hy K. W. Prorir, pa-,
Kpmnt T ail naa. for of tlir nitraitMlonal cnurcn. anu
maktnc them producer nd waallhlodlat rhurch of Cnby Th .hurrh
of- burden. hou4 not b Torxtin.
The nUlUatlon of contlct Ubor in roaa ,
maklnz from city, county una ut t
. .
Thcr a. In short. pranted now ror i
accptnc of th Oreiron 1tslatur j
a sric of that totnr Kr(tatlinal church. Mr. uon w
affactir plan for pro-1 lories aan "ld Kindly Uh
constltnt an p b Ttltl fUva, ortortnw war beautiful
hlaAway. The adopted, th way ,Jn wh(ch MJ lnnjon held. Th
will b opened to a are" n4 brod i pall-bearer war C. H- Dy. J- M.
er derelopment of this stat than has i Mar. John lwry. John Crawford. W.
. x-"1 ".''' Jfja s: 5
ugfests th Mnrinf of th need in , Mounuln yiew cemetery. Al
effectlf and unselfish ways. 1 thouh a very cold day many f th
tt , friends of th family followed th re-
In. another column w print a com-
munlcatlon, from a dry worker wno.
as the stnok of battle clears away. I
eea In th results a dry victory. It ,
. v--.
pays to b u. . ,
comes in more man on w.t. ir(Mi h(ir. mh rldd until 13
who doe not carry htsjiurden fj1lyeara ot axa. when she was united In
feat too seriously does not suffer so manias U V. J. Gordon. Irom that
deeply and th. mor J. .SS
(era. Tnen. as ur
Istatea. why not put the better saloon-,
to fx and see if they really
-,d in putting the lawbreakers ,
, . -k ... aae
out of business? A man who can see ,
no good in any saiooa can ai 1
nl in forcing out of business a man 1
who persists In disregarding all law! Mrs. Gordon besides leaving her
,... . n.d. fv th regulation of husband. V. J. Gordon, and children,
that la mad fjjf n rwa n --r, of Por,and. Emil. Harry. Claire,
him and his business. And "lAdflberti of Canby. Uonel nnd'Mre.
stands to reason that disregard o'" ti-nson. Minn., two sisters. Mrs. U J.
law on the part of what ar termed j
-bad" aaloonlsts- reflects adversely
against the man who, tries to keep
th law. is he not very apt to lena
. a '
helping hand In closing out th trouble ;
maker If. approached In th proper
spirit? Isn't th promised benefit
worthy a try?
. ' v ....
J nere IS unneceaaajy -urrj "".,
the new postal bank at KUmatfiTallsTj 4 ,he waa on her
has Cot taken all the depositors from way to attend service that war being
the other banks becaus there ar J held near her home in Canby.
but nine depositor so far. J n om '
cities the local banks are very strong ; ftZOM DAQQFTl
and have th confidence of. th pro-1 LQJ llO I HOOLU
pie. Where that la tbe case, mere is j
no reason why people should withdraw j
their deposits and rush with them to
the new bank. There ar many banks !
who not only hav th confidence of
the people, but that Justly derv 1L
This is tm with th banks of this
city; but that does not argue that th
postal banks may not prov a good
Institution, or that they may not have
a work ta do.- Truth la. that with
postal banks established there will be
a greater Incentive on th part of peo
ple owning bank stocks to see to It
that their officer are more careful In
th safe-guarding of th depositors'
Interests, and with thl accomplished
the postal banks will hav don a
good work.
WANTED Steady custom r fer
this epac. Either ml Ex-
princ unnecessary. Judl-
clou advertiser with em
thing to tl and mthlng t
ay will find thl th proper
grtae for buainee cieg. N
triflr Married prn of m.
tur ag will understand. Call
en, or sddraaa, Advrtilng
'Manager Morning Enterprise,
Oregon City. Oregan.
better way to spend t few billion;
... . 1 .t m . 1
- wvrxji iu Vsii ij of rmr
course, eorae Kew York to
bef or na eoope4 tip oni ehfldren in
, 0r MRS. W..J. qORDON.
... til funvral arc of th Ut Mr
t,ity ,,,4 (.,iy. and. 'hare war many
mho CJkm4, rn, (n4 tatter cly. Th
5aem sur uoautt
v,iil hwimt a mam bar of
f ,w.fui Rr,t-
wr ,BdM4 Dy th-diolr of th Con--
j mains to their last reatln- place, her
h brief servic waa held by R. Itoc-
1 tor.
