Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 12, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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I .
E. E. ROME, Editor and Publisher.
ri ,
Appttewtton m fr-een- rtaaw ''I -
be .1 u Portrrc (Wpw-nijf.l
Ovwguw, unfcr; to Acs'
of i dun m
March I, 1ITS.
ntMS sr- sractirm.
Oim Tmt. by mail ..
fit M lhL by Mil
Knur alntith. b mall
M wee, by ftitkr..
. I M
iminsN eato
TTrt Tr. pr Iik-Ii fvt mrtlMi lie:
Tin t. bf mcb adrd InwitoM lc
PiwotriMl pjiirti mnr ra- pr 'J
iMnrri Mii'iaV''B'"'r'iiH
RP n, p.. p.r
turn bwrtw 1JT
Jlua paprr hr than fJrt p. rr "n
- IxK-mt. !c pr bB: I fuUf aJvr-.p,
Wmta. For Satf. T ul. . on
l7tn,TtUM on' crn,
arh addltloiuU
.tea for Jveni!n In tn Week!)
TO JiAaXrr, " Pecu'.
witlHMit rhmre. the rate will tve c
for tae
im tnMfrrwil
tr. chanp. th at will s "
aa mo run at ttw paper, aiva i an
tn for i-ril rtton
" aboulj aooomjarr orJer wbere
party la unknown la butnea offi.- f
tne Eni-rrr.
Lal adrvrliatn at lecal ajrertlains
Trru adrertlatnc an4 aperUI tranaient "oatch-as-catrh-ran' game, and Orecon
rwrtlstn"at Sf in fcr an tnch. ivrt l-
kvt to apeciai eaadilkva (infrnink Ih Cltv'Mealers selilotu lov out to. wily
mHn Sale- u Bankrupt Sale- .Jrer. ' Of Sister clti. But that Is Dr
tlaromta J6e inch fh-at tnnert'nn; a.M:- ther her nor there the r"4.l question
ttflnal amnunt aajne matter 3c Inch.
Kews Item and well written utKii Is how to make a better shoaing.
tii th a.mui..of Ml
rrlpta mm letuiaed rmtrrm acoempan-'made and as tv tbe nnmbefof desir
M ar ap. W prrp poata.,.
Wlaconsln is th lat State to come
Ibrwara wita aoaoaai. Her receouy
e-leetakH Ranatne fa rharmd with hrlh.
- . .
: T
'Tbw 4lorBtn Enterpriaa Is not aa bathing establishments and-tioardln the bill at th request of the Mult
larg as some of ta city papers, and house. This Burner increased year- notr.ah anclers w no are try In to cloe
-ererlll be: we must un(iI htt Tery proflubh,, , h clk" w rtlr .uanJlot
aeenraw anil nettritr , k . . ,t above the OretCOO ( ttr avUpBSRa
acenracy ana acavuy. .drawlBp Into the business many men : hnift lo KlUnet p,ninc. and when h
of means But competition became Warned Of the strenuous opposition to
There ar eaooch people in Oregon fjerc and each hotel and boarding 'h measure (mm the Clackamasdel.
Oty to support a' pwd little daily bouse deemed it wise to put on suard :"l0- h ' J.0
wanee If .11 wKn mUh It avww-a. . . , . niemU-rs of the lenslature from this
' '
take it and pay the delivery boy "his
dime weekly.
- Give us tip aa to any news mat
ters that come under your not ice. If
jroa don't kaow ail the particulars
calTa np and r4e na a tip so we
saay chase it down. .
He doat expect to always do Just
as you would hare done had you been
IB our place. Well do the best elne. arrlva, lnt. h(fn transr-
caa and please you a, often aa our t4Uo -compare, would deposit travel-.'
Judgment coincides with yours.
n. ar. Bu,ugne riuK rjner-
prise to make a Uring, I doing this
we vrUl try and do rood to a. Urge a
.amber as possible and offend a. few
mm U eoDsWent with what we think
to be right.
- : r
Its the home paper that yon rush
to when la need of an explanation or
defease from some malicious attack.
But if the home paper has failed from
lack of support, how caa it put np a
defense-for you?
