Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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VNUARV-!!, 1911.
uwi'i. ,v,...--
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Remarkable Ink by
Pint Sawing Wee.
"'r. 'F
KtiatiMiTi arnocx.
,v Marguerite Audook. Parisian aw
Ins wmau. ban recently received the
prise of ll.OOy offered ty La Vie Ueu
reo for th best txxk pubttshed In
rraac durlag tbe jwr. The book.
"Marl Claire." Is tor part
autobiographical. . It consists of Inci
dents In tb Uf of Wile. Au.loui. who
did not begin writing until a few year
ago. when aba wa obliged H tHP
sewing on account of fbrvutencd blind
neaa. Mil. Aodoua confess to little
' knowM of Preucb writers. iut tbe
novel of Cbar'e Dicken and Charloa
Read to their Freai-h translations
.'war ber favorite reading. She any
that tbca novela and tb Bible con
stituted ber aoJe liters'? tralnlnf . Tb
book la Franc baa already gone luto
tta tenth edition and t aqoa to be
tranalatad Into Englbtb.
OctaT Mlrbeau. a - noted French
critic, says: "Arttotlrally It la the equal
f any work by Jtb great aotbora of
' Franc. It exquisite charm Ilea In Its
Ad simplicity and abaolut sincerity.'
Balloon Will '
Uplift Stage
r"And Literature j
tb literary and
theNtrhal world
bate ..dwMi-d-i'U
r a new uieUnxlv
and a balloon ,U
to be tlx Uiotni
tnent aud Pitta
Held. MamM ttw
acen of the up
llfU Of cmi
tbre are othei
lnfeHsl'ua aud
kluda of builues rrprewutnl In tbe
membership f the Filer' Club' of
AtiH-rk a. but theautbor and actor
j far bav Uvu fon-ed M the front.
Though born In Jest ou tbe vorauil
of tbe Larcbtnont Yacht club, the new
at Union orsantjw too Intends Hlug e-
rlcu. If It can b with a membership
tuibm. Iuc awn apoailoa oT solemnity,
aa Frank lsuhK Willie Collier.
Ueorir A;Je. Booth Tarkliigton and
park! Warfleid.
Despite the ff that every niemler
conaider bluwelf a heavier than air
being, the nrst aerial puiweMliMm of
the club will t a mH.h.u, to t guid
ed by 1" Steveua. a veteran handler
of all ken air bags. So far only the
rlub emblem, two whit wlnu on a
blue flekl. ha beeq avUMed. but tlh
balloin ln.trtiome neit. poanlbly after
Leroy N. Taylor of New York and
Steven atari their projected flight
from Waco, Te.. to Manhattan UIuimI.
Aa but- two of the half hundred
membera Of the Filer1 club hv ever
been np In the air In an avlatory way,
toey bav decided rn begin on tbe bal
toon aud progrea to th aerplan
Ballooning neeniN an much safer,
and Aeronaut Steveoa ba assured
aya Wif fthaold Aid In Businau.
Ladjniop-thlnka a " woman who
belpa ber bnsband with bia builnea laj
tb ideal helpmeet. "A man two am
bltkma." aaya an, "are bia bom and
his career. Rla bom a often the mak
ing of bia career, If b has a tartfui.
restful wife of a cheerful and bappy
. disposition. 1 cannot help thinking tb
Ideal woman should be true to tbe first
pattern. Ebe must be a helpmeet to r
tb man, at Is not good for man to
Br atone' "were tb Initiatory. wonlx
pronounced on ber Introduction to lb I
. beautiful world. Today." thoogb thou
sands of jearshavjelbjlnte.
"then. lb sam motto holds good, and
men who bar tb truet views of life i
and Its reaponalbQltiea will b f"Uod to 1
concur la It. Woman "find her greal- '
est rewards In Uf by-uialnalnlns ber;'
rightful poaition that in. by being a
good mother, a good daughter and a
good sister and. above all. a good wife.
Could any on cstlmat ber Influence
too highly If b 011a tbeae positions
welir -
, If You'd Have a Handsome Gown,
i It la said that tbe empire will be tb
. coming styl for street costumes this
spring; but be this a It may. It Is
certainly tb. accepted mode for win
ter evening frocks.
