) " ubssrlptlon for th Morning "Jnterprls will be received for nly a limited tlm4 at a apsolal e ate. Sand In -your errfe. today ind gat bnflt af low prlca. Tha only dally newspaper twaan Portland and talemj lreft tataa In every eeetlon af Claeke- maa County, with a papulation of JO ,000. Ara' you an edvertleerf VOL'l No. 7 OREGON CITY, OUEGON, HUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1911; Per Week, 10 Cents fflT IflTEREST i - r IS M .miNTH ANNUAL CONVEN TION HtLD IN THE PfUIBY. . TERIAN CHURCH. mm AND EVENING SESSIONS I ' 71 car a Chosen for tha Ensuing Ysar 0k Oroya Nait Placa of Mt ; ' ing i. A. PMppa tptaka i : t Tonight. Shm Clackamu County Sunday IX) I Association began Ita fifteenth " convention In Ibla city Hatur 4 oiwnlnc with a morning eeaa&n, 1 I convention waa hold In the Pre- t rlan church and tha ladles served ishments In tha parlor of tha Th. 7 la convention waa opened at 10:30 I devotional eierrlsrs by' Itev. J. Latidtrooh. There waa an ad " on I be "Friendly Ulbl t'lasa," Jt J. Kddr. followed with reading; llnutea after which thara Wera ra M from officer and schools. Theaa jrts tnld many encouraging thlnga lorn In a: tha Introduction of graded oaa, and tha reimrt from tha Mt. arhool aliowtd that It la one of banner achoola In tha aaaorlailon. Mt (ha reporta showed marked In jae In nearly every tnatanra, and workers were cbred y, results, aort addresaea ware her given on 1 benefits of orgsnlsed claaa work, i ad ran land speaker falling to ra id to tha program. .ha appointment of rotntnltteea fol ad: Committee on reaoltitlone 1 r. Clark. Mra. H. M. C. Ilrown. I, laudaborough and C. IS. Hyaotn, i - - 'omlnatlng committee Mra. D. C HirHte. Mra. W. C. flren. W. J. alien. Mra. if. N. Smith and O. M. . Jare of Meeting Mrs. O. C. Drown VOeorge Rannell and Mra. C M. why. - e ronaecratlon anrvlre after the ! 1 reeeaa waa led by Mra. F. Clark, tha abaenra of her husband, who alck. fbe Drat addreaa of tha afternoon by Mra. J. W. Wllklna. on "Orad t T'nlona " flba aald that graded inn aland for, I. Teaching of (iod'a lord, t. Study of tha Child, J. Now aye of teaching. Tha apeaker am iaalied tha fact that graded union aa needed now mora than aver In at graded lesaona ara being Intro red. Tba motto offered la "Keep I Keeping On." An effort wilt ba Ida to organise aurh a union here, lends of tha union to meet In tha iptlat church Saturday. January 11. Mra. M. II. Mearham gava "Tha Prl ry lessons for Sunday." Sha In d thoae present to baronta children r tha orraalon taking tha lesson eaua Going Up to Jaruaalem." Mra. larham gava a graphic description (tha journey, bringing out tha thlnga It would he certain to Infereai tha tie folka In making their flrat Jour y to a big city. Tbla waa Jesus' Jit when a young lad and tha loader )de tha moat of It In It presents m In a graphic way. A aolo by Mia Ivy Rnaka wa tha It on tha program after which W. J. awellrn. of Sprlngwaler. completed I program of tha afternoon with a er on "Condition of Sunday School k In Thla County It. rhlppa outlined tha condition .the banner ennteat, ona of tha g uaed to quicken Interest all tg tha Una of Sunday arhool work. I ong tha thlnga a arhool muat do In a. or to ronteat ara thraa: Ueep open all tha year. Hold taachera meeting at leaat Monthly. t Make annual report lo tha aerrrtary. School muat ba repreacnted earh yaar at dlatrlct and Stata convanilon. Bach member muat contribute at iTaat flva centa to t'aa Stata work. Muat observe decision day. - Alao accept thraa from tha follow "g point a: Cradla roll, temperance jcretary. homa department, grading, cher training, fifty per cent of tha ult claaae organised, give at loaat conta tkit momner 10 nuaaiuna, in ner cent of member owning Hlbloa Id using them, superintendent'! and 7tz Don't Like To Dance ANIFESTED a