The few dollar expense that a
trait and. prodnoe association would
cost each maa Interested is small
compared to the benefits. Get to
gether, farmers; yon can t win un
less yoq make a start
4e .
Toe may think yon can get oa with
out a daily paper In Oregon City
and you can but considering the
small cost of so great a luxury, is it
wise? Boost your home city by sup
porting the most persistent and Inex
pensive publicity, agency so far de
visedthe live little dally.
Every merchant In Clackamas coun
ty ahould aid In establishing a fruit
and produce association. It would
aaake prices for fruits and produce
stable, and the farmer would tave
cash to spend and not be urging you
to take his product on account, and
yon not able to realize on it.
ICs a funny situation when the Siite
Senate, composed of the "beat men In
the State," can't find a volunteer who
" will op n a aingle day's session with
;' prayer. That was the. situation Wed-
aeadar. and that bode la ItnfTWwaasVarl OrX
. have been teft to the mercy of crrctim-
stance because ao member had the
' courage to staad ap and ask for div 'ne
The tendency of the past few yearsj
has been towards boosting the prices
; of manofactured goods to tha small
retailer." Tha evident intention of the
manufacturer was to take tha raise
out of the small dealer1 rather than
. to punish the consumer. But tha re
' taller haa passed the raise along
; and lie says coadltkma forced hhn to
do so and the maaafactorer alts bade
- and cuti tha additional coupons from
- bis bonds and draws down his swoUea
dividends with many a smile , --
'' - .
r - t -.
' The Portland lads who, when taken
In crime, blamed It oa tha picture
show displayed a yellow streak. Some
' picture shows are bad, and certain
pictures showa In tha better theatres
are not la good taate, but the bora
who chase them up should sot blame
.' their dlrelectloes on their favorite
form of amusement,' bat face' the
music and admit their shortcomings
and promise to do better. - We never
admired tha yellow "streak tn old
Adam, and its display by y onager
s Adams would la no stage of tha game
lead ns to lentewcy be game, boys;
admit our errors sad after doe pun
( tmeat, atart right and stick to the
t rreet coarse nafU cured of paat fot-
" ' r' "
Ooe.of the main wetlone tsl la -
tercet, business mo of Orego. City
sad cll of Clackamas If
k.i ii. ., to cu n reow ch
Uu h c,ly ,nd ,h coniy.
! mho w taBd ,. lo
., o- tem. Ttjoee who have ot -
vaniM wrt 10
i - 7
juuoc-cupled lauJr-VttlHi a
prising people that tbe our ol
those who will bear Ih burdea of.lm-
..a, J. tf.i.- U ika .
mtrni ivauttiutw ,
co-at, may .be multiply, tbis
'for the reason tnal to multiply ice
iiimtwr or tbv iho aa!l bar tho
burden of BrOrd improfemii
.. t . . w..i
larana a.nnnipr Darur m or
' dr of each. " " '
. rMult of ihM conditions wa
havi . ..nurnb of rai -tat, m,
ho hv proDrtT to aH oftima
. .
for tbmaiva, mil many imt ur
plTh qutkn arising U .
ai" Irt make mrw aairi iib mr,
peatrtt frueijcy and to tha better
c(a8a of tet ho visit this KectloB
'o "take a W." '
The prvent plan 1. for our real
fate min and thtw havtne t'n!er-'
estate mn and thor havtnc pnper-'
. . iw,..,, ...
lies for a to k-p a Wkout for
Btranier, and to nab Mrh and cery
on who mar loi-k a if h had a few
kxise nimojeon In his ji'ana. It Is a
-irna of our city and county
Mt. Clemens. Mico.. Is ierhps,' county In the state leuls-'
rrestPH ttealtb resort In America. .
