Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1911)
imam enterprise ,,- 0RSG09 CUT, OREGON. , E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. AppMeattae, asede for second etas pri ri al rntofflci at orsgoa xniy. Oron. under tb. Art of Congress fj Marr a. lt?S. . J' . .. - J ;ti "" f r TENS sctsciimvii. On Tmt, by wiaU .. ....... (Ms M.sitha. by mail .t ... . Knur Months, be Bill :. ... ? Per week, by carrier............ AttttTBIM UIQ . . J Ftrsi Fa. per irx-n- rtrst tnrtV-s . , He nrt Paxe, w taca added Insertions, .lee Freferred position anjr.pag. par.fcseb first insertion 1M t-reterrea pant ton any nag, per "cn added Insertion ....... Bun paper other fir-1 pM. par hvh iirsi uiati im-. ... . . u-uc Run paper ether than first pa Pc Inch j , added sTserttona , aci uZflSiZ9?" W V9 --wk.-wA-'iv. ReHt-.creTr eenl a wnrd first biaertMn; oae -hair cent i earn additional. Ralea for adrerttetna the Weekly PTnterpHee will be- the name as ta tha dally, for aJrertieements Bet eapertalhr ttlw. the a.trertiarment ! for tb weekly ta tranaferred from the daily to the week tr. without ehaaae. the rate will be tc , an Inch for run of the paper, and lc aa j IncR for speclai poaltlon. Caah saonld areoaipanr . orde- where party la tm known In baetneaa office of Ike Eterpria. "-...j Itar'aaVertlalng at legal advrrtlatng ralea. Ctrrue adrertfaliut and vpeetal transient advertkilna at Tie In lee aa Inch, accord -b to aporlal coadltkma fxvmlng the - -Fire Sale- and Bankrupt Sale" adrer ttoementa Ite knrh first mertnn: aldl tlonal taserttoo aasve matter Inch. . News ttema and weU wrttten artkea i of merit.' with interest tn Inral readera. wilt ba cladly acrepted. Rejected manu arrlpta nerer relumed unlees aocomiaii ted tr atampa to prepay postage. It Isnt our all ao much as the Boise w make. And th better th people of Oregon City support us th louder our nots win be. : .. . - . Certain people give as an excuse tor half-hearted support of Th Morn fag Enterprise . that th policy ex pected to com to th front don"t suit them WelT If wo do aa ran wtah aomon els wfl find fault, so It Is wisest for ns to try and do right aa w see It and lear It to you to aid aa or not. Think It over gad ae If yon doat need aa In your outness. . . - " , . No city employ or teacher can af ford to be, without Th Morning En- terpriaa. It matters not how acientloua they are In th perform ance of duty, they are certain to get on to another's toea at some time and to be mad to feel th adverse criti cism resultant. A live, impartial dallyj paper aa a rnena ana witn a good general circulation, can tell the truth of th criticism end set yon right be fore the public Every person who may some day be subject to criticism ahould wl.h to see a dally paper mad to lire la their horn town. Are Our coming In Their Habits? John W. Alexander. Dudley A. Sargent, Harrison Fisher, Miss E. Burchenal, Dr. Mary Hoffman-Jones. y Mb ELIZABETH BURCHENAL of the Public School Athletic League of New York City. or ' OitEN hare developed remarkably during the past ten years. About til the women and girls I know are EOSY CHEEKED, BROAD SHOULDERED, FINE, HEALTHY, NORMAL CREA TURES. ; Why, don't you know we wom en today are just beginning to get back to our normal