......... .v MORNING ENTEUPJtlHE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1911.' I LATUUHBTTI Prealdeoi. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, jeoeta neral Banking Byalnsss. GEORGE At HARDING I DRUGGIST ; ' PURI DRUGS. PERFUMES TOILET "ARTICLES AND STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RE CEIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. I- PHONES MAIN ) J t MAIN STREET OPLC POINTED OUT i 1 Adelaide Porter, of Kalecada. ' a I ha city Friday calling on '.' CTtn Korher, prtimlnoiit bualneaa -ITU ft Canby, waa transacting bual MSI tjk Oregon C'lljr Thuraday. -1" Tneylfl W. Iiartlctt. of Rata V ae In Oregon City Friday look f er legal matters of Interest to ! jot. ;; it r i. IL Humphreys and yom lward, who have been III for tba peek, threatened with paeumo- recovering. I Don Meldrum. who baa been III tX t f fcoma on Twelfth and Waehlng tca t tarts, I able to be out after aev- th a lllnss Undney. one of the prominent a of tba atate, who la at pree- JIlMg Olm dlUl IVIR H V V"Mll I Oregon City on bualneaa yea- r . Ballay. eon, of tba lata Ambrose ; who formerly resided In this, visiting relatives In Or-nun t Mr. flatley'e residence la In d. W Rrownellhae not yat report- business since his attack of tba jt thlnka ha baa far enough re I ao ba will be abla to ooma to Ice today. t Becrest'a for that hot lunch r: or to Lenta, 610 Mala street, nri Mitchell, clerk In tba of f f County Assessor J. K. Jack. . Jl hive for har homa today at San Sere aha will visit with her par- ;jr a faw daya. -;C p Becrest'a fr that hot lunch jaor to Lenta, 610 Main atreet tehKroat'haa ll'lit mind to" go up I Alaska country tba coming aum nd la waiting patently until the whan tha aeaaon opens, lia ex j to work at hla trade aa csrpen d will hava Job boat building. ... . . '0. Kly'a 3I0 flllk Bklrta aqual ld at 10 and $7- ' 1 ", prnjamln Ihinllttla and aon, acnntly movixl from Vancouver. ii ana hava bfn vlaltlng with joollttla'a paranta. Mr. and Mra. t Doollttla. ara thla weak the I of Mr. and Mra. W. C. Green. Haoraa lloeva. Dentlat. Cau- Jlldg., Oregon City. V Robert Wlleun. Mra. K. T,. Art Xra. lJna Charman,- K Adama Vav. V. Mr- Proctor ware among yegon City people who went to f Krldiy morning, where they the day with the bereaved fam ine late Mra. W. J, Ooraon. Bacreat'a for that hot lunch lor to Inta, 610 Main itreet. C1 pun ;ea 10c doiea at Beeley'a. nn for Clcare and B mo ken Next to Poatofflce. ( For fine shoe repairing go to HE OLD RELIABLE OREGON' CITY SHOE STORE Y Work done while you wait : Oor Mottot Satisfaction Goarantccd I C. SCHOENHEIIVI, Pfoprictor 716 Main Bet- Sixth and Seventh. - ; T m PEARL Everything Strictly Fresh. Short Or ders Our Specialty ;GAN & O'DONNEL, Between 5th and Coffee and Butfer IS OUR HOBBY J. Finest Roast Coffee - - 35c ' Best Butter in the State 80c ; . 8TH AND MAIN STREETS r. i. METER, Cashier 160,000.00. Open frem I A. M. U I P. M 2961. HOME, B 34. Next Door lo Postoffice LOCAL BHICPS Mra. Itlchard llarrlaon, who la auf ferlng from grip, la reported better and bopea to be up and about In a day or two. The Eaatern Star will meet In the Manonlc hall Sunday aftornoon, at 1:30 to attend the funeral of Mra. W. J. Gordon In a body. All membera urged lo be preaent. Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Cllnefelter, or Oawego, are on tba alck Hat. They are tbe parent a of Mra. Zimmerman, wife of the paator of tbe M. K. church here. Meaara J. Ivlil and O. E. fYeytag, two dualling Oregon. CUy "Uve Wlrea whether membera of that or ganization or not were -tn-Tortland on buaneaa rrlday; Tbe grand Jury will not meet until unia lima In Aurll. unJeaa called In apeolal aeaalon. The preaent outlook RnjIHI OTMM'U. ,ivwvu la that the bualneaa of the courte can wall for the regular aeaalon J. .George Bchiller, arreated for mak ing a gun play at the boaraiug bouae on Beventh atreet W'edneaday night, waa fined 110 or to aerve 2I daya lu Jail. Not having the money to pay hie flue he waa committed to Jail, and wilt lay out the fine. Ira rea, who Uvea on tbe hill, waa Injured In a coaadng accident about S o'clork Friday