Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 14, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    "V I
2 : - "
E. C. BRODIE. Mlwr end lblleHe
AppNcatton mad for erraed daa
lege at tb PMtoRm at Ooe City.
Ovr'- unWr th Aot CTva.of
Marrb a, ir. . ''
-One Tar. by saall .. .. .,..
. X M
. l.SS
. .It
111' Months, by
Tour Mnatba, by aaall
fr v. by earner.
atoms. MTU
first Pag per men fret lnerto .
fwat . wr Inrh sdtd Insertion
en-frmi an . re
rinrt Insertion
PWn n.-ttn any pa. per
akM-a lnertion .'?!
. W!ZST.3 ! self . reliance -fh puta them out of
Km apr oiht than finrt r- per ,tnr temptation. They ran then
... .M mrrk,n. .... dlfncttity and only
Loral le pee tin, to regular eoVer. ; ,M Mlr"7 w
ttMTw tma. ' thnuh tha aid of erlla that ar uo-
Wanta. Tor Hal. To W lf. Til and covred wittr a nr by ao
crnt a wl flrat Insertion. cnabalf cent j na w w . .
Zt additional ' oWty or custom- cla of rilf that
" Rate for tvfr( n- h th "ajr i carr W Jtuarded aatot In th
rai-rpHv tU to. aam as ta h ,n
'daily., for advrrttiwiwnta ! irrcUlly ,r pn'arDt tat of aoclety.
for th wrly W"f th- alTn .araarnt , ..., or -woman who la
la crantfrrrd from th dally to th wa- I The youtlR man or
ly, without rtiaaa. th rmt wm b siaBtvi frwe with a helpin hand doe
an Inch f.w rvifrtt th rPT. and 10e r many vtl
' inch for aprtai poaitKn. not come in the ay or ao many '
Ch ahouU accompany orb whr ! t(n,p, nm; he U too buay.tO drift.
lUm'" land It la drifttaR that lead, toward.
Ll adyrtlln at V--l aJrtlaln , jd ,( (be clsa of aln that atarta
Ctrrua advrlitn and atwlal trana-nt
adwnialnc at IS o c aninoh. aceord-
b to pal eoidltlna aovrmlnc th .
-FUw 8a" and Bankrupt Sal" adrr
tlermrnta Ineh fir . add!
ttonaJ taarrtiona aam maltr c men.
Nwa ttaa and w wrlttw articlea
wlU b aladty accitl. R'Jrctad anaau. i
M bf it pnw pi" 1
..rrr I
To pleaae aa many readera aa poaal
blaaaWnaa.ibla-ataylng wltb - T
In the limit of reaaon la the aim of
Enterpriaa writer.
; r-a
A' Hi about you can distance
X5 .UkeT K bLd "tTcnn' i
youreauae. But ,f yW dally J
baa died for lack of your anpport bow
can It com to your reacue?
Every time yon pay a dim to aa
Enterprise carrier boy yon drive a
' nail Into the framework of oar stic-
. . :
eata aad aid v, It in . wealhaiing the
atoraa I
-- had its cold aide turned towards na '
. la Oregon city. But there ta one con-'
aolatioa to aa her la Oregon ; so far j
the temperature ta aomethlng like 20 j
degree mora reasonable than In the '
East; aad that'a something.
Don't forget th'at we print th Mora-
lag Enterprise, and that It ta printed j
ml i n-rlrwk In th. mon.1.. .rut '
4 o'clock In the afternoon. News hap-j
penlaga up to o'clock tn the morning
are acceptable to na; call Us up even
If ft la lata, for we may ba able to use
It the aaai night when it la atUl
Th merchant, the politician and the
citizen generally can never tell how
aoon ha will need the aid of his home
paper; aad If It U a husky daily ao
much th better. But bow can It be
husky unless It hare the support of
the whole popnlac In a small city
Ilk our own?
. '
..... viw viij nun buu rruQuce
Union haa been launched and, la get
ting up a good head of steam. Hare
yea Joined it. fruit raiaer and farmer?
Things may not all be done Juat aa you
would do them perhaps not always as
well but what of that? There are
good men at Ita head, and it promise
lo do well for Ita members, and every
farmer should do hi mite towards it
ultimate success.