Mr oordon wa th dauahter ot
Mr n(1 c.Thompon. and was
b,rn (w?Tobr tClSSO.-at Ttane county.
ttlaronsin. vAUth JI of t7 year
f5 Minn., -with herJ
Iro whell ,hey Pam West. Tor some
t(m ,h n this city, after
which they left for C.rants rass. and
aKaln returned to this city tomak
the r home. jir iioraon '"'""7
hom- M Canby bu,
vas toca io raturn to Oreiton City 10
- - n taKe ud her residence.
Walter. Wells, f this ctty. leaves .her
mother. Mff.ruline TKjmp
tAgeeon. of this city .""Mrs. J. M
pson, of
drickson. of Benson.
Minn, and a
Ul IV ssawi
brotn,r, r.lmmanrThompson. of Hen-
(n Mrs. Gordon's father died many
year ago.
Th death of Mrs. Gordon east a
gloom over this city as well aa In
Canby. Sh was a loving mother and
an earnest church worker, aad always
raadr with a helping hand. 8h ha
- . . . . ,,f. ,nA -hen
Following are a series of resolution
passed by the members of the Con
gregational church. In this city, of
which Mrs. Gordon waa a member for
many years:
Resolutions ef Condolence-
Whereas. While we. the member
of the-First Congregational Church of
Oregon City, Oregon, were assembling
for annual roll call, the heart-rending
news waa brought to us. that one of
ouf Jormer members. Mrs. W. J. Gor
don, greatly beloved and honored by
all, bad Just been killed by a passing
train at Canby, Oregon, and .
-Whereaa, Her sudden and untimely
death had brought deep gloom and
sadnesa to our .hearts, and a realiza
tion that "In the midst of life w ar
In death." yet amidst our grief we
reallie that we lire in a world of
vicissitudes, and that this Is not our
permanent abiding place; we believe
that our All Wise Father can bring
good to our live and hearts out of
this seeming great 111. and aa we re
member her life we are led to aay
with Paul, she haa "fought th good
fight, kept the faith, death is swal
lowed up In victory."
Resolved, .That we eipress to her
sorrowing family and friends our abid
ing faith M our Father' lov and om
belief that she did hot pas without
His loving car.
Resolved, further, that-we express
to them our appreciation of her Chris
tian character, "W sorrow not aa
those who hav no hop;" that we
extend to them our heartfelt sympa
thy In thia their hour of bereavement,
and, further,
Resolved that a copy of the reso
lutions be sent to the family and that
a copy be spread on tb Record of
this church.
By rot of the church. January 12th.
Postpone Becaus of Bad Wssthsr
. Futur Plan.
. Th Booster Clnh of Mountain Vlaw
held Its regular meeting In th Carran
dbii on rnaay vnlng. Owing to th
Inclamcncy of th weather th apeak-
ware not present, but plans wer
mad for th next two immii... .vi.v
will b held at th hall on Friday we
ening of Januarr 20 and S7.
On January 20 a debate will be th
mala feature of th vnlng, th aub
ect for debate beta "RmiJt tw..
Cspltsl Punishment Should B' Abol
ished." Th dabatera on this auhUrt
will be 8am Francis, George Robert,
Mr, o. W. Griffin. Trank Albrtght.
Mr. M. Brown, William Beard. Ther
I no doubt bnt ther will be iir.i.
meeting, aa thos who ar on this de-
oi wuj n wen posted on th subject
On tb following Friday vnlng the
Mounuln View Booster Club will .
tend to tb Mount Pleasant Civic itb
provement Club an Invitation to de
bat at th Carran Hall, tb latter dub
to choose tb subject for debate. Re
freshment will be served during th
. av
Probability Sfg That Ashld Will
B P'sc f Meeting.
" Th department ncapnt 'of h
Grand Army of th Republic f"t Or
go will be held Jun IT. it and :.
probably kt Ashland During th last
session f lb department, th dele
gates decided upon Ashland as lb
plac of meeting, provided the Fouth
rn recinc Company would mak a
rat of on far fr th round trip.
The-pomp y has ao-far esreed -4
mak the usual chentlon rai of on
and nrthlrd far for 'The roirnd t rip
The council of admlnUt ration held a
meeting Hatnrday In ivrtland. which
..a. lian.lad k CninU A. tUrdlUg.
of thl City, a member of the
It will b up to the council 10 nr
,., ...
nOha-The nlac V holding th - m - mt -
ment. In cs Ahland I not finally
A Small Collection of Hawaiian Curl
A smaii cooecyen ot r.
