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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1911. w X c . r L t' t I X LATOl)RCTT Prealdeot HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK i of OREGON CITY, OREGON , " CAPITAL. ata a Qaneret Banking Bualna. GEORGE A. HARDING I DRUGGIST - PURE DRUOS, PERTUMES, TOILET ARTICLES AND STATIONERY. ;' PRESCRIPTION AND PAMILV RE :.. CEIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHOfUl MAIN ti MAIN STREET v';;' LOCAL BRICrS ylo Rndmotid, a prominent rel rf Jennlng l.odge, In Ore s'- C Jty on bualuea yealerday. Hx-UlUtn or ('lurkamaa county U dart In Canby today, holding ii.tlr monthly." buslnea nun-ting on I. ';T. J. Olll, one Of the Inatruo t"" t the Canby rhxil. waa In Ore r yeterday and wa registered - f)' .Jlectrlc! llotnl. - ----- - . I Smith, who conducts the "pool t B03 Main afreet, la arranging . I a aerie of pool gamca In tha ' I .Iture, and prUea will l Riven. ' ; ft J. Ilolback, who .works. at t i ar mtllM. haa iiurrhased a lit ura'u-act In Clermont Allotment, of . . . . . i . i C yy o., anil win imroT it tr ' "ia a noma of IL 1 . MnMflnhaiiar. of Willamette. 'M been HI for several montba, rted aa not ao well. She waa gloua on Friday, a change In Mm that Indlcatea more aerloua Sat Ion. 8atnaoti performed the mar aeremony making C. W. Green and Marian Urummond. of Tha i man and wife. The ceremony )rfrmed Thuraday night at the 1 tf the Kulre. Win of Portland Odd Fellowa 1 attendanre at the meeting of wie'Odd Fellowa tOnluht and the flrat degree on a rlaaa of "if. The Oregon City team 1 jlat In working the aecond and t . wMtreaa a little Inter. a funeral of Mr lleherra lUr r ro!l will he held thla afternoon It I o'clock at lh undertaking room ff t "man A Meyer, on Main atreet. 1 ri t Molt haa been making her home Jy with her aon-tniaw, j. r.a- Jk. at Mount plcaaant. rnni II tneoilnc railed for Will- Saturday nlaht waa pnatpotted. i let at tha call of Mayor. More j waa wanted on water worka pro- I than It waa pnaaltile to get In ; fur Saturday meeting, ao It t uatponed to aoma future dny. beat Homemade llrcad that can I; you ran get It at Hcnraaera on Main atreet near Poaiof- i- fleorge Hoeye, rentlat, Cau' pldg., Oregon City. Bund boi of aoda crackera 20c at y'a. ' Four Candldata a Initiated. illation of W. O. W. offlcera r atponed Friday night to Friday January 17. at which time a nt ovenlngii enjoyment la an ted. Friday night, however, i. were four randldatea Initiated, Iowa: Wm. Smith, John Moore, ' null. II Itugoallata. . upir fob tha Initiation. , i ... Jap. rice Cc a pound at Sceley'a. plete Una Hlchardaon'a alike rle wlnnera at l. O. Ely'a. I bard wheat flour $120 sack at V plna 4 doren 6c at Sceley'a. For fine ahoe repairing go to J HE OLD RELIABLE OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP Work dona whlla you wait. Oor Motto: Satisfaction Gaarantced C. SCHOENHEINZ, Pfoprictor 716 Main Bat- Sixth T i PEARL Everything Strictly Fresh. Short Or ders Our Specialty GAN & O DONNEL, Proprietors Between 5th andJ6th, on Main Street f Coffee and Butter IS OUR HOBBY Finest Roast Coffee - - 35c Best Butter in the State ' 80c lHlfi)rs, Grocery 8TH AND MAIN STREETS f. J. MET BR, Caahler lft0.0O0.0O. Open f ram A. M. te $ P. M 3961. HOME, B 34. Next Door to Postoffice -JENNINOI'LODOe. " Mama of Naw Poatofflca Eatabllahed at That Place. A poatofrire haa been, eatabllahed at Jennlnga lnU(e. It la cuatomary for the poMtofflre department to have only one name for tha office, but tba people reiieated that they have the two aa It haa been railed for aeveral yeara. Jennlnga lMlge, and they have been permitted to retain thla. There are two malla per day from Portland and two from Ornxoii Ciy, thiia giv ing the realdenta In that aertlon