Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 13, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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. . .
., i . . ,
" KiwiM Balalaika It Tna.fe.e ad.
MkM tMMt. V
" A comnaay- Ba-Uaa Vmlrlan;
kaowa m the I perl I BowkU Cwiri
Balalaika ptveraira baa Bee valve
talntug muW kuver. i( X Vort re
ceutiy and will nuke tr af "the I
railed State durtog The wlater. Tbe
.1 t.... a i.retlltv of the
Raaalaa pra-aaat awag- "adai P,Jr,
' -
aamta. tbr balataiba. Uw d airi. la
tfatrimrr akd vrl fors 0 tSuk
tttr pipes.
Te UUUUlb. bi. h ts aac-
t lb on-b?ra. la wlilnl to !! th
t&brr aad lb 3.ta facl'Sr.
Ita mirdr b wt of rwaitJ" f
" ttk tKL -lt-h iriaaiiiUr IxmIt boU
kmc Jbx1t aw tl t Uvrd l.--plckin.-
UVt tbr c;t It S atn!
hi eSSrrrmt Kim like j V Irwlr iiv i
f the Win fjicily f-ivm tSr .''
UkTOVO la Twa. tor mm 1 u"-"
Tboayb It U a l-r edict of uVi
.Bawqua) aVtSBM lia wxiur
BrBta. tbr rhaej: La ttr Utra f h
bodjr frsm t1 ta iriaosjj'oir ha tivn
t a tfffcmt low jarflltj. V.ti i
poor aaiUtiur. arort Af IV- sfVal ri.m"
peam raa b rrfTl -n t
toika. aa hi ptw"d tjr tbr ort f Vi
haprrUI roan twtra. t!ir W.r".
tret I twl rffthr la rrorf-rus Th
ataapirr dm.kIW. thwr thai tti b a
grip tor orarr aoa , xrr ryaj-sm. .i
haut ta artiHUBiuL H n pnko.
PtavWatiaaiata Caaw t Harata tha
Cwiwmart Farcas.
Tnovich Prwidrot Tbi f aa
Bumarrd Jat brf br wrtl
Inaajruralril ralrr ,f Maxhw t-r th
eUtlh tlmr that tbr -woiarato" i
apprmrd and thai all firarrfaa
la hU natioa. errata ImicnfSalr.'r af?.-1
hi taaasaralioa ahwrd that br
aalstakra r a at Jrat '- Mntaiif
is kb atatemrat. ThwacbhrT mistit
hare brea whi" la uor Ui r. thr
aea ibt verr pkxiiax llw rTtbtuw
f Dial brpta rauslnc rnxiMr vi
bT. Star thro tbrr barr rni aamrr
va rial bra brtwrea tbe fiitfniaMil
troofw fat tbe rrtrK Tuva harr
Veai capnwrd and rrremmS. aril
tnere baa bera rcnvUrniti r MmmNIm-
'a .earb Ua Innrt fntu UfiW.
CHy rrreotly told tif tbr tllllnx ef t
Btjrrheb aad tbr arnoiMlias of Ttf
Bore Is a real tattle nrar i;urrrrri
It was aald thai twrlrr rovrrnnnQ!
aoldiera were kl'lrd tind elrbfy trrrr
BToasdrd la thfc D-bi.
. The prerntDrBr ban rt tare fn-e
of troopa hi to Cblhuahtia. arhi-re tbe
tebela are nxxt notcenm and whfre
they are rtroaj'y Intrro- brj The rr-
intiooK are well arvw-d with mod
, J I' j
r. '
. "'CV. . i
t 4 v - If l :yr :
9 U r Aaarrleaa fii Aaanrateo.
Mas ooixa to raaaoraarroa.
M!!!kl E " drfr"' W !
retreat tale tbe aoantalna and row-.
. ' ' " " ,mr atrngaie indrna.'ely. It j
rem rertain that PreakVst lHax aay I
xperl to firnf tn roattaae hi roairol !
f Mextma affair-.
Man 're-ddrirta of Mealro kw- r
thai oae ana wwer whk-b roattaae
for aaore tboa a qaartrr of a reatary
- S:r
a aeroe by as. ay of tbelr eaaatry
, - '
f " . . ' , '
" " -
,., 4TaaTra
i n
' : i:
'm - -ra'
WANTED-dHaadr caortomer e-'r:?-!!l,,i f" ""1 hl rmJ
tai. rk-- It
Either aa. oanecewaav. JoaJ. I
eleoa adeertlera a-rth aeovo
thiaa la aell aod aootetblo. to
y iooil fiod tMa th. proper i
crf.M for a oor.oa .IoTmo I '
..... ."LrTT" '
tur. .ca will aooCeataol cXi'Z
ea. or aaarea. A.ertioo
kljragtr Moroin- Entarawksa. a
Orejoa C'rty Oe9n.
.a aa..,ako,AAA.A-."
' '
ixraamc items from au part, of cuciuas coimt ,
Via. C M. Prodi oi Portland. tv Uak JlB(iary
!'. UiV: ' ".' 1 he ircKT- cf I
to run I Hit la nw mairv.K-i
;t eaf wociaj ivrn eT i-
ittafial't.' . "
Tanhsat a,-W U rrvrriit ak-
Mia Rchjr- McCorl i rBJ a
fw !a CaSM-ar.ak fnrd
,. Mrv Cf4 S-fcr.Mr aa a r SLjg
Vrs J. M OM Ust ?4r .
t: Aik-v lVyt nf- tj v'
"trtv Larl" ao4 M. J. L": t-.
IMird'lViM'U ,GrCff at VjlaiuWw
The rater, demoa ta tatrlr ajva
1 u cow. kt aad Cv!d aiu!a. )e
ptlr)t a hrp.evtrt to tkr 'i-
thrr. 0 Dreerolrr TSe oid rr
, ua wi'h nw-. tinjrta and cferyn
soma a-Miin ia the pnrdrn.'