- in .1.. '.I'.k Thoaa present were: Mr
111 give a
Mr. : I . !. Iaurriir
the slghta and acene of her 1st inp
to Honolulu. Mr. Dv has been aaked
to mak such a talk and has f hoen j
this occasion aa one In hli h she ha
espoclal interest. There w.lll. moat he a larc number preaent on
this occasion aa Mr. Or undoubt-
hare somethln of tnw tnan or
dinary Interest to tell those present
She will hav for inapecuon quo"
numbet'of curloa from the Hawaiian.
Thoroughness With nmanpos vsa
Prvnti Its npreaoing.
As an vldnc of tha thoroughness
snd vlcilanc of th heal'hdepartment
Unnay b clt4 that wbiUlhar wr
0 Creeks In attendance arm imi
luhilre In th on houe'c-upled by
Jhe man who broke ont wlth amallpox.
on th Sunday preceding the discovery
of th disease, ther h been no eon.
tagton so far reported. Th sick man
had a mild cas of th distemper, how
As Quick aa Quarter Can B Flttd
Th Orgon Ctty Fruit and Produc
t-nion haa not been abl to secur pa-
seaslon of lh Union' new .quarters,
near the 8. P.4epo. but will do some
lima thl week. The rnlon has been
offered a consldershle quantity of hs
and grain, and will be W to mas
a ahlpment aa ooo as It cab- get Into
it new Quarters. The rnlon will sell
to loral patrona hut will not maintain
a delivery service.
Young Mr. Hysom Will Mov Tn'
C- R. Hrsom. Jr.. will ev for th
Madrss. Oregon. cuntri as soon as
the weather Is a little more propltloua.
II has purchased a tesm and la wait-
Ing for better weatker ana a nearer
noint of embarkation from tne railway.
The railway company promises that la
a week'a time th roaa win n run
ning trains to within nin mil 01
Madras. As the Hysora claim Is four
miles this sld of Madras he will not
need to driv but flv mile If h
wslts th week In question.
BUvd Dlpbthsria Has Bn Stamp
ad Out at Present.
The quarantine on the home of R.
If lUrrlsnn,: corner of Twelfth and
Monroe streets, has been raised. The
borne waa quarantined because of
diphtheria, two of Mr. Harrlaon's
diughters having suffered from this
malady. Mr. Harrison waa In the
meantime a grip victim, but baa rw
covereC. The house was fumigated
Monday and it Is believed the disease
has been stamped out
Call to Mt and Organlx a Graded
On Saturday afternoon ther will be
a meeting of Interested Sunday school
worker In th parlor of th Baptist
church called together for th purpose
of organizing a graded department for
Sunday school work In this city, in
meeting Is called for 2:30 o cioca. 11
Is to be a union effort Mrs. J. W.
Wilkin. Stat Binday school workar.
will be here to assist In th organisa
tion. .
Henry Btreblg Receive Present of a
Flee Dog.
Henry Strehlg la th possessor of a
Boston bull terrier named Hank, which
arrived her from Med ford, Wisconsin.
The animal waa a gift from Mr. Stre
big's psrents. Mr. and Mr Fred Str
blg. of Wisconsin Th dog Is fsr from
vicious, and la a friend of tb patrons
of th Strebig meat market. Tb dog
stood th trip well, aad mad np with
his new master npon his arrival from
his long trip.
Banquet at Hotel Portland.
About 25 members of the Fraternal
Brotherhood went to Portland Monday
night to attend a banquet at Hotel
Portland. Among the prominent mem
bers of the order attending the ban
quet waa Mrs. Knlgbty, who will at
tend a meeting at the Knapp hall at
tb regular meeting on Friday van
In g. Those securing a member .d tiring
th past few month wer. entitled to
attend th banquet, and the member,
who baa Just entered Into th myster
ies of th order, waa also a guest
Much Snow at th Mln. '
Word was received Monday by Mrs.
O. W. Grace from Thomas Falrclough,
who Is at th Ogl Creek Mln. that
ther waa three feet of snow at that
plac and It waa still snowing. Up
to a few days ago they hav been en-
Joying th best of weather, bnt It now
look as if they will evpertence aom
winter. Mrs- James Hack art, who la
In company with her husband, is tb
only woman at tb mln, but ah Is
njoylng tb novelty. ;
Miss Frd Martin Improving.