a belter aervlre than heretofore Mlna I D Miller, a well known young worn an of that place, baa been appointed poatmlatreiia, much to. the aatlafaollon of all of the people of that - aertlon. The poNtorrire will be In the Mllb-r atora. ' It la through tba effort of D. P. Newell I hut a poatoffire haa been ea tnbllahed here. He circulated the pe tition, and aecured namea enough to eatahllan the ioatof flee. About people will be accommodated. Beedleaa ralalna Cc a pound at Boe ley'a. LESLIE KELLOOQ CONFESSES. Admit Taking Bonding Wire Sua plelon -of Other Errora. Ielle Kelloag. charged with ateal Ing bond wire from the I'ortland Rail way. IJght A Power Co. at (Jladatone, hid an examination In the Juvenile Court here Saturday and admitted the theft of the wire. He waa paroled by Judge lixatle and remanded to the care of hla parenla. Kpoclal Agent Cahlll, of. the com pany, bellevea young Kellogg la re aponalble for the tampering with the electric light wlrea laat week, which rcaulied In connection with a barb wire fenre. two cow a killed, but there wa no evidence to faaten the crime on the boy. Coal-.. II l&c a gallon at Beeley a Co to rWreat'e for that hot lunrh aucreaaor to I nt. C10 Main, atreet. SUDDEN ASSAULT' MADE. Employe at the Lyrlo Theat''rObJaete to Visitors. m K. C. live, of thla city, whlla attend ing busluena In Torttand. Saturday, waa aaaaulied In the Lyric Theater corner Seventh and Alder atreeta. by one of the employee of the place and suffered a few minor brulaea aa the result of the encounter. .Mr. Dye alatea that the assault wna entirely without provocation and he la at n lotta to find a motive for hla aasalj ant'a attack- A warrant for the fel low'a arrest waa aecured and tha case will be heard In the police court at Portland Monday morning. D. C. Kly'a 13.60 811k Sklrta equal any sold at fl and 17- Marriage L.cenaee- License - marry were Issued Sat urady to Nora Gregory and A. L. Scott, and Kdna U Glhhona and Krnst A. lowndcs. Go to Becreafa for that hot lunch aucccsaor to Lenta. CIO Main atreet. and Seventh. CHOP HOUSE SUNDAY CALENDAR. Vaptlit-Cer. - Main and Ninth afreUk Nlnlhi H. 0 II nwn, Mr. A. V. Parkr ul ; iinlli( ervl- 19 10, vii!d( t ii, t. r, a. c. Ft. in p. m. ana Jun lore aame hour. Wkly prayer ml Ing Tliuradav at 7.10 p. m. ..Hev. C. A. f'blppa will apeak at h morning hour. No evening aerWce, Canemah Baptl.t Mlaalon J. g. meet at I 00 p. m.a iwla Cunklln aupt. CatHollo 'nr Wlr and Tenth afreet. Itt-v. A. Illll-ljraiid paator. ru til - Watv liw Man I a. tn . HlKh-Maaa II u m. ni . arirnxm aervlca 4). 10. Mm every morning at 11. Coeeraaatlonal for. Main- and Eleventh lieela, llev Win. M. l'roc'lir paator, M. " Third; n. N. It noon, John Uw ry nil ; ttiornlug aervlve 10:10, even . Ine4 .10. young people I JO Weekly prayer meeting Tnureday at 7:10 p. in. Morning aubJoU "The Open Door." - No availing aervtce. Chrlat Kv. Lutheran Cor. Klahlh and J. (j A.luoia atrreia, Hev. f. HrtutiMt tor, rea. J. J Adnma; H. M VI a m i iirearhlna afternoon of firat and third Humlaya at M'l In Knllh. oilier Monday .rv !,. momlnga at 10 JO wlih prratthlng In Oerman. Chrlatlan gclenoe-Wlllumetfa building: Honilny aervlrra II a. m., H. B. llynoon; Weilm ailay aervb-ea ( p. m. Morning aubject "Ufa." t. Paul' gplKopIL Ninth at., 'near Main. Key. t'haa. W. ItoMnaon paalor, l.e at llectory. Ninth and Water eta.; n. B 11 noon. Win. Hhewnian aopi.; mornlna aervlce 11. a. m.,-!Vnlng aer- vlre t p. m. Oerman Bvangellcal-or. Klahth and Aluillaon alr-ela. Itey. K Wleveeli-Ji paa tor. rea. 711 Madlaon; H. H. 10 m., Herman Hi hrad. r, Monroe atreet, aiit.j mornlna rvli'e II, young peupl at 7 l. m and irea hlng at I l m. I'rayer niee-tlna Wedneaday at 7.10 p. m. - Oladaton Chrlatlan-Hev. A. If. Mulkey i.Mator, r