Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1911)
c The owly 'dally newest o I . tween Portland and Salem; elrr latca Im ovory aootlon of " mae Cownty with a popwt a v v SOOOO. Aro jew a eevorCtrt C 1 1 . )I 1-No. 8 'OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 191L Per "Week, 10 Cents ) ybeoriptlens for the Morning rprlae be . reeelved for f limited time at a spselsl f Ssnd In your order today jet benefit of low prlco. Mi . . i . 'I. i ON, CRUSHFD, 3C0RNS HIS FOE t 1 r ; ' f 1 ' :i OUT THI VIALS OF Hit vHATH ON TH HEAO OF ' . SENATOR BOURNK. , and u'ren also scorned j Eaton laya He ftafueed to jde, Foute Laughs to tcorn tho Idaa of an Katon Ha o. UCM. Or. Jan. l. (8pU l(oW atlvo Kalon, of Ijhia, unburd dmaelf of bla teni up foellnns In juao today. Ho arraigned Bona mrne, KiHennmr Fulton and V. n, tho Htaimmt Ono apoatle Tn City. Ilia feellnaa were not thought until he found that .ho feated In hla at tempt to take Maker Husk hla txiwer to name .era! committee of tho llouao. I io poured forth the ala of hla " many charges and counter a of Representative Katun aro a atory to tell here, aufflco that ho accused eeveral of wish p trade, and refused because he ' O honest, t goodbye IQ.hopa Eaton Con hla epnerh wit the statement pnMMMMMt to rut away from ' modern day poll) Ira aa tho now played. Intimating that he 0 icood for tho game, .a waa hot simply dufeated, he nabed." Kouta answered tho In one of Katon with the atate 'hat ho had aeu borerlug over ad of the Iane man, a halo of r, virtue, and decency." Then iWrd Katon -with -tactics aJbad ae he deprecated. DLOCK POSSIBLE 1 W. Y. LEGISLATURE HAN WINS CAUCUS, NOMI 7I0N OF OEMOCRATS. OE 1W IS CHOICE Of PARTY, " "5ANY. N. T . Jan. !. (Rpl.) r. Bheehan waa nominated aa the late of tho Democrata for tho d Rtatea Heoaje, In Joint caucua auncy M. tfcpw, waa given tho maiion hr .the Hepubllcan caucua It la aald he will receive the aolld rt of hla iany In the joint ballot rrow. . jlaln of the enemlea of Bheean i snaking a deanerate effort to d him. It la aald there will bo. ab. lea enough tomorrow to make It jaalble to elect, the hope tha hla rt may bo demorallaed, and. aome lao choaen. m OD EXPERTS WILL ' WATCH THE SUPPLY tW OENERAL THAT LARGE ANTITIES OP COLD STORAGE ODS ARE UNPIT POR POOD. ICACO, III., Jan. . !. (9I.O- experta will watch to aeo that no led food a are unloaded on tho pub- A report that great quaniltlea of or and egga long elnce unfit for I would bo aold to aavo abaolute I haa cattaod food In pec tor a to be- )o active. ' ' kero la little do-ibt that wholeaalo of quantltlea of unsaleable, pro- waa contemplated; the public kid not be too certain that tbe may not be accomplished. e Don't Like To Dance inyboda piping. Wo don't eare t the regular price of any article V wo aro determined to clean up atock, and during our Clean Up I which la a money saving event I la looked forward to by all wear of good wearablea, wo are offering ea that defy competition both In Ity and price. . ' - '-T f buoy; get In) the 'band wagon j come In. , f ,t j , . r.' icc Botfiebfl EXCLUSIVE' CLOTHIERS , ' . Kot Lit OtSor. 4 th and Meln SW. " MOTHERHOOD REORGANIZATION Meeting at preebyterlan Church To night Rev. Walker Spotke. Tho Presbyterian . Ilrotherbood, which, because of tho re pa Ira to the f church, had no plaro to meet for tho paatrfew monthe, la to take up Ita work anew, and will have a meeting In the church parlora thla evening. All mem bera aro refjueated to bo preannt, and I hone among the men of the city who have no affiliation with other do nomlnatlnna will bo gladly welcomed. Tho Ilrotherbood work la making great atrldea forward at thla time, and tho organliatlnna of that character am to bo doing a groat work. Thla niakea It Imperative that churchea who wUh to reach out Into all channela of beneficial church actlvltlea ahould or ganlio an active lirotberhood. Aa tho I'reabyterlan church In thla city la determined to keep abreaat of the ttmra It la natural that It ahould have an aggreaalvo oraanUatlon of thla character. And the meeting In qu ca tion la for the purpoao of again taking up tho thread of effort where