proportions" We are juat ' COMIXG INTO OUR OWN THROUGH ATH LETICS. I BELIEVE THE ATHLETIC, THE FINE, HEALTHY TYPE OF WOMAN TODAY IS, BECAUSE OF THIS .SPLENOID ATTRACTION, fiORE APPEALING TO THE RIGHT SORT OF MAN THAN THE GIRLS OF OTHER PERIODS. t DUDLEY ALLEN f ARC! NT, Director Haascnwa Cymsaum. Hat-yard Uniyanttr. eTBay ri rrrT Mm -ja.r in me lavage .jLIbUUj were ao like men in form that it was well nigh impossible to tell them apart Then a civilization progressed their especially feminine charac teristics became accentuated unto the exaggeration wm almost pain ful to look at ' :.. THEN THE PENDULUM BEGAN TO SWING THE OTHER , WAY. WOMEN ARE AGAIN BEGINNING TO LOOK MORE LIKE MEN. The girls are OETTINO IIORE SENSIBLE, That's the whole story. In.tead of sitting in the parlor and folding their hands all day they go sout and ,TAKE EXERCISE. Of course it makes A- ' rt' ARC YOU A COMPANION TO YOUR ONt ' ' Peopl who manlfeat a Inter la theft- boy ed have-MU tft t thir becoming .drunkards, la most la la aona ofituea who are too busy making money to give aay tint to. th boy,-who get loto bad habits, and seemingly know no better. Tb Joy must hav SomHftng to do f tR() tf nfa thought x not turned, ia tti right direction, hi. mind, la Dot .Mba'npjrj ml,h aomthlnf-bor. ho - us th word drift adTlKslty. ,r ' - It Is through drlfttnc that moat you'ig doodIo find tberawlrea Into trMiMo Ihlt did aot court ' -no. wrw.iatrTB. wrBTW compaoion to Weir aon. aow mwj wome ak th'am.tep with their iVBiirhtar? In what othor way thati , that of companloa.hlp can you hop. ;. W'B COra,,,e, n'V th Vund aid rt'M'" wtll try-aad do tbat?,Wnk , hv Mra,,ied a ror of va- which Tar of eipertenc cas lauKm you waa oeair rau . aoes muca tor ne twuur 'i'. -j Dot ak youfIf th most trusted : of companion ? tv. ...nt. hy or rirl wishes to i fdo fUtht; K I. only those whoemlnd. bar been In some way poisoned whOj seek to do wrong. Many boys and I prts.a ,t nt found. girls ar today drifting. Ind I those j Seems to me It J up 10 the popl. for whom ther".houhr'D. gray. eon-,of ClarkamAa county to Kft in.o the . . ' . . , push and tegin to produce th w-st eern. And wher you find a young u (n gw yo cM ralH1 man or woman drifting you can hark many varieties as any county In the. back to"a fathsr or mother, or both, 1 state, th fruit itroa nearly aa-large, who ar Indifferent or too busy mak-j and where given ih treva and " . , ....'the fruit It will be found a, free from mg tDoue, e. 'jl rna neceasarr sanua i'lriiiivu- . - matter not what your, attltud Inmiir- ennmnnitr. ' you hav a personal responsibility to Then hy not begin to plan to make " 7 !T-...k. .nrrt eannotitbis section of the State as noted for 1 llttl avu. V a . a bww ( pay th personal debt by public ba I Jrangne or effort to reach out and aidfor tj,e people who wish to raise fruit public, at large. Tour first duty j Is to your own offspring, and you best j What Is" needed Is car In select attend to that befbr you try to sava arlette-H my take several -. . I . , t -sons to settle down to what t et your neighbor, chtldreo. And y6ur f ,s tioo-m concerted effort to boy or gtrl sated may mean an ay choice stock., proper car in conquest of other, that associate wliheuitivatlon and then