Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 13, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    LATOURETTB rrealdeaL
r. J. METER, Caahlsf
lata 0ntral Banking Suelnes.
OM" free t A. M. U I P. M
poke druqs. perfumes, toilet articles and -
Next Door to Postottice
nuebel ku gone lo Hood River
i buaineaa.
Eva IHcken. of Marquam, la
r Mra. r. K. Albright.
, Sottlemlrr, of Woodburn, waa
r In Ihla city the flrat of tbe
fUbur Chlldere. of Bt Juhna.
frtondn In Oregon City this
Wright. -of Liberal, waa ln!,,,d'x
Cbaa. flalllnger, who left fur Hoattl
Tuesday, returned to tbla city Tburs
day. Mra, II. Ilaumnr, of Portland, la vla
llllig In Gladstone for a few daya aa
gueel al lha borne of Mr. O, K, Prey
lag. Miss Kettle llurgoyne. of N'ew'Kra.
waa visiting friends In Ihla city. yea-
City on buaineaa tha flrat of
',' Urleaaen. formerly of Ihla
t now of Kellwood, la very III
I Agnes Maddork and Kffla
Tha Woodman of tha World will
hold tbalr Installation at lba Woodman
Hall Friday evening, after wblcb a
supper will be aaryad.
A dancing club haa been organized
In Ihla city, the nama of wblrb la "Tba
f Molalla. are vlaltlng frlenda j Youugrr Bet." Ibera aia about JU
m City tbla week. number, and dancing partiua are lo
: A at man. formerly a buaineaa j ba given on the, flrat and third Fridaye
Oregon City but now of Port-J ,nvitie month. J. "
o waa recently taken. III. la.- wlln four incheeof anow on the
91 proving. . ground yooterday waa rublier day In
I nrldenstlno. a prominent real- Blor, of Oregon City. One nierCh'
Katacada, waa In Oregon lltrjMi 4 0,r ruty pair of rublx-re
less Thuraday. and rubber boota.
;ilxon, of Portland, acronapan- Mllton'prlre will give a dancing
Jr. McKlnaey. wer In Oregon p,rty ,n4 Xrmory on - Saturday
i Donntn jwmwTvmj. night, at which time the Farmer or
LAinron ana ir. uuernaT. oi i i i . n t i... .. .
irq msira r.ninT ih. - ......i. ir ,h. Un-in
mi iiwbiii is rai in i irvnin '
rveytng yesterday
l,atouretie, a young attorney
and. spent aeverai aura in tniw
a wci-k visiting hla parenta,
, Mr. C O. Ijuourette.
Vrch McCord. of Portland, haa
t gueat cf her parenta, Mr and
JL Slovene, of Maple Lane.
Counaett, one of the promt
I Joe Kruae and Mra. Emma Ilaberg
' - - A . . . I 1 1 H . I n . I .1
Thuraday. Tbe ivtter la a -'daughter
of Mr. and Mra. llremer, of Willam
ette, and la well and favorably known
In tbla city- . ,
Mlna-Jlollle Pratt, who haa been In
the office of a local newapaper for
aeverai yeara. haa realgned, bavin
Midenta of Mllwaukle. waa been given the poaltlon of clerk and
Jng bualnena lb Ihla city yea-j atenographer In the office of City He--
- . corder Btlpp.
Ann Tolpolar. who waa Injured
if morning by oetng ainica
The cara atop at Arlington aireet.
In THadatone. now and peoi'le are
enow ball, rendering her on- p!taed with tha convenience afforded.
la for a few hour a. haa recov-
.Moore ba accepted a poalikm
e Oregon City Filtering plant.
taken the poaltlon held by 8.
jen, who la now on tha police
t William RoMnaon and Utile
f tbe Weat Bide, have Juat rr
i frrm Caacade lxcka. after
tg New Yeara with her mother,
. O. Halt.
-Lawrence Ruconlch, a atenog
at tbe leglalatura at Salem, re-
home yeaterday afternoon, and
main until Monday, when aha
lume her dutlea.