Th..iin.i rUit 'th- annnra jmT in
. . . . . . . , . bill Introduced by W. tl t batten. )o4nt I
n'n,edbJ,hbth?Mr ',roT,n,repreent.thf from Clackamaa and!
profitable visitors to the city hoi els. : vii,m,maK' Mr. . hatteu onenfeo !
reiinerywaa- anaHHTi an J -turu -
aaay from the croad strancera who concert ed effort to klH any measure,
were looking for quarter. It Was not that n.av te antagonistic -to the lnter-i
long after the conflict became a real ' ,h f-shermen of this Uyallty
. ... . It ill learned yesterday that Rep
conflict, until It was to be seea that rntjves Magone. Carter and Jones.-;
the eagerness of th solicitors was of this county, voted for "Jerry- Rusk T
working to lh Injury of th business,
lrMj tnat ctange must be raado As
, , decided to hire a no-
r,ult " WM oecjaea to hire l po-
liceman and to assign one already on ;
the force to the work and station the
,wo on the mn ,tree, 1) as to wver ,
ters. These men. in uniform, were to
direct strangers to hotels and board-
ing hf,alv impartiallv. givmg to each
MnnK m ho desired , c,rd contain-!
iag ,he M nM of f4rh how !
,nd hoaM (n th A
, reMlU the fof ,!ranrer t
ceased, the tone-of the business lm-'
--.proved, and the stories sent out by
rinnrt , Ur . ,v
city and tta citizenship, rather thin
one of gre-d and grab. . (
Why not. when the next season J
opens, adi another day officer to the ' T
present police force of Oregon City f
and make it one of his duties to Meet ! 2
and direct strangers to tne several ! j
offices of real estare men In the pity 4
and give o visitors - any other infor-' Z
matktn desired concerning the city
and the couiw? The real estate men
can have cards printed giving the
names snd places of business of all
and put into the hands of this officer.
These he will band to those seeking
Information concerning Investments,
giving Impartial answers to all inquir
Naturally all our real estate men ,
are anxious to make sales; but on the Kn" the baby s mittens without any 1 The subject debated waa : Re
other hand no on of them wishes to ibumb; then, no matter which way j solved. That Bachelor Girls 15 or Ovei
prejudice a stranger through over-
eagerness. The adoption of this plan I
will avoid the appearance of undue ;
eagerne... which often .poll, a .ale,
and give more dignity to the business. -
. . '
Oregon City and Clackamas county
want to increase the number of deslr- (
able citizens and to that end all hon-,
arable means are penniaeibte but, :
naturally, the best means is the one .
desired. ... , i
There are many things to Interest)
strangers Tn fie city and the county, i
A man in uniform, who Is courteous ,
and well Informed, can tell an impar-,
M T'7 """" confidDC
in theae rkenrtle and vhn aatr .Hhf
j by this uniformed officer there Is no I f
reason why they should not be favor-
!.WI I a .a . , .
y7 iuii cnavi ami in tne ena lea o
Invest In our midst
The present rivalry between real
state men does not favorably Impress
strangers. And the stories told hy the
real estate men many of them true
evea If they do deal in what loots ,
Vy a maa In uniform, will not take on !
that Tegree of Improbability that en-1
hTrl'e.Ier. to,d VM Wbo! tilure U on7 P,rt of !t h"ltb ! op nd reputa
ca";t;;"r in of those poor girU wbVm we read of
Wa suggest that oar real estat men
whom wa know .art eaxkraa to do
what Is for the best get together on
this proposition and Intereet CotrtieU
la taking steps that promise the great
est good to the upbuilding of the
business Interests of the city and
county. -;
e-ll. -
THING. Every city the slse of Oregon City
should have a graia and produce ware
hoose or elevator.' This la an easeo
tlal to best business conditions. Ora
rm.Cltr has none In tha broad beaae
of tbe word, It baa firms tkat bay
and sell grain, sad prod ere on occa
sion, and saaay times thla provides a
market when otherwise tha producer
would be font 'to haul hi grain
; produce home again,
; .Hut what th farmers
to nee J city to aa
' . .k.n. -iliu iak lit'
eievaioc "
thing-, thst, they-. produce at ant tlm
m ,k sndrecelv. la exchange
ta. hUhet,-markrtrJce
Such aa.ltsMat-toe I4 retire,
.. ....-. I.
eonsidvrsM,, capital, put pro,--. "
handle mo nusin. , i-j -
good dlvMeot Investment, and
t) tin tint DlvvM A MrK
. ' . . - .ifa thai 1
ror ""
wow a giaaarn t
ducira. ' -
imrni pan i
i . .ml nr.kluM avclal ion
' -. . , i
,h.t IU. iher thin. Perform J
U4 h a nvlf tor Ha mrotvr It-
1tf b, o. tb. c.r.tne plan- and
wbrn oatf ttaMihtd wilt Till a lo ,
. ,. , .;. ,.. iirmi. of i
r . .