It waa left aoma monlha ago. Her. Thoe. olmea Walker, paator of the Calvary Treabyterlan church, Portland, will make the addreaa of the evening. Mr. Ilolmea la aald to be very Inlereatlng apeaker, and It la the belief of thoae Intereated in tne work that thoae who attend tho meeting to night will be well repaid. LAROE ENROLLMENT. Agricultural Collage at Corvallla Do ing Good Work. Tho enrollment fur the Winter Short Courao work at tho Oregon Agrlcultur al t one", at corvaina, naa increaaeo over ality ixir cent thla year. The atudenta are atlll reentering and In dlcatloua aro that tho reglatratlon may be lncraad by 'another ten per cent or more. The courao in horticulture haa attracted tho greater number of atudenta. having 120 enrolled. The other couraea alao ahow a decided lucreaao In attendance. Practically every aectlon of the atato la repreeent ed In the enrollment. Tho work for tho flrat week Indlcatea that the coura ea aro going to bo more popular and more aurccaful that over before. GOES BACK TO PEN. Hrry Board, Out on Parole, Porfalta Hla-Llberty. . llury Heard, who waa paroled from the atate penitentiary aome wocka ago and who attempted to obtain money from the lint National Iiank of Ore con Cltr under falae nretenaea, waa taken back to the penitentiary at 8a lem-Sunday by a guard from that la atltutlon. Heard tried to fleece tho Mclo bank, but waa unaunceaaful. HI relatlvea, however, made good the liank'a loaa. and the charge waa not proa eouted. , Eighth Grade Eaama. Thla Week. Queatlona for the eighth grade ex amlnatlona haye been prepared and mailed to Hie' proper cuatodlana The next examlnatlona will occur on Thura day and Friday, January I8jh and 20th. Tbero are but 65 candidates In the county for tbla examination. There aro three examlnatlona for tho eighth grade work within the year, the other two occurring on May 1) nd IS and June S and 9.' The January examine' tlon haa the fewer candldatea for hon ore of any. V Won t Divide the Dlatrlct. Tho arhnol pat rone of the Stafford dlatrlct. who wlahed to have a new dlatrlct eatabllabed. aeelng that the dlvlalon would bauae hard feeling, and feeling the cauae waa not worth the coot, have withdrawn their petition and will continue aa an undivided dla trlct WILL GET MONUMENT ALL BUT ONE LOCAL COMPANY HAS SO PAR APPROVED THE PLANS PROPOSED. Mountain View I lose Co. No. 4 mot laat night and after routine bualneaa took up the proposition of tho flre men'a monument to volunteera, and approved tho plan. Tho company pledged $25 to tho fund. ii. A- Elliott and lleorge Hanklna were appointed a committee with power to act In con- Junction with the commltteoa from the other fire compantea. Tbla movement for a monument to the volunteera of paat time waa atart- ed by Oreen point Hoao Co. No. 5. Four out of the five companlea have endoraed It Fountain No. 1, Columbia Hook and Ladder Co., Cataract Hoae Co. and Mount View Hoae Co. No. 4. Tho Hill floao Co. No. I will meet tonight, when an effort will be made to get that company Into line- Each company ao far haa pledged 125, and appointed a committee to work with the pther contmitteea. Oeorge Hanklna waa nominated aa candidate for fire coramlaaloner. There aro three to elect who work In con junction with Council's fire committee election flrat Monday in niarcn. Chae, Bandera haa been named by the Fountain Hoae Co. No. 1, with one more to be nominated. . , ; ASKS fOR' DIVORCE. Altegea Dlaregard of Duty aa Xueband - ;( -lo Children. ( Emma J. Hookatadt has filed an a plication for - a i divorce . from Peter Hockatadt, alleging dlaregard of doty aa huaband. They were married in DlnKham.'