, Prank Nehron, formerly qf thla
at now of Portland, underwent
ua aurglcal operation Wat weak
Oood Bamarltan lloapltal, and
ldltlon la much Improved.
Eagle.' who recently under
i aerlotia aurglcal operation In
id. haa regained hla health aa
baa been able to accept a po
alth tbe Robblna atore at Mo-
ind Mra. Mortimer Cock rail re
from Hubbard Wedneaday ev
where they have .been for tha
k. Mr. Cockrell baa been In
of the Huntley Urothera' Com
tig atore at that place.
Sole, who haa been attending
Iveralty of Waahlngion. and
been apendlng the holldaya
I parenta. Mr- and Mra. J. W.
a decided to remain In Oregon
t the preaentland will not re
college. . ghewman, who waa laat Fri
eted aecretary of the editorial
.Ion at tba annual aeaalon held
.land, learea thla morning for
aa ha la oh of tha leglalatlvt
tee appointed to look 1 after
,per Intereeta.
I r. Clark and C. BchuebeL mem
I the Oregon City Oun and Kod
a111 go to Portland thla evening,
t they will attend the meeting of
mland Rod and Oun Club, when
aeuaalon ot propoaed changaa In
me law and tha protection ot
nd gam will take place.
Uladatone people feel a warm aide for
toe railway iteoti'e alnce Ihla new atop
baa been Inntltuted.
Oo to Borreat'a for that hot lunch-
MticceMor to Lenta, 010 Main atreet.
LVacon Jamea Wllklnaon waa ap
pointed a dt-legate from the Congre
gational church to the ordination con
vention al Bllverton, Oregon. In which
place Rev. E. Uoudge la to be ordained
a Congregational minister. .
Oo to Becreat'a for that hot lumh
auccenicr to Lenta. CIO Main atreet.
"he KnlgMa of Pvthaa met In rgu
Ur aeaalon at the Woodmen Hall laat
night, and there waa a good attend
ance. The Imtalled offlcera had
charge of the meeting. The grand
chancellor will be In attendance at the
neat meeting. January 18 and give an
Kreeh Candlee and Confection at
Dimn'e. Main atreet. near Poatofflee.
J. K Van Lvdegrnf, of Salem, waa In
the city Thuradny looking for a alte
with a view to eatabllahlng a bakery.
He la a baker who haa neon working
at Balem and contemplatea atarttng
out for hlmaelf. He looked at aeverai
vacant rooma and haa under consid
eration the propoaltion of atarttng
riotn-ilne 4 doien &c at Beeley'a.
Good hard wheat flour $1.10 aack at
Beeley'a. : . -
Trr Dunn for Clgara and 8mokera'
Oood a. Next to Poatofflee.
Tieat Jap. rice no a pound at Beeley'a.
Orangea lOo doren at 8eeley'a.
Oo to Beoreat'a for that hot Itinch
aucoeaaor to Lenta, 010 Main atreet.
Dr. George Hoeye, DenttetCau
field Ddg., Oregon City.
Everything Strictly Fresh. Short Or-
Atrs Our Specialty;
AN & O'DONNEL, Proprietors
, Between 5th and 6th, on Main Street
f '
Coffee -and Bmlteir
. Finest Roast Coffee - - 35c
Best Butter in the State 80c
... .6
Tha following tranafara of real ae
tata ware filed Thuraday In the office
of County Record I E. Wllllama;
B. O. and Mary W. Adama to ML
Hood Land Co., north H acres of weat
half of north weat quarter of southeast
quarter, aectlon XK, township t aoutb.
range t east, l arrea; I.
Mt. Hood Und Co. to H. P. and ID,
R. Hart, southwest quarter of aoulh-
eaat quarter, section 29. township 2
south, range I east, CO acres; ft.
Mt. Hood Land Cd. to R. F. Hart
south half of nortbweat quarter, aoutb
west quarter of aoutheaat. quarter,
section 0, township S aoutb, range I
east: l. , ,
Fred K. Itlack lo Mt. Hood Und Co.
aonthweat quarter of nortbweat quar
ter. aectloti 6. township 1 south, range
( eaat, except I eacrea off north aide
of tract, 31 ecree; II.