Clackamas farmer. It l-o do . nop ,
iu.i - ,
t(ti of the acUkn mar b
c - ful. and that the association be
'Hn lis fet th shortct
ibl nm. , '
' ' '
M. A
Macon, repreaenutl Trom
lature. ret urn eu uai biroi irora twn,
bnBCipc IB his Insld pocket th fish
. . . . j.,.,.!. ti.t :
for Speaker of the House, and they
r therefore In a pt-ition 1o obtain
(roo1 vlACV tm comIC",w Thvrr
u , possibility that Mr. Magone may
te offered the chairmanship of the
fisheries committee. The Clackamas
dt legation lll return to Sal.-m neat
f'0"','" ' '
)OUn tht ttm'-
44)aaaa4)sa s if 1 1
ort b t: lie f tlohi rer
Tu pUr wan tn l-irj of I hj.iulte-
pec? .
Heart of bf'Tiia a:i.l fcan'l cf !.
He tread hi mmy with an Ir in heel.
Th ratea
of Rrlem are untied
W wle--
Taaa h-d'
Th r la iJenty of room
Where courts met otit
your lot
And Jatlr deals In sword and
Tha Woman in Whit is drsnrh-fd
with red.
And snow peaks hlds th rebel
Kury of Krewlom dies soon her.
Where the klauser stllla the patrt-
ot's cheer. ;
Th Vultures floe from their moun
tain nests
To th feast Porflrto gives his
' guasts..
Graves In their gullets tbey And
, w bo rer k
To play with th !rd of fhapults-
-New Tork World.
! !
"Z )
--e'i44-cf frH4eer rrl-t
- ;
,npr r put on, they are all right j
" large enough be can more his
"n'f " around Inside, while the
hifa comfortable arms ana make
long) wrists keep the sleeves of his
There Are
So Few
J Vis,
J ,T
B- Mm. OLiVE rtEMSTADi Crand Oners tinier.
T see ma onlr natural that,
and energies' of all one'a years upon ono olj.;ct to the EX
shonld finalljr gain that objects
The reason the trirl who starts outearlr in-lifsv to-r an artist falls
Zor in most cases she does faiK-i that ahe DOESN'T STUDY
of tbe ame re iimPle- Common sense is the keynote. But
e penalty paid by those who ignore the rules is terrible. If era artis-
M bavin? thrown tbemaatlv. inn
v -v. . . . Mivv uv wauv vi iairu poison in some
garret in the Quartier. .
. . . The trouble waa not that the girl did not win artigtie reeogniUon.
She probably would hare won It if she had tried long and hard, for
the American roiceg are the moat beautiful in the world. Thi trtiuU.
" E-fV training U the saving of the girl who struggle, to U an
wtirt. . She may .luTS uleni, Ut It will grail her nothing -ritkori,
Heal and eharaeter to steady her.
"'Ipiinmjipnno Dr
ouruuiouno hiu.
- '
ninin -"v
$trl N 0tvta Art C'titti
CKditona May B Abolxtd and
Trr'tory Adidad to Oah 0ro
and Parfcplaca. '
-. v 1
Th apmJnltnrata of lh road nuprr
Uw nacaamaa fo..n-y la all
fw dulrh.u w,r, anmmnoisl
iaii j wi'iuy aiirraiHii rj iun"i---
Mirt. Tbo county ludie iM f'w
mlaalonrra hato bn rratllna lth
th appolBtmeuta fur th paat va
and hundred of farmer' ha twn In
OrKin Oty from try action of the
rMintr In the Intereat of the larlmia
avplranta. In dialrtrt No. 4 a dUmion
la aaked for and nv appoint riieut ha
yet bavn made, lrrlrt No 47. Clad
atone, may be abollahed enttrelv. a
a peiltloa) before th cotirt to
tfriitory to itak t'.rove n onr
d Parkplar oo the other The
court haa rreated three new dt'rl-ta
nne known a No. 51. lln a art of
No I and boated on the Multnomah
tVunty line, and another. No iz. be
In th atHjlh end of tXatrl. t N II.
alltilPt Marquara the .irth!i'
not No JI Will alao be creafeJ TT
road nperlmra for 1911 are as for
-C. K. lUltiB
John Dennett.