anybody' piping. Wa don't cara vfcat tha ragular priea of any article aa, wa ara datarmlnad to blaan up lur stock,, and during ur Clean -Up )ala whlh I a monay saving avant ihat Is looksd forward to by all waar ara of good waarablaa, wa ara offarlng valuaa that dafy eompatltlon both In quality and prlea. r Oat buayi gat In tha band wagan and soma In. Pfficc Moiticpn XCLUtlVI CLOTHIEHi' Not Llka Othars th and Main tt , v . . ' '-- aepartt room or apace for thraa department. Offlrara wera elected for tha year, aa follow: Preildent, John W. Utd er; vlca praaldnnt. O. W. Itorlng; aae- ralarytreaaurer. Mra. W. A. white; uparlntendent tearher'a training de partment. Mlaa Ivy ftoake; auparln tendent boma department. Mra. I).' C. Iatotiretfa: auperlntendent elemen tary department. J. K. Ely; auperln tendent adult department, Italpb Ed dy Oak nrove wa rhoaan aa tha pla-e of maetlng neit year, Tha commit tea on reaolutlon ra ported Thank for entertainment, favoring temperance, favoring uaa of Klhlea In Sunday arhool, that declalon day ba obaerved, that load era vlalt all arhool In county, effort ba made to get boy and young men Into Sunday arhool, regret that wa loaa tha aer vlcea of Mra. Naah. who baa rendered Bitch efficient aervlca In tha paat thraa year a prealdent, and decline to aerva further at thla time. At th avenlna- aeaalon J. A. Emrlrh, of Portland, apoka of tha Junior grad ed leaaona. Mra. K. K. Zimmerman aang a aolo approprtata to tha occa sion. C. A. Phlppa. Stata field worker for tha aaorlatlon,rgaya an addreaa on "Making flood."- ' Among othar thing Mr. pnipna aaia that auperlntendent and techera muat plan ahead, they muat craata tna at moapher tbey want, they muat an tiroarn th methoda of tha day school teachar. There muat ba flrat knowl edge, then preparation; puplla ahould have arhool aplrlt to -Make Good" They need a knowledge of tha Hlbl to b cultured. To appreciate tha beat In life In nalntlng. In music. In lit erature, In nature ona muat know the lillila. Illustration ware given oi achoola that did and did not make good. ' v Mr. Phlppa will glva bla addreaa on "Tha World'a Convention at Waan Ington" thla avenlng, In tha Preaby tertan church. WIN THE DEBATE. Mtssr. Dya and Malndal Ara Qivan tha Decision. Tha Woydlawn Evening Star Grange debate, which waa achedulnd to ap pear Saturday avanlng. tha 14th, at Wood lawn. Portland, cama off at the tlma appointed. Owing to the death of tha brother-in-law of Hon. J D. I. Meaara K. C. Dya and P. J. Meln del carried tha entire burden of tha negative. . In splta of handicaps, tha negatlva won. Tha argument, of Meaara. Iya and Melndol wera auffl clent to bear down tba defenaa that had ben built up. Aa RuaaeWtlle Granga challenged tba wlnnera In thla conteat, thara no doubt will ba. In the near -future, another Inter-grange de bate. Tba eubject of tha discussion waa, "Reaolved. That tha Federal Govern ment Should Retain tha Title to All Ita Coal Lnds. Timber Lands and Water Power Sltee." Tha affirma tive waa aupported by H. V. Petera, Attorney at Law, V. of O. graduate, and undoubtedly ona of tha graatrai college debatera In Oregon. Ha waa aaalated by Attorney Da Graf, of tha Portland Truat . Company, and Rev. iHtugla. of the M. E. church, of Port land. , MANY AND SEVERE MISS MARTIN MORE SEVERELY THAN AT FIRST REPORTED OTHER MISHAPS OCCUR. Mra- Joseph Wilson, who lives on Sixteenth street, fell on tha slippery pavement Saturday evening and was seriously hurt. Sha waa starting for tha bualncaa part of town to do aoraa trading, and had just -stepped Into tha street when her Teat went out from under her and aba fell heavily to the pavement. Her ankle was Injured and It la feared there may ba a fracture. Carl Bchrader, son of B. Schrader of tha Royal Bakery, waa hurt while slid ing on Fifth atreot, Friday. Miss Effle