B. R- and n. r- Hart to Mt flood
l-and Co.. undivided half Interest In
northeast quarter of southwest quar
ter; north half of southeast quarter of
southwest quarter, aecllon o, . town-
shin J aoutb, range 5 eaat, CO acrea;
' K. M. and Anna Howell to Jamea P.
Kelly rt ui. lota 4. XI, 22. 23 and 24,
block 4. Nob Hill; II. j
fCmmi Bchaber and William Olaen
lo Fred Bchaber, 20.11 acrea In Jamea
Athey donation land claim, sections
21 ana 8.1. township 2 south, range 1
east; 'quitclaim. ' 1
Intone B. Raymore to Glen l- Iliied
well, undivided ona-alxib, southwest
quarter, aecllon 30, township 1 aopth,
range 4 eaat, 40 acrea; 500.
U. W. and Elisabeth Indon to Le
nora Bpatb. 12 1-1 acrea. township 1
aoutb, range 4 eaat; quitclaim.
lenora and Edward Bpath to Her
bert L. Goodrich. 13 1-3 acrea; town
ship 1 aoutb, range 4 eaat; 11500.-
Complete - Hue Richardson's alike
flrat prlxe winners at I). C. Kly'a.
Go to Becreat'a for that hot lunch
succeaaor tp Lenta, C10 Main aireet..
v The best Homemade bread that can
ba baked; you can get It at Bchrader'a
liakery, on Main atreet near Poatof
flee. .. .
"A Joke en Bumptloua."
The bill tonight at the Grand Thea
ter la "A Joke on Bumptloua." You
have on'v to read the title to satisfy
yourself that there la fun ahead at the
Grand and naturally you will want
to be there eome time during the af
ternoon or evening.
In Preapact at The Electric.
"Glrla" waa the title of a aprtghtly
"o-nedy put on at the Raker theater,
Portland, recently. It -was a clever
play and pleased many. At the Raker
It coat from fifty cents to a dollar and
a half to aee and enjoy It. It will be
aeen at tht Electric theater In -Ihla
city aoon for ten coots. It la said
that It la equally aa enjoyable, la many
waya, aa a picture ahow aa when
played aa a comedy, and Ita coat la aa
nothing In comparison.
The Electric theater management
baa juat purchased a piano, with many
a'ccesaorlea. for uae In the perform
ancea In tbla city. It will have drum
and bell attachments and la aald to be
one of the finest producers of mechani
cal mua'c to be found. -
. .. k . ,. ...
.t . ..
Noted Opera Sincer,as She Ap.
peart Off the Stage.
A Craft That Calls Baal Artists te De
Its Werk Metlves - Borrewsd Frem
Our Own Readsidss and Plaids, In
atsad ef From FersIgM Mussuma. '
Dear KlMa-Hoo't yon like to aee not
ed oera uliiicera off tbe since where
you ran get tberu at clooi. rutise and
feet that IhejMare really tut man and
not auuie lutfersonntl(ii of. tbe. drain
of Wagner, Itu-ctul or wune other great
romiNnter? I do. and thU week 1
bad fbe plcaxure of sitting ceit to
Oernldlne Karrar at a matinee per
foruistire of the luerlnl Itiixolan Rnl
alalkn orchestra, and what a dellclit It
waa to llten to lis striiui;e aud beau
11 fill wiiWd Rut to dewrlbe Farrar:
rlie la Jnt as lively i.ff the tsc as
on and looks exactly like b r l tt.r.-s
Wluil did u wcnrl A
simple empire f n k of lili-i-k rrryu &
mi lie wnn yoke anil vry lilirD coilni
of a creamy plu doited iih! nuI let no
say In Hinliig that tli!j4 net 1 the
ter. Kitting off her fslr lH-niity to er
feet o were six' sfrrtmU I cnun't
tbem for your benerti-of ciiukII rnt
pearH. small rem, but if wonderful
and g. long flcoder flnfrerbonrd T'w
Biuxh al numliera e-rre i hlefly RnaoUin
MHiint altbongli the olaver
itv.. able te irtlu e tuul- by greirt
tuunti-rM Hiof. artUib ally. A butterriy
Walts given waa the luiToimllu hi
aniiiiiU of the flitUtiva and final rlljrln
of the Inwo'lfol wlnred Inms II
always hurt toe to -aU tbem by JliN
nanui. for the bare oared so b'tfi
above tin rrnti state-Indeed, -ynr
rrvuld nHunlly fuel the batterCbn hI
ping honey front Jheroe and ret
ltnn(,lne. thru dlifliMlpK lo epicure
(ashloq the delicious flavors. -
si Art In Handmade Jewelry.