night. The accident occurred at a polut near to Waahlng ton and Heventn. and the young lad waa quite aerloualy hurt. Mlaa Vadna llarrlaon, the daughter if Mr.: and Mra. Itlchard Harrtaon, living at Twelfth and Monroe atresia, la reported better today. The younr lady had diphtheria and when recov ering from that waa taken with a com plication rf alltuenta and It waa feared ahe would not aurvlve. but la today reported better and la thought to be out of danger. . N " Dr. Edward II. Todd, vice prealdent of Willamette I'nlveralty. who wlU Mend a week In Clackamaa county aoon vlaltlng the achoola here, will mench In tbe M. K. church Hundav. January 12, la the morning. Aa be la well known educator whom maoy . ... nnn win I xi aind to hear It 'a probable that there will be a large! audience turn oui io aee nim. . , f COUNTY COURT. Jnmea Bmllh Krlday completed a 10 day a aentence In the county Jail for reaai'lt and battery and waa re leaaed by Sheriff Maaa. Wilbur II. Wllllama haa Inailtuted a ault for divorce axalnat Francea H. Wllllama. through hla attorney, Gor don K. Hayea. The eatate of the late Effle Mon erlef waa admitted to probate Friday and Edward tk Wllllama waa appoint ed admlnlatrator. Go to Bocreafa for that hot lunch successor to Lents. 6U Main atreet. License to Marry. . . r ranted Frl- day to Gertie Hchmldt and Clifford E. Lewie, nest Jap. rice 6o a pound at secley'a CHOP HOUSE v Proprietors 6th, on Main Strtet yroceirv tffiPIKB AND LOCAL TAXATION A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION TO BE WAOEO AND VOTE TAKEN AT GENERAL ELECTION. W$M TO BE PUT -TO USE . f . frmr and Laboring-Men of the State May Combine to Becure " More Equitable Ad- ' ' JuatmanC The blggnat queatlon that tbe Ore gon vol era have had to deal with by their direct vote, alnce the adoption of the Initiative, will be an Inane In each county In thla atate commencing with next Monday. The queatlon of exempt lona and taxation la to go to the voter a of each county of the., atate eeparately by Initiative petition at. thla early date, and after ' an -educational campaign will be dlapoeed of at the general election In 111 I. The Initiative la to be brought Into n mi now on the tag qu a lion to aatlafy the united demand of farmera, bual neaa men, manufacturer and wage earnera. The movement haa already taken definite form In several counties of the atate through the county organl catlona of men from the farm, from bualneaa and labor. The queatlon will be preeented at tha eighth annua convention of the Oregon Federation of Labor, which convenes In Salem next Monday. A resolution will be Introduced at the convention which will have for Ita purpoae the- aecurlng of the co-operation of the Labor tTnlona of the atate with the farmera and bualneaa mery In preaentlng a county tag law to be put on the local ballot of each county. Thla - movement te made poealble by the labor tag amendment adopted by the votera of Oregon at the taat general election, which glvea the vot ers of counties the exclusive power to aay how they shall' be taxed for any purpoae whateoever and what property If any ahall bo exempt from taxation. The propoaed tag measure will ex empt from taxation thoee thlnga nee eeaary to the existence, uae and com forf of mankind and to place the tax on valuea created by society other than by lalior power. Specifically the propoaed law will exempt labor products such ss orch arda, houses, fences and all such Im provementa on and .In land, live atock. farm Implementa, personal property. buildings, etc.. while franchise valuea. water power, the valuea In land owner- ehlp and tnonoply created by our ever growing population will be taxed. It la pointed out by-the many ad vocatea of the propoaed meaaure that the farmer, labor and legitimate bual neae will greatly profit by the law. aa It will remove unnatural barriers w hich n5r aerVe a a mesne of creat ing a large Idle apeetilatlve claaa of men who live, not br useful labor, hut entirely off of the products of labor. Complete line Ulcbardeon'e alike first prlte winner at D. C. Ely"a. HI Ir. Ceorge Hoeye. Dentlat, Cau field Illdg .: Oregon City. . The beat Homemade Bread that can b baked; you can get It at ScVader" Takery. on Main street near Poatof flee. 3'rWtund bog of aoda cracke'a !0c at Seeley'a. rood hard wheat flour ft. Z0 sack at SeeJey'a. r fF ,y . PI EASE NOTICE. f To Introduce The Morning Fnternrlse Into a lrge major ttv of the homes In Orcson City and. Clackamas county the management haa decided to make a apeclal price for the dally Issue, for a short lime a only, where the snbecrlber psya a vear In sdvan"e. Dy carrier, paid a year In advance, 13.00. By mall, paid a year In ad- vance. I2.0. ' People who gave our canvaa- aer a trial auhscrlptlon for one or more montha, at ten centa a week, csn have the dally dellv- " ered for a year for 13.00 by paying a year In advance. e People who gave our canyaa- e aer a trial subscription, by mall, for four montha at a dol- lar. may have the piper for a year for $3.00, If pi Id a year In advance. Subscribers to the weekly Enterprise may change their subscriptions to the deny, re- celvlng credit for half time on the dslly thst -the weekly Is psld In advance. When tbey a choose to add cash to the ad it vance payment equal to a full f year'a advance payment they may take advantage of the II rate. ' We make thla apeclal price ao that people who have paid In advance on some other dally and wish to take the Morning. Enterpiiae. may do ao .without too great expenae. " REAL ESTATE. K. O. and Mary W. Adama to ML Mood Land Co., north 14 aerea of west half of northwest quarter of southeast quarter, section 24, townahlp I aouth, ranre B east, 14 seres;' ft. Mt. Hood Land Co. to B. F. and BL H, Hart, aouthwest quarter of south east quarter, aectlon 29, township I south, range 6 eaat, 60 acreaj ft. Mt. Hood Land Co. to B. F. Hart, south half of northwest quarter, aouth' weat quarter of southeast quarter, section 6, township S aouth, range S aati II. - Fred B. Black t - ML Hood Land Co, southwest quarter of northwest quar ter, aectlon 6. township t south, range 6 asst. except 2 eacree off north aide of tract, 88 acrea; 11. B. R. and B. F- Hart to Mt. Hood Land Co., undivided half Interest In northeast quarter of aouthwest quar ter; north half of southeast quarter of aouthwest quarter, . aectlon 6, town ship 2 south, range 6 east, CO acres; 'Ihe Woman Hater Aed Mow lia Waa luJd.nly Cored f Mia Prejudice BY CLARISSA MACKIE ' Coprrfcht. ivil, by Amrkin fre AwMM'lallnri Jliu lluditou IuukIx-J uproarlouslj when ItaiUMey told liliu aUut It. lly dear Peter." eXcliiiuH'd (he HkIiI beurt ed youth wlivn be bud cauitbt U breath, "you of all men to be appoint ed guardian pro teui. of a ynuuic am) lovely girl! Kbe l young and lovely. I euppoNeT Wby didn't tbey lk out some woumu to send ber to. ell" . "Tbey did." aald llainey. rtddiiilug. "They wrote to my loimln. Mra. rVr rla. whom tbey knew-for years iM-fore' tbey weut to China. Ihat ibey wer sending the girl to Iht for a year's vUlt. It iteenia abe he)el a chnrige of air, ami Cousin Alary hud InvltM her. Then aflef the girl' willed my cousin, as you know, dliil Muddraly. and It waa only while I was IihiUuk lulo ber aers that I b-arixnl the girl was comlnsln fuct. wan un the way There are no other women in uiy fa.j lly to aeud ber to. and I have no friend to call iiku lo such sit eimTKewy."" "That comes of beliig un si rant wo man baler.' aald Iluilt'in b-artleAly "What are you going lo do about tbe matt erf "Walt till !e couiea nml st-nd her to ' tbe Young Women's ClirUtian bsk'm-Is-tlon, I rues. I've cubli-d to bi-r par ents telling them of tbe sltustlon sml asking for Instruction!." Mr. IIudMon bowl.