Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 12, 1911, Image 1

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- Subearlptlona (or the Morning
Intorprtee will be resolved for
nly a limited llmo at a epselal .
lte. Send In your order today
nd got benefit of low prlee.
Tba anly dally nawr""' f
twaan Portland and Cwn .'.. '
lataa tn every settle) at tlai
maa County, wltn a papulation af i-
10.00O. Ara you an advertiser?
1131 Week, 10 Ce.vts
VOL. 1N. 4
.. . - 0
in city census
ONtv 4.287. . -
jeenV Enumeration for tchool Die
trlct Shows Pallura of Govern
ment to Count 2242 ,
Paopla. .
Ott BUIY Mft. MAWLtV. f
i '
- Tba JolWiwing tekararo -waa
forwarded to Congresaman Haw
ly 'laat night:
"Teb-'gram received. Cenaua
enumeration grossly Inaccurate.
Advlaa ILpuaelule: to ! recount.
- ttcliool cenaua shows-1451 child-
ran of school ear. On thla baala
population la 652. Klka enum-
orated city one year ago and
road e2?S and then quit without
finishing. I'netoffl.ce recelpta for
VtM were 07mi and Tr year 110
vara HOO-l plus."
a) o)
perhaps tha raweat deal ever band-,
a-lo Oreaon- Ctty waa mads public
eaterday by receipt f a telegram
out Congressman Hawley conveying
j following Informal loan
VVVaablngtnn. IK C. Jan. 11. ItH
Commercial Club.
"Oregon City. Oregon.
"An officially informed by ranaua
"fire Oregon City 'a population la
;H7, '....'
'secretary M. ft ltnureMf tha
Commercial Club, who receive
leesage. Immediately turnad it over
v a President T. P. Randall, who paaaad
.t orrf tirMiln Trnok W. A, wnUJ'.
f tha Aa Wires, and tha grilling tha
members of that orsantsetlon gave the
oanaua office laat ntahl waa a caution
rrom tha methode employed by tha
nana bureau. U waa not .eipeeted
that Oregon Cltv would receive bar
just apportionment of lha population
tf lha elate, but nona eupposed that
tha 1910 cenaua would ahow an in
craaaa of only 600 oar tha govern
nt crnaua of 10 yeara ago, whan lha
fflrtal ranaua waa aliont 300.
Whan tha population of Clachamaa
County waa announced about ona
month ago. a mild murmur of proteat
went hp. r'"n',,,, reporta
rara Clackamaa a trtfla nnder 80.000.
and lha peple of thla city WP;
pored, to an extant, for tba ahock that
waa to coma, but tha blow waa a mora
a vera ona than could ba Imagined
and baa ralaed a atrenuoua howl of .In
llgnatlon among tha people of tBa city.
Mora than a year ago tha cenaua or
b city waa taken under tha direction
Bf tha cUy council, and lha enunierat
r found E2i5 pe'n' ,h- 5
Dregon City. Tpon hla. retort, tha
3rand tiodga of Klka, which la bound
to rehiaa charter to a new lolga in
I town of loaa than 6000 Inhabltanta.
rranted permlaalon for tha organlta
Ion of fc Unlga hara. tha flguraa r
alvlng tha ofnclal aanctlun of the
Ity Tha achool eenana, taken about
ha earn time, ahowed tha anrna re
alt. klaa.than two mnntha ago the
jhool cenaua waa taken again; and
aa carefullv verified and checked.
lng filed in tha office of County
thool Superintendent Oary. and It l
rtaln there ara 14R1 peraona between
ie agea of four and 20 yeara 1n- Ora
xn CUy. Multiplying thla reault by
It la conaorvittlvcly eatlmated the
Jty haa an actual population of C62.
ind the government rcturon fall ahort
jf thla total by 2142. ahnwlng the ut
ter abanrdlty of tha official flgurea of
the. cenaua bureau.