Tb handsome creation In tbe cut la
after tb empire mod and is of black
' ' -s i '
i .Wt t i
t y t
l rJ
1 I
v r .l
mxi DAMKLa, DATin winrirLD iro
saoana t os ixitial tn urr tt
rLitm' CLI S.
them that from hla personal exe
lience there is uo sport that It aafer.
It may be that before aeroplnne are
taken up tb club hangers will contain
more than one balloon and tbe favorlt
German pastime of an aerial hare aud
bound thane can be purtied. In tub
sport oue of the lxt linllooiiH. mau
ged by a pilot of nk 111. U selwted is
tb bare. It In th "hareV Idea to
so pluy with wludM and bnllnKt a to
elnde hi pursuer and drop to earth
unobserved Tbe bound bnljoon jvhlch
makes tbeliearewt landing to tb hiir
Is adjudged vU'tor. ' "
While the i'ller' club charter mem
ber do not exeet to rival tbe Avia
tion Club of America In any way. they
do feel thnt they may do tbe caune
some gorxl while learning it themselves.
IT k
our room,
increased our stock, b
it has been a very
nDtMr rAa. t'ncf nnpd we have mere
' -j ; J-fnrl niii sales.
creasea our ncip ...w. . : ,( . i
;...r..i - now starting out to make a new record for 1911. t
r , . w,rl. nnfl the ddds and ends collected for
Uur annual mvemory nas uoti -
..C Ha.K Qnlp .w aa the frugal housewire couccw u.v
.. . . t . it. . flrtvnr nnrl calls this palat&
lAfith --thpm a little new material w give uic 71, - -
m' . . 1 -JJ ftVitriiAnncr in to
n a u-u '. ,sr- mfrtfHi the remnams ana uuu iuw, .. -
fresh stock to give it flavor, and now offer -
ji em oay ' in
1 1
- - .
$125 black moire petticoat .
85c, 75c, 65c gingham petticoat- .
Mens light colored shirts with collars
Men s dark colored shirts with collars
$ 1.25 -dark wrappers, ladies
L$ 1 .00 dark-wrappers, ladies-.
r 75c
. 50C
Children's 1 8c heavy, black hose . . I 3C
Ladies fine ribbed black hose' . . . . j I 5C
Children's fine ribbed black hose . - 3 for 25C
BoysMong heavy pants, this sale . ' . 25C
LMenVcream ribbed cotton shirt andlrawers 30C
$1.25 corsets.izes 25,26,27,29, 30, this sale 75C
Mc dress ooods. black and colors . . 50C
Eiderdown dressing sacques, pink, blue, red . -40C
Everv dress skirt in the
"prices during this sale.
Toilet soap . .
Men's wool mixed half hose
Ladjes' side elastics,not thrxbest '"A .
Ladies' extra 'sizc cream "union "suitsTale , . .
Men's white collars, this Stale - . .
A few boy's suits, values to $2.25 .
Boys' and girls' caps, 25c and 20c values .
A few men's hats, to dose out stock, $1,25
!73cT$l .75ar$17$2"values at .
house offered at reduce!
3 cakes 10c
2 pairs 23c
Ladies Muslin Underwear at Re:
duced Prices during this - Sale
Choice Remnants
Not only the remnants that were made in; our own
stock, but mill ends bought from the manufacturers
at much less than value,willall be thrown , on. our
counters and marked at special prices during this sale.
Among them you will find ribbons, laces, embroideries anbdress
good?, gingham, calico, percales, muslin, flannelettes, outings,
silkolene and many others, all at greatly reduced prices.
MANurAcnjRiD ro:t US BY
Whito Hou
Shoes For Wonicn
Tho lonthcr cntcrlnj Into tha ronatne
Won of L'kwo t hocj b cf eolocted cjualif r
nnd cortbU of thu befit tannaMf KUfr
lkK Ctf, Kantrunx) and Gun McUl Cdl
and rat.-nt leathers of tho Lot rrsdij
obtainaklii. .
AVe ore nlwin;: a full lino of styles all alwm and
wlutha, making " etpocialty of fitting aho Txrfoctly,
ik ihct Lhcy will to cumlortablo and wear vrcll
, 09 tsxtbt amd onrpos ABli n.
vatrat 'opening a( tlia sld orer a psU
piak chiffon panel banded with aknnk.