.MIch., May SI, 1905, have no children and petitioner aaka for power to reaurae,fcer maiden namo -of Emma. J. Oorlng. v ' - In the oatate of Wm. Hammond," w. W. Krerbart waa yoaterday appointed administrator. Estate valued at $250. O. D. Kby, attorney.. In the eatata of Rebeoca H. uenolt, 3. C. Eggamann appointed administra tor. Eat ate Valued at It80. John W. Lodor, attorney. ....... VOLUNTEER FIREMEN CHURCH THRONGED THE SECOND DAY COUNTY SUNDAY tCHOOL AIIO CIATION PILLCO WITH INTER- k ' . EST FOR MANY WORKERS. MRS. NASH SITS AS PRESIDENT C. A. Phlppa Makea An Intereatlng Addreaa at Sunday Evening Seeelon Offjcera Named v On Saturday. ' The aecond day'a aeaalon of the Clackamaa County Sunday School Aa- aoclatlon convened at S o'clock Sunday afternoon In the ftreabytertan church, with a fair attendance. ' Tbe flrat number on tho program waa a pralao aervlce, UmI by Ftorf 8. A. Hayworth, paator of the flaptlat church In thla city. Tbe flaptlat cbolr occupied the choir loft and led In tbe mualcal pro gram of the afternoon. John W. Lod or aang "The Holy City," with a chor us by tho choir, The flrat. addreaa on the program waa "The Hoy Scout a." by Rev. W. M. Proctor, paator of the Congregational church. The fnneral of Mra. Oordon took Kev. Proctor away at tbla time ao that hla addreaa waa of neceeaity poet poned to the evening aeaalon. Rev. K. y. Zimmerman, paator of the M. E. church, waa. down for the next addreaa, "What Next?" Rev. Zimmerman aald In bla Introductory remarks that bo auppoaed the question propounded bad reference to tbe next move In the campaign agalnat Intern perance. "Wo had a tough year tho paat year," he aald. "Up until laat year we have been aucceoaful but the laat one waa a defeat, and we were defeated pretty badly. -We lout our own law, aecured by nara work, ana wo got a liquor amendment. We loot 9 countlea; that looka like a defeat to me, and a bad one. What we ahould do next la to find out where we are at and begin to build on that founda tlon. "Aa It la now If a county goes dry all la dry: under tbe new law a county may go dry and a city or town wlthlnM It take up and vote wet and we have no recourae. Let'a find out where w era at If wo muat take it to the high eat court Let's know where we tem perance people atand under the new Home Rule law. We must keep up the fight, but I want to know on what ground 1 are fighting ao aa to figure where I am coming out. Tbe people who voted wet aro reaponalble to Ood for tbia condition; don't think a church member In Oregon City did ao though aome charge they aid. it waa ino good men outaldo the church who did It without knowing what they did. I would place the ballot In the banda of wife and mother and think In that way we could aolve the prob lem ; think women would vote aaioon out. I object to the vice and Ignor ance of Europe voting aaloona on ua and no chance for virtue and Intelli gence to vote them out. We have a doable standard of vir tueone for our women and a aecond for our men : we want one etandard for both. Tbe girl a ahould Inalat on the hoy doing aa.he Inalata ahe ahould do. J ' The liquor consumption haa doubled per capita In 30 yeara deaplte our tem perance work: leada me to Inquire If our methods are wrong must be something wrong. If the consumption contlnuea to Increase for 20 yeara more where will we be atT" Mr. Zimmerman told of a team of baae ball players going to Japan to play with an amateur team there and how It waa able to split even only and cited thla aa evidence that better hy genie condltlona there worked to .the good of the Jap, an evidence that ex cessive drinking In thla country waa destroying our vitality and would In tho end destroy ua aa a people unleaa wo reform. C. A. Phlppa, on the program for an addreaa In the evening was prevailed upon to apeak briefly. He aald there waa no boy problem, but that there waa a man problem at least if we aolved , the man problem we would then find no boy problem. "And the man problem," he said, "la not a dif ficult one to aolve. - Rrlng man and the Word together, without any fuaa or frills, and It will aolve Itself. 