JFun "
At the
Speed of
rl arutiott of the future
n lutionir reace. I believe
.a' oniy vuiainturM mean that notortiti'-atkinvaii retain their
ecreta. btit BATTLESHIPS W 11 1 VV i'r.i'p
. V. . 1 1111 3 "li-L Lh LM-.Lhbb. An
aunnip etn flj high enough above audi a nhiit to be eiitirclr out of
Teaah at he wnna nJ w .v.. 1 , , , " ,.
rMen 01 Her gun, and yet the people , the air can hurl .Wn all aorta
1 deadly missile that gain in their death dealine Dowera hv tha
telodty tier acanira fn f.HW
., , w w . r-
Tho carnage would be terrible
KTATTnva WrtTTTTk nrrv.rr
POSSnJTIITTES OF DEVA8TATI0N,.nd abstain f rom declara-
tiona xi war,
' - "" - e
The peaceful poaaibilitfcg' are endleaa, I SEE NO REAS0
IISIIED ACROSS THEOCEA and from one aide of . continent
to another. We Iuto only to develop two thing, safety and upeed.
I understand that there is already a plan nnder foot for an "air
Ene" between two of yoor cities. It will be WELL l'ATROXIZED,
of course, but people are not going to adopt fl ving m a practical meant
cf travel until it has been made quicker t!ijn the other facilities
already in existence. r We can now go at the rule of arypnty or eighty
inflea an hoar, but so can the railrW traina, , "
Of courao the quicker traniition of the wail j. .,,, ,ure
In thee day waea in'1'
.... . . t- 1 V t W MU(I
0ea pltOUlS into w but. "e
people uawarlly etunfble many ana
log a parent are oa the lookout for
4 never-falling recipe that oc ap
plied J will eaeure the saving of the
young man or wo maa. There bob
tjief -will "never fall, but "there are
those which are better than, others. '
"To71o Jbof TchtvaJry '.will.-: tn
ma area. atreirthen htm woader
fairy In eelf-relleue. ' The y or artrl
that early learna to look to the good
of oiheraHiae'Vuhtn eett an element
of uplift that; makea for personal
.,T-rth not to he belittled. A young
fcrlman or woman who forma the ablt
I -s k.1... ' tr with neraonal aid to
a I
the thoujshtleaa young liwo aya tha'
lpa(j nDttT toward lh eylla they will
' hut mhc, t0.
n.x today countenance but
morrow aeera to have a aitrery Hn
inc Tbjrn chlTalroua attention to
. who ne helpin ban.' rail
the bat there la In one oriUM
1 'be aurface naturally tne,
urwnftb wlhin. The demon Of ron
rarely approachea a young pertn
- ho la in the aoatatlc condition of a
ood deed Jut performed.
So. anxioua father or.motner. ieatn
your aon or daughter chivalry and
-flrat aid to thoee needing." If you
would make them atrong men and
-me-lf you would
lions iu tan . i "
woman who eniera whole hearted la-
jto the apint of belp,io thoae In need
i personal aervlce will aoon,ihow a
; marked degree of moral atrengttr.and
' iclf-reliancf) that will aet you at reat
aa ro th power of tb Evil One
ib caae of tboa you lov.
The lawyer seem to have found a
'way to divert th million oi jura.
Eddy from the channel Into which ahf
sought to pour them. And perhapa
this is as It should be. The man:' or
woman who amasses wealth iuring
life haa had enoughjo aay aboilt! Ita
disposition If be Iff-she-managai It
during life. One la entitled to all they
need In thl life If they can get It by j
honest means. And the present sya-,
tern of accumulation and manipulation
... on tne nronoalt ion "that they
. ' .J
1 bare a right to dispose 01 wnai mey
have at death. There la perhaps!
nothing wrong In this system aa a
general proposition, and It haa been in
vogue ao long that It haa become a,
part of our life aystetn and w look to '
it aa we do to many another. Still, If J
Te will atop to thlpk that no man or j
woman lives to himself entirely, and.
that In any accumulation of property ..much concerning th prevailing high
we are dependent on othena.Jfr a ppr- Ticea and enhanced cot of Uing but
tlon of our ancce.. tt will be"ea? to 1 ' rational aolutlona are ofered. and
. , - , . . I few kttempt to tell ua Just wber we
see that if we are permitted to manlpu-' a( MTr.
late It all during life there la no reae- j 0ne ,n)ng that would help more
on why we should have the aay after! than many another thing in Oregon
death. There ta nothing over which
to worry If dead people are ao consid-
erea wnen tney nie. ana tneir power,
In the world ended with them.