No :
No 3 -William Cvoke
No 4-rJohn Clthens
No. S J W. Roots. '
No ;"harlea Kreb.
No T-K. K Mriluain.
No. 8n. V Iaula
No 1ter Rath.
No, v rYsnk E- Thomas;
No 11 J K Smith
No li-r. V RlebhoTf.
.No- JJ-J C fullam
No 14 Ci V. C.lbba.
No. IS Ieander Mattoi.n.
NoltjAucuat Sttaehlr- I
No 17 P R iwmlrk
No is Fred Kamrath
N. 1 1 N. TmlllBger.
So, iv B. Sulllyaa,
No :i K A SwaBaon
No r: AIlert rTngle
No JJ-f.eorge Clehv
No :4 "t'larence K. Miller
IS J. B Mitts. -No.
JV H Kncl. '
No. 7 John IUrth
No. : I U Shank
No.' Z Aaron McConnell
No. 3 f. K. liavldson.
NuJX WllJIam Schati
NiV 32 W. lUatrr
No 33r-Henry Cromer
No. 34 William Klaer. ,
No. 3V J H. Jones.
No. 36 A. M Anderson.
No. 37-r W. KrusL
No. 3 F. IL Harrta.
No. 3-rFTank Jaggar.
No. 4-) Harv y Gibson.
No. 41 . R. Wiodl.
No. 42 la. H Judd.
No. 43 A. D Burnett.
No. 44 Charles Rider.
No. 4j Henderson.
No. I James DeShan r.
No. 4 J. T-. Hunt
No. SO J. P Iavi
No. 51 J Z. Seifer.
No. 52 H. W. Kann.
No. 53 C. A. B'-ugll.
Bichslor Girls Ar Now Saf From
Ta Gathrera.,
-The Friendly Bible class of the
J'resbyterlan church held Us regular
monthly business meeting last night.
and gate an entertaining program to
liven up the occasion. There was a
musical and lllfrary program, with a
' debate as one of the mors important
numbers on the bill. Following the
program there waa a social hour.
Should Pay Taies ." Ralph Eddy
James Burrows and Clarence A. All
dredge were on the affirmative and
Jo Alldredge. Paul Burrows and John
Meads In support of the negative. Th.
.committee swarded the decision to
Ika ill..
haring - conwntrated si tha hopes
km . -. :
Cut These Recipes Out For Fu
ture Reference and Use.
Swedish Brsad TKal Is lb Staff
I If In La1 th M.dn.gM
SusxrA Cheeelat PndX' r'lt Ff
Rrly Ceak.. f CKildb Day.
tice a week at lst see fl Is !
i-luel la b menu of rry !
h.j.l. so why not try l.vftr au gratia
f.V a rhsuc T luak It reiKv lit
g.v.h fttu the lolwter tones and rut
It In small cut A i-4r weighing
brtw-Wii two and three umls will
giv a.H.ur sf 'pint of nict Make a
toners a p eaart.
enp of t.wk by covhlng the tnsTy
bone In a cupful and a half f
with slice of onltHi ami two vf car-
rt Uslf an b -ur. .-.;ort1ing lo th B.
tVa Cooking !.-( Magsitnr. t nm-
clent. r this cupful of to h. three-
fourth of s cui fu.1 of crram'snd !
fourth of s cupful e h 'f butter aifcl
flour lu making a saixe. Tut the nh
and aatt-e In an earthen dish alter
natrly. having sauce as th laM iayr.
Mis half a cupful of cracker crumb
with three tallrw'Ofuls of tuelle.1
butter awt spree.1 or lb -. Jet
Into a hot ovea t'ilrewn the crutalia
Crab meat, clam or oyster mar be
cooked In the ior niauurt
- Checelat Pwddma.
for chin olste bread pudding dlaeolv
haif e af cuuaJag jlU till Jn .t.