Sliver passemntarla forms tha lord
corssg-a ornament A (liver cap of
lac, ooa of fashion's latest toilet ad
dltiona, aupports long silver algrst
Prairie Dogs In New Light
When It con;t to clearing away
snow It it doubtful If there Is a m
perlnfemlfiit of street cleaning In
America who can show Certain real-
dents of the Ilronx
park wio. In New
York, anything-.
The di-iiioiiMtratkin
was ir'reti recent
ly st Prairie !.
terrsce. which em
braces an animal
population of fifty
J)7 workera. Un-
dlamajred by tbe
fact that most of
I their cronnd man- Jr"
alons were burled
Under alant drifts
on expeditious mannervTb little
animala were divided Into a dn
Quada. with tbe oldeat arid broadest
members In actlva charge. Tha fat
member waa Disced In front, imi th
ether three members of that squad
i tusbed him ihoii ... i .
Sav tha jrood pleca of tha man's
winter underclothes. . from them, you
, can make tha children some shirts,
drawers or petticoats that will be aa
warm and last nearly'aa long aa new.
Raves money too. y ," . -11 '"
Hav bnttona, or hooka and ayes,
for the slips you use on th sofa-pillows.
Then you can often take tb
pillows out and wash the slips, Save
a lot of aewlng and tha allpa tr apt
to Kt washed a great deal oftener.
A handy funnel for pouring liquid
Into a bottle may b quickly mad
anywhere by taking a plec of thick.
scroti) whim paper, foiling It into a
pin. Cut th-polnte4nd off and It's
resay 10 US. . . ..
wnen anyone .Ji taka m In th
nlaht and needs a quick application
of beat, lleht a Mint). The chlmn
will b hot In a jnoment and will ans
wer until water or a brick can be heat
ed. It can be slipped Into a stocking
ieg ana applied ai once. i
It saves much hard work In keenlnc
heavy bedclothes tljy under th us
age they ordinarily receive from th
boys and hired men, to have a breadth
of muslin f r calico firmly baated over
i iic upper ena 01 quilts ana Ded Com
forters. This can be removed ofren
ana waahed with much lea work than
to put tne whole big comforter In th
.crncop.a.aPd;.Uet,nJn,v.t,wUh Atun.. ,,-, v, w 1 1 Ocorg, n'GUfJrlf; Merchants I M, muor-T,.:2Jnn.:U;::,i: U 'j
Joseph H- and Flotilla V. Colt to
William Hansen, lot 25, Orchard
domes, 10 acres; $11 SO.
If. 8, and Amelia Ramsby to R. M.
Cooper, 1.9 acres, section 2 south,
rantce 2 ekiit; 1.
R. P. and Mary B. Cooper to Ouy
Irtvestment Co., lot 4. containing 38.70
acres and th south 42.08 acres of lota
5 and r,' section 2, township 5 south,
range 2 esst, and 1. 9 acres, 82.f.8 acres
In all; $4500.
O. T. and Mary A- Kay to Guy In
vestment Co., north 29 acres lots 5
and 0. section 2. township 5 south,
range 2 east; $1500.
K. P. and Mary E. Cooper to Can by
Canal Co.. 40 foot atrip, containing
1.73 acres, soctoa.2, township B south,
range 2 east, for right of wsy for car
rying water for Irrigation, power, etc.;
Louis O. and Kdda Wrolstad to Ove
M. Auave, one-fifth acre, section 31,
township 2 south, range 1 eaat; $1.
Caroline Bat tin, et al to Constant
R. Hattln, 7 acres, section 28, township
1 south, range 2 east; 10.
Caroline Hattln. et al to Cleveland
Battln, eight acres, section 28, town
ship 1 south, range 2 east; $10.
Caroline Battln. et al to Hiram A.
Battln. 7 acrea, section 28, township
i soutn, range 2 eaat; $10.
Edgar .A. and Nora B. Bhaver-to
Robert. L Morris, 21 acres, township
t south, range 1 eaat, and right of
way; $2276.