The Coroner' Jury sitting in
cane of Mr. Gordon' death at Canby,
suggest greater caution on the part
of the railway people. This la anoth
er case of locking the barn after (be
horae baa been stolen Not that the
Coroner or hia Jury la to blame; but
if the railway people have been ope rat
Miles an
.WHITE. Eoillit. Aviator.
will make war iuipofeible and revo-
it will cau the en l of war,
I feel .ure that CIVILIZED
t . :
i-v uuiuiUtt KtrUltt SLUII
MO It N I XO pXTE 11 11
In, their tralna too faat throuik tha
iHae, hy ot b mattar
hvrn wwrled by tha trlllaia bafort
v.a. oae la mada a arrinw to tha
errr? ' - .
. , ' .
illy the Strawberry Kl I
U dlaotitentmeni be your M aad out
of fOd and BHney, ... . .
Come attalht away fO Orern. tha
stand ff mitk and bonay.
lave atrtfa hud dlacord far behind.
aurb thlna ytni'll neyer eed. '
IUIn only r4t. a will to .orh and yu
til aura aucceed. . ,
RUhi h ie In' Orevn ilty; too, you
III Hn4 the chance
To make your fortune o er aln a
inarv hav befor. ' '
v.. matter what you ant to gro. It
'. OouHhe oa our land. :
And nackamaa coumy "
In Ueayer dam and aand
If printed literature (a nought, which
everything will tell.
Jut drop a not , or poatal card to
Marshall J. Laielle.
Or a hen yoticoai. uat let .him know.
. hell meet you at the train.
And trtl jvu all about th atreeta
irom.ivpot da 10 Main:
Our hill are gret-n and full of gan.e,
our stream alKMlniT-alih flah.
So ff a port you want to bf Jut
istlfr' vour wish."
Or If our health la undermlned.jauJ
-need pur mountain air.- .
Just get a tent, a few supplies, jou
can find It any here.
Our climate, too. cant be aurasied.
it true w get aom rain. ;
But not enoughs you hav my ofu
to spoil the hay and grain.
Our sunimer kies are aiur blue, ami
it 'a alaaya cool at niitht. '
And let you aleep and dream In peace,
. omteninient and dellghl.-v "r-
AIl klnda of fruit and tereala. too.
grow to perfection here.
From yellow corn to applea. rel. and
hop to make the beer.
Potatoea, too. ar Juat Immense, you
may see them by the score.
That would easily way a pound a-
piece and flea three, and four
With the City of Rose at our door.
the market caat.b beat.
Fur anything you wantuoraell from
artichoke, to wheat.
All nationaltttea hetw'you1!! see. from
Italian to Cbineae.
With English. Scotch and lrlah. too.
I and the little Japanese.
1. . .
Outt roadb are fine. In fact, supreme
r.vL.. ...A .....I nap nr far.
Ih autos, ffhalsea. Sbandaran or Irtah
j Jaunting car.
Peace and plenty reign supreme. thr
' la ampleroora for you. .
So come, dear friend, and be convin
ced tnat what I aay la.true. .. . :
(Dedicated to M J. Uielle cf th
Oregon City Commercial Club by he
man behind tb hoe.)
Th puUkahrrs ot The MiwninjI Enlrr-
tnmt pr-d in h. ann wa-imWi.
I" I" nl
t.-ity la aivtn In an eri.irt to o lair, mo
aith th vJ-w to th puhil-atlan th
t ltl to a tirathn. nmmumt'iunni
1 muat orn- properly ln. d to mur put,-
Saying Power of tingl Tax.
Editor Euterpriae: If there waa ever
a- city that needed the Institution of
Henry George's Singl Ta theories
It la Oregon City. W hear and read
Pit la the Inatitutlon nf the Slncle
Tai method of taiatlon at least that
system would have helped t,(he ou
. j-u Bt tne town .today ecat-
, tered over a vast territory with only
! one or two a block on the
t average. What doea this mean If not
that e are compelled to make long
j stretchea of atreeta. build mile of
I sidewalks, curb and gutter. lay mile
of sewer and light and keep clean
an1 In repair miles of atreeta with but
a few of the lot In actual ure? . Is
there not wicked wast In this? ,
. I'nder the ayatem of Single Tag th
flrat ten aquare of the city would he
been filled before a aeoond ten were
-thfoan open and partially Improved.