' Tha Hood River APl't" . Orowera'
Vnlon 1201.000 lo orchardlHta dur
ing th tbran montha commencing
wlth 8ptctnler., 1
Gteat CleanUp
Wa ara datarmlnad to olean up
cur antlra atoek' bafora next" ,
aaaaon, and ara offering, eomt
, pplandld' valuae. Broken-lota -of
W.. L DouQlaa ahoaa M-00 ;
nd W.60 valuaa at 12.95. Hawaa
13.00 hata at I2,8X n reduo? -.
. tlon on all aulta n4 ovarooata.
Don't fall to take advantaga.
Pcicc Bcothct?
Not. Like Othara
6th and Main ftta.'
who' wired tha official cenaua ftp
urea on Oregon Clty'a populatlai to
tha Commercial Club.
AlMiut'mldnlKlit Officer Cooke waa
called on the phone by Mra. Mcllrlde,
who la living alone In the abaenre of
Judge Mcllrlde at Kalem, In tha home
rorner Heventh and Van llureu atreeta.
and Informed him that three men were
rvlns tn mmt IlitA lha hoilne. Officer
Cooke, knowing that Mra. Mcllrlde waa
by heraelf and would naturally
vary nervoua over tha attempted
entry." hurried at one to lha aceneOf
the attempted burglary. When be got
there Mra. Mcllrlde Informed, Jilm that
There wrra thre of the men and that
they had fli-d when aha turned on the.
electric llghta over the bouae. thue
giving warning that aha waa on her
Officer Cooke picked up the tracka
In the anow and followed them back
down town. When he aaw that U wa
poaalbla to track the men ha at onca
telephoned for Officer Green and they
lolnlpg forcea traced the men to a
box car. etandtngt tha Bout hern-Pacific
railway tracka near tba depot.
aii ihru mutm found In the car. and
anawerlng to tha dcacrlpilon of tha
man wanted they were arreaieq ana
irwkMt im In tha cltv tirlaon.- -
When taken lo lha lockup they were
questioned and admitted mat tney oaa
!. iitMin the hill. It waa an eaay
matter to track -theae men for one of
them had a email root ana email
heel and the track waa not loat alght
nf frntu tha house to the Car.
Naturally Mra. Mcllrlde waa very
nervoua when Officer Cooke arnvea.
fcut-tbe presence of that officer aa
Hired ber and aha had no further
alarm. , '
When aparched at tha city prlaon
r,t ih aumMM-ta waa found to have
a revolver on hi" peraon. Thera la no
doubt of tha tact mat mey nnrapim
a forcible entrance jit tha Mcllrlde
. .0
Health Officer Norrla and lir. Nor-
rla la health- officer In both city and
county eaye that the atnallfox caaa
acroxa the river and ao far there" haa
been no spread of the disorder la
Miti.ini. nn i4-..II aa r mi lil ba exnect-
ed and that ha honca In a few daya to
fnuilKalo the patient and pn-mlaea and
act hla prisoner free; The poctor
rirthcr aaya that the Greeka have
leen tractable under th clrcum
atancea, Riving but little trouble.
Cases of diphtheria under quaran
tine are progrcnalng favorably at thla
time. Tlio Doctor aaya that the prin
ciple difficulty lu aiuh caaca la that
many tlmca the case la ao mild that
no doctor la called and no knowledgo
had of tha fact that the affected one
la suffering from a contagloua dlaeaae.
Thla, ho aaya, la the moat prolific
method of Infection In thla city. The
health officer knowi nothing of .the
cnan, no family phyalclan la even aa
alHtlng In the care of the affected
party, and there la no Isolation aa to
family, or frlenda. Tho natural -Quence
la that there ara many expoa
urea, making almost certain aoraa In
fection. nm.nn rit nearl alwava hna ona
or mora contagloua caaea. Thla be-J
eauao or ua proximuy i ii"
where It la considered aa the natural
order of event a that there ahould be a
greater-or leaa number of auch caaca
at all tlmea. Thla make it necessary
for tha local health, authorltlea to ba
at air times on their guard agalnat an
epidemic, almost certain to be handed
to ua by our large alatef In caa
relax our vigilance for a ahort time.