.jusrt' of milk an-i when p-rfctly
blrndetl turn the W'k over tw. cup
ful of bread, rumba and lex slam f r
aa hour, t'resa tb nilrtir Umiuajh
a sieve. a4'l four rga till bfe tera
ell beateu, a cupful of butter, two
cupful of sugar, a Jittl grated ut-
nu-it. a ruphil of seelel rsialn an.) a
cupful of cboiiwd MaiH tml alrtw-nd
Steam the pudding fr aa ,bmr n.l
w-rve with r re in The anxMiut given
is euougb for a larg family ' Half
tb -quantity would be sufft. irat for
all person.
Cinnemen Star.
One pound of puivertei sugar, one
and one-quarter pounds of alttvnd
meat, orie-qusrter uun-e of gnMiiid
rlauatuon, wblte of seven egg and a
pinch of salt. ' Beat "the sugar and egg
one hour; then add the aluiofid meata
(chop(etl flnet, clnuamon and salt; no
flour; cut w-itb small star cutter; very
moilerat oven.. Bread.
I'our two cupful of boiling water
over on cupful of coram!, I wo level
tablrsaMnfula of lard aud on tea-
Mnful of aalt. - Mix thoroughly,
then let coot When the mixture la of
lukewarm temperature add a rake of
swsxma shsso
rompreaaeri yeast stirred Into three
tableapoonfuls of lukewarm wster.
three-fourths of a capful of molsae
and wheat flour to maks a dough stiff
enough to koeavl. Knead untU elastic,
cover closely and let stanLtn a tem
perature of about 70 degrrJa P. until
doubled In bulk. fthaj Info two
losve snd when sgaln light take ons
Walnut Wafers.
On pound of brown sugar, one
pound of walnut meats, two egg, six
even tableapoonful of flour, two-tblrds
teaspoonful of aalt snd one half tea
spoonful of baking powder. Beat the
eggs very light, gradually add sugar,
then aalt, flour and lastly tbe walnut
meats, broken, not chopped. Irop In
small tumps In buttered pan and bsks
In moderate- oven.
--Walnut Mssareena
One pound of pulverised sngar, one
pound of walnut meat (chopped fine),
three egg snd two Ublespnnnfuls'of
flour. Best the eggs very light, grad
ually sddlng tb sngsr. Add flour and
meats. Irop In gressetl pan and. bake
In moderate oven.
Ironing Tsbls Linen Without Starch,
It la said that an iei.nv..i i.-
drees never sprinkles her Uble linen.
She drl It thoroughly In the sir, then
tups it Into boiling water and puts It
through the wrincer. Park niria I.
then folded In a dry cloth as smoothly
s poasinie snd allowed to remain there
for a COUple Of hours or ao. Irnna
be hot but not scorching, because the
unea moat be trowed r perfectly dry.
Herein lies the secret at tai.U II...
that I gull t lew of itarra. .
Oo to Reereet'a for that va t....v
soccessor to Lents. 610 Mala street
. a lot of atrenglk there U wast
Sd chonnlnr with dull . ... t a a
a few minute st tha grindstone and
that wr" wlu her
Tbe rods, valgar and oftea malicious
plctnree pat forth la the guise of wit
and caricature through the dally and
Sunday areaa. ara sariKi.. .v.
ttetlc sense, if sot the kindly InaUacta,
of a whole generaUoo of yoaag peo
ple, who are growing to maturity
looking spoa them as oae of Ue or.
dlaary laddenu of Ufa. Carry the
homlaable thlags out of the bowse
with tbe toe cm. foe thai ui,. r iv.
' ' ' -t
Wc Issue Urofts payable In other coun
tries - Whenever vou hove occasion
to send money to foreign landa It. will
ptiV Vu ' send It through tftls bonk.
The. Bank of OreffOQ City 7
! The nMlsw "t The M.Ui rler
l.rlM! dwulia ei..II.IIHr the
" ,.ra-l In I be a'thka - puM. L
e...M him I., iltne - In Ihis r-iiiirit i e
m' lk
II. w lf in an rt. ta -
with the lo Ihe suMlolM
l. a uallk ,1tt,
m...l .') k),rtv .J .i'lnaua p-U- .