once good fruit them. : In recent issu w printed a Com-jtn ,ni-.tir. from a subscriber who think, that the car. running between . u v. i Oregon City ana romana snou.n o supplied with, lavatories for in cou-jlt , of tno travelling public. The con-!., th. ..... ,h.t conven-'. " " - i lenc would add much to the comfort of elderly people,, children and ln yaTida, and makes her plaint-In their behalf. Withoutdoubt If th matter was taken up with the railway offi cials, in a proper .pirn oy peopie wuo, ran make the- need plain, the officials ; of th road will take steps to give the j proper service. - i ' Fresh Candies and Confections at Dunn . Main street, near Postofflce. ' Women Be Masculine Br JOHN W ALEXANDER. Painter. I F the American woman per rrista in her undue athletic sports there ,wiu soon ie LITTLE- DIFFERENCE BE TWEEN THE MASCULINE AND THE FEMININE IN HO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD DO YOU SEE SUCH MASCULINE-LIKE FIGURES AS THE AMERICAN WOMEN HAVE. By HARRISON flSHER, Artist. HILE women are unde-? nialily doing m a n y j tliinqr now that used to , be tho lot of men, these things are j FAR REMOVED IN NATURE ' FROM THE HARD, MUSCLE NEEDING work that the nino sex ' .performed in olden vears. I BELIEVE THAT THE MEN TAL DUTIES THAT MORE WOM EN ARE PERFORMING EACH YEAR HAVE NO EFFECT WHAT EVER ON THEIR PHYSICAL BE. INGS. AND IF THERE'' WAS ANY EFFECT IT WOULD BE ONE OF LESSENING RATHER THAN UP BUILDING PHYSICAL DEVELOP MENT. 5 : By Dr. nlY HOPf MAN-JONES mt Hew Yarn. f ROM what I can 'see ery day and what I know of through my studies there is a change taking place in the wom en of America, but it is for the best ' V ' ' ; ' i 1 THEY. ARE LEARNING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY HOW TO LIVE AND TO DRESS, AND THIS IS DOING MUCH TOWARD AID ING THEM IN HEALTH AND PHYSIQUE.., HAnvtvn "rvTPRPRlSE. SUNDAY. JANUARY JHlVil VJ ' . -- : present balance preserved. FORUM OF THE-PEpPLEL'Xr'a-.r'. " v I- - aie of naiuro U tho courM wlta tho t". uioki Knew Ths suVlisaera of 'eriaa dutrtaint reeponslelllty for Ihs " ml .iiwr-ed in Ih. rKW-l.w..aea t rrt tltne la lime m in -"" .. -,...7i .h... in an effort be fair, and . ik it. i. I be Duumaiton ii bartif .tea a oueelto I'-mmunk-altona muat ome I aianed lo Ineure pub- j lU-aiHm-' Thlnh Clc"a Fruit Ara Craat. Kairor Eiitfrnrlaa;. When 1 riri i cam Into tM nunlry I was told that , Uackamaj WW" a I l. K. tai.ea anan a nlnrh ottlJ prod up fir osulr.v'tc. 'lut th luliiraia-. tlon waa handed mil that )u couM ar raie itTHd pl.'lhat Iher had ; mtUrana that they would aot ; - r v;ri, vs ; ,n ,ht, .und Oremn City and f1n1 tD!U thinjt ar not ao hlue an were represented I have gone Into a do.en orrharda. .Inc. th mlddl. of rittea. Keauit I. I tninK tn v iara , V "" Vr-V, ' IHCV 1 " ' ' " ' ... , ,..., ,, .,mi.t not Tu ((,, fxta any ciro but was fruit aher the live had been sally neglinMed and even IgJ w .hr( and j ggrwably .ir t pot and btrmtstr t'laokamas, county can raise fnilt to-i,.!, Ht near'jhe . flarori?f tho.