-d Joyfully. "UIJ you tell tbetn.you were youog anJ hsndsouie and a rk-b bar b-lor tolratr be chuckled. "Rcsrcely roim for all thst In a ca ble, you know." retunn-d Hanwey rool- ently. "Joking aside. Jim. I don't know what to do. You nee, tl)e girt, was to wire Cousin Msry when she reached Ran Francbw'o aaytng wbnt train ahe would take for New York. I've got lo meet that train." "Lucky you." murmured Mr. flud-ton enviously. "Nobody ever Intnmted me with a young ami lovely dnupbter, and If her people had seen you Drat tbey would recall ber at om e. Heard front themyetf "No. Kxpe't a cable nvst any mo ment. They're ualssloii.uie. you I-now. After tbe heathen Chinee nml nil th' t." "Wbkh sccouots for i heir bl'dllke trust In" Mr. Hudson never fln:bel tbe eentence. for at th-t ln-l-nt n xerr- ant brought a cablejrram ti hi frleud. J Bamsey tore It on and rend nplilly aloud: Hold Quaale for lrtir BJMPSON. Ramsey never understood wby tbla brief inesaage should send Jim Hudson Into another roar of Inucbter. He atared at his friend with rising Indig nation. "I ssy. old mnn." be protest ed, "there's no need to make quite a fool of yourself, you know. The young lady I In aomethlng of a fix. aud h "I AM taTSR RAMSKT. will be all broken up over Cousin Mary's death. Just advise me. Jim: there's a good fellow. . It will be all rltfbt to send ber to the Y. W. C. A nendluff ber father's letter of Instruc- tloux. won't It T" Hudson's fsce sobered. "Just thi place. Peter. Wby don't you go and engsge a suit for ber? Then you can take ber directly there as soon aa she arrives." "I'll do that now." said Ilaniaey. re lieved. "I'm watching out for Mtsa Simpson's mexaage to my couxtn. It will be eent down to me here from the bonne." The meeaage came nesi day. It was addreaned to Mrs. rVrrbt. and. accord ing to Peter's Instruction, It bad been sent down to his olflco. It was natural ly brief: Will srrlve New Tork Thursday on Sha- limited, dua tt I p. m. GU8AIE. Peter Hauler. tereft of all his own womankind and very shy wkeiv others were concerned, felt a pleaasnt .Ittle tingle tn the Intimacy of th signs ure even If It had not been Intended cr tiltn. He waa surprUed at hla own Im patience as the hour drew nesr for the arrival of the strange girl who had come ao oddly Into hla care. . ! Tom the few letters bearing on tbe subject that he bad found among bla cousin's effects he had gathered that Gusale Bhnpson waa a very attractive girl and that she waa Inclined to Impul siveness, and from that he concluded the must be young. . It wss 5 o'clock on Thursday when Peter Pamaey reached the Ceetrel sts- WV SoHt BO YOU WANT S) ANYTHING . . . K Tty the Classifed Coloincs of the IWORNINGENTERPRISE 3000 Readers Dally n. lie lisif dreseel blmeelf with e ornsl csre sml bail bluabeil to detect bluuMlf bealialing oer I be rbolcr of S Uekt1e. Now t Li.i 1 be waa renily Slid wslllug be w eieeelliiKly oerv oua and wNUtd birilly l lint be had InifireitseU Jim llii'laou Into bis sere-k-e. Jim's reudy wli aud natural tact where women were concerned wonlil le of InentlinHlile lienelli to bla more dlftldent friend.- - In tbla cse to think waa to act. and 5 JO found. I'rler In a telephone IxxMh frantically railing for Jim' flul"n to meet him at the ststlon at once. "(Jet down here before tl. for henv en's anker" )leiidi-l Hie woman li.it er. "Keep cmI, old msn." lunxli d llnd son? "I'lHie there without fiill " J-ust as the Hhore llinltml i-sme h lin ing to s standstill Jlm.llmlsin burat lntovlew, ills eyes met Kaimwr's, and then together they walked allenrly down tbe plutform twsrd the crowd thst wss pouring from tbe a-ste. It waa Itsmsey who ssw her Hr"". stepping like a young god-let, ber lorcly eyes. seeking rnlnly fr a ft miliar fac snal finally meeting hla In troubled Inquiry; From the crown of her blue velvet toue to tbe tl' of b-r pstent lesther boot she waa tin imwl exquisite cresture Peter Its inaey b -d ever seen He drew a sVirn bretitli snd Inslsntly forgot bis dlffl lerce fie wss gusrdlao of tbla won lerfullr beautiful girl! "Here she la. Jim." he sld. elLowlns his, wsy towsrd the girl. He whipped off bis bat and took ber bag fnri so anreaUtlng band. "Mlas Klmw. I am sure." he snld cordlslly. "I am Peter Ramsey, a cooaln of Mra. Fer ris. As we tt'f downtown I will- ex plain wby Cousin Msry con Id not r here." He said sll tbu rapt lly. not wishing to startle tbe girl with a and dea 'announcement of Mra FrrK death. 8 he looked at htm In some tte wllderment for an Instant, and tben a lovely amlle broke over ber fiie.