Aqr whoever Improve them the work
costs money and ta a burden on the
community at large aa aoon aa the
pendulum can awing about and adjust
With the. rough nature of the lan.d
' surface tn Oregon City public improve
' ments cost much. money. With tb
j populace scattered far and wide It
; la necessary to spend much money If
i all are accommodated. Expensive Ira
! provements mad the past season paaa
1 in front of many vacant lota. It la
. needleaa to offer the excuae that the
lot owner foot the 1)111 the fa -nil lea
in Oregon City, whether they are rent
era or owners, -are footing jbe
. . L 1,1
iiiiiiiu U7 lunula. . .
With Rlnrle Ta a few hnmea miU
1 not acattered over a wide expanse,
entailing great eipenae of establish-
,ment and maintenance but would be
bullt compactly and malnUlned at leas
i 'ban half the present coat, and offer
; mmyfoM more convenience. Ceruin-
I y 8,n,!,e T wou,d tn
Icltlyen. of Oregon Clty-and might
even yet be preaaed Into aervlce to the
SSX !5l
orenurnlDg of old tradition In th
xlate election
Mly iVtlai Mnl wiara at aa
Um to. 0,11 L00'!
" hiu .ne money 01 ail
; th' people?
Se Beauty In Our Rolling Acrea
Edltor Enterprise: I see some vis
itor from the Eaat haa been saying a
good word for the fruit raised in
Clackamaa county. I am recently out
from the Eaat, with an eye to aee all
that, la to he aeea and enloy all that
Is to be enjoyed. Well. I have seen
much that la pleasant to look upon but
oae thing that Interests me trestle
and that leads me to think of the en
joyment of unborn generations, la the
roiling nature of your country.
Rome day this country Is all to be
ciearea, ao to speak, and when that
day comes yoa will have one of the
nanaaomest aectlon of country that
lies out of door. Tour land are roll
lng to S degree that promise variety
forever. The rolling nature promise
good drainage; a very essential quality
wnen one receives so much rain. The
hills sod valleys -differ la degree of
warmtfl and seclusion from winds aad
fniata, making cllmatle e.MidltbBa elao
vary. Thla variety of climatic condr
ttooa may be enperlenced oa the asm
onarter aectk, aad Bed by h
aam Individual. ' '
Th variety ta ecenery and climate
ar no more marked than ar th dlf
fereocr la eoll. That nieana that a
maa may raise a wid variety of edl
ble-ln this caa varying from straw
berrtea lo mammoli--rara ta lb
of fruli. and from flat t remlum:
taking potato If be hav . averaloa
to frulta. X ......
Tbrre-t nw the-v.r-f -lh
Kkb wher maa ran ha a ,r1
variety "wlthla himself a la Oregon,
and ao spot la tb Ktate aer ae can.
lie more aeclualv and still ' ao
manv f th bountle of nature. . Hurw
y 1 be C.lver of Ulfta waa Nu.nte.wa
when he lavtahrd hi gin tn Pln
over your 8tat .
eatend U Here te GUdsto.
Editor' Kaierprtae: How would It
do for repreeeatatlve if the Conitoei-
cial Club to aak th tt, W. IV Co to run
Its Green put car on to Gladstone
w to th end of th flv cent far
limit? It would be little more, it any.
etpena to th tailway company and
ould afford much more comfirt to
Its patrons. '.