-fjuLll n uviliin In'ihe West. ! Ira. .M.ftitai tSaa Kdatnia tha HibiVfl - j,. -..untrT? All that I need.d i ti get toiteiher and plan to do it. ! has been produced a rename- sao.ia ; tlon for the marketing of the same And the need of an organisation-for Instruction, of those engaged. In , raising fruit and for the sale of It. la as essential as the production of me the fralt Itself. ' After raining good )n abnIldllIlct) ,hen ,n ,0uing of ; M m fair .price mesns proe-perlty for all engaged In the business, and It Is b "H regulated association That can and will accomplish .that fact forjlU. l ill ... 1 1 .. W .v.. .11 who are members. : I don't own an acre of land In Clack-, a mas county, or In any other county j In the State, so It Is easy to see I have ' ho axe' to grind I have simply found 1 that this 1 one of the best counties In ! he worId ,n(1 want to tJ.u you p.p nf If . . ' , t TRAVELER- I Forest Conservation. i Editor Enterprise:- We -hear, much j j these daya gbotrt fofesl' conservation land waste of raw products?" nd It is a good thing that this mioject hn 'come up for dfscnftslon. "We sHouTd i Insist on forest conservation for wt-: eral reasons. Among them I the say Ing to us of amall streams which are i needed but which will soon dlsappe-vr Mf the hillsides are rapidly denuded. t Then the rainfall is InfTuenced to a ! greater or lesser degrew by the Hear ing away of, our timber, and Its sudden I removal without the replacing of It with some other Influence I. certain ; to prove disastrous, i But the gradual removal of the for- esta. for manufacturing purpottes and the replacing with orchards may not i change condition, materially. Cer- talnly not like past method, of cutting 1 the timber and then burning over the slashings And the cutting under re- .frictions which permit the taking of i only that fit for lumber, requiring that i the second growth be given a chance i or the ground devoted to orchard ' purposes, would Jiave a tendency to sustain the present balance and not hurry us on to drouth ifhd famine. Nfany jtcr-s of lands now covered witn tinnier win never wiKffra-iurt- anything for general farmlna puriKis-1 " ' " B f 1 es. That -these fame lands will make gooo orcnara lanos is romenue., j those who ought to know. Back In V the Eat rough land. In Vermont and j Connecticut are being devoted to orch ard purposes with good results of times lands that are "valueless f'r h ordinary farming, avocation. If the tlmWr Is cut from thene lands by slow degre-, and only as fast a. the de mand for land crowds the people Into that of less value than ha. been wont to be cultivated, then these land, may oe.'aken and planted to fruit and the r - t least reel.tanr. -Man arMooi hl th amine unlit t laU but la 1Mb .in aria la "Btoo ana ' - CLUB IS ORGANIZED . at mm LODGE STARTS WITM'rORTV, ateMBtR HAS PROSRKCT Or SIXTY- ANY CITIN MAY JOIN. - On Thuraday .vrnlnc a Cumnierclal Club wasorganlaed at Jennlnita jlice Ther. wer ahtut forty rrpreaeutail tcllUena present at the meeting and Jl signed up for roenilHrshli. tlfft- '. ITII " . . . ' " " - OTw . . ...... r ... 