Mary Oregerson to C. H. Johanaen,
24 foot right of way over southeast
corner of northwest quarter of south
west quarter, section 29, township J,
south, range 4 rant: Quitclaim.'' "
Addl A. and C..M. Poley to'Ai A.
Elmore, block ',,'; Mllwaukl part;
$2000,. ' .
Austin C' Million to R.' W. 1 CTark,
south half , 'of northeast qttArter of
southwest quarter, Section 10, town
ship 6 aoulb, rang J east; lio.
, The Shaw-Fear Co. , to .' Calvin P.
Morse, lot $t first addition to Jennings
-o.e; siu,
! Savings &
y : Inn.l rlulm
Trust Co., part of donation j II
of Peter M. Rlnearson. . J
tlon Vi, tomiiHlilii 2 south, range 2 east,
10-100 acres; $1.
John II. and raixabcth iirotje to
Anion (. Ilrotlo, lot 1, biiIkIIvIhIoii
bbwk 2, Hr drove; $1200.
John II and Elizabeth Iirotje to
Ootthllf John HoMnger, lot 1. siil-dl-vision
block 1, Kir drove; $1200.
The following real estate transfer's
were fib-d yesterday In the office of
Recorder of Conveyances I E Will
lams: Carllne and W. J. Rlner to Howard
II. and Vlanna Tompkins, north half
lot A, tract C4, Willamette Tracts;
W. o. and Nettle Uergerson to Ed
S. Orunderland, 5.42 acres, section 7,
township 4 south, range 1 east; $542.
Gus R. Woods to W. W. and Annie
M. Cramplon, lot 31, Jennings Lodge;
Clyde C. and Jfnnle V- Baling to C.
A. and Anna Jacques, 30 acres sec
tion 16, township 3 south, range 4
east; $4100.
Wallace F. and Ida M. Miller to
Edna A. Prescott southwest nuarter
of southeast qiinrXfct, section 35, town
ship 2 southrTangeB "east, 40 acres;
110. .
Oregon Swedish Colonisation Co.
to John W. MJiUtelson, southeaat quar
ter of southeaat 'quarter, section a,
township 5 south, range 2 eaat, 40
acrea; $250.
Clarence and fiamantha Blmmonds
to William Bergrn, lot 5, and east
halt lot a, Oladstone; $10. . .
" O. r. and Agnea Botkln to 3. J.
Miller, B acrea, township 2, south,
range 6 east; $250.
T. TL A. and Josephln M. B. Bell
wood to Milton II. Ooff, lots 10, 25
and 2fl, block 8, Qulncy addltlori to
Mllwankle; $618. ( . ,n
1 Oeorg A. and Lottl M. DaShlelds
to Cllckamas County, tract la town
ship I south, rang east, for county
road; $l.'i ; . , ,i, ,
Herbert $, and . Clair , Judge , to
Hcode . Broa., , $ acrea . t Ifcnlghta
SUtlon; $L ,,,, .,,.., , . . , ,
Margaret U RoborU to K. r. Crsv.
n, lots 38. n, 40, 41, 42, blofk 90.
E and Ella T. Noble to Muggle
Johnson, lots 2, 3, 4, 6. B, 7. H, ,
10, H. tpl.K-k. r,f Mlnthorn Addlilon
to I'orriaiiil; $5.
H. t' nsburn et al to A. O. Hhepard.
north tmir of southwest quartet 41!
norihwt-Ht quarter if siH-tlon 2, town
ntifp 2 south, range 3 east; $1.
Anna Thomas to K. E. Thomas, 35
ucres of section 14. township 3 south,
rsngo 4 euHl; $10.
Vlvlun II. Mowremlcr to Jorgarug
Investment Company, 20 si ns of aec
Ion 2s, township 3 south, range 1 east;
Wslter C. and Kate Krhofleld to to
ga Hock, 80 acrea pf aectlon 20, town
ship 3 south, range A east; $10.
John H and Caroline McKenxle to
N. P. and flottlleb llalslger, lot 7. Ilo
Mrg; $C20. - , ..
Lucy miiu I n. Miller to O. E.
Heathmsn, I acre of Clackamas Coun
ty; $5.
Msggle Krederlcl lo Z. Craven, lots
38. 39, 40. 41, 42. block 90, Mlnthorn
Addition to Portland; $1.