. Mlsa Freda Marti, aertoualy lajnred
In a coasting accident last week al
though still confines to bed Is Improv
Ing. 80 fsr ah I nnabl to aa her
arqt and H I feared It will be aom
tlm before ah fully . recovers her
hlth.- ,;.(-,..
. , SsssjasaaBsa1jB j! .
- Will Dig It Own Wll,
Willamette Council I receiving bids
for th drilling of a new well for cliy
water purposes, which will b opened
Tuesday night It I thought Council
will hav. no difficulty In securing
good wells at a fair cost to taxpayers
silver tea' Tnday aftern.Hm for the I Kmma John.fti.,Mr Orace Ci. Ml-r-lnem
f the CrigresaMonal church ar. ''Ul"fpi"E;
hoir from s to I o'clock. On of the Miller. Mor.tia Hickman. Atl.1ily.
KuVeTcff lh. VrnS; will be a In- pillow. Hfh M..-I
abort talk by Mr ,Kv. Bmery Dy. o Mor-. M:"'-
Th Hethl'clM f th M. K. Bun
day schMt. wgsniied flas ft young
girls, mot at h hm f Mr and
Mr. A. U Hlanchard lt night t
hold their regular monthly bulnaa
meeting, plana r mad br a nov
----- ... , . ... it,.
tt - ter.n.e.., - s'f-
girls, n Friday evening.' February .1,
in ihe church.
Kerreahmenia war served and a d
' llsttiifxtl .clal llm enjoyed. - ine
I . - hh 111 lialil al tha home
of MU l lah ,Cantrll. oil F.urtenih eenlng of neat
week'. The present wer:
Anna ijibi. . -
Th piMIhVl Th M.wnlnf Kntar
pr1 riiM'Uim rrap.malllr '"f the aanll
meal tprraaal In lh irlM. pahliahM
fr..n lima t I im-in thl wlumn l"ub
llrllr I ln In n afrnrl ! flr. and
ailh tha.uw In Ihe puMl.alloa ! kok
a .!. tnmmunWalMMi
null .-..m r.''lr ld l P"l
li.ail.Mt Twas Really a Dry Victory.
Kditor Knierprlse; NowthUlh
amok f battle has cleared away and
rha sore place nearly atl healed over.
I nl a small space In your paper to
express my views of th 1st wrt and
dry controversy.
And right at the outset I want tu
lay claim to a dry victory.
Home of your reader may. laugh at
this aiatement. remembering that th
"return war against us.. 1 conced
that, though concession Js not neces
sary in view. of th story th figure
tell. Hut regsrdlees uf that Jact, w
won great victory ana 1 intna to
proceed t prove" It.
.At the outsat of Ihe controversy th
wets Isy claim lo the saloons being
good Institutions and told th story
somewhat exaggerated of th large
amount of taxea paid and (he number
of men given employment and num
ber of families fed. But bjJh tlm
that th campaign waa hair through
with, and th wet wer thoroughly
awak In th fact that they might re
crlve a heavy rbastlsement. It waa
conceded that ther wer many bad
saloon snd many diarputshl a-
io-hpT: And wMh
feat staring them in th far thy
mad all aorta of promise of what
they would do la an effort to clean
out th bad aahwaa
To my way of thinking alt saloon
sre bad but aom ar "baddvr" than
others. But what appeal to me Is
the fact that the better Class of sa
loonlats promise to aid th betlee tit
liana In letting rid of the bsd sa
loons. If we can do that we 'hav
gained something possibly something
worthy th effort we put forth In Ihe
rsmpalgn. At any rat lets puith
"good salonta( to tb test aa to-the
reformation of the bualness. and if
successful In so dofng w sbsll hav
secured a half loaf at least.
Parhapa I am not aa antbualastlo la
th -temperance causa a ar aom
others, and parhapa I do not get as
bitter as do certain who become very
enthusiastic; but I do recognlf that
th ssloonlst Is my brother ss Is
also the drinking man and It I my
duty lather to ssve than to rruan
We are to have saloons for lb next
two years; shall they b "good", sa
loons or bad? That m to b up ,
to us, wnsi say yon, rotnvr
t Aslds Streets for Coasting.