Local phyalclana are aald to bo very
conscientious In tha matter of report
ing contagloua caaea. Two of the re
cent diphtheria caaea were of ao mild
a nature that no phyalclan had bean
called, and but for a death waa not
likely to be called. In auch a caaq,
Dr. Norrla aaya, tho local practltlonara
have no po1" t0 abate the trouble
for they know nothing of It, but where
a phyalclan la employed mattara are
oulckly reported and atepa taken to
stamp out all poaalblllty of Ua apread
Ing. With the three or four caaea
recently reported In proper hounda the
health officer foela that health condi
tions In the city are very propltlout,
with fair prospecte of making a clean
weep within a ahort time.
.: i 0 TO 19.
Hopper Filled With Bine en wrier.
trt Legislature will Grind
for Soma Time to
' Coma. '
8AIJCM. Or- Jan ll. (8pl.) The
a'tory from Salem Tueaday Indicated
that Itepresent.atlve Katon. who had
suffered defeat at the hands of Speak
er Husk, had hla dander up and In
tended to slaughter everything mat
Husk, and-hla frlenda were Interested
In... ' , . ' , .
. The news today Indicates that Katon
waa not. half ao dangeroua aa ho had
been counted. The fight waa fought
out today over -the number and aalar-
lea of employee in the House, ana on
a test vote Baton waa defeated by a
vote of 30 to 19. Senator Dowerman
had the day before sounded the tocsin
of retrenchment because it waa iie
other fellow x to be sored but aa
It waa promulgated only after It waa
known that -the Bowernun intereata
were spilled from the saddle little
credit aeomed to be given Ita alncerlty,
and ao It fell by the wayalde.
The right centered on the appoint
ment and ealartea of employee, but It
harked back to organisation and waa
ao understood. Rusk and hla follow
era were vlctora and at thla time are
tn the ahddle and acemingly secure.
In the Senate there waa much m
activity during the ahort time It waa
In aeaslon.' There were aeveral llle
Introduced, the flrat of which provided
for an appropriation of 1100,000 for
the centennial celebration In Astoria
tbla year, and waa Introduced by Sena
tor lister. The bill atatea that 100
yeara ago the John Jacob Aator expe
dition founded the first fort and atock
ade at the mouth of the Columbia Riv
er, and that here the flrat American
flag waa hung to tha breexe over the
terrltorynow comprising
Oregon, I
Washington, Idaho and part of Mon
tana, and that 100 yeara ago the flrat
actual white settlement In thla West
ern land waa established.
A aeeond bill naked for 120.000 aa
Oregon'a portion tn th erection of an
Interstate bridge . acroaa the Snake
River. Senator McColloch Introduced
thla bill and It provldea that Idaho
muat contribute a aimiiar amount.
Senator Carson asks for 115.000 to
150,000 with which to fight fruit pcata.
Senator fleaa wanta filtered water for
the legislators. After aome little dis
cussion little Joshing It waa
The House haa aeveral bllla before
It to nrovlde for the abolition of cant
tal nunishment. and the Senate alao
haa Ha quota- (Thla question waa up
for discussion, at a local banquet In
thla cltv a fewweeha ago, and If the
legislature baa aa hard a time tn get
ting together aa did the apeakera on
that occasion there will have to be a
Urge spirit abroad If anything la ac
complished In Saldm this winter-)
The vetoes of Kx-Governor' Cham
berlaln, left over from laat year, are
made a apeclal order for the aeaslon
next Wednesday.
House employee were - named and
aalarlea fixed after w'btctr the Senate
adjourned to next Monday.
Pater Prcgen Burnt Hie Fingere Act
ing aa Good Samaritan.
Peter Prcgent waa arrested by Con.
stable llrown of Justice Samson's
court on the charge of beating hla
board, he being a boarder at the home
of Mra. L M. Hen son. When brought
Into court Wednesday It waa found he
could only converse In French and
Fred Curdcen .walracnt for to act aa
According to bla atory he waa board
ing with Mra. lienson when two men
of his nationality came there to atay.