To clmnjre the subjett. have I lakl
you about the eiuUlie ChrUtJim;lfl
Dorothy I made for mv7 Well. I
really baveu't bad much lime, for Uk
bolldiiys are Juvt imhI. ami I h:h t;il
lost lu ad.uiratloo of utfittnnnUul l4i
dei'oratliin. Iorothy U an . ex(M-H
craftumsn-ln thla work. and. like r,U
member of the new cult. s!ie l guiug
to nature aa ap Inspiration tor her de
al goV " The . best workers nowd tys
are not going to Ita ly.. Kyg;t or the
orient for their mot I res. but are Aid
ing tbem In tha field along the rond
aides and en the enjore.
The beautiful wl!J srni or Qn-n
Anne's lace Is the wot If for my ch-trra-Ing
piece of band wrought Jewelry. It
la a sort of low tiara thit any Ai.M-r ,
lean, woman could wear wllt)jut oMwg
accused . of a longing for strawberry
leavea and a ducal coronet,'. Only a
true lover of nature could have muIe
smart thing to w e for yoVt-t thla wliwltbe-deslgn. for even the lticoniluotw
Coal-r ll I5c a gallon at 8eeley'a
Ihe Columbia river output of aal
mon for tbe aeaaon waa 290,000 cases,
valued at 13.500,000. -
3 pound bog of aoda crarkera 20c at
Justice White Married a WloW
Mra. Edward D. "White, wife of the
new chief Juxtk-e of the supreme court,
la. like ber husband, a Catholic. She
la a woman of retiring dlajioaltlon. In
girlhood In New Orleans aba fell In
lor with White, but be had bin for
tune to make, and ber family objocted
to tbe mntch. Tbey married ber to a
more roMierouM suitor, though her
ftienda any she waa heartbroken.' Tbe
huahand. nti leof ITexton DlbMon. play
wright, lived unly a few yeara. After
a eeason of mourning the widow waa
married to White. Tbe couple pons ens
a fortune, and tbelr home In Rhode la
land avenue. WaKhlnirtoo. Is ailed with
artistic treasurer They are more con
splcnoua In cbun b affair than In pure
ly aoclul rtreleM.
Sd Sore He Swore;
He Swears No More.
There waa a Merchant mighty so
In fast, ae aera he aweea and aw oca
And kept en aweartng mere and
Tha treuble waa that tolka, Instead :
Of patrenlalng him, by Nedl , .
Wee haying geeda by mall, ha aald.
One day he got a little hint ' '
On hew te make hla etere a mltrti '
Then hope teak est a reey tint.
Ha aame and ADVERTISED hlsteckr
Hla store waa erewded, ahuok-a-
- bleak, - -
Frem so von until ala e'eloak. ,
Se new thla Morchant awaara aa moroi
Ne (engor la ha ftallng acre, ,
Since ADVERTISING, crowds Mi
aturc. -
t!- a .' .