nillman, living on Sixth atreet. near Jackaon, was given a se vere jolt while coasting Friday night. She and her friends were out coasting on tha hill and wera just atartlng for homa when aha took her place on tha slftd for a laat ride. She waa no soon er seated until two hoy a ran Into her sled from tha rear, knocking her off tha aled and Injuring her head and back. Eva Alldrlch, a young Mlaa, had her leg badly hurt while coasting Thurs day. Joe Shlnn had hta arm fractured Thursday night. Wnlla ha waa aa verely hurt he said nothing to hla folka lest they become fr4Khtcnad of his Injury and f of bid his coasting any mora thla winter. Ha told a girl friend that ha split wood and did chorea with much tlm to make It appear that he was not Injured, while In fact ha could scarce raise hla arm It waa so sore. Miss Freda Martin, Injured while coasting on Twelfth street Friday night, wss mora aeverely Injured than waa supposed when the case waa first reported. She waa hit on the head near the lert temple. It la feared the skull la fractured and It Is certain the nerves lvlng near the surface at that point ara Injured. The left arm can not be raised of her own volition and It la feared the Injury to the nerve ax tenda down Into the ahoulder. Mlaa Martin Is doing nicely, and Is Improv ing, but her Injuries are more severe than was at first supposed. , Prof. Hernar Lacturea. Professor llorner, of the 8tate Agri cultural College at Corvallla, gave an Illustrated lecture In Park place Sat urday night on "Rome to Jerusalem." He was on a visit to his daughter, who la one of the Park place teachers, and took" thla occasion to tell hla friends of his Journey over this old route to which much historic interest attaches. HARMON TRIORS WILL BE THERE OTHER CANDIDATES, TOO, WILL ATTEND THE SANQUET AND JUBILATION AT BALTIMORE. ' NOT SO CERTAIN HE IS THE KOSES Political Pandultm Sma to bo Swing ing Away From the Doughty Olnclnnattl Poll-' ;. - tlclan. WASHINGTON. Jan. It. (Spl ) The rx-morrata are to have a banquul and jubilation In Baltimore next Tues day, and Indications from certain quar ters Indicate that Harmon and bis friend have looked upon the gather ing aa an endoraement for him fur the presidency. Certain other Democrat? do not relish the Insinuation; and do not accept Harmon as the Mom sought. The latter are now In doubt aa to whther thla gathering la to bene fit or Injur the Democratic cauae. On second thought Harmon Is not to be considered the only man pre ent at the banquet. Hla friends will about loud and long for him. It la true, but there will be tboae who refusi at thla time to join In the refrain. Harmon will be preaent and iirlve to look In hla moat receptive mood; all- of which will convince eoma that It la 'his diplomacy which should Jiand In his favor whim the party la castinz about for a man who can please all.' PASSENGERS RESCUED Oil GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD EMPLOYES DIG OUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN . SNOWED IN. SPOKANE, Jan. 14 (Spl.) The Great Northern train that waa burled In the snow for four daya haa been reached and the paaaengera 17 In number reecued. The relief train approached wimia a. mile of the one stalled near Fielding. Mont., and took aboard those who had been Imprisoned for four daya. Passengers report tbey were ma la comfortable and Buffered nothing but Inconvenience. The train stalled Mon day nlgbt and by morning waa burled almoat out of alght In the anow. Th train waa kept warm, the passenger well fed and the road rescued them as soon aa possljije. APPROPRIATION UPT0 LEGISLATURE BILL VETOED BY GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN TO ASSIST RESTORATION OF HC- HOME UPON NEXT r - ' . r An appropriation of $1250, made by the laat legislature for the preservation