'dent. II II. lce.prrBldent. U'harloa V. Redmond: screury. . VI. jworae; . irwaurer. new n. Sr Tl,e meln. will b hold ou the .... . . . . . firm runeeua7 ririuui t.i m miith at 8 o'clock Th object of th. club I to work f the Inipnivemi'tit of the community car ttmcrnl and 'to bring settler to , amns .rounty. Hurlng I he wial many newcomers have come to mKe tneir nome in mi. timy. "j-( one In the county who wlshea may be- i come memnexw ln'S nun. STILL IN JAIL. Record of Pt Deeds Causa 8ard ..,...,Jr.., .. Trouble. t Harry Heard, who attempted to ob tain money from th Klrst ,atlinl HanV Friday under mlrepreentatlon. ' aUll (n jhe county JIL tf (tut held uuJ r the -Instruction -of Waraefl Jamea of the slate ,w-nlt.ntKrr feard'a reUtllve. at sdo succeed n havlnr the rharaes attains! Mm in Uun county illamlaaed. but he Is un der the cloud of having violated his parole extended by th -official of the state penltt-ntlary. Otto If. Kulper. representing th V. J. Hum Natlotial elecUV-gu- ry. and the American lunkers Aa. rlatii.n. was her Saturday and I will-; Ing to Intem-de with .Warden Jamea . tor rieard. hlcb not in at romance with the usual custom In case of thla character. ... i ATTITUDE OF FARMERS ON COOD ROAD BILLS REPRESENTATIVE CARTER WILL GOVERNED BY WISHES OF HIS CONSTITUENTS. GLADSTONE. Jan. HlEdl!or Eh- terprlitel One of the most Important 't Jio-tlon to come lcfore the present i ii ic'.alature Is the road bills. Esierlal- ! y the Jive roa bill to be presented '- j,y the'Tortland Oood Roads Aasocta-1 iin " a tremendous pres- uurt. bt hlniLlhoaA bllla. conltlng of ( lne automobile manufacturers, dealers ant automobile cluba. Tbey are planning to take the legis lature by storm, by coming io Kab-m en a special train, three of four hun-' dred stronr Now you farmtr and laboring man ! and small taxpayer shat are you do-' Ing inmiriU lei i lne your renreenta-! five, kno where you stand on this quest ion? The adoption "f those measures mean, the expenditure of over two million dollars on th rRl of the state In the next two year. This money must 1 raised by taxation. W are her "Io represent your In terests but how are we to kno wiat you want In the ay nf legislation un less you make your wants known? Now I suggest that you get together and talk over the measure, likely to come before the legislature -sperlal- ly the road question, and do It imnned- lately, and send you views, whether j for or against the proposed road bills, ' to your representatives at t-talem. j lf-Trnrfail to do ao, you cannot ,)Ump UK we ta, to vrtlM ,u by lla!IlT U IS 3 lean iv ai.s - ; rf,urK, tn lhe ffnavl settlement of j ,hH4! qllt.Mtlonl, il P. CARTER. BUTTER CREEK SITE CHOSEN. PENDLETON. Or. Jan. 14. (Sp. 1'. 8. engineers have decided thrt the new dam site Is to le at the mouth of nutter freek. It will he over mile long, 75 f' t high and the rener. voir will cover r.ii'io acres. Hit will cost a half-million and dam 100, i00. THE HIGHER HE GOES THE SHAKIER 15, 1911. Th Frt "roan. Party ftwha f amall atria r awro Sttm.tlrp thaa unual Ihl- wlotw. for. nltbouKb the iiuoa rtla at th an me, U.lnH jind Uat-rlhn ar and the not f rxnlll Bnn-"" aidalil' It item whh'h dNllnirilhi' thlmle "... . 1 IV r i- .- ,-. r ' . ll r atitrr aMaotiBT la rtta Mataaut ttl.n't,g frtn-k for the yotiug girl la fe . . . frovkof bef -llttto tlater lint while net tritunml with tin Wing aud lhertl.n. 'rhllfon.' tlnrl fabrl.