'It la an eaay thing to do the work of ten men but It la a hard thing to get ten men to do their work. The Sunday - acbool baa temperance and good cltlxenahlp department a now, trouble la to get them In operation. Chnrch trlea to aavo man In gutter and ten fall for lack of encouragement while one la rescued. " Devil pata you on the back while you work tnua. I think we have votea enough to aavo the State dont like what women of Idaho did think men muat put on the yoke ajid do the aavlng. "Have no fight with fraternal orders but would like to know their aocrot muat be tho warmth of their friend ship and the ayatem of organlxatlon wo ahould. Imbibe it Wo organise IB minutes to orgsnlxe and then we forget It. ' Good worda for Sunday achool not enough; get Into It and work with It we want a- 8unday achool booster club. Tho boy la not only the hope of the father and moth er but tbe hope of tho nation aa well. The home department and cradle roll aro the live wires of tho Sunday achool. At tho evening seaalon there were aoveral mualcal numbers by tho Pres byterian choir and tho ladlea: quar tette, which were appropriate to the work at hand. Rev. Landaworongh Invoked a blessing on tboao present and Rev; W. M. Proctor, who bad been detained In the afternoon, spoke to tho topic, "The" Boy Scouts." Mr- Proctor said bo had not aa yet launched the local corpa aa It was tak ing more preliminary work than he bad anticipated. He aald H waa a j hew organlxatlon. of which there were Several, but tho Indications wore thati tho Scouts were certain to absorb tho others. Daden-Powoll, tbe English general of Boer war fame, la tho bead and founder of the organization, and England la Ita borne. At Ita Inception It spread over England like wild fire until today there are 300,000 Scout a that Empire, ita Introduction Into' thia country only datea back to Mar, . The scouts pay , two centa a week Into the treasury and they muat pledge themaelvea to do good and bo good, rreuminary or initial atepa are nec essary, each looking to the good of tbe boy. The motto la, "He prepared." No bad bablta aro permitted that will Injure the body. Tbe scouts must bo helpful to otbera without expecting a reward. C. A. Pblppa made the addreaa of tbe evening, speaking on "The World's Convention at Washington." Ho out lined tho Sunday school movement In a' few worda and then drifted to the convention proper, lie told of the Ore gon delegation and Ita trio to tbe Capital, of tbe place It occupied In tbe convention, of climbing the fire es cape to avoid tho preaa of tbe crowd anxloua to aeo, and of tho pride that stirred him at tbe success of the move ment. Tbe flrat convention, Mr- Phlppa aald, waa bold In London 100 years ago. Tbe aecond In St Louis, tbe fourth In Jerusalem, the fifth at Rome and the alxtb at Washington. Only handful responded to the first, 1200 made the Journoy to Jerusalem, a good attendance waa present at Rome but 30,000 ware desirous of aoelng and be ing aeon In Washington so mightily haa . tho cause grown. - There were 250 tralne of delegatea and friends made tbe trip to Washington. "Oregon took a front place at tbe late convention, for wbicb I am proud." Dr. Meyers, of London, waa president At Jerusalem the reception waa un friendly, at Rome cold, but at Wash ington tbe city waa oura for tho ask ing. Verily tho cauae grows and pros pers. SENATORS WILL Fill TO A BITTER DID TWO PORTLAND OFFICERS SAID TO BE PERSONALLY OBNOX , IOUS TO OREGON SENATOR8. WASHINGTON. JAN. 16. (Spl.) Senatora Bourne and Chamberlain to day made It certain aa to where they atand concerning the confirmation of Collector of Customs p. 8. Malcolm and V. 8. Marshall Elmer Cotwell. It Is said both Senatora axe determined to fight these nominatlone to the bit ter end and If President Taft will not withdraw the nominations they will do all In their power to atop confirmation In tbe Senate Itself. The unwritten law of the Senate Is that there ahall bo no confirmation when a Senator will Inalat that tbe nomination la obnoxloua, personally Tbe Senatora are aald to bo willing to go to that extreme If no other way la found. JUSTICE CASE POSTPONED. The Attorney for Defenee, . Q. C Brownell, Sick. Mra- Bonnie Nelson, who charges Lucaa Brodanvlch with assault waa hero Monday morning to teatify in tbe case of State of Oregon va. Lucaa Brodanvlch. Mayor' Brownell la the attorney for the defendant and aa ho waa alck and unable to appear the caae was postponed at the request of the defense. A few daya ago, when the whereabouts of the prosecuting witness waa unknown, Brodanvlch and hla frlenda were Insistent that bo be tried or tho caao dismissed. The caae waa postponed