Tae Ijkdra' Aid cl the Ceacrein
; tkvtal chirrh fcH li aasoa! ie:a
' at the hvm of the rvrsidroT. Mr W.
B. RrrnoM. Thurdr aftra.-oQ. Jaa
aary S. The first half hour li apeat
in lvtKkoal wnife. fo!)oaed b a
; short prrRTia' Aftrr rtidit ul iW
telautra and roll ca'1. m tbe election-
of orr.rer. Balltiee reutl
, la' the eWtVa tff Mr J. U .
nrendeet: , Vr. Ki Pl, vtce-rrei
deat; Vra. M E. C. Harvard. tT-
arjr;- Mr. laabeLe iiaj'her. trr
nrr. The aipiiotinert of oo-TrlMeea
u laid oer actal the aett rrjir
'eeii't; Ts raaBclal report aaowejj
receira fjr lb year. JltTr attended
riil"!. leam a Ulance la ue-.arr
of IU7. - . -
Llter receired lt Satarday fron.
a..b akaa- a. ate twa la rantd'e re''
- - - . - j
eaiEg jeann ir. r oa:cr. -aa Terj;,
in acme weeka tro vtth paeamooia j
oa Saturday
The annual meeting .of the Co&rre- j
' rtrooi) rhorrh will be held after the
pceaehitr aerrice oeit SMath erea
Ica. All who are Interested la the
work of tbe church are larired to be
1 Miaa reux remmea nr.rne in.saay
' after aeTeral weeka' rUlt in Albia)
. aad 'Woodbara- ,
The Snnnyaide brigade Vethall
, team defeated the Oak Gm team
1 Monday erening In Green' Hall. The
. acore waa 20 to 11.
Vra. M. U Moody w in O-eaon
. City on bnatoesa Monday.
efternorn at the home cf Mr, lty ot
"o'trtney areaue.
The btne of L R. Butan at S.lrer
Sminjrs tik fire Tuesday evrniac
from the fireplace. Mr. Buraa and
-rhi'.drea were aloae andotily fcr tbe
irrival of Mr. Hart, a reighbor, the
hooae aould have burned down. Ta
losa f f f JuO 1 coTetei by tnsnrinie
Church Not..
M. E. Church Sunday e.-hl jo a.
T nrrifti u a. M ty W. R. Alien
; Evmirg nerrlcea t T:;) P. M. by the
5aior. k. Mecrr ppeia. j
Ladle' Aid regular busl ie
Abtwt lea day ao be went to-S-- .,h ,nd on- half da. , ''"7. "VZl Vw r-m ..'It ay ta fwrtlaaal amra.r, -''-" ad-aaca. UH
kaaa. risitiaa relatKea and. aa a.ted.f .n tar eco.t Ja,L- , . a khiltered boae. IV. Mount rea,m el . ,riM ,aicirna t-for-Vano maajMrJ Ifarti ' Kl'by. . t, 4 year ta ad
ia naea beaef5tted by the of Vrx Ju1;K(!m, Mck attk ton '; f"" '"r r. Waak . la.t week, a here he a ill j iWha.lWTiia-Ia.uia ai:are I : f,
A K'tle child oetoocfag to Mr. aad , Tkordav. Jad Kel. .a. it, -ndii :v : . r" 1 Hra4(l and Wliliara lwrier. h v r"', K,rtV?;,. vl .1..! aer a trial eaUeripiion f.ay aa
Vn marlie tVatoer. r-ceat'y P-ed!s , Clty . ? - ivelaa and I wMe oro T I J, in the -.h i-art of C.nh.. are Mr. KlrLywa and Will WaUara 'mih
a-ay after a ion. and palatal aiea-: Mr. r.j. oar eobbVer. recehe-l tie, "' Mra. t harchill ad fMAl coa.-d. r.t.W Mb by aiwaaTaa ,."'"3 ae-a. raa ka Ik dally dfc
!ad ce. of ibe death of fcU aon, a!''1 ,B U,,a 1 ou0,y 1 hlaat.aV e r, ah.m, a, ihe , - ''K W U- 4: "V,.!- i ' ar4 lor aar .for lf bf
Re. J. U Joae IraTea towa Wed rK rxn of yeaj.n IVaaajl-j :;-",? " --.' . iu ... ' decldrd la Ta. cf the aUUmatl e po,Tor riTdr a afew.;. .
revlay e.eain, for . Moaler. Mr.. 7. - ' ' L 1 ' J Man.tfhaa -.,ed to hi. a-t. j . M , Made a Ka'ain.. Irla W T he rlrty a lit del at, a, a aril ;f j'-J. w gft t,
Joa- ha heea there for to wek Mr. Becker and ihree chlidrn. re I -; "V " " kr,',n .t aeeh. ,Ma! a.thl and key af.a k .-,1 .lctitx ,a. b
Tiaitln? and reatiec vita fanUly;. j,,, rndty affer pet'a ku- . . ' ..... ! Mia. In.-, Ilm... o IVrt land. ia flora, rd I-., a ey tle f f pwiilh. it a a4
friend Thee expect to reach horcel.t.. v,-;... -i.w ... ,..... u 1 The -irWavaa ctcrrd with aooo . . , Ik traHoai lo bo 4Mted l.--K- . . . J. . . .
ing j jarwjj ane-uoou ai -ne no l 'm me -ore mantle oer eiery
. of Mr. H M.Arthur. ih'ig. nd ibe ii.aW.rity of ihe r.