a It l. peopl ror t,iajaioe an
Meldrum ar forced l ! fr be
IHtrtland car. much lo their Incon
venience at time Then, tin mai
traffic added td th ltlnd and
further dowa th Ita traffic, th regu
lar I'ortlaad care ar croaded until
tiie point ar paed A a t,eult
pangere nr Po,ruaai ar our a com
prlled to at and In lb aisles uniiltheae
ay statlona are reached, while. Jf the
local car waa. ma to thea poiuta the
-n nation would be saved, paaaengers
ncvi r compelled to stand, and U would
be better for both- paaaengers and
train men . - -
As the cost would proe but a trifle
more In any event. It la likely the rail
wav company would grant the ro,'ijrt
rn application. ' Wb;
Petal t'lub mak th ,1
Why t fommer
Editor Enterprlae: W want to aak
one question through your Forum of
the People column: Mv is u tni
boys are, givea work on the road In
tad of lama vers? I have no ohjec
tloa to ya havtag empT.mi iil. but
when we hav mea wianing
and taxpavera at that. hy la it thit
thev are told there la no work for
thetn and'boya who do not ay taxes
are kept at work? It la not fair to
collect taxea of ua and when there la
work to give out to pa ir to boys
bo pa no taxes. -'
C.randpa Woodera. of ;Wlllamette,,
wa taken til Wedaeaday evening auf
feting from an attack of heart failure,
but la Improving. ' '
K. Junken. who U employed t the
water work at Bull R'. ha returned
toWIIIamette to pend a few days1
with bis family, aa the orH haa been
detained at Mil Run on account of tb
beavy fall of anow In that direction.
I. W, Rivera, of Wlliameue. la iwi
nroving, alter being confined to hi
home for several daya by lllneaa.
Hrrt Barnes, of Wlltometl. I hap
nv over the. arrival of a daughter at
hi home. The youngster welaht la
iht notind. Ir. It. . Mount la In
Cbarlea Andni. tb anticarrier of
Wlllanvtt. had the misfortune to
hav a valuable ccw et Into one of
the sacks of barley In bis barn, and It
1 feared the life of the animal cannot
W- saved. Everything ta being done
hv the owner to sav it
Otto peter. f (ioldt-ndale, who haa
been vlaitlna with hia parents. Mr. and
Mra. Petera. Inff wr Wednesday for
Coldendale. On Tuesday Ibey were
he niest of Mr. and Mra. Charles
While a toboggan party waa coaat
lng dowa the hill at Willamette, the
nirty In charge of th aled lost con
;trl. and the aled colUded with a fence.
Mlai, Alice Oliver metjsl'h a painful
accident.'' spraining her ankle, and
Mra. Und baa a badly sprained wrlat
aa the reault. .
A call meeting by Theo. Worthing
on 'was held In Green Hall January
12 till, for the purpose of organising
. basket ball team aad athletic club.'
J. M. Force waa elected tenfporary
chairman and E. C. Warren, tempora
ry secretary. After a few remarka by
all present a pern.aaeat club waa or
ganixed with the following officer
elected: J. M. Forre. preeldent; Theo.
Worthlngton. vir preeldent: Frank
Lawton. secretary and treasurer; I).
0 Worthlngton. manager of ball team
The club will I know a a The Oak
Grove Athletic Club. Regular meet-
ng. Monday and Prtday nlgbta. Any
club deal ring game will write the
Ed. Olds, W. Warren and r. M.
Ford were In OrK City Wednesday
on business.
John Rlsley as ah Oregon City
visitor Wednesday.
Fred T. Harris haa been appolirted
road supervisor of District 31 by Coun
ty Judge.Beatle.
Lad'' Aid.
The Ladles' AM held a business
meeting at tbe home of Mrs. J. If
McArthnr Thursday afternoon. Mra.
Geo. Sherk waa elected president
Mr. Dennlaon, rhairmaa of the Work
Committee, and Mrs.' J. II. McArthur,
treasurer. The next meeting wtll be
held at tbe home of Mra. Geo. Sherk
Thursday, January II. All ladies In
terested In the work are Invited.
(Continued from page 1.)
waa accomplished by tha phyilclane
In the caae and present tndlcatlona are
that nature la to be eatlafled with the
attempt of the phyalclans and accept
what baa been done la the caae and
permit the child to live and prosper.
The operation la rare, and so far as
known- haa never 1 proven succeaaful
Portland physlctana have manifested
great Intereet In the outcome and will
watch for results with more than or
dinary later est.
Thla la perhapa the roungeat patient
on which a capital operation haa been
performed la the history of th hoe-
Mother and child are doing well at
this time, and hopes are entertained
of thiraltlmate recevery of both. If
they do survive It wtll be a feather la
the cap of tbe local, physician.
Fresh Candles and Confections at
Dunn's. Main street, near Poatoffke.