' . u.jF
little garnet Cower (bnracterhtk- of
the wild -carrot oiutx-l has not beeu
forgotten. . ' -
I bnve a pa!i for this sort of Jew
elry and cao never relt a dUplav of
the work.; In a cane devoted to hand
made Jewelry in atnall but very ex
clusive Fifth avenne shop there la a
plaqne pendant designed by a well
known rth't which la a Joy to every
trained eya' that see It. Tbe plaqne
la of opalescent Mne and green enamel
anbtly sucpeHtlng seaweed In the (sir
rial relief of the delgn. The very
breath of old oeean la In tbe trink.
When I (rlre yon the recle yon wan
for. grapefruit salad I'll ex-UA you
from farther friendly tortnre. Here"
for tbe grapefmiu Remove, tbe pul?
of tbe fruit and arrange It on lettuce
leavea and. then mix the Juice of tbe
fruit with a light Kreni-h dressing f
oil and rlneear and Kor It over tb
pulp. Oarnlsh with romalne or piufento
olivea. Pimple and delicious! living
ly youra. IAHKU-.
New York. " ' .
Bargain Papering.
A yonng woman who thluka abe can
not repaper ber room thla aeason Je
cause abe cannot afford It should make
sure that cost Is prohibitive before re
signing herself to dirt.
One girt baa Just apered a bedroom
charmingly at a total coat of -fesajban
7L. Reading of bargama In wall paper
one day. abe noticed some (hat were
reduced to a cent or two a roll.
Her family Insisted the results would
be dreadful, but the selection waa
made of a nice quality of figured
cream cel'lg paper at a cent a roll for
t the wnlW'and a narrow rose border at
j 3 eenta a yard. ' -- - -
j Tbe border waa cut out by tbe girl
; herself and run' at top f room and
down the i.ldea of each corner.
I The paper waa put on by a country
papcrbangerra friend of the cook, at
: much lens than the usual rates. It
. I wou!d have been oslble to nave done
raocg bmowix.i mouihh or tne faperlns oneself, but tbe work is
cairro res kMB .uiosur. t not likely to give satisfaction, though
liwter. Ulug "gtawt the ne.k lu close women are fairly skilled paper-
' hat ficmfaa
flttliic Mm- U hut fnsdnutMl ms nwxt
waa the wrrangetneut of ber blond hair 1 Mort ,ore n"v harggliw In paper,
that aeemwl to be a soft mass of puffs ; ,DOUKn f7 CDMP the on a
that were hot puffeil. if you can un-1 rib4. By taking advantage of the n
deratand tbla coutredlctlon of term. a f000 c,n be fthened for a surprle
and curia that did not curl. rllngUiff I amall sum of money.
closely to the contour of thi head. A ( - .
long for coat of akunk and a muff ofV Te Stop Cough In Church. -black
lyn-yea. I mean that tbe pelts; Every woman baa'experfenced the
did not match, for Parts thla winter i.mortlncatkin of one of thiwe exaser-
baa declared In favor of tbe fur coat
and coat triinmlnga that are different
from-the muffs carried with them
had an odd misfit apiearance that la
not attractive, but It la a charmingly
economical way to nso up oue'a odds
and ends of small fur pieces.
To come bark to the prima donna,
ber bat waa a rap now, bow la that
for a fashion description, but really
the modes are so complex and Inter
changeable that one haa to nse tbem
In thla absurd waj of Mack velvet
with a puffed corwn. and a narrow
band of aknnk fur held the velvet frill
a hour tbe face. Between the Inter
nitHslona her escort, an opera Impre
sario, and Farrar studied a music
score. I could hear ber aoftty bum a
line or two and aay when she finfebed;
"That'a bow I'm pSii tb Interpret It.
How do you like Itr
atlng, bucking little coughs whk-b
tickle tbe throat and seem to grow
worse tbe more one trie to overcome
' Tbey a I waya come upon" one Just at
time when the kindly cough drop
baa been left at home and It la Im
possible to procure the aavlng alp of
Mauy a woman haa hastily left her
aeat In a church with a red face and
the echo of a hacking little cough fol
lowing her down the aisle and Into tbe
vestibule when the trouble might have
been conquered In a very simple way.
A cough drop la not at all essential
to the stopping of a tickling cough.