S-.hool Note' J cut ard re.'Maed to leire Ihel
ftT.:a new puvi'. have entered tht ",n- ait 11 driven off. t't-K- f.mii
vh-ot tce Jaacary lt. jiVtil hsraped up. appirtrntly woader-
The number of pupil curVied is ! r hat ,t,t hl'e .tuff is, and
1S. ith a percentage of anrndan; !
of 3. .1
Gii. .pl returned to
day mortlrg.
W. a lluri left Friday
Dakota on busmes. Mr. i
trtcts to l. g me ten day.
V- Pnu . of Portland.
for South
aaaoa et-
bta U'ttn
"ity Dnsj
-1. t-eet
I lor aorrie time. I i-nnrorlnc'
! Mr. ani Mr E R. Ei.rt are re
fcelvlr.g c-ng.-atutation oa tbe birth
d a U;ti rjaagtitcr. born January 2.
( ?.tHer and Ami Hi r ilnln. rl.l.
Wourp of Woodcraft wt'l ghe' a
ock koclal Jaauary ;(nh. the procd3
lo be oed to aaaliit oae of tta char
!er ' member, whoee daucbtcr ka
he'11 QH RL Admlaaion free; ro-
.Ire.htreata aerred by tka lidira.
rXZly Co-incll met Tueaday avenlag.
M,', r baMneaa. all bl ra ak
'",,L. Th v'r, aal report
F - r'SSM?
-TfaftSSoT -tS-bJS
!fiaoonced ihey would aland by whai
;'hy fTored areviov. to Iba electloa
i ' otrmlttee appornted: Rnance. W".
r. Ltbaaaa. J. R. K.tao, Warren
iKBigtt: kealtk. aad ptamUac. Cbaa
IVocklta. W. F. Lebaaaa. Warren
- K. seiao. warren Kalgbt. W. p.
!rbm : lht r,,rT- " T.
'flT.!.1? " . "iJ
u" . ca. t. '
. uowirng anad aa
rww"l, aaeretary pro lent. On tao
lioo the' aae or ih. r haii-ria .w
mt' ' aaotbera aad teocben'e
,eh, to ptay for Ik beaeflt r
. "mB",,ni- Fol'-twtng Jodgra aad
' ' appoujiea: r. ll. Leb'er
" l" MadWr jadxea.
' - - l'1 M Leo Jokaaoa ckerka.
' Th. thira . . . " . "T
.. -t vee
attrk holers cd Ike Ftret Stat
f e- .. bM la he wftVr
the tea. cm
i carrr 11 wr nitaa
aaHkrr '.
nifr JX S.aj tj-w'wic ( latere
Ur4nre rate; .--l. teitrr fire
pri teftiiva: third. -f W
;-.-xtrr. amrBdawbia Ker eiilwa
:afrttr'sl m w.ese v a A.nl4
"ja'.4i nN'l eadrrr . ' I nr
..! an ve h .tr ! The 4i:fef
(T.i; urJ a. '
A Thtena. it IVrtUttJ, ha rlr.
,Md the of W.
n. Tthr- Mr. Ttn do :i
lad tf k aik at4 Ul Hart a
IMxuatj.aat.'.' V....
tVsse'.k! 't?rrh. Ke.-t- Kade--
' J.fc. C.r.e'lSa;rt. II W iVan,
:B7"cx--. CirtSac'.eJ t.' H J'orra
fjyj-h tra:4:Bi e'tff. KeB! -r t
in k P.
Y P. A i
M - ntf-i:tic
7 P. M T eTaaelu.tie
ill eontinue ail aeei.
. intr-llBC :
H Hat.. .c
IraJt-r. . !
irrr.t.d Monday. Oe -
f'Tvr :th inik iar j
thV hoy," (lead rJi-y1"" ,-"r,
and -a bv-uW orr l ice trim ,-u.r?
!,' the re and !r.d a
trjffiH He aa;'
-uw ''n7 Li Va-
oa kia ,-ood beba-ar. 1.
Wra. Ak'trv 111 cbareej
eai:a V001I t (6.ikt-
LUced under fid btd ' f.W hla (a;
erarnined bf-'re Jildite. Kr:oai-
nari, Tke rad Jary toxaV ,-
lite re kad fodnd a trw.U.t.
, 4 - lo tte rh. xe and ;
. ... ii . .
aiww 1 mw-i
t cnl;,
- .B,
oar. He ta no. paylr,, hi.'
the ;
I ct--
Vn J'vha Kent' and -Mr. Vt
Deaear t-f fa-kplare. attended
Sr-A'.gi. Wedrevlay. j
MnuJ. C. Kikla was In Orcst n City !
bonucsa Taeadayi' ..
W". A, Tb.'taker i. aa 0-rco3 f
"itr iitor TufraJay. . ...... . i
t "! be liKhtKrad rnea ly .('je Uy
Aialetlc Club. Saturday evtclrit a .
K'rd t:c-ea fjcU'.i an 1 Ilnji v
ra'.'y. The proceed, which were
J.. :! be used to boy arj-3 t
tr:e gTucaainm.
I T 'i.ra.iaa . -a a. an uiaa) x v j a 'o-
and Milw.ikle Grace- nil! hold their
meeting Wednvlay In Graiie Hall
A fine dinner at noon.
' -e zi -jrv.r? i-r. i nun 13 tr.e r rea;. CMlen did cot under-j
a.'eait to rentnre into It.
Tk heaJth of 4he cotr.n
-aitnity I.
ecb now. in cooritence of h
heroic eff'Tta . lo tiVl.e (he fright
eced animal.
. -Mr gcbarz'a two daughter, Roaa
r.4 Anni. rc h' Die Ut aeek oil
ircoi:i r thc-lr rnorer i.:?ea.
lirtui; confined to her room, but doe
fff v-ein lo n!ii ;ren?th very fvr.