till January 26. The caae of Fred Lucht accused of keeping his fence In the road, waa postponed to January 23, In Justice Samson's court Monday on account of the illness of bis attorney, O. C. Brownell. Will Meet for Bueineoe Saturday. The Oregon City Commercial Club will bold Ita annual meeting Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. . There are throe vacanclea on the board pf directors to be filled the terms of office of Frank Buacb. Dr. W. E- Carll and Dr. E. A. Sommera expiring. Thla organisation a healthv vouneater and there is much interest In tfie work that It from time to time puta up to Ita members. FREE! FREE! Bring this kd and we will tell you how. to get a aamplo of this tho . LATEST AND BEST. DYOLA DYES . ,. 'One Dye For All Qooda -, . . Sixteen Colore Ten Cents Per Package We Fill All Drog Wants A Full Line of , A. D. S. Remedies Proscriptions and Family Receipts ; ' Filled With Pure Drugs. , Quality and Prices) Right CHAnrcAn & Co. t . City Drug Store.' .' ;., Next Door toJClectrlo Hotel.' Pacific Pawae II , Homo Phono 41 TWO GOOD PRIZES TO SENATOR DIMICK AND REPRESEN TATIVE JONES EACH SECURES 1 .CHAIRMANSHIP. JOINT REPRESENTATIVES FARE WEI Secondary Placoo That .Have Much of Responsibility Magone Disap pointed That tho Carde Broke Badly. SALEM. Or., Jan.' 18 (Spl.) Rep- reaentatlveo from Clackamaa county drew prizes In the distribution of com- mltteeo In tho Senate and House today. Next to the committee on Judiciary tho committee on the revision of lawa la tho beat In the gift of the prealdent of the Senate. Tbia place. waa given to Senator Walter A. Ertmiclc, from Oregon City. Senator Brooke waa sir en the chairmanship of the Judiciary. Senator Dimlck waa alao given & place on tbo committees on fishing lodua- trles. labor Industries and municipal corporatlone. r Representative Johee waa given tbe chairmanship of tbe committee on printing, and a berth on medicine and pharmacies and electlone commltteea. Repreaentatlve Magone waa given a place on the committee on fisheries. and there la little doubt that bo waa promised Ita chairmanship. But at tbe eleventb-'bour, la tbo laat abuffle of the deck, the name of Pierce of Coos- Curry countlea waa substituted. Rep reaentatlve Magone la alao on the com mittee on alcoholic traffic; . Carter la given a place on assess ments and taxation; Cbatten, Mult nomah and Clackamaa' Joint, on ways sod meana and commerce; Malarkey, Clackamaa-MultnomahrColumbla . Joint Senatorial, Senate chairmanship on Judiciary. ' Other principal chairmanships In tbo House are: Abbott, waya and meana; Tlgard, agriculture; Foots, re vision of lawa; Mann, roads and hlgb-waye- . Senator Dimlck haa served la the House before being chosen to the Sen ate, and thla being Repreaentatlve Jonea' third term ted to the honors that tbo Clackamaa county delegation were able to pull down. GLADSTONE COUNCIL I Holds Special ftaaslon to Further Or- ganlzatlon." v - Gladstone . Council held a apectal aeaalon tbla evening, to farther Ita or ganization program. Several ordln- ancea were, given second reading, aa follows: To fix bonds of recorder, treasurer and marahall. To fix the date of regular monthly meeting, - aecond Tueaday of month having been chosen by those drafting the ordinance.. Something "Coming' to Gladstone Odd Fellows. Gladstone Odd Fellows have been given Initiatory and first degrees and begin to feel quite "Odd. Thursday night of this .week they will come to Oregon City In a body and take tbe aecond and third degrees. The local team promises to make it an Intereat lng time for the "Geesers" from the little city to tbe north. ' . TEACHERS INSTITUTE . DATE ISJDVANCED CLACKAMA8 COUNTY INSTITUTE AT CAN BY WILL BE HELD SAT URDAY, FEBRUARY 4. The Clackamaa county teachers In stitute scheduled to bo held at Canby January 28. baa been postponed to Saturday, February 4. A serle"t)f very Intereatlng gospel meetlnga are being carried on in Canby at this time and aa tho meetings will not close un til the 29th, the" request for a post ponement of the Institute waa asked. Not wishing to Interfere with the n inga the Institute managers granted