- "I am sure there la some mlntake. she wss beginning when there, was a rushing whirlwind of skirts and Peter Ramsey was swrpt aside to mnke room for half a dosea girls wbo flung them selves on bis divinity with little shriek of delighted welcome. "You dear old Polly V tbey were saying wben Peter awoke to tbe hor ror of tbe situation. He bsd approach ed a strange girl and taken ber bag and made an ass of hlmaelf altogether Jim Hudson's strong grip on his arm dragged him aside. "Oh. I say. Peter." chortled his friend, "you've msde a mists ke, don't you know. Here la Mlaa 8lmson. I guessed ber eT once, saw ber name on a bag and Introduced my self. She read of your coualn'a death in an old newspaper en route and wishes to go Immediately to s hotel. Come on and metl your ward." "A hotel! 1 wou't permit IL A girl" Peter Ramsey turned pale un der his bronze aa Jim Hudson led iilm np to a tali. rawboned young woman, nnmlstskably In ber middle thirties painfully plain as to feature, scanty and colorless aa to hair, unfashionable aa to gowning and undoubtedly wear ing Peter's especial abhofrence beel lesa sboes. This waa the' tender, delicate girl Peter Ramsey had' expected to meet! This waa hla fair young ward whom he had begun to take exceeding Inter est in! "This Is very good of you. Mr. Ram sey." bis charge was saying In. a deep voice. "I've Just been telling your friend Mr. Hudson thst I would like to go to a bote! Immediately." "Certainly. Mlaa Slmpaou." aald Pe ter faintly. "I bad er engaged a room for you at the Y. W. C. A- you know. I will countermand that order If you prefer to go to a hotel." "I'll go to tbe association tonight alnce you have been ao kind as to make arrjngemeuta. Now. If you'll Just put me lo a cab I shall do very well if you'll direct tbe man. UU. no: I'm accustomed to traveling about alone. I waa so shocked to bear ulaiut dear Mrs. Ferris. .1 was quite devoted to ber. you know. Come and see me tomorrow, do! Good night." Mlaa Gusale Simpaou was i:on6. and .when the last flicker of the brown wing In ber hat had dlaspeared Pe ter Ramsey turned and looked Jim nadaon In tbe eye. . "Jim." be said, with cold and deadly emphasis. if you ever mention thla Incident to me or any one else I'll cut you dead understand T" "Yes." grinned Jim. "I say. refer. If I may ak. how did you attach your self to that bag? Does It It doesn't belong to tbe the first Miss SImpMon. does Itr" he burst out. Peter nodded solemnly. "It does." be en id. "What are you going to do about It 1 I aaw ber go off with a whole semi nary gang of girls." "I'm going to And ber." said Peter slowly, "and after I find ber I'm going to marry her see T' He glared de fiantly at bla astonished friend. "Peter!" gasied the other. "Thsfs going some for a woman hnter. lan't It? AH In one evening too" t But Peter had left him aud was striding towsrd a taxlcab within which he atudled tbe silver tag hanging from tbe bag he carried snd learned that Its owner waa Mary Dreyton and. won der of wonders, she lived at tbe same address as his roommate at college, old Tudor Dreyton. - -There were more wonders to follow this, for the lovely Polly wss Tudor's sister, and Peter Ramsey found an un expected welcome wben he did return tbe little bag to Its amuaed owner. Borne time afterward Mian Gusale SlmpMon returned to Chins, and her adoring relatives, Teter and Polly, were married. Tbe strong minded Gusale never dreamed thst her vlalt to Amer ica hsd msde her the Instrument of the little god of jve and thst she was Indirectly reaponalhle for Peter Ham- sey'a convention from a mhagyn1at to tbe moat ardent woman v .r-hler a Good Form few i 1 v - Hostesses si dinner must put guests of bouor at. the right of tbemaelvee ami the boats even If tbe ususl sit ting places are changed to suit tbe oc cnslou. Wucu a msrrled woman en tertain at dinner she put at ber right tbe busttand of (be woman whom they so wish to honor, and tbe wife muat be nl tbe right of tbe host. To pi see tbe gueats of honor lu any other poal tlon Is to deprive them entirely of tbe distinction Intended. 