Jtr. and Mr. Holloa nl chiifen
4-y to ihe-r totjw In po: f J
v-oiVrTi?- . r, I
... and Mr. Powell ,e,( id Po-t-
'n1 Sunday and returned to Stafford
n tfte evcalng. y
"r. Tbomaa baa a man cuttinz cord-
aood for bHn and clearing off a re a
cia. He rt board at Zack El!e-
t-n a. '
Mta. Elleaacn apeat Uat Tbandar
alth Mra. Care,
k'.le Kelea Rii!e, ia hivlr.B- ar.
d'attat work dotie b fkentiat Mom',
but waa unable to keep her apoolnt
mem oa account of iba weather.
Mra.riara Shanber. inea Olden
tadt) rUlted at aer father a bouae.
and atteaded church oa Sunday, ac
eompealed by ih new baby. n-
about two aaoatha old. a bo .never
mad a remark aU through tba aer.
Oa Wrdneaday moral ng Stafford
.vol ro rind .bowl I ache of ttm
and II Ihrealeolag. u la of juat tba
right aw4lar f. boow balling aV
etaVrng -:ow foru, and rrrl)a"t
look oor
" -"oing. im
!i'c.-hJ'1' ''
m,H eM aot aaoagb to tingle
oae a ear.
t Wel1 Joy ike aaoar while yoa puy
fJr- ttWa ae will pji r- 1
'n prater to aC by a warm
rVk .cw. a. a a
. -roooi nai orgaalid a
a.oadn, einh, ciaada rorbe .
tthrr' B1 Teaaer tiitb -held . . T- " 1 , .J ' -""tfw-yrtri lae-la PoClsod. - ! , 7. ' ' . (. im m.! f
atrial meeting Iryidhy a.'tervow I c' ce-,... ai nianr rme try- y. . H K b u.. , i '""l'na camp groan, .aa akiie.;- - - r
-Th- c!b a.djA; - ta 7'Uc r , i t,,. h,. f.- the pa.V " ak. k.i t :r""n - 'l K
wtil aapport IL Ja tbe near tmu.e ' of 'r Won4Jjot, Jc". '- , . .. T
tte club.11 give a play and thOrrv n.ich... cvta a 'er rkl-k j , ."4 .rt at j T fr1n,U r.Mf V- Malae.a C.., .awMa
'-eia ll' ro (or the lion' Clali at nrht. A iitlle more emirag , " .... " Kamoo oer pleiiwed lo ero J . . ,!
cl. all. ro for the Bo). On... fore.igb, w tfcr Prt of f ur h IT- N. k T ' - rwwto, Kuaday. h.rUtg apent Itr ' A ' !d-'
0.e,ea Part, ..s'vf 1t. laattT w.CkUrk. a ho baa been a ck fco ibl. "lara! . i . A UUIj U I
I Tb-Errol Qaareit. wi:i t. Hirnarhach I'reackedat IS 1 U
qvraie MM January ILh. M.HMiy .,,. Th,y had the drtier cornered I " V, f . . . j "irwl on rv',4nd Ihe rhurrh a. ' jk- aa.oa.
.-'b-trck the otter eteilr-g. ' . , - , k2"T ' ,' ! '4 lb netm- a frtian fee t or. Mi t . ( U ... pkeda
tTirrnpD 1 ' t "y nt. ha alm prc2irtj ,,, . ... . ' . , I
STAFFORD. i, . ,. .i.o7m .1. J"r . -ra-a eoraa-aaloa "". kJio-f aa-,
Oa Mor.ciT n-ght urd Tued. - CLARKE. ' . " - - .lu .tared .y Ike alder, j JLK 'la, -I,-
" r"A flfl ICrfcAl (f mtif W ft 1. Allfi- rtir-a. aa a. . V..t o..... tf..- ' . . . " " w , I )f Sufillll ftrh Mil ktA B kfttftll nail. 1 . if , . T WT
- . --i. i-ii mho re-.ra Miv mhi It flaed IhHr tele;.t'ue ' ' ' ,r"1 " '"i io irer wr-e l i-eiiy vrg rtrtituaei h.nda I I 1
.fk.'been -rVra y u. fry. Mount U li j ::.e :t SatirlAy. covered w lth mantle t f at,o v . Vr. Craiewoe. ieeea'y f on tba Ea i .
attendante. He la reptned aa leitig j . Cliche S;Kcol -fvet. pfeaen-ed Uk-itiful lg.f. lot c , b . p. rrhared an a?re .n the Coviaty j
il "m' aoAt belter at the pre-eM rit , 1 h r.arkea w mm I delwt.rr k letr , 00 "Jt r,Ir to call It tbe " If jj lo d n ntb r f I. n-ijv avenue. Men i l d
, of is. f4 Mr .M:ent Peter, a n-UN j n.rt Friday, J a-iary . and the f I-' ,a" There I a der.ii .f an liw -r , i. at o ri cl.rng I e land aad ;
r. but im of Ihe me family. ii.,ig ;ue-,i-a a dehated: oo ((found, and fr.Bj ndl-at..t i or' wii tagia at once on a koaiaa I
to btfer of the dr..ry. Hetialee:.; R.,ieM. d.votloo to fi.aM-.-v 1 t more. j.iii, ; motera Im-trovr tnenfa Mr' I romio-
"",.' r'le , 1 ra' ' r-ate.- evil than the u,nc f J Irfy. formerly la tba black-! vr, I M a Crrr.;.f. n are nicely, located ' IT , ,
laa Jr. P A lk.r h. a nu-nW of;ha!it. y . "r 'M.i'-g i,uain,v bere. b . refumef th. r.reMt ia Iba baiae formerly r,
e- f" grabble, for bicu They are Tbe peier were a f.-Ilow. ' com?aiv ait., hi joting a n. ' M-copted by Ihe Ikerkner fcrtlly-l ly f "r c"r'
.atrhicg in the old chop houe. 'Ar.rxitive. Laura Gard. Ze'nv i Heiry. Mr k,tw, afrr levvl. g hre ! IUrm1 ha purchaaH aa .ere' from ; "
, . lf S V, v,','" ''""clVrartiin. Clyde Ringo. Rayxond,-' tacada. .here he aaa'In'M'a M; Mr and Mr Hor-!