When they ran out of money he went
aecurltv for their board and It was
Ihla debt he waa being called upon to
pay. The amount at laaue waa lis,
and with coats made In the case to
talled fZtMO. The case being ex
plained to the Court, and the offense
outlined to- the defendant, a com pro-
rat Re waa effected and Prepent paid
$10 on account and agreed to settle
balance at. hla next pay at the Will
amette and caae waa dlamlased. . (iur
deen went security, and seemed sat la
fled no intentional wrong waa con
templated. WANTS CASE HEARD.
Man Aecussd of Assault Wishes to
. Gat From Under,
laicaa BrodanVlch waa a ahort time
ago accused of assault and battery .by
Mra. nonnte Nelaon, who alleged that
aald llrodanvlch did follow and assault
her and maltreat her. Ho waa placed
under arrest and eharged with the of
fense. When Brodanvlch'a case came
to trial be asked that hla caae be
heard to a Jury. About that time Mra.
Nelaon waa called to Portland on account-of
the Illness t ber mother.
Wednesday morning brodanvtch ap
peared In Justice Samaon'a court,
where the trial la to be bad, and naked
that he be given a hearing or the case
agalnat htm d'smlssed- The Justice
Informed him that he was using due
diligence In an effort to locate com
plaining wltnesa, and that If not noon
found the caae would be taken up and
disposed of. Aa the atory of Mra. Nel
aon la generally believed It la the wish
of many good cltlxena that Drodanvlch
be made to atand trial, and If guilty
be punished for hla crlnje.
The Columbia river output of aal
mon for the aeaaon waa 190,000 cases,
valued at 3.600,00O. '
MaceaeeeFromAbroad- Participate
im- In the'.EfrVnt.
,.Xhe Maccabees held their "Installa
tion of of fleer a at the Woodmen Hall
on Tueaday evening, when State Com
mandar J. W. Sherwood, of Portland,
waa present and Installed the officers.
IS. N. Carotene, record k eper of tha
Multnomah 'Sick and Accident Asso
ciation, of Portland. H. C... Hoffman,
commander of Portland Tent No. 1,
A " C -CarsU ns, past commander of
Tent No. 1. were among the offlcere
present from Portland, besides many
other prominent membera of the dif
ferent lodgea of that city.
The following were the officera In
stalled, who will lake up their dutlea
for the coming year: A' W. Parrlah.
commander; B. S. r"ollenleeA record
keeper; E. A. Hughes, ljeu tenant com
mander; A Fromong, sergeant;! It.
Ml Her.' flrat maater of guard; W. E;
(irlfflth, aeeond master of guard: A.
B. llucklea, chaplain; K II. Hayward,
master at arms; R. IX Miller, sentinel;
O. K. Miller, picket; Dra. H. 8. Mount
and M. C- Strickland, phyalclana; trus
tees. C- W. Parrlah. P. Iletxel and W.
K (irlfflth; P. Iletxel musician. There
waa an unusually large attendance.
Following the Installation an oyater
supper waa served, when wll the dell
caclea of the season were heartily en
Joyed by the guests and members
urcaent. The remainder-of the even
ing waa devoted to gamea and music.
Money and Watch Given to Apply on
. Stefanya Rlnnla. a Polish woman
who keepa a boarding house on Sev
enth atreet. made complaint before
Justice Sameon charging that W'adla-
law Kuzmlnskl, who waa In Jail on the
charge, of assault and battery on the
peraon of Tom Thanoa, owed her mon
ey for board and asking that the mon
ey held, by the court In the caae be
paid to ber.
There waa 123 and a watch In court
and When confronted' with the condl-
tlone In-the case Kunmlnskl was glad
to release hla claim In favor of Mra.
Rlnnla. That lady accepted the watch
o aoeout-for 110 and waa given $17
from the money and the caae die-
, . . r i l.l . u lna
Suit Filed to Try Out Rights of Con
. taeteee.
AllCXtiey ijrl!Li!Jebr1ef ,ln .aauU
that waa tried In the Circuit Court to
day referring to a water right on the
LDavoren land east of Mllwaukle.' An
Injunction 1 naked for restraining one
of Davoren'a successors In Interest,
Mr. Burcchlll, from treepaaalng on
land owned by Clarewco Crookshank.