A bit of paper torn from the corner
of a hymn book leaf or any available
pamphlet or leaflet will answer quite
as well as the bit of boarbonnd or
iJUcorloe. for the action of the .throat
I have given Farrar tbe ceuter of
tbe atape, but abe paled Into tnslgulfl
cance when the Rnsslntt court orches
tra waa playing. It "V wonderful, and
haa been tbe niolcal senaatlon of tbe
aeason here In New York. Mr.
dreeff. the lender, a Brenvall-llke look
ing creature, seemed to move as It by
command of tbe rear or on pain of In
stant execution If he turned on hi
conductor' bos In alesn mechiinlcal
manner to acknowledge tbe eppreviii-'
tlon of tbe audience. But why cavil
at. a maunerHm? The conducting waa
all that one could wish. Tbe Instru
tnenta uaed by the plnyera were pens
ant plpea producing aweetly melan
choly sound, the ilunira, dulcimer and
tb balalaika, which given the orchestra
Ita name and jaeina to take tbe place
In aumbera and In tone value of the
violin In our own orcheatra.
I know bow Interested you are In tu
mandolin, and thla weird, wonderful
music would bare appealed to you.
for tht balalaika la related In aound
to both tbe mandolin and to the althei
families. It haa triangular bou
muaclea In maatlcatlng the bit of pa
per and the consequent flow of saliva
aoon ensea the cough, and by tbe time
the paper Is reduced to a pnlp tbe
cough will hare ceaaed and one'a nerr
ousneaa will be entirely gone. "
. Ribbon Nookwoar.
Mademoiselle., of tbe. slender pnrae
may roj.rjve alfiorts of clever thing
at little cot this aeason. for ne-kwear
of ribbon Is very fashionable and eas
ily made If one baa deft fingers.
IJttle pesky bows of two colored
r'bbona or Persian ribbons may read
ily be made. These may be worn
vrlth sflff collars, or pinned to, collar
of a lingerie or silk blouse.
- Rabata. too, are wade of ribbon,
cloaely plaited enda. with a bow at
tha top,
These things may be made from lit
tli fiecea of allk or ribbon, not expeu
tlre to buy and usually to be found
In tha work banket at home.- ' '
Bo, yon aee. eometlmea fashion la
kind to the girl with the limited In
come. ,
'.. ' ,
' ' '"a tttti r-rrrriTati '.
Try the Cizzziled Ccltrcins of the
' r 3000 RdtiEalIv. .V '
Copyrlcht, ifll, by Amorlcaa Prooo .
' Aowlstln .
h - "I'll Vail you up sod Un you know."
aald JosJlo. - -
'"You can't At that, beeanse I bavra'f
a toleplioue la the bouse."
"Haven't a telephone How do yoo
get on without oue"
"Cotililn'J gt't ou with one."' ..'
"Explain. 1 cau'i see any reaaonjo
arhnt you ray." .
Weli.'lwm uniiur,- wtia tuj wife
went to our aaniuer cottage, aba
thought It would be a nice thing to
have a telephone in the boua'ir that sbji
might have one bandy to. Ml what
waa going on. V.'e have three little
children, and there's, usually some
thing tbe matter .with Cue of theut.
Iy wife la timid, one of those wo ueu
who loofc onder the 'je-J every nlr.h!
Iiefore tbey get Into. Itb and aa I only
wentttonn for Bunduya site waa alo'ie
Ove nights or six In tbe week. So we
bsd a telephone puf In lUle her lM
and one beelile my bed In onr town
home. ,
"Then we thought that for the flrat
time In our live I would not be wor-.
rled If letters were, delayed and abe
would bare' me to rely on Jn case tbe
children were sl k or she fonnd man
under the bed. tboneh I admit that I
couldn't yank the fellow. ont over a
"Well.' the first night It was very
pleasant When 1 enme In, . before
going to bed. I called lay - wifenp.
'All nicely eettleL..deirT L''lrrly. dear:,
tbe children are all asleep. Is your
cold betterT 'A little better. This wet
weather Isn't good for It. 'Well, don't
go out without your rubbers. Youll
find them In, tbe hall closet.' 'All
right, dear; good night.' "Good n'gM.