um wek aoeo bi yviag borae t.Sel J fb-r. Kdaa r.a-d. ra Marqi-rit. r.r ' ! bu.lnraa. and from that ace Rkr hare aold tba atore and half ''
o r n ay ara he held vn lft it ua ; ma l-t. live! Rlnr .. Al'r.J Mar I ' e a.-iit to FU.r;da. retiulnlre lher I -et. .. Vf u'Im.... r vi ( thou I a.
irhoeea preeeVet. Melvtn Leave k View
. prcetdent Bad Fred Jaggar Mrrnf
aad lrwrK. A fcrt program aJ
debate alll be given ery lMay J
School tVrector. Ftnk Jatcar all!
eddr Ibe pugl. frlday atieraooa.
Js-itr 11. lrot are cordially IB
v.led to attead
rWU eery Friday etenUg
at Ik K-aool bona. The auhject tv
Tveeday ',,. i, -SV.-IJ the chief
.-j kniukn.:;!' i it . rt
,v- ".i. T'e rru
Ua4 KJaarda.
Ue -cr ke i rvvi1 t'!". 1-.
C 'Sprr"
: a a - . - Br a- A .
lift 4 c ' 1 -
Ae dr;a.trr m i.St 1 at l
an ar're a acbrdi.V k.v:4 ' aMe
W . . h4 2-f.' '
IK.I Tt.,maa Ikr. r.a OM. K t HI
!erd awmhert .f tke nrfnli.r
cvmtnee aad the .tKiite. -a. i-
j4f orvram -a " .... t-h
c!u43 a
w, llf w r l i'
fc.r , VMir( tl fctr an
K, j.BB,r. !:
a ro
T- ' ' ;-. 'tt?Hi 'il n:IVml aad. TeU-...e j.,hn' Vltier .('mi-l . fliaudtnarr fiaa a-iM hi. I
! 'About W.eatha!a.iK' traacrta i iv II eaaal .e,in hir - ,p,M s.'ittdat eer,l. b llta-ata.. uim nfi . Mr H, ' 7. !
trlke,it(!.liMili.i' "r'r P l ! .r and lanvllr . ' -.. eaer a ttaaro . bit nKl ,
oa ike Ma. aad aaade.aa au.;H,-.. M W.lni Ka a r:ea of laeaty j ,Wr ,'.k baa loed fr. Tana --p4 , a,,., ,u j:" f
aiarl for tte aev je The U ' -tt ita V -ka4 aad rtexrtat j V1rw , ( talk a place : M J Loe. Pf C aah . ';
stre. aer- cxsf,rrr4 a rlaaa .H.aal b'iach, prepatal.vA j tdard fml kat a aKaWa . -4.. 3
Urte r.,'.f f "'''''"i""" ' I.i k -''. ! fc,. n,4d a.naraUr of fJL,
ihwi -re rereiird 'Itv . oi l iri I M0 u, aa a fine day fr rrioR , ttcnjty Ulrlp ' '
f Brre leHaTVJ fcv K H Kirrhr ' ' i kllra aWteral aere ea fbln la o.-.k- . .1
.aaiated by U fMik - Heat, liatJer. '; ' CANBV. j o'd air . , ,ktog rd. roada Mr Ham.h, J
1 j M ftrj u i Ui Ut wil'"" a.n. coiiare-. r. ..jiPa
,j6j 'jrd lhal M: Tracy ould i ' 'la' ' 'rack. Ihe ahla.- bn
fcwa , ,k, hiltal !a ' " k1" ' te-riBd. dla
11 i-wmu a brother of Kw!rt
'tv.,, - .J ko u ra:rn la lx.rL. death la Uabo rrorally
Wr hear thsl Allra
t .to talifurmla. v.i.
. U1..
A bey aladat tu SuUy uhl ,
.,,r.i4 .v. a..,u The!
)''' ' - . . .
.'He-!.'W." ruioacu vr
a I -.!: Mat fiH oacO iir a limj
. - . .. .. , ...
H?'r x ' ,!'."v V
'" ' vaena.uuw.
... , , , , x r.
Mr. klUca) aent lo Orecoa lt
he aupo.ed to t a aeedle
Ti-W..y rhoral ....'w.l -
"'..'l .ro-na Uf.r algbt.
, .
T . , .
After a aeek t ,.J.r,t
ae are having bei.y rtia. J
' .'! ara ..rja VF' I.
W . .1 v la U..kl . w i
. lw .1
(barley cf thl plare Joha ta fUht;
:r. bravely ajnM on. a -nptloa. !
f all lu hla aad "' '
1 - ... 1
-dU Horn tub abated oil
.' .
Uthe Httimaa one day the paat
v-....'-. i.'.ai.'U taxing Ian
jjr nlgSl ar.d a heavy rain,
fell on Mondav mornin
snow ;
Ai.x cnt-rr utile1 -a. out fr.m i ): e- ,
K a inr to t tre turn. ;
'.r. !iu-ni'.;ier helped. Mr Mm n'
Mr. LV.teiriller . batch red lkt ;
Tueaday. .
.n v. u. Ki:eakta:t'j a rent m-
ir with Mt. Iee. !
Neitatlve ijir Falim.n.
'.i. K'.-aKmer, Rud-.lih
I. ii y j
Mll- ;
R-ifert V.r.; irdt. Uzrie Mara! ;i.