In 1S92 Davoren aold a tract to Crook
shank, and In making a deed reserved
the right to the use of the water from
a certain spring, tn connection with
his grantee. Afterwards Davoren aold
the land that he owned and a portion
or it finally came Into the possession
of Burcehlll. who claima the Interest
In thla right reaerved by Davoren at
that time.
Court Set Him Free on Hie Own
- Reoognlxance.
Ed Goodner, wbo waa Justice of the
peace at Horlng- some time ago and
who waa recently arrested on the
charge of embetxlement, haa been giv
en hie "release on hla own' 'recognis
ance pending good behavior. The
charge waa that Goodner bad used
aome t7ior 180 collected by him In
hla court, and anr effort waa made to
send him up for the -offense. The
court, believing It waa a caae of error
and not of Intentional crime, treated
the accused leniently. Goodner will
be given opportunity to pay up and
live right; he la to report to the court
monthly for the preaent.
1 Lexve for 8tevena County, Waah. '
Mr. and Mra. Eben R. Shute, two
children and a grandchild,- who have
been visiting for the past three weeka
with Mr. and Mra. George Brown, of
Maple Lane, left Tueaday for Stevens
County, Wash., where they will make
their future homo, having traded their
farm In Sherman county for a farm In
that county. While visiting at Maple
Ijine the 92nd birthday annlveraary
of Thomas 6hute waa celebrated, his
birthday occurring Monday, when a
family dinner was enjoyed and four
generations present Mr. Shute la
making his home at the home of bla
daughter, Mrs. Brown.
It will save you trouble If you use
One Dye For AH Goods . ,
Sixteen Colors
' 4 Ten Centa Per Package , .
. i ,"
' i,, i . i, ' t
We Fill AH DttJg Wants
. . A mil Line of ' '.
A. D. S. Remedies
prescriptions , and Family Recelpta
Filled With Pure Drnga. .
' - Quality and Prlcea IVlght ' ' -
'City, Drug Store.
.' Next Door to, Elect rlo Hotel.
Pacific phone IS ' Home Phone 43
missea. nuiaiiumi w iuoii iwrami. . . . . . ,....
aa there waa not enough evidence totjf th mone3r nad th,own
' , , ' - -
Former Head of tha County Court
Mke Astounding Statement Tl'Jt
Fully Third of Funda m-
' property Expended. ..
System In road building waa urged
laat alght at a meeting of the Live
Wlree of the Commercial ' Club, at
which were preaent two members of
the county court. H. K. Cross, E O.
Caufleld. Grant B. Dlmlck, Mavor
Reed, of Eatacada, City Engineer NoV
le. B. T. McBain. City Attorney Stlpp,
Dr.. Hugh S. Mount and J- P. Hedgea
talked along , practically the ' aaine
lines, aiming at the heart of the propo
sition and apeaklng In advisory and
cooperative sense.
Crmrolsalonera Mattoon and UWir.
who were preaent and who talked
briefly, did not commit themselves, but
referred to the proneed plan of an
notating a road master In a guarded
way. Thejr promised conaldertt.on.
Mr Crone -went. Into the achsmein
detail, living aome of his own etpc!-
eucea in road making, and Ex-County
Judge ' Dlmlck electrified bla bearers
with tjy astounding statement that
fully one-third of the money apat on
the Improvement and conatructlan of
roada during hla four yeara' adminis
tration had been waated. Judge Dlm
lck made It plain that the county court
waa not to' blame, but the fault waa
with the system. 1
"" bWfcen the bills came In." aldMr.