Be sure about the rubbers.'
"Two days later my wife called me
np while I waa making a deal of great
Importance to aay that Tommy hd
cut hla font on a tin can and from the
way .the Mod waa flowln she waa
sure an artery bud been Severed. Jf
f bad been there to aee I -uld have
known whether the matter r.-as seri
ous or not. As 1 frit not the 1
couldn't feel anrle that :be toy wn.i
not bk4dlng to do-tth. . I v,u. so i;;'
that I brok' off the neri'thitlou I h.-d
on band anj lot t4W ! dlns
Iater a telcthote nieice imnp. to
aay that the,, rot a cnly a". In !i-ep
after all. - -
"But the wort came In te.flnd nt
of the nnn n-ul-r tbe 4 tl fir trh-.ioi
womaa hii t-n InM.:;- s.'n e th?
daye of the Cr Mother Eve. Il
waa for td ,.: ; Ip'it wh n my wife
waa go!n:r,.t'i lxj.... H mme nt when
abe was loot lug ftr bint, but whou s'ae
looked Inro.-the roia r;ere. twoof
the children were aieeplrig to see that,
they were ail rlcbt. I was called to
the phone while playlnp; a mbet of
wbbtt at the club. I betrd my wife's
voice apenklns f Jtntty and consequent
ly nnlntei:i; 'Speak touder.., 'I
don't dare; there's a man In tbe other
room, and I'm afraid he'll bear me call
you and kill n all.'
"I heard enough of thla to get tbe
meaning. From what, abe told mi
further I mude out that when she
looked Into the children 'a room she had
aeen the leg of a man aticklng out
from under tbe bed. At least I
thought ahe aald 'leg.' but abe told
me afterwaroVaho said 'foot'
"Weil, there ahe was, 'and there 1
waa too. She bad abut' tbe man In
with -the children In order to send me
word of the situation over the phone
without hla hearing ber. ' 1 r ashed
back to the card table, reported the
facta to my friends, and we resolved
ourselves Into a committee to consider
the case. Our excited talk attracted
the attention of tbe others In tbe room,
who gathered around, and presently
nearly every member waa offering pug-
gestiona aa to the best way for me to
proceed. It waa anggested that I tele
photic tbe police of the town, where my
country place waa located, reporting
the facta and asking tbem to surround
tbe house and capture tha burglar. If
possible, before be could do any harm.
"Thla waa quickly done, and I
phoned my wife to keep up her cour
age, give no Indication of her knowl
edge of. tbe Imrglar'a presence and
within a few minutes all would come
out right I would wait at .the tele
phone, holding tbe wire for news.
"Pretty aoon I heard her aay, 'I hear
voices outside.' Then: They are forc
ing a window to get In. Oh. dear, I
hope he won't flxht them I If he doea
I know I ahall fnlnt Tbey are com
ing up tbe stairs, the back eta Irs and
the front stairs.' Their there waa a
pause, during whe'h I heard confusion
of aounda over the wire,, then a gruff
voke aaylngT ,
The leddy fainted, sir, bvt he
haa come to herself. It'a all 'right.' .
'Did yon got blmT Oh, It waa mis
take of the leddy'a. air. The I It tie toy
In cittln' hla gnm ahoea out of tha
closet palled out cne of your ' boot,
and R laid Just under tha edge of the
tied. The leddy took It for a burglar'e
foot.'-.' uT - '"v-v"'
v ""Tbreathed a Thank heaven! hang
np the receiver and went back Into the
card room to aee a crowd of anxious
1 Acea looking at me for oewa.
"'Walter. 1 called. brtng cham
pagne. , "Then I told the etory.
The next morning I had the' tele
phone taken out I'd rather not hear
of anything going on in toy family
that I can't aee. Bad new travels
faat enough without aendlng It by ele
trtcity, and haste makea waste."
Wants, For $, C.