tbe postponement. , B. Vedder, prealdent of the Clacka maa county athletic league, will give a talk on athletlca. There are five things that are to receive especial at tention throughout the educational work of the institutes of the State this year, aa follows: Reading, writ ing, arithmetic, health condltlona and country life. At Canby the program will have especial reference to reading and arithmetic. There will bo three talka on reading primary Intermedi ate and advanced. Howard M. Jamea, head of tho debating work In tbe coun ty, will give a talk on debates. Dinner will bo served by tho people of Canby. There will be exerciaea by the pupils of the Canby schools. Com plete program will be announced In a few daya. - : - -' . CONTEST POR MEMBERS. Two Captalna Choeen Lose re to Ban quet Winner. Willamette Council. No, 873. Knlghta and Ladles of Security, met In Wood men's hall laat - night The applies tlona of several .new membere were paaaed favorably, and Irving Raw waa Installed aa -oecond vice prealdent '. Great Interest is being taken In tbo contest for new members. There aro two captalna, who were appointed laat meeting tight Mrs. Bertha Raw and Mlaa Lulu ' McOaffney. . The loatng aide la to banquet the winners.' Tho contest closea in March. The' lodgo will have a social aeaalon and enter tainment on the evening of January 80. OUR MmBFRS Waltham "" v . Elglrt : . ' Howsrd Hamilton Ingersoll Movomenta f J ' ' I '!' t' Hi Our Watch-Selling Methods When you buy a watch of ua you know, just exactly, what v''.. . .' you are getting. We only enjoy going with you Into tho dstailo of Ita making and material, pointing out Ita atrong - or weak points ss the caae may te of showing you- why - certain parts ahould bo tasted 'thoroughly and . perfectly. . adapted to meet all condltlona for wear time keeping qualitica. In other words you got the. benefit of our ex pert knowledge and our peraiatent honoat methods. We know whe you buy a watch of ue that you will bo perfectly satisfied whether It lo tho $1.00 Ingersoll or tho f 150 Howard, and that you will send your friends to ua for one like It . , . - - . OUR PRICES are considerably lower than you caai buy Vlaowhere, erth- . or for cash or Installment plan- til"." GENTS' WATCHES FROM 81.00 TO $150. . LADIES' WATCHES FROM S5-00 TO $75.00, We make a apeclalty of Watch Repairing All Work Guaranteed. . ; Bur oeister & Andresen Orcein City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner 9 - - W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO, f RELIABLE REAL ESTATE DEALERS We Buy, Sell or Trade and Deal in . Large and Small Tracts. If you want to sell list with us, if you want to buy call and see us. 2 612 MAIN STREET Price's Chop House Meals at ir you wont the best, at lowest pricrs, eat with us. Our specialty is satisfaction. - MILTON Between Fourth Get In On the ARE YOU STOCKING UP AT OUR CLEARANCE SALE PRICES? WE CAN" ONLY v MENTION A FEW ITEMS HERE. - 4 ' f " - v 35c and 40c Combe ,...25o $5o Comba '. 34o 15o Nail Brushes .........V.IO0 20 On All Nail Bruahea. - BOe, Cloth Bruahea .... ....34 25o Cloth Bruahea 18c 25o C- C Ptlla .....15o 15c Talcum powder.... 2 for 15o 25o Mann's Medicated Soap 1 So 25o .Toilet Soap... 1So PROTECT YOUR FACE from tbo winter wlnda. Special Cut price on faco creams this month. f ( '.' - - 40c liatero Cream. 25o 25o Theatrical Cream. a..... 15c 35c Maaaage Cream.... ......10 Hcntby ..... i i V .' I ,K So. I Id Oold Oold Pilled Solid gUlvor... Solid Nickel Hunting and 1 - 1.. Open Faco C . . n OREGON CITY, ORE. f All Hours PRICE and Fifth Streets. i. Ground Floor 25o- Violet Ammonia. ...... ,15c All Bibles' 20 off 25c Rexal Playing Cards.... 1e 35c Fancy Back Card F. i-. . . .20o 25o Saratoga Cards . . . . , . ; 15 $1.75 Croklnolo Boards . . $145 $3.75 Croklnolo Archarena Boarda . $2.75 All game boarda reduced. " $14)0 American Watch ea....75o Wash Goths tt Half rric Hero aro some bargains bougkt direct front tbo makers, 10c Lace Knit Wash Cloths..:.. So 50c pentose 25o Turklah Bath Wool Cloths ... ........... w..... .2 for 1 5o 15o Sponge Wash Cloth roe i: 4 Tlzzii. Co; o o ? o o ........,.