Miller. Liable r5-gr. Iihe. ;
r.daia ilottemiller. Waller
tl'ir-lik v ni...i.-.. '
l.itdii. ,
tr:r teacher ncted a Judre r, t rlr- I
elded (be qu-ioo In favor of tte af
the reit debate la-
'. That Ibe American met
d nf celebrating Independent di
g Independence day
la detrimental to tha public welfare.
The .revkera a-, a. follow
Affirmative Raymond Glhther,
Clyde Ringo. Iji-ira Gard. Elate Elmer.
Alva Gard. Ltbble Sager, SoyhVe Mil
ler. .
Nemtlre r,j mmer. Zelma Cotn
In. Ruby Gard. Rudolph Ml!ler,-1i.
tie Manhall, Lee, Rufert Mar
qnardt. -There further baatneae to
(ran.aot. the meeting adjoaraed lo
agvln Friday. January 20. Clyd
Rlngo. Preaideot; Rudolph Miller.
Secretary. " , '"S
Mr- Gard vlalted the acbool DA day
la.t week.
- The Faweer ehlldrea are eery up.
'nrtanate with sick new (hi winter.
wa are glad to ca llaael Tallmaa
and Willie Jobnaoa tack In aeaol.
Tke. nftfc grade made a fiaa a bow
leg la t heir . Iloal spelling txamlaa
tloo last week.
The ninth grade fa d dg good
' W are aorry to report Ihe aerkraa
Iriaea) of rdiih Stoat. Edith la a
TJlet. ld;Kka prl. aad j. p, (,
e ker la arbonl sarvla rwi.
Veraoa Larkiae vkved tha o day
lt aeeb yvat to ree3 avtoobiij
ReevrL .
riRwooo. "
lat at tka rtrwoo4 ta. Jaaaary TI?
Ho you kaow tk man ar going
trim Ike bouaeia? dad yon-rear a
lady a ear a k. irlmaud by
K(.oif a ant lo kaetr !
p.ti i.r tk beat' trimmed fc.l Bill
be? Ihea attend the coate.1; all ar
W J. ,Wlrtv of Sandy, a III lerture
a( the FWaoud ball, Sunday, JattuaM
14. at : JO 4. M "
JUt. (t M. o lp V tailing hcl
'uA:r al Hi Ji.hoa
,U MH l llaiht; alio la ! b
lr.a S4i.Jr KUtr. ,iwt Halitrday
i4 lnlr KW J-bh1 iratla
Ki-kfl'.. tavfk
;. Ian ore I aMT a reiumrq i
, 1 '! '
' n .lai:ra.
; , .
j ftrt the b!'J:ar In ImIUoO. v r'e
- ; Se h lrn fc a. fee da
I lift Will bU HI.'IH'N
'.r a " '
nth Mr. and
- " - - -
fc ?T J.
1 lit'i vr niii'4B ivi'ini, in.
,. reinrn.l la hrr hTe.a jay ax'ro
jiad r Uttlr St.:U ("nlnra nrt lih
. H"-Ue" kt BcclJrat at a-fcil i n Mto
i t- f .h.- IB ri'Bipany atth at.m
ntir.a her Vllrr,
the . f T I' a CI men at lh
b.-mc of Mr William Kdht niday.
i J-iory IJ. at -I SO-o rUtrh. .
1 Vf lUairr kraarlrlria Kiel al'h ;
Na actdeat a fe'a rnlCB ago. While
;!iti a qllt. a limp, -hta-h a ho a 1
j saicc. 4 aH-b 4 lJ placed a
I''t , UMr rk t haaJ. oter and f'l onto th qul'l
.he mana. ailcitir buraira it
rf A;tfm Vaht .fire, bat M -
; KcelrU.i a eitloculabea IBe tire.
pcetrntlea a rHtrfihe Mr Kr
I .lrl0ll recently met atth another ac
"Whiie on h' ay lo ihe barn
ww,rtm-l. St.e.
I Srl1l,M ,if
; ol Mra kmi
!fe aad chlulrea. of
rd al Ik ha
if Mr..
kmgl-attd atti t-lher ol
their fT1rB4 T- ally
1. '. . ....
held Ja Ike i
rli itt.aded:
" oc.k. etcepl tm Monday !
t,, Xu4,r s,,.Mb ,,V u:, of .
k- tnletcata kenj
K'rlKlliagkika. of tbr Ilig Htt f a !
IT. ,. . ' ....
: . " '"-I
; , . i...
M' . fr';r r,f . Aarora. i Te. !
M J lm
Itrad'l ent lo
Portland M.a4.w
mtrfm lb, B,,t ,b 4-T
"" V
Tke reaident of tMjr
tM Wedneaday
' ' aaaealng f their
V , t
pUce eej
morning an- j
Jui:cr. lo
I -It!ph t.rnv. i,ur well kboen
ro-ing blarkamltb
w' '1. Hall went to Poarll s Vv
" ."uridiy moraing. returning In Ibe
Jn. Jirkji I r. ....
g" n Hunday. abera be will vlMt
",:n t' t.nit-.era. tierald aad
Vera, and hi '.ater. Ml. W innie.
Mr P. F. IJnn I. on the lck list.
John IterMnr. Jr., who aTlvef k-re
in rt'indiy nvotnlng lo aread (he day.
. rnible (o r.l'-ru iv hi. work la
Ibe er.nlnr. f. J. t thr.ilene.1
v.. a 1. ii t 1 1 1
Irk lv- Mil. f 1 V!r- U..r U.t-A . . . tk. u.l
. ... . T Mr an I lira I. II IValk-r .nl . . . . " ' -. !-..!. ......
pneimonia. rut u u Ih roadjla p'eiKanl cl!ar laat week. Af
lo iwrery tow. tier diamlng of hi property Inter.!