Ntlca undar these classified baadtaaa
wll ho Inavrtcil at Una ent a word, flrat
Insertion, half a rtnt additional . Insrr- .
Nona, (me Inch card. II per month; h f
Inch card, (4 lineal It par month.
Cosh must accompany orear nnlraa ono
has an open account with the paper. No
ftnamHIal responsibility for orrora; where
errors occur free cofTot4 notice will bo
printed for patron. " Minimum charo ll a.
WANTED To rent plana ' Inquire
Enterprise. tf
WANTED Small advertlanmenta fov
'thla column. Prjcee very reason
able. See ratea at head of column.
FOR SALK 8pice in thla column.
Belt that old plow or harrow; yon
don't use It since you purchased
your new one,
FOR SALE Span Jay marea, 6 and
7 yeara old. weight 1300 pounds;
both aorel and broken; both doable
-and aingle drjveray will work any
where; alsa wann and hamesa.
Will eell or trade for real estate.
W. N. Price, 307 Fifth atreet.. Ore
gon City. v
FOR SALES A good f 10,000 farm for
aale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevena Bldg.
FOR RENT Liner apace In thla col
umn. A few linea may rent that
house, atore or farm; they will coat
you bnt a few centa.
LOST Sunday,- black mare, white
atrip on face; S yeara old; weight
about 1250; wire mark on left front
foot Return to Wm. Robinson,
West Oregon City. Reward.
O..D. EBT, Attomey-at-Law, Money
loaned, abatracta furnished, land
- title examined, eatatea nettled, gen
eral law buaineaa. Over Bank of
Oregon City. -
U'REN ft 8CHDEBEL, Attorneya-at-Law,
Dentacher Advokat, will prac
tice In all court, make collections
and settlements. Office in Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon Cltyt Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olfice
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public, .
okpctiicxs copy
Room 7. Barclay Bldg Oregon City.
Investment Co., Stevens Bldg.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully
gWen on all classes of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
. concrete. Res. Phone Main 111.
5 and 6 Beaver building. Mala St,
- Oregon City. Phonea: Home A-198
and Pacific State 1221.
MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law. Stevena Bldg.
Farm. Timber, Grazing, Agricultural
Lands. City Property, 8 mall Fruit
and Poultry Ranchea for Sale. Wal
nut Land. Room 9 Beaver Bldg
Oregon City, Oregon.
E. H. COOPER. For Firs insurance
.and Real Eatate. Let us handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office la Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, have choice bargains
In farm laoda, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and pouiu-y
ranches. See ua for good buys
Near 8. P. depot '.
Seedieaa ralalna 6c a, pound fu Bee
ley.. " -v;'...;. . ;.
of aandy loam, all good farm land free
from atone and gravel. 3ft meres In
cult, balance all slashed, burnt and
seeded but one acre and has been for
a good many yeara so the clearing Is
not very hard; i room box house, barn
20x22; good well, also borders tha
Tualatin liver. This Is fins peach,
berry or garden land. In fact good tor
anything that grows; 4 tt miles of
Oregon City on a macadam road; 10
miles of Portland on a macadam road.
The price of this place haa always
oeeu szoow oui ior a quica sue owner
will take -12200. 1800 down, balance
3 years at S per cent. . i ,
", Oregorv City, Ore. .
''Near Suspension Bridge.
8ECOND HAND Furniture, Curios and
Relics bought,' sold and exchanged.
Anything rrom a naming needle to
a ahlp'a anchor. YOUNQ, The
Second Hand Man, Main St., Ore
gon City.
Electric Hotel
411 Mala, Ictwtta 4tfe aad fch i-i.
: J."J- TOBIN, Proprietor..
Real Estate Opportunitio
C T. Tooie,
Lawyer and Notary
Abatracta. '
- and
Real Estate Bought and Sold." '
Room 2, Beaver Bldg.. Orejoa City
If you want to
See ...
CIAS. T. Tooiri co.
And tf yoit want te aoll farm, br ar;
lot aa llkevi,J.;a.
7 , . " . .