Z. Craven to Charles II. Craven, lota
38, 39, 40, 41. 42. block 90, Mini horn
Addition to Portland; II;
Oladstone Real Estate Association
to John Anderson, 6.20 acres of ren
dal C Cason P. L C. township south,
range 2 enst; $,
Archibald and Bessie Howard to
Charles p. Church, I acrea of section
33, township 2 south, rang 7 ast;
$10. i '
Clackamas County lo Maria J.' Wlli
lams, lots 7 and I pf block 109, Ore
gon City; $10. , ,
Mattle and Horace J,"ne,to tewls
8. Wlntara, south half of lot 1, Jen
nlngs Lodge; $2600., .
J. N and M. . M. Pearcy to Albert
Uoyd and Dal L CHne, lots 1 and I
of block 48, South, Oswego; $3215.
Ol L,,. Preston to N1J C Nelson,
.2S of an acre of section 18, tqwnshtn
4 south, range east; $15.
O. A. and Lilian B. palnie'r to J. W.
and. Mary E. . Mauldlng. land tiortb
half of tract I and tract. 9, Palmer Ad
dition to Boring; $1200., 1
Lena Ellis to Wsyerly Association,
iov .or diock siV'tn-briag; $10.'
wife, township ft south, rsnge 3 essi;
in . '
Isvli Robeson to Oregon Swedish
ColonlzMllon Company, 80 acres of
section 4, township 6 south, rsnge 3
east; $4850.
a. .v and Kiixabeth Hwhnson in--
lavld E. ltfgren, land In section 3,
township 5 south, range 3 e4r-l.
Albert u. Walling to Ella r. Taylor,
70.r,2 acres of Jesse Ilullcvrk and wife
I). I. ('. No. 40, township 2 south,
range I east; $.
Mary Ann Teter and Reuben I). Tet
er to Ella K- Taylor, 73tl2 acrea of I).
I f of Jess Iitillock and wife, town
ship 2 smith, rang 1 esst; $.
Austin C Mil I Iron to Oeorg W.
wingrtPid. lot) acres of section, JO,
township S south, rang 1 eaat: 1100.
mate of Oregon to K, P. Btauffer,
irt acrea or U. U C. of David Cutting
ind wife No. Ml. township 3 south,
range ;r east; $740. . . , , ,
Anna J. and U W. Relnhsrdt to
William p. DaMert, blocks I and 4,
Biiver Hpnnga Addition;, $10.
The Wsdgweed iu
rvr f th "
e! "it"4! r?,li"i$r'" t Jlra 0 aV owr '
v " .
Advertising changes like oilier
thing. . . . , ,
Nst th ultima! effect bin the
style and manner of reaching It.,
Call back la . you own mind ,
nhe changes In advertising yon -have
notleedr - Cunpar. lb, ysa.
ter-year ads with those of todsv .
contrast tha, ordinary iype a
i.iinnvnvMiiar lKariV'!rawp
1 luiures of me.ti
, tlstla-arrangwmati
pent drawings of today.
I But what about th EFrTJfnT I
I All advertising la for the same
j)iirpos to mak a prson or a
ator br an aulcj Utter known
to sell MOim goodav-to mak1
, jnor money. 7 Jll
; Th Improved, advertising of tn
jflay makes rmf interest! advarer
Jlslng readers the RK8m8 are'1
, greater and mora Immediate the
thought and attention given to ad-
' (rertl.lA t. ... !. .
"-t u.r, aavariistnarJ
-VdverM..., ar getting .3 1
. ' V'-.
,f : !
- ' ,tl "I- I
' t ,' '
e-.i . .
A aovBLTT in aarABAta witm
V w
wood iu'X aud L1aU wiiff
cbarmlBg - blu coloring and 1
whit pattern that stand out t
falnst th blu ttea ffo boB-t
tryvtalmlffrthaf"" Tr,lblu
M wh.'. klk h; tl". r
lala baada. Tf- porc-'jln
tlifng ust now, aJ ts pi'J
coloring la most becoming.
Th waist rlctured la of bio
r 4li9b-a lrv r:e.r,ir "
mono sic-; 11
. -v : , ; . . u :rr . '. A:4'1 "" fnA-Hj