Editor Enterprise: Th snow of the
past few dsys has been enjoyed by
the lada and lassie of th city, and
'l am glad to see It. But ther seems
to be too much of danger aa things
ar now conducted, and th many ac
cidents some of them trivial. It Is
true, but nevertheless accidents of
tb past few days would seem to Indi
cate that reform In method I needed
Not that I would for a moment In
terfere with th enjoyment of th
young people, for I 1 would not, but
that I would add to their safety, which
will la no way curtail th enjoyment
Th boys and girls should not only
he permitted to mak tb moat tf
vary fall of snow, but they should b
encouraged-. In doing ao. But thr
should be condition to thl enjoy
ment and someone In authority should
set thos conditions. As it Is-now a
lad or lassl may tak hi sled under
his arm ahd start forth, dropping It on
th snow at any point that seem good
to him. and atart down th street; and
this regardless of who Is coming np
or going down. This la not right, for
th streets and walka ar for traffic
and with safety to thoa who use
them.'' -
How Is this for a plant Let the
chief of police or aom one designated
by him "bulletin" a aireet or strset.
and post signs to that'effect, giving
th street or streets over to sliding
for a certain period. When Th snow
la worn thin on thoae In na others
may b "bulletined and th fun pro
ceed- The streets and these only
may he used for coasting. Pedeatriana
would soon find this out tn signs
her would make it plain and pedes
trians and teamsters would ne tb
streets at that tlm at thir own prll.
Other at r set a would be free from ateds
and aaf to both pedeatriana and ve
hicles. Thl would wtak th streets
not given np to sport aaf to traffic
and th streets given up to sport would
not present so many dangers to tb
boy and girls from the fact that ther
would be no traffic to avoid, but th
whol Spirit would be one of fan and
Added to this ther should be an of
ficer aaalgned to duty on th streets
so designated to see to It that ther
wss no bullying by husky rowdies
who car llttl for tb rights of others
ao that thy hav a good tlm. Mak
It possible for our boys and girls to
get all posalbl enjoyment out of th
games and sports of llf, and do this
with a view to the least possible risk
to life and limb.
Go to 8crst'a for that hot lunch
accessor to Lenta, 110 Mala atreet
Issue drofti poyoble In other coun-Irks.-
Whenever you hove occtslon
to .send money lo forelcn lends It wm
piy you lo send II throuph this btnk.
. The Bank of Orcgoa City
't.nnlna I jklca. Ilk otn of lh
wther. sectkina tf th county." Is
perlenring SUM real estate -Hons,
and from lodlcatloaa ther will
be much building going va. during tb
coming Vprlng
Mr. t'rampu.n. of rrtlaad. has pur
Chased a one acre tract at lhal plat-,
and ta'csuileuiplatlna building aa '
a th ground I ready. Mr. t'rampto
haa flv men busily ngsged la the
Clearing. .
Mr. McFarland. a traveling man. haa
hacmie so Impressed with Jennings
Utge Ihsl he purchased one and one
half arras of land from Calvin Morj,
and I having It cleared.
Mr: tUng. a Woudhurn hotel man.
haa awarded lb contract of clearing
off hi four sere tract of land la; Jen
nings laHlge, and will build In th nar
future. .
II. II Miller, tm of th prominent
hardware merchants of trold Hill,
tiouthern Oregun.- has awarded tb
contract f clearing his cm acr iracl
ther. and will build In lh near ft
Oo' h fWreefe for that hi luaca
successor tol-rnta. tlo Mia trt
(Irandm MoVlhsuar is vary Ipw
at her'home, and her recovery Is
doubtful. - - '
(Hrln Rogers, mho ha been jn
ployed by Frsnh Busch. ha accepted
a p.ltlo In the stor of hi brttbc
In mw. O. O. lrve. of Wlllamett.
and la engaged In delivering trocar!
1. ma I'hrtstlaasea. of Wtllamstt.
made a trip to ivrtland and Vancmv-
er. Wash; Mondsy. - "
Mrs. R. Msye. ho Has l-aaw m mr
the oast week. Is now able to b up
snd aruiind the aie. 1
Th wedding bells will M ringing,
within short time. It Is reported In j
this plac. and ther la a 0 llttl.
bungalow awaiting th couple arrival. ,
It Is ststed thst on of our estimsbie :
women of this city I to be on of the 1
participant I
II. C. Ely a II 10 BUh Shirt equal j
aay eold at M aad IT
- 6Aht QROVE. " 1
m owned b Fred Harris look
fright and ran away while th driver.
Walter II arria, wss in a nous roiiecv
Ing laundry. They ran up Ctr
street, struck a rock, aad bmh tha
back sale. " No erioo damag was 1
don. '
Mr. and Mr Um Vondrha aad
Mrs. Jack Adams will Wave Tuesday
evening for Rout hern California Mrs.
Yonder ha haa been quit alrk for over
year and and w bop th chant
of cllmat"wlll benefit bar. Mr. Ad
ams f Mrs. Vondrb s daughter. 8b
langolng to look after her mother.