I 15 a gallon at 8elye
(Coattaued from a 4
aa At Ibl place a daughter waa bora
la I1- Kemovlng l H r r,,n,ir
a aecoad daughur wa Uira lu l
Th two glrla wr named Agnea and
Ada reaper! Ivety. TbHr faiker waa
an artist but lark, bf am-cees la hia
pmteaalon ,ct-alooed hia eatployireal
as a street car conductor. Kme time
vrlor the nr of Apru. irv,
V . a aaetal PI SB
had o reiura .iij",r""? "
started 'for Vanwuver. II C. to m
bark ou a veaael deartlng from thai
port- Although h Intended to letura
to Han Francisco be baa avr dm
so, and ao word haa been beard from
or of bin alnc Whether
reached Vancmver l unknown. There
I ao recrd of MTaaviag aalM from
any Paclflo-Ciaat port. , The mother
and her lwi glrla remained ta Sn
svneiM in to the lime f the big
n Mince then nothing ha bea
heard of them. They may have per
labed in lhe boWauat or they may
hae gone lo aom other toeu. aa did
many thouaand of jeople.
The. grandmother of the girl, hop
th. are aflll alive, la endeavoring
'the grn.ttnoiher, Mra A
ton. Sydney, Auairalls
(Continued from P J 1
, available apace In th preeent build- j
lng. Is being aaed. fwxt, rmaneat
buildings ar reqolred for each an in- ,
ailt.utl.MV a re ftaTV rnivenuiy 1 n
two new hlgb'aB.t.l bulldlace of Port.
land hv each coat eomning na
IHWI..NHI aad It la expected that Ibe
" . ... ... ! VVa Mill
coal Of tn mw ..-
.111 reach nearly isno.noo.
th type of bulldlnga the Tntveraliy
should have.
e i nlverlty of WaahlUgt. U-
,t ZW 0 per year for malntea -
, alone while, lhe t'nlverelty of
'".oIV.V"....,.... of
ance a kh h - -- '
. aiuornia .
.. .. . 1 - . 1 -u.t mava.,1 mara
to find them for the purpose or '""J,Wirt .! ou liHan tlub hairway
them. If they need and ' !" !oe,ei. I .l-l a. ban.lher. hlef At
pnectlon of a home and that of a; t- ,,u.ef frwm B
..,e a love and .rfe.-t.oj,, Ae h w.1 n. ,., JJ,, h ,he bandker-
aire-.. r '
iVpTt our Hiat l alv.rlty to gel j market .bow. lltll. flucluatb
ihrng ua IUI."M? H warwrtlM aayclaa bring c lb.; ao txuvement
impossibility to do w with th la-; lurkeya 'T'.Z, ' " I
eteaaea demand upon the school 1 Tour. local wheel. Ml , . r; J
.a aame Mm Mow ca -
tk. lurd tit Reeweta haa always
beea pimservatlve la regard to flnan ; lira, by aack. .. ....
lal affair and the Wilt Bot ask BlKbairt. lark
i (mm Ik legislature I baa la
urgently aeeded. lt ua see that
th) get lhe uptori they deserve
let u build up our stale by educating
lhe young lo higher And nobler Ideal
For the Chrltf ren If
Peine Ola.. vVnd h it
K Naa
v i f ' " .
Hfvrln,'e Olaf. who may aoroe day he
king vf Norway. In s tittle, yellow,
haired toy that ljve nothing Mi ion li
as to play with hi puny. tTirlx I'rln. e
Olkfa fittnr ta iHiiiUb and liU nwiibet'
I Engllali. and ao the ainalt loy I
both Iaul.h and Engllali aa well a
Norwegian Keveral utonlbe ago lie
went to England fur a visit, and there
be aa w hi t-rfualn. Ibe children of tbe
British king, and they all had ponbw.
Tney all coo Id ride well. Thta mad
Prince Otaf envtou. II could not
rid, and be did not have a pony e
ride on. anyway. Be when he rearbed
bom after lib vbrit In England be
begged hi father and mother, tb king
and queen of Norway, to give faint a
pony. It was not long before tbe little
horse waa brought to tbe royal atablee,
snd Prince Olaf named, him CbrI for
ao reason that any one know except
that Chris U a good name. The rmy
follow the Hide prince about like a
" The Beys sad tha Peddler.