Dlmlck. "we recognized that a great
Mayor Reed believed that It wonld
be a wiser plan to have aeveral encl
nee'ra to look after the work of ths
road supervisors, aa be doubted that
one man, no matter bow capable; could
care for 3200 miles of road In Clacka
jnaa jCpuntjJle agreed with Jho oth
er apeakera, however, that the present
system might well be remedied. City
Engineer Noble regretted that mad
construction did not receive more gen
eral attention and aid, and be feared
that politlca and wire-pulling' would
continue to be an obstruction-,
The meeting advanced the friendly
feeling- between the county court and
the Oregon City bualnesa men. even
If nothing else was accomplished. The
supper menu waa aerved before the
meeting, as follows)
Clam bouillon -Celery
Boiled ham f Creamed potatoea
Hot blscutta
Jelly Berry pie
. ' , Coffee
Oranges. Apples. - J
On Sunday evening. January 29 at
the Methodist vhiirch. Oregon City,
five dollars in allver will be diatiibut
ed In prlzea to boys for the two best
act of answers given to the following
questions. - "" .. . ,
Thla content la open to all boya 17
yeara old and under who reside In
Oregon City and vicinity.
- All answers must be Bent by ma!l
to Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, 620 Sixth,
Oregon City, on or before Mon 'ay,
January 23. 1911. The answers will
be submitted to a competent board ot
Judgea constating of three ''Islnterest
ed persons. . " .,-
An anawer must be given to. each
question and the quest lone must be
written out In full and answered In the
order given tn this' paper. Name and
age of contestant must be plainly writ
ten on each act of answers aent In.
The boy who. In the opinion of the
Judges, sends In the beat set of ans
wers will receive a prize of three sil
ver. dollars. The boy sending In the
second best act of answera will re
ceive a prlxe of two allver dollnra.
Every hoy entering thla contest and
sending In a aet of answera, will be
-given a pretty aouvcnlr.
: The winning answer will be read
and the prizes awarded at the public
snrvlce of the Methodist church, on
Sunday evening, January 29. .
Question 1 If you had $1000, what
would you do with the money?
Question 2 Why do you go to
Question S What bad hablta tempt
boya of your age moat atrongly?
Question 4 How do ybu uaually
spend your eventnga?
Question S Have yoq ever quar
reled or bad flghta with your play-
matea and what cauaed them? -
Question ft What book haa given
you the moat pleasure In reading?
Question 7 Why should boya ab
ataln from the use of alcoholic liquors?
Question g Why ahould you -be
grateful and obedient to your parents?
Question 9 Why would yon like to
visit New York City, and what would
you be moat Interested In aeelng
Question 10 Do many boya of yonr
age In Oregon City amoke cigarettes?
Question 11-What la there In yoar
beet boy friend that .makea you like
bjtn? v
- Question 12 What do you moan to
be and do when you become a man?
mm miin iinnrA
W. H. CHATTEN, Joint representa
tive from Clackamaa and Multnom
ah Countiee, who Introduced and
v later withdrew a bill antagonistic
to the Intereata of the glll-nst fish
erman of thla aectlon. f
Hae Placed One Bill Into the Senator
ial Hopper.
-Hon: Wtelter A. Dlmlck, who la Bute
Senator from tbla county, arrived
home from Salem yeaterday evening.
He will remain at home daring the
recess, which last a nntll Monday. Mr.
Dlmlck la pleaaed with the outcome of
the organization, believing that In the
defeat of certain leadera the people
have relegated to the rear certain men
who ' represent Intereata that were
planning to aak for many things to
which they are not entitled.
The real business of the winter ses
sion baa not yet opened opt. . Mr. Dlm
lck baa Introduced one bill, however,
the propoaed law' providing for the
keeping open of the polls all day at
primary elect Ion a, same as in regular
elections. Thoae who' have atudled
the matter are of the opinion thaj thla
amendment to the primary law la time
ly, and ahould be adopted.
The value of traffic on the Colum
bia river Increaaed f3.200.000 In 1910
over the aame period of 1909.
Oregon growa more hops than any
other atate. 90,000 bales produced in
1910, valued at 13.000,000.
We Buy, Sell or Trade and Deal in
Large and Small Tracts. If you want
. to sell list with us, if you want to buy .
call and see us. ..
Price's Chop House
Meals' at AH Hours
If you wont the best, ot lowest pricrs, cot with us.
Our specialty Issoflsfoctlon. , J ; " -
r Between Fourth and Fifth Streeta.