'" ir. -m re.rj. of ih!a
place. went lo M'.lwankla oa Wat re.
day. where Ihey attended the rem
Graiga4hai convene m isi pj....,,
Tba Mountain View f:i:.: gtidy
elm met at Ibe borne of Mra. Ilaba
on Thursday afternoon, and a oual
prof'table 'afiernotn aa apeat. The
aekt meeting alii be held on Thura
day alteration rd" neil week at tba
borne of Mr New waa Tba delegate.
bo have been cboveq to re r re aent
lha Mountala View g. nlay school al
(b Sunday cbool Coav.ellon tb l
roavenea at tba Preabyterlan chirxh
In Oregon City on (Utarday aad Sun
dty, ara Mra R. M C Broaa and
Mr. P. A. GlIUKt.
. Mrc Uxxla Gwlnn aad three daugh
leva, Misara Minnie. Iteawl, and Hal
lie. of walla Wa'la. W.aV. have ar
rived brr to vialt with tka former
.er. Mra. Ida Went.
Mr. aad Mra Wesley Jarkacn. of
Ik's place, were called id Ref and on
Mocday saoralog owing lo Ike rertoa
I'Jaeo of ike Ut lee's fat bee. Joeerh
P'ace. whoa death oeired at 12:U
orlwk. Mr. aad Mra J arrlr.d
kefore Mr. Iimra paaaed ay. Tka
Ixaeeal servVew rr coad acted at
Mnoaiaio View ckartb on Vd-a-d.y
asora:.,; st f -p cVrlork. aad
ay frkeodc r.f It faasITy aUeoded
te aerrVea. 7W Wfnpttt U
Ike kf .unlaln Vw eemery. K4'
II Ik MofflH eyadurled lha aerlrea
The Monnial- View iHiMei"l
Club met la reailar aea.Uu la Cur
ran a lll oi dair e"to A
llierary and aiacal (rramme-a
rrnjrted and eonalaied ol ha MV- -lna
Jr.,llBr"aUl aiV Mr-.
K.rrharl. tn lfalloa, lllaache' MerMH.
4.irl, Kea-a Wulaa
I., line i f the fraljtrea of Ihe e--In
a aa Ihe d-bate. ablh wa. -
a,UM-d. Thai Ihe Uhlie HU.ea are In -bnndaae Ibaa ibe lilark
The aural Ml d
1- . w. , f 1 Via afPrmatlve '
nortierrr-atra-O - W-irPa
Ham Heard weie .mi e afnnotll.e.
(I. HM. A. Vauh.'J' aad l)e..ig-H-
Iwria he ar'iathe A ,",
Kr H i A- arawa -if
Ijl ie w
th aiHikria All are inMr
in.theae taeeiiat- ' . "
h. .re t-n Ibe ,ru-aarr pa-
Vr M Wallace ' an4
jur cal'-d -a Mr I.
M ufi
V 1 an I Mra Oil a l . Moed
! l:n ' '
Will V.llare .1. ahladlia.
a-Uhr-l Jf
j.t till altriwleo
irtlne al llette leek
V r.M.r
i2;.r apeVt'
rra K-it
Mra MaU ert..
VI rl. k4 MaMI
Uat Matarday '.o'WTtf'
uim' at IW-atrr Tree
Ha- KUbyoifi left -r MuUHa
; J'; ' ' aioVl
. la INartlaad laal acek
The l lln be purrhkaed r
i.,tl .n ite.tiBBr K'Mh I r '
p'ace ...
KWard Kaiar baa rriarard lo
. . a . . V Ul 1 01 a- - - - - 1 a...a tH.Ni ikak aoa aa avutn. a aa . 1
Yaklru aner ae-rrai ae-aa 1
Kail Vlea ath hU Unher, UIb
' fMr ' k I
lta View tt'aa l--lely met ;
'H.tiuday alhl la h k-ni!-VVa-.
i ark.t'w-e and drtatel arB Ike)
:'qeetW'."RrooHrd.- 1ht the tale
Ta. Hh Hill llo Aduvtea - lf"
V"." 1 . ' - -' - "''"'
S( "t. 1 R.ii ri id aTMroiiii w
i 1 f-",T.,
Miller. .!;(
tr-'e-'ih, M- K'rtyr-Bw-Jaf-ltSirvrjf
jrVknildl and Ml Hagar. Thae o
h o.gttlie are !tckebel. f.e.
Klrt--. KilUa .ptchmidi. Harry" K
. .1 w
I.yaon. Mr Miller. Ism Dun and)
II l-l 0.-.1I.M. T .kit it k In h . t
an tntereaiing deiaia alll la g;ei;
tk opnoniiy to hear oaa 'H key ;
atirad aeit Kalarday aliht. :
Vr. aol Mr Mrralaae, ,4 Ura"r
field. verrT dinner gaeata tf Wr. ana
I .'-aa, b-' iF rdtiunm. iiarry ; akaoaa-abaa- a 11
! and Mildred Sladea trnia;"i
r. i ... . , i . .. . .. .. . ..... . .
. ' " .V." 1 r
l ' -ete noaiaraj Igr tTlirs,
arka t. e if o aVL.aM ta ti k.
! Vr. anfr Reed, of IVrtltn4.'
, , r;rnl 8 inda :th IVe C. p. Moeae
.env e inaa :tb ne r. r. V'orv
Real ealale kaa teen quit active
' n!rg tha aeek. aeveral plerea
V arr
if Kanaaa rad Mr. MrFar-
'"td. have arV purchared acrraga at
The rmoker bIJ al l"e Ret t'e n-
hv-i.e on Wrdneaday evening of la.t
aeek. wa. .Mended by about jj ni
o-ir pi,iir spirited men. and a good
lima wa reported. I'Ijii. eia mad.
for a per man t orrvnltatlon of an
Improvement Club t a meeting, wbl h
a been caf'ed for Tbtra-lay evening.