Evea the roughest street gamin haa
a tender apot If clrmmataneee shape
themselves tn sorb a manner aa to ap
peal to his tietter nature. This wn II j
lustrated recently when on ' Italian
peddler pushing . bis bamb-art abmg
a New Tork si reel struck a atone
and opart hi vhlr. which was tilled
high with apple and pear., la a twin
kllng tbe fruit waa rolling la all direr
Uone end a wire ef newetwya were
Biting their pocket. The Italian ihi
In hopeleMi de-iielr. Wnfrt j hU b-n.1-snd
burnt Into teura. The tonNnd
newslioy al tlmt laughed and lh-n
apparently fuf hed by lb ar fp
low'a grief, drew nenr and emit).
tbelr pocket Into the cart. Then ftiey
pltihed In vliroeoiialy ard helfied Ihi
now enciMirHgril nia In rtbr tii Hm
remainder of the av-attered fruit. The
ppie- and eiim were ttooa lm k la the
cart wtth aot one mining, aayijhe Itnl
la fell aw thnnkfnl to the Iw.ya tta.(V
he preaented each one of them with
large sTle. Th- lr lnrhe r.-.iri
ly thl time and aoon dlpte-red la
Ibe crowd.
Tb Ante!, -
Tb ant eater, a it name Imp'W
feeds largely ea snta. a well a. ,.M
I..".' .'
jty 'V-y
Wc hsuc drafts poyaDIc In other coun
tries. Whenever you hove occasion
to send money to lorelfln lands It will
pay you to send It through tats bank.
The Bank of Orcfipa Qty -
termite- Mrivf o'brr le. IvJ?'
kn. Brxltilc Pintle sMltix - band
tut the .uri "f ""'erliii t
h. .... h Th tom-n nf Hw "'
. fnlle-l
eatef when fnnnMii
Xteet l-ei'r
uibiaiee to a aaeet
ami 4. It la ewi'l'Vl
1 red earl.rn
0 Ha fKl "e tltig
twlata el'Hil If. -e-ewel of a v
arale vttnll'v Af lu . .
t a 11 aa aiH
... . anatAH tb MnWrHll.
te imh.U aUnil flfty
. i T-n-ottve" tb Itrvaonet.
i The Mtrl wb t falla e ba4ke.
chief aad f' r,rB b ) wa
4l4 bawmt prbwroeT. . . ..
CMh ptn 4 doen $c a rWeley'a
--" TMI MarT : 77
" Oreeea City Qoltina.
ItrUd prune (lowd ntorh of tlrerm
nrunee becoming acerew; - f.r
stork bring top price to e.
. , u.i
marketa with price firm 'u
command oe; corn aelllng by loo-
' ab.lWd l O. cruahed II W.
, 37c bu.het IkerllM la ri
over Wheat, weak, laclin
oaia bring
hiii country
over Wheat, weak, lacliaed dowa
i vitu.
i v... . I
- t ww.
1 llour frtrni ftsru.wnei
1 jo
, Itaxley.. aack.
Timothy hay
Clover hayL lea
fteef hUles ....
Calf akla .
Hberp pelt
Kgga, do
Patter.' roll. . .. .
Cheese, aelllng.
fark. drea4. .,
Veal, dressed. . .
Mutton, drpaaed
Lard., selling
Apples, bot ,
potato, lb
Onions, lb
Riork aatt tt ground,
. Dairy '.
?oc lM Iba
.. .11.10
IrUlt Uvefpoot
. ae
Te to tc
Canby Market.
Oarllrh. lb...
Dried applea. paying ........
i Corrected daily by Gordon Bree. sod
I W. S. Herat
I Wheal, bu
I Cote, aelllng by KM. . . .
'. Ml
...... ..lM
..i 00 1
....... .1100
..lie to 11 :s
Oata. be
liar ley, a.lllng by aack...
Flour, bbl
Mill Bluff, ton
Hy-Timohr. ton. . . . . . .
Clover, too . . .
Alfalfa, selling. . ......
1 Wool;. Willamette Valley.
! Iliilea,' full grow lb. dry...
Cslf aklna
1 Sheep pel's i
Poultry Hen, lb..,.....,
Rprlngefa. lb
Toung roosters, lb......
Turkeys, lb
Oeese. lb
Ihirka. lbc.,..
Egga, dosea 7....