and care of tbe home of Doctor John McLoughlln, waa vetoed by Governor Chamberlain. The reasons given showed that he waa laboring under a misapprehension of the facts In the esse; only one of the reasons given being true, which waa that the build ing has been moved from its original location. Thla removal waa made necessary from the fact that part of the property on which the building was located belonged to The Hawley Pulp and Paper Co., and waa needed for manufacturing purposes. The question of giving the building a permanent home on one of the moat alghtly and prom inent park blocks In the city was voted on by the cltlsena of Oregon ' City and adopted by a large majority. The McLoughlln Memorial Association, with a membership extending over all of Oregon, haa . , expended over $2000 In moving and restoring tbe building to Ita , original1 condition. Th work has been done under the direction of - Mra. M. L. Myrlck, grand daughter of Doctor McLoughlln. and has been pronounced well, and faithfully done by ploneera familiar with the building when occupied by Doctor McLoughlln. - The approprla tlon, though ft smalt one, will be of great assistance to the Aaaocla . tlon In making the building of greater historic Intereat and a mono ment to the "Father of Oregon," of which all cltlsena have reason to be proud. The McLoughlln Memorial Association, Incorporated for the purpose of honoring the memory of Doctor John McLoughlln and the ploneera of Oregon, feci that the Important part taken by Dr. McLoughlln In the early history of Oregon, hla aympathy and. benevolence to the ploneera. Justifies the Association In asking for thla appropriation. The people of Oregon City sincerely trust that when this bill comes before the. present legislature, for action on the - veto, that It will receive the practically unanlmoua vote by which It paaaed the last legislature. - - FUNERAL OF MRS. GORDON. Last Sad Rltae Will Be Said Thla Afternoon. The remalna of Mrs. W. J. Gordon were taken to the home of Mr. and Mra. J. L. Lageaon on Main atreet, be ing brought to the. city Saturday af ternoon. Membera of the family and cloae friend accompanied the re main. Arangement have bem per fected for the funeral, to be held from the Congregational church thla after noon, at Z:J0 o'clock. Rev. . WM. H'roctot, paator of the local church, will have charge of the funeral and he will be aaalated by Rev. O. Z. Creasy, of Canby, pastor of the church In that place where Mra. Gordon worshiped. There were, many gift of flower by tboae who were close friend of dereaaed when ahe lived In thla city. The Eastern Star,' of which . Mra. Gordon was an honored member, will attend the funeral In a body and par ticipate In the last aad rltea to the dead. ' The pall bearers from among tboae who knew her well In life will bv C. II. Dye, O. B. Freyug. W. A- White, U Adama, J. M. Mark and John Craw ford. MAGONE TO BE HONORED. "SALEM. Or. Jan. H.(8pl.) It la aald to be a foregone conclusion that Magone, of Clackamaa county, will be given tbe chairmanship of tha fisher ies committee In the Lower House. As Mr. Magone stands well with his delegation this honor to him will come with due congratulations. BUBONIC PLAGUE -SCARE, Harbin Rsporta 150 Deatha, Mukden 30 More- MUKDEN. China, Jan. 14. (Spl.) Thirty deatha from bubonic plague have been reported -here. A system atic fight baa been Instituted. A dispatch from Harbin Indicates It la even worae there, 130 deatha lav ing occurred. The alarm started ax Pekln bss -aubalded aa Investigation shows not one case there. PRISONERS MUST WORK. Salem Chief Will Clean Up thi Town. SALEM, Or, Jan. 14 (Spl.) City prisoners were today put to work on the at recta. They were put to work scattering aawduat on tha allppery walka. Thls is a move of Chief Ham ilton In, an efort to make the prison self sustaining. With warm weather the men will be aet to cleaning the alleys In the city. . . HAIR-PULLING CONTEST Waa In Sight Whan the Police Were Called In. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 14 (Spl.) The women suffragists here ended a convention today in a row; tear were ahed and algha expressed, but without avoiding hot worda. It waa necessary to call In officers to keep downa worae scene. THERMOMETER GOES DOWN. SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 14. (Spl.) High wlnda prevail here, with a low temperature. Ten below xero la re ported for tonight. MAY BE VOTED TUESDAY. vr t. . ... - L IN OREGON CITY MANY FINE RESIDENCES HAVE BEEN ERECTED IN TOWN ; AND ITS SUBURBS. GLADSTONE GOMES IN LEADING PLACE First Church of Christ Constructing Naw Edifice on Ninth and Can tar That Will be Credit to 8oclety and City. - During tbe past six months there haa been aomewbat a building boom In Clackamaa County. Many of the homea that have been constructed are occupied by the ownera themselves, ar-4 as soon aa one ia completed 'to rent It la eagerly Bought for. At prea ent there are very few desirable resi dence vacant that are for rent. Among thoee who have built this year la Attorney John W. Loder, whose home on Ninth and Center atreeta ha attracted no little attention. Thla home Is modern throughout, with a full cement basement, stationery wash tubs, fireplace, den, and It large airy rooms makea It one of tbe most desir able homea In the city. Mr. Loder, before having thia home built, assist ed by the contractor, J. D.- Renner. ar ranged for Its convenience, and from ail a p pea ran era he had exceptionally good taste. There are two veranda, one fronting on Center atreet, while the' other overlooaa Eighth Street The grounds are to be beautified aa soon aa tbe weather permits. Opposite the Loder home Is the First Church of Christ, Scientist, which Is under construction. The members of the church, although not many In . number In tbla- city, have worked diligently to build a structure of thlr own, where tbey may hold aervlcee Instead of the hall, which they are now occupying. Two beauti ful and alghtly lota were purchased from Captain J. T. A p person, formerly owned by Carey Johnson, and as soon aa theae were in tbe cbnrch'a posses sion' tbe membera aet to work and planned for the edifice. The building ia In charge of C. B. Huyck, one of the prominent builders of thla city. Tbe auditorium la 42x35 feet, and will accommodate about 160 people. Front ing the building are two entrances, the main entrance and the vestibule. Swinging doors have been Installed betwea the vestibule and the audi torium. At tbe rear of the church Is the platform, and on each aide are two smaller rooms, 12x12 feet, the one fronting Ninth Street to be used as a literary room, where literature per taining to the Christian Science faith la to be disposed of, while tbe oppo site room, which is reached by means of a hallway, la to be uaed aa a read ing room. The ceilings of the audi torium are of eloping design. The church la to be well ventilated and lighted. There are four large win dows of the Martha Washington de sign, beside two smaller ones. In the auditorium. These are 'to be of chipped glass and leaded, while In the literary and reading rooms tbe win dows will be of partly leaded. In the hallway leading from the literary room to the reading room will be found a stationery washstand. - A heating apparatus la being Installed In the basement Mr. Berg, of Willam ette, kindly donated to the church the brick, material from which to make a chimney, besides having the building constructed. This waa greatly appre ciated by the church membera, and la an excellent piece of work. The cement basement Is 35x? feet, and thla room Is to be used for the furnace