1 With a round table tbe matter of seating guests becomes simple, for there Is no bead and no foot and the desired poaltlon arranges Itself with out change. Frequently tbe boateae does not have a seat directly opptwlte to tbe host, but In a circle this In not conspicuous. With an wvnl or square table and elsbt guesta the arrangement becomes complicated. Three iersons on a side means that the hostess most abandon ber usual place or sbe will have two women together and two men. than wbl'-b nothing could ahow greater Ig norance. There la. nothing for the bostese tben to do but to change her paiitlon. leaving ber hnnband In that which be atwaya occnplea. Tbe woman guest of honor tben goes at his rlgbt snd. If possible, the hus band Is pet at tbe right of the boateae on tbe side of the table. When all tbe guests are married couples even the husband of the honor guest cannot be at the hostess light., though abe haa abandoned her regular aeat. An English Custom. The very sensible- English custom of mentioning tbe date of departure In writing Invitations for vlslta baa be come almost unlverssl In tbla country, tbe exception being In tbe homestead' south of Mason snd Dl ton's line There a friend or relation la naked to coaje and stay sa long na convenient, and tbe stay aomeltiie slretrhea nve; montha orye?;ra There are always rclatlona wb are dlaMed to overtook any little dlimfirt thrf au-h a visit brines as well s the Mie't!r lu'-on venlence they may 1h cnisini their boats, snd su h Is the courtesy of the peopTe of thla irt i.t the counfry thai the visit on!y en!s at the vliitor'a will Instances t in. Id even TV riven lu which the visits of poo rehiUona or frie.id have laatcd the rest of their' live-, the greatest con-iesy nud consideration be ing abown to tbt-iu by host and bout ess even where tbey Imimr helpless in vallds. At the Dsnoe. A woman walls to be sought by her partner. Wben the music fr the dunce which sbe has promised him atrikes up should be fall to seek ber out sbe may exect an apology and plausible ex planatiou for bbi delinquency. If a man b doing duty as an escort on coming from tbe cloakroom be waits his comnlon'a apMarance somewhere outside the ballroom door, at tbe bead or the foot of tbe stairway or In tbe hall, having agreed with her beforehand Just where tbey are to meet. Before be tills hla dance program with other nrmes be asks a dance or two of the woman In bla choree. He also holds himself In readiness to ac-'j company ber to the aupper room If be eeee that no one offers to serve aa escort In thai capacity. On Letter .Writing. The girl wbo has a correspondence of about half a dotenor so of ber school mates has formulated tbe following rules concerning ber letter wrltlug. to which she adheres: Write name and address legibly and correctly ou each envelope. Write yonr own name and address in the-upper left haud corner. Place on each the correct amount of postage. Before seeling eee thst In each en velope you have Inclosed the correct letter. Keep as close a duplicate of every letter aa It la possible to do. Never write a?rsonsllrlen. Clever Idas. A girl who baa Just returned from a long visit, during which ahe collected a number of apoons which are souvenirs of tbe various places visited, recently made them the key to a table talk at a little luncheon. Beside each plate were two spoons besting pictures or seals of various cities, and during the luncheon tbe guesta were asked to .tell some Interesting fact about that partic ular city. All tbe guests declared that It waa not only, a unique method of directing the conversation, but the means of making the occasion dm ait In teresting. Hint For Speechmaking. Tho frequent reaaou of failure In so called Impromptu npeechen at wedding break fasta la tbe fact that the spenki-r hi not brief In what be ssys. It Is far better to utter only a few sentences, stopping while the others would have I person go on. than' to Occupy much time la which guests might be talking to each other were they given tbe op portunity. Thro." foo tt there are oth er speakers to follow the evening grows boreaoroe If all talk for many minutes, - Seedlesa rataln 6c a pound at See ley's. ' . Real Estate C T. Toose, ' . Loaua Lawyer and Notary " and Abatracta. Inaurance CHARLES T. TQOZI a CO. Real Estate Bought and Bold. Room t. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City Wants, For Sdfc etc. Nollcrs under I haa eflUatflad headings will be Insvttrd at on cent a word, flrai Inaartlon, half rant additional Inser tions. One Inch card. II par month: half Inch card. (4 linrs) II par month. Caah muat ascompanr ordar unlaae ene has an opn account with tha pa par. JH financial raaponalblllty for srrora; Where errors occur free corrected notice Will fe printed for patron. Minimum charge WANTED, WANTED To. rent piano. Inquire Enterprlae. if FOR SALE. FOR 8 ALE Space In thla column. Sell that old plow or harrow; you don't uae It alnce you purchased your Dew one. FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for sale. John W. Lodor, Owner. Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner apace In thla col umn. A few lines may rent that house, store or farm; they will coat you but a few cents. LOST. LOST Sunday, black mare, whlto . strip on face; 3 years old; weight about 12S0; wire mark on left front foot. Return to Wm. Roblnaon, . West Oregon City. Reward. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abatracta furnished, land tltlea examined, eatatea settled, gen eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. ... - CHEN k. SCHUEBEL Attoroeye-at-' Law, Deutacher Advokat, will prac , tlce In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enter prlae Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract 0e Land tltlea Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public . CRITICS MrOTlENT QiOTIOXS copy Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Title Investment Co., Stevens Bldg. BUILDER ANJD CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully given on an classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Re. Phone Main 111. DENTISTS. DR. L. G. ICE, DENTIST Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Beaver building. Mala St., Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and Pacific States 1221. - , MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. . MONEY LOANED We are.acqualnt- ed with the value of all farm lands In Clackamaa County and can loan your money on good aafe security. Farm loana made one. two and three years at 7 per cent. Abstracts of title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK, Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. REAL ESTATE. D- K. BILL CO., REAL. ESTATE Farm, Timber. Grazing. Agricultural Lands, City Property, 8mall Fruit and poultry Ranchea for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg., Oiegon City, Oregon. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Eatate. Let ua handle your properties we 'buy, sell and erchsnge. Office In Enterprlae Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FREYTAG ft SW AFFORD, Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargains in farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranchea. See na for good bays Near 8. P. depot 1 3 A CRES of aandy loam, all good farm land free from atone and gravel. 3 acres tn cult., balance all slashed, . burnt and . seeded but one acre and haa been for a good many yeara ao the clearing la not very hard; 4 room box house, barn 20x22; good well, alao borders the Tualatin river. Thla la fine peach, berry or garden land, tn fact good for anything that grows; 4 mllee . of Oregon City on a macadam road; 10 mllee of Portland on a macadam road. The price of this place haa alwaya been $2C50 but for a quick aaJe owner ' will take 92200, 9800 down, balanc 3 yeara at S per cent. ' E. P. ELLIOTT e SON Oregon City, Ore. ' Near Suspension Bridge. I , SECOND HAND FURNITURE. SECOND HAND Furniture, Curloa and , Relic bought, sold and exchanged. ' Anything from a darning needle to a ehtp'a anchor. TOUNO, The Second Hand Man, Main 8t, Ore gon City. X ' Electric Hotel 411 Hal a. Sttwwa 4ik sad fb Sis, OREGON CITY, ORt. ' . J. J. TOSIN, Proprietor. Oppof tunitie ys" If you wat BUY A FARM, UY A HOME, ' . BUY A LOTT , ;v .-. : Y.: . ' v QIAS. T. TOOZE & CO, And H yen want to aetl farm, home ee ; V -let ee likewise. II. . -V .