i,lti(letine; P. n. 10 a. in.. N, ', llendrlrka aunt.; mnln errvhw II o'cl.x k. evening "aervtce 7.10. Week ly prayer meeting Thuraday 7:10 p. m. Mathodlat - Main atreet cor. Revanth, Iter. K. r. .Immrrmin paetor. rea. cor. Mlxlh and Waahlnalon; H. N. 46 a. m., I. A. Wllllama. Ola.latntie, aupt ; morn lna eervl.e o 16. r' worth lnane :10. evening aervh 7;J. I'rayt-r m-tlng I horwUy 7:10 p. m. ' Morning aubjyrt "Tha poultlc that cured the Carbuncle." ' - Mountain View Union (Cong 18. B. 1 i. m , Mra J. II. (Julnn aupl.; iMMe Hiuily every Thuralay afleinmin; preaching 7:10 p. m. aerond and fourth Munduya In-January. Preabytarlan Hevenlh atreet rnreffer- Bon, llev. J If ,anoPWruan lae...r. rea. "10 Jefferaon; H. H 10 a. tn . Mra. W. ". tlreen aupt.: morning aervtce II a. m . Y. I" n. l K. i l. m.. even-4 Ing aervlce 7:10. "rayir meetlna Thura- fluy a p. m. Morning aubject "Go Ye Into tha Vineyard." -In the evening Iter. C. A. Fhlppa will preach, aubject; "Making Good." Parkplac Congregational Hev. J. 1 Jonra paator. rea. t'lackamaa; B. B. 10 ' a m . Kmi-rv Krench uj.t : preaching r-n ! ra'h ftundny. alternating her " twpen II a. m, and 7 10 p. m Chria---tlnn Kndeavor Thunnlay evening 7:10 9 p. nr. - Onltod Brethren--Cor. Klahlh and Taylor, Itev. 1..--K. t'lnrke pualor. rea. Portland; H. M. 10 a. m . Krnnk Tarker. Maple Ijine. aupl : mornlna -rlce II, Y. I H f. K. p. m. evening aervlce 7. I'rayrr nierllng Wednealay 7:10 p. m. Wlllamett M. g. No reaulnr preaching aervlii-a. H. B. 1 p. m . Mra. Iteyua aupt. 2 Ion Lutheran 4or. Jefferaon and Eighth atreete. Itev. W. It. Kraberer paa tor. rea. 710 yeffcreon; M. H. 10 a. m , Hev Kranlieaer aupl.; mornlna aervlce 10. 10i- evening 7 14, Ijnlier league 7 p. m. Go to Becreafa for that hot lunch aucceaaor to Ijrnta. CIO. Main atreet. 1 1 PLEASE NOTICE. . ' To Introduce 'fba Morning r Knterprlaa Into a largo major Ity of the bomea In Oregon City and Clacknmaa county tha management haa decided to make a apeclal price for tha dally IsHiie. for a short ttoie only, w here tne auDscnoer paya a year In advance. - e lly carrier, paid a yaar In 4 advance, 13.00. lly mall, paid a year In ad vance. $2.0'. People who gave our canvaa a aer a trial subscription for one e or more months, at ten centa a e week, can have the dally dellv ercd for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvaa acr a trial subscription, by mall, for four montba at a dol- lar, may have the paper for a year for $2.00, If paid -a year In P advance- Subscribers to the Weekly Enterprise may change tneir aubacrlptlona to tha dally, ro- celvlng credit for half time on tha dally that the weekly la paid In advance. When iney choose to add casn to tne aa vance payment equal to a full ycar'aN advance payment they may take advantage of the $2 rate. We make thla apeclal price ao that people who have paid tn advance on some other dally and wish to take the Morning Enterprise, may do ao without too great expense. Orangea 10c dor.en at Becley'a. Try Dunn for tMgara and Smokcra" Gooda. Next to Poatofflca. no to Rocrest'a for that hot lunch successor to Lenta, CIO Main atreet. Dr. fleorge Hoeye. Dentist. Cau- field Hldg., Oregon City. A. G. STURGES 7th Center Street la tha place to buy your dlahaa. Good white dlahaa, 6 platea, 6 eupa and saucara for only 95o, and also aoma ... fin bargalna In China Dlahaa, fancy dlahaa, i plataa, I cups' and saucer only $1.35. ' Thaaa ar for Monday an ly. Do you want to trad your Organ In on a Piano f i If ao coma and aa ma aa I will allow you good prleoa for your Organ. Sawing mi atatlmant plan. - Qraphophonaa alae an tha In- T "THd CHOCOLATE SOLDIER." Big Comla Opara Buccaaa at Halllg Theatre All Neat Waek, "Tbe Chocolate Soldier, la which Frederic C. Whitney the veteran Im