and for fuel. A septic tank has been Installed in the basement The Inter ior of the building ia to be plastered, thla work to be commenced within a few days. The upper part of the build ing, both rear and front, will be of ahlngled finished. Tbe work on the structure Is now being pushed rapidly along by the builders, and will be but a few weeks when aervlces will be held therein. When completed it will be one of the most attractive little bouses of worship In the city. In thla eame block, where the church la being built, ia a bungalow of modern design. This Is owned by Charles Gottberg. Mr. and Mra. Mortimer Cockrell are 1 Continued on Page 4.) FREE! FREE! Dring thla ad and we will tell you how lo get ft sample of thla the LATEST AND BEST. DYOLA DYES One Dye For All Goods Sixteen Color ' Tea Centa Per Package We Fill All Dtog Wants Full Una of A. D. S. Remedies ... - Preacrtptlona and Family Receipt ' Filled With Pur Drug. t k Quality and Prtooa Right. CHARI.1AN a Co. . City Drug Store. Next Door to JClectrlo HoteL Paclflo Phone 1$ ' Home Phone 41 BUI DIG BOOM Waltham Elgin Howard Hamilton Ingsrsoll Movements .y - w - I t 3 Our Watch-Selling Methods When you buy a watch of ua you know Just exactly what you are getting. We only enjoy going with you into the dataila of Ita making and material, pointing out Iti strong . or weak points aa the caae may be of ahowing you why " certain parte ahould be teated thoroughly and perfectly ' adapted to meet all condition for wear and tlma keeping qualitiaa. In other worda you' get the benefit' of our ex pert knowledge and our persistent honest methods. W know when you buy a watch of ua that you will be perfectly satisfied whether it la tha $1.00 Ingeraoll or the $150 Howard, and that you will send your frienda to ua for one like It. OUR PRICED are considerably lower than you can buy elaewhere, eith er for cash or Installment plan. ' GENTS' WATCHES FROM 11-00 TO 1150. ' LADIE8 WATCHES FROM 5X0 TO $75.00, ', We make a specialty of Watch Repairing All Work Guaranteed. Burmeister & Andresen ' ... ....... A - ...... Oregon Qty Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner 00000000000000000000000000 W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. o dk o o o o o o o o RELIABLE REAL We Buy, Sell or Trade and Deal in Large and Small Tracts. If you -want to sell listt with us, if you want to buy call and see us. o dCf XJt A TW CTDCI7T 4 u atjxvuv w a Avi a 000000000000000000000000002 Price's Chop House Meals of If you wont the best, ot Our specially is satisfaction. MILTON PRICE Between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Get In On the ARE YOU STOCKING SALE PRICES? WE FEW ITEMS HERE. 35c and 40c Comba. 25c 25o Violet Ammonia. 15c 65c Comba , ....34c All Biblea ,.20 off 15e Nail Bnishea 10c 25c Rexal Playing Carda. .. .10o 80 On All Nail Brushes. 35d Fancy Back Cards. .... ,20o 50o Cloth Brushes ...S4e 25c Saratoga Cards.. ;,...,.15o 25c Cloth Brushes 18c $1.75 Croklnole Boards... .1.SS 25c C C. Pill 15c $375 Croklnole Archarena 15o Talcum Powder. . . .2 for 15c Boards .$2.75 25c Mann's Medicated Soap 18c A gJim9 reduced. ' . 25c Toilet Soap ,.18o $1.00 American Watches. . . ,75c PROTECT YOUR FACE Wash Cloths at Ihlf IY3 from the winter .wlnda.' Special Here are aome bargains bought cut price on face, cream a thla direct from the makers. month.' 10c Lace Knit Wash Cloth.... ! v,." . I Mo atr dotas 40c Lister Cream.... .25 Mo Turkish Bath Wool Clothe 25o Theatrical Cream. .... .15a j for ft 35e Massage Cream'..'. .1c iSo Sponge Wash Doth 2 for 1.4 Hcatlcy lld O.I4 Oold Filled olid SIlMr. .. tlld Nleh.l Hunting and . Open Face Cases lr - J V. --,. ESTATE DEALERS OREGON CITY, ORE All Hours lowest prices, eat With us. Ground floor UP AT OUR CLEARANCE CAN ONLY MENTION A Drc Co a o o ' o o I o o o o . o