I .
Wants PrlS0r Msds Wrw.
Kditor rrnlerprls Why I It hl
''Clackamas county dw so4 put n
? ptfattnet to work at womethlng thai !
AwWl'nall them to eartt their living'
Tl4-' are able to or..-Hd I tHi ;
reason for keeiilng" them IB Idleneas
and forced to work lo keepjhemj
eating ' I '
lu Multnomsh county prlaoner arsi
put lo work on the fork pile on 'h '
crusher; why ' here It wimld not'
1 t nex-eeaar to build much f a stock '
ad to bold tbrm. It. I an ndf
thai the alaler rutibt ran fit up her i
Blrrete and toads when Ih crushed '
rch roota her but Utile. And we ran !
m imi reason why Clackamas count
'should not likewise Iwnefti it we i
") fewrr 1'tlsoherS ar WItTTted tT
'. aatlsflrd With Ira crushed roek '
ljilarlng mm who cannot afTord to;
' (kr tiiuch la taxes will be thankful for 1
small favor In la relief, and th maa
who will not behave hlmaolf should;
be mad to aupiatrt himself If be.
haa a family, and ran earn more than
his keep. II should be given Into tbe :
sup pott of bis family '
Whr not give this auh)r-t a lU'U
Want Awnins Fee Seat.
Flltor Katerpriae I hav. rently
come s.. man. .n.r...
; different from what d. bark Met-
and some 4 kings are tfhne betteir
thing that neel
t. my ai;r'l
rata on the .t.trw.r
M-at at In'erva
leading to the lop nf th 'bluff. Mul
one thing seem In be larking even
there-toe provide no rover lu them
If It rain they are wet snd on would
sean dare to alt and real leal they
catch cold But I auppowe H1 Oregon
"Wrh Vet"-- I fie the term wild an .i
desire to be disreapvrtful are wo awed-
... ..I. .1.1 . Il.ll. ..M Ik,
1 " l li.k. V.. .1.
i ror foe you From one who I r.
rw. the Br.i astet Tae Uiachf
, Kdftor . Kriterprtse- There are em
things In this world which w. ran get rf,w .. wwth ftnm thM
wltboet any great effort; while on the .iMM.w ,,,,,, Um u U i ,
other Hand there are aom thing we i h-f h-f- mUrtf pp
cannot get without great effort-end . ,fcM hy d M B , i,,.
uftltue wedon t succeed then A i Un & ,b Uck-thy fear la
quetUo In mind I the much (- ' aittessip tb mrar.
cusaed temperance problem la Ihe Kaet all laterwrbaa cars are
Naturally on thinks that If great ,UB,,,j mu4 im ,u(- i( M
effort I put forth wlthoiil sucre.. la .nfure4 bf .,,... Ah4 M mtMt)4
moving people there mitat l-e some- pfo rM( to k
thlng larking In th propoalUon put ; .. , . m, d , ,
; forth There
put forth in
haa been much effort
year past for temper
! ance under many . guises but what
of the reau
Its? Hiatea and cjiontlea'
i have gone dry one year to tura tarh
; the net. or at moat a few year later
"What la the explanation: waa too
'much attempted?
It Tb- certain that there waa some
.thing wrong to produce this phenom
ena, ran It be possible that th lem
i peranre man Is wrong la hie BMid of
operation? It Is rare that loo (em
itter a new men -will agree aa to what
i shsll be asked for or aa to how to get
tnv which I sought. Can if he pa
1 ilue Dial tbe counsels of Ahlthophel
; sre wont to creep Into the ramp of
the Prohibitionists to work Injury to
the dry cause at all limes?
1 It should Dot be nereaaary to put
; forth great effort to secure reform
.of so great an evil aa (bat presented
by th lower order of aaloon Yet
! great effort Is msde necessary and
oftentlme that will not succeed; How
can one think, with thla fact staring
! him la the face, that to aom great
I error of some sort must be sttributed
ith lark of success.'
The price of license has been
boosted from 3K to IIOoO In Oregon
City within tb paat few years, snd
still the tempersnce people seem no
nearer tbe goal than before. You
make ih ssloonlat scramble that
much harder for tbe dollar, you take
the dollar and use it In your business,
snd then you again fall on blm with
a club.