preaaarlo, la aendlng the Whitney Op ara Company to tha Halllg Theater, I'ortland, for 7 night beginning 8un day, January 16, with a' apeclal price matinee Wedneaday and regular mati nee Saturday la announced by all ad vanoe reporta aa providing a brilliant full three boura for tlie theatregoer. Founded on George IKrnard Bhaw'a wlitleat play, "Arm and. tha Man," KtanUlaua Htange 'haa- provided an Kngllah version of tba German Adap tation by Rudolph Iiernauer and Leo pold Jacobaon that hna been uniquely ucreeaful In catching tha aplrlt of Bhavlan humor and In providing a libretto of real human naturalneaa. In "Tha Chocolate Soldier" tna atory begin It unfolding with tha rlalng curtain; climbing In through 'her bal cony window the puraued aoldler pleada or Nadina tnat be may b safety hidden In her boudoir from the enemy even though tha aoldler may be com manded by Nadlna'a fiance. Cajoling, teaalng and taunting by turna he faa- clnatea Nadina, her mother and cousin to tha point of 'quarrel aa to which ahall become hla benefactor, and each glvea him her photograph aa ha ateala away dlguled In the huaband and father'a coat When be rt-turna at the cloee of bat tle to return the borrowed coat hi boaatlng over the eaay conquest of the three women lead to a frantic In trlgue to recover the photograph a which growa Into one of tba moat complete comedy acenca of tha mod ern ataga. Tha cast la a brilliant one. An toinette Kopetzky from the Theater National at Prague, Ilohemla, sing. the faaclnaMng prima donna role. - It waa she to whom Chicago roae lit ac claim for a new-found light opera alng e,r who could really act- Hon rvrgere. a Hungarian grand opera singer, elnga tha role of the coquettish Mascba; Margaret Crawford that of the deep toned Aurclia; John It. Phillips, one of tha beat known light opera baritones, that of the chocolate-eating aoldler lor er; Harry Davlea, the pompoue Alex ius, and Frank II.-. ltolcher and Ed mond Mulcahy In the bouffe rolea aung by them In the New York and Chicago ergagementa. The great alnglng chorus and the famous Whitney Opera Comlque Or rheetra are featurea that will appeal attractively to tba music lover. Beats are now selling at theatre for the entire engagement. A Unique Dance JTX WEEK AT BUNGALOW. "The Queen of tha Moulin Rouge" to Be Attraction All Weak. "The Queen of the Moulin Rouge." the title of it he musical comedy drama which 8H riroadway aflame with en thusiasm and stirred the crltlca of the city, la rather a misnomer. Sotnuch "GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST.' Immens Sale of Seat at Baker for Next Week'a Fine Production." The moment that It waa announced thnt "Tha Girl of the Golden West" would aga'n be presented by Baker Stock Company all next week. Inquir ies for Beats began pouring In until it la now evident the big playhouse will be packed at every performance. It will open Sunday matinee for one week only, and for the past two weeka a double force of scenic artlata and atage mechanics have been working night and day to produce the auperb effects that go such a long way to word establishing the play at the top of tha Hat In atage triumphs, both pat and present. It la a atory of old California, during the romantlf old aav M v j a 9 c Heili Theatre 7th and Taylor Streets Phones Main 14 A-l 122 7 NIGHTS beginning SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Rc'galat Matinee Saturday THE BIG MUSICAL PLAY SUCCESS ,. " The Chocolate Soldier " 30-ORCHESTRA-30. EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MATINEE 200 TO W SPECIAL PRICE WEDNESDAY MATINEE, $160 TO 25o SEAT SALE OPENS FRIDAY, JANUARY 1fc COMING TO THE HEILIQ . ', v , MARY MANNERINQ, JANUARY 23-24-21. JEFF DC ANQELIS, JANUARY 2C-27-SS. Read the Morning Enterprise At" the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OR ; - .' y t .: : ivt v - Wis mm) -en r7i "THE CHOCOLATE 80LDIER AT HEILIQ THEATER. -' Tha big comic' opera aucccss, "Tha Chocolate Soldier," with a company of -100 people, including an orchestra of 30 musicians, will be the attraction at Tha Halllg Theater, Portland, Oregon, for 7 nlghta, beginning Sunday, January 15, with a apeclal price matinee Wednesday and tha regular matinee Saturday. 