8edleM raisins Sc a pound at S
Miss Rose Ifalntger gsv a randy1
pull to her Sunday school claa Sat
urday afternoon, at bar beautiful home
near Silver Spring station. A nearby
pond, which waa froten. afforded the
boy much enjoyment
Th butcher wgow from Island sta
tion csm very nesf being' a wreck
Saturday. Tb horse became fright
ened and ran op Center atreet, scatter
ing beef In th snow. Owing to a hill
on th street th horse waa caught
before he ran very far or had don
much damag.
Th Clackamas County Sunday
School Association - convention ad
journed lo mt la Oak Grove aeit,
Mrs. IT C. Uttl. health expert of
Hood Riv,-will giv afre lecture
on health In Vosburga hall at Pin
station Wednesday evening, January
The Junior basket ball team will
play lh Sunnyaid brtgad team Wed
nesday evening, January II. Ilrigsds
hall. Sunnyald.
Mrs. J. C Vlgle slipped and fell
this morning on her back porch, strain
ing her wrist, and ahaklng br np pret
ty well
Mr. MsMball. Mrs. Wright, Mr.
Md and Mr Wagner, of Portland,
wer visiting Mr a. pftffner cm day
last week.
Mr. J. O. Btaat waa an Orgoa
CttyTiaitor Monday
Orasgas 10c do al Seeley's.
T Hear Stat Superintendent "TUdor
man Wdndsy.
Stat Superintendent of Inatrnetloa
Alderman will be har Wednesday for
an address before the High School
ardent. -1( will apeak In th fore
noon J.tb lUa-h School atodanta and
In tb afternoon Mr. Alderman, City
Superintendent Too and County Sup
erintendent Gary will go to Parkplac
where they will addrs the High
School nuplla of that plac.
BT BB- a BT 1 i ' I
H. H SrJITH 7ill ttczt a ' Pec!" Tec
n-ancat ate:: the 1 7th cf Tr- ?v.
Anycss interested
a a a . a -
Pft call ca hin at
r.lcia Street.'
Main Btrt
This I th dramatised story of os
th beet boy atortee var written.
la lb story of a Uv stoirh hum
mother, treated cruelly, he runs ,
from school learn of a prupuaed h'
bry and Informs th oa to hs n
tlmUed, la rcognU4 by bis avjtb
aad alt U wlL ,
hie mull? mm
Introducing Wtoa, th Irkk Mcy ,
... ...rldf. ;' ... ... j 1
..... Rmmber, lualght only. ... f
. - WITH
"The Lesson"!
Llttt By Doing Nlly. .
Th llttl son of Mr. and Mr. II
Rlvrs, on which aa operation was s
formd when th child waa but a f
daya old. la reported as doing
with fair prospects ef living.
Stuart fee la narh Intereet la lh Bio
fllow and la gtvleg It every sttao
Dr. Georg noeye. DeatlsO (.
Id Bldg Orege Cf.
W A- Osmsn t ni to C. P. R"he
et ai. lota 2. 1, n. U . a. H IT. II .
II. Falrvlew add., Orgow City: H
A. R. Blackburn to W. R. Blsckhsn
a. H lot g and all lot 7 la Parker
add., Oregon City; ltd.
Chaa. D. Blocuta t al to AsfW
Wsmsr et aJ, lot II Jeaaiaga Lois.
MKwj. , - f
Michael Holland to Ja. Shsnno
vt. lota I aad S, block 160tw
City; II. .. X J
Cllaabth Warner te Mrs. Haw
Uwton. 1 l-l aerwa la M. M. MeCar"
D. U C No. 40, township I "u
rang I aat; $40. ' 1
Uwls a. McMalaa et ai lo Jof
W. Lodr, a 1-S of a U. aectloa I
township t, rang t east, icpt
are;L , , ' ', . ,
- Oo te Becrwat'a for that hot ln-,
aneeeaaor te Lenta, lis Mala atreet !
Perfect Vcst
No rongh edge oa our laundry w '
te cut naeks aad wrists and ere
profanity, for w are aaroful la In
Ing collars, cuffs and neck haadl 1
shirt. W will be pleases te eall
fet your sampl order aad eea as
o aAtofaetloarrellrr IL toe, r
of eaargw.
oaEGori arv laufTc:
Phn Malai tl H 1
ct vrczll to tr'
. ' MS af
fch Perl IZ-Ii, 5t
V v
I 1
- ,J