Making Your Dollars Count
Are you taking advantage of ofir January Clearance
Sale prices?
Once a year, for the purpose of reducing oar large
i - c,t " r""v. vu saie uuuurcos OI
j every-day wants. Its yoor opportunity to make one
I dollar do the work of two. Cat ftfae ru t - ji
Bags, Salt Cases, Robber
Brashes, Soaps, aU go In
regular price.
75e Rubber Gloves ...48c
75c 2 -quart Fountain Syringe 48c
$1.23 2-qt. Fountain Syringe 79c
$1.35 3-qt. Fountain Syringe 89o
$2.25 Hot Water Bottle.... $1.79
25o Violet Talcum Powder
. 2for25o
tl'.OO American Wa tehee... 69c
$1.00 American Clocka. ... ..79o '
$U0 American Clocks.... $1.13
$7.50 Electric Hot Water Bag
10o Toilet Paper 4 for 25o
Tooth Brushes One-Half Off CO Cnadf V; - I
r Til 111 Wostenholm. 1J. j
A apeclal clean up . on tooth yLtOU Blue t;eeL ' I
brushes, 35, fO and-ftOo bruahes .
15c. ' --.-'". : Spectu y J -
Kiif Crr:h One-Half Off 2.C0 UZts? fv '
SllKhtly soiled! 'finest Quality, 9 and. ten-Inch Leather t ,
solid back brushes. Rrery one leather lined with pirae, . 1
In thla lot tie price la cut half- ther covered frames, tit;-"
Don't mlaa thla opportunity, guaranteed bag y
The Rexall Store
will soon SHOOT
Oil prospectors at Stone are still
In good spirits and living tn the hope
that their well will "come In" with a
whoop within a few daya. And there
la no doubt but tbt both oil and gaa
haa been reached by the drill, the
question ret to solve 4s as to whether
or not It Is In paying quantities, and
It Is no wonder the owners feel tn
line for Jubilation at this time.
A new contract has been made with
a new driller; and members of the
company feel they have the right man
for the place now. Contract has been
made for the Urllllng of 1000 more feet
In depth If ao many are needed to
get a paying well. But In the mean
time the well la to be ahot. with dyna
mite, and Jt is hoped further drilling
will then be unnecessary. Tooia need
ed for the ahooting . have been sent
for to Los Angeles and when they
come there will be activity In Stone.
Th,e man in charge of tho develop,
ment work now la an operator who
haa thorough knowledge of the bust--'
neaa and great fatttrnT the outcome
at Stone. As evidence of this fact be
has agreed to take a third of his eon-,
tract price for additional feet to
be drilled la avt: :a the wen. He is
of opinion, that ,l i shooting the well
will bring gas or oil In quantities
or both and 1 as anxious to know '
the outcome aa any other enthusiast
in connection with the project
Oregon City buaineas men are large
holders of stock In the well, and listen
with much interest to any and all evi
dence Indicative of good prospect for
a, rich oil field In this section, of the
WBtate.-,- , . . , v.vs . - V-: ..
Artisans Monthly Social Tonight
The monthly social night of Oregon
City Asaembly, NoJ. United Artisans,
will be held this evening at Woodmen
of tho World HalL Dr. Olmstead.
atate medical director of the Artlsana,
will make one of bis interesting talks.
There will be an attractive programme
and refreshments will be served. Tbe
affair is open to all members of the
United Artlsana and their friends. -
Goods, Clocks, Silverware,
this sale from 1-2 to 1-5 off
" , " . ,
AH Pictures r. ..... . . ,1-$ off
All Umbrellas ...10 to 25 off
, Crokinolo Boards J?. J. '.20 off
Holiday 'Stationery.,' V$ 0ff
Ladlea' Bags . . to 1-3 off
Poet Card Albums., 1-5 to 1-3 'off
Juvenile Books ..-...,,1-4, off
Bibles .'..10 to 20 off
. Suit Cases and Bags 20 off
All China ..,..,'.20 to 50 tit
Cut Glasa ,,...,....'...3 off