-s il rhina allk are alt utilised In tb nuking of the I'Bftf frorh fr tb inn II girt. hulls allk. nieaoiUut or Up. Id aonm frork W twt at- The lllutrailon 4howa a dainty lit : tie dresrVof all oer eyelet euibrohlery. ' which will be found -a n-eful fr sum ; mer wenr a'l't U approjirlate for the dance dreaa. A Slip of pink silk gives ! the color note. What Man Do: You Strangle? Forn .UtlstHan flrire. that VS (X).0O) every yenr la tfng dlverte-l from the local luen-hanta of tills conn try to the mall ocler conceimJo the great cities. - jjlow much of that MOXCMF.NTAI. MOTND OF MONET ges out of thli j eommunltT j Every dollnr so spent he' t 8WEU. THE IIEAI In the city , has n use for us except Io rl oof I (iixili MONEY, , . ,, ... LT'r' ,,",,,r l"nl,p,1 wa.' ""l RTIIAMJI.E EXTEIU'RISi; A Ml WTLTTI'.E I'ROSrEIUTT right berf at bom. IT GETS. l.iV,.-'i(prta :14 & FOREIGN r ' - Wc Issue dros poyoblc In other coun tries. Whenever vou hove occasion to send money Jo lorelon lands It will ' pdy you to send It through taK bonk. The Bank of Oregon Qty: Trtt OLDtST iANri IN THI COUNTY ' BROWNILL tNOORSeS RI00s. Mayo Weuld Llk S RW t0Mvm Spanned. - Oregon t'Uy. Jan. H. I ill Mr. Wm. K. rurdy. iiiiHI. traM. ly dear Mir: I am familiar Hh the condition of Ih Wlllamell rlf and th banka on lxlb t'dea at and near llutlevllle,-where th coontle. of Marlon. CUckama anf Tatjihlll, hxv a clo foimwlliMi rwtth the fiver tt thla point, and ba a Jlni Inirreat In th couat ruction of a Hlg orf Ihn Willamette rlvtf at this point, I know I hit th.. litMiple of Ihea rou. ilea and ih publlo near thla hrll think that It imiIJ Im a great puJJfJ ullllly and tneflt. I Iwllev. that the i Ik-bI method, of proredur Wjufd " by iaperlaract of the gllatr. to auth t.rle the rouilllea al-imed to pro- 1 reed lu ih conatrupffon of a bridge at ithla re.lnt. andrian are no rBoH !l y the lrklaiure should heaiiaie; ! f,.r on mumeal In !''" auihorl- j I iy. It would be rheaier for tb three : coi(Mtiea to ronatrucl the brldg Jointly Ijhan f..f on or to to undeltak H A earnestly hop-thdl you will meet) ivkllb auccraa In rvlticlng .th l-eg i j'l.laMir that thla la Ihrlfduty. heraua ;4 personally, know that tb public ; I o. earnestly Indorse and appro Ut B'irh a course nd that they- would k i b In fsvor of a bridge at Tm Sincerely youra. tlrai. i IIHIJWNEIJ. RTAL ESTATE. Mary T Cross o.f. U-llakealw. part lot j. -Mivrh It. Oregon City; II Wlltamrtt Fall C. o U ! l" ,n. ira.1 11. WllUmstt Trarta; :00. Orrla and Mry A Carr.ll to Mary S. Wilde. IH acres. Caufleld donalbia land claim, township 3 south, rang" 3 eaal : 1A, Victor Itrunnrll to Minn la NV.. lien l'ern. IJ arrs. Samuel U"rranrl--O.itiail.m land claim, seellon 3. town ahlp 3 Biiuth. rng- east! $1. Vnr-and Agttea-Cmk t EHaleth Cook, 3 acres of lota 7S and 7. Jen-. ntn lxlge, f 1 , Clarenr. and Samanlha Simmon to Wllllain lu rggren. Iota t aasl east half lot . blink . tiladttone; m. ! f-.iv.rtn. a Itashfitrd to O. I. Undaley. 3 70 acre, tjeorg. Aber net he donatio, land rlalm: IM. - ' llltd Tw to N. W. How land. TO ' acres, tosnshlp 3 iMuih. range 3 eaatr- 10. . -THE MARKETS. Ortflon C'y Quolo.v ' j? Dried prunea -Oood slirh of Oregon prunes Is feeoming srsn-e, inrf brings top prices r to sc. :raln Utile movement In bcal I markete with prices firm j Wheat eimmandiuoe-: corn selling by loo ; shelled l r.l. rru.hed II 10; nals bring j :7c a bushel. erllne In rorn country lover. Wheat weak. Inclined dwn , ward. u I'imltry No great depiand and I -ral 7market ahosa llttl fluctuation: all ! rlasaes bring IJc H.; no movement In t turkeys, geese or ducks Floor, Im a) shrat. .....; 3D I Flour from hard heal . ' llran, by sack Hhort. sank.....t. llarley, sack....... Timothy hay. ton., 1 Clover hay, ton. .. , j Ileef hide . 