3 ' In tha musical production, "The Queen i haa been written about It that further) Iworda.are almost uselesa. However, j j a few aentencea to correct a popular ! misapprehension, doubtleaa caused by . jits suggeative IHthv will be worth j Ml That It la chic, bizarre and in spiring la frankly admitted. That It haa dash, harmlesa transiency, effer vescence, la cordially granted. That It la not risque, low in moral tone or offensive to the modest eyea and ears. daya of '49, and the action takea place In the Sierras, the first act which ap pears after the beautiful panorama la unfolded, ahowlng the great Moun talna In their primitive grandeur, showing the Polka saloon, kept by the girl, the second her cabin on Cloudy Mountain In which the outlaw comes dulng a atorm at night, and In which the famoua poker game la played be tween her and Jack Hande the aherlff, for thla aame man'a life, the third act show a the achool room, and la the act in which the comedy la ao atrong, but which ends In near tragedy. The last scene ahowa a morning In the Slerraa, and la wonderful In Ita coloring and effect It la the play of playe and two yeara ago ran five weeka to packed houses. . The evening curtain wllr rise at 8 o'clock aharp, matlneea at 2 on account of the length of the play. ..100 PEOPLE 100- ECO It , CITY AT MIDfl 'CHT - o O JA Jt-.! of tha Moulin Range. I vouchsafed by Samuel E Rork, un der whose direction It appear at the Bungalow all next week, starting Sun day matinee. . - .The moat defensible thing about' "The Queen of the Moulin Rouge" la the abundance of aong hlta and It pretty and vivacious dancing atunta. Parisian costumes, alwaya a delight, are a notable f ature. Mattneea Thuraday and Saturday. .. Si 1 jr V"" AV !. V X'.I r .. - . . REAL ESTATE. The following real estate transfer were filed Saturday In the office of County Recorder L. E. WUliama: T. S. and Uilu McDantel to Ella M. Stryker. 15.73 acres, section 31. town ahln i aouth. ranee 4 east: 12000. Mathlaa and Josephine Foeller to C. W. Hodson, tract in AiuwauKie Park, section 1, townahlp 2 aouth, range 1 east; SG5.26. E. C. and May Lily McKenney to P. H. Jobse, 1 acre, aectlon 23, town ship 3 south, range 1 west; $250. E. C. and May Lily McKenney to p. H- Jobae, atrip of land for private road; $1. Thomas R. A. and Josephine M. B. Bellwood to J. W. Frutchey. lota 14 and 15. block 10. Qulncy addltlog o Mllwaukle; 1250. . Martin V. Tbomaa 10 itenry v.. rmu homme Co.. 1 acrea. township S eouth, range 8 eaat; $1. - H. D. and Linnle E. LeDuc to Ed ward and Ella J. Kaston, 1.23 acrea. township I aouth, rangel eaat; $3000. Jorgarog Inveatment Co, to Adam Graasman and Jacob Klein, 40 acrea, township 3 south, range 1 eaat, be tween sections 37 and 28; $6000. Real Estate C- T. Toose, . Lawyer and Notary Abatracta. . ' ,. Loans ' and Insurance CHARLES T. TOO; A CO. - Real Batata Dooght and Sold. Room 2, Beaver DMg., Oregon City .a .., 't'.t.v,.!;!ir,w...j i'i...V..'l-,i i I t .l.. ft ' "li I J 111 Baa flirt aT ' Yeaiaai- 'il ' l " -f Na4T Wants, For S:!c:2. Nullcee undr theee alaaairiad beedhtga will be nartd at ttn ernt a ward, fleet Inaartloci, half a cent additional tnaar Uone. One Inch card. II pr month; half Inch card, (4 lineal II par month. Caah tnuat accompanr order unWae one haa an v-n acomml with tha paper. No flaancial rraponatblllty for arrnr; whrra rror oceur free oorracUd aoiloe- wilt be prlntrd tor patron. Minimum eharge lo. WANTED. WANTED--TO rent -tlano Inquire . Enterprlae. tf - FOR SALE. FOR 8AIX 8pace la this column. Sell that old plow or barrow; you don't ue It aince you purchased your new one. . FOR SALE A good flO.OOO farm for aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty, at Law. Steven Bldg. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner apace In thla col umn. A few linea may rent that bouse, store or farm ; they will coat you but a few centa. LOST. LOST Sunday, black mare,, white atrip on face; 3 yeara old; weight about 1250; wire mark on left front r"--foot .Return to Win. Robinson,' West Oregon City. Reward. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abatracta furnished, land tltlea examined, estates aettled, gen eral law bualne. - Over Bank of Oregon City. UTtEN A 8CHUEBEL,' Attorneya-ar . Law, Detacher Advpkat, will prac tice In all courta, make collectlona and aettlementa. ' Office In Enter prlae Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon-. A ABSTRCTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titlea Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. pRITICS COKPLOT -lOMPElTIORS COPy ' Room 7, Barcy Bldg., Oregon City.' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Title A Inveatment Co., Stevena Bldg. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully given, on all claaaea of brrildlng work, concrete walka and rem forced concrete. Rea. phone Main 111. .DENTISTS. DR. Lt G. ICE. DENTIST Rooma 4 S and 6 Beaver building. Main St, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-1J8 and Pacific Statea 122L MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law. Stevena Bldg. MONET LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of all farm landa In Clackamas County and can loan your money on good aafe aecurity. ..Farm loana made one, two and three yeara at ? per cent. Abatracta of title examined. DIMlCK AV.DIMICK. Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. REAL ESTATE. D- K. BILL. CO., REAL ESTATE Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural Landa, City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg., ' Oregon City, Oregon. E. H. COOPER. For Fire Inaurance and Real Eatate. Let ua handle your propertlea we buy, sell , and exchange. Office In Enterprise ' Bfdg., Oregon City, Oregon. FRETTAO & SWAFFORD. Real Ea tate Dealers, have choice bargalna in farm landa. city and auburban homee, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. 8ee ua for good buya Near S. P. depot. , 13 ACRES of aandy loam, all good farm land free from Btone and gravel." 3V4 acrea In cult, balance all slashed, burnt and seeded but one acre, and has been for a good many yeara ao the clearing la not very hard ; 4 room box bouse, barn 20x22; good. welt, also bordera the Tualatin liver. This la fine peach, berrx or garden land, tn fact good for anything that growa; 4 Vs mllea of Oregon City on a macadam road; 10 mllea of Portland on a macadam road. The price-, of thla place haa alwaya been $2GoO but for a quick aale owner will take $2200." $800 down, balance 3 yeara at per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT A 80N Oregon C'ty, Ore. . Near Suspension Bridge. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. SECOND HAND Furniture, Curloa and Rellca bought. Bold and exchanged. Anything-from a Earning needle to a ahipi" anchor. YOUNO, The Second Hand Man, Main St, Ore gon City. Electric Hotel 411 Hals, SIwms 4th asd Sea Stt. OREGON CITY, ORlf. J. J. TO BIN, Proprietor. Opportunities If you want to BUY A FARM, BUY A HOME, BUY A LOT, aiAS. T. TGOZH C:C And If you want to sell ftTH lot do Kkewtee. atallmant plan.