.. M
.. .H
. . .f 0
. .
.. s&
.. .JO
.. .11
.. .11.
.. .Ill
. . . 1
... i!
.. in
I Butter, lb..
rCheeee. lb........
I Pork, dr eased.
. Veal. dreed.?
Urd. lb
Tallow, lb
Applea. bog...
Potatoea, aack..
Onions, ba.... ..........
... . . Portland Quotation. .
I fop The hop market I becoming
firmer aad tt la believed that those
who hold for the outalde figure wttl
'get 11. No great movement
Fruits snd Vegetable Market firm ;
but at the earn time aulet; ao large
stocks la alght and bo lack ipr ,
lenced. ' 1
Wheat, be....... 10c to I4H !
Corn, too HI lo 10 1
Oata. ton...... Ill to :i M
Barley, ton .121 to 2S i
Flour, barrel ....M.10 to StJ,
Mill Btuff. ton bran 124 to 2S, mid-
No. 29
at Wllaonvllls, In the Stat of Oregon, at the steee of birslnese JsnuarTv
- ' 7th, 1111.
RE8OURCK8. s , tJADILITIB3 " ' " '
Loanl and discounts.. f24.S3i.OT Capital stock paid la. Ill.ftoO.W
Banking house, furniture. Undivided nroflta. less exnea-
'u.K: rr" tut. 1, 'xr it to 47 1U n
Check. .nU)tU.r.c..h Item. ts.'so OemT.4 VeVu0ctU' of -
Cash on hand J.780.H poalt . . . . .... . !? - " M
"". - - Time certificate, of dapoalt l,70C.-
.. fif.auo.ue
STATE or. ORBOOhf, Couaty of
bank dVLi. eUl'i JnorntoVn Jo
, .
Subscribed and swore u,
1 1 . :
Mag 111 lo tit. ahurti barU.
Ill lo .
ly-treHby 110; clover mT1
Wool. Kaalera Oreaoa e t 1.
Wool, Wtllametie V alley.., JTc ia n.
Hide, dry...., uc to i?,
Hid, greea e Tat
poultry-rancy hna 17e to lie, aid
riaieter H. lurkei tic lo Jio.
Kgga, do, ....r. Jic u Us
Hope, home grow Illr to i(
Putter, pound Uj
t'heeee. pound. . . ........ ,tr 0 1 7a
l At a, pouna. . .1 ....... viivr tn
Talarw, pound
Apple, boa.....
potato, 100 Ibe
oalona. iM Iba.:
Walnula, pound,
tlaaolla. gal,.,.
. e to t
y ' IU
Uc lo Ik)
1 . , lC tO jg
Coal Oil. gal f
Mai itreet
j : " .
" .
lal-raay Afrt iM Cnnis, ar
eeetatiea ef the
la .
io '
- 'J) A
Weetera thai Baa the
the wl !trt. Tbe eattiag t
UU plater I the reoan a raaey
WeetT The te Jtave ! ta
aaaaa a let anal !! kaanar It. Oaa
lli-J fl and th etiiar alia, T
" teeea eee ane Mr father liht ta
-,( tber.- There are aemplia
'r tiee, which amest be t be as-
10 j aeeatatea.
v-.. '3r. ( 4 .
iKjfhe Poor Student
:::: .'.0E Edna of the Moun-
. . .Me to II !S
Thl I mm eaceatleMlle aebd bill.
1. .
The Only Photo
play Showing
In the aty
W aay reyatty weekly fee thla
. prlvlles.
Vitagraph, Bellg, Kaeany, Kslm.
Lubln. Oanment, Csllpee, Mill'!
and Rathe plcturee era ea r
llet, petting m In a eeeltlen t
A Good Stow
Every Day
Perfect Vofk
No rough edges oa our laundry work
to cut necks and wrists aad exclt
profanity, for we are careful Id Iron
lng collara, enffa and neck bands of
' shirts. We will be pleased te call and
get your sample order aad ess ssnur
you lafactlon-dellvr It. too, tr
of chars, j. .
Fhaae Main t r ., Hem t5J
, -
Clsskamaa - aa.""
1. Thornton, owners of the above-named
tr-B to th. best
J0B5 J. ti;o;:mto:'.
a, 1Un 4iy ,,-JJn.
Notary Pnbllo for Oreron.