This milking of tbe aa loon 1st can
not all te charged lo the dry advo
cate and yt It looks ss If he wsa
atrong enough to put a atop to It If
he wished Fact Is. If the saloonlst
Is to be clubbed Into Insensibility ha
should not be robbed first -thst dell
cat operation ahould be postponed
until after the clubbing, to be consis
tent, if the dry advocate wlahea to
put Ihe saloon I t out of business for
sure he should sgree on soma plsn
that la not only fair to all concerned
but aee lo It that his program I car-
mt . A n... ..a .. . .I.ti 1 .. I .. I
: i u inn aou hw wihr m uo. jnrii.n ai
, friend robbing the ssloonlst while be
I plans to come In later and forever put
him out of business.
Electris Line for Ely.
Editor Enterprise: Wbst's tha mat
ter with tbe Commercial Club "start
log something" towards an electric
line to ElyT With Eleventh atreet
finished to the top of the bill and a
grade set that good motor eaa climb
a( a ralr rate of speed don't yon think
It la ap to tha Commercial Club to tat
a Una to the pretty home spot oat Mo.
lalla wayT ...
Wo recognise that the Commercial
Tonight Only
The Dispensation
(A RHfHe)
Little Nell'sTobacco
(An lenp)
Ride to Death -
(A WSStSCSI Stery,
. In -Th D'seeesatlen' mi Lnra
snd twe cnDdren appear at t.r best. .
Ne rean, wemsn r aild can this
picture witHewl aem( snsds Mtlsr.
. -Little Niis Tsbeste l" iii f
Ih stery f the th ef a duaMr,
and marriage of sen-ln Uw and h .
vere trtint ef the 4ld snsn by the
new wfe . Little NM a Gendt (
c)ob fmBl ...k,.,, 1o(I i,,
. mmmbmf bwH, Utnm , ,,.,,,.,
,h, U .,, power of tk. club;
Mf u ,M
' Mill. Jt.t Bk)njKlft ft I9v t . f rl.a -
.h. ,be prayer of .a,- of
, , m fcu,,t
after a hare day's work.
Laateris fee Or sen City Car
Your rorreaHidit rude to the nty
oa an Oregon city rar a few atais age
and had hr atlesitksa called to Ike
eeetl of " salons fur the ronveuience
f th peaeengera - Aa elderly lady.
might be termed aa invalid. Suffered
! much Inronseakeaee bwrauee nf ills
''lack, and It waa made very apparent
lo her trie da a ho sere oa the rar.
I lid nmhla rlldu . mA l...lkaa
that the aervtee would loceeae the
- M.-ou-ka n-reellV in exreea of Ih rs-
j B-flj.tMr-
..The beet Homemade ilread thst res
b baked; you caa get It at Sehradars
Itakeey, on Mala atreet a ear Wof
Wahinat IneSsns IMssssd .
.Tnet Enamil Ingenuity.
That tne rhar pit prnreee for clear
ing land I a rM thing ran be te-tl--8d
lo by RairyKranh. a ai. wh
wttb two young bock pitched her te
e ever a tutup coder wbb-b a chsr
Are had lieen started, at Whit Hal
Bwn. Wash,
"Heap I1 stamp bora sll time- hlra
ae go oat-keep Rally and pspoo
warm wbe big snow come." saUl tae
snasw In expUnatlna of her sells tina
of the Strang ramp ground.
Tbe stump give little smoke sad
warm Ibe earth all aronnd. Three
ether stamps sre smoldering, and oth
er Indians have pitched tbelr wig
wams aad are proud of tbelr (arena
It. f
... .
JjH .,. e.i
' i . 'V- ... . - f ' I
Na rough edgea oa oar laundry work
to cut aecks aad wrist a and excite "
profanity, for wa are wafal In "
Ing collars, caffa and neck bands of
shirts. We will be pleased to call and
tot your sample order aad caa assure
yoa satlafactloo deliver It, too, fr
of charge, -
ohEccrj ari'iV.u;;::'i
rhene Mats) M Me-n C