January Kth. at Ih aama pUca.
Muth Rrre. a former resident of
. vicinity, but bow of Hood Rlrar.
hee. Mr. and Mra. Rt.vew aad fam-
Hy returned to llllnola. .and afler
pending tbr months In their na
tive atate. thought Oregon wa. ibe
lea( of all. and derided to local kt
Hid Rlrer.
C. f). 8lottm baa aold hi bvma and
one acre or land lo August Warner, a
recent arrival from Kanaaa. Mr. SI.e
cam will glv noaaaaaum In My.
Ml., lirab Mctlovern. who aia bean
in ior several weens, is leer Ivlng
I real meat from Dr. Wiggins, of rim-
land, which la proving ery benen -
Hlaa Flleen MH. of Yamhill, arrived
last week, and will attend a month
wii her al.irr. Mra. Calvin Mcre. I
Mr. and Mra. nrearh'.ey. of Ohio. !
ar at prevent flailing atlh Mra i
nreachley'a alaler. Mra. 11. H Fhene- I
field. Mr. and Mra. Hreirhtey bar
raaaamt nrvm- !. M rKHdni. a 1
See? S'
ime. ...
"" aw--aaawy tltliv .Ig 4(111 Ilia ITQ W
visit other
returning bom.
Mra. Haat aad Mla HanL of llnori
River, aer via It or. f r. and Mr.
le-Mrama thl week and were alwi
c'lltg n oiber Hood River fr'enda.
ab ar now V "rated bera among
Ibewr. Mrr. r. C. Rice, Mr. aad Mr.
A. ., CV"e'g
!U freaa McCo-a. of Portland,
VwlLraT"4 .'1,."lr "l ,m horn
of Ka M.a aad alao -M a r,,
at lk oun tt kr muj
Mr. aad Mra. Clyda rirkfi , I
wood, apeot aday at ik V
la laliar-a paraaia, Mr. andT'l
a Miller, at Maldraaa. n
Mr. aad Mra. Jam lUaifin.
peat BrMber la furtiind, 1?,"
luraed ta ibelr nrttaca ai tlta ' 1
Mra. hola aa 0fl);
tlalltar urn Twe-day. Tba n,..
bate tea 1 ad I heir r4laaa tn4 aj,
lura to fStrilaitd.
Mlea Miller eaiuired a 4 tail a
her brother, of Ureahaw. . w "
.Mr aad Mra Jraee ami.
i K-
Uloed. a aaiaboc tif lht 4rjr ,
tnrnuB at inoer va rua1r
ere laid fu lea.
' "'- -....r nif y
- a taraa ,re orrB arlrr f,
i. . aa .Mallao . MaMa I
t lwoet a tle a-rerh frf Ik. ?
( liiilUlaf ''rtqn(rlj liw.
wi.4 1. ik.. i
'1" " t 1 nr.g. 1
'I u I T III Ul m I mrm tirMnl u
Mmb-f . . ,
t M tlaMrcrtk o. w V
wfp.r, orru,.lH j
.Nrely. o Water tren.
r- Ibmacor aad alfa ?
r""' I
Mr' 'h ,Hrk"
Tb. 9mni,f orhd i:o4 aa f'
day Hk a tw4 aitea4ttr an-,
IhreavnuMtiba' trt J
e a 4f tii'
To Introduce Tk Morcu
Kaleiprl-a Into a larca
II r of Ihe hattea la Orrtrai
City aad Oarharaaa rwoniy Ik
inaoaxeweat kaa deridfd ht
paake a aperlal prke r U
4aity laaae, for a abort tlaa
raly. hre the nahrriur jtri
a year La adraa-o.
liy carrier, paid a year b
yaa'r tor j. if p.H a yr la f ,
aj.ace I
ritciilrr lo Ike Weekly
Caierrrlaa taay rbanc thk.e
aauocripdoa lo Ike dally. r
eelvlag erodlt for half ll-re !
. k ik (MLa h!
; .
paid la ad. a ace When Ike? f
rhoMo la add caa jn ik m 1
are uiani orMial lo a fat
year a adtaoc pay aaeat IV? I
may take adraatag of ka
raio. tf
We avak Ikl. aporUJ art
au that peopk wko ka at
la ad r a are oa anana otter 431
aad atafe lo laka tke Mrtrnagt
djure la
bilr li !waj-1
hi. h '.
dryrn fn
l in iV
flgM k-i'her
ovarii, nee ''
by lh anavM
-T b. rr
v i
a X. f
Q 1 V-k.
rlHrtit baldnroa dlrortly tr eaW i
lhl i-Baae."
Chletoaa wamaoaltara H.v.
N Ch.r.oUr ta St Ua.
Altlioiigh ih laienllon of piin.liX I
tredlied lu the t.'hlnrwe by
Ihe Peking l),itrtte I Mid I" be I
okleel HeyafHMr In the wnrid. He
ar only sIhmii iblrty printing oifl
In Ihe vi Mnngnllan empire
The reion Mm im ao much In '
lack of irornalvenea of lha I
f l.
: P.'
1 1 i -l -
l , ;
'iV "T.'
' 7
I-'-" - , -
W, lii.t n iv. nmiti'rl',i "'
memory n-.-..nry lo
ti:n r.; trr i a
"Biter, Hie e
a friirer
ih.t 1
re:r '.' '
nitti i
"'' " ,;llr,"l, ': cer
jiicnilr i muai i.-'c I '
a --'AW - - - a-a aa u.a '
. 9, ... ... -rwra r
I, . . . .
r. ry
,,f n. f-r I.I- fe'd .f mjhti'1"
; tat e.wl he la l.lcrtilir a.irrw'