1 ifalf skins I hep pelta Eggs. do.'s... . . . . . j Muiier. roll ! Cheese. Belling..., -s i I. is ........ ...14 on ,nj -I'-' ,...;es to ii .33c cr.c . ,::c lie ..i:,c to 13c c to I j. '.'.Isoc'lo I.3S , 7ie Tirk Veal, dressed . , dressed . . "ZT j Apt,,',, lKll . , . potatoes, lb.... Jinioti. lb...... , ball uverpocu Kiork salt ground. 7ic 1M lbs Hairy .tl. 60 H. H. SMITH will start a Pool Tow- nameot about the 1 7th of January Anyone interested or would like to take part call on him at hh Pool Hall. 503 Main Street. No- 2S REPORT OF THE CONDITION 0W The First State Bank of MilwauMe at Mllwaukl, In the Stats ef the slose ef business January 7th, RESOURCES. ' LIABILITIES. ' " Loan, and discounts .t41.Qt.S3 Caoltal atoetr mm in- a.t AAA iM Overdraft., secured and un secured . a. ao 4J.07 6,437.28 floods, securttlea, etc Banking: house, furniture, and -fixture. Due from approved raaerre bank. i. Checks and other cash Items 13,(87.48 10,689.61 30.00 8,528.04 Cash on hand.r. ToUl .170,284.33 8TATB OF OREGON. County of C!a LANDS . 4 ELECTRIC THEATRE - ..- X Main Street Big Sunday BUI Tb pla.lf and taking drama CEDAR RIDGE (Naatar) Thla Mm la highly r4nmn by trte mkrt n that cannot ht dvrtid atfwnju ' Ther will b tvr ther'firma. stk good, but thiif rias dost net tam In time ta advartiM ahead. . Special Sunday Program AftrnM arid lyl9. TODAY At the Grand WESTERN NIGHT AND THE Flro Depart ment of IL Y. City OTHER PICTURES ON Out PROGRAM ARE Hlo Gloiorln- (BI00RAPH) Botty'o FIro. ivorfio ..-.. ..44-4-. WANTED Steady customer for thla apaca. Either . Es- princ unnecesssry. Judl- 4 . clow advrtlsr wltK ei 4 thing t .all and BOmethlng t 4 say will find this th proper grM for a business clog. N 4 triflers- Married person ef ma-. 4 lur sg will understand. Call 4 on, or addreta, Adyartlting 4 Managtr Mernlng Entarpris. 4 Oregon City Orgn. 4 4 Perfect Work No rough edge on our laundry work to rut necks and wrist, and etrlt profanity, for w ar careful In !ro Ing collar, ruff and neck band, of shirts, w will b pleased to call get your sample order and ran a.nur you satisfaction deliver It, too,' fret of rharg. OREGON CITY LAUNDRY - MAIN AND THIRD STREETS Phon Main 43 . Hm TA r""'""- prorits, iaa as penses and taies pald.i.. Individual deposit, aublact 1.J557I to chck , ,Jg8.Jl Demand certificates of de K Posit U41 Time certificate! of deposit l.til.flT Certified check. 181.18 Cashier's checks outstanding l.Sno to Saving deposits 4.808.M Total ;.$7,29.H kamaa, ee. th.i i!iCLr 1,ol"la' "bUr of th above-named bank, do solemnly swaf that th above statement ta true, to the best of my knowledge and bllf. ,.k... ..a . . A. L. BOLBTAD, Caahlr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th dsy of January, 11L . W. r. LEHMAN, ' Directors. ' '''."'""'''' SEAL A"' ' f cLuge. But it is